How to organize delivery of kebab to your home. Barbecue at home. Equipment and inventory

This business idea is more suitable for residents of private houses. First, you need to allocate space for preparing barbecue, install additional refrigerators, acquire large barbecues, smokehouses, find suppliers of meat, firewood and coals.
The initial capital for a barbecue business is about $1,000.

The ability to cook barbecue correctly and tasty will not be superfluous, but if you do not have such skills, then you must definitely acquire them by learning how to do this. Because the success of your business will depend on it.

Many city residents want to taste deliciously fried or smoked meat, but not everyone has the opportunity or free time to go out into nature, especially in winter period. Maybe people could buy ready-made kebab in stores, but in stores it is very rare for kebab to appear on the shelves, and the buyer will be suspicious of such a product. You can also taste ready-made kebab in restaurants, but the price of such a dish is not affordable for everyone.

To prepare shish kebab, you will need pork neck or kidney meat; shish kebab is also prepared from beef and chicken, but the most delicious meat for making shish kebab is lamb. Before cooking, the kebab must be marinated with vinegar, lemon juice, onion, kefir, wine, and tomato juice.

It is possible to diversify the flavors and shades with the help of seasoning and marinade, and this will also help preserve the taste of the meat.

If your business is a family business, then you must distribute responsibilities among all participants in advance.

It would be far from superfluous to have at your disposal vehicle, in which you will travel to purchase raw materials, as well as deliver to the client.

Sales of finished products can be carried out through roadside cafes, which may be located near you, and if your house is located near a highway, you can sell kebab to passing drivers by advertising your product. Also, if you have a car, you can sell ready-made kebab, as they say, from wheels, by parking your car on a busy highway and placing minimal advertising near you, which can look like from a stable stand with the inscription “fried and smoked kebab, 100g.-150 rubles. " - something like this.

If you fulfill your obligations, which is called conscientiously, then people will certainly notice it and word of mouth will give you excellent advertising, the main thing is not to forget to give your phone number to your customers, asking them to call in advance next time or something like that. Don't forget to also say that you accept pre-orders for festive events, such as weddings. Perhaps soon you will cook shish kebab only to order.

This business at home can become quite a profitable activity if you approach the preparation, organization and marketing of products correctly.

Ideas for Business from the section:

Shish kebab is a delicious dish that never loses its relevance among visitors to establishments fast food. That's why kebab business is the best solution if you want to open your own business.


Business Description

A shashlik house is a specialized establishment whose menu is dominated by variations of marinated meat cooked over a fire or grill. Unlike relatively new species Catering(fast food and sushi bars), traditional kebab shops continue to be popular among Russian visitors.

The kebab shop serves meat dishes that are more familiar to domestic consumers. Many people associate such food with a pleasant pastime with friends and family. Most people prefer to treat themselves in a public establishment in a pleasant atmosphere rather than waste time and effort on cooking. Moreover, this requires special equipment. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a cafe where the sale of shish kebab will mainly be carried out is best option to start a business.


The main thing in kebab cafe- This is high-quality and tasty cooked meat. Traditional kebab is made from lamb, but recently dishes made from chicken, pork and other types of meat have become increasingly popular. Also a significant addition to the menu will be: grilled meat, various side dishes of vegetables, salads and desserts. It is advisable to include alcoholic drinks in the list of services, and special attention should be paid to the wine list.


Barbecue business - good decision for those who want to have a constant profit. Previously, kebab shops were considered summer business, but over time, more and more establishments open all year round appear. The operating principle of a seasonal cafe is not very different from an establishment that operates permanently. Therefore, you can determine the time frame yourself. It is also important to map out the location of the cafe.

Kebab options

You can open a barbecue business:

  1. In the city. If you want to open a full-fledged cafe within the city, you need to choose the right premises. It is desirable that it be in central regions city, but you can choose the center of the microdistrict. The main thing is that the place is crowded and your kebab shop does not go unnoticed.
  2. On the road. It is also important to be visible here. A large highway with several lanes, along which motorists often travel, is best.

The kebab shop on the street is a small tent with a barbecue and a terrace. Such cafes are popular on the roads to attract the attention of people passing by. Another option for an outdoor kebab business could be a cafe on wheels. Mainly kebab shops open type installed for the summer.


A closed kebab house is a room with a counter, furniture for visitors, a kitchen and all the necessary amenities. To open a kebab shop, you need to select a premises that meets all sanitary standards and fire safety rules. Electricity and water must be provided.

Food delivery business

Over time, more and more people are ordering food home. This trend may serve as an idea for opening a takeaway kebab shop. Or you can add home food delivery to the list of services provided.

The video describes in more detail the idea of ​​delivering kebab from the Peasant channel.

Description and analysis of the sales market

In order for a kebab shop to generate good income, you need to decide:

  • expected number of visitors;
  • how you can stand out;
  • how to promote your establishment and attract customers.

The target audience

Before opening a cafe, you should determine who will presumably be regular customers at your establishment. If you are targeting people with above-average income, you need to create the appropriate conditions and properly decorate the interior. If the kebab shop will be located near the road, the design of the hall should be cozy, reminiscent of a home environment.

Competitive advantages

The main advantage of the kebab shop is domestic cuisine, that is, dishes familiar to Russian people. And if they are also deliciously prepared and the visitor likes the food, he will definitely return and recommend your kebab shop to friends and acquaintances. It is important to think through pricing policy, focusing on the place where the kebab shop is located.

You can also come up with your own feature that will distinguish your cafe from other establishments. For example, offer an assortment of sauces prepared according to special recipes for meat dishes. Many people like to experiment, so they will want to come back again to taste a new taste of meat seasoning.

Promotion and advertising

When opening a business, it should be promoted in order to acquire visitors and, accordingly, income. You can distribute flyers on the street, order promotional banners, hold promotions and sweepstakes. Radio advertising can also be good option. It all depends on the amount you have and can spend on promoting your kebab shop.

What do you need to open?

To start your own kebab shop you need:

  • collect relevant documents and licenses;
  • find premises;
  • purchase equipment, products and production equipment;
  • gather a working team.


To open your own business, you first need to register yourself as an entrepreneur. If you are going to open only one cafe, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 55.30 (“Activities of restaurants and cafes”). Next, you should decide on the tax system; it is better to choose the simplified tax system + payment of a single tax (15% of the income/expense difference). You should not delay the registration, otherwise the state will assign OSNO, which is an unprofitable method for an entrepreneur.

Documents needed:

  • SES hygiene certificate;
  • permission to open a catering establishment in a specific territory;
  • licenses for the purchase and trade of certain products, as well as alcohol;
  • medical books for staff.

If you plan to transport the meat purchased for dishes yourself, the transport must also have permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station.


You should also choose a room that will meet all the requirements and be located in a public area, attracting potential visitors. To begin with, you can rent a small area and expand over time.


When choosing a place to open a kebab shop from scratch, you should consider several rules:

  • the premises must comply with fire safety regulations;
  • plumbing and electricity must be supplied;
  • there must be a special room with amenities for guests (you can purchase a dry toilet);
  • It is desirable that the cafe is located in a crowded place (near shopping centers, markets, parks).

Equipment and inventory

Regardless of what kind of kebab shop you are going to open, you will need to buy equipment:

  • refrigerators (at least two: for raw meat and prepared foods, but three is better);
  • meat cutting tables;
  • counter for serving food (separates the hall and the kitchen);
  • kitchen utensils, dishes, special equipment (barbecue, skewers);
  • furniture for the hall (tables, chairs);
  • powerful hood.

If your kebab shop will operate all year round, take care of the wardrobe.


To start a business you need 5 people:

  • barbecue maker or cook;
  • waiter;
  • administrator;
  • bartender;
  • cleaner (cleaner).

Each employee must have a health certificate.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start opening a kebab shop, you need to decide where to start. Having step by step business plan, you will save your time as much as possible.

  1. Collection of documents. Decor necessary licenses It takes quite a lot of time, so it’s better to do the paperwork first.
  2. Search for premises. Finding the right room for you is not so easy. You must take into account its location, the presence of electricity, gas and water supply, as well as your financial capabilities.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Search for suppliers of meat, products and industrial raw materials. You can negotiate with farmers at the market or in a butcher shop. Meat must have special certificates. The supplier is also obliged to inform you where the raw materials are delivered from.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Decorating the premises “for yourself”. At the very end, you need to decorate the interior of your establishment, arrange the furniture, and pay attention to table setting. Each table should have a set of seasonings (salt, pepper), napkins and toothpicks.

Financial plan

Before opening a kebab shop, you should decide on cost estimates. To begin with, an amount in the range of 1,000,000-1,500,000 rubles will be enough. You can distribute expenses into one-time expenses or into initial and permanent ones.

Primary investments (example):

  • purchase of equipment and utensils - 160 thousand rubles;
  • furniture, uniforms for staff, packaging materials (with you) - 200 thousand rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs and decoration of the premises - 250-300 thousand rubles;
  • registration: individual entrepreneur - 800 rubles, LLC - 4,000 rubles;
  • rank documents for staff - 600 rubles. and higher per person.

Regular investments

Planning your monthly expenses includes the following items:

  • room fee and public utilities— 50 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (for 5 people) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw meat and other goods - 70 thousand rubles.

Opening dates

How quickly the kebab shop starts working depends on you. But if you consider that collecting documents takes more than two months, then if there is initial capital The minimum period for opening a cafe is 3-4 months.

Risks and payback

In order to reach a net profit as soon as possible, you need to compare the pros and cons of the business and calculate possible expenses and income. How quickly your kebab shop will pay for itself depends on the work schedule and the number of dishes offered. According to experts, the kebab business pays off within 1.5-2 years with a turnover of 12,000,000 rubles. One cook can prepare 170 servings of shish kebab per work shift at a cost of 150 rubles per piece. About 25,500 rubles come out per day. And in a month you can get 765,000 rubles. If you subtract monthly costs, net income is approximately RUB 500,000.

Thus, the profitability of a barbecue business is estimated at 20%.

Sooner or later, every person thinks about opening his own own business. But along with thoughts about good earnings Thoughts also come about how not to burn out in your business.

We bring to your attention a business idea that can bring good profit, namely up to 50 thousand rubles per month. The starting capital for the implementation of a business idea is approximately 100 thousand rubles, so such activities are accessible to many.

Where to start a kebab delivery business?

On start-up capital You won’t be able to open a kebab shop with 100 thousand rubles, but you can cook kebab at home and deliver it to clients. With proper marketing, payback period of this business will be about six months.

Grand Mangal

When starting your own business, including cooking barbecue at home, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur in order to avoid problems with the tax authorities in the future. Such registration costs about 5 thousand rubles. You will also need to obtain a medical record and other sanitary procedures, which will require another 5 thousand.

The business will require equipment and Consumables. Freezer, grill, disposable tableware, napkins, coals, etc. Buying all this will cost initial stage 40 thousand rubles, in the future about 5 thousand per month will be spent on consumables.

Where and how to do business?

At the initial stage, you can engage in this business in the territory of your place of residence. It is especially convenient if you live in your home within the city. You can cook shish kebab in your yard.

Dream food

It is advisable to have your own car for delivery of kebab. It is better to leave inviting a courier with a personal car to work for later, if, as they say, the business goes well.

As promotion, you can use a website created for your business, on which an order form and contact phone number will be placed. The maintenance of the site will also require monthly expenses, approximately five thousand rubles; creating a site will cost approximately 15 thousand rubles.

Meat purchase

The purchase of products and ingredients for barbecue will depend on the volume of orders, on average 25 thousand rubles per month. You will need to find certified suppliers of meat products.

Fresh meat for barbecue |

As we have already said, business expenses are taken on the basis that a novice businessman will not hire workers at the initial stage. This business can be run by a family, for example, the wife cooks barbecue and takes orders, and the husband delivers and monitors online orders using a tablet. Children are busy putting up advertisements.

Of course, your kebab should be very tasty, then your customers will recommend you to their friends and acquaintances. It is also worth noting that the influx of orders will mainly be on weekends and in the evenings; as a rule, barbecue is not in demand during the morning and lunch hours.

Your mark?

May has arrived, and with it the time has come to open the barbecue season :) Personally, I am a big meat eater. If you do too, let’s look through the information together and find out for ourselves a little more about kebab. About what it is like in different countries, what kind of meat is used for it, what it is marinated in, how best to fry it and what to drink it with :) And I hope that then our kebab season will become even more tasty and successful!

So, shish kebab usually means a meat dish, the meat for which is not chopped into large pieces, then marinated and cooked by baking, or simply “fried” on skewers - specific metal or wooden rods.

Our ancient ancestors cooked meat on a spit. Only then were whole animal carcasses cooked on fire.

This method of cooking meat on a spit is traditional for many peoples of the world. This is how they prepared it back in ancient times: they roasted whole carcasses of boars and bison on a spit, and later chickens, ducks, hares and other animals.

Shish kebab, in its usual sense, differs from those large pieces of meat that were fried on a spit, but rather finely cut meat. Probably, its enormous popularity among the inhabitants of deserts and steppes is explained by the fact that finely chopped meat cooks more quickly, which significantly helped them save wood.

In general, experts consider shish kebab a dish of Turkic cuisine. Thus, its very name originates from the Turkic language group - from a word that sounds approximately like “shishk”. The word “shish” in the Crimean Tatar language means a pike or a bayonet, that is, shish kebab is meat that is skewered on a bayonet, and accordingly shish kebab is food fried on a spit.

Meat on a spit is very tasty! But cooking it by cutting it into small pieces is faster!

In Turkey and Bulgaria, shish kebab is called “shish-kebab”; in Kazakhstan, the dish is called “kauap”; in Iran it is called “shishlik” or “kabab”. The word kebab translates as “fried meat.”

Kebab in Transcaucasia deserves special attention. So, for each local people, shashlik is a national dish and is called something differently: in Azerbaijani cuisine it is “kebab”, in Georgian it is “mtsvadi”, in Armenian it is “khorovats”, and in Ossetian cuisine it is “fizonag”). Of course, in each of these countries they prepare kebab differently.

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The food and drink delivery service is increasingly gaining momentum. Pizza, sushi, rolls - all this can be ordered at any time of the day. Competition is getting tougher, so entrepreneurs have to find new solutions and new products that can be offered to consumers. Now we've reached the barbecue. In almost every major city there are specialized establishments ready to please you with hot barbecue delivered to your home.

Such organizations supply not only ready-made kebab, although this is the main feature of the establishment. Customers are also offered barbecue - semi-finished product, skewers, charcoal, lighter fluid, collapsible mini-barbecues - everything that will allow them to make a delicious dish on their own. In addition to the meat dish, they offer pita bread and a wide variety of beer, including draft beer. It turns out that the assortment is not small at all, and besides, the kebab itself can also be different (pork, lamb, chicken, turkey fillet, etc.).

How much can you earn?

The average price for ready-made pork kebab in large cities is from 130 rubles. per 100 grams (small portion). One order consists of at least 4 servings; beer and other soft drinks are often served with barbecue. From one order they receive about 700 rubles. If you complete at least 10 orders a day, the service will help you about 7,000 rubles. Of this amount, 30% is the cost of ingredients, 20% is wages for chefs and 10% is other expenses (including delivery). It turns out that about 3,000 rubles a day is the profit of the organizer of the business.

What is needed to open a business?

When opening a business to prepare barbecue, you cannot do without a premises organized in accordance with all SES standards (as food production). In the same building you can organize a warehouse for raw materials, an office and a staff room.

It’s even better if you organize a full-fledged kebab shop, and already on its basis - delivery of kebab. It's more The right way building a business, since classic kebab shops are more familiar to our consumers, and they will be happy to visit your establishment (of course, if you organize everything on top level). And there you can already advertise your “from and to” delivery.

An important component of the business is good cooks, real masters of the kebab business. Only delicious kebab will be ordered again and again. This means that you need to pay special attention to finding professional barbecue makers. You can start right away with the selection of Caucasian chefs: their ability to cook delicious shish kebab is inherent at the genetic level.

If we are talking about delivery, then it is important to make it high quality and timely. Every major city has courier services, whose services can be used to deliver orders. There are also taxi drivers (including illegal ones) who are willing to make extra money delivering barbecue. At the same time, you cannot do without a personal car - a refrigerator. You will need your own car not only to fulfill some urgent orders, but also to solve a lot of other current affairs.

Advertising services

There are many methods you can use to advertise your service. The most effective advertising can be on the Internet (in large cities) and, first of all, your own website, Yandex Direct and a social group. networks. After all, the Internet is the main source of orders for many similar services (delivery of pizza, rolls and other food). Also, delivering advertising brochures to the entrances of houses in areas of new buildings can have a certain effect. Now it is fashionable to make something like booklets - labels that hang on door handles. This is a great alternative to mailboxes. A person returning home will definitely look at what is hanging on his door handle, in contrast to a mailbox, which they don’t always look into, and even when they see an advertisement, they completely pass by.

Promotions and discounts are also an important component of the service. On weekdays, when there are not many orders, you can offer a 10% discount on the order amount, give pita bread or a liter of beer as a gift if the order is more than a certain amount (for example, more than 1000 rubles).

Business pitfalls

No matter how attractive the business may seem, you should be aware of some not entirely pleasant aspects in this matter.

The first thing to consider is the size of the city. It is advisable to open delivery of barbecue and related products only in large cities with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants. In small towns there will be few clients, which will make the business low-income or even unprofitable.

In addition, you should not be under the illusion that the business will bring big profits. For many establishments, kebab delivery is just an additional service, and not the main source of income. You should understand that you will have to work a lot, diligently advertise the service, and in 6 - 12 months the business will begin to bring in the long-awaited income...