How to build a career in construction. Unwritten rules for building a career. Chief Project Engineer

A construction worker and a migrant worker are not the same thing

Many people make the mistake of thinking that a builder is someone who lays bricks. In fact, builders are conventionally divided into two groups: construction workers (the “hands” of construction) and engineering workers (the “brains” of construction). Because a builder is not even a profession, but a collective concept.

"Hands" of construction

Let's be honest: not everyone wants to work in an office. There are and have been professions created for those who respect working with their hands: masons, roofers, installers, painters, electric and gas welders... If these people weren’t there, today we wouldn’t live in new buildings, wouldn’t drive on new highways, wouldn’t walk on modern ones entertainment centers.

Mason lays the foundation, builds walls from blocks or bricks. Must know the properties of mortars, masonry systems, requirements for masonry quality, types of parts and prefabricated structures.

Roofer covers and repairs roofs, produces hydro-, heat- and vapor barriers, prepares materials for sealing joints and seams.

Installer installs wiring and lighting, installs electric motors, transformers and other equipment, installs overhead lines and lays cables in the ground.

Painter provides appearance finished structures. Must know technologies and methods for painting various types of surfaces with pre-applied insulating and/or waterproofing coatings, chemical composition paints and rules for selecting colors, technical conditions for finishing and drying products.

Electric and gas welder welds parts, components, structures and pipelines made of structural steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals; cleans and prepares for painting.

Brigadier does the same thing as workers, but is also responsible for general labor.

To master one of these professions, studying at a vocational school is enough. For example, in Vocational School No. 72, Vocational School No. 69 or Vocational School No. 40.

All listed specialties have 5 categories (from 2nd to 6th). Vocational school graduates are assigned the 3rd or 4th category. It makes sense to increase it - the rank affects the salary. This can be done while working.

It is also easy to retrain at a construction site - working in a team, you can really gain experience from your colleagues and master an additional specialty.

A career in construction can be built in this direction: become a foreman, then a foreman.

"Brain" of construction

A civil engineer receives a higher education in the basic construction specialty of PGS (industrial and civil construction). For example, at the Military Technical University under the Federal Agency for Special Construction or at the Moscow State Academy of Utilities and Construction (has branches in 5 cities in the region).

There are divisions within the profession: designers, estimators, production workers, designers, electricians, chief engineers, etc.

The engineer must know the building codes and regulations (SNiP), estimate and design documentation, GOSTs. Must have independent drafting and blueprint reading skills. Proficient in special programs such as Avtocad, GrandSmet. Many employers specify knowledge of technical English as a prerequisite.

With a diploma in civil engineering, you can go to work on a construction site or in a technical production department (preproduction engineer, quality engineer, cost estimate engineer).

If an engineer chooses to work on a construction site, his career may begin as a foreman.

The foreman organizes work at a construction site. He explains tasks to workers and monitors their implementation. Provides safe working conditions. Orders materials, calculates the number of employees, determines compliance with the project, maintains documentation.

Why is it difficult to be a builder?

If we talk about working specialties in construction, this is, of course, hard work. You need to carry construction materials and work in any weather. The work is dusty in the literal sense of the word: you have to breathe dust and harmful substances. Accidents are not uncommon at construction sites.

If we talk about engineers, the difficulty here lies in the high responsibility that falls on their shoulders.

But not so long ago the profession was honorable. She enjoyed special respect in the post-war years. What seems so familiar to us today - high-rise buildings, shops, factories - was just beginning to be built en masse then.

In the 2000s, people went into construction for the money. A person with “hands”, even with a primary education, could receive a very decent salary and earn extra money if desired.

But after the 2008 crisis, a lot has changed. The profession's ratings have fallen sharply, as have salaries. Employers cut back where they could cut, many were fired, and many crews left on their own.

|Marina Emelianenko | 22695

The construction profession is one of the oldest on Earth. From the very beginning of human existence, people have been building houses. At first it was a primitive arrangement of caves, then small houses and settlements that have grown to megacities today. Without the work of builders, the flourishing and development of civilization is impossible, and any other achievements become practically useless.

Builder is a profession of the past, present and future. When there are a lot of tractors, then there is a lot of work.

And in fact it is. How would our society live if profession builder didn't exist? There would be no houses with our usual cozy apartments, shops, clinics, schools and other organizations. In fact, any sphere of social life begins with construction, with laying the foundation for where all further development will take place.

Today work as a builder– in the list of the most popular. This profession is complex in nature and combines two concepts:

Engineering and design workers.
These are the organizers of the entire construction process. At a construction site, you cannot do without a foreman (work manager) who monitors all processes and the quality of the work performed. Such workers are in high demand in the labor market. Today, chief engineers, site managers, foremen, highly specialized specialists such as surveyors, ventilation and heating specialists are the most in-demand professions in the construction market.

Workers are performers.
This includes a fairly wide range of workers who perform one of the tasks at a construction site as part of the entire complex of work. Masons, roofers, electricians, painters, finishers - each of these specialists must have certain skills and abilities to perform their type of work efficiently.

Any construction project requires the presence of workers of various specialties. Therefore, the most important thing when choosing profession builder– ability to find a common language in a team. You will get practical skills, you will also study theory, but if you don’t know how to communicate with people, then work as a builder It's unlikely to suit you.

Working as a builder: main pros and cons

Profession builder has a number of advantages and disadvantages. As noted by people who have devoted many years to this specialty, its main advantages are as follows:

Quite high wages. As a rule, any work construction work nicknames are assessed based on established standards, which are sometimes quite high,

Excellent prospects for professional development. Perhaps the mason or finisher cannot claim career. But knowing his job one hundred percent and becoming a highly qualified specialist, such a person will be able to secure a job, and a well-paid one, for many years,

Flexible work schedule when working for yourself.

The main disadvantages that it has work as a builder, the following are distinguished:

. Work as a builder is not easy both physically and mentally,

The need to work with people who are sometimes different from the usual social circle,

Uniformity and monotony of work over a long period of time,

Often long working hours.

Personal qualities of a builder

Work as a builder presupposes the presence of certain personal qualities, which cannot be avoided on a construction site:

Good moral and physical preparation,

Attentiveness, ability to concentrate,

Good vision, color perception,




Often work as a builder associated with severe weather conditions, inaccessible workplaces and danger to health and life. You must be a careful, attentive person and strictly follow safety instructions.

Construction career – where are we heading?

A career ladder starting with ordinary specialties can lead an employee to the positions of foreman, foreman, foreman or site manager. For those involved in the organizational field, there is a real opportunity to take leadership positions after several years of working directly on a construction site. In any case, career growth depends on the personal qualities and knowledge of the employee. Not many builders strive to get to the top because they are satisfied with the work they do and the pay for it.

If desired, any builder can, alone or together with a team, organize his own business, open his own enterprise and do his favorite work at his own discretion, schedule and prices.

Work as a builder significantly in demand in summer and spring. The demand for specialists in winter and autumn drops somewhat, but this applies exclusively to work performed in open space.

The areas of application of construction knowledge are very diverse: construction sites, residential premises, factories, enterprises and organizations. Any of them requires both initial construction and subsequent maintenance, such as major repairs or Maintenance buildings.

Payment for work by a builder

Profession builder can allow you to earn a lot of money, but for this it is important to have certain knowledge, skills and qualities. According to the website, today entry-level builders can expect a salary of 30 thousand rubles, specialists 50-60 thousand rubles, and professionals can have up to 80 thousand rubles per month. However, this salary is typical for large cities. In the provinces, for example, work as a builder rarely paid higher than 20 thousand rubles.

In any case, everyone who chooses profession builder, can learn to do their job so well and efficiently that people will be willing to pay more. After all, construction work is work that determines the appearance and quality of the population’s housing. Many people understand that a professional will do everything right the first time, and by saving, you can end up paying twice.

Where to study to be a builder?

Construction education can be obtained at both higher and secondary educational institutions. Among the most popular technical schools and colleges in Russia, where you can study to be a builder, today the following are distinguished:

And this is just part educational institutions, where can you study to be a builder?. At the same time, you can work in the profession without special education, but a diploma of secondary or higher specialized education will significantly increase your chances of getting a higher-paying position and gaining access to prestigious companies.

Of course, we can talk endlessly about the construction profession. The work of people who are engaged in this type of activity professional basis, deserves the highest praise. Without them there would be no houses, no shops, no cinemas, no hospitals, no stadiums.

It should be noted that construction is a profession that appeared a long time ago, many centuries ago.

The construction sector is a priority for people today

Probably, ever since a person learned to build, his thoughts have been constantly focused on how to improve the tools in his arsenal, as well as on what unique configurations of buildings and structures can be invented and how to build them in a short time.

A builder is a profession in which you constantly need to think, otherwise today we would not admire the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids and the beauty of the Roman aqueducts.

It should be emphasized that people are always trying to modernize the process of constructing certain objects. Everything that we see today on city streets appeared as a result of the painstaking work of builders.

Of course, there are few professions that could compare with the field of activity we are considering in terms of the breadth of creative imagination, variety of interests and degree of enthusiasm.

A builder is a diverse profession. It is not limited only to the construction of housing. A person needs to go to theaters, museums, art galleries, and the circus. And where would he go if such objects did not exist? Moreover, a builder is a responsible profession. Imagine what will happen if a new one collapses a few months later shopping complex or hospital! Of course it's a tragedy. All claims to the quality of construction, naturally, will be made to the people who were directly involved in the construction of the objects.

Those who specialize in the construction of buildings and structures are also responsible for historical and cultural monuments. Their restorers are also considered builders, only they are forced to solve a more difficult task - to bring the object to its original form.

It is safe to say that construction is the profession of the future.

Moreover, no matter how pretentious it may sound, it also implies the mandatory use of creative potential and extraordinary solutions. Construction differs from others in that its end result is the original aesthetics of cities, the practicality of apartments or the uniqueness of factory structures. Every builder is proud of his profession, because he understands perfectly well: his work is aimed at making a person’s life comfortable and easy.

Characteristics of the profession

Wage level

Unfortunately, the profession in question cannot be classified as highly paid.

A builder’s salary depends on a number of factors: working conditions, complexity of the work, level of qualifications, geographic location of the facility being built, and others. A builder's career usually ends with the position of a foreman or technician, after which many try to organize their own business.

What is a civil engineer?

For a larger size wages compared to an ordinary plasterer or painter can count on this is extremely important for construction site. The person holding the above position is essentially entrusted with the functions of a foreman. He supervises day-to-day construction work and monitors the quality of its implementation.

In addition, he deals with integrated design issues, ensuring that all communications are connected to the construction site. Moreover, he is developing master plans for the objects being designed.

The salary of a civil engineer varies from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles per month, depending on the level of qualifications.

"Road Workers"

Mention should also be made of those who professionally lay roads. Unfortunately, the caustic phrase “Russia has no roads, but only directions,” expressed at one time by the British Prime Minister has not lost its relevance to this day. That is why road builder is a profession that is now incredibly in demand in our country. We must change the opinion that European countries have about the low quality of our highways.

It should be noted that in the construction segment under consideration today there is a shortage of qualified estimators, designers, and site managers.

A technical mindset, computer literacy, perseverance, a willingness to delve into one broad task - a set of such qualities is an excellent basis for the confident career development of a technical specialist.

Popularity engineering professions, it would seem, has decreased significantly over the past decades, but we can say with confidence that in fact, good engineers have always been in demand, and today the demand for these specialists often even exceeds the supply.

Engineers can apply their knowledge in both Russian companies, which, in the context of production development, are in dire need of design engineers, as well as foreign ones with Russian representative offices. It is profitable for the latter to hire Russian specialists (for all positions - from entry-level to management), since invited foreign employees require more high pay labor.

The list of engineering specialties is long: mechanic, programmer, designer, technologist, heating engineer, power engineer, etc. Any of these specialties provides for smooth and confident career growth. Let's look at it using the example of a design engineer.

Design engineer (no experience)

. education - at least secondary
. PC - user
. Knowledge of AutoCAD program.

. drawing of objects, interior spaces
. working with a ready-made base of elements.

Salary: 20-25 thousand rubles.

Design engineer category III

. knowledge and ability to use regulatory documentation (SNiP, GOST)
. AutoCad, Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, Outlook) - confident user
. experience in design organizations.

. participation in design
. quick execution of drawings of varying complexity.

Salary: 30-35 thousand rubles.

Design engineer category II

. specialized higher education
. 2 years of facility design experience

. Work experience in engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education is at least 2 years.

. development of facility organization and layout schemes
. construction of longitudinal and cross profiles
. construction of cartograms
. calculation of work volumes.

Salary: 39-45 thousand rubles.

Design engineer category I

. specialized higher education
. experienced PC user: AutoCAD, MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook), basic knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D
. mandatory knowledge and ability to use regulatory documentation (SNiP, GOST)
. Work experience as a category II design engineer for at least 2 years.

. resolution of technical issues regarding assigned objects throughout the entire design period, participation in the collection of initial data for design
. preparation of assignments for the development of design solutions
. ensuring compliance of developed objects and technical documentation standards, technical specifications and others regulatory documents on design and construction, as well as assignments for their development
. checking drawings made by design engineers I-II categories
. implementation of normative control.

Salary: 50-60 thousand rubles.

Leading Design Engineer

. specialized higher education
. mandatory knowledge and ability to use regulatory documentation (SNiP, GOST)
. 3 years of experience in designing and independently managing a facility
. experience in designing large facilities, protecting design solutions, interacting with customers and installation departments
. experience in coordinating projects with authorities is desirable government regulation
. Knowledge of design packages (AutoCad is required)
. knowledge of equipment of domestic and foreign production.

. project development
. development commercial offers, technical assignments
. development of specifications and commercial estimates
. designer's supervision of the implementation of designed facilities
. meeting design deadlines.

Salary: 60-80 thousand rubles.

Chief Engineer project

. higher professional education
. 1-3 years of experience as a chief project engineer or leading project engineer
. experience in designing large objects, passing examinations
. PC - confident user
. knowledge of specialized programs, excellent knowledge of AutoCad.

. management of a design team
. verification and approval of design documentation
. development of all design stages
. designer's supervision of construction projects
. project management (full management)
. passing the project examination
. preparation of pre-project documentation
. project cost estimate
. supervising the project at all stages, monitoring the implementation of technical specifications, conducting designer supervision
. conducting negotiations with related, contracting and construction organizations; communication with customers.

Salary: from 70 thousand rubles.

Chief Engineer

Must know:
. legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the enterprise, federal, regional and local authorities state power and administration
. organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise
. profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure
. prospects for technical, economic and social development industries and business plan of the enterprise
. the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the production and economic activities of an enterprise
. market methods of business and enterprise management
. procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts
. economics and organization of production, labor and management.

Education, work experience: higher professional education and work experience in the specialty leadership positions in the relevant sector of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

. determination of technical policy and direction of technical development of the enterprise
. management in accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise, the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, the prevention of the harmful effects of production on environment, careful use of natural resources, creation safe conditions labor and improving the technical culture of production
. organizing the development and implementation of implementation plans new technology and technologies, carrying out organizational and technical activities, research and development work
. ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment
. control over compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision
. timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical specifications, technological maps)
. coordination of work on patent and invention activities
. work to protect the priority of implemented scientific and technical solutions, prepare materials for their patenting, obtain licenses and intellectual property rights
. organizing training and advanced training for workers and engineers, ensuring continuous improvement of personnel training
. management of the activities of the technical services of the enterprise, monitoring the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate departments.

Salary: from 90 thousand rubles.

The horizontal growth of an engineer, as a rule, follows the path of development in the field of sales.

Sales Engineer

. higher education or final year of university
. knowledge of the technology market is an advantage
. Experience in direct sales of non-food products
. good PC knowledge (Word, Excel)
. communication skills.

. equipment sales
. consulting the company's clients, assistance in choosing necessary equipment
. preparation of accompanying documents
. control of delivery of goods to the buyer.

Salary: from 30 thousand rubles.

Project material

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Posted on Apr. 29th, 2011 at 02:53 pm | | | |

We used to have this: you did well at school - you did well. Once you enter a university, you will become a competent and successful professional. But recently, a completely different path to the profession has become popular.

Deputy Director of the Kazan Construction College Olga Vakhonina says:

Nowadays we have guys applying for budget places even with a certificate of excellence. And very many - without a single top three. I ask them: “Guys, why didn’t you go to university right away?” And they say that they specifically chose college because they want to first acquire a profession that will feed them, and then study at a university and work at the same time.

Why does this strategy work? What advantages do those who choose the route to university through college have? We learned about this from the example of one of the best construction colleges in the republic - Kazan Construction College.

Here are some important rules to follow if you want to become successful. So:

Rule #1:

choose in-demand careers and a college that works closely with you

with employers.

Construction professions, for example, are in great demand today. This means that you will definitely find a job and be able to earn good money after graduating from college. Moreover, the Kazan Construction College has established good connections with employers. Among the college’s regular partners are LLC Aktash, ISK Stroy Engineering, OJSC Kulonstroy, OJSC Kazan-Tsentrstroy, LLC ZhBK Plant, Unistroy and other companies.

After the third year, our students go on summer internship to one of these construction organizations,” says KSK director Alexander Vladimirovich Prosnev. - By this time they have a certificate with a qualification assigned to them in a working profession. For example, a 3rd category mason or a 3rd category plasterer, etc.

The guys are already working with official employment in practice. Some then go to the same organizations for pre-graduation internship. And those who have proven themselves well remain to work there. We have a distribution of graduates. It often happens that employers come for specific students.

Just the other day I went to the website of the Stroy Engineering company,” says Olga Vakhonina. – In the vacancies section it is written that VET engineers are required specifically with the education of the Kazan Construction College. We also currently have 5 applications from employers for laboratory assistants. These are specialists who check the quality of building materials in laboratories of construction companies. We have in great demand graduates with a specialty in “Production of non-metallic building products and structures” - they work as laboratory assistants, quality control inspectors, and foremen at reinforced concrete factories.

Rule #2:

Find out in advance what level of salary awaits you after graduation in your profession.

One of the most popular questions that parents of our future students ask us is: “What will their salary be?” says Olga Vakhonina. - For construction specialties, the figures are as follows: usually, immediately after graduation, children are accepted into probation with a salary of 18,000 rubles. Over the course of a year, the salary of a graduate with secondary vocational education reaches 25,000 - this is only salary, without overtime. I think by today's standards this is very good. And surveyors receive even more (what kind of profession is this - “surveyor”, see in the “By the way” section).

Rule #3:

achieve mastery in your profession so that the employer himself comes for you.

No matter how in demand the specialty is, no one needs bad specialists. So be prepared to persistently master all the intricacies of the profession. And, of course, try to choose a college that is famous for its good training of specialists, such as the Kazan Construction College (KSK).

KSK is already a brand in the construction industry, says Olga Vakhonina. – It is no coincidence that some construction companies specify in their vacancies: “A specialist with a KSK education is required.”

And recently, the “quality mark” of education at KSK was confirmed by college student Denis Ibraev.

Denis became the winner of the Open Championship professional excellence in Moscow as part of the prestigious international competition WorldSkills (Russia) - the best in the “Masonry” competency. On April 3, 2013, he confirmed his skills at the Regional Championship of Professional Excellence of the international competition WorldSkills (Russia), taking 1st place at the republican level. Now he will represent our republic at the Russian National Championship in Tolyatti. And if he becomes the best there, he will go to the WorldSkills World Championship in Leipzig (July 2013).

Where do such high results come from? Naturally, these are the traditions of the college, and professional masters of industrial training, and experienced teachers. By the way, KSK carpenters also distinguished themselves in Moscow. Second and third places were taken by college students Egor Davydov and Denis Rakhipov.

The college has long been operating on a very effective point-rating system for assessing knowledge.

Those who study at a university are well familiar with it: the system literally forces students to study throughout the semester, and not live in the old fashioned way “from session to session.”

To get even a C in a semester, you need to score a certain number of points,” explains Olga Vakhonina. – And points are independent and test papers, these are incentive points for doing something “above and beyond the task.” We introduced this system even before universities implemented it and it has taken root with us. Before the first winter session, some guys still live by the stereotypes of school, and then they realize that without regular hard work you won’t achieve anything in college.

A graduate of KSASU, who graduated from the Kazan Construction College before university

Graduate of KSASU who entered the university after school

By the time of entering university, he has working profession and working category (usually the third).

Can work in his specialty while studying at a university in absentia and receiving 20-25 thousand rubles

Has already proven himself in production practice in some construction organization and has job offers

If he has a certificate stating that he has entered KSASU, he can work in a construction organization not only as a foreman, but also as a PTO engineer (production and technical department), estimator, PPR engineer (design and production work)

How can a person with a working profession determine the quality of any work performed on a construction site? And also calculate the amount of work, calculate salaries, draw up work schedules at a construction site. All this knowledge is acquired in college

Has theoretical ideas about required quality construction work, but not practical

Duration of study at KSASU is 3.8 years

Duration of study at KSASU is 6 years

By the time of graduation from KSASU he has 4 years of work experience


All this is KSK!

There is a competition for the specialty of secondary vocational education at KSK: from 2 to 4 people per place. There is a commercial department.

For budget places in the KSC, Kazan children have to compete with children from almost all over Tatarstan and beyond. Children come here to study from Vysokogorsky, Arsky district, even from Nurlat and Naberezhnye Chelny. And also from Bashkiria, Mari El, Chuvashia, Kirov region.

Nonresident students live in three dormitories right next to the college. The college has two canteens, two gyms, a sports ground and a football field. The entire territory of the college is covered in pine trees, and there is a forest nearby. Beauty!

College students after the 9th grade are given a deferment of conscription into the army until they reach the age of 20.


“Should I become a surveyor?”

Surveyors are highly sought-after and well-paid specialists. But what kind of profession is this?

A surveyor, using special instruments, determines the coordinates and heights of points on the earth's surface, analyzes them and creates topographic plans and maps based on them. A surveyor is an indispensable profession in construction: construction will not begin until geodetic work is carried out on the site.

Required qualities: attentiveness, accuracy, analytical mind, desire to work with abundance modern technology(laser scanners, electronic surveying instruments, etc.), responsibility.

Career opportunities: from surveyor to head of the geodesy department. Also possible positions are surveyor technician, surveyor engineer, department engineer.

Where to study: at KSK in the specialty " Information Systems provision urban planning activities». Higher education- at Kazan Agrarian University.