How to correctly translate company details into English? Sberbank details in English Company details in English sample

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “DETAILS” in dictionaries.

  • DETAILS – The essential elements
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • DETAILS – Essential Elements
    Russian-English economic dictionary
  • DETAILS – Essential Elements
  • DETAILS – Essential Elements
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • TRANSPORT DETAILS - m pl transport requisites transport requisite
    Russian-English WinCept Glass dictionary
  • PROPERTIES - property - strength-weight properties Details properties: warranted ~ property with the right of ownership properties: warranted ~ property with the right of ownership
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • BANK DETAILS - bank details
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • BANK DETAILS - bank details
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
  • PROVED INSTRUMENT - a document whose contents or details have been proven
  • E.E. - abbr. 1) excluding errors 2) details; essential elements
    English-Russian Legal Dictionary
  • STOCK POSTER - advert. standard poster (designed for a specific field of activity and sold like photo library materials without the right of exclusive use; the poster is marked ...
  • RETAILER TAG - advert. retailer imprint*, retailer link* (local retailer details in advertisement manufacturer or wholesaler) See: dealer tag
    New English-Russian explanatory dictionary of marketing and trade
  • LOCAL TAG - advert. link to local dealer* (dealer details added locally to national advertiser materials) See: dealer tag live tag
    New English-Russian explanatory dictionary of marketing and trade
  • IMPRINT DEALER - advert. requisites advertising agent* (information about the advertising company posted on the advertising poster)
    New English-Russian explanatory dictionary of marketing and trade
  • DEALER IMPRINT - advert. information about the dealer, dealer overprint (imprint)* (details of a local dealer placed in advertising materials of a national advertiser) Under materials of direct post ...
    New English-Russian explanatory dictionary of marketing and trade
  • CONTRACT FORM - 1) eq. form [blank] contract ( standard form, on which the contracting parties write down their details and special conditions) 2) Finnish contractual [negotiable] ...
  • CMI RULES FOR ELECTRONIC BILLS OF LADING - transport, trade, financial, legal, British. Rules on electronic bills of lading of the International Maritime Committee * (document approved by the law "On the carriage of goods by sea", 1992; ...
    New English-Russian explanatory dictionary on financial markets

Bank and business details are mostly abbreviations and abbreviations. Often, abbreviated legal terms do not have absolutely identical analogues in foreign language or, conversely, have several translation options at once. What is the best thing to do in such cases? Which translation option should I choose? Maybe we should just rewrite everything in Latin, that is, transliterate it? Let's figure it out together.

Analysis by example

In our bureau it is customary to translate this way. Let's look at this example in detail.

Details in Russian

Express LLC
Legal address: 190121, St. Petersburg, Drovyanoy lane, 22, letter A, room. 2H
Address for correspondence: 191023, St. Petersburg, Muchnoy lane, 2, office 118
TIN 7839078339
Gearbox 783901001
OGRN 1177847045750
Account number 40702810110000082192 at Tinkoff Bank JSC
C/s 30101810145250000974
BIC bank 044525974

Details in English

Express LLC
Legal address: 22 Drovyanoy pereulok, litera A, pom. 2Н, Saint Petersburg, 190121, Russia
Postal address: 2 Muchnoi pereulok, office 118, Saint Petersburg, 191023, Russia
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 7839078339
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) 783901001
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) 1177847045750
Acc. at AO Tinkoff Bank 40702810110000082192
Corr. acc. 30101810145250000974
RCBIC 044525974

Why OOO and not LLC?

LLC (limited liability company) is often translated into English as Limited Liability Company or LLC. In the British version of the language, Limited Trade Development (Ltd.) is used. Moreover, the legal form is indicated after the company name (examples: Associated Hotels, LLC; Supranational Hotels Ltd.).

But there is still a certain difference between our LLC and the English LLC/Ltd, and in some cases such a renaming of the company can lead to problems. In addition, as translators note on the TranslatorsCafé forum, the term LLC indicates American realities, while OOO is a purely Russian phenomenon. Therefore, while maintaining the organizational and legal form in its original form, we emphasize the fact that the organization operates in our country.

Examples of translation of organizational and legal forms
Form English translation
Fully Abbreviated
JSC "Express" Joint Stock Company Express AO Express
JSC "Express" Open Joint Stock Company Express OAO Express
JSC "Express" Closed Joint Stock Company Express ZAO Express
PJSC "Express" Public Joint Stock Company Express PAO Express
LLC "Express" Limited Liability Company Express OOO Express
LLP "Express" Limited Liability Partnership Express TOO Express
State Unitary Enterprise "Express" State Unitary Enterprise Express GUP Express
FSUE "Express" Federal State Unitary Enterprise Express FGUP Express
SAOU "Express" State Autonomous Educational Institution Express GAOU Express
DOW "Express" Preschool Educational Institution Express DOU Express
IP Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich Individual Entrepreneur Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich -
Examples of using

Then the TIN, checkpoint and everything else can also be typed in Latin?

Yes, translators agree that these abbreviations can also be safely transliterated. But we believe that in the case of TIN, checkpoint and classifiers, it is better to indicate the translation of the term in full, and add the abbreviation in Latin in parentheses.

Let us explain using the TIN as an example.

If you just transliterate

We take the TIN and transliterate it. We get INN. The resulting abbreviation may be understandable to a Russian person even without context, but for the English language it will be alien. We don’t decipher OOO, ZAO, because there is a company name next to it, and INN has only a number next to it, that is, from the context it is not clear what this term is.

If deciphered and translated

We decipher the TIN, translate it and get the Taxpayer Identification Number. To make it clear what has been deciphered and translated, we add the transliteration (INN) in parentheses, and the number next to it. It is better not to create a new abbreviation from the translated phrase (in this case TIN), it may simply not be used in the target language or used but with a different meaning. If the original term is very narrow, you can give a detailed explanation: INN (an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service in the administration of tax laws), but in the case of details this will only overload the translation.

Examples of translating abbreviations in company details into English
Abbreviations of classifiers, registers English translation
OKUD Russian National Index of Administrative Documents (OKUD)
OKPO Russian Business and Organization Classification (OKPO)
USRPO Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of All Patterns of Ownership and Management (EGRPO)
OKONH Russian Classifier Of National Economy Sectors (OKONKh)
OKVED Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED)
OKOPF Russian National Classifier of Forms of Incorporation (OKOPF)
OKFS Russian National Classifier of Ownership Patterns (OKFS)
OKEY Russian National Classifier of Measurement Units (OKEI)
OKTMO Russian National Classification of Municipal Territories (OKTMO)
OKATO Russian Classification on Objects of Administrative Division (OKATO)
OKOGU National Classifier of Government Entities and Administration (OKOGU)

Now let's look at the bank details

Bank details of a domestic Russian account differ from international ones. We believe that “current account” is better translated into a more general term, but you need to be careful with BIC.

In each country, accounts have their own characteristics. In the UK, companies open a Current Account, in the USA - a Checking Account, in Australia - a Transaction Account. In order not to endow our current accounts with these features, it is better to simply indicate Account. This is the most universal and understandable option.

BIC (Banking Identification code) after decryption, it is perfectly translated into English as Bank Identifier Code and is beautifully abbreviated: BIC. And even a quick search on the Internet seems to confirm the translator’s decision. But no, it’s better not to translate our BIC this way. The abbreviations are similar, only our BIC consists of 9 digits, and BIC, which is also called the SWIFT code, includes from 8 to 11 characters (numbers and letters). To avoid creating confusion, for our code we use a special abbreviation RCBIC (Russian Central Bank Identification Code).

Examples of using

But with the address everything is not so difficult, although...

There is no need to translate street as street or look for an adequate translation equivalent for an alley or village. This will only make life more difficult for the postman. We type the address in Latin letters “as is” (for cities and countries you can use established options), but always from least to greatest: first the house number with the street, then the building, letters, then the numbers of apartments, offices or premises, then the city, followed by the index and the country is at the very end. This is an international standard.

Despite the fact that the agreement is not shown in the mail, when exchanging correspondence, many companies take the counterparty’s address from the agreement. Therefore, when translating, it is logical to rely on recommendations postal services, which advise listing address data from smallest to largest. However, not everyone in Russia follows these recommendations, so you often have to “reverse” the address

Example of an address in the old format

190121, St. Petersburg, Drovyanoy lane, 22, letter A, room. 2H

In English, the address is typed from least to greatest

22 Drovyanoy pereulok, litera A, pom. 2Н, Saint-Petersburg, 190121, Russia

Examples of using

Instead of a conclusion

At the very beginning of the article, we added our version of translating company details. If there are no special wishes from the client, we use this template for all types of documents where company details are found. Naturally, we do not claim that our version of the translation is the only correct one, because the nuances and examples of use different options great amount. Just look at the example of the US Embassy, ​​where they indicate the address in Moscow in the format “street, house number”, and in the addresses of all other missions - “house number, street” (which we tend to use). Error? Hardly.

But we still hope that our article will also serve as an example for someone.

- (legal) data that must be contained in an act or other document (for example, an agreement, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document, the date of preparation, the amount to be paid, the name of the payer) ... Legal dictionary

Requisites- mandatory data established by laws or regulations that must be contained in a document to recognize it as valid. The absence of one or more R. may lead to the recognition of the document as invalid. Dictionary… … Dictionary of business terms

REQUISITES- in law, data that must be contained in an act or other document (for example, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document, the amount to be paid, the name of the payer) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Requisites- Details are a set of permanent elements of the content of the document. One of the most complete lists of details (30 details) is given in GOST R 6.30 2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizationally... ... Wikipedia

requisites- Cm … Synonym dictionary

Requisites- Mandatory information, established by law or departmental provisions that must be contained in a document (for example, an agreement, a bill of exchange, a bill of lading, a bill of lading) for it to be considered valid. As a rule, this is... ... Financial Dictionary

Requisites- (from Latin requisitum required, necessary; English essential elements, requisites) a set of information that must be reflected in a document in order to recognize it as valid. The document must contain at least... Encyclopedia of Law

Requisites- (from the Latin requisitum required, necessary) (legal), data that must be contained in a deed or other document (for example, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document; the amount to be paid; ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

requisites- (legal), data that must be contained in an act or other document (for example, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document, the amount to be paid, the name of the payer). * * * DETAILS DETAILS, in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Requisites- mandatory information that must be contained in a document (for example, in a contract, waybill) to recognize it as valid. Such information is: name and date of preparation of the document; name and address... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Requisites- pl. Mandatory data in the execution of a document (place, year, date of issue, signatures, etc.), established by law or any regulation, the absence of which entails the invalidity or voidability of the document (in jurisprudence).... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


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- (legal) data that must be contained in an act or other document (for example, an agreement, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document, the date of preparation, the amount to be paid, the name of the payer) ... Legal dictionary

Requisites- mandatory data established by laws or regulations that must be contained in a document to recognize it as valid. The absence of one or more R. may lead to the recognition of the document as invalid. Dictionary… … Dictionary of business terms

REQUISITES- in law, data that must be contained in an act or other document (for example, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document, the amount to be paid, the name of the payer) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Requisites- Details are a set of permanent elements of the content of the document. One of the most complete lists of details (30 details) is given in GOST R 6.30 2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizationally... ... Wikipedia

requisites- Cm … Synonym dictionary

Requisites- Mandatory information established by law or departmental regulations that must be contained in a document (for example, an agreement, a bill of exchange, a bill of lading, a bill of lading) for it to be considered valid. As a rule, this is... ... Financial Dictionary

Requisites- (from Latin requisitum required, necessary; English essential elements, requisites) a set of information that must be reflected in a document in order to recognize it as valid. The document must contain at least... Encyclopedia of Law

Requisites- (from the Latin requisitum required, necessary) (legal), data that must be contained in a deed or other document (for example, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document; the amount to be paid; ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

requisites- (legal), data that must be contained in an act or other document (for example, a check, a bill of exchange) to recognize it as valid (for example, the name of the document, the amount to be paid, the name of the payer). * * * DETAILS DETAILS, in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Requisites- mandatory information that must be contained in a document (for example, in a contract, waybill) to recognize it as valid. Such information is: name and date of preparation of the document; name and address... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Requisites- pl. Mandatory data in the execution of a document (place, year, date of issue, signatures, etc.), established by law or any regulation, the absence of which entails the invalidity or voidability of the document (in jurisprudence).... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Puzzles that conquered the world! , Tokarev German. "The Puzzles That Conquered the World" is a unique gift edition for those who are ready to test and develop the abilities of their brain. This is not just another collection that looks like an algebra problem book... Buy for 1922 rubles
  • Nude photography, Weiss Stefan. The book allows you to look into the studio of a nude photographer and look at this genre of photography through the eyes of someone who has devoted many years to it. The details required...