How to open a food delivery kitchen. Business plan for an enterprise for the delivery of ready-made lunches to offices. Vulnerabilities of the project

How nice it is to return home after a hard day at work, bypassing grocery stores with their endless lines at the checkout counters. Working people especially value every saved minute of their personal time. Therefore, they will be doubly pleased when they come home and receive their favorite products with courier delivery. In our country there are only a few such offers, although demand is growing from year to year, especially in large cities. If you decide to occupy this niche, first of all, create a business plan for delivering groceries to your home.

Market analysis

In big cities, organizing a home delivery service for groceries is quite a profitable business. There are already dozens of such people working in Moscow. In regional centers there are not too many such offers yet, so often no one will interfere with your development. This business may be in demand in a number of cases:

  • The city has a developed business center, and a significant part of the population spends most of their time at work.
  • You should focus on the strong middle class (small entrepreneurs, middle managers), since wealthy people often dine in restaurants.
  • It is possible to offer a service for home delivery of groceries to disabled and elderly people (you can offer reduced prices as part of a social project).
  • The peak of sales, according to statistics, occurs in the cold season and slushy off-season.
  • It is possible to conclude a long-term contract with clients (say, for weekly grocery delivery).
  • It is worth considering the possibility of traveling to the nearest suburb for an additional payment (for example, in Moscow, lovers of country holidays regularly use the service).

A detailed business plan for home delivery of products with calculations, as well as helpful and fast service will ultimately result in a constantly growing income.

Organizational plan

Any example of a grocery delivery business plan starts with organizational issues. To get started, register. In this case, the IP form is best suited. Subsequently, creating large network with servicing legal entities (for example, supplying food for banquets), you can re-qualify as an LLC.

Having received permission to provide courier services, you can proceed to the next point. Keep in mind that when registering a private enterprise, the state duty is 800 rubles. If you decide to resort to the help of intermediaries, this amount will increase to 1200-1600 rubles. In this situation, it is better to save investments on business registration and, where possible, do it on your own.

To work, you will need to rent office space. This is a place for an operator who will receive calls from clients, so it can be made small. Once you rent a room, think about the technology. You will definitely need equipment for your business. You need to buy at least one computer and equip it with all the necessary programs and Internet access. This set will cost approximately 30,000 rubles.

In addition, employees must be provided with constant mobile communications. They must always be available. The phone will cost 10,000 rubles, and unlimited tariff- 1500 rubles.


If you are going to start a grocery delivery business from scratch, then the cost of expenses should be reduced if possible. Therefore on initial stage It is expected to stay at the minimum set. To get started, you will need only two positions: operator and courier.

Most important employee delivery service - operator. He directly contacts customers and organizes the delivery service. His responsibilities also include:

  • Processing orders from the website.
  • Coordinating the work of couriers.
  • Elimination of conflict situations with clients.

The person who comes to this position must be collected and stress-resistant, and work effectively. He must be able to easily establish contact with the buyer and win him over. Wage operator is 15,000 rubles.

The second position is courier. You can work without couriers by organizing cooperation with courier service. The advantage is that there will be no problems with time: no downtime during periods of lack of orders, no shortage of staff when many orders arrive at the same time. You hire exactly as many employees as you need and pay for each order separately. But there is also a drawback: it is more difficult to control the work of a counterparty than it is to control your own employees.

The duties of a courier are simple. He must accept the order from the operator, complete necessary purchases. Further, according to the date and time, his task is to deliver the goods to the buyer and receive full payment from him. Revenue must be transferred to the director daily at the end of the working day. For large orders, we recommend taking an advance payment of at least 50% from customers, since it is impossible to return the products if for some reason the customer does not buy them. Another scheme is also common: couriers buy products with their own money and keep the payment for themselves, giving the company part of the delivery cost. This allows you to save on salary (the courier does not receive a fixed income), but this scheme only works if there are a large number of couriers and a sufficient number of orders to provide them with work.

A prerequisite for hiring a courier is to have your own car. From personal qualities It is worth highlighting activity and hard work. In addition, the employee must understand the cost and range of goods in various large supermarkets in the city. We are considering the option of a full-time courier whose salary is 15,000 rubles.

To prepare reports, you will need to use an online accounting service. This is necessary for timely submission of documentation. Such services will cost about 8,000 rubles per year.

Business promotion

The profitability of home delivery of products directly depends on a well-organized marketing campaign. At the initial stage, a layout of business cards and booklets for your organization is developed. An agreement is concluded with printed publications and companies that own billboards. After you decide on the number of booklets, the order is sent to the printing house. This is where payment is made upon completion of the work. Total marketing and advertising costs, including business cards, brochures and billboards, will amount to 25,000 rubles. Printed products are distributed to offices and residential complexes near the office.

The most important element for work is your website on the Internet. You can't save money here. It should be easy to read, easy to use and functional (at a minimum, have a personal account with the ability to create an order and leave wishes for ordering products by brand, characteristics and price category). His appearance must attract attention. Nothing should prevent you from making purchases.

It is important to correctly develop the clauses of the application. There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it. Include only the most necessary information. The client should not get hung up on filling out the application form. Be sure to develop mobile app for your site. This will make the task easier for many buyers, since they don’t always have a computer at hand, unlike a phone. Give your customer the opportunity to place an order with you as easily and quickly as possible. And he will become your regular customer.

The funds allocated for creating the company’s website will amount to about 100,000 rubles, the application for Android and iOS will cost another 30-40 thousand rubles. At least 100 thousand rubles are allocated for the promotion of the resource on the Internet for the first six months.

Financial plan

It is extremely difficult to calculate the price of a single service. It all depends on the scheme, and it is important to choose the most suitable option for you. You can set a fixed delivery price. In this case, it does not matter how many products the client needs to purchase - a package of milk or several bags, the price will be the same. The advantage of this option is that the counting system is convenient for both the client and the company. The downside is that the order may be too large. It will require a lot of effort to complete, the trunk will be completely full, several stores will be visited to collect the order, and the base price of the effort simply will not be worth it.

According to another payment option for grocery delivery services, the price may be a certain percentage of the order amount. For example, when purchasing a product for 1000 rubles, the client pays 10% of the total cost, that is, plus 100 rubles. But this scheme also has a minus. To earn money, the order amount must be about 3-4 thousand rubles. The 100 rubles mentioned above will simply be spent on paying the courier and gasoline.

We recommend using a mixed scheme with the establishment minimum amount order (say, 2 thousand rubles for regions) and an additional payment for the order by amount, number of items or for massive products (for example, bags of sugar) or oversized goods (usually non-food items). The best option you will find in the process of work.

If the client is outside the city, then discuss in advance the issue of payment for gasoline by the buyer. You can even install a special meter, similar to a taxi, on the car, showing the client how much was spent on gasoline. Be sure to include express delivery in your list of services. According to it, the client will be able to receive his order as quickly as possible. This service, of course, will be available for a fee.

If 2 couriers fulfill 10 orders per day with an average bill of 300 rubles per order, the revenue per day will be 6 thousand rubles. It will be about 150 thousand rubles per month (take into account fluctuations in the number of orders on different days). Subtract from it the costs of employee salaries (45 thousand), rent of premises (8 thousand), payment for gasoline and cellular communications(25 thousand), advertising (15 thousand), taxes and contributions to funds (10 thousand). Net profit at first will be about 40 thousand rubles. Its increase is planned by expanding the base regular customers and providing work for additional couriers. So, 5 couriers with a constant workload will increase the profitability of your enterprise to 80-90 thousand rubles per month.

Payback is planned to be achieved within the first year.

bonus program

Who doesn't like surprises?! Obviously, everyone enjoys receiving unexpected gifts and attention. The profitability of your business will certainly increase if you periodically pamper your customers with various promotions and bonuses. For example, on a client’s birthday, you can give a sweet gift for free. He will definitely appreciate such a gesture. Or you can offer him to purchase from you at a 30-40% discount from the regular price. No one will refuse such generosity.

You can introduce other pleasant little things to loyal customers of your company. Give the customer a bonus for every tenth order. The gift can be anything, for example, a small culinary magazine or book. The sign of attention itself is important. Holding various competitions will also benefit you. Give sweet gifts to the winners. Attract newbies who have just registered on your site with small bonuses. If you do all these things, your customers will be happy and your business will prosper.


This business is perfect for entrepreneurs taking their first steps. The cost of delivering groceries to your home is clearly low. Taking into account the fact that competition in most regions is still insufficient, it is quite possible to create your own successful business. To get profitability faster, you can use one of the offers of large franchises, of which there are many in Russia.

Today, most people find it difficult to find time to go to the supermarket for groceries and to cook homemade food. In such situations, various services for the delivery of food and ready-to-eat dishes come to the rescue. This means that business in this service segment will become profitable and quickly pay for itself initial costs. However, before investing in a food delivery service, you need to create a detailed business plan and evaluate your capabilities.

Analysis of the feasibility of investing in a food delivery business

Modern society is characterized by a high pace of life; many people have irregular work schedules that do not allow them to stand at the stove for hours. The average city dweller is forced to reduce the time spent on food, and in most cases, an hour of working time is valued more expensive than ordering ready-made food. This is why the demand for food delivery services is increasing.

These factors have made the food delivery business the fastest growing segment of the restaurant business. Data from the analytical agency RBC.Research and statistics from the Delivery Club service suggest a rapid growth in demand for home delivery services for ready-made lunches and dinners.

Every day in Russia, food delivery services deliver 150,000 orders

Table: information on the development of the business area in 2017

It is obvious that the demand for delivery services still far exceeds supply, which means that the quantity and quality of the service can be improved. This statement is an external prerequisite for the discovery own business for food delivery.

Internal reasons for investing in this segment include:

  • ease of creating and running a business;
  • small initial investment;
  • low level of commercial risks;
  • lack of seasonality.
  • Ideas for starting a food delivery business

    A food delivery business can be opened in 2 formats, which require radically different approaches and an incomparable level of initial investment:

  • Food delivery own production. Requires significant investments, recruitment of a large staff, registration of numerous permits and documents. Attention should be paid to any one cuisine, since the variety of dishes will require highly qualified chefs, a large amount of equipment and impressive premises. The most popular dishes ordered for delivery are:
    • wok noodles;
    • pizza;
    • sushi and rolls.
  • Delivery of ready meals from various establishments Catering. Requires minimal investment and 5–7 employees. In this case, income will depend entirely on the number of contracts concluded with restaurants and cafes.
  • Photo gallery: the most popular dishes for home delivery

    The highest incomes, subject to proper customer attraction, are observed among catering companies serving banquets and corporate parties. Such an organization requires high skill of cooks and the availability of expensive equipment.

    To reduce costs at the initial stage, you can:

  • cook simple dishes (then a minimum set of kitchen utensils will be enough);
  • refuse the services of a cook and purchase semi-finished products for heating and resale (the demand for such dishes is small, but it exists).
  • Video: how to make money delivering food

    Own production and delivery

    Its production requires obtaining a full set of permits from regulatory authorities and resolving issues with the operating procedure:

  • Products are pre-purchased and stored in refrigerated areas. The advantage of this approach is that the speed of customer service increases, and the disadvantage is that there are risks of product damage and loss of money. This scheme is recommended for those who know the needs of their customers and fulfill a large number of orders daily.
  • Purchase of products immediately before preparing dishes with immediate delivery to the client after confirmation of the order. This option is recommended for starting a business.
  • Self-production requires renting large premises, purchasing expensive equipment and obtaining permits to work with food.

    Organization of food production is an independent topic with many nuances, so in this article we will consider only issues related to food delivery itself.

    Mediation between catering establishments and clients

    Many restaurant and cafe owners are forced to abandon the organization of home delivery services due to the high costs of this method of increasing sales. Delivery requires hiring additional personnel, who need to be paid money, regardless of the number of orders per day; in addition, you will have to advertise the service and allocate funds for disposable packaging and repairs of transport.

    Most restaurants are not ready to organize their own delivery service, which means you can enter into an agreement with them to provide intermediary services

    If a consumer likes the menu of an establishment that refuses to provide delivery services, all he can do is come and place an order in person or use delivery elsewhere. But not everyone has time to go to a restaurant, and therefore customers, including potential ones, get lost. The problem is resolved after concluding an agreement with the delivery service - this is beneficial to both parties.

    Table: advantages of cooperation between catering establishments and food delivery services

    The advantages of this food delivery business model are:

  • ease of organizing business processes;
  • speed of service due to the absence of the need to prepare dishes;
  • uniqueness - unified services are currently open exclusively in large cities;
  • low competition;
  • no costs for kitchen equipment;
  • low cost of renting premises (if only delivery without production is expected).
  • How to open a food delivery business: step-by-step instructions

    To start your own food delivery business to homes and offices, follow the instructions below:

  • Draw up a business plan, develop a menu, make inquiries about catering establishments that do not have their own delivery service. Familiarize yourself with sanitary standards.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, register with the Federal Tax Service and extra-budgetary funds.
  • Post recruitment advertisements and start looking for workers. Arrange for the preparation of medical records.
  • Order the development of a website and mobile application.
  • Hire an agent or personally visit every restaurant in town to offer your services.
  • Enter into an agreement with a printing house for the production of printed advertising.
  • Rent a suitable room (complying with SES standards - for food production, any office - for organizing a dispatch service).
  • Purchase the necessary equipment.
  • Train your staff and give clear job descriptions.
  • Enter into an agreement with a company engaged in providing accounting services(this will help save on a full-time accountant).
  • Test the team’s work at all stages, instruct your friends to make trial orders.
  • Carry out the starting advertising campaign and start a business.
  • Business registration

    First of all, you need to register your business, otherwise the activity will be illegal, fines for tax evasion will follow, and it will be impossible to conclude an agreement with public catering establishments.

    To open a food delivery service, it is better to register entity

    Russian laws prohibit the sale of takeaway prepared food, with the only exceptions being pizza, pies and some baked goods. And while large companies are often forgiven for such violations, individual entrepreneurs will not be able to register such activities.

    A serious approach to organizing a business involves registering a legal entity - doing business becomes more difficult in terms of taxation, accounting, reporting and large fines for violations, but LLC still has its advantages over individual entrepreneurs:

  • Companies are more willing to enter into cooperation agreements with legal entities;
  • the activities of an LLC inspire more confidence among clients than an individual entrepreneur;
  • Several founders can register a legal entity at the same time by pooling capital;
  • It’s easier for companies to get a bank loan for development;
  • participation in tenders and professional competitions is simplified.
  • Also pay attention to the choice of taxation system - if you do not indicate during registration that you would like to switch to a simplified system (STS) or a single tax on imputed income (UTI), a tax will be automatically applied to you general system(OSNO), which involves paying a large number of taxes and drawing up many reports, which will significantly complicate doing business for a beginner.

    Preparation of documents and obtaining permits

    In order to start a legal entrepreneurial activity, you need to have the following papers on hand:

  • Registration documents of individual entrepreneur or LLC, tax registration certificate.
  • A document confirming the opening of a bank account (if non-cash payments are planned).
  • Documents for the online cash register (registration papers, service agreement, agreement with the fiscal data operator).
  • Permission to conduct activities from the sanitary-epidemiological service for rented premises and provision of services to the population. All permits must be signed by Rospotrebnadzor and the Consumer Market Committee.
  • Premises rental agreement.
  • Personal medical records of employees.
  • Permission from fire service for the operation of the premises and the implementation by employees of activities related to food.
  • Agreements with restaurants and cafes.
  • The full list of documents depends on the current requirements of regulatory services. Do not forget to save all accounting reports and primary documentation (checks, invoices, etc.), otherwise fines from the tax office will follow.

    All documents concerning financial aspects activities of a businessman must be kept in perfect order

    Menu creation

    In the case of delivery of ready-made dishes from restaurants and cafes in your city, you create a menu based on the offer of establishments with which you were able to conclude an agreement, replenishing the assortment as new agreements are signed.

    If you organize your own production, everything will depend on the financial capabilities of the business owner and on the catering establishments available in the city. See which kitchens are most in demand, take a survey on the website or in in social networks. If, for example, Chinese cuisine is chosen, and there are no lovers in the city, you will have to completely re-equip the kitchen and start all over again.

    A varied menu will attract a large number of clients

    It is best to offer customers variety, but remember that this will require large financial investments, hiring many employees and having a warehouse. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth focusing on one thing, and it is desirable that there are few similar offers in the city.

    Selecting a room

    In fact, any will do office space a small area - 10–15 m2 is quite enough. There is no point in renting a place in the entrance part of the city - there is no point in attracting the attention of passers-by; only call center dispatchers will work in the office itself. Therefore, choose a premises that does not require large expenses and is equally distant from the outskirts of the city - this will allow you to adjust the cost of delivery for customers living far from the center.

    For a food delivery service call center office, it will be enough to rent a room with an area of ​​10–15 square meters. m

    Own production will require large areas (50–100 m2) and a location near busy streets - this will allow, in addition to delivery, to sell takeaway food.

    Equipment purchase

    If you plan to work as an intermediary between catering establishments and customers, then you will only need to buy thermal bags and, possibly, a computer for the dispatcher to receive orders. If you plan to make cashless payments, you will have to purchase 2 terminals.

    For a food delivery service without your own production, it is enough to purchase 4 thermal bags

    But the full production cycle will be expensive and will increase the initial investment many times over. The list of equipment in this case depends on the menu - the more varied it is, the more clients you can attract, and the more expensive equipment you will have to purchase. For example, let's take standard set equipment for preparing and delivering pizza.

    Table: equipment for pizza production and delivery


    When the delivery service is just opening, a large staff is not required - it takes time to form a customer base and enter into contracts with as many catering establishments as possible.

    First, you should hire two call center operators and four couriers with a personal car - they will work in shifts, changing every 2 days. Then one dispatcher and two couriers will work simultaneously.

    Even if potential employees convince you that they are ready to work every day, seven days a week, do not take only one operator and two couriers - employees may get sick, the machine sometimes breaks down, unforeseen situations happen, and overtime By labor legislation are paid at one and a half and double rates.

    Finally, it is better to hire a full-time programmer. Of course, if the site fails, you can contact a third-party IT company, but this will take a lot of time, and a non-working site means direct losses and loss of customers. To save on a specialist’s salary, you can hire an employee for remote work and part-time with the condition that he will be in touch at the right time.

    It is better to hire a full-time site administrator than to contact third-party companies every time

    It is worth noting that dispatchers are initially hired on the terms remote work- this way you can cut your salary and not buy your own laptop or computer.

    Business plan for home food delivery

    Registering your business and investing money should always be preceded by drawing up detailed business plan. Remember that your goal is to rationally and impartially evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a food delivery business, and not to try to convince yourself of the merits of opening such a service. This way you can protect yourself from unjustified costs and ruin even at the planning stage.

    Description of the sales market

    When studying the sales market, you need to focus not only on statistical data, but also on the conditions for doing business in a particular city. Before you fill an empty niche or compete with existing delivery services, pay attention to the following factors:

  • population of the city, age of residents;
  • income level of working-age citizens;
  • number of business centers, office buildings, large companies;
  • the presence of universities, hostels, schools;
  • the number of catering establishments and the popularity of restaurants in general;
  • the density of the location of public catering establishments (residents of many areas have the opportunity to get to the nearest fast food or supermarket, where there is a prepared goods department, in 5–10 minutes);
  • operating delivery services and the speed of their development.
  • The target audience

    Because, regardless of the economic situation and food prices, the demand for food does not decrease and is not seasonal, but a wide range of the offered ready-made dishes can satisfy any taste, the target audience This market segment is quite diverse.

    Table: food delivery service clients

    Competitor analysis

    The only competitors of the food delivery service are similar services. The market capacity for this type of service is quite large, so there will always be demand. In addition, competition will not hinder the development of the new delivery service due to the fact that there are several times more catering establishments whose menu items will be offered for home delivery than delivery services.

    The following improvements will help you stand out from your competitors and surpass them:

  • high level and speed of service;
  • Availability of cashless payment terminals for couriers;
  • convenient and attractive website with registration option;
  • development of a mobile application operating on Android and iOS;
  • clear and mutually beneficial cooperation schemes with catering establishments;
  • bonus program for regular customers;
  • polite couriers and call center employees;
  • delicious food from high-quality fresh products (for those who have their own production).
  • Prospects for food delivery business development

    If you have reserve funds or third-party cash injections into business development, you can think about the prospects:

  • greater market coverage;
  • attracting corporate clients(food delivery to offices);
  • expansion to a network of services operating throughout the country;
  • provision of additional services (delivery of food, flowers, gifts, etc.);
  • concluding agreements with all popular catering establishments in the city.
  • Sales and Marketing

    The main thing in the development strategy of a new food delivery service is to assess the shortcomings of such services and offer a convenient customer service scheme. It is necessary to continuously work on the speed and quality of service and control over these indicators. And you should also organize reserve funds from the very beginning of the business, since only the availability of resources for rapid expansion as the sales market increases will allow you to cope with growing demand and remain at the forefront.

    Opening advertising campaign

  • Installation of a large poster in the city center at the intersection of main roads (it is advisable that the service advertisement be on both sides - the driver will notice the information on the way to work and will see it again on the way home).
  • Advertising on public transport tickets (a huge number of people will learn about the opening of the service within a day, and you can save a ticket with a phone number).
  • Leaflets attached to the check when checking out customers in each of the partner establishments (the visitor already liked the menu, and he would not mind ordering proven dishes at home).
  • Booklets in establishments that potential customers can use (student canteens, cafeterias and car washes in office buildings, saunas near large business centers, etc.).

    Distributing booklets is an effective method of advertising food delivery services.

  • Advertise in local food magazines or service catalogs.
  • Stickers on couriers' cars - every stop at a traffic light or in a traffic jam attracts the attention of random passers-by.
  • It would also be useful to attract customers with discounts provided to first customers - this way the largest number of people will want to try their luck and be one of the first to use the service.

    Creation of a website and mobile application for a food delivery service

    From the first day of operation of the service, the site must be in working order - this is the face of the delivery service. An assessment of an enterprise whose services the client has not yet used will be given based on the first impression of the design of the Internet resource - it should be as simple as possible, load quickly, contain high-quality, clear and bright photos dishes that stimulate the appetite.

    It is imperative to provide a catalog divided into categories - the customer cannot be forced to view the entire assortment, it should be hinted with an inscription like “this dish is perfect with...”. The client must be able to register personal account, where the order history and the current discount would be displayed - this would save him from having to fill out a form and address for each order.

    The website of a food delivery service should be as convenient as possible, and the pictures should whet your appetite

    Many people browse business offerings on their phones and tablets while on the bus or car on the way home and planning dinner. Sites not targeted at Cell phones, are not fully displayed or seem inconvenient - in this regard, it would be useful to order the development of a mobile application. The money spent will be repaid many times over.

    Today it is possible to purchase a ready-made website and order a complete development of the resource “from scratch” according to an individual design. Of course, the second option is more preferable - the client will immediately notice your corporate style. Although the first one saves time and money.

    Current Marketing

    Advertising is required for a business not only at the start, but also on a regular basis in order to maintain the interest of regular customers, disseminate information about current promotions and expand the range, as well as to attract new customers. For a food delivery service, advertising on the Internet and social networks would be ideal, where people could leave comments and ratings, helping to dispel the doubts of potential customers.

    It is effective to distribute booklets by promoters and attach them to each order by couriers. But the main thing is the smooth operation of the site and its promotion to the forefront of search engines. It is for this purpose that a programmer is hired - he must monitor for failures in the system, quickly solve problems, carry out SEO promotion of the resource and buy advertising in Yandex and Google.

    Cooperation with catering establishments

    The revenue of the ready-made food delivery service consists of payments directly for home delivery services and commissions from orders received by restaurants thanks to its service. It is advisable to think through several options for cooperation, in which the percentage of sales depends on what services the delivery service is ready to offer the partner. It is expected that couriers will independently pick up orders from restaurants and cafes. Such cooperation will bring the food delivery service about 22% of sales revenue.

    Additional options may include:

  • active promotion of the menu of a particular establishment on the online resource delivery services and favorable presentation of its advantages over competitors (in such a situation, you can demand 25% of sales revenue);
  • bonuses for customers of dishes from the menu of a specific restaurant, for example, free shipping for an order from 1 thousand rubles (in the agreement with a partner, you can specify a commission of 35% of sales).
  • Sales plan

    When drawing up a sales plan, you should focus on the number of orders per day. To begin with, while the business has not yet taken a stable position, you should limit yourself to hiring two couriers, each of whom is capable of delivering a maximum of 15 orders per day. The average check will be 1 thousand rubles. Calculate how many kilometers the courier will travel when delivering food to different areas of the locality. You can also develop a simple application, similar to those installed in taxi services, which will allow call center operators to instantly calculate the price of delivery.

    You should not set a delivery cost of more than 500 rubles, otherwise ordering food at home with an average bill of 1000 rubles will be unprofitable

    Delivery cost should not exceed 500 rubles. You can increase the price if the courier simultaneously delivers an order for all office employees or picks up dishes from several restaurants. On average, the delivery service will cost 250 rubles per customer. Make a sales plan based on the indicated indicators, but do not count on a large number of orders in the first two to three months.

    Financial plan

    A financial plan is also necessary to determine the amount of initial investment, monthly recurring expenses, tax expenses, and so on. This will help assess the feasibility of opening a food delivery business with the resources available to the entrepreneur, the payback time and the size of the reserve in case of unexpected costs.

    Start-up capital

    What investments will be needed to start a food delivery business project? It is assumed that the company is being created from scratch, not as a franchise - otherwise you will have to count on additional costs of about several hundred thousand rubles. And we also do not take into account optional expense items, for example, printing development, legal advice, intermediary services, etc.

    Table: components of initial investment

    Monthly expenses

    It would seem that a food delivery service is just a call center and several couriers. But, if you look at it, this business, like any other, requires certain regular costs.

    Table: Monthly Costs of Running a Food Delivery Business

    Profitability calculation

    According to the latest results of the work of marketers, 1 million residents of a locality account for almost 20 million rubles in the annual income of public catering enterprises, and the potential revenue of food delivery services varies from 12 to 20 million rubles per year. Indicators may vary depending on the popularity of cafes and restaurants, the city’s population and the average per capita income of its residents.

    With proper business organization, the initial investment can pay off in just 2 months

    Table: profitability analysis of food delivery business

    Risk factors

    The food delivery business is characterized by moderate risks.

    Table: risks of food delivery business

    Starting a business

    At the initial stage, it is necessary to check the coherence collaboration customer service personnel. The business owner must check whether the instructions are followed and whether there are any delays in order fulfillment. At first, constant monitoring will be required until employees gain experience, learn the assortment by heart and are able to resolve conflict situations.

    At the initial stage of business development, the manager must continuously monitor the work of employees until completion job responsibilities will not reach automaticity

    The quality of service determines whether the customer will remain on the list of your regular customers or choose another food delivery service. At the initial stage, it is especially important to establish yourself and show that you are the best. No one can take better care of your business than you. If you want to motivate your staff, provide bonuses and allowances for good performance at the end of the month - otherwise, employees will work “from paycheck to paycheck” without particularly caring about revenue.

    Service delivery process

    The customer service flow looks like this:

  • Accepting orders by phone, through the website or mobile application. It is necessary to politely and patiently recommend dishes to the customer, advise him and calculate the cost of delivery and food.
  • Order Processing. If the order was received through the website or application, the dispatcher must call the client back at the specified number and receive confirmation of the application.
  • Transferring the order to the catering establishment from whose menu the dishes were ordered.
  • Courier notification. The dispatcher calls the courier and tells him where to go to pick up the client’s order and to what address to deliver the food.
  • Transfer of finished dishes to the courier. The delivery service worker pays for the food in full at the restaurant, takes the receipt, packs the food in a thermal bag and immediately delivers it to the client.
  • Transferring the order to the client. The courier delivers the food, presents the client with a receipt, accepts payment for the food and delivery, thanks for the order and gives an advertising brochure.
  • Conflict resolution. If any dissatisfaction arises, you need to remain calm, communicate with the client as long as he wants to continue the conversation, and find a way out of the situation in which the client would be satisfied.
  • Every year, food delivery services to your home, office, and during holidays are gaining popularity. Students, single and unmarried people, overworked employees, fast food lovers, as well as anyone who simply does not like to stand at the stove, often buy ready-made dishes and ask for their order to be delivered. Thanks to this, the business of delivering ready-made food does not lose its relevance and will always find its client, despite the fairly high level of competition in the market.

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    IN last years A steady demand began to emerge for such a service as lunch delivery to offices. This business is very promising and has huge potential in terms of profitability and expansion.

    This is due to several factors:
    • In the process of searching for a business idea, aspiring entrepreneurs try to choose an activity that will have constant demand and high level of profitability. For these purposes, any of the existing areas of catering or restaurant business: cafes, restaurants, bistros, etc.
    • As the pace of life increases, people are less and less able to afford to devote their precious time to “cooking”. In the context of such a relay race with ever-increasing speeds, it is difficult for city residents to maintain a healthy diet. Moreover, time becomes such a valuable resource that people agree to satisfy their hunger with anything, just so as not to waste minutes.

    Statistics show that food delivery is the most dynamically developing business area today in Russia. Segment increases annually from 18 to 20% and attracts businessmen with relatively low financial investments to start.

    Project implementation

    Food delivery business involves two ways to implement:

    • Organizing the delivery of ready-made food. A low-cost way to start a business, an entrepreneur specializes only in delivery, for which he will receive the main income. The partners do the cooking.
    • Full cycle organization. The entrepreneur prepares the food himself and delivers it. This method will require large investments and will allow you to get the maximum profit possible for this segment.

    If you have limited resources, little business experience, or are simply not confident in the success of your project, then you can move on to the “full cycle” after successfully organizing regular food delivery.

    Thanks to this approach the entrepreneur will insure himself against unnecessary risks and will approach the full implementation of the idea after he is completely “immersed” in the business and begins to understand its intricacies.

    The amount of investment and scope of work will depend on the choice of method of organizing activities. that must be completed to implement the project.

    In order to create a successful and “correct” business plan for delivery of lunches to the office, he must, at a minimum, include the following list of questions:

    • State registration.
    • Selection of premises and its design.
    • Purchase necessary equipment and furniture for the kitchen and office.
    • Hiring staff.
    • Menu selection and pricing.
    • Resolving delivery issues and optimizing the process.
    • Marketing and brand promotion, search for sales routes.

    By answering these questions, the entrepreneur will receive a complete picture of the upcoming work. The information received will be used in compiling step by step plan for business implementation.

    The success of the enterprise depends on whether the entrepreneur sticks to his plan or abandons it, setting off on a free run. Let's look at some of the questions below.

    Selecting a room

    If you decide to organize a full production cycle, then along with the office you will also need a spacious kitchen.

    A room with an area of ​​50-100 sq. m. should be located close to potential customers.

    Renting the premises will be one of the largest expense items(from 90,000 to 120,000 rubles per month). However, its high cost in the area of ​​business centers is compensated by savings due to transportation costs.

    Thanks to this location you will be able to quickly deliver lunches to customers, which is one of the most important requirements for “survival”.

    The kitchen should have separate “workshops”:

    • hot,
    • cold,
    • meat.

    There should also be enough space to accommodate the necessary equipment and kitchen furniture.

    If an entrepreneur fails to find suitable premises in “office” areas, then it is necessary to consider optimal delivery routes and take into account traffic jams and ways to overcome them.

    Equipment purchase

    The selected premises must meet all sanitary and fire requirements and have the appropriate permits. You also need to make sure availability of reliable electrical wiring.

    Equipment used during food preparation will consume very large volume electricity.

    When buying equipment, you should pay more attention to its quality rather than its newness.

    The minimum set of equipment that should be in the kitchen is as follows:

    • Refrigerators.
    • Frying surfaces.
    • Ovens.
    • Oven.
    • Dishes (pots, pans, etc.).


    No less attention needs to be paid to hiring chefs who must be professionals in their field to be able to cook very tasty food.

    It is important not only to provide customers with high-quality delivery services.

    Customer loyalty to your services and the entire success of the enterprise depend on whether the food is tasty or not.

    A cook who has the necessary work experience will receive 20,000 rubles.

    Employees who will deliver food must be very polite and intelligent. Although special requirements There are no categories of personnel for this category, so you shouldn’t hire the first person you meet.

    Couriers will be the “face” of your organization and will judge your business as a whole. It is more expedient to hire young and active people and establish a piecework wage for them.

    Features of development

    Conducting this type of activity has a number of features that should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan:

    • Food delivery must be organized in such a way that customers received it in a heated state. The purchase of automobile refrigerators can help with this, the acquisition of which will allow expanding the area of ​​​​operation.
    • Also important speed and prompt response to urgent orders. Food must be delivered by lunchtime, otherwise there will be no need for it. Therefore, it is worth thinking through all the routes in advance.
      Marketing activities should only be carried out in areas accessible to fast delivery areas. Otherwise, advertising for “fast” delivery may play a negative role.
    • In addition to delivery, your couriers must be able to set the table and serve food beautifully in case of possible orders for various meetings, conferences and presentations. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct appropriate training for your employees.
    • A good solution for promotion ease of ordering and payment will be the opening of a special website on which clients could place their applications. Today, more and more people turn to the Internet for their questions. Having an online presence will help increase sales and expand payment acceptance options.
    • A business delivering food to the office can be started with a small investment, which is why competition in this segment is very high. For increasing the loyalty of your customers It is necessary to provide discounts (discount coupons or cards) and periodically hold various promotions.

    What sections should it contain? Project payback period.

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    Marketing and brand promotion

    One more feature, which is worth talking about separately, is marketing.

    As you know, business cannot do without advertising. This point must be taken into account in a business plan for delivering food to offices. After all, here you have to work with people from offices who are so overwhelmed with work that they cannot go out and have lunch outside the workplace.

    Potential clients won't know about you unless you tell them. Most uh An effective and cheap method of informing customers today is direct marketing.

    It is necessary to create a set of handouts, consisting of a business card, a beautifully designed menu and “reminder” gifts (pocket and desk calendars, pens, keychains).

    Menu creation

    People constantly seek variety, and food consumption is no exception to this unspoken rule.

    In order to create a large customer base, it is not enough to cook delicious food. It is necessary to create a varied menu and constantly expand it.

    You can do this in the following ways:

    • Prepare different dishes for specific days of the week.
    • Agree with national cuisines (European and Asian) on cooperation and include their signature dishes in your menu.
    • Along with choosing from the menu, offer customers ready-made “packages” of dishes with a fixed price.

    The price of your dishes should not be higher than the average established in the market.

    The average cost of a set lunch is 330 rubles.

    • Cold appetizers – 65 rub.
    • Hot dishes – 85 rub.
    • Second courses – 100 rub.
    • Dessert – 50 rub.
    • Drinks – 30 rub.

    Set lunch with grilled dishes - 380 rub.

    How to receive and process requests for lunch delivery to the office or home, watch the video:

    Financial calculations

    Let us provide a calculation of the costs that will need to be included to open a full production cycle.

    If aspiring entrepreneurs are experiencing financial difficulties, then you can start exclusively with food delivery. In this case, it is best to negotiate with restaurants or cafes located nearby.

    One-time costs – 1,485,000 rubles.

    • Decoration of the premises - 25,000 rubles.
    • Purchase of equipment for the kitchen - 300,000 rubles.
    • Communication costs - 15,000 rubles.
    • Website creation and promotion – 80,000 rub.
    • Marketing – 15,000 rub.
    • Purchase of groceries – 50,000 rub. (the amount that needs to be allocated for the purchase of products will constantly turn around).
    • Reserve fund (which will cover running costs at the initial stage of operation) – 1,000,000 rub.

    Fixed costs – 480,000 rub.

    • Rent of premises - 100,000 rubles.
    • Purchase of groceries – 20,000 rub.
    • Chefs' salary is 60,000 rubles.
    • Salary for couriers + car rental (people with their own cars will be hired) – 150,000 rubles.
    • Expenses for fuel and lubricants – 100,000 rubles.
    • Service and car wash – 30,000 rub.
    • Communication expenses – 10,000 rub.
    • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

    Calculation of revenue – 660,000 rubles.

    • Cooking. The average bill is 500 rubles. By collecting a client base of 10-20 offices, you can ensure a minimum level of 50 orders per day.
      Income per month (22 working days) will be 50 orders * 500 rubles * 22 working days = 550,000 rubles.
    • Food delivery. Shipping costs will not be included in finished products. The average delivery price is 100 rubles.
      Based on this, the monthly revenue from this service will be 50 orders * 100 rubles * 22 working days = 110,000 rubles.

    When calculating revenue, prices from operating food delivery companies were used (

    Net profit – 180,000 rubles.

    Revenue 660,000 rub. — monthly expenses 480,000 rub. = 180,000 rubles per month.

    Business magazine IQR got one more for readers interesting story from the first person about creating your business from scratch. Our heroine delivers ready-made food to events and offices. This business case is noteworthy for two reasons: the starting capital is $150, the heroine’s starting knowledge in the field of cooking is zero.

    How and why I decided to start my own banquet food delivery business

    Rice with vegetables

    I’m Vika, I’m 28 years old, I live in Kursk. In 2011, I was forced to engage in an activity that I had previously had a very vague idea about - organizing the delivery of banquet dishes.

    The reason for the need to cook food to order was my pregnancy, and I didn’t really want to be left without my own income. Due to its “interesting” position, it was not possible to work outside the home, and the “shop for the production of culinary masterpieces” was safely located in a rented apartment of 30 square meters, in which I lived at that time, with a tiny kitchen and two-burner gas stove with oven.

    Organizing food delivery, business plan on your knees

    Of course, initially I was not particularly enthusiastic about this idea, since I was sure that the service would not be in great demand, given great amount all kinds of cafes and restaurants - from the most expensive to budget ones. It should be noted that in Kursk there were already several organizations providing ready-made food delivery services; in our area it was called “Kitchen or restaurant at home.” But I decided to try anyway, since the losses were minimal.

    Considering that by the age of 23 I didn’t even know how to fry an egg, the process of preparing dishes to order was the most difficult for me.

    So I invited my friend Olga, who worked as a cook in one of the local eateries. Olya had to cook and at the same time initiate me into the secrets of culinary art, I, in turn, did the “rough” work in the kitchen and generated ideas for organizing delivery, compiled a menu, placed advertisements in the newspaper “My Advertising” and on “Avito” in services section. It was planned to buy food and disposable containers at the nearest supermarket and wholesale warehouse.

    Calculation of income and expenses, first profit

    The first order came in March 2011, they asked for a “memorial” set of dishes, which cost 180 rubles per person, the number of people was 20, respectively, our first sale was in the amount of 3,600 rubles. We spent a total of 4,350 rubles (products - 1,900 rubles, disposable containers - 300 rubles, advertising in the newspaper - 2,000 rubles/month, taxi services), as a result, we lost 750 rubles from the first order.

    We received income from the next order, since we no longer spent money on advertising. During the first month of work we had 7 orders for total amount approximately 22,000 rubles, total income was approximately 10,000 rubles. Mostly we ordered it home or to the country (taking into account the spring-summer period), once we ordered it to a recreation center, which provides space for a banquet.

    The enterprise achieves stable profits

    Within the first three months, our “enterprise” acquired its own pizzacon website, where the client could familiarize himself with the menu and delivery conditions. We also acquired glassware for decorating dishes, and edited the menu, which is still in use today. The number of orders increased to 7-8 per week. People order ready-made meals for anniversaries, funerals, birthdays, and weddings. All this increased our income to 40,000 rubles per month for two.

    New Year's corporate parties and New Year's Eve gave us two months' income, although we ourselves were destined to completely forget about the holidays - such is the work.

    Is it possible to manage such a business alone?

    After about a year of working together, Olga and I stopped working together, I began to work alone, the responsibilities of a dispatcher, courier, and cook fell on my shoulders, fortunately, by that time I had learned to cook quite well. I rented a separate one-room apartment for work, since preparing and storing all the attributes of my business in the cramped apartment where I lived with my baby was, to put it mildly, not very comfortable.

    I bought a car and now independently delivered finished products to the client. Over the next two years, work progressed steadily, there was no shortage of orders, but there wasn’t much progress either. I “amassed” a client base and didn’t do much promoting my service, until at some point the number of sales dropped significantly.

    It even happened that in a month there were 4-5 small orders, this is very little. Most likely, this was due to the fact that such activities became quite popular among mothers like me who found themselves in maternity leave, the benefit of superpowers and great starting capital not required.

    I specifically panicked because this job was my only source of income. Debts arose, and something had to be done urgently.

    Business development - food delivery to the office

    This is what the menu looks like

    Service promotion. It's all about the price!

    In 2014, I launched a new service - delivery of set lunches to enterprises and offices, which provided me with daily stable income. I had to drive around construction sites, markets, and branches of various banks in Kursk, looking for those willing to eat “hot home-style lunches.” The cost of one set lunch was only 80 rubles, so, of course, there were plenty of people willing - 12 people at the bank branch and 25 at the construction site. I bought a large thermal bag and successfully “fed” 37 people from Monday to Friday every week.

    Plus, my orders for banquets did not go away, although there were not as many of them as I would like, but they were enough for me; in total, my weekly income minus the cost of food was about 15,000 rubles.

    Switching from home kitchen to professional equipment

    That same year I rented a room in mall. In the family cafe "Evrasik" the kitchen was not fully used, so they let me work in the empty part for a small rent - 10,000 rubles plus 5,000 (electricity) monthly, providing me not only with space, but also with some pieces of kitchen furniture (tables) , sink, racks for dishes) and some dishes.

    I bought a professional stove and oven from my landlords, so my production could be called full-fledged and complete. I didn’t have to register my activities, because now I began to work closely with the owners of the very cafe where my business was located workplace. On the website of my services, I posted individual items from the Eurasika menu that I did not have - pastries, desserts, catering services, which strengthened our partnership and allowed me to act on behalf of landlords.

    How much does a successful food delivery business bring?

    How to organize a business

    When the number of orders for set meals approached fifty per day, I hired a professional chef from wages in the amount of 10% of the total turnover - this is approximately 17-20 thousand rubles a month - a normal salary for our city. And now my responsibilities only include accepting orders, delivering raw materials to the enterprise and finished products to the client.

    IN holidays, when there are a lot of orders and my employee can’t handle it alone, another person comes to help to earn extra money - this is a young student guy who, despite his very young age, really loves his job and treats the process of preparing dishes with trepidation and zeal . I, of course, like it, because although I learned to cook, I never got to love this process. Therefore, I will gladly accept this guy into my team on a permanent basis immediately after his training. My immediate plans are to acquire a courier and devote myself to deeper promotion of my services, as I see great prospects of this business, and finally formalize its activities in the form of an independent small business entity.

    What are the prospects for this business, is it worth starting from scratch?

    My sister, who lives in a village 25 km from Kursk, also began to engage in this activity, and in that area her services are even more popular than mine in Kursk. She cooks at home, takes orders on my website, she has a three-room apartment and a huge kitchen with an area of ​​22 square meters, so her activities do not particularly constrain her household. So my company now has a kind of branch.

    To summarize, I can confidently say that it was not in vain that I once decided to organize the delivery of banquet dishes and set lunches. My initial capital was only about 4,000 rubles, after 4 years my monthly net income is 60-70 thousand rubles - this is not much, I know that you can earn much more, and I am ready to work on this project to get the most out of it.

    The number of offices is growing, and along with it, the demand for the opportunity to have a quick and tasty lunch during a short break is increasing. Of course, there is already quite high competition in the food industry, but new company will still be in demand if she can achieve High Quality services. Where to start in this area of ​​business?

    First steps

    Producing ready-made meals is a great idea for a food delivery service. But before you start, you should think everything through carefully.

    To achieve maximum profitability, you will need to invest in a full cycle of work, which includes preparing dishes and delivering them to the client.

    If your culinary skills allow, you can do the cooking yourself. At the same time, it is important to be able to approach business creatively and cook from the heart, so that not a single client is left disappointed with the quality of the food.

    The delivery of ready-made lunches to offices can be carried out by the same person, if you think through the schedule well and prepare everything in advance, but the load in this case will be very high. It is better to immediately consider the possibility of hiring a courier, although with the right amount of enthusiasm you can manage without one for some time.


    To conduct business legally, you need to officially register your business. Lunch delivery is often carried out without any documents, since the owners plan to register a company only after profits become stable. But this is a serious risk.

    Such activity may result in large fines. So it’s better to register as individual entrepreneur from the very beginning. It is necessary to visit the tax office, pay the state fee and fill out a form, as well as write an application for inclusion in State Register Russia, which lists all individual entrepreneurs in the country.

    After this, you should proceed to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. To do this, you will need a package of documents, which includes an application, copies of a certificate of state registration and rental agreements for premises, hygienic conclusions for finished products.

    After submitting all the papers, the chief sanitary doctor will issue the necessary confirmation. You will also need a health certificate and a bank account if the company plans to provide non-cash payment options. It will take about a month to complete all the necessary paperwork.

    Kitchen equipment

    Before starting work, you should check which devices are already in stock, and include the purchase of all missing ones in your business plan. Delivering lunches to the office does not require expensive supplies. Kitchen utensils should be of high quality, but not necessarily new. As a rule, you need different pots, several frying pans, a blender, a set of knives, cutting boards, a grater, and baking dishes. A microwave or pressure cooker can also be useful, as this will make cooking much faster.

    The minimum that will have to be spent on equipment is five thousand Russian rubles. Quite a small amount that will quickly pay for itself after delivery starts. If it still seems serious, you can use used equipment. Replacing it later will not be a problem, and for the first time this will be enough.

    Order raw materials

    Like any other business, lunch delivery must be of the highest quality. This means that products should be ordered from trusted suppliers and used fresh. You can save money by shopping not at the supermarket, but at wholesale centers and markets. You can find a large company that supplies food and make a commercial offer for lunch delivery. You will receive raw materials at the best possible price, providing your partner company with food.

    Be sure to ask new suppliers for documents confirming quality. Only then will you have successful and popular lunch delivery. The business plan should take into account not only the cost of food, but also the cost of purchasing related products: napkins, special containers for soups and main courses, plastic plates and cups. For the courier, you will need to purchase a spacious thermal bag, with which you can deliver food still hot even in winter.

    Marketing activities

    No business can do without advertising. Lunch delivery is no exception, so you should pay attention to marketing from the very beginning. First of all, be sure to print out your business cards.

    They can be distributed not only in offices with potential clients, but also in shops, banks, parking lots and services. A great promotional idea would be to offer a free trial meal. People who like your food will likely order it.