How to put a billboard on a highway. Soundproof fences and enclosures Advertising board in the city or on the highway

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Market outdoor advertising once again found itself under threat due to the entry into force of the new GOST on road maintenance. New rules from September should have prohibited the placement of billboards on roadways and sidewalks, which could have affected about 80% of the market. However, at the last moment, after the intervention of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, their entry into force was delayed until the summer of 2019.

The National Association of Visual Communications (NAVC), with the participation of officials, is preparing changes to the new GOST on requirements for highways, NAVK told Kommersant. GOST, which came into force on September 1, actually prohibits placing advertising billboards on the roadway, sidewalks, median strips and roadsides - advertising there must be removed within three hours after detection. If it is used, more than 1.5 thousand.

Billboards on federal highways

Since March 2016, the placement of outdoor advertising near roads has been regulated by another GOST “Outdoor advertising on highways...”. At first it also contained sharp restrictions for advertising, added at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but after the protest of market participants and the intervention of the administrations of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the then First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov softened the standard.

GOST on road equipment, which appeared at the end of 2017, unexpectedly advertising market proposed new restrictions for business. It was supposed to come into force in June, but advertisers managed to postpone it until September; in the meantime, NAVK appealed to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and the appeal commission of Rosstandart. In July, Mr. Sobyanin wrote to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that the application of the new GOST regarding advertising “is unacceptable in the context of the current development of the city” (Kommersant has a copy of the letter). The advertising requirements were included in GOST without discussion with the Moscow government and contradict the provisions of the market-specific GOST, the mayor noted. He asked the prime minister not to include the new GOST in the list of mandatory ones until amendments are made to it. Mr. Medvedev instructed his deputy Dmitry Kozak to take into account the position of the Moscow mayor’s office and report proposals, say two Kommersant sources familiar with the contents of the correspondence.

The Moscow authorities turned to the government “with concern about possible radical changes in this area,” confirms the head of the Moscow Department of Advertising and Media, Ivan Shubin: “Issues of eliminating contradictions were eventually ordered to be worked out; it is important that the advertising industry be preserved. For now, the deadline for the introduction of requirements for advertising media under the new GOST has been postponed until July 1, 2019. We will continue to insist on eliminating unnecessary and anti-industry requirements for advertising designs.”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is lobbying for stricter regulations on outdoor advertising. As Kommersant reported, the traffic police has prepared a strategy to reduce accidents on the roads until 2024, among the proposed measures of which is a reduction in the number of billboards along the roads. “When making decisions regarding commercial interests, it is necessary to adhere to security priorities. In most civilized countries, advertising structures are kept away from the roads, as they not only do not decorate the road surface, but also distract the driver’s attention,” emphasizes Natalya Agre, deputy head of the public council of the Ministry of Transport.

The existing GOST for outdoor advertising was approved after studying “all available scientific research“The government of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg is actively involved in all these issues, recalls Jean-Emmanuel de Witt, managing director of Russ Outdoor. “The entry into force of a standard that excludes the possibility of installing new and further operating existing advertising structures would entail catastrophically negative consequences for business throughout Russia,” he fears. Over seven years, the share of outdoor advertising has already decreased to 10% of the total advertising market. “Such facts at the level regulatory regulation may destabilize the situation in the industry. Business stability is ensured by the consistency of the policy pursued by the legislator,” agrees the Deputy General Director for legal issues company "Laisa" Mikhail Manzheley.

Anna Afanasyeva, Ivan Buranov

Newspaper "Kommersant" No. 161 dated 09/06/2018, page 7

9. Installation of an advertising structure is permitted if there is a permit for the installation of an advertising structure (hereinafter also referred to as the permit), issued on the basis of an application from the owner or other legal owner of the relevant real estate or the owner of the advertising structure specified in parts 5-7 of this article. local government municipal district or local government body of the urban district, in the territories of which it is planned to install an advertising structure.

Outdoor advertising has problems on the roads

Installation of an advertising structure without permission (unauthorized installation) is not allowed. In case of unauthorized installation of a new advertising structure, it is subject to dismantling on the basis of an order from the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the city district in whose territories the advertising structure is installed.

11. The application specified in Part 9 of this article is accompanied by:

1) information about the applicant - an individual or information about state registration legal entity or state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur;

2) confirmation in writing of the consent of the owner or other legal owner of the relevant real estate specified in parts 5-7 of this article to attach an advertising structure to this property, if the applicant is not the owner or other legal owner of the real estate.

12. The local government body of a municipal district or the local government body of a city district does not have the right to require the applicant to submit documents and information not related to the territorial location, appearance and technical parameters of the advertising structure, as well as charge, in addition to the state duty, an additional fee for preparation, registration, issuance of a permit and performance of other actions related to the issuance of a permit.

13. The local government body of a municipal district or the local government body of a city district independently carries out coordination with the authorized bodies necessary to make a decision on issuing a permit or refusing to issue it. In this case, the applicant has the right to independently obtain such approval from the authorized bodies and submit it to the local government body of the municipal district or the local government body of the urban district.

14. A decision in writing to issue a permit or to refuse to issue it must be sent by the local government body of a municipal district or the local government body of a city district to the applicant within two months from the date of receipt from him necessary documents. An applicant who has not received specified period from a local government body of a municipal district or a local government body of a city district, a decision in writing to issue a permit or to refuse to issue it, has the right to go to court within three months or arbitration court with a statement declaring the inaction of the relevant local government body illegal.

Article 14.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulates violations of the requirements for the installation of advertising structures:
Installation of an advertising structure without permission for its installation provided for by law and (or) installation of an advertising structure in violation of the requirements of technical regulations, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 11.21 of this Code -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from three thousand to five thousand rubles; on legal entities- from fifty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

All the best!

How to install a billboard in a city

Advertising on the road

Advertising on the road carried out thanks to advertising boards , billboards that are installed along roads, highways, streets, highways . Using advertising on the road, you can get maximum coverage target audience. Advertising on the road allows you to cover only the streets, areas and highways that interest you, and convey your advertising message to potential clients. In most cases, advertising boards measuring 3x6 meters are installed along the roads - this is the most common advertising medium on outdoor advertising roads in Moscow and in all cities of Russia. There are also larger formats such as superboards - 3x12, 4x12 meters and supersites 5x15 meters.

There is a static design and prismavizhin or trivision, when the information field consists of three faces, the rotation of which leads to a change in the image.

To do this you need to make a request to advertising agency Fest Poster, in the contacts section, communication methods are indicated. We will provide an address program with prices, photos, and a map that will indicate the status of the sides of the billboards: free, sold, or in reserve (planned placement, but not yet confirmed). Then we can develop a design for you. layout that meets the requirements of the current federal law“About advertising”, and transfer it to large-format printing in accordance with technical requirements.

Success advertising campaign on the road depends largely on layout. It should be simple so that in a few seconds a person can understand and remember your advertisement. The message must be unique trade offer or services. For example: promotion, discount, new product, etc.

banner design layout development

large format banner printing

and others, which you can find here: all services of Fest Poster.

Using the services of the advertising agency Fest Poster, you receive high-quality targeted programs ( commercial offers) for advertising on the road, which will include the most advantageous offers on the outdoor advertising market and at the same time save time on obtaining this information.

All available billboards on the online map

How to install an advertising structure along the road. How to put up a billboard

How much does a billboard cost?

How much does it cost to put up a billboard near the road? How to put up a billboard

per month in the Moscow region. The cost of renting a billboard depends on:

— Billboard size: shields 3x6- this is the most common outdoor advertising medium in Moscow and all Russian cities, however, there are also larger formats, such as superboard - 3x12, 4x12 meters and supersite 5x15 meters;

— Location of the billboard: in Moscow, the cost of renting land and the cost of connecting communications is much higher than in the Moscow region. Also, road congestion by potential consumers affects the effectiveness of OTS and GRP advertising;

— Seasons: there are seasonal discounts, during which there are promotions on the cost of renting billboards;

— Sides A or B:

Depending on the direction of movement, sides A are right (working towards the area) and left (working when moving out of the area).

To rent a side of a 3x6 shield you need find a structure at a suitable location, find out the status: vacant, sold, or in reserve (planned placement). Next, prepare a design layout that meets the requirements of the current federal law “On Advertising” and submit it for printing in accordance with the technical requirements.

Consult on questions cost for 3x6 billboards and other formats, you can make a request from our specialists: contacts for communication

It is proposed to move billboards away from roads. The Ministry of Transport, Rosavtodor and RosdorNII are in favor of repealing the provisions of GOST, which allowed the installation of such structures at a distance of 0.6 m from the highways. Experts believe that this threatens road safety. If the standard is returned to the previous edition, the 5 m standard, which was in force until 2016, will reappear. But toughening is also being considered - moving billboards away from highways by 10 m, and outside populated areas by 40 m. Outdoor advertising operators predict a crisis in the industry due to excessive regulation.

Protect drivers

The majority of participants at the October meeting of the technical committee on standardization spoke in favor of canceling the 2016 changes to GOST on advertising, which simplified the placement of billboards along roads, Vladislav Elizarov, head of the Center for Certification and Expertise of the Coordination Council for Road Safety, told Izvestia. The council itself, as well as the Ministry of Transport and its subordinate RosdorNII have already sent their feedback to the committee, their representatives said. Rosavtodor did not answer Izvestia’s question about its position, but it follows from the minutes of the meeting of the standardization committee on October 22 (Izvestia has the document). The updated GOST allowed operators to place advertising structures at a distance of 0.6 m from roads; canceling the changes will return the limit to 5 m.

Moreover, RosdorNII is preparing new changes to GOST on advertising, as stated in the protocol. According to them, the placement of billboards can be moved to a longer distance - 10 m from the edge of the road for populated areas and 40 m outside populated areas, one of the meeting participants told Izvestia. The goal is to improve road safety.

Within this distance you should only stand road signs so that the car owner does not confuse them with something else,” the expert noted.

Double regulation

The question of the relevance of GOST on advertising also arose due to contradictions with the new standard on road safety. One of its points states that “foreign objects” must be removed from roads, sidewalks, and bus stops within three hours from the moment of discovery, and from dividing strips and roadsides - within three days.

The new requirements actually ban the placement of 90% of advertising billboards on the roadway, sidewalks, dividing strips and roadsides, Sales Director of the Mosoblreklama Group of Companies Maxim Resnyansky told Izvestia.

In August, the National Association of Visual Communications (NAVC) managed, through the appeals commission of Rosstandart, to delay the entry into force of the controversial clause of the new standard until July 1, 2019; a special technical committee should develop amendments to it. In the rest of the GOST, GOST came into force on September 1 and became mandatory from the end of October, with the exception of the provision on foreign objects.

The Ministry of Transport considers the adjustment of the item under discussion inappropriate, the department told Izvestia. Its adoption and the cancellation of changes to GOST on advertising will reduce the number of accident-prone areas and the mortality rate as a result of road accidents, and this is provided for by the approved Road Safety Strategy in the Russian Federation for 2018–2024 and the national project “Safe and High-Quality Roads” submitted to the government "

The changes adopted in 2016 also exclude restrictions in areas outside populated areas, which, according to the Ministry of Transport, “could contribute to the placement of oversaturated advertising information on the roads and create conditions for reducing the level of road safety.”

Rosstandart noted that there are contradictions in the provisions of GOSTs and must be eliminated taking into account the opinions of interested parties.

Rosavtodor claims that the new GOST should simplify the procedure for dismantling shields from federal highways. Now the dismantling case is considered on average from several months to a year, and now the structures can be recognized through the court as foreign objects and removed in a maximum of three days, an agency representative explained to Izvestia.

The GOST requirements are appropriate, Sergei Kanaev is sure. Sometimes advertising objects are installed on the roadway itself, and they cover traffic lights or are located near street lamps, reflecting light and forming a “dead zone,” he added.

"Naruzhka" threatens crisis

The cancellation of the relaxations will worsen the investment attractiveness of the outdoor advertising market, entail losses for the budget, and job cuts, as listed in the NAVC. GOST on advertising cannot be changed before the GOST on road safety comes into force: Rosstandart is obliged to notify the government of plans to cancel the standard at least a year in advance, the association indicated.

The adoption of new requirements threatens the onset of a crisis in the advertising services market, a sharp increase in the cost of placement, the collapse of the majority of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, as well as a serious jump in media inflation, says Maxim Resnyansky from the Mosoblreklama Group of Companies. In addition, litigation will follow with district authorities due to the need to terminate existing contracts. And this will reduce the local budget in the event of recovery of losses in favor of operators, he added.

The issue of security is questionable, it was widely discussed as part of the changes to GOST on outdoor advertising, and security requirements were taken into account as much as possible, says Evgenia Volgina, director of the Gallery’s legal department.

Operators are supported by the Moscow Department of Media and Advertising.

We will strive to preserve the industry GOST 52044-2003 and make changes to the new, “road” one,” department head Ivan Shubin explained to Izvestia. He argues that “the outdoor advertising market performs an important social function in the prevention of road accidents, which the city authorities carry out jointly with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in Moscow.”

The measures of the previous edition of GOST, before the changes in 2016, were also “prohibitively strict”; it is impossible to comply with them in urban conditions, says Andrey Berezkin, general director of ESPAR-Analyst.