How to properly arrange an internal part-time job? Can a watchman work at 1.5 times the rate?

Please advise on the following question: is it possible for three guards to work in an institution according to the schedule: every other day? Each watchman will work at 1.5 times the rate (1 st. basic, 0.5 st. - internal part-time job). If such a mode of operation is possible, then how to correctly draw up a duty schedule taking into account the internal part-time work of guards? Will this option solve the recycling issue?


Answer to the question:

Yes, such a mode is possible.

As a rule, working hours for part-time workers cannot exceed four hours a day (). But if an employee is free from his main job (on any day), then he can work part-time on that day full time. However, during one month (another accounting period), the duration of work of a part-time worker should not exceed half the standard working time for the month (another accounting period) established for the corresponding category of employees. Such restrictions are established by Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If employees perform internal part-time work on the same days as their main job, the duration of part-time work on these days should be no more than four hours.

Therefore, with a daily schedule, four hours will be spent on part-time work, and 20 hours on the main job. Working 20 hours every other day at their main job, employees will not be able to meet the standard working hours.

In this situation, it is advisable to stipulate in employment contracts and work schedules that some of the guards’ daily duties are performed as part of their main job, and others (indicate which ones) are part-time.

For this purpose, you can draw up separate schedules for your main job and your part-time job.

With respect and best wishes comfortable work, Julia Meskhia,

HR System expert

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Elena Kovaleva

Why was the employer, who established an additional payment for the employee for combined work, unable to remove it? Why was the employer forced to return the full amount of work to an employee who could not cope with her duties? Why did a part-time employee work during his main job and who was to blame for this? Time and again, practice returns to issues of a clear distinction between combination and part-time work.

And although this problem has been discussed in the legal press more than once, state labor inspectors continue to identify violations in this matter, the solutions to which may not be so clear-cut.

A little theory

Combination and part-time work are concepts so different that it would seem impossible to confuse them with each other.
But in practice, even an experienced personnel officer makes mistakes.

Let's start with the fact that part-time work and combination are concepts that are used only in relation to the labor branch of law. But this is where their commonality ends.

In accordance with Art. 60.1 Labor Code Russian Federation part-time work is a second job, in which a second employment contract is drawn up, a second hiring order is issued, a second leave is granted, a time sheet is kept for part-time work, and, at the employee’s request, an entry is made in work book.

In accordance with Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, combining is the performance by an employee, with his written consent, of additional work along with the work specified employment contract, during set duration working day (shift).

Thus, if part-time work is a second job, then part-time work is not a separate job, but only an additional responsibility to the main job. Therefore, if part-time work can exist without a main job, then combination does not imply this: combination can only happen if there is a main job, combination in itself is impossible.

In accordance with Art. 273 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time work is the performance by an employee of other regular paid work under the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job. We emphasize: in your free time from your main job. This means that for an employee working in one organization on a part-time basis, two time sheets are kept: for the main job and for a part-time job. Let’s assume that the employee’s main job in the organization is “educator”, and on a part-time basis an employment contract has been concluded for the position of “music director”. In one time sheet his working days as a teacher are noted, in the other - as music director. In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between maintaining a time sheet for an employee performing part-time work. Based on the foregoing, if part-time work is performed in free time from the main job, then part-time work is performed within working hours - therefore, it is not additionally reflected in the working time sheet. And if part-time work is paid wage, then an additional payment is established for part-time work. When during compliance checks labor legislation state labor inspectors investigate this issue, often a problem arises in the interpretation of the documents provided: for example, an employee, according to an employment contract, performs work on a part-time basis, and the working time sheet reflects only the main work, and therefore it is not clear why the employee does not goes to work part-time and for what in this case he is paid a salary. Or vice versa: an employee works during the day, say, as a janitor, and at night he goes to work as a watchman.

But one time sheet is kept, one salary is paid, and an additional payment is established for part-time work, although in fact there are signs of part-time work, since the second job (watchman) is performed in free time from the main job.
Since part-time is the second, independent work, then the employee must be paid a salary for it along with all allowances, regional coefficients (in those regions where they are provided), additional payments, and bonuses.

For combination, an additional payment is established, the amount of which, in accordance with Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is established by agreement of the parties. This additional payment is only part of the salary, but not wages in full.

Part-time job



The order of acceptance to work; employment contract

Combination order

Occupancy of working hours

Outside the established working hours

Within established working hours

Labor relations initiative

Employee initiative

Initiative of the employer with the written consent of the employee

Time sheet

Separate time sheet
working hours for work
at the same time

One time sheet



Additional payment, the amount of which is determined by the parties


Second leave granted

No special leave is provided for performing additional duties.


Order to terminate the employment contract

Order to remove the additional payment for combined work due to the termination of additional duties

Legal basis

Art. 60.2, art. 151 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Art. 60.1, art. Art. 282–288 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Everything that has been said can be schematically summarized in a table ( see above).

What will practice say?
Let's look at several situations that have arisen in practice for different employers.

Combination or part-time?
The employee has been hired as a junior researcher. An employment contract was concluded with him, according to which the employee’s workload was set at 1.5 times the rate.
Based on the employment contract, a hiring order was issued, according to which the employee was hired government agency for the position of junior researcher at 1 rate and 0.5 part-time rate. At the same time, no employment contract for part-time work was concluded with the employee. At the same time, in fact, the employee performed work within the normal working hours, one working time sheet was kept for him, which are signs of part-time work, not part-time work. By order, based on the employee’s personal statement, the additional payment in the amount of 0.5 times the rate was canceled.

In this situation, a dispute arises: under what conditions – part-time or part-time – does the employee work?
Firstly, according to Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the order for employment must comply with the employment contract, which is not observed in this case: in the employment contract - 1.5 rates; in the employment order, 1 rate is for the main job and 0.5 rates for part-time work.
Secondly, there is an obvious discrepancy. On the one hand, the employment order contains a direct indication that work in the amount of 0.5 rates is part-time. On the other hand, the absence of a second order (for part-time work) on hiring, the absence of an employment contract on part-time work, and the employee’s actual performance of work within working hours indicate that the work was performed on a part-time basis. It seems necessary that in this matter the parties bring the documents into proper form, resolving the issue under what conditions the additional work is performed. We are inclined to believe that the additional work in this case is performed on a part-time basis, since it occurs within one working time, for which the employee was not paid a salary, but an additional payment of 0.5 times the rate.

Main job or part-time job?
The situation turned out to be no less confusing budgetary institution- school.
The employee was hired at the school for the position of head teacher, in accordance with the employment contract dated 2003. In accordance with this employment contract this work is the main one.
In 2006, the employee was transferred to 0.5 head teacher rate and worked under such conditions until 2009. Moreover, in violation of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the agreement to change the terms of the employment contract with the employee was not properly drawn up.
Thus, from 2006 to 2009 things actually worked out for the employee labor Relations under the terms of an employment contract for 0.5 head teacher rates. This fact is confirmed by pay sheets and its tariffication for the corresponding years, from which it follows that the employee was assigned a workload of 0.5 times the rate and wages were accrued in the same amount. Considering that, in fact, the parties continued their employment relationship under such conditions for 3 years, we can say that it was on these conditions that these relations developed, although they were not properly brought into compliance with the law.

At the same time, by agreement with the employer, the employee begins teaching classes in grades 10–11 in an amount corresponding to the salary rate of a secondary school teacher - 18 hours a week; for this, a part-time employment contract is drawn up with her.

From September 1, 2009, the employee was transferred to 0.25 of the head teacher’s rate, which is confirmed by her tariff schedule for the 2009–2010 school year. year, personal account. This change in the terms of the employee’s employment contract is also established by law OK - I didn’t appeal. The parties continued their employment relationship on these terms for another year. We believe that this can be regarded as the employee’s oral consent to change the terms of the employment contract, which, again, in violation of the law, were not properly formalized. At the same time, the employee continued to teach classes for 18 hours a week.

Finally, in September 2011, by order of the director, 0.25 of the head teacher’s salary was removed from the employee and transferred to another employee. The employer motivated this by the fact that the employee could not cope with the work function of the head teacher, did not draw up the school schedule in a timely manner, and had not completed a number of necessary methodological documents. But this time the employee wrote on the order that she did not agree with this order, and the employer was forced to return the original position: “return” 0.25 of the rate to the employee.

What do we have as a result? Initially, the load on the main job was reduced from the volume of the wage rate to 0.25 of the wage rate. Circumstances allow us to say that in fact both parties agreed to this, no one appealed against the changes in labor relations, and the parties worked under these conditions for a long time. If the employer had withdrawn the last 0.25 of the wage rate, then the employee would not have been provided with work at her main place of work, in violation of Art. Art. 21, 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which guarantee the employee the right to provide work for a specified labor function and at the same time oblige the employer to provide the employee with work. In fact, the employment relationship for the main job would have ceased, but, knowing the previous development of history, it is safe to assume that again no one would have formalized this properly.

In addition, in the end, the parties came to the conclusion that currently the employee’s main work as a head teacher amounted to 0.25 times the salary, and her part-time work as a teacher amounted to a number of hours corresponding to the salary rate of an average teacher. secondary school. And this, under these conditions, allows us to talk about the substitution of types of employment contracts: main and part-time. It would have been more logical to bring the actual conditions of labor relations into the proper form back in 2009: to formalize the part-time work of a head teacher in the amount of 0.25 of the wage rate, and the work of a teacher as the main place of work in the amount of the wage rate.

Part-time work while working?

The employee is hired as a loader by the employer both at his main place of work and part-time. The part-time employment contract states that the employee’s working hours are established in accordance with the Internal Rules labor regulations, in which, in turn, there was a condition on a five-day working week for the company’s employees from 08.00 to 17.00. At the same time, according to Art. 282 of the Labor Code, part-time work is performed in free time from the main job.
Thus, it is not clear exactly what time the employee had to work if, when working part-time, the working day began for him and when it ended. In fact, the employee worked from 08.00 to 17.00.

Then the employer formalized the employee’s absence from work from the date of concluding the part-time employment contract and canceled the part-time employment contract. And this was done in order not to pay sick leave: due to an accident at work, the employee presented sick leave for payment at both places of work. The employee worked within the time frame established by the Internal Labor Regulations, to which the part-time employment contract referred, but in fact it was in work time, set for main work.

If we assume that the employee performed this work on a part-time basis (during the main working hours), and not on a part-time basis (outside working hours), then he should have paid an additional payment for the combination, which would be included in average earnings employee when calculating it. However, this was not done either. At the same time, it was not clear from the terms of the part-time employment contract at what time the employee would go to work part-time, and he went to work in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations. Let us add that in the court of first instance the employee was unable to prove the fact of working part-time. Currently, the employee has filed a cassation appeal.

Internal part-time work as an escape from overtime?

In a private security company, the State Labor Inspectorate conducted an inspection of compliance with labor legislation following a complaint from one of the employees. The worker complained about enormous overtime. During the inspection, this fact was confirmed: the guards actually worked 200 or more hours a month. The state labor inspector issued an order to pay workers for overtime hours, in accordance with Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in an increased amount.

The employer explained that he had a newly opened enterprise and would not be able to pay employees that amount of overtime work. However, he complied with the order, and henceforth he formalized labor relations with the security guards both for his main job and for work on a part-time basis. Then the same 250 hours of work per month were formalized as follows: 178 hours are the standard hours for the month, which the employee worked, and the remaining 72 hours are part-time work, which was paid in proportion to the time worked in a single rate.

Often, part-time work becomes a way to avoid paying increased overtime. In accordance with Labor Code overtime work is paid at time and a half (the first two hours) and then at double time. Part-time work - in proportion to the time worked - at a single rate.

Therefore, the employer, taking into account that the employee overworks the established norm of hours every month, draws up a part-time employment contract with him and these hours become not overtime hours, but hours of part-time work.

In practice, such cases often occur with employees who work as security guards, watchmen, boiler room operators - that is, workers who work in shifts.

Combination under the terms of an employment contract?

When combinations are included in an employment contract, it sometimes becomes a real headache for the employer. And only he is to blame for this.
The employee was hired by the organization as an accountant.

When she was hired, the employer offered her, while the cashier position was temporarily vacant, to perform additional and labor function cashier until the employee is hired for this rate. The employee agreed, and a condition was added to her employment contract that she would be given an additional payment for combined work in an amount determined by the parties, but no clarification was made that this additional payment would be paid to the employee only if she performed additional duties.
The employee performed this additional work, for which she received her additional payment.

After some time, they stopped paying her this additional payment, since in fact the employee’s performance of these additional duties ceased, for which a corresponding order was issued.

But the employee, not agreeing with this order, appealed to State inspection labor. The State Labor Inspector, taking into account that the additional payment was established by the employment contract, and was removed unilaterally by order of the employer, in violation of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, no agreement was concluded to change the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, issued an order to the employer to pay this additional payment to the employee, and canceled the order to remove it as issued in violation of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

We believe that in this case, the employer needed to formalize the condition for establishing an additional payment for combined work not by an employment contract, but by a separate order. Any document can be changed or canceled only by a document of the appropriate level: an employment contract is an agreement to an employment contract, since it is a bilateral act, an order is an order. Therefore, by order changing the terms of the employment contract regarding the additional payment established for the employee for combination work, the employer acted unilaterally. In connection with the above, we believe it is more appropriate to establish the condition of combination not in the employment contract, but in the order.

Thus, for proper registration in practice of part-time and combination work, it is recommended:

– in order to avoid documentary confusion, it is necessary to immediately determine at what time the employee will perform additional work: within working hours - then we are talking about combination (the corresponding order/instruction, the employee’s consent, additional payment, one time sheet); in free time from the main job - we formalize a part-time job (employment contract, employment order, separate time sheet, separate salary, separate vacation with its payment, etc.);

– formalize the combination not by introducing a condition into the employment contract, but by issuing a separate order, since an order can be canceled or changed by order, and to change the terms of the employment contract, agreement of the two parties is required;

– if the order on combination contains a specific period for which the condition on combining workers of professions (positions) with the accrual of the corresponding additional payment is valid, then the condition on combination is terminated upon the expiration of this period, while issuing a separate order on the termination of the employee’s duties for combining and removing no additional payment required. If the order was issued for an indefinite period and the parties did not initially discuss the period (for example, “work for now, and then we’ll see”), then in order to remove the additional payment and terminate additional responsibilities for combining, it is necessary to issue a separate order with prior notification to the other party no later than for three days.

All changes and additions to this employment contract are formalized by a bilateral written agreement. 6.4. This agreement may be terminated on the grounds provided for by current labor legislation. 7. Details and signatures of the Parties Employer: SNT "" INN 111111111 Chairman of the Board of SNT "" Ivanov I.I. Employee: (full name) passport: series, N issued "" 20. division code registered at the address: signature Appendix No. 1 Job description of the SNT watchman " " 1. General provisions. 1.1. The watchman reports directly to the chairman of the SNT " "1.2. The watchman is appointed and dismissed by the chairman of SNT "", in agreement with the members of the board. 2. Requirements. 2.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed training are allowed to work as a watchman. induction training and instruction on labor protection in the workplace.2.2.

Employment contract with a watchman

  • the period for which part-time work is established;
  • grounds for establishment;
  • terms of remuneration (proportional to time worked).

Additional agreement If an employee is transferred to working hours, then it is necessary to prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract. It specifies all changeable conditions:

  • work time;
  • the period of establishment of such a regime;
  • change in wage conditions.

Example additional agreement on establishing part-time work: Sample additional agreement In conclusion, it should be noted that correct composition A part-time employment contract will not only relieve the manager from the risk of penalties, but will also allow him to act strictly within the law and respect the rights of his employees.

Transfer of the guard to 0.5 bets


The watchman must know:

  • Boundaries of the protected object.
  • Telephone numbers of the duty officer at the police department, fire department, hospital.

3. Job responsibilities. 3.1. Entrance gates must always be locked. Gardeners independently open and close the gates with their own key.

The watchman must ensure that the gate is always closed. Do not let through gardeners who do not have a key if they have debts to SNT "".

The list is provided by the chairman.3.2. Always have a working work mobile phone with you.3.3. Freight transport and tractors should only be allowed through upon the owner's request, indicating the site number (with an entry in the record book). 3.4.

Raa Law

The Labor Code of Russia provides for the work of an employee at an enterprise both full-time and on a part-time basis, established at the initiative of the employee or employer. A person’s life circumstances may develop in such a way that he simply will not be able to be at his workplace for the required 8 hours.

In some cases, the employer does not require the presence of his ward at the workplace throughout the day, and therefore it will be useful to learn how to draw up an employment contract for 0.5 wages. Normative base It is possible to transfer to part-time work, but both parties must agree and act in good faith to do so.
According to Art.


This column, as a rule, contains clauses, parts or articles of labor legislation or legal documents regarding social protection citizen. Also here the text includes the amount of compensation for damage to property by subordinates or other fines, penalties for late payment of labor by the employer.

Dimensions Money as punishment, they are deducted from the salary of the person responsible. Therefore, the methods of penalties for failure to comply with the terms of the contract must be described.

Peculiarities of an employment contract with a school watchman The specifics of a school watchman’s work can be twofold. Some educational institutions want the employee to work part of the daytime as a watchman, and part of the night time as a watchman-overseer.

How to indicate 0 5 rates in an employment contract

The working hours for guards are usually prescribed in the clause of responsibilities of the parties. The schedule for rest, weekends and holidays is also usually indicated there.
It can be reflected in the form of a schedule plate, or you can simply indicate in text how the subordinate will work, and attach the schedule to the contract. In case the employee has to work in conditions dangerous to life and health, then in the paragraph where the benefits and rights of the employee are indicated, compensations provided for by law are also written.


So, for example, a watchman who is employed by an enterprise in the Far North will earn more than a watchman who is employed by such an enterprise in more southern regions. It is worth mentioning separately the item “Responsibility of the Parties”.

Features of an employment contract with a watchman

Worker with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for the execution by him labor responsibilities; — pay the full amount of remuneration due to the Employee within the time limits established by this agreement; — introduce the Employee, upon signature, to the accepted local regulations, directly related to his labor activity; — provide for the Employee’s everyday needs related to the performance of his job duties; — carry out compulsory social insurance of the Employee in the manner established by federal laws; — compensate for damage caused to the Employee in connection with the performance of his job duties, as well as compensate for moral damage in the manner and under the conditions established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation; 2.5.
A sample employment contract for 0.5 wages can be downloaded here: Template of an employment contract for 0.5 wages Sections If in a regular employment contract, providing for a full 8-hour working day, time by hour may not be specified, then in an agreement for 0.5 wages the number of hours is reflected Necessarily. Below is an example from an employment contract that shows how this can be done: Extract of provisions from a part-time employment contract Preparing an application To be transferred to part-time work, the employee must prepare an application addressed to the manager.
The document is drawn up in any form. Example: Example of an application to establish a part-time working day After receiving the manager’s approval, an order is issued and changes are made to the employment contract.

Employment contract watchman 05 rates

Do not allow cars like “Gazelle”, “Sobol” and passenger vehicles engaged in trade, collection of scrap metal, etc., to pass without the accompaniment of the interested owner of the site or the permission of the chairman of the PSK.3.5. If a fire occurs at the facility, notify the fire brigade, report the incident to the officer on duty at the police department, and open the gate to the relevant services. 3.6.

IN winter period clear the area in front of the gatehouse, the pedestrian path to the gate, and also near the gate from snow. 3.7. Maintain cleanliness and order around the gatehouse.3.8. The watchman must report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.3.9. Make an internal walkthrough of the protected area at least three times a day. In cases of detection of broken doors, windows, walls, locks, immediately inform the owner of the area, and, if necessary, the officer on duty at the police department.
When hiring a new person, an employment contract or employment agreement is always concluded with any applicant. Registration of employment of a watchman or watchman in this way is no exception. After concluding this agreement, the employee becomes a full-fledged employee of the enterprise, organization, institution. It is also subject to all norms of labor legislation and social protection.

But in order to avoid any further disputes between the employer and the subordinate, you need to know how to correctly draw up an agreement with the guard. Conditions There is a classic standard contract, whose form in its content is suitable for all cases.

But it does not reflect all the details for each position, if there are any specifics in working conditions or pay for a particular position. Therefore, some more details are often added to the standard form.
In what cases is it issued? Part-time work involves performing the duties assigned to the employee during fewer hours. Here it is important not to confuse part-time work (part-time work) and shortened working hours, since in the first case the transfer is made by the free will of both parties, and in the second the employee is obliged to submit to the will of the manager.

Most often this is caused by objective circumstances (the introduction of a new software, financial difficulties, changes in the specifics of work, and so on). A part-time contract can be drawn up in the following cases:

  • At the request of the employee and the consent of the employer.
  • In the event of pregnancy of an employee, who in this case enjoys the rights according to Art.

The watchman has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description for consideration by the chairman of the board. 5. Responsibility. 5.1. The watchman is responsible for improper performance or non-fulfillment of his job responsibilities provided for by this Job Description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.5.2. The watchman is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of SNT.5.3. Upon dismissal from office, the Watchman is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of affairs and property to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to the chairman of the board.5.4.

Let's hit the Russian yozyg at the lawlessness of spelling! It's scary when you realize that every person has their own safe, and you can open it... Nika Belarus, Mozyr #138 May 22, 2014, 15:06 Can you tell me the wording, considering that she’s going on vacation 1, she is replaced by 2, and the duties of the 2nd are performed by the 3rd? I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message, because: A notification is being sent... Nika Belarus, Mozyr #139 May 22, 2014, 15:17 Previously, in such cases, the timekeeper simply timed the watchman, who was registered at 0.5 times the rate of completion of the work (volume work reached 1.0 rate) and no extras. no orders were issued - I think this is wrong, that’s why I’m asking. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

Transfer of the guard to 0.5 bets

To carry out this procedure, he needs to submit an application to the manager with a request to change his work schedule to part-time, that is, part-time. After the management of the enterprise makes a positive decision, the terms of the employment agreement change. A written agreement is concluded between the manager and the employee.
Additional conditions to the employment agreement stipulate the employee’s new schedule part-time, that is, 0.5 rates, is indicated tariff rate or salary, as well as the length of the working week. Additional conditions to the employment agreement must be printed in 2 copies: one of them is given to the employee, the other remains with the manager. Based on signed additional conditions In addition to the labor agreement, the management of the enterprise or organization issues an order on changes made to the staffing table.

Enter the site

Belarus, Minsk #140 May 22, 2014, 15:18 In connection with labor leave controller at the Ivanova checkpoint from 00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000, as well as in accordance with Art. 33, 111 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, TRANSLATE: Petrova, watchman, checkpoint controller to replace a temporarily absent employee from 00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000. Set Petrova for the specified period normal duration working hours from shift schedule work. Due to temporary transfer watchman petrovoy controller at the checkpoint from 00.00.0000 to 00.00.0000, as well as in accordance with Art. 111 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, ESTABLISH: Sidorova, the watchman, for the specified period, normal working hours with a shift work schedule. Something like this, but due to the fact that I am formulating on the fly, perhaps the formulations are not entirely “beautiful”.

Employment contract watchman 05 rates


Pay for response Continue dialogue Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions I work as a procedural nurse, the employer is reducing my position from 1 rate to 0.5. (due to changes in the staffing table At the main place of work, transferred from 1 rate to 0.5. Since 2003, I have been working in the Department of State Technical Supervision in the Tyumen Region. How to correctly reduce and formalize an order from 1 rate to 0.5 rate. The head of the garage must be transferred from 1 bet to 0.5 since on full time it's not loaded.

This will be a reduction under clause 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, or under clause I am a dentist of the highest category.

Transfer to 0.5 bets

We make an entry in the work book and personal card of the employee. Transfer to 0.5 rates at the initiative of the employer. Transferring an employee to part-time status at the initiative of the employer is possible under certain conditions. § Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the introduction of a part-time working regime for a period of up to six months at the initiative of the employer, if this is caused by organizational or technological changes order of the enterprise (for example, reorganization of production) and may lead to mass layoffs. § It is mandatory to notify employees of changes in working hours 2 months in advance. § To do this, inform each employee against signature of the need to switch to part-time work, obtain consent or refusal. § In the notice, indicate the employee’s right to refuse the transfer and warn that in this case the employment contract is terminated on the basis of clause 2 of part 1 of art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Quote: The working hours must provide for the length of the working week (five days with two days off, six days with one day off, work week with the provision of days off on a sliding schedule, part-time work), work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers, duration daily work(shifts), including part-time work (shifts), start and end times of work, time of breaks in work, number of shifts per day, alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by internal labor regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulations legal acts, containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, and for employees whose working hours differ from general rules established by a given employer - an employment contract.

The watchman from the rate was transferred to 0 5 rates

The employment contract is signed by the head of the organization, as the employer, certified by the seal of the enterprise, the employee puts his signature, as the employee hired for the position. 4 Makes an entry in the work book personnel worker, puts the serial number of the entry and the date of hire in Arabic numerals. In the job information, he writes the fact that the employee was accepted for a certain position, indicates the name of the enterprise, the title of the position and structural unit. The personnel officer certifies the entry made with the seal of the organization, enters his last name, initials, position, and signs.

Introduces the employee to the record against signature.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation An employee has the right to conclude employment contracts to perform other regular paid work in his free time from his main job with the same employer (internal part-time work) and (or) with another employer (external part-time work). According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 282. General provisions on part-time work Part-time work is the performance by an employee of other regular paid work under the terms of an employment contract in his free time from his main job. Concluding employment contracts for part-time work is permitted with an unlimited number of employers, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Part-time work can be performed by an employee both at the place of his main job and with other employers. The employment contract must indicate that the job is a part-time job.


Forum 630 Discuss Questions 250,053 Ask Participants 92,631 Join Lawyers 7,686 Watch Free consultation of lawyers on labor law Along with the topic “Internal part-time work” they are also searching for: Hello, I work in the main position, plus 0.5 for internal part-time work in the same position , (5 staff members per position). The three of us work in shifts, day and night off. Can I refuse a part-time job, my boss just says that overtime only pays for 120 hours a year, no more. We work seven days a week, if I quit my part-time job, the standard hours will become less, then weekends may appear.

And can he set a schedule without days off? Question number No. 14175613 read 31 times
  • This is the best answer Hello. Yes, you can refuse. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Article 60.2.

Transfer to 0.5 rates at the initiative of the employee. § Transfer to part-time work must occur by agreement of the parties. And, therefore, the employer has the right to refuse the employee’s request. But for some categories of employees, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to establish such a regime at the request of: - a pregnant employee; - a single mother or father (including a guardian, trustee) raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled minor; - an employee caring for a sick family member.
§ By agreement with the employer, the right to transfer to 0.5 rates can also be used by: 1. employees on parental leave and wishing to go part-time (while maintaining state benefits); 2.employees undergoing training from the employer. § The beginning of the transfer procedure is the employee’s application (see.
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  • All overtime hours worked must be paid. However, working at 0.5 part-time rate in a second position and working overtime are not the same thing. A job at 0.5 rate means a work week of 20 hours outside of the main job.
    You can refuse to work part-time at any time, just submit a letter of resignation for this position. Quote: Overtime work work, performed by an employee on the initiative of the employer outside the working hours established for the employee: daily work (shift), and in the case of cumulative accounting of working hours - in excess of the normal number of working hours for the accounting period. The duration of overtime work should not exceed 4 hours for each employee for two consecutive days and 120 hours per year.
    Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.