How to prepare a greenhouse for the season. How to prepare a greenhouse for the new season in spring? Insulating a greenhouse for the winter

The summer season begins, and experienced gardeners first begin to prepare greenhouses.

They will protect plants from spring frosts and will later bring an earlier and more abundant harvest of heat-loving crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, etc.

What needs to be done to prepare greenhouses for the season?

Disinfect the frames with copper sulfate.

Clear the soil of last year's plant residues.

Remove old soil. The soil in the greenhouse should be changed every 3-4 years so that diseases and pests do not accumulate and so that crop yields do not decrease.

Fill the greenhouses with new, nutritious, light soil. Its temperature should be at a depth of 10 cm not lower than +10 C. You can first lay manure (about 20 cm), carefully adjusting it along the edges and corners so that there are no voids, sprinkle fluff lime on top (0.5 kg per 1 sq. m), then put a layer of peat or sawdust to absorb emissions (ammonia) and finally pour soil mixture(20 cm).

Spill the soil with hot water and cover with film. The greenhouse itself can also be covered with old blankets. This way the soil will warm up faster.

For planting, use a flat surface or ridges, usually 1 meter wide. In ridges, the soil warms up better and is easier to loosen and water. Ridges are often used, which are smaller in size than a ridge and are designed for one row of plants.

When and how to plant

The guideline for planting is the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm at 8 am.

For tomato it should be at least 12 C, for cucumber, pepper and eggplant at least 14-15 C. The day before planting, the seedlings are well watered. It should also be planted in moist, abundantly spilled soil, compacting the soil at the root.

It is better to plant plants on a cloudy day so that they take root better and do not get burned.

Greenhouses and greenhouses are usually small, but you want to grow as many vegetables as possible in them. Therefore, it is important to place the plants correctly in height so that they do not shade each other, taking into account the increased demands of some crops on light and air humidity. And since cucumbers do not tolerate drafts, they should grow away from windows and doors.

How to feed

Plants in a greenhouse grow and develop quickly, and accordingly, the consumption of nutrients from the soil increases, so it is recommended to fertilize every 10-14 days. Cucumbers are more common, other crops are less common.

Fertilizing is usually combined with watering. During the initial period of plant growth, nitrogen fertilizers are used; during flowering, fruit formation and fruiting, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used.

What do they like?

In order for plants to successfully develop in greenhouses and greenhouses, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature of the air and soil and ventilate them in a timely manner. Remember, greenhouse plants like the greenhouse to be warm, light and damp.

Optimal temperature in the greenhouse it should be 16-25 degrees during the day, 4-8 degrees less at night. High temperatures at night and on cloudy days provoke too rapid growth of the green mass of plants, and this leads to the fact that few fruits will set and they will be small.

In addition to light, vegetable crops require fresh air for normal growth and development.

In unventilated greenhouses and greenhouses, there is a high probability of the spread of pests and pathogens that can destroy young plants. Fresh air, periodically launched into a greenhouse, also helps to harden vegetables - after transplanting to an open garden bed, they quickly adapt to new conditions. Therefore, when constructing greenhouses and greenhouses, it is necessary to provide for the presence of vents.

By the way

Evening watering (after sunset) will protect the plants from short-term frost. To protect the plantings, you can simply place containers (basins or buckets) with water in the greenhouse. The fact is that during the phase transition of water into ice, heat is released. Sometimes it is quite enough to prevent the greenhouse from freezing.

five tips from experienced

  1. Before sowing carrots, apply humus or other organic fertilizers. You need to add a little humus, otherwise the carrots will be bitter.
  2. Dig the soil thoroughly. By the way, if your carrots are not growing well and there are growths on them, then three days before planting you should water the garden bed with salt water.
  3. After the formation of the first true leaf of tomato seedlings, every seven days, spray it with skim milk (dilute half a glass of milk in a liter of water) or whey. This also prevents viral infection.
  4. Two weeks before planting, onion sets are heated at a temperature of 40 C for 8 hours to destroy the pathogen of downy mildew, prevent bolting and allow faster growth. To speed up the germination of onion sets, it is also recommended to cut off the upper part of the neck the day before planting and soak for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After soaking, the onions are washed and soaked in clean water for 1 day.
  5. If young trees have bent over the winter, they need to be leveled. Drive a strong stake on the side opposite to the slope and use technical tape to tighten the barrel, securing it with a figure eight.

Save it so you don’t forget!

Prepare a cart in winter, and a sleigh in summer - so says the famous proverb. A solar-heated greenhouse in central Russia is especially relevant in early spring. In autumn there is a lot of vegetables and fruits from the open ground, but in spring they are in obvious shortage. And the body, weakened by the long winter, vitally needs fresh vitamins. The greenhouse will help you get them.
In order to start the production of green products in a greenhouse as early as possible, it is necessary to carry out a number of works. Then, already in March, when there is still deep snow all around that is just about to melt, it will be possible to quickly get the first harvest.
The soil in a greenhouse usually freezes very much in winter. This is bad, because with the beginning of spring it will take a very long time to warm up. Therefore, it is very important to very quickly bring the soil “to life” in the very early spring, in early March. Those. warm up its entire volume to a temperature of +10 - +15 degrees, and this is not an easy task. Even when the sun is shining, the air in the greenhouse warms up in almost minutes, and the soil remains cold for a long time, several weeks.
Plants need warm soil for normal growing season. Therefore, to start the season, it is necessary to heat the soil as quickly as possible. So what needs to be done for this.
Firstly, the soil itself must be dug up to make it more permeable to air. Then trenches should be dug in the beds to the depth of a spade bayonet. This will significantly increase the area of ​​contact of warm air with cold soil. The ridges between the trenches will quickly warm up and in the spring, we will level them and get a fairly thick layer of already warm soil.
Secondly, we will help the soil to quickly warm up with hot water. To do this, we will prepare various dry flammable waste (paper, cardboard, branches, scraps of boards, etc.) and make a small stove for heating water. The stove can be the most primitive one, built of bricks, made from a leaky barrel, etc. We also need a metal barrel.
Do not throw snow into the greenhouse! Many people do this, supposedly to saturate the earth with water. It will be saturated with water, but because of this the season will start a couple of weeks later. First, the heat will go to melt the snow, and only then to heat the water and soil. So it’s better to heat ready-made water, at least melt water or from a pond.
If the greenhouse is electrified, it will be very useful to install a fan in it that will blow warm air over the soil. You can use a large floor fan.
Having completed these simple works, we will be ready to open the season at the very beginning of March. And in the first ten days of April you can already delight your family with the freshest and most environmentally friendly products from the greenhouse.

Preparing the greenhouse for the new season in the spring is one of the most important procedures for the future harvest. Numerous plants are grown in greenhouses that would not ripen on time in our area without additional help.

Unfortunately, polycarbonate greenhouses are great for more than just growing vegetables or fruits. Harmful bacteria, such as late blight or spider mites, quickly multiply in these places. After each season, the greenhouse must be put in order and prepared for the new one.

Preparing a greenhouse for planting new seedlings is quite a long process. Activities to prepare greenhouses begin with the first spring warming - at the end of March or beginning of April.

Preparing the land is not the fastest process; it consists of several stages:

  1. Checking the design itself.
  2. Cleaning.
  3. Disinfection of greenhouse premises and soil.
  4. Fertilization and formation of beds.
  5. Warming up the soil before planting.

Checking structures, cleaning

First you need to physically clean the greenhouse:

The first step is to check the greenhouse itself. If it is made of wood, check the beams and treat them with a special protective solution for wood. If made of metal, make sure there is no corrosion, renew the paint;

Important! Be sure to fix any damage to the structure - straighten what is bent, close any holes if there are any. A broken greenhouse will not be able to perform its main functions - to create the right conditions for growing plants.

Remove plant remains, old garters and twines, and debris;

Hoses, barrels and other equipment must be thoroughly washed and dried, and stored in protected storage;

By the way, all this can be done not only in the spring, but also in the fall, after the last harvest. A tidy and clean greenhouse will survive the winter better, and there will be less work in the spring.

Diagnostics and disinfection of soil

Some gardeners think that low temperatures in winter themselves serve as disinfection, but this is not so - organisms harmful to plants simply fall asleep during the winter, and with the first warming they begin to actively reproduce. It is very difficult to grow anything in such soil; it needs disinfection.

There are several ways to disinfect:

Very important! It is strictly forbidden to be in the greenhouse during fumigation. The person who lays out and sets fire to sulfur must wear a protective suit, a gas mask and gloves.

Soil preparation

If the greenhouse has been in use for a long time, then the ideal option would be to simply remove about 5 centimeters of the top layer of soil. In place of the soil, manure is laid in a thick layer - one of the best means for fertilizing the land. This process is quite labor-intensive, but effective.

Important! The soil that was removed from the greenhouse does not have to be thrown away. If you throw it on other beds, in the open air, it will serve perfectly there.

Now the soil needs to be saturated with useful substances, that is, fertilizers. What exactly they will be depends on what plants they plan to plant. There are two types of fertilizers:

Organic fertilizers make the soil rich in nutrients and create beneficial microorganisms good conditions for life. These substances also help warm the soil. The most popular of them:

  • Manure;
  • Bird droppings;
  • Tree bark;
  • River silt;
  • Humus;
  • Mineral fertilizers are chemical substances, which saturate the soil with a special element, for example, nitrogen or potassium. Any store sells whole complexes of these substances, which contain all the components necessary for good quality land.

Do not forget! The main thing in working with mineral fertilizers– do not overdo it, too much substance can simply destroy the seedlings.

Warming up the soil

After the soil is in order, it is necessary to prepare the soil for sowing. The main procedure for this is warming up. It is done as follows: small, shallow trenches are dug across the beds, and then hot water is poured into them. Such manipulations raise the soil temperature to 10-15 degrees.

Another warming option, especially if the days are already quite sunny, is to cover the beds with a dark and very thick film.

Oxygen saturation

Experienced gardeners know that the best soil is loose and porous. Such a land is saturated big amount oxygen.

To saturate the earth with it, the following components are added to it:

  • compost - rotted remains of organic waste;
  • leaves, sawdust and tree bark;
  • straw cutting;

Another simple one effective method“revive” the soil - plant mustard or watercress in it. These plants grow quickly and well - after a couple of weeks, the ground is dug up and seedlings can be planted in it.

The complex of these measures will create ideal conditions in the greenhouse. A well-maintained greenhouse gives amazing results - plants take root well, grow quickly and produce excellent fruit.

Tomatoes are one of the most popular crops. Any owner summer cottage I want his first tomatoes to ripen earlier than his neighbors’. Therefore, the lion's share of the space in the greenhouse is given over to this crop, and seedlings are usually planted in early spring, as soon as the sun has begun to warm up and the threat of frost has passed.

To prevent tomato bushes from getting sick and enjoying their productivity until late autumn, preparing the greenhouse for spring should be carried out especially carefully in the autumn. In the article we will talk about the necessary measures for cleaning the greenhouse before closing it for the winter, especially focusing on the treatment and disinfection of the soil for tomatoes.

Cleaning in the greenhouse

The first thing to do after harvesting is to remove fruit-bearing bushes and weeds by the roots, then begin disinfecting the premises itself.

  1. Sulfur checkers.

Highly toxic smoke will reliably destroy colonies of bacteria and microorganisms that have probably grown in the humid environment of the greenhouse for summer period. It will penetrate into all cracks, gaps and other hard-to-reach places of the frame and covering, even into the top layer of soil.

Its effects will kill harmful insects, for example, spider mites, which are not afraid of other drugs. To treat a greenhouse intended only for tomatoes, it is recommended to use “Peshka-S”, the active substances of which do not accumulate in the soil, decompose quickly enough and do not harm crop plants.

They must be placed evenly over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, and to prevent contact with the ground, stone, brick or sheets of metal should be placed under them.

  1. Disinfection of the internal surface of the greenhouse.

Preparing a greenhouse for tomatoes in the spring requires mandatory disinfection of the room both inside and outside. Using a sprayer or spray gun, it is necessary to spray all surfaces with a detergent solution, rub with a nylon brush, paying special attention to the cracks and gaps between the frames, glazing beads, frame and coating.

After soap treatment, rinse off any remaining product with clean water from a hose and wipe with a dry cloth.

Important! It is recommended to paint metal or wooden frame elements with bleach or freshly slaked lime; this simple and long-known method will protect the materials for a long time from the penetration and proliferation of microorganisms.

If it was used as a coating, it is disinfected on both sides, but first the coating is cleaned of dirt and dust, then wiped with soapy water and dried.

Preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for planting in the spring is done without the use of hard or abrasive materials that can damage the coating. A sponge or soft cloth will suffice here.

  1. Handling garden tools.

This procedure is also important; over the summer, pathogenic microorganisms could settle on shovels, hoes, garden shears, and even sticks for tying tomatoes, and freezing them in winter will not cause harm. Therefore, it is recommended to treat all garden tools with a bleach solution and dry them.

And next season you shouldn’t use last year’s ties or ropes to tie up bushes, they too may become infected. If it is not possible to change, then simply keep them in the same bleach solution for a while, rinse and dry.

  1. Soil preparation(cm. ).

If you did not find any diseases on the tomatoes grown in the greenhouse during the period of growth and fruiting, then preparing the soil in the greenhouse for tomatoes in the spring will not take much time. It will be enough to dig up the soil using a shovel, select the pest larvae (if any) and apply mineral or organic fertilizers.

Although for prevention you can spill the soil with a solution of iron sulfate, it will not allow pathogenic bacteria and fungi to develop in the spring. If you are against the use of chemicals, then when the soil in the greenhouse is depleted, you can use the so-called “bacterial cocktail”, consisting of a special solution with a set of beneficial bacteria.

You can purchase the base for its manufacture at any specialized store; one ampoule with a concentrated composition is enough to water 600 sq.m of area. The attached instructions describe in detail the method of preparing and using the solution; it is easy to make with your own hands. With this cocktail you will enrich the soil with the necessary set of microelements and in particular nitrogen.

Important! If year after year you observe the development of the same diseases in your greenhouse, then you will have to make some efforts to get rid of the pathogens that have settled and taken root in you for a long time.

This is exactly what we want to talk about in more detail.

How to get rid of increased infectious background in a greenhouse

It happens that every year the owner suffers from tomato diseases, sometimes phytosporosis, sometimes cladosporiosis, sometimes Alternaria. And he changes the varieties, and waters them with chemicals, and takes care of them carefully, but by the end of the season the result is the same - most of the fruits are affected by rot or covered with brown spots.

But this method is not suitable for everyone, so let’s consider other ways to save this greenhouse. What should you do to get rid of.


  • Before the beginning of October, remove all plant debris (bushes, weeds, mulch), including the roots, as spores of harmful fungi may remain on them, and burn.
  • Disinfect all elements of the frame and covering of the greenhouse.
  • Remove the top layer of soil to a depth of at least 7 cm, because this is where bacteria and microorganisms usually overwinter. There is no need to scatter the soil around the garden; it is best to put it in one pile away from the greenhouse and spill it, for example, with phytosporin.
  • Place fresh soil in the greenhouse to replace the contaminated soil; you should take it not from your garden, but from a clean, healthy place; virgin soil is best suited (it must first be cleared of weeds).
  • They perfectly disinfect the soil, have a detrimental effect on pathogens of fungal diseases, improve its structure and enrich green manure with nutrients (white mustard, oilseed radish, oats, peas, alfalfa, etc.). If you sow a greenhouse thickly with mustard in September-October, it will have time to sprout before the cold weather. They are mowed and left in the greenhouse, then it is recommended to water the mowed grass with special preparations, for example, trichodermin.

Preparing the soil in a greenhouse in the spring consists of re-seeding mustard or other green manures, which are sown when the first warm days arrive and the soil thaws.

  • For the winter, the ground in the greenhouse must be left without snow cover so that it freezes well. A supply of snow can be made by the end of winter, in February.
  • In the spring, plant new, disease-resistant tomato varieties.

What not to do to prevent the growth of new pathogenic fungi and bacteria


  • Do not take soil for seedlings from the garden, much less from the greenhouse.
  • Do not thicken plantings– the distance between bushes should be at least 70–80 cm.
  • Do not leave a lot of leaves and shoots on the bushes, before harvesting the fruits, it is advisable to almost bare the stems; it is especially important to remove the lower leaves in time, since it is on them that all pathogenic microorganisms first settle.
  • Do not use last year's matings and tomato sticks without special treatment.

But we must also say about strengthening the frame to protect it from snow loads. To do this, T-shaped wooden supports are installed inside the greenhouse under the ridge, which will take on part of the weight of the snow cover. But it's better if within winter period you will find time to clear the roof of the greenhouse from snow in order to avoid destruction of the structure under the pressure of the snow mass.

We talked about the activities that need to be carried out in the fall to prepare the greenhouse for the next season. We hope that our recommendations will help you get record yields of tasty and healthy tomatoes.

How to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter is a topical question with the onset of autumn. The main harvest has already been harvested, only beds with greens and late vegetables remain, which means you can start harvesting internal space, treat the walls and frame, renew and feed the soil, adjust the beds, strengthen the structure so that the snow does not crush it.

In the article we will share useful tips experienced gardeners, how best to care for the building, we will outline in detail a set of measures on how to prepare a greenhouse for winter, video and photographic materials will help explain important points process.

A set of measures to prepare a greenhouse for winter

The greenhouse allows you to get fresh vegetables and herbs to the table, from early spring until the first months of winter. But during the warm season it becomes dirty; harmful bacteria, insects, and dirt accumulate on the walls and behind the crossbars. There are plant remains in the beds, pathogens, pest beetles, harmful elements in the soil, and infections in the air. Such negative factors can damage the structure itself and the future harvest; in order to avoid sad consequences, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to prepare the greenhouse for winter:

  • clean, take out trash;
  • wash;
  • dry;
  • disinfect;
  • digging, tillage;
  • insulate;
  • strengthen the structure.

Preparing the greenhouse for winter, first of all, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary


Preparing the greenhouse for winter in the fall begins with general cleaning. Equipment is taken out of it, trellises, supports, and garters are removed. Everything must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly, disinfected, dried, and stored in a room with normal humidity.

Before removing the greenhouse for the winter, plant debris is removed from the beds. Tops and weeds can be placed in a compost heap, but it is better to burn them. Be sure to remove the top 50-70 mm layer of soil for the winter, this is where pathogenic infections, harmful substances and other infections have accumulated in large quantities. It is recommended to take the collected soil out of the greenhouse, scatter it over the area in a thin layer, or leave it in a heap so that it freezes thoroughly over the winter and becomes disinfected under the influence of low temperatures.

Cleaning the greenhouse for the winter:

  • The inside of the room is washed with a soft cloth soaked in warm water with the addition of non-aggressive household chemicals. You should wash not only the walls, but also the roof.
  • The gaps between the frame and the walls of the greenhouse must be cleaned; it is convenient to do this with a brush or toothbrush.
  • Surfaces are washed with clean water and wiped almost dry.
  • To prevent fungi or corrosion, the frame must be treated with a saturated solution of bleach: lime - 2 kg of lime + copper sulfate 0.100 kg + 1 bucket of water.
  • After cleaning, the doors and transoms are opened for ventilation so that the greenhouse is completely dry.

An important step in preparing a greenhouse for winter is to clean all connections with a brush from dust, infections and debris.

Important: Preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter prohibits the use of abrasives, hard sponges and brushes, and highly alkaline detergents during wet cleaning, so as not to damage the surface of the material and reduce its positive physical and chemical characteristics.

More often, greenhouse structures made of polycarbonate are installed on plots. Such structures are convenient, practical, budget-friendly, and installation of the product can be easily done with your own hands. Due to the demand for structures, we suggest watching a video with tips on how to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter; the video suggests the main stages of preserving the building.

Be sure to check the tight fit of vents, windows, doors, handles, and the serviceability of fittings in order to avoid drafts and icing. If there are scratches on the metal frame, it is better to clean them and paint them over to prevent rust from appearing.

How to prepare the soil in a greenhouse for winter

All work with the soil must be carried out before the onset of frost, in dry weather. Optimal temperature environment+10 - +15 o C. The ground should first be sprinkled with ash or fertilizers, which are selected in accordance with what crop will be grown in the garden bed. Next, spill the soil with manganese solution. Sprinkle compost and a thin layer of clean sand on top; for better yield, a layer of peat is also recommended. Dig to shovel depth and loosen it, so the ground freezes better in winter. This measure is sufficient to get rid of mole cricket larvae. Remaining weeds and roots must be picked out by hand.

Good to know: If the soil is severely damaged by insects and harmful microelements, experts recommend completely replacing the soil in the greenhouse for the winter with a nutritious soil mixture, in a layer of 200-250 mm.

For general disinfection of soil in a greenhouse for the winter, you can use:

  • Lime chloride, dry matter consumption 0.1 kg per 1 m2, the composition is scattered over the dug surface and leveled with a rake, it is desirable that it gets to a depth of 20-30 mm.
  • You can treat the soil in a greenhouse for the winter with a 2.5% formaldehyde solution. Spraying should be carried out indoors to avoid drafts; 1 liter of solution will be required per 1 m2.

Disinfection should be carried out observing safety precautions for working with harmful substances

How to treat a greenhouse for the winter against pests in the soil

Harmful microorganisms and insects are very tenacious, so digging up the soil and freezing it over the winter is not enough to protect the future harvest from damage. In order to eliminate soil diseases, it should be disinfected. We offer several recipes, proven over the years in practice, for treating the earth:

  • Smoking with a sulfur bomb will help get rid of spider mites in a greenhouse; you will need 150 g of the substance per 1 m 3 of space. Even if the greenhouse is not infected with this disease, for winter prevention the room should be treated with sulfur at the rate of 50 g per cubic meter. To carry out disinfection as effectively as possible, you should seal the cracks hermetically, wet the walls and shelves with water. The checkers are laid out on metal sheets and evenly distributed over the area of ​​the greenhouse. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to observe personal safety precautions; a chemical kit (thick clothing), goggles, gloves, a cap, a gas mask or a respirator would be useful. Treatment with sulfur lasts 3 days, after which the greenhouse is ventilated.
Attention: Preparing a greenhouse for winter depends significantly on the materials from which it is built. Thus, structures on a metal frame covered with polycarbonate are prohibited from being smoked with sulfur in order to avoid blackening of the metal and corrosion.

Table for the correct selection of greenhouse soil

  • The best treatment for winter clubroot in a greenhouse is 40% carbation. The substance is diluted according to the recipe: 500 g per 10 liters of water. Water the soil well with a solution from a watering can immediately after digging.
  • Karbofos will help against such ailments as blackleg and root-knot nematode. 90 g of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water, and the soil is thoroughly treated with the resulting solution. After a few days, the beds in the greenhouse must be dug up so that the substance gets deep inside, and so left for the winter.

Preparing a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter - strengthening

Polycarbonate buildings are much stronger than glass ones, but preventive safety measures should be observed. When planning how to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, you should not forget about maintaining the geometry, integrity, and insulation of the structure.

How to strengthen a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter

Basically, such structures have well-thought-out aerodynamic shapes; snow rolls off the sides under its own weight. All loads fall on the ridge if the roof is gable, and on the highest point of the arc in arched structures. In regions with low rainfall, structures can easily withstand winter without additional reinforcement. In snowy areas, for example, in Siberia, it is necessary to strengthen the building, and sometimes completely remove the polycarbonate from the frame.

A properly constructed polycarbonate greenhouse can withstand heavy loads

To strengthen the greenhouse for the winter, it is enough to install vertical support posts inside. It is recommended to place them every 1.5-2.0 m from each other. But even after such prevention in case of hair loss large quantity precipitation will have to climb onto the roof and clear the snow.

For your information: To prevent the supports from sinking due to a heavy snow load, they must be installed on a rigid platform: concrete blocks, bricks, flat stones, and wooden blocks must be laid along the upper heads.

How to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, the photo shows a method of strengthening the frame

In warm weather, the snow rolls down to the base and melts, and with a decrease in air temperature in the evening, an ice crust forms from this mass, which can cause significant damage to the structure. Therefore, it is important to clear the perimeter of the greenhouse from accumulated snow.

How to insulate a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter

If a house for growing herbs and vegetables is designed only for the warm period, then the question: how to insulate a greenhouse for the winter is solved with the help of a thick layer of snow, which should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the building, an example in the photo below. This will protect the plantings from freezing in the winter.

How to prepare a polycarbonate greenhouse for winter, an example of how to insulate beds

This solution is acceptable for dry areas; in humid areas, if groundwater comes close to the surface, melting snow can form a swamp. In these cases, it is recommended to cover the beds with leaves, branches, and on top with old blankets, polyethylene, and roofing felt.

A way to cover soil in damp areas

Glass and polycarbonate greenhouses can be insulated for the winter by creating an air gap inside. Repeating the shape of the greenhouse, retreating 100-200 mm from the walls, a layer of dense film is mounted, the joints are taped. It is more practical, but more expensive, to replace the film with thin polycarbonate, connecting the sheets through a joining profile. This solution will significantly reduce heat loss inside the building.

To insulate a permanent greenhouse for the winter, standing on a strip foundation, it is important to pay special attention to the connection of the frame to the base. The joints here must be airtight. And even if the cracks are taped and a water barrier made of roofing felt is installed, the junction should be caulked with porous rubber gaskets or sealed tape with rubberized layers on the outside. The foundation should be dug up a little, covered with polystyrene slabs, and covered with roofing felt on top. The same can be done over the entire surface of the building.

How to insulate the foundation and basement

All seams of the greenhouse, where polycarbonate and glass are adjacent to the frame, should be sealed with sealants that do not form a hard coating, for example, polysulfide or thiokol mastic. To prevent heat from escaping when the door is opened, a vestibule should be attached to the entrance.

If you plan to use the greenhouse in winter, then you should think about heating, it is better if it is water heating. And from the school botany course it is known that for the full development of plants, light is needed, 12 hours a day or more, so lighting must be provided. 3 types of lamps are suitable:

Watch the advice of professionals on how to prepare a greenhouse for winter; the video details how to properly reinforce polystyrene foam for high-quality insulation.