How to open a mini-bakery - business plan. How to open a bakery for a novice entrepreneur How much does it cost to open a small bakery

Quite often, when describing certain small business ideas, I mention that there are no dogmas or 100% working methods when choosing your own direction, however, there are a number of certain “beacons” that allow you to find the most successful one for you. a specific person. Speaking about such “beacons”, we can figuratively divide them into subjective and objective, you can talk about the first (three steps when choosing an idea), but objective ones are those that tell you in which direction it is more profitable to start your business. One of the most important parameters in such an assessment, of course, is the level of competition and growth prospects of the selected market. They usually say “catch the wave.” Today we’ll talk about one of these areas for creating a new business.

Bread and bakery products, of course, are not an innovation on the domestic market, in fact, like the baking business, it is perhaps one of the most ancient types of entrepreneurship on Earth. At first glance, everything is as old as the hills and there is nothing interesting about creating your own business from scratch, but as often happens, the most interesting things are hidden in the little things, and so a few words about the current situation in Russia with bread factories, mini-bakeries and bread baking.

Fact one - about 90-95% of baked bread is produced in large specialized bakeries.

The second fact is that Russia is in a leading position in Europe in terms of bread consumption and culture (we are talking about the frequency of its use in the daily diet).

Fact three: politicians and officials pay great attention to the bakery market and carefully control prices for so-called social varieties of bread. This in turn leads to two trends:

  • Firstly, large manufacturers In pursuit of profitability, they use a lot of technological tricks to reduce costs and, as a result, the baked bread is neither tasty nor healthy.
  • Secondly, for the same reason, the owners of large enterprises significantly increase the prices for elite varieties of bread in order to naturally partially compensate for the low profits from social varieties of bread products.

The results of this situation are quite prosaic; in most cases, the bread is not tasty and is very expensive. There are quite a lot of reasons why this is happening and, by and large, I perfectly understand all the interested parties, but at the same time, this state of affairs provides a great opportunity for most small business representatives, the main thing is to properly think through your business - a mini-bakery.

And so, in the dashing 90s, there was already a boom in mini bakeries in the country, I think those who are a little older remember it, de facto, in almost every basement they opened mini workshops for baking bread, but such a business did not last long. In just 5-6 years, successful players who were able to consider the prospects began to buy out “orphan” bakeries and force other mini-bakeries out of business. At the beginning of the new century, the situation changed a little and grain and flour traders came into the baking business; these actually took over production for debts and, as a diversification of the business, actively began baking bread. Then everything went according to the proven scheme of further consolidation.

The question immediately creeps in: if it didn’t work out then, why should small businesses bother with mini bakeries now?

The question is correct, it’s just worth analyzing the situation a little, in Europe and the USA large manufacturers account for about 30-35% of the market, the rest is occupied by small businesses, those same famous Western mini-bakeries at home, in our country the situation is completely opposite. It can be noted that the potential demand for freshly baked and delicious bread in the “bakery at home” format is huge. A clear confirmation of this is the surge in sales of the same Georgian bread “shoti”, despite its certain specificity (compared to traditional bread), it is popular and mini-bakeries for its production are growing like mushrooms. What's the secret?

Everything is quite simple, the niche between the two segments is empty, on the one hand there is mass production of bread by large producers on the other retail baked goods (usually sweet) in a cafe, and the segment of fresh bread from the oven (in fact, it is very popular in the West) is idle in our country, and this is the same segment for our mini-bakery. It is interesting that the first mini-bakeries for baking fresh bread were mainly focused on social varieties and, as a result, lost the price war with mass production

How today's conclusion is promising for development own business is a mini-bakery format selling elite hot breads and non-traditional baked goods. Today, thousands of recipes for baking bread are known, which guarantees a huge range of products, and the availability of modern bakery equipment can significantly expand the technological capabilities of a small bakery. An additional factor that allows us to talk about the prospects and success of the baking business is the ability of small businesses to move away from using “advanced” bread baking technologies, which involve the use of leavening agents, emulsifiers and other “chemicals”. In fact, a small bakery can afford to carefully control the output of finished baked goods and, as a result, ensure the “from oven to table” mode. In this case, the storage time of finished products and their delivery is significantly reduced, which in fact largely determines the use of such techniques by large manufacturers.

And so, as a result, we have a number of significant advantages of a small bakery.

Small bakery – pros:

  • – high mobility for the production of different types of fresh baked goods;
  • – wide range of baked bread. Plus, a small bakery can afford to work with non-traditional recipes, for example, French bread without yeast.
  • – a small bakery has the opportunity to bake truly environmentally friendly and most importantly healthy baked goods, without the use of preservatives.
  • – the demand for bakery products is stable, which guarantees uniform capacity utilization of the mini-bakery.

Mini-bakery – cons:

  • – the need for start-up capital. Even in small bakeries that are not full-cycle (there are two approaches to the concept of a mini-bakery, about them in the next article, do not forget to subscribe to the blog about business ideas) it is necessary to purchase a whole list of equipment for the bakery.
  • – sufficiently large areas to accommodate both the mini-bakery itself and the bread store itself during production. Practice shows that in large cities, opening a retail outlet during production itself can ensure the sale of 70-90% of freshly baked bread. There is less dependence in small settlements, although often people come to such a store specifically to buy hot bread.
  • – constant monitoring of the quality of baked products, as they say, without comment;
  • – increased requirements of regulatory authorities for the quality of premises and baking equipment. Although it can be noted that any business related to food is the object of close attention, be it the production of cutlets or the production of dumplings, everywhere you need technical specialists and communication with them.

The financial attractiveness of mini bakeries is less obvious than other aspects of prospects (we are talking about huge latent demand, relative simplicity of organization and minimal competition). I think I won’t lie when I say that you won’t find the real level of profitability of baking bread on the Internet. Experts say 30% in a circle for all varieties, large producers “cry” and talk about 3-5%, the latter can be understood, say that the business is profitable, they will immediately be forced to lower prices. The actual experience of one mini-bakery cannot serve as an objective indicator of the situation in the country as a whole. In general, after analysis and communication with the owners of small bakeries, the overall level of profitability of baking bakery products for a small bakery in a large city was 40%, while the range of such production included baking not only bread, but also a number of other products - bagels, buns, etc. Further.

Conclusion: Bread production in our country in mini-bakeries is both profitable and promising for small businesses in the country, and we’ll talk about the technology itself, how to open a mini-bakery yourself, in a separate article, where we’ll also analyze the equipment for a small bakery.

  • Work with providers
  • Baked goods sales technology

Selling baked goods from a cart is a type of small business that will always be relevant. Yes, it is rarely possible to get a turnover of several million in one month, but, nevertheless, it is almost impossible to “burn out” in this business. Firstly, fresh baked goods are a product designed to satisfy the main human need for food. This means that there will always be demand for this product. Secondly, investments in opening one retail outlet (somewhere at a bus station) amount to no more than 50 thousand rubles. This is not the amount for which you need to go to the bank to get a loan. That is why, from a financial point of view, many aspiring entrepreneurs can open such a business.

The main difficulty in this matter, perhaps, is proper organization business. A businessman should resolve a number of issues:

  • Decide on the location of the retail outlet;
  • Purchase appropriate equipment;
  • Register an individual entrepreneur, rent trading place;
  • Work out the product range;
  • Find and employ sellers;
  • Build a product logistics system (delivery of baked goods to the point of sale).

Let's look at each of these steps in more detail.

Choosing a location for selling fresh baked goods

Let's start with the location of the outlet. In general, selling baked goods is profitable where there are a lot of “hungry” people. It's a simple principle of this business. We need places with high traffic volumes, with the least number of competitors in the form of cafes, restaurants, pizzerias and fast food outlets. As a rule, fresh baked goods from a cart are bought well where people need a quick snack: metro exits, bus and railway stations, college campuses, central streets of the city, office and shopping centers, recreation parks, embankments, city beaches and so on.

To accommodate commercial equipment(umbrella and cart) you will need to rent 2-3m2. If the land plot on which it is planned to locate a retail facility is in state (municipal) ownership, then to conclude a lease agreement you must contact the city (municipal) property management committee of your city or district. The application for the provision of a land plot must be accompanied by a certificate of registration of the individual entrepreneur (LLC) and a layout diagram shopping facility(in any form). After 1-2 months (in some cases, faster), after reviewing your application by the commission, it will be decided to conclude an agreement with you or not.

The lease agreement for a retail outlet selling baked goods will most likely be concluded for a period of no more than one year, that is, for one season. In this case, the bidding procedure (auction) is not carried out.

Renting a plot of land that is privately owned is, of course, easier.

What documents are needed to open

If you are just starting your “small” business, then the most suitable organizational form is common individual entrepreneurship . Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the tax office takes only 5 working days and requires a minimum package of documents, including an application individual, passport and state payment. duties in the amount of 800 rubles. When filling out the application, you must indicate OKVED code 52.27.3 “Retail trade in other food products.”

Which tax system to choose for this business

After registering your activity, you will be asked to choose a taxation system. When trading baked goods, a special taxation regime is best suited - the single tax on imputed income (UTII). The amount of tax under this regime largely depends on the size of the retail space, which will be only 2-3 m2 (from one retail outlet).

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Bakery business plan (22 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

What equipment to choose for selling baked goods

After you have decided on the location of the retail outlet and registered the individual entrepreneur, you need to purchase commercial equipment. Its main list includes:

  • Trading cart for selling pies and hot pastries (a new one will cost 30-40 thousand rubles)

  • Umbrella on two legs for street trading(4-6 thousand)

  • Money box with a lock for a shopping trolley (2 thousand rubles)

In addition to the basic equipment, you will need to purchase: a trash can, plastic bags, workwear for the seller. About 4-6 thousand will be spent on these purposes. rubles

To operate the refrigerator (if we plan to sell cold drinks), an electrical connection is required. To do this, you will need to enter into an agreement with the nearest store, catering outlet, or any other facility. The payment for electricity is about 1-2 thousand rubles per month. Electricity costs may also be included in the rental price (in the case of a private landlord).

We select personnel for the sale of fresh baked goods

To operate one retail outlet, it is necessary to employ at least 2 sellers. Sellers' work schedule is 2/2 or every other week. Wages are set as salary + percentage of daily revenue in order to somehow motivate employees.

Finding an experienced seller in such a business is not easy. Based on the “prestige” of the job, your main personnel will be part-time students who want to earn extra money, as well as people of retirement and pre-retirement age. Hiring people from among close relatives is not always good decision(tested by the experience of many businessmen).

Work with providers

Next, you should resolve the issue of delivering baked goods to the retail outlet. How will we deliver the goods, ourselves, or by the supplier? If you do it on your own, you will need to purchase at least a spacious passenger car.

If there are several retail outlets, the income of your business will depend on the timely delivery of goods. In this case, it is important that the supplier of the goods is as close as possible to the place of trade. It is better if it is a bakery located within your city.

How much can you earn selling baked goods?

When planning an assortment of baked goods, you should take into account the time of day: sweet pastries sell best in the morning, meat pies in the afternoon, and pies with potatoes, eggs and cabbage in the evening. In rainy and hot weather, baked goods sales decline. Therefore, in order to avoid damage to unsold baked goods, goods are delivered to the retail outlet in smaller quantities.

The assortment of baked goods includes 10-15 items. In favorable weather, in a good location, at least 300 pies are sold per day, in holidays- more than 600-700 pcs. One cart can handle an average of 200 units, and is loaded two to three times during the day. The markup on the product must be at least 50%, otherwise the business will not be so profitable.

Gross income from one well-located retail outlet can reach up to 100 thousand rubles per month or more. The following should be deducted from income:

  • Salary of 2 sellers - 30 thousand rubles,
  • Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund (30% of salary) - 10 thousand rubles,
  • Rent - 5 thousand rubles,
  • Electricity - 2 thousand rubles,
  • Taxes (UTII) - 2 thousand rubles,
  • Fuel and lubricants - 8 thousand rubles,
  • Other expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

The total profit from one outlet is on average 38 thousand rubles.

Setting up a business selling fresh baked goods seems quite affordable. Low investments in business, simple registration of activities, a wide choice of locations for retail outlets - all this creates the illusion of easy money. However, here, as in any other business, there are difficulties that you cannot immediately see - control over the honesty of sellers, timely delivery of goods, safety of equipment from vandals, increased rental rates, pressure from competitors, and so on and so forth. Add to this the pronounced seasonality of the baked goods trade. Enthusiasm alone is probably not enough here...

Step-by-step plan for starting a bakery business

You need to approach the organization of this matter correctly. First of all, you need to take care of finding a place or outlet where baked goods will be sold. The size of the place should be chosen based on the number of products sold and the size of the business. After this, you should buy the necessary equipment and take care of selecting the range of baked goods that you plan to sell at your outlet. Next, you can proceed to registering a business and searching for sellers who will sell quality baked goods.

How much money do you need to register a business?

Start-up capital does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand dollars. This money will be enough to purchase the necessary equipment, rent a retail outlet, purchase ready-made baked goods and pay wages to employees. If you want to expand the range of services offered, then you need to increase the starting capital accordingly.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

It is necessary to use OKVED code 52.24 - implementation retail bread and other bakery and confectionery products. If the sale is not carried out in a store, then you can additionally indicate OKVED code 52.6 - retail trade outside stores. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if you want to prepare your own baked goods in the future, you can indicate OKVED code 15.81 - production of flour products with a short shelf life.

Do I need permission to open?

Since you will continue to sell perishable products, you should think about the availability of permits, which should include:

  • permission from the city authorities that you can trade in a certain place;
  • conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • permission from the environmental and fire inspection;
  • quality certificates for products sold.

In this article:

Along with large bakeries that specialize in the production of cheap varieties of bread for mass consumption (about 70% of the entire segment), small private bakeries are in demand on the market. Their main activities (about 30% of the segment) are the production of bread and bakery products of national varieties, premium class, and dietary products.

However, this market is quite densely saturated, competition is great, so promoting a new enterprise of this type is not an easy task. To organize a successful business, it is necessary to analyze in detail the features of the business and rely on the most popular areas that are open.

How profitable is opening a bakery? About profitability

As practice shows, the greatest profit (50%) comes from the production of buns and other similar confectionery products, which are in high demand, as well as luxury products, for which large markups are made. They pay for themselves on average within six months.

The production of wheat bread, like the production of rye bread, is profitable on average by 10-20% and pays off within 2 - 3 years. Sales of cotton products on average - 3 rubles. per unit of production (and this is from 2 thousand to 15 thousand rubles per day (from 120 thousand to 450 thousand rubles per month) depending on production capacity.

However, these figures are very approximate. It is quite difficult to determine the average profitability of bakeries, since enterprises vary greatly - in area, in level of equipment, in the raw materials used, in the types of products manufactured, etc.

Mini-bakery: types, equipment used, technological process

Bakeries are distinguished depending on what methods of bread production they use.

There are enterprises:

1. With an incomplete production cycle: dough is purchased from suppliers in the form of semi-finished frozen products and then processed technological production bread: shaping and baking.

The cooking process is simple:

  • the frozen semi-finished product is placed in a proofer for 40 minutes, where it thaws to room temperature;
  • then the products are placed in the oven, after 15 - 20 minutes the baked goods are ready.

This production method is suitable for opening a mini-cafe. It is the least expensive and when organizing an enterprise in a public place, the business can generate an average stable income. A small bakery-cafe of 10 m2 can produce and sell up to 500 kg of products and bring in 2 - 3 thousand rubles. net profit per day.

You will need the following production equipment(approximately 50 - 100 thousand rubles):

  • proofing cabinet;
  • refrigeration showcase;
  • chest freezer;
  • convection oven.

The adjacent area for accommodating visitors will average 10 - 15 m2.

2. With a full production cycle, which includes the following stages: text production, bread shaping and baking. A hardware scheme for bread production is used: various mechanisms are involved.

On this basis they usually organize:

- just bakeries , in which bread is made (do not imply the presence of adjacent cafes, shops, etc.) This business option can be located in a remote location (entrepreneurs often organize it in areas of the region, saving on rent).

In accordance with SES requirements the area of ​​such an enterprise cannot be less than 60 m2. To produce 350 kg of bread (for 60 m2), you will need bakery equipment worth at least 200 thousand rubles, and, for example, to produce 2,500 kg (for 150 m2) - no less than 1 million rubles.

The production line includes:

  • ovens;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • proofing cabinet;
  • table for cutting dough;
  • dough sheeter;
  • baking trolley;
  • flour sifter.

- bakery shops (production and a store combined). This version of the enterprise should be organized in a public place and produce products that are in demand by the population of the microdistrict. As a rule, rents in the central points of settlements are very high. A business can pay off and make a profit only with a well-established sales system and the presence of wholesale buyers.

Organizing this type of mini-bakery requires the presence of commercial equipment (about 150 thousand rubles):

  • showcases;
  • cash register;
  • cabinets for storing products.

Raw materials for mini-bakery

Raw materials for bakery

Bakery- perishable products, they cannot be stored for a long time. You need to buy raw materials immediately before launching the bakery.

The basis of all products is flour. Moreover, only the highest grade is suitable for butter buns. Wholesale price flour - around 10 rubles. per kg. When calculating its quantity, it is necessary to take into account that the weight of the finished product will be 30% greater than the raw material due to other ingredients mixed into the dough.

In addition to flour, you will need pressed yeast, vanillin, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, baking powder, food additives, stabilizers, thickeners, etc. According to GOST, per ton of white bread there are 740 kg of flour, 7.4 kg of pressed yeast, 1.2 kg vegetable oil, 9.6 kg salt. The final consumption of raw materials depends on the recipe compiled by the technologist.

Room layout

A mini bakery business will only work effectively if it can be organized correctly.

To do this, it is important to think through the structure of the enterprise, to provide for:

  • manufacturing facility;
  • packing shop;
  • daily raw material stock warehouse;
  • finished product storage shop;
  • auxiliary premises.

You also need to organize a separate room in which waste will be stored. In this case, all SES standards must be observed.


For personnel selection, it is best to contact a recruiting agency. Finding and training people on your own is extremely problematic.

You will need:

  • technologist developing the recipe;
  • bakers involved in preparing products (minimum 2 people per shift);
  • cleaning woman;
  • cashiers.

Main stages of document preparation

  1. First, the business must be registered with the tax office by choosing a legal form - LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Choose OKVED codes. For a bakery with incomplete. production cycle (mini-cafe), code 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” is suitable, allowing the use of UTII, simplified tax system, and since 2013 - a patent form of taxation. For all other productions, code 15.8 “Production of others” is applicable. food products" Here, the optimal tax option would be the simplified tax system (6%).
  3. Register with the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds.
  4. Buy a cash register by registering it with the tax office.
  5. It is necessary to draw up a technological project for the bakery by ordering it from the design bureau. If the premises are new and communications have not been established, then additional projects: architectural, water and electricity supply, sewerage. All of them must be agreed upon by Gospozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor technical specifications, Gosexpertiza, and the Architectural and Planning Department. After approval, all documents must be approved by the Department consumer market and services. After completion of construction and installation work, the facility is put into operation. It is accepted by a commission of state representatives. organizations listed above.
  6. Obtain a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor for production.
  7. Obtain a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the product (drawn up based on the results of the examination).
  8. Receive a certificate of conformity from Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology.
  9. Obtain a sanitary passport for the facility
  10. Conclude agreements for facility maintenance (for disinfection of premises, garbage removal, etc.)
  11. Draw up a conclusion from the State Fire Safety Inspectorate on the compliance of the premises with fire safety requirements.
  12. Make sure that each employee has a medical record.

On average, paperwork will cost about 60 thousand rubles.

Calculation of costs for bread production

As an example, we list the starting investments required to open a small bakery of 150 m2, located on the outskirts of Moscow. You will have to do such cost accounting yourself or order it from specialists. A bakery whose business plan is drawn up as competently as possible has a better chance of being competitive and profitable.

Main expense items:

  • rental of premises – 75 thousand rubles. per month;
  • equipment cost – 1.5 million rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture - 30 thousand rubles.
  • costs for registering a company - 60 thousand rubles;
  • drawing up a business plan and bakery project – 60 thousand rubles.
  • utilities – 15 thousand rubles;
  • salary – 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million 940 thousand rubles.

As you can see, opening a turnkey bakery is quite an expensive undertaking and requires considerable investment. The effectiveness of its work will largely depend on the talent of the organizer.

  • Search for premises
  • Registration of activities
  • OKVED code
  • Agreements with suppliers
  • Recruitment
  • Bakery opening
  • How much can you earn
  • Production technology

Organizing a mini-bakery is much easier and cheaper than opening a large bakery. A small enterprise has an advantage over large bakery production due to the possibility of rapid diversification. A mini-bakery can produce unique types of bread and bakery products and thereby follow demand trends and find its buyer. In a highly competitive environment, these are very important advantages.

How to open a mini-bakery? We suggest you consider step by step instructions to open this business in your city.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-bakery

The first step is to find start-up capital to start a business. As sources of funding, in addition to own funds, can be:

  1. Bank loan;
  2. Participation in programs state support entrepreneurship in your region. Today in many regions of our country you can receive free financial assistance from the state to open your own business;
  3. Search for a potential investor based on a well-written business plan.

Search for premises

In accordance with the requirements of the SES, the area of ​​the premises for a mini-bakery must be at least 60 m2. Approximate description of the room:

  1. Flour warehouse with sifting area - 5.0 m²
  2. Raw materials warehouse - 5.5 m²
  3. Raw material preparation room - 2.5 m²
  4. Dough preparation - 10.0 m²
  5. Cutting, shaping and proofing - 9 m²
  6. Washing equipment - 2.5 m²
  7. Corridor – 3.5 m²
  8. Staff quarters – 7.5 m²
  9. Baking shop – 9.0 m²
  10. Cooling and forwarding - 11.0 m²
  11. Tray washing area – 4.0 m²

TOTAL: 73 m²

When renting, the ideal option is municipal premises with a possible purchase in the future. Rent from municipalities is usually an order of magnitude lower than from private individuals. However, there are few such premises left and the best ones are already occupied. For renting objects municipal property you should contact the local administration, or rather the municipal (city) property management committee. They should have a list of objects that they are ready to rent out; maybe it will contain a room that suits your requirements.

In general, the rental price for a 70m2 premises will cost at least 25 thousand rubles.

The location of the mini-bakery is not very important; it can operate successfully both in the city itself and in the suburban area.

Registration of activities

To legally operate a mini-bakery, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship at the local Federal Tax Service. The registration procedure will take 5 working days, the cost of registration is 800 state duty.

OKVED code

When filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the OKVED code corresponding to your type of activity. The most suitable OKVED code for a mini-bakery is 15.81 “Production of bread and flour confectionery products with short shelf life.” It is worth noting that when registering an activity, you can specify several OKVED codes.

Which tax system to choose

As tax systems such specialists can act. regimes such as the simplified tax system, UTII or patent taxation system. When choosing a simplified system (STS), you will pay either 15% of the profit or 6% of the mini-bakery’s revenue. When choosing UTII, the tax amount will depend on the k2 coefficient established by local authorities and the basic profitability this species activities. It is worth noting that after registering an individual entrepreneur, you must write an application within 5 days to switch to a special taxation regime, or you risk remaining on common system taxation. Let us remind you that special regime (STS, UTII or patent) relieves you from paying taxes such as property (real estate) tax, income tax and VAT.

After registering your activities and hiring the first employees in your bakery, you need to register as an employer with extra-budgetary funds - Pension Fund and the social insurance fund. Subsequently, you need to pay insurance contributions for your employees, the amount of which depends on the amount of wages.

What documents are needed to open a mini-bakery?

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production. This document is prepared by Rospotrebnadzor. The procedure is free, you only need to provide the results of the examination;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the product. It is also issued at the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor based on the results of the examination;
  • Certificate of conformity. Issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety requirements.

What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery

After registering your activity and finding a suitable premises, you need to purchase equipment for your mini-bakery. The minimum set of equipment for opening a mini-bakery with a capacity of 50 kg/hour with a range of products - hearth bread (0.7 kg), loaf (0.5 kg), buns (0.15 kg) and other bakery products:

  • Flour sifter;
  • Spiral dough mixer;
  • Electric baking oven;
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • Hearth sheet;
  • Tabletop dough sheeter
  • Dough divider;
  • Cassette of bread forms;
  • Pastry table;
  • Production table;
  • One-piece washing bathtub;
  • Rack;
  • Scales;
  • Ventilation umbrella;
  • Refrigerated cabinet;

The approximate cost of such a set of equipment is about 400 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to invest to open a mini-bakery?

In addition to purchasing equipment from initial costs It is worth including renovation of the premises, connection to utility networks (if there is no connection), installation of a fire safety system, security system, ventilation and purchase of office equipment. In some cases, the cost of opening a mini-bakery can reach 1 million rubles.

Agreements with suppliers

As soon as the mini-bakery premises are ready to start production, you need to take care of what the bakery products will be baked from. To do this, it is necessary to conclude preliminary agreements with suppliers for the supply of raw materials for the mini-bakery. It is necessary to purchase raw materials immediately before starting production.

The main raw material for the production of bread and bakery products is flour. At the same time, only the highest grade of flour is suitable for buns. In addition to baking flour, you will need compressed yeast, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vanillin, stabilizers, food additives, thickeners, etc. In general, the consumption of raw materials depends on the recipe compiled by the bakery technologist.


For the normal functioning of the mini-bakery, you will need to hire the following personnel:

  • Manager (business owner);
  • Bakers (4 people);
  • The technologist is a very important figure in a mini-bakery. The quality and taste characteristics of the products produced depend on its work;
  • Sales representative (sales manager).

An accountant and a cleaner can be hired under a contract paid provision services. Since the work involves food products, each employee (baker) must have a medical record.

Bakery opening

After the bakery starts operating, do not forget to notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities.

How much can you earn

Net earnings from mini-bakeries depend on the location, the region in which production is opened, as well as on the demand for your products. Mini-bakeries can operate as separate enterprises, selling through their own network, or as part of hypermarkets or other establishments. The approximate costs of opening a mini-bakery are about 2.5 million rubles, most of which is based on the purchase of necessary equipment (about 1.2 million rubles), rental of premises and the cost of purchasing raw materials. With sufficient production capacity, the output of finished bakery products will be approximately 700 kilograms of finished products per month. Provided that the entire range is sold, the net income will be 120-150 thousand rubles. The payback of such a business will be at the level of 1.5-2 years.

Do you need permits to open a business?

Since bakeries are institutions Catering, then the list of permits and requirements is quite large. Permits for this type of activity include the following documents:

  1. Production permit issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  3. Certificate of conformity issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  4. Fire safety report issued by the Fire Inspectorate.

According to the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service, premises must be equipped with ventilation, have service (warehouse, bathroom) and household premises, sewerage, as well as cold and hot water.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Bakery business plan (22 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Production technology

The technology for the production of bakery products comes down to three main criteria:

  1. The process of preparing dough.
  2. Cutting dough pieces.
  3. The process of baking products.

The harvesting process includes the kneading stage and the so-called maturation stage. After the dough is ready, it is divided into portions in accordance with the required technological process. Such operations are done manually or using special production machines to speed up and facilitate the procedure. The dough preparation is followed by preliminary and final proofing; this procedure is mandatory for all types of bakery products. Preliminary proofing is the process of giving the required shape, and final proofing is the process of maturing and increasing the volume of finished products, which takes about one hour on average. After all these steps, proceed directly to baking.

A bakery as a business is an opportunity to realize your wildest ideas, so the question arises: how to open your own production, is it profitable or not to bake and sell bread yourself?

The production of bread and bakery products is a process that will always find its consumer. How many famous sayings are dedicated to this hearty and tasty product! People living in the former Soviet Union eat absolutely everything with bread – it’s both tastier and more satisfying.

Fresh bread is quite difficult to find in a big city today. Most people are accustomed to purchasing this product in supermarkets, where its quality does not always meet the necessary requirements. There is no need to talk about the variety of baked goods in such stores - it is unlikely that you will find a fresh, still warm bun with which you can please your family.

A bakery can be found in almost every major city and even small village. Large enterprises cover a vast territory, which is why it is much more difficult for them to comply with all the preferences of their consumers - there is an emphasis on mass production and providing all categories of citizens with bread that is in demand.

At the same time, the profitability is obvious - private production and reaching fewer people will help satisfy the needs of almost everyone, while giving the consumer the right to choose from enough large assortment. Having your own bakery can be a real gift for both a small village and a large city, where people have long missed fresh baked goods.

Relevance and prospects

Bakery is a multifaceted process that requires detailed market research and good advertising. If the quality of your product is high and the store location is convenient, the consumer will make the good advertising– information will be passed on by word of mouth, and a random passerby will not be able to pass by.

Mini-production is profitable because it is much easier for it to adapt to the immediate desires of customers and rebuild its equipment. Baking bread can be just the beginning of a large business - the store should not be limited to only this product.

The key to successful trading will be assortment. Every person wants to pamper themselves not only with simple bread that goes with any dish, but also with original pastries, dietary products and confectionery. In this case, the quantity of baked product will depend on demand.

The bread business will be successful if you have chosen the right premises not only for preparation, but also for selling the product, and provided it necessary equipment and raw materials, and, of course, they found a baker who can be considered a master of his craft.

A creative approach doesn’t hurt - experiment, add something of your own to production, and very soon your brand will become recognizable, and product production will reach a new level.

As a sample you can download it for free.

Starting capital and documents

A bread baking business requires an initial investment - you will have to fork out money for renting premises, purchasing equipment, and wages for employees. All costs will depend on the scale of production you plan. For a small bakery, three hundred thousand rubles can often be enough, but with increased volumes the amount can increase several times.

On initial stage It is important to understand the calculations related to starting production. Home business will require a much smaller amount than a full-fledged bakery. Costs for the year will consist of the following categories:

You can register as individual entrepreneur and open your own enterprise on simplified terms, or you can expand opportunities and create a limited liability company. Planning and expenses are not much different, but each type has its own characteristic features:

  1. A sole proprietor is legally responsible for the operation of the business and will suffer serious financial losses if the costs and profitability of the baking business are high. If the business is profitable, the project is justified.
  2. Registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur occurs without the intervention of lawyers in a short period of time, and a limited liability company requires the services of a lawyer.
  3. as an individual entrepreneur it is much cheaper at the stage of registration and registration of a legal entity.
  4. It is much easier to bake yeast-free bread and any other product and sell it by registering it as an LLC. This way you can easily change your field of activity without limiting your capabilities.
  5. Bakery products produced under the LLC design will receive greater interest from partners.

This makes it much easier for a businessman to deal with the registration and, if desired, liquidate the business.


It is important to collect the following documents:

  • Documents confirming the completion of the examination and establishing compliance with sanitary standards.
  • Certificate of conformity allowing trade in homemade bakery products.
  • Documents received from the fire inspectorate on the fire safety of premises.
  • Permits for the supply and sale of raw materials, products, bread machines, large production equipment.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents immediately after paying the rent, as this will reduce the time before opening the project and will allow you to realize your ideas as soon as possible.

Choosing a direction

In order to decide on the type of activity and correctly calculate your strengths, you need to take care in advance about the direction in which your company will operate.

Today there is a mini-bakery - best option At least because large enterprises have long occupied the niche of such trade. If you have small expenses, you can take your business to a larger scale, but for this you need to develop a project in detail.

If there is a large production of a product in the city, and your plans include baking an analogue, it is unlikely that you will quickly make a good profit and be able to steal a client. In this case, you will have to reduce the cost of the project, reduce the cost of the product and salaries employees.

One of the popular trends is considered to be a mini-bakery, which produces unique products that are very different from those produced by a large brand. For example, baked goods do not have to be sweet - many people use cheese, garlic, and even meat products.

The best option would be to combine a bakery with a cafe or restaurant fast food, where customers can not only buy fresh buns, but also enjoy them in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, the menu should include a complete lunch for all categories of consumers, including small children. Don't forget about dietary products.


Starting even a mini-bakery from scratch is quite difficult, since you will have to do absolutely everything from scratch - look for a suitable space, make repairs in it, carry out the necessary communications and connect equipment.

It is not profitable to set up a small production in a large space - if you have a lot of unused space, you will simply spend extra money on rent. The room must be suitable in size and type.

At the same time, it is worth thinking about household places where employees can spend personal time during lunch, as well as a locker room and a bathroom in which all communications for washing hands and cleaning hair will be carried out.

From a small room, you can make a sale through a small window or a mini-hallway - this way you will save space, but will be able to perform all the functions of the organization, comfortably serving customers. A project with small ovens does not require a large space, but bread from a Russian oven and bread from a tandoor require separate rooms for production.

High-quality equipment, just like good room, the key to the success of your organization. You can purchase it gradually as needed and possible, or you can purchase it all at once. The small bakery project involves the following positions:

Position name approximate cost
1. Bake 800,000 rubles
2. Dough mixer 280,000 rubles
3. Flour sifter 20,000 rubles
4. Pastry table 4000 rubles
5. Electric mixer 4000 rubles
6. Dough proofing equipment 55,000 rubles
7. Dough sheeting machine 40,000 rubles
8. Hood 20,000 rubles
9. Blender 3000 rubles
10. Electric stove 20,000 rubles
Total: 1246000 rubles

It is not recommended to purchase low-quality equipment, as it jeopardizes not only the product, but also fire safety. In addition to the above, you will have to purchase additional furniture, display cases and cash registers to sell products.

Video: how to open a bakery - step-by-step instructions.


The employees of the bakery and the adjacent store are people who will provide the consumer with a tasty and high-quality product, as well as polite service at the time of purchase. At the same time, each employee must know his job well so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. Pay attention to education, work experience and availability of a health certificate.

Note! Without a valid health certificate, specialists are not allowed to work.

Among the key employees that should be in every bakery, the following positions should be present:

  1. Production technologist.
  2. Cleaning woman.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Bakers.
  5. Loader.
  6. Packer (optional).
  7. Driver.
  8. Salesman.

Payback directly depends on both production technology and the type of product produced by a particular enterprise. At the same time, you should not save on advertising and equipment - these are the factors that guarantee you a profit in short time. Payback calculations must be made in advance so as not to lose money; for this it is recommended to hire a qualified specialist.