How to write a letter to the university. How to write a motivation letter for university: a practical guide. How to write a motivation letter for admission to a foreign university

For best result it is advisable to imagine that communication occurs with best friend, who is told all the delights of studying abroad.

  • After listening to the recording, it will become clear what theses will form the basis of the essay.
  • Correct structure of the text A motivation letter, like all statements, should consist of three blocks: introductory, main and final description. The first part of the essay provides specific information about the author's academic life. The place of study, practice, name is indicated here master's program, the purpose of studying in this specialty and why this profile is attractive to you. The main block is motivational. Description of a university program that can provide the necessary skills in a specific field of activity, thanks to which the applicant will be able to achieve the goals described in the introductory part.

Motivation letter to the university

Phrases that can be used in the body of the letter:

  • I am particularly interested in this job, as... - I am interested in getting this job, as...
  • I would like to work for you, in order to... - I would like to work in your company
  • My strengths are... – My strengths
  • I would say that my only weakness / weaknesses are… . But I am looking to improve in this / these area/s. - I can say that my only weak side is... But I'm working on it
  • I would be well suited to the position because... - I consider myself a suitable candidate for this vacancy because
  • My area of ​​expertise is... – I specialize in
  • Even under pressure I can maintain high standards.

Motivation letter: example, sample


After graduating from school, I had a desire to get an education in the economic field and enter one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. Since childhood, I have loved to read. At the age of 10, the completely non-children’s book “The Financier” fell into my hands quite by accident, and to the surprise of my parents, I did not let it go. Back then I couldn’t even imagine that this book would have such an impact on my views and dreams.

2. Justification of interest in a particular discipline or specialty The next part of the motivation letter should contain a clear justification for the choice of this area of ​​study. It can contain both a description of your previous experience and indicate your desired professional prospects in the future. I would really like to get an education in economics at Charles University.

Motivation letter


How will studying at this university allow you to develop in the future? The acquisition of this specialty will continue what you have already started? Correct text structure So, let's divide your motivation letter for studying abroad into three blocks: introduction, main block and conclusion. The first describes the author's academic life, where he studied, practiced, his goals, profile. The main block is short description the author's motivation for studying at this university.

Finally, indicate your planned place of work and the country where you would like to apply your knowledge. How to write a motivation letter for admission to a foreign university First, answer the previously written questions orally. Record all your ideas on a voice recorder. Then write down all your ideas for visualization.
Then you can break them down point by point. Paragraph 1.

An example of a motivation letter for studying abroad - in Russian for a master's degree

    The introduction is the part of the letter that should make the reader read your letter. Make it interesting: use quotes, a description of a life event, an unusual fact.

  • The conclusion is an equally important part of the letter. The conclusion should leave a positive impression of what you read.

    In conclusion, there is no need to summarize each paragraph, but you can present the problems proposed in the letter from a different angle, connect them with more global problems or describe your goals and motivation more fully.

  • Edit the letter in several stages. First, just write the text, after a day or two you should read it, and later, proofread it in detail for grammatical and spelling errors.

How to write a motivation letter for studying abroad.

You should pay special attention to writing a motivation letter to a university. Despite the fact that writing a motivation letter is a creative process, there are a number of principles and unspoken rules for writing it. A well-written motivation letter can be a decisive factor in admission to a particular university in the Czech Republic.


Below are samples of a motivation letter and tips for writing it: 1. Biographical facts You should start your motivation letter with facts from your personal biography. A personal story, like nothing else, can show your sincerity when writing a motivation letter.

My own experience gives the letter emotionality and sincerity. (Full name, place of birth, education received, social experience.) Example: Good afternoon, My name is Olga Ivanova, I was born in Russia, in the city of Moscow.
To order a motivation letter, click on “ORDER A MOTIVATION LETTER” and fill out the form. After receiving your application, we will immediately contact you and inform you of the cost of the service and possible payment methods. As a rule, applicants associate admission to Russian universities with writing various types tests, memorizing answers to questions in various subjects, interviews with members of the admissions committee.
However, there are completely different admission criteria for admission to foreign universities. In foreign universities, the emphasis is on checking the depth of knowledge of the applicant and his professional suitability. The level of proficiency in foreign languages ​​and the degree of motivation are assessed.

In addition to the basic documents required for admission, most Czech universities require applicants to write a well-written motivation letter in Czech.

Sample motivation letter for studying in Russian

In most cases, a properly formatted motivation letter is 50% of the way to getting into your dream university. That is why you should not take its writing lightly. A motivation letter is a 1-2 page essay in which the candidate describes his interests (academic), experience, goals, life position and achievements. A motivation letter can tell you a lot about the author:

  • firstly, the selection committee will be able to get an idea of ​​the candidate’s personality, his ability to think critically, and analyze the situation
  • secondly, about the candidate’s ability to logically, coherently and grammatically correctly express his thoughts in writing

Agree, based on the letter, you can draw certain conclusions about a candidate who dreams of a diploma from a world-famous university - that’s why you need to write a motivation letter.
But practice shows the opposite: nine out of 10 people, when planning to write a self-presentation, are faced with the problem: what to present and where to start? Experts who help students write a motivation letter for graduate school offer several tricks that help start the process:

  1. Ask questions: “Why do I need to study abroad for a master’s degree?”; “Why do I want to become a student at a particular university?”; “Why do I need the chosen specialty?” and “What will completing a master’s degree give me?”
  2. The listed questions should be spoken out loud and answered orally, while trying to record the entire speech on a voice recorder.

The most common mistakes when translating a motivation letter into English are the coordination of tenses in complex sentences, incorrect word order (translation requires restructuring of the sentence), misuse the only and plural during translation. This is not a complete list of possible mistakes when translating a motivation letter into English. Therefore, it is better to improve your Writing skills with the help of quality resources and advice - and write a motivation letter in English. Sample motivation letter for English language can help you craft your own letter. You can find examples of motivation letters in English on the portal

This is just a visual, small hint for the author. Editing Be as careful as possible when editing your finished essay. Any mistake will be considered as negligence in writing the letter.

Proofreading the text and its final revision may take several days. Do not waste your time, perhaps this will be a decisive plus in your favor. Editing is carried out step by step. 1. Checking the document for integrity; 2. Checking for the presence of a logical connection between all blocks of the letter; 3. A minimum of adjectives that express excessive emotions; 4. The motivation letter should not be too long; two A4 pages will be enough; 5. Unified style of text in the letter; 6. Text checking by a professional in English.
In the Western world the question alternative sources energy is given much more attention than in Russia, unfortunately, so I expect to make a tangible contribution to the development of this sector in my home country. To achieve my goal, I plan to build a career in world leading companies in the energy sector: Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil or British Petroleum. It seems to me that the most suitable option is to start working in a team of internal consultants: this way I can gain comprehensive experience, learn all the functions and features of this business. My interest in this topic and determination will help me in a few years to lead this team and stimulate the development of alternative energy sources in Russia.

  1. The letter must be individualized for each individual situation.
  2. It is impossible to write one motivation letter for several educational institutions. The emphasis in it should change depending on which university and program you are writing it for.

  3. Find out the requirements for a motivation letter for a specific university
  4. There is no standard form of motivation letter. The maximum volume is limited to 500-1000 words. The generally accepted structure: introduction, main part, conclusion. But the requirements of a particular university for a motivation letter should be clarified with the admissions committee or with a consultant for foreign education in Russia.

  5. Be unconventional
  6. There is no need to use template phrases. You can use samples of motivation letters, but only in order to understand the logic of composing the text. A motivation letter to a university should reflect your educational and professional experience, your beliefs and achievements.

  7. Do not forget about the logic of presenting information
  8. Although you need to pack a lot of information into a relatively small text, remember that it should not be a list of facts about you. This should be a consistent presentation.

  9. Have someone read your motivation letter
  10. At a minimum - to someone who owns foreign language so that it checks for errors in the text. No matter how well you speak the language, you can miss them, because the author usually reads his text from memory and simply does not see typing errors. Ideally, it is better to show the motivation letter to a professional consultant. He will tell you what to change in the structure of the text, where to add specifics, change the description, etc. And, besides, a specialist who has seen hundreds of motivation letters can easily find standard, template and therefore meaningless phrases in the text.

What to include in a motivation letter

This list is not a structure for writing, but a list of questions that will help you decide what to write about.

Why did you choose this course?

  • Why are you interested in this area?
  • What influenced your choice?
  • Are there specific people who influenced your choice?
  • What did you do to learn more about this course?

How does your education relate to your chosen field?

  • Do you have knowledge of the subject acquired during previous studies, training scientific work or project?
  • What was your performance in this area?
  • Have you received any scholarships?
  • Do you have the skills that will be needed in your chosen program?

What non-academic experience do you have relevant to your chosen major?

  • Do you have any professional or volunteer experience in this area?
  • Do you have a personal interest in this subject and how did it come about?
  • Do you have hobbies, do you attend extracurricular activities that are related to your chosen specialty? (for example, work in a student newspaper for applicants to journalism)

What personal qualities would you like to highlight?

The list of qualities to mention depends on the chosen field. It is important not just to list qualities, but to provide evidence. Support them with facts: participation in research projects, publications in scientific literature, victories in professional competitions, startups, volunteer activities.

There are also universal qualities that are valued in students of postgraduate programs. Among them:

  • Ability to work independently
  • Communication skills - oral and written
  • Punctuality
  • Ability to manage your time
  • Determination and Perseverance

Why did you choose this particular university?

  • Are there any specific teachers you would like to work with?
  • Do they specialize in the areas that interest you?
  • What appeals to you about the course structure?
  • What do you think sets this university apart from others? (outstanding research, quality of teaching, internships at international companies, etc.)

Important: do not repeat here what you read on the university website

What are your career goals?

It is not necessary to have step by step plan. But it's important to show that you have a vision for your future career and understand how taking the course will advance you in achieving those goals.

The main problems of motivation letters

The British Cornell University Career Service has published a list of typical problems with weak motivation letters:

  • Melodramatic or self-righteous statements
  • Blurry, abstract phrases
  • Listed Achievements
  • Use of jargon
  • Spelling and grammatical errors
  • Complex long sentences


Don't start writing your motivation letter right away. This is the document that will speak about you as a person, so think about its contents carefully before you sit down at your desk and pick up paper and pen. Spend one or two days on this.

Having mentally imagined and even felt the style and content of your future letter, start writing it. Start with a story about yourself: write who you are, what is important and valuable in your life, what are your main qualities. Tell us about your successes in studies and other activities. Try to be brief, but at the same time express the idea completely. For example, write not only “I consider myself persistent and purposeful,” but illustrate this idea with a clear example, tell the selection committee about a specific case in your practice.

Tell us why you chose this particular one, how you came to this, what exactly you like about it. Here you can that since childhood you have felt a craving, for example, for or. Do not be shy to show a personal attitude to the subject, because it is important for the receiving party to understand that you are not a random person and, in a sense, are passionate about coming into contact with this branch of knowledge.

Write why you want to go to this particular university, what are its features and advantages over other universities, and what specifically makes this place stand out for you. This could also be the teaching staff, in which case name a few names with whom you would like to work. Indicate possible prospects for your studies; perhaps it will be work in unique research centers that do not exist at other educational institutions.

Define your professional and personal goals, tell us how they intersect with this education. Simply put, write down what you want to achieve in your chosen industry, where you see yourself in the future and what you want to do both during and after your studies. Teaching Staff should see in you a promising young man who will not just serve five or six years at a desk and disappear, but will become a highly qualified specialist and, perhaps, make important discoveries.

Re-read your letter. Think about whether it is too long or, conversely, dry and crumpled. Don’t forget that teachers read up to 100 such letters a day, so yours should stand out, not be overwhelming, but catchy. Make sure your presentation style is light.

Evaluate the letter for integrity and logic, try to understand whether it speaks specifically about you, whether your personality is reflected in this story. Re-read and edit your letter over a period of time, such as two weeks or a month, until you realize that “this is it.” Feel complete agreement and unity with this text and only then send it along with other documents to the university.

This section discusses options for motivation letters written by 10th grade students of GBOU Secondary School No. 197 Central region St. Petersburg, who study in a specialized class (medical). The class teacher gave the students the task of justifying their choice, motivating them by the fact that next year they will write motivation letters to the university and this is a good opportunity to hone their skills in writing this kind of documents and show their personal interest in studying in a specialized class.
The vast majority of students are new to this school, came purposefully to a specialized class and in the first half of the year showed a deterioration in their academic results in basic subjects. The class teacher (the first experience of class management) asked the deputy. The director of education and resources management can help in the selection and implementation of methods that will help identify students’ problems. In addition, the results of this technique allowed to the class teacher get to know the children better, find out their interests, hobbies, family values ​​and get to know the students’ families better.
Author names have been removed to protect personal data. The rest of the text of the letters is given without correction.


My name is _________. I was born ________ in the Perm region, the city of Perm. Currently I live with my parents in St. Petersburg. I am the only child in the family.
I have been studying music since childhood, and have great achievements in choral art. My choir is the winner of many international competitions and the winner of seven grand prix awards.
In elementary school, I mainly loved humanities subjects, but as I got older I realized that natural science subjects were closer to me.
In high school, I came to the idea that I wanted to connect my life with medicine. To become a doctor. Then I realized that I would need to go to medical school. And for this, of course, successful passing of exams is necessary. I didn’t know how to start preparing, and so I decided to ask a girl who had already gone through all this and entered the First Medical University. Pavlova. She was the person who advised me to change educational institution and enter school 197. And I am eternally grateful to her for this. Compared to my previous school, now I have large quantity hours of biology, chemistry and physics, which I’m glad about. At first it was quite difficult to study, because the profile of the previous school was sharply different from school 197. But I am gradually coping with these difficulties. I make every effort to achieve a good result.
I believe that determination is the main trait of my character. I hope that it will help me in life. I can also say that I have good perseverance and attentiveness, which is very important in the work of a doctor.
Unfortunately, there are no doctors in my family, but absolutely everyone supports my choice.
After finishing 11th grade, I plan to apply to several universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow, including: First St. Petersburg State Medical University. I. P. Pavlova, North-Western State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.


My name is _________. Born ______ in St. Petersburg. Until the second half of the 10th grade, I studied at gymnasium No. 278 named after B.B. Golitsyn, but transferred to school No. 197 in grade 10-B. As for my family: my father works in “_________” in a significant position, my mother is a housewife, my grandmother also lives with us, she survived two mini-strokes and now almost does not walk, my mother and I take care of her. _______, my brother, now works as a rescuer on an icebreaker near the Yamal Peninsula.
I spend my free time with my family or playing computer games. Hobby: studying computer components and the dependencies between them.
At my old school, I tried to participate in all the Olympiads that were related to my favorite subjects, but, alas, I never won.
I guess if you know my hobby, you can already understand me. What will help set me apart from other APPLICANTS? Hmm, no idea.
My favorite subjects have always been algebra and geometry (grades 5-7 - mathematics), German (studied from the 5th grade), biology (studied from the 5th, but fell in love with the 6th) and chemistry. Mathematics has always attracted me because it is an exact science, everything is easy to understand. German was taught very well at our school, and I liked it only because of the teacher, who was always very kind and at the same time strict with us. I liked biology because we study living organisms, the world around us, and so on.
I became interested in medicine two years ago when I started getting sick almost constantly and missing school. Also, the illness of my grandmother, for whom I am officially caring, stimulates me to make such a choice.
I learned about this school in children's clinic No. 24, when I once again went to the ENT specialist (Olga Albertovna Tereshchuk). She heard about my dream and told me that she herself studied at school No. 197 from grades 10 to 11, where she received high-quality knowledge that helped her go to college and become a good specialist in the future.
I just moved to this school, so I haven’t encountered any difficulties yet.
I believe that I have always been responsible; at my old school I was often assigned special tasks and reports so that I could do them and tell them to the class. I can demonstrate this quality in preparation homework and other things..
In my opinion, I have such skills as learning ability and perseverance.
I consider myself the most suitable candidate to stay to study for the entire period of study because this is a childhood dream from which I will not give up, that is, I will try: to teach, to do, to “spreak.”
Everyone supports me in choosing this profile. The family did not discuss any other options.
I have a desire to continue studying in this class - difficulties do not frighten me!
I haven’t decided exactly which specialty yet, but I’m only considering MED1.

I, ________________, was born in St. Petersburg on _______. At the moment I am studying at school 197 in 10 "B". There are no people in my family who work in the medical field, with the exception of distant relatives. I decided to choose this field, with the help of my parents and their support, I entered the medical class.
So why did I decide to go to this particular school, to this class? I suggest starting from the very beginning. Throughout my studies at another school, I always liked biology, as it is an interesting subject, and also about ourselves. In the 8th grade, I realized that the field of medicine attracted me more than others, and it was then that I began to study this topic in depth. Of course, with chemistry everything was much more difficult, I was not good at this subject the first year, but then I began to study more and it turned out to be easy. To this day, biology and chemistry are my favorite subjects. I think this is an area that I fit in very well. Why? Because, in my opinion, I am a sociable person, attentive and always ready to help, and these are the qualities that the medical field requires. After school, I plan to enter a medical school at the Faculty of General Medicine, with a priority of first medical and military medical school. I understand how difficult it is to apply and how difficult the biology exam is. That is why I went to school 197, based on good feedback graduates. I learned about this school from a friend who recommended it to me, as it provides good preparation for the Unified State Exam. I am very glad that I managed (was able) to get into this school and last six months. I think I can handle the curriculum and pace of school. Of course, at first it was very difficult, but it will be easier later. I hope that I will be able to continue my studies here, as I am very motivated to study well.


I am a 10th grade student _______________, I study at school No. 197. Born in St. Petersburg ___ year. I have a small family - me and my mother. I like to spend my free time from studying reading books. I am also interested in theater arts and go to vocal classes. I also study French and English, and additionally study biology and chemistry.
In elementary school I liked biology. It seemed to me amazing that a person can know himself. Later I fell in love with chemistry lessons, I wanted to teach as many as possible laboratory work. But my interest in physics was instilled in me quite recently. While in these lessons, I realized that I like to study, that is my element, and I am ready to fight for the honor of our school, which I learned about completely by accident.
I would like to note that in our class there are no children who do not strive to be first, but I am confident that I will be able to demonstrate leadership quality fully. I am also proactive, attentive, hardworking and, of course, teachable.
Everyone in my family would like to see me as a doctor in the future. My mother is a neurologist. Since childhood, I have heard many medical terms, names of diseases and medications. Once, when one of the patients observed by my mother came to our home for a consultation, I, being an extremely curious child, decided to eavesdrop on their conversation, and, after thinking for a few seconds and ahead of my mother, I gave advice.

I have many relatives whose profession is related to medicine. So I could say that I have some responsibility for continuing the family tradition. I really enjoy studying at our school and would like to continue my studies there. After school I would like to enter the first state medical university named after Pavlov.

If you decide to go to work for a serious organization or enroll in a prestigious educational institution, you will need not only a resume, but also motivational essay. This supplement is mandatory and must contain an explanation of why you would be the best candidate, as well as reflect your aspirations and motives that prompted you to apply for yourself.

Be concise and convincing. This document should arouse interest in you and distinguish you from other candidates.

If your history of moving towards the topic of the essay began in school, then we recommend that you indicate this in this letter, flavoring the story with interesting details about your achievements.

How to write a motivational essay correctly

There are certain requirements for drawing up such a document. Remember that the text should be short, easy to read and emotionally charged. Below are the points that must be observed:

Motivational essay (example)

"Ivanova Anna

Vatutina Ave., 210/12


135999, Russia

[email protected]

On your company’s website, I came across information about a vacant vacancy for a HR manager. I hope that my experience in this area will be useful to your company.

Existing experience in the field of personnel selection and management by human resourses, as well as the skills to identify the best potential of employees and assign them responsibility for the area in which they are genetically located, have allowed me to achieve significant success in my career as an HR manager.

I started my recruitment career while still in school. As a child, I had to select candidates for competitions and school development programs, and my teams always took honorable first places. After school, I realized that recruiting is an activity that interests me, and I want to develop in this direction, so the choice of university was not accidental.

I received my basic education in management management at the Moscow Academy of Management, however, every year I continue to improve my qualifications by attending “Mastery Human Resources Management” courses.

Having carefully studied the requirements that you place on the candidate and the range of his responsibilities, I assume that the skills and experience I have acquired will allow your company to reach new heights and productivity, and for me to continue my professional and financial growth.


Ivanova Anna


A motivational essay should be short, clear, truthful and logical in presentation. The information you provide will be verified and repeated several times throughout your employment interviews. In any case, the ability to write a motivational essay well is only half the battle. It is important to match what you described there.

Motivational essay on society

There are essays not only about admission to a job or an educational institution, but also about decisive issues of social orientation. Essentially, this is a sketch on a given topic, which represents your reflection on given topic or a problem. A motivational essay encourages intellectual research, expresses your free opinion and individual position on the topic of the issue.

When writing an essay, you must show not only your good information or competence, but also your personal emotions, desires, feelings and experiences. When writing an essay on the topic of society, you yourself expand your vision in some direction and help readers look at the issue and the author of the essay with different eyes.

An essay is considered good when its text and message help break the patterns of the usual vision of the world. Such a creation is intended to help you understand a certain serious problem yourself and convey your opinion to others.

How to write a motivational essay on society

  1. Selecting a topic, defining a problem.
  2. Selection of material.
  3. Draft.
  4. Completion, creation of the final version of the essay.
  5. Examination.

I would like to explain the last point separately. If you have to write an essay, don’t put it off until the day before it’s due. You should have enough time to complete the first four points, and then re-read it several times at intervals of 1 day. When you put a text aside for a day, you then look at it with fresh eyes and make adjustments.