How to ask for space to rent from a shopping center. How to choose and rent premises in a shopping mall. What documents are needed to open an outlet in a shopping center?

Where can I rent commercial non-residential premises or a warehouse? How to rent retail space for a store? How to rent out commercial real estate correctly?

Hello to everyone who has visited the website of the popular online magazine “HeatherBeaver”! We have an expert with you - Denis Kuderin.

The topic of today's conversation is commercial real estate rental. The article will be useful to businessmen, owners of non-residential premises and all those who are interested in current financial issues.

At the end of the article you will find an overview of the most reliable Russian real estate companies that provide intermediary services in leasing commercial properties.

So let's begin!

1. Why rent commercial real estate?

Successful business activity largely depends on the well-chosen premises for doing business. This is especially true for trade and the service sector. A cozy, well-equipped store in a busy part of the city attracts customers in itself.

The same can be said about offices. Every self-respecting company should have good premises for work and receiving visitors. Even if you sell goods through an online store, you need a place to complete and issue orders, as well as resolve disputes with customers.

Not every businessman, especially a beginner, can afford to purchase non-residential premises. In such cases, renting commercial real estate comes to the rescue.

We list all the advantages of renting:

  • relatively low financial costs;
  • a simpler documentation procedure compared to purchasing;
  • the ability to change the landlord and move to another building at any time;
  • a large selection of real estate, especially in big cities.

The reverse process - renting out premises - also has many advantages. First of all, it is a reliable source of passive income. Acquiring ownership of commercial space (retail, office, industrial and others) is a good investment option.

As long as private business exists, its representatives will constantly need premises to conduct business, which means that property owners will have a stable profit without much labor.

Finding suitable premises for a business is a troublesome undertaking. The fastest and most reliable way to find an object is to use the services of professional intermediaries.

There is a detailed article on our website about how modern ones work.

2. How to rent commercial real estate - 5 useful tips

When renting commercial properties, you need to be as careful as possible in choosing them. The parameters and functional characteristics of the premises determine how soon you can start a business activity, and whether the object will fully meet the goals of your business.

First, decide how you will look for suitable premises - on your own or with the help of an agency. The first method assumes the presence of an unlimited supply of free time and is associated with various risks. The second option is safer and more reliable.

You will find additional information on the topic of working with intermediaries in the article “”.

Expert advice will help you avoid common tenant mistakes.

Tip 1. Carefully study the hood and ventilation systems

You or your employees will be working in the room, so the presence of working ventilation systems is the most important point. The lack of powerful and autonomous ventilation in a building is a real obstacle to the normal operation of a cafe, restaurant, or grocery store.

Food products must be stored in appropriate conditions, and visitors and sellers should not be disturbed by foreign odors. Moreover, sanitary services simply will not allow you to use the facility as a catering establishment or grocery store if it only has general ventilation.

Tip 2: Focus on loading and unloading areas

A convenient area for loading and unloading goods is another key point for owners of cafes, restaurants, canteens and shops.

It is important that the area where loading and unloading operations will be carried out does not overlook the courtyard of a residential building or the roadway. If you disturb residents or motorists, you will be tormented with complaints.

The issue of adequate power supply is especially relevant for tenants whose business involves the use of energy-consuming equipment - refrigerators, electric ovens, machine tools, etc.

Make sure that the electrical cables in the room are capacious enough to fully meet the needs of the enterprise.

Tip 4. Read the terms of the contract carefully

Before signing your signature on the lease agreement, carefully read the terms and conditions under which you are entering into a deal.

The contract must contain the following points:

  • rental terms, cost and method of payment;
  • if the premises are rented with equipment, then an inventory of the property must be drawn up;
  • liability of the parties for violation of the contract;
  • terms of termination of the agreement.

Expenses for utility bills, garbage removal, maintenance of the fire protection system and security alarm are usually borne by the tenant. However, the landlord pays for major repairs, if necessary, including replacement of plumbing communications and electrical wiring if they fail.

Discuss in advance with the landlord the issue of property insurance - whether such an agreement will be drawn up, and if not, decide who will pay for losses in the event of unforeseen situations.

Tip 5. Check property documents

It is imperative to check the owner’s title documents – the purchase and sale agreement, an extract from the State Register on the right of ownership.

Make sure that the premises actually belong to the person who is renting it to you. Otherwise, one day the real owner of the object will appear with the appropriate powers. It is also important that the premises are not mortgaged, have not been seized for debts, or have other encumbrances.

A person who is far from the intricacies of housing law should take advantage of professional help when renting or purchasing non-residential premises. For example, you can clarify for yourself all the unclear points on the Pravoved website, a resource where specialists from all areas of jurisprudence work.

You can ask your question even without registering, right on the main page. You will receive a legally correct and competent answer in just a few minutes, and completely free of charge. If your problem requires in-depth study, you will need to pay for the services of professionals, but you have the right to set the amount of the fee yourself.

Step 2. Determine the amount of rent

To find out the optimal rental price, use one of two options. The first is to personally review your city’s databases and determine the approximate price range for renting similar premises. Second, delegate this task to a realtor.

By the way, in addition to real estate agencies, private brokers provide intermediary services. They typically charge 25-50% less for their work than companies. However, there are only a few private specialists working with non-residential real estate, even in large cities.

5. If you rent out commercial real estate - 3 main risks for the landlord

Every landlord is concerned about the condition of his property and wants to make a profit from rent, not losses.

We will list the main risks for commercial property owners and show you how to avoid them.

Risk 1. Use of the premises for other purposes

Each well-drafted lease agreement specifies for what purpose and how the leased premises will be used. This also applies to equipment that you rent out along with your rental.

If the tenant promised to use the premises as a warehouse, but installed a retail store in it, you have the right to fine him or terminate the agreement without returning the rental price.

Risk 2. Damage or loss of property

You handed over the facility and equipment to what you thought was a respectable citizen, but he, to use diplomatic language, did not live up to your expectations. Namely, he brought the premises to a state of ruin, broke the equipment, unscrewed the light bulbs and generally behaved like a pig.

In such cases, the owner has the right to demand compensation for damage in full. Moreover, not only repair costs must be reimbursed, but also the market value of the damaged equipment.

Liability is not provided if the object and property were damaged as a result of unforeseen circumstances - for example, a fire or flood.

Risk 3. Tenant’s refusal to pay monthly rent

Sloppy payers should be punished with rubles. However, this is possible, again, if the lease agreement is drawn up according to all the rules. That is, the document must clearly stipulate the terms and amount of monthly payments.

6. If you rent commercial real estate - 3 main risks for the tenant

The tenant may also suffer as a result of illegal or unauthorized actions of the landlord.

Risk 1. Renting premises to which the “lessor” has no legal rights

If the premises are rented to you by a person who does not have the legal rights of the owner to the property, the contract will be considered invalid. To avoid this, require the presentation of title documents.

You can independently obtain an extract from Rosreestr by contacting the Multifunctional Center. The service is paid, but you will know for sure “who’s boss.”

Risk 2. Changing the locks on the premises immediately after making an advance payment

Yes, such situations still occur in nature. You sign an agreement, make an advance payment, receive the keys from hand to hand, and when you want to move into the premises with your property, it turns out that the locks have been changed, and there is no trace of the “owners”.

There is only one way out in such a situation - to contact the police and initiate a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

Risk 3. Sublease

The best way to explain this is with a simple example.


The tenant Andrey, an aspiring entrepreneur, rented space for a store for a year, paying six months in advance. At the same time, the businessman did not check the title documents, relying on the honesty of the lessor.

After a month of successful trading, the real owner showed up in the store with a full set of original documents. He politely asked the tenant to move out of the occupied space. Andrey tried to find a subtenant in order to at least get his money paid in advance back, but the enterprising intermediary never responded to either calls or SMS.

Bottom line: Deal directly with the owner. At the very least, he should be aware of all the manipulations that occur with his property.

7. Professional assistance for tenants and landlords - review of TOP-3 real estate agencies

Finding a qualified intermediary is a difficult task. To help readers, we have compiled a review of the most reliable companies in Russia working with commercial real estate.


Real estate management agency. Will help landlords and tenants rent and rent: office, retail space, workshop, warehouse, mansion and any other commercial real estate. The company employs only experienced and qualified lawyers and realtors.

A significant advantage of the company is its professional approach, the presence of a detailed website, and the development of an individual strategy for each client of the office. There are no real estate services that the company’s specialists cannot provide to users.

People around us say that a crisis is a time of new opportunities. Stores are cutting costs and space is being freed up in shopping centers. This is a good moment for small businesses: placement in a shopping center, shopping center or shopping mall will help attract new audiences, increase turnover and make more profit.

But is this really so? Let's figure out when placement in a popular shopping center won't bring you money, which shopping centers are better not to even consider, and is it easy to rent premises if you don't have a well-known brand?

Choose shopping centers popular with your customers

The cost of renting a square meter depends on the traffic of the shopping center. But placement even in the most popular shopping center is not a guarantee of high profits. The number of visitors only works for you if your offer meets their needs.

A sports nutrition store in a shopping and entertainment center with a gym will bring more profit than the same store, but in the premises of a grocery hypermarket.

To determine whether a shopping center is popular with your shoppers, you'll have to do a little research. The simplest tool that is always at hand is social networks.

Statistics from geopositioning services, the most popular of which is Foursquare, can help you get a partial idea of ​​the popularity of a place.

Top 5 shopping centers in St. Petersburg. Source:

These statistics tell about the popularity of a place in general, without detailed data about the audience. Nowadays, users aged 25-30 check in more. To use the application you need a smartphone and a desire to share your movements. In general, this data is incomplete - you should not use it to make a decision about renting a store, for example, tights and socks.

If you have groups on Vkontakte and Facebook, conduct a survey - find out which shopping centers your audience prefers to go to. If you manage to interview someone in person, find out what plays a decisive role - geography, selection of stores, parking. Groups of shopping centers post information about promotions and entertainment events - look who is monitoring events in the shopping center.

Request information about traffic and audience in shopping centers that catch your eye.

And, of course, don’t be lazy to spend a couple of days on “field research” - sit in an open cafe and count how many people pass by. Watch who goes shopping, who goes to the movies, and who goes to the food court to eat. The information will be more complete if you spend both a weekday and a weekend collecting it.

Define the format

Islands are the best solution for selling seasonal goods and fairs.

Marketers say that 30% of a store’s success is the right choice of format, another 30% is a good location. The work of sellers, assortment, design - this is just the remaining 40%.

Please note that in popular shopping centers, most of the stores are occupied by well-known brands - their turnover can cover the rent of even a large area; one can afford to pay for the rent of a large premises. If you are opening your first store in a shopping center, then an island would be a good place to start.

The island is an open display case installed in the aisles of a shopping center. Brands use the islands to test profitability or for seasonal sales. Most often in stores you can find islands with women's accessories and jewelry, accessories for mobile phones, and sweets.

Choose a place

In most shopping centers, places for islands are allocated in advance. On the ground floor at the entrance - in 95% of cases the best seats in the entire shopping center. However, in the same 95% of cases, these points are given to stores with a name and a core of regular customers.

In addition to places at the entrance, good placements are on the way to popular places in the shopping center: grocery supermarkets and household appliance stores.

To determine the best location for your store, you need to understand the needs of your target audience. You can do this by answering the questions:

  • What else besides my product does my client buy?
  • What motivates my audience to spend money on my products?
  • What can I offer the buyer that he won’t find anymore in this shopping center?

At the same time, there are universal rules for selecting a place:

  • location on the path of traffic that goes to the store, and not to the cinema or cafe;
  • avoiding proximity to stores with a similar assortment - the store is more attractive and will “lead” your customers;
  • refusal to place promoted brands in the “shadow”.

Selling goods without a name in shopping centers like Mega or Gallery is a bad decision. Your store will get lost among branded storefronts. You can take a chance if you are selling something exclusive and interesting to people who are willing to pay for a name on a tag, such as jewelry, accessories and business accessories.

What product without a brand might be of interest to buyers of a popular shopping center? Women - jewelry. Photo:

You are sure that the assortment 100% meets the needs of the Gallery's visitors - for example, you sell handmade jewelry that is wildly popular on Instagram. Then, in addition to rent, include the costs of window decoration and staff. The design must, on the one hand, comply with the internal rules for the design of shop windows in a shopping center, but, on the other hand, it must stand out and attract the buyer’s eye.

Reality: what to expect when renting premises in a shopping center

They say that a crisis is a time of opportunity. And we decided to check how easy it is for a store that doesn’t have its own outlets to enter a shopping center. It seems that in an unstable economic situation, when tenants are moving out, shopping center owners must grab potential tenants. We thought so too, but decided to check it out.

For the experiment, we chose, as it seemed to us, the ideal option - a store of natural wood diaries, sketchbooks and a handmade gifts business. According to legend, the owners of the store, which has been successfully operating online since 2012, decided to try their hand at offline and rent an island in a shopping center in St. Petersburg.

For the purity of the experiment, we decided to call both popular shopping centers - “Mega”, “Gallery”, and small ones in residential areas - for example, the shopping center near Akademicheskaya metro station.

An island with designer accessories made of leather and wood will decorate any shopping center - that’s what we thought. Photo:

We were interested in the cost of rent, the term of the contract, additional payments and conditions. Large shopping centers have their own rental department, and some outsource this task to a brokerage company. One broker can deal with the rental of space in several shopping centers at once.

On the one hand, it is convenient because it can offer several options. On the other hand, employees of the shopping center itself work with a smaller flow of incoming requests and know better how things are going in the shopping center. The shopping center manager offers solutions during the conversation, and the broker needs time to analyze information about your company.

Most shopping centers want to receive a deposit or security payment equal to 1-2 months' rent. The standard contract is concluded for 11 months, sometimes the landlord is willing to meet halfway and is ready to conclude a contract for 6 months. The range of prices is decent; for an island of 6 square meters, a shopping center wants from 6,000 to 80,000 rubles. Within one shopping center, the price can vary by 2 times depending on the floor or zone.

It was not a revelation that you can actually get into Mega, Gallery and the city discounter Rumba only after the company’s presentation. You fill out a form, talk about your experience, product, and other points. And, perhaps, if you like your presentation and are interested in the product, they will contact you and tell you about pricing. The application review period is from 2 weeks. We haven't received a response yet.

I was surprised that Academ Park TC agreed to talk strictly after the company’s presentation. A particularly unpleasant impression was left after a conversation with the secretary of the Sennaya shopping center, who refused to communicate without a presentation in principle. It seemed that we were trying to find out the price of rent with payment not in rubles, but in candy wrappers.

At the Electra shopping center and City Mall shopping center, you will communicate with managers who will immediately announce the conditions you can count on.

Test yourself

When choosing a location in a shopping center, you need to analyze:

  • customer flow: how popular the shopping center is, what part of its visitors can become your buyer;
  • expectations: what goods are missing from shopping center visitors, will your assortment satisfy them;
  • competitors: which stores in the shopping center are of interest to your audience, which stores will become your competitors;
  • zones: is it possible to locate your point near stores for children, women or athletes;
  • format: the type of placement that is suitable for your product, whether it can be bought from the counter or is a fitting room required;
  • conditions: what conditions the landlord offers, whether they are feasible for your location;
  • profitability: how much you need to sell to recoup rent, salesperson salaries and opening costs.

Your point will bring more profit if you can meet several conditions:

  • There are many stores on the floor that are interesting to your audience, and the goods in them do not compete with your assortment → Sell sweets on the floor with a toy store and clothes for mothers and children.
  • The room is not located near the exit → The island is located when leaving the escalator, a bright sign and sweets are the first thing that customers see when they go up to the floor.
  • There are no competitors' outlets in the store → You are the only seller of sweets by weight in the shopping center. The supermarket on the ground floor doesn't sell them.

How often do I hear this old expression. And by the way, I completely agree with him. Recently, during a webinar, one of the listeners also wrote to me in a chat: “If the store is located in a good place, success will definitely happen. "

It’s hard to argue, so we’re looking for a good place.

But if you think about it, few people rent space for a store, spend money on opening, and at the same time consider that the place they chose is bad. So why do I so often hear the sacramental phrase from entrepreneurs

« We got the wrong place."

The fact is that the word “good” is an abstraction. To assess the suitability of a retail space, specific quality criteria must be adopted, and each store concept will have its own criteria, with its own hierarchy of their importance for the success of the store. If the entrepreneur does not have such a set of criteria, then There is a high risk of making a mistake and opening a store that will not receive enough traffic to become profitable.

What mistakes that can be called “typical” are most often made? Especially if the future store owner believes that this place is “good”, simply because, for example, there are a lot of people in this Shopping Center, or the retail space is located on a very busy street. There is a lot that can be said here, but if we generalize such errors, we get the following:

  • Probably the most common and most dangerous mistake is the store concept does not match the flow characteristics . That is, the number of people passing by the store is large, but the share of your potential buyers among them is low. You pay high rent for this number, but in reality, these are not your people. For example, you have youth club clothing, and your store is located on a very busy business street with offices. There are not many regular buyers of this kind of clothing among clerks and managers.
  • The store is in the “right” location, but for some reason it is difficult to get into. This may be the entrance from the side of the building, in the case of a separate store. Or the third floor of a shopping center, or some other “barriers” between visitors and the entrance to the store. Quite often, entrepreneurs cannot assess the seriousness of the impact of such an “obstacle” on future store traffic.
  • The quality of the premises itself does not provide sufficient comfort to customers. No ventilation, no air conditioning in the south facing room. Often, when making a rental decision, entrepreneurs do not pay attention to this, thinking that its positive aspects (that is, a large flow), its location, outweigh these “small” disadvantages. But for a successful business, customers must not only come into the store, but also buy from it. In a stuffy, hot sales area, if there is not enough oxygen in the air, conversion rates drop significantly. And salespeople cannot work a full shift normally. And no amount of motivation or driving will help. Hygiene factors are very important.
  • Lack of showcases. I myself remember very well how we rented a room in a very good Moscow shopping center, with high traffic, but the entrance to the store was through a short corridor. It wasn’t even a corridor, but a rather wide and short hallway, but the store did not have a display window. And although we carefully decorated this “hallway”, and the rent was much lower than in the neighboring normal premises, and we agreed to place free advertising for the store in the shopping center itself, we were not able to send ENOUGH visitors to the store. After some time, the store had to be closed. The shape of the sales area also has a strong influence on the efficiency of retail space.

  • Your customers drive, but you have nowhere to park. Sometimes it's more difficult. Your product requires that you have to come by car to pick it up. For example, let's say you sell flowers in pots. Few people will buy flowers and carry them in their hands. And it’s inconvenient to approach you . For example, there is no exit from the highway.

What's the resume?

Well, firstly, before signing a lease agreement, it is imperative to have it examined for the presence of all sorts of “traps and ambushes.” So that you can do this yourself, I did

Secondly, first develop a set of criteria for properly assessing the premises. This set is developed based on the characteristics of your target audience, consumption situations of your goods, consumption basket and other essential elements of the concept of your future store. I talk about this in detail at the seminar.

How to avoid the loss of a security deposit and protect your investments when renting premises in a shopping center, what clauses of the contract should be paid special attention to and how to avoid penalties from the landlord. You can learn about all this and many other nuances from our article.

To bookmarks

There is no need to be afraid of the contract, it needs to be agreed upon.

If your business is related to trade, and you are planning to rent premises in a Shopping Center, then this article will help you not only save your investment, but also avoid various, not entirely pleasant, situations.

There are two types of commercial real estate lease agreements - short-term (for a period of no more than 11 months) and long-term (for a period of 1 year or more). We will give practical advice on each of these agreements.

Tip 1. To decide which type of contract is right for you, the first thing you need to do is decide on the size of the investment and the payback period of the project. If your project can pay off in 3 to 6 months, then in this case, you can enter into a short-term contract. If your investment pays off in 6 months or more, then it is better to enter into a long-term rental relationship. Otherwise, it will turn out that you will recoup the investment in 6-8 months, and you will only have 5-3 months left to earn net profit.

Tip 2. To protect your investments, when concluding a short-term lease agreement, be sure to write down a clause according to which, in the event of early termination of the lease agreement due to the fault of the lessor (during the payback period of your investment), he will be obliged to compensate you for all losses incurred. But here it is worth considering the point that all losses must be documented, so keep all receipts and invoices.

Tip 3. In a long-term lease agreement, to protect your investment, you can prescribe a moratorium on the unilateral out-of-court exit of the lessor for the payback period of your investment, or a complete ban on out-of-court termination for the entire term of the contract. But here you need to take into account several points: 1. The landlord is also not a fool, and may demand mirror conditions from you. 2. If you manage to agree on a moratorium, then try to ensure that this period is not equal to the payback period of the investment; always take a reserve for several months. 3. If you violate the terms of the contract, the landlord has the right to terminate the contract with you, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in which case you will not only lose your investment but will also be subject to penalties.

Tip 4. Each shopping center has its own requirements for contracts, as well as rental managers, sometimes there are additional bonuses that they receive for agreeing on certain conditions. Therefore, you can and should negotiate on every point that is important to you. In rare cases, usually in top shopping centers, it happens that the main terms of the contract are final and cannot be edited.

Tip 5. A short-term contract is easier to terminate unilaterally out of court. The most important thing is to specify the notice period for such withdrawal from the contract, usually no more than 1-2 months. Also, it does not need to be registered with Rosreestor.

Tip 6. A prerequisite, in case of early termination of the contract, is to agree on the return of the deposit, or its offset in the last month of the lease. Almost all shopping centers try to sign an agreement so that if the tenant unilaterally withdraws from the contract early, the deposit remains in the form of a fine with the shopping center. Push the administration of the shopping center in all convenient ways, as an option - you can increase the notice period for leaving to 3 months, this is quite an adequate period during which the landlord will be able to find a new tenant in your place. But there is one nuance here: For example, after three months of trading, you realized that your business will not bring the expected results and working on rent and employee salaries, and possibly even at a disadvantage, does not make any sense. In this case, it will be easier to leave a deposit to the shopping center in the form of a fine than to incur the costs of doing business for another three months.

Tip 7. After the end of a short-term contract, you may not have a priority right over other tenants to renew. This means that after the end of the contract, the landlord may offer you to rent the premises on completely different terms, or may simply evict you without giving any reason. But such a pre-emptive right can be written down in the contract, but again, it will not guarantee you a contract extension on the original terms.

Tip 8. Budget for rent, in investments, for 2-3 months at once. This way you can avoid penalties in case of delay in payment of payments if your business does not make a profit in the first months.

Tip 9. If you decide that your business will exist for a long time and prosper, and you simply need a long-term contract, then it is worth considering several important points: 1. A long-term contract is subject to mandatory registration with Rosreestor. 2. In order to register such an agreement, a separate cadastral number must be allocated for the premises you rent. All shopping centers have only one cadastral number for the entire building, and therefore it is not profitable for them to issue a separate cadastral number for each small tenant. 3. If, nevertheless, you managed to come to an agreement with the shopping center and sign a long-term contract, then be prepared to bear all the costs of registering it.

Tip 10. A long-term agreement must stipulate the amount of annual indexation of the rental rate, but not more than once a year. Each shopping center has its own appetite for this item, usually the amount varies from 5 to 20% of the monthly rent. This item can also be agreed upon on terms favorable to you.

Tip 11. A long-term contract may be short-term. Typically, a long-term agreement specifies a period within which one of the parties is obliged to register this agreement; usually this period is a maximum of one year. If the agreement is not registered within the specified period, then such an agreement is considered short-term, with automatic annual renewal, but no more than 3 or 5 times, it all depends on the term of the agreement.

Tip 12. At the very beginning of negotiations, be sure to check with the manager about additional payments and obligations. In addition to the monthly rent, additional payments may include - operating costs; communal payments; marketing fees; insurance of the premises for the duration of construction and installation work or for the entire rental period; additional advertising on the façade of the shopping center; paid toilet for your employees (yes, this sometimes happens). Mandatory additional conditions may include: installation of visitor counters in your premises; participation of your store in shopping center promotions; design of advertising structures in accordance with the general concept of the shopping center and production is possible only from their contractors.

Tip 13. Be sure to read the internal rules of the shopping center. If your employees violate them, you may face significant fines, including termination of the contract, without return of the deposit.

Tip 14. An important point will be the need to coordinate the assortment list of your store. It is better to do it in the form of an annex to the contract. Before starting negotiations, first send this list to the shopping center manager for approval. We advise you to add to the list not only the product that you have already decided on the sale of, but also include a product that may appear in your assortment in the future. It often happens that large tenants of a shopping center have an exclusive on a certain product (this is especially true for grocery supermarkets), and it may turn out that when you start trading, it turns out that the product on which you pinned the most profitable hopes is exclusive from another tenant and its sale by you is not possible. This is a very important point that should be taken seriously and carefully thought through.

Tip 15. Be prepared for the fact that before signing the contract, you may be asked for a design of your store (visualization, planogram). If you have complex and specific equipment, then to solve this problem, it is better to contact specialists (we want to warn you right away, the pleasure is not cheap). It is also necessary to measure the premises itself for the correct placement of equipment, and here too, it is better to contact measurement specialists.

Floor plan, option 1.

Floor plan, option 2.

Tip 16. Pay special attention to penalties for late payments. Here is an example, under more favorable conditions for you: The amount of penalties for late payments should be no more than 0.1 - 0.5% of the total amount of debt for each day of delay, but the total amount of penalties should be no more than 5%, from the total amount of the permanent rental part.

Tip 17. Remember that systematic violation of payment deadlines may lead to early termination of the contract, with the loss of the security deposit. State in the contract that systematic violations include violations committed more than 2-3 times in one calendar year.

Tip 18. Check in advance the time when construction and installation work (CEM) is allowed to be carried out indoors, as well as the delivery of building materials and equipment. In most cases, such work is allowed to be carried out only during non-working hours of the shopping center, i.e. at night. Please note that for work at night, builders and workers may require additional payment from you.

Tip 19. Clarify in advance the nuances of the delivery of goods: the time of delivery of the goods and what vehicles are allowed to deliver the goods (otherwise a situation may arise when you deliver the goods on a truck, and it is simply technically impossible for it to enter the territory of the shopping center); Are there carts in the shopping center for internal movement of goods within the shopping center? If so, are they paid or free (this clarification will help you avoid additional costs when delivering goods to the point).

Tip 20. Pay special attention to such clauses of the contract as a fine for late access to construction and installation work and a fine for late opening of a retail outlet for visitors. If you hire a contractor for construction and installation work, then be sure to include in the contract with him responsibility and compensation for damages for his failure to complete work on time. In addition to the period of rental holidays during which construction and installation work is carried out, try to take an additional 1-2 weeks to prepare for the opening of the store. This will help you avoid fines for violating the deadlines for opening the store to visitors. It is worth considering that such fines sometimes reach several hundred thousand rubles for each day of delay.

Tip 21. Find out in advance how and at whose expense the windows of your premises (if any) will be closed during the construction and installation work. Sometimes these are banners of the shopping center itself, and sometimes the administration obliges to hang the windows with the tenant’s banner.

Tip 22. During the negotiations, immediately find out about all the hidden (and not only) communications that take place in the floor or walls of your premises (the shopping center engineer must know this information for sure). Having this information will allow you to avoid major troubles during construction and installation works. For example, your builders will drill a hole in the wall and fall into a water pipe; it is not difficult to imagine what consequences will “follow” from this.

Tip 23. This will be useful advice for those who decide to open a retail outlet at specially controlled facilities, in particular at the airport. To allow your construction team to participate in construction and installation work, all its participants will have to undergo a thorough FSB check, and serious problems may arise here. For example, if one of the workers has a criminal record in the past, then vigilant FSB officers will not allow such a worker to carry out construction and installation works. Therefore, it is worth clarifying in advance what restrictions exist for personnel (and not only in the construction team) regarding access to the site.

Tip 24. Be sure to state in the contract, directly with a specific figure, that the landlord guarantees to allocate the amount of electricity in kW needed for your store.

Tip 25. In order to protect yourself from being subject to rotation of tenants by the administration of the shopping center, be sure to write down in the contract the conditions under which this rotation can only be carried out by mutual agreement of the parties, or is excluded altogether. Otherwise, after half a year of your work in a location that is profitable for you, you may be “asked” to move to some wilderness. If the rotation will be carried out in connection with the reconception or reconstruction of the shopping center itself, then it would be advisable to write down the conditions under which the administration will be obliged to compensate you for all losses incurred (do not forget to keep all receipts and invoices, since compensation is only possible for documented losses).

Tip 26. Be sure to draw up the following appendices to the lease agreement: Appendix No. 1 Floor plan for the placement of premises in the shopping center. On this plan, be sure to highlight your premises in a frame and mark it as - the boundaries of the rented premises; Appendix No. 2 Assortment list (see Tip 14.); Appendix No. 3 Form of the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate of the premises; Appendix No. 4 Form of the Certificate of Return of the Premises; Appendix No. 5 Act on delineation of operational responsibilities. In this Act, carefully write down and define the boundaries of operational responsibility between the landlord and the tenant for utility networks. (the application is not required but very useful); Appendix No. 6 Separation sheet. Here, carefully write down which works the landlord is responsible for and which the tenant is responsible for, who performs them and who pays for them; Appendix No. 7 Locations of the tenant's advertising and information materials on the facade of the premises. In this application, insert a photo of the facade of the room and highlight in a frame all the advertising spaces agreed with the landlord. It is also worth specifying their technical characteristics (dimensions, material used, etc.); Appendix No. 8 Internal rules for using the shopping center.

Tip 27. In the paragraph where the amount of the permanent rent is indicated, also indicate what is included in the permanent rent (advertising on the facade of the premises, utility bills, etc.).

Tip 28. Be sure to include the following information in the characteristics of the premises: The exact address of the shopping center; The floor on which the premises are located; The exact area of ​​the rented premises; Room number, according to the cadastral documentation of the shopping center (note - not internal numbering, but according to the documentation issued by government agencies, since internal numbering can be constantly changed by the administration of the shopping center). But there are cases when your premises simply do not exist on this documentation; in this situation, we advise you to designate the premises in as much detail as possible on the plan in the Floor Plan Appendix, in order to be able to identify it in case of controversial issues;

Tip 29. If your business is related to catering, or you require water supply and sewerage, check in advance about their availability, or the possibility of carrying out such communications inside the premises.

Tip 30. If possible, avoid violating the terms of the lease agreement, but if you suddenly have any problems, do not avoid communicating with the administration of the shopping center, but always contact them in advance, do not delay the situation until a critical moment, in most cases, they can help you concessions. But you shouldn't abuse it.

Tip 31. Before you start agreeing and signing a contract, write down for yourself all the nuances and options for various situations, determine for yourself all possible risks. Always remember the simple rule “it’s better to agree on everything on the shore and it’s advisable to document everything.” Also, you should know that each shopping center has its own rules and requirements; the contract can be on 5 pages, or maybe on all 50. We wish you prosperity and success.

Date of publication: 12/22/2015

Many people consider working in private entrepreneurship to be a good alternative to being hired. At the same time, starting your own business in the field of trade is considered one of the most accessible and well-developed business models. Indeed, trading enterprises are characterized by a relatively rapid turnover of capital and the flexibility of technological processes, which allows them to effectively adapt to a changing macroeconomic environment. However, the key aspect of a successful start of a trading enterprise is the quality choice of its location, during which it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances.

Rental of retail premises

Renting retail premises or purchasing premises for a store is the first issue that will need to be resolved when choosing the location of a retail enterprise. For most retail enterprises, it is beneficial not to acquire ownership of the premises for a store, but to enter into a lease agreement with the owner of the premises or a management company specializing in commercial real estate. Renting retail premises allows you to optimize the costs of maintaining a property, as well as plan rental costs.

Location of the store premises

A good location for a store is one of the key issues in ensuring the profitability of a retail enterprise. In general, any retail outlet should be located in an area of ​​maximum concentration of potential buyers. In this case, in an ideal case, it is necessary not just a cluster of people, but the presence of a moving stream of them.

The store premises do not have to be located in the city center. Depending on the specialization of the retail outlet, it may be located in peripheral areas or even outside the city. This is one of the main differences between office and retail real estate. The key condition when choosing a location for a store is the proximity of the target group of customers. For example, a grocery or household goods store may be located in a suburban area, a car parts store may be located near a highway, office supplies will be in demand in areas adjacent to educational institutions or administrative and office centers.

When choosing an object for renting retail premises, it is also advisable to take into account the competitive environment and the potential volume of demand for goods that will be part of the store’s specialization. Based on this, you can decide between a free-standing retail facility and renting retail space in a specialized shopping and entertainment center.

Equipping the store premises

Depending on the choice of rental option for retail premises - a separate object or space in a shopping center - you will need to evaluate the technical equipment and characteristics of the object. These include engineering communications, area and volume of premises, security and fire extinguishing systems, and transport accessibility.

Engineering Communication

Retail space is classified as a non-residential property, however, it must be equipped with the main types of utility networks. The store premises must be connected to electricity, water supply and sewerage. As a rule, normal operation of a modern store is impossible without telephone communications and an Internet connection.

When looking for options for renting retail space, you must take into account the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the equipping of retail facilities with security and fire alarm systems, ventilation, air conditioning systems, autonomous fire extinguishing systems, information signs in case of emergencies, fire shields, hydrants, and so on.

As a rule, the regulatory requirements for equipping retail outlets with engineering systems fully comply with facilities that were originally designed to accommodate retail real estate areas. When repurposing a facility, there is a high probability that significant costs will be required for its equipment in accordance with the standards. Therefore, renting space in shopping centers is considered less expensive compared to the option of a separate facility. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the level of utility bills, which can vary significantly depending on the technical equipment and status of the retail property. This issue must be agreed upon at the stage of discussing the lease agreement for retail space.

Finishing and zoning of the premises

Retail real estate objects must necessarily correspond to their functional purpose, so their layout is one of the key selection factors. In general, in addition to the sales floor, retail real estate must have storage and utility rooms, as well as administrative premises. The most stringent requirements in terms of finishing and functional zoning are imposed on retail space specializing in the sale of food products. In turn, stores of household and industrial goods are regulated by a slightly smaller number of regulations, although they, of course, must meet the requirements of regulatory authorities.

Retail store equipment

The choice between options for leasing equipped retail premises and vacant space is determined mainly by the factor of the rental rate. As a rule, facilities equipped with commercial equipment are more expensive. In turn, your own commercial equipment often requires significant investment in acquisition, as well as maintenance costs.

Transport accessibility

Convenient access to a retail property is important not only for buyers, but also for optimizing logistics schemes. Delivery of goods and waste removal also require convenient access roads - in this case they will cost slightly less. Depending on the profile of the trade enterprise, it will be useful to take care of parking spaces. In the case of renting space in a shopping center, most likely, parking spaces will be provided for by the general design of the complex, and when opening a store in a separate building, the creation of parking spaces will fall on the shoulders of the organizer.

Number of storeys

In general, the best option for a new retail enterprise is to rent retail space in specialized retail real estate facilities. This will allow you to avoid large expenses for the purchase of retail equipment, equipping the facility with the necessary communications and finishing of retail premises.