How to open a successful newspaper business. Your own business: how to open a newsstand Advertising newspaper as a business

The printing business today is experiencing a rapid decline. Any publication pays for itself in 5-7 years on average, and the publisher has to work practically at a loss, investing huge amounts of money on promoting the newspaper or

The lion's share of our society prefers to study online projects rather than read printed materials. Therefore, it is logical that many publishing houses are switching to electronic form their newspapers and magazines.

An online newspaper is electronic version periodicals, which are published and developed on the Internet. They read such a newspaper directly online on its official website.

What are the advantages of running such a business?

Advantages of an online publication

All the advantages of an online newspaper can be divided into the following groups:

Your own newspaper as a business idea - prospects, risks and pitfalls of business are discussed in this video:

Business plan for an online newspaper

The first step is to decide on the main topic of the publication and the audience for which the information will be intended. It is worth carefully analyzing what type of publication will be of interest to resource visitors.

You can write news articles yourself, or use the services of freelance journalists who work for. For a high-quality and interesting e-newspaper, you need exclusive content that will favorably emphasize the uniqueness of the site against the background of other news clones.

If freelancers have been found, you can safely create a staff of employees who will work on a permanent basis. It is imperative to discuss payment terms and material requirements with them.

It is also worth getting technical support, an experienced webmaster, a qualified designer, a photographer and other specialists. They will significantly relieve your schedule, and the freed up time can be used to think about ways to develop the newspaper.

The next step is to decide on the frequency of publication. At first, one or two publications per month will be enough, provided that the news feed is updated regularly. During this time, you can identify and correct the mistakes made, and then increase the frequency of publication.

The main source of income for an online newspaper is the placement of advertising posts, banners and various affiliate programs. You can also make a profit by providing additional services.

These include:

  • publication of paid advertisements;
  • placement of a directory of commercial and government agencies cities and so on.

Online newspaper promotion

To develop the resource and receive additional traffic, news aggregators are used. This is a service that collects and structures news automatically. To do this, you need to register your newspaper on large aggregators on the network, on traffic exchangers. You can also look for sites that share traffic yourself.

How to promote an online newspaper and make it popular?

Another powerful way to popularize an e-newspaper is promotion in and in social networks. You can find out how to create a group for the online newspaper VKontakte

Almost everyone is serious now electronic publications have their own account on Facebook and Twitter. These two resources are considered the best in terms of increasing traffic and popularizing the project.

Cost and profitability

Depending on how much work you do yourself, the starting capital of the project will depend. Option one: you create and layout a newspaper yourself, write articles or collaborate with freelancers - the starting capital will be minimal, about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Option two: you hire a full-fledged staff, which includes designers, photographers, layout designers, and journalists. In this case you will have to spend:

  • for design 20 thousand rubles;
  • for layout 25 thousand rubles;
  • writing articles 20 thousand rubles per issue;
  • newspaper advertising 30 thousand rubles;
  • payment for photographer services is 20 thousand rubles.

You can also add rent for an office to the list of expenses, which may be needed if the newspaper employs a full-fledged staff. Thus, about 20-30 thousand rubles should be added to the initial cost.

total amount capital will be more than 100 thousand rubles. The amount of this amount depends on the number of pages, content, frequency and much more.

The profitability of the project also depends on many factors - the number of provided paid services, number of subscribers, etc. For example, if more than 1,000 readers subscribe to an online newspaper, then you can calculate a stable income of more than 90 thousand rubles per month.

Creating an online newspaper is a fairly profitable direction. The secret to success in this case is a competent approach to and careful consideration of each point of this plan.

The topic should be in demand, the design should be interesting and attractive, the information should be updated regularly, and using the site should not be confusing or difficult for the reader. You need to take into account the interests of subscribers and constantly work on the development and promotion of your project.

You can learn how to work with an online newspaper in the following video:

The payback period is 12 months.

The initial investment will be equal to 2 840 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 4 month of work.

Monthly net profit - RUB 300,000.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

A critically important stage in the implementation of the project provided for in this business plan is right choice ways legal registration newspaper publishing as a business.

Such registration has two constituent processes.

The first point is related to the registration of a newspaper publishing house as a commercial business, stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is expected to opt for registering a publishing house in the LLC format. There are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, the LLC status is most suitable for a newspaper whose main target audience is the class of people belonging to the most active part of the population - these are entrepreneurs, creative and scientific intelligentsia, young professionals, as well as citizens with a certain material income.
  • Secondly, having legal form"LLC", the newspaper publishing house has the opportunity to more effectively interact with various government and municipal structures interested in placing any materials on the pages of the newspaper, participate in various municipal or government programs support for regional media.
  • Thirdly, with the help of the authorized capital of LLC, its shares, it is possible to attract various investors to finance the newspaper project, which is very difficult to implement, having only the status of an individual entrepreneur.

As for the LLC registration procedure itself, it has standard view. Registration can be completed independently - by submitting an application and relevant documents (charter, minutes of the constituent meeting, etc.) to the Federal Tax Service. This can also be done by using the services of companies specializing in business registration, legal companies. The optimal registration period is approximately 30 days. The total amount of expenses required to complete the entire registration process is about 30–50 thousand rubles.

When submitting an application, you must also indicate the relevant OKVED codes which include:

  • 58.1 “Publishing books, periodicals and other types of publishing activities.”
  • 58.13.1 “Publishing newspapers in printed form.”

In addition to general scheme registration, a contract or agreement is required with the printing house, with the help of which the newspaper circulation will be printed.

The second part of the legal registration of the newspaper is to obtain the appropriate permission from government agencies, namely from the Roskomnadzor service (its full name is federal Service for supervision of compliance with legislation in the field of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage).

Registration of such a permit (in fact, it is a license for publishing activities) is mandatory for all print media whose monthly circulation exceeds the established limit of 1000 copies. This norm is established by Federal Law No. 2124-1 “On means mass media» dated December 27, 1991 (current edition dated July 2, 2013).

It should be especially noted here that violation of this legislative norm is punishable by a fine of 1,000 to 30,000 rubles. in accordance with the norms of Article 13.21 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

To undergo such registration in the regional divisions of Roskomnadzor, the following documents are required:

  • receipt of payment of state duty, minimum size which is 500 rubles;
  • copies of passports of the newspaper founders certified by a notary;
  • certified copy constituent documents"LLC" - Charter, certificate of state registration, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, tax certificate.
  • For the same procedure for registering a newspaper website, you will need a domain name registration certificate.

Based on Russian practice, the process of obtaining a license to create a print media outlet through Roskomnadzor can take at least 1-2 months.

In addition to the required forms for registering a newspaper publication, lease agreements will be required. office space editorial office, contacts with distributors (for example, FSUE Russian Post or local retail network newsstands).

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

In the small business environment there are many areas that are available to entrepreneurs even with a very modest starting capital. This includes opening your own newsstand. They belong to such retail outlets that are easy to locate, which always have their own consumers, and whose goods are always in demand. Therefore, this type of undertaking is worth considering if you want to start your own business with something small. It’s worth noting right away that one newsstand will not bring in a lot of profit; usually entrepreneurs strive to constantly expand their network, open some other establishments in addition to newsstands (for example, tobacco stalls, pavilions), but just try their strengths and capabilities at one kiosk is possible.

Of course, competition in such an endeavor is very high; in almost every city there are kiosks selling newspapers. However, it is worth noting that newsstands, like tobacco pavilions or grocery stores, should be everywhere, so if there are no competitors in the area of ​​​​work, you can begin to act. In markets and crowded places, several of these can even coexist. retail outlets, so initially you need to consider all options at once. Also, a newsstand can operate in different formats, it can be a simple stall that sells only newspapers published daily, or a relatively large store where you can find a variety of printed publications, for example, expensive magazines and even books, teaching aids, textbooks. Although this is a slightly different type of business, they are often combined, because in the end it is possible to achieve much better profitability indicators. A newsstand business can be relevant even in small towns, and if there are no competitors in the market yet, then there is every chance of starting to make good money, only if it is not a remote village, of course.

To get started you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity, here it is easiest to register as an individual entrepreneur, because it will not require a lot of time, effort and money from the businessman; registration generally rarely takes more than a month, although usually it is a week. The situation is somewhat more complicated if there is a need to register a legal entity, in this case only authorized capital there must be a minimum of 10 thousand rubles, plus it is necessary to allocate funds for the registration itself, and the procedure itself is delayed for a longer period compared to registration individual entrepreneur. Among legal entities the preferred form is a limited liability company, because such a legal entity, like an individual entrepreneur, has access to a simplified taxation system, which is no more than 6% of taxes on income or 15% of operating profit. The activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 47.62 Services for retail trade newspapers and stationery in specialized stores.

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The next stage is finding a room for your work. It is not always the case that a kiosk or pavilion is purchased for this purpose, although this is economically the most advantageous choice. But newspapers and all related products can be sold even in a small store. The kiosk allows you to use mobile premises, which can be moved to a new location if necessary. At the same time, a kiosk is a very small room that is convenient to place, which is inexpensive and at the same time convenient in its operation. The simplest option is a kiosk of several square meters, which has space for only one person and a small amount of products sold; these can be purchased for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles. You can also rent a kiosk, and you can find offers for renting kiosks already in a good location, so no additional approvals from municipal services about setting up your own outlet. There are also big ones mobile stores– pavilions that already have a retail space, that is, a person has the opportunity to enter the premises and get acquainted with the products on offer. But in this case, it is advisable to trade not only the daily printed press, but also some more expensive printed publications - large glossy publications, textbooks and inexpensive popular books, as well as a variety of stationery (fortunately, encoding allows you to trade these products). Finally, you can rent space in a regular building; the rental price depends on many factors, including the city of work and the location in it. You can also find a small place in shopping complex, while the entrepreneur will be spared the need to maintain his premises - supply electricity, heating, and provide security.

In any case, the format of work depends on the available Money Also, if you have sufficient capital, it makes sense to think about purchasing a premises, kiosk or pavilion as your own. The cost of one square meter of pavilion is on average 15 thousand rubles; the premises can cost several hundred thousand or even more than a million. Renting a kiosk or pavilion rarely exceeds 10 thousand rubles (the average price tag is 5 thousand), renting a room for 10 square meters will cost about 15-20 thousand rubles, in small cities - an order of magnitude cheaper, in megacities - an order of magnitude more expensive. The possible bureaucratic red tape in the case of purchasing or even renting a kiosk deserves special mention if its owner has not agreed on the location with municipal authorities or the entrepreneur needs to move the kiosk to, in his opinion, a more advantageous location. You will have to visit the administration in order to obtain permission to install your kiosk, because in most cases it is advisable to install kiosks on state territory; There are places on the markets that belong to private individuals, and then you need to negotiate with the direct owners. Public services can allocate a place for free, but here you need to be prepared for the fact that there may be requirements for moving the kiosk due to any circumstances.

Equipping a kiosk for work is quite simple; usually they immediately have autonomous heating and electricity, although sometimes you need to take care of this issue. The store will cost a little more to set up, because you will have to buy shelves, display cases, furniture and equipment. It is also worth thinking about the external design of your kiosk, this is necessary to attract customers, you can also put signs in the area, however, in most cases, a newsstand operates in the same way as a regular grocery store, that is, it has customers from among people just passing by by. However, invest in appearance the outlet will have to pay a certain amount. In general, these expenses cannot be called large; in some cases, product suppliers may offer some kind of advertising or information posters that can diversify the appearance.

Especially important question– location of the kiosk. The success of the entire endeavor depends on this. The best place is in the markets, where there are always a lot of people, excellent traffic and enough potential clients. If you place a kiosk at the entrance or exit, you can almost immediately ensure yourself large sales. As already noted, in order to be located on the market, you need to find the owners of this market and come to an agreement with them, but almost certainly there are already competitors in the best places, so the likelihood of finding your “place in the sun” is extremely small. It is not advisable to locate your kiosk in close proximity to an already operating competitor; a certain percentage of customers will still be the same, but they will make purchases at a competitive outlet much more often regular customers- residents of nearby houses.

Ready ideas for your business

The kiosk can be placed in almost any area of ​​the city; small markets, stops and similar all the time mass places in residential areas are good. IN central regions You can even put up a kiosk just at a bus stop or even near the road, there will always be enough buyers. But it’s not worth placing it right in the middle of a residential area - only residents of the surrounding houses will be buyers, for whom it is convenient to go downstairs for the latest newspapers; everyone else will not go deeper into the courtyards. Still very good places At train stations and stations, people setting out on a journey often buy not only the latest newspapers, but also simple paperback books that are not burdened with a deep meaning, so the goods will sell out quite quickly. You can also think about opening a kiosk near a school or even a university, but only in this case the products of category A will be stationery. However, in this case, it is more advisable to open a full-fledged stationery store with the ability to print, if no one has opened a similar outlet yet - it will be an order of magnitude more profitable.

The newsstand sells more than just the latest newspapers. Typically, newspapers rarely wait for their buyer for several days (if we are talking about daily publications, of course), people are interested in today's newspaper. Therefore, you need to expect that some percentage of such goods will eventually be scrapped. Some kiosks offer big discounts on old issues, but this is only relevant for more expensive printed publications - glossy magazines, for example, which are published once a month, and can be on the kiosk for almost six months, the last five months - at a bargain price. All sorts of newspapers from the “jokes”, “scanwords” and other “crosswords” sections may lie around for a long time; usually they are taken without looking at the release date. Cheap books from the “Mortal Murder” category are sold out for a relatively long time and are usually in demand at train stations; few people buy such products in the city, and connoisseurs of such reading matter go to bookstores that do not hesitate to display this non-literature on their shelves. Among the office supplies, the best sellers are cheap pens and pencils, rulers and erasers; for more specific products, they again go to specialized stores.

Ready ideas for your business

In general, in any newsstand the assortment will be the same, but depending on the location, the priority for one or another product may change, because somewhere they will buy books and ballpoint pens, and not the newspapers themselves. An entrepreneur, after working for several months, will know perfectly well what to buy and in what quantities. ABC analysis to help.

Stationery and books can be purchased from the appropriate wholesalers; in any large city there are organizations that supply such products. To start selling newspapers, you need to find out if there is a representative office in the city. Any major publishing house has its offices in big cities, so if you have questions about cooperation, you should contact them there. The situation is somewhat different with the local press, which can be bought directly from the printing house, while you also need to negotiate sales with the publisher, but the products themselves will have to be received from the place where the newspapers are printed. Not so popular newspapers and magazines (which include all kinds of Sudoku with jokes) are usually sold by certain wholesalers who also cooperate with big amount such publishing houses, you can often find a company that is a representative of several publishing houses at once. It cannot be said that wholesale newspapers, especially newspapers that are cheap in themselves, are much more profitable than retail ones, but here everything is decided by the volume of sales.

It should also be noted that one single kiosk can only be the beginning of an entrepreneurial journey, but in no way will it become a source of decent income. There may well be a situation where one kiosk brings in 5-10 thousand rubles of net profit per month (or even less), which, of course, forces a businessman to open several similar outlets at once. Developed networks have several dozen kiosks, as well as several more large stores, usually entrepreneurs expect to open 10-15 kiosks at once, although at first this may require too much investment. However, the more kiosks there are, the lower the risk of going bankrupt in general, because by analyzing the work of all the kiosks, you can understand where it is most profitable to place them, what to sell and in what format to work. And then move the unprofitable kiosks to a new location and strengthen the position of the successful ones.

A very large expense item (relative to others) will be payment wages employees. A minimum of 2 people are required per kiosk, although some entrepreneurs set a five-day working week with an eight-hour working day and thus can only afford to hire one salesperson. The outlet in this case is usually open from Tuesday to Saturday. If the work schedule is different, for example, daily, then employees will be needed in shifts. The entrepreneur himself can work one of the shifts, but if he opens large network in any case, a lot of people will be needed. At the same time, all business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making should be outsourced.

Ready ideas for your business

It is believed that at present it is futile to open your own newsstand, and to some extent this is true, because the main consumers are somewhat conservative sections of the population. Today it is much easier to draw up-to-date information from the Internet, ardent press fans usually pay for an annual subscription, which is much cheaper for them. Indeed, newspapers are now being bought to a much lesser extent than even a few years ago, but those who have abandoned them are precisely those who simply want to find out last news. For many, the newspaper is already a familiar part of life, which they will not give up. Perhaps in the future newsstands will indeed become obsolete, but to know for sure we need to conduct a full-scale marketing research. However, for quite some time this business, although it will not flourish, will still survive without any serious crises. It has its own consumer. It may take more than one generation before all newspapers stop publishing printed materials and switch entirely to the Internet. Moreover, some types of products cannot exist other than in their natural form, this applies to various kits for collecting models, collector's editions with attachments, and the like. We also must not forget about the rest of the products that are sold in kiosks; they certainly cannot always be found on the Internet.

Thus, opening your own newsstand is only the beginning of a long journey; in order to earn good money, you need to maintain a considerable number of outlets. A newsstand can become an extension of its already existing business in related fields, can become a starting point for something larger, but such a business does not have too many risks (because investments are usually small). The press is always needed, and if you choose the right location, you can achieve success. At the same time, there are many prospects here, and a small kiosk may eventually turn into a book or stationery store.

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Today almost every second person would like to open their own business. Working for yourself, receiving not only benefits, but also pleasure from your efforts - isn’t this the ultimate dream? Another question: “What kind of business will it be?” Is a newspaper as a business entity a good idea?

Who needs it?

This question can often be heard today. Indeed, all information has moved to the Internet, and radio and television are trying to replace all media. It seems no one reads newspapers anymore. But here’s the paradox: this source of information not only does not die, but is also gaining momentum. Every day the periodicals are replenished with new titles.

This means that the newspaper is still needed, if not by the reader, then by the publisher who is about to establish his newspaper business. Either a journalist who considers himself capable of releasing his own product, or an entrepreneur who is attracted by the idea of ​​​​becoming not an ordinary store or taxi company owner, but also a media mogul, is thinking about his own publication. And both have little idea how troublesome this newspaper business is.

Where to start

You need to start with the concept of the newspaper: what direction it will have - departmental, entertainment, socio-political or advertising, what audience it is intended for, what is the expected circulation. Having decided on these points, you need to send documents for registration to the regional branch of Rossvyazohrankultura. If there are no complaints about the execution of documents, the content of the charter and the name of the publication, the license will be received within a month.

While waiting for a response from RSOC, you can solve many problems: draw up a business plan for the newspaper, find and equip an editorial office, recruit staff, prepare materials for the first issue, study the conditions of all geographically available printing houses and choose the one with which it is best to work. By the way, a circulation of up to 999 copies is allowed to be issued without registration, so a trial number can be launched without problems, at the same time studying the demand and making advertising.

How to fill out a newspaper

It's a question of questions. When starting to publish a newspaper, many people make the same mistake. Even a professional journalist who thinks of writing all the materials on his own will very soon become exhausted. And the entrepreneur naively believes that it is very easy to find and recruit talented newspaper writers; in fact, there are very few who write well. And therefore one of the most difficult moments is the selection of employees.

It must also be said that most new newspapers do not survive to the age of one year and are closed. The main reason Bankruptcy is caused by the inability of publishers to determine their target audience and relevant topics. For a newspaper to arouse interest, it must work not for everyone, but for a certain category of readers - the intelligentsia, youth, peasants, housewives, and so on. It is much easier to decide on the content of an advertising publication.

Hopes and reality

Most newspapers are focused on advertising content. Moreover, inexperienced owners of print publications and editors-in-chief are confident that advertising income will cover all expenses and even make a profit. Unfortunately, such rosy hopes are rarely justified.

A newspaper as a business can only generate income if it is already well promoted and a queue of advertisers is lining up at its office. But a newly launched publication must go through a difficult path from obscurity to fame and at the same time suffer losses, continuing to publish issue after issue only thanks to the stubbornness of the founders, their ineradicable ambition, and perhaps the availability of free money.

From the experience of those who swung at glossy magazine, it is known that the very first issue can be successful - the curiosity of buyers will be triggered, then an inevitable decline will come, and the first 18 issues will have to be released at a loss. If you survive this period, then you can count on an upswing. The situation is approximately the same with a newspaper, only the count here will not be based on the number of issues, but on time, and it is at least a year. During this period, many simply close down, but there are also those who overcome the dangerous threshold, and then, in fact, the media business begins.

Newspaper advertising: how to make it

It is a mistake to think that you can indiscriminately put anything you can into a commercial newspaper. In this case, you can get a banal bulletin board. And for a full-fledged printed publication, a meaningful and clear business plan for the newspaper is required, which will describe:

  • circulation;
  • number of lanes;
  • sections;
  • thematic pages;
  • prices for all types of advertising - banner and photo advertising, announcements, etc.;
  • periodicity;
  • printing and other expenses, including office maintenance and employee salaries.

Even such a broad area as advertising has its own priorities. And with great competition, several main topics will always be in demand: sale and exchange of real estate, work, car sales. Each direction has the right to have a separate newspaper. But you can also place them in one newspaper under separate headings - this will help attract the attention of buyers and promote your business.

A newspaper can be considered successful only when advertisers do not need to be “promoted”, and they themselves cooperate with the publication. However, this is already from the realm of fantasy: advertising agents Even the most serious publications are forced to work without putting down the phone.

In this material:

In order to find out how to open your own newspaper, you need to clearly understand the degree of riskiness of this business. There are many newspapers, each of them occupies its own niche, which will be maintained by all available means.

The arrival of a new publication will increase the intensity of competition and force us to look for new forms of manifestation. So, when you decide to open your own newspaper, you should be prepared for hard work, constant research and a lot of risk.

Where is the best place to start?

If you have capital, faith in victory and an idea of ​​how the newspaper publishing system works, then you need to start by developing your concept. You must have a clear idea of ​​what you, the readers and, of course, the advertisers need.

These three components must form a clear model for the new publication, which must be different from other newspapers, otherwise your venture is unlikely to be successful. The following options are possible:

  1. Versatility. The wider the topic of a newspaper, the more readers it has. However, there are many such newspapers, their names are already known to everyone, but you still have to declare yourself. Such competition can only be overcome with special design, good marketing and active advertising.
  2. Specificity. When the market is full, you often have to occupy small niches target audience. This approach will allow you to quickly find your reader and buyer, but the newspaper's circulation will never be large.
  3. Pragmatism. This is a publication based entirely on commercial information, that is, on advertising and announcements. Such a publication can hardly be called a newspaper, because it does not contain the main element - journalism. The target audience is not permanent, but it will always be there. If you are satisfied with the complete lack of creativity, then you can start with such a sheet where people are looking for each other in order to sell, buy something or get the necessary information. However, for such a newspaper to be successful, it will have to overcome competition from existing media. After all, advertisers prefer well-known publications.
  4. Personal sympathies of the founder of the media. It is quite possible that you need a newspaper to achieve your personal political, commercial or creative goals. In this case, we can assume that there is a general idea of ​​the content and target audience; all that remains is to work on the commercial side of opening a new newspaper.

These approaches to ideas about your newspaper are separated, of course, conditionally. On practice New Newspaper can combine all four options. Moreover, their gradual flow from one form to another is possible. For example, for commercial promotion you can start with pure pragmatism. As profits are generated, other information may appear in the newspaper, for example, news, analytical reviews, crosswords, humor, lyrics. Gradually, the newspaper will acquire its own audience and grow with photographs, reports and political material. A newspaper can be considered successful if it is picked up not so much for advertisements and advertisements, but in order to read it from the first to the last page.

What to do next

After the concept has acquired the character of a clear model and the founder knows with whom he will have to develop a new business, the natural question arises of how to open a newspaper. This phrase usually refers to the formal side of the matter.

There are several options here too. It all depends on the planned scale of activity. If you want to start small, for example, with an advertisement newspaper with a circulation of 300-500 copies, then it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. Moreover, to begin with it is better to choose the patent system: it is simpler and more understandable. There is one more undoubted advantage - a patent is granted for a certain period. If the case fails, then everything will end with the end of his term.

Registration of the newspaper with the authorities Federal agency on Press and Mass Communications is mandatory only if its circulation exceeds 1000 copies.

This is already a serious and complex production with a large staff, so the status of an individual entrepreneur will not get by here; others are needed organizational forms, where the founder can be either an individual or a legal entity.

Organizational problems of the initial stage

You can make your first leaflet with advertisements yourself, but if you are going to publish a full-fledged newspaper, you cannot do it without a staff. Moreover, it is necessary to create a printing base.

Initially, this may be an agreement with a printing house for the provision of printing services. If these services are inexpensive and of high quality, then the problems of selecting specialists in the field will remain:

  • design of printed products;
  • programming;
  • journalism;
  • text editing;
  • marketing.

In addition, the issue of product sales will become acute. It can be solved through subscription, with the help of sellers on the street and at various points. If you decide to start by publishing a free newspaper with advertisements, you will need couriers to deliver the newspaper door to door.

On initial stage there is no need to talk about a subscription. Firstly, now this system is in decline, and secondly, no one will subscribe to a new, unknown publication. The most in a real way The distribution of newspapers at the initial stage is street trading.

Nowadays the most the best option promotion of new media is the Internet, so immediately after the official registration of the organization publishing the newspaper, you need to open a website dedicated to it. Having become accustomed to the appearance of the publication in in electronic format, people will begin to pay attention to the printed version.

People's attitude towards newspaper business dual. Some consider it a hopeless cause, because according to statistics, 9 out of 10 new media outlets close within a year. Others believe that starting this business and making a profit is possible and not that difficult. Apparently, in order to understand who is right, you need to try it yourself.

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Newspaper “From Hand to Hand”: · the first newspaper of advertisements in Russia (since 1992) · the most popular newspaper of advertisements in the regions · more than 100 regional offices· circulation 1.6 million copies · high level trust in the regions The newspaper dates back to January 1992, when the “zero” issue was published. Title "From Hand to...

Investments: 350,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

The Autodevice network is a retail and online sale of automotive electronics. For our clients and partners, we strive to separate the wheat from the chaff and choose from a countless variety of auto accessories truly interesting devices in all price ranges. The basis of our assortment consists of DVRs, radar detectors and navigators, which enjoy inexhaustible consumer interest and are designed for any age and budget. Total range...

Investments: from 100,000 rub.

The network of Real Estate Agencies "EXPERT" provides clients with all types of real estate services and promotes high quality customer service in their offices. The Company has Standards professional activity, which all offices working using the same technology and uniform forms of contracts and internal documents are required to comply with. With the help of the services provided by EXPERT real estate agencies, you can buy, rent, sell, rent,…

Investments: 500,000 - 5,000,000 rubles.

The Robin Sdobin group of companies invites you to become a partner in the regions of Russia. The company "Robin Sdobin" operates in the market Catering since 2000, starting its activities with the opening of a fast food cafe in the city of Voronezh. This direction in the field of public catering became a novelty for the city, and therefore, the decision was made to open in 2001...

Investments: 1,500,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.

In 2002, the first Kroshka Ru center opened in St. Petersburg. Our motto became the phrase: “a smart child learns by joking.” The children in Little Ru are not just students. They, and researchers, and actors, and artists - classes, festivals, holidays, fun competitions Help each child express their individuality. By 2009 we had opened 4 own Center and developed...