How to make a price list - step-by-step instructions. Price list. General recommendations What is a price list

A well-written and beautifully designed price list is no less powerful a marketing tool than. The benefits of using price lists are underestimated by many entrepreneurs, which leads to the loss of customers.

What is a price list?

Business dictionaries define a price list as a list of prices for goods or services offered by an organization. This term borrowed from in English and comes from the words “price” (price) and “list” (list). The price list has replaced the previously common word “price list” from use, although the meaning of both words is identical.

Price lists are used by both large suppliers and small entrepreneurs focused, for example, on. Price simplifies the management of the company's assortment, increases the transparency of the company's relationships with clients and increases its profitability.

Price list - how to spell it?

The correct spelling of the word “price list” is hyphenated. This option is used, for example, in the academic spelling dictionary compiled by the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, as well as in the Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (2014 edition). As a synonym with a simpler spelling, you can find the word “price book”. In addition, often the “price list” is shortened to “price list”, and the interlocutors understand that we're talking about about the price list.

Price list structure

To make a price list, you need to understand the order in which information should be presented in it. The price is, in fact, the company’s offer; its purpose is to push the client to purchase. Therefore it is recommended following structure price list:

  1. goods or services for which discounts and promotions apply - promotional products, as they attract with the opportunity to benefit from the purchase;
  2. main offer - we are talking about products that are mainly of interest to customers, about what there is the greatest demand for;
  3. additional assortment - this category includes items that support sales of the main assortment;
  4. related products or services - complement the main offer, forming a single complete set with it;
  5. spare parts, components, etc.

This order of supplying the assortment is considered the most convenient and helps to increase sales after the client familiarizes himself with the price list. Speaking about what can be included in the price list, in addition to the list of goods and prices itself, it should be noted:

  • Company name;
  • logo;
  • reference information about the company;
  • additional information about goods and services.

How to make a price list?

Creating a price list can be divided into several stages:

  1. Drawing up a document in Microsoft Excel. Excel makes it easy to make adjustments to the document, and the tabular format is optimal for a price list.
  2. Creation of names of goods and services. Each company assigns its own product names. The clearer the names are and the better they allow you to group products, the more convenient it will be for the client to navigate the price list.
  3. Maximum product disclosure. It is recommended to provide the client with as much useful information about products and services as possible, sorting it into separate columns. For example, if we are talking about goods, it is advisable to indicate not only the price, but also color, length, width, weight, etc. - everything that matters when choosing.
  4. Adding pictures. Small images can be inserted into the cells of the column following or preceding the product names - this will simplify the search necessary products when reading the price list.
  5. Dividing the price list into working and client. The working document indicates, among other things, contact details of suppliers and the cost of purchased products. This price list will make the work of employees easier so that they can find the supplier’s phone number for a particular product. Information about suppliers and product costs is removed from the price list for clients. In this case, it is not necessary to maintain two documents separately - you can only fill out the working price list, and before sending the file to clients, simply delete the necessary columns and cells and save the document under a different name.
  6. Definition of markup. If a company is engaged in a commodity business and cooperates with both retail and wholesale clients, several prices should be indicated in the price list at once - for retail, for wholesale and large wholesale. When determining the markup, you need to rely on the prices of competitors in the niche and your desired earnings.
  7. Refusal of “round” prices. Is not mandatory requirement, but advice worth listening to. According to research by psychologists, people trust round price values ​​(14,000, 800, 1,300) less, believing that these numbers were taken at random. Customers respond best to numbers 5, 7 and 9, so it is recommended to indicate a price, for example, not 5000, but 4970.
  8. Removing identical products. You need to make sure that there are no identical items in the price list - this can mislead the client.
  9. Sorting. In the presence of large assortment you can divide it into several sheets. At the same time, it is advisable to highlight the sheets themselves in Excel with some catchy colors so that the client will notice them when working with the price list. You can do this by right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting the “Tab Color” command.
  10. Point of contact with the client. It is important to remember that the price list is a marketing tool and helps. In order for the price list to fully perform this function, it needs to be beautifully laid out, checked for errors and indicate the company’s contact information. Also on the first sheet you can include a description of the company and a list of advantages over competitors.

The design of the price list plays an important role. The following rules must be observed:

  • elements related to each other must be located nearby;
  • all parts of the text must be visually related to each other, this can be achieved using alignment;
  • if some elements are repeated, their design must match;
  • the information in the price list should be organized so that it can be quickly read and found the desired item; for this, different colors, outlines, lines, fonts, etc. are used.

How to create a price list online?

You can find many proposals for creating price lists on the Internet. Design and sales specialists offer their services in this area. If your budget allows you to use these services, then it makes sense to turn to professionals.

If you don't want to spend money, you can create a price list online for free and with pictures using the Google Sheets service. It is a spreadsheet editor similar in functionality to Excel. At the same time, Google Sheets makes it possible to make changes online and provide access to viewing or editing documents to an unlimited number of people. Access rights are determined by the document creator.

Beautiful price list - sample

The best way to understand what a price list can and should look like is to use a visual example:

This is an example of a working price list - it shows the purchase price of goods, the products are sorted in alphabetical order, and no additional design elements are used that would help navigate the assortment. But since this is a working price, in this form it is good for company employees.

a term that denotes a directory or collection of prices and tariffs for goods, products and services, is the simplest and most inexpensive way to disseminate information about prices, tariffs or services, helps potential buyers find out information about the services and goods offered by the company, about the range of products

Information on the definition of the price list, the origin of the price list, the legal force of the price list, the profile of the organization, intrinsic value, assortment, list, directory, purchasing power, shortages, exchange of goods, quality of goods in the price list, types of price list, enterprise structure in the price list, turnover, product exchange, payment details in the price list , price list application, price list prices, price list discounts

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Price list - definition

The price list is a directory or list indicating wholesale, retail, purchasing, zone prices and (or) tariffs, systematized in a certain way, defining the parameters of the services provided, by groups and types, covering any list of products for various purposes, materials, various services and , sometimes, their brief characteristics. In stocks they are replaced by newsletters, and in books, for example, by catalogs.

The price list is a price guide for dishes and food intended for sale to clients, as well as for services provided to them.

The price list is a systematic collection of prices by groups and types of goods and services.

The price list is reference table of prices for goods and various services.

The price list is a list of prices for products of a certain range (for example, bakery products, machine tools, televisions, etc.) in accordance with established standards and conditions for the production of these products and their delivery.

The price list is regulatory production-practical and (or) reference book, containing a systematic list of equipment, production operations, services, indicating prices and, possibly, brief characteristics.

Etymology of the word price list

There are several options for the origin of the price list:

From the German "Preiskurant" - catalog with, price list;

From the German "Preis" - price + "kurant" - running;

From the German "Preis" - price and the French "prix courant" - tracing paper

Formal features of the price list

As you can see, unlike, for example, an invoice, a price list is not a document to which strict requirements for structure and content apply. Formal features of the price list:

Title of the document (nomenclature list, price list, price list, prices, price list or without title);

An indication of the completeness of the price list;

In the vast majority of cases (95%) the price list is not approved by anyone;

In the vast majority of cases (94.4%) the price list is not signed;

The date in the price list is in almost all cases;

What is a price list? There is no understanding of this either in the West or here. It is believed that a price list is a list of prices for products of a certain range (for example, bread, machines, televisions, etc.) in accordance with established standards and conditions for the production of these products and their delivery to the consumer. However, such a definition reflects only the external side of the phenomenon.

Where does the price come from anyway? Full satisfaction of the needs of society leads to the disappearance of prices (air is free, walking on the sidewalk is free, etc.). But as soon as you appear, prices for previously free things immediately appear (for example, paid car parking). Let's figure it out.

Legal validity of the price list

The legal force of a document is a property of an official document conveyed to it by the current one, the competence of the body that issued it and the established procedure for execution. For a document to have legal force, it must have the following details:

Document date;

Name of the place of development, publication, adoption or signing of the document;


Name of the document type (except for letters);

Document Number.

As an analogue of a handwritten signature to attach to an electronic document legal force an electronic digital signature (EDS) is used.

Areas in which price lists are applied

Price lists are used in almost any area:


Tire fitting;

Printing house;

Beauty Salons;


Types of price lists

A type is a form, a type of something that has certain characteristics, as well as a pattern to which a certain group of objects and phenomena corresponds.

General price list

The general price list includes 3 private price lists:

Price list of the market for personal paid consumption;

Manufacturing market price list;

Salary price list (it is the salary price list that gives rise to the two previous private price lists).

Price list of the market for personal paid consumption

Let's look at the first private price list - the market price list for the sphere of personal paid consumption. What's happening in this market? If the fund of personal paid consumption is defined and known (and this is the case under conditions of more or less stable statehood), then:

The range of products produced by the national economy is better;

Better production volumes meet people's needs;

Below list price;

The rate of price decline is higher.

Then it is obvious that the quality of the national economy and its self-regulation is quite high. If, in addition to everything listed above, a gradual reduction in prices is carried out, then it continuously increases. Everything seems to be fine. However, if all this good stuff happens in an immoral society, then cheap products become waste for the production of something more expensive. Do you remember how during the years of Brezhnev’s “stagnation” pigs were fed with cheap bread?

Manufacturing market price list

The second private price list is the production market price list. (see product exchange diagram). It is a mirror image of the first private price list for the production sector. And indeed, only what is produced can enter the consumer market.

The “mirror” in this case is the price list qualification level and integrity of personnel, that is, all those involved in the production of goods and services. That is, the salary price list is the “mirror” that was just mentioned.

Once again, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that integrity is a derivative of morality and spirituality. Remember, dear older readers (young ones - ask your elders), how many “nonsense” appeared in the USSR after Stalin, who took away from work what was being produced. This began to flourish especially in last years"stagnation". “Everything around is collective farm - everything around is mine!” “What I protect is what I have!”

The “Institute of Nesuns” acquired the scale of a state catastrophe, since it destroyed the system of correspondence and mass of goods among themselves. As a result, this state of affairs gave rise to among the masses a formula for relations between the people and the party-Soviet nomenklatura: “They pretend that they pay us wages, and we pretend that we work.” The reason for this was the same immorality, both at all levels, starting with the country's leadership and the bulk of the people.

However, it should be said that the salary price list, under the dominance of the immoral concept, always turns out to be somewhat distorted and deformed in relation to the first two. This deformation is formed under the influence of:

Contract wages upon presentation of products ("accord" payment). This situation arose when managers at a certain level (especially at the lower levels) were forced to pay for work performed but at obviously high rates, since either “the deadlines were running out” or another work force there wasn't, etc. For this purpose, people formed artels, took time off from work and went to the wilderness “for hack work,” where they offered their services on collective farms, state farms, and logging sites, that is, where there was no necessary labor.

Errors in production management.

In addition to the fact that these errors are due to the wrong choice of focus on providing for human needs, there is a component of relations between people in production, which in turn is determined by the types of mental structure prevailing in society.

All these errors from all spheres of society, included in the above three components, are reflected in the general price list for all goods and services.

Errors in the price list - the mystery of shortages

All errors (which are reflected in the price list) both in a planned economy and in a market economy appear as consumers. That is, errors lead to consumer competition. This type of competition is called scarcity. Deficit (lat. deficit - not enough):

Lack of something;

A product that is not in sufficient quantity;

But this competition among consumers is hidden by the pyramid of monetary wealth (wealth) of both ordinary members of society and product manufacturers. This pyramid legitimizes consumer competition as forms of consumption. These forms of consumption are legitimized by the “law of value.” Think about it, dear readers, before perestroika we were told, and we are still being taught, that “the West has everything!” But the worker in the West has one “everything”, but a completely different “everything”! And the difference between one and the other is not in desires, but in financial capabilities.

This idea can and should be continued. 5% of the population of planet Earth lives in this country, and these 5% consume as much as 40% of the oil produced throughout the world and almost 50% of all goods produced in the world. If the remaining 95% of humanity on the planet begins to live according to the American way of life, then the planet will not survive, it will be “gnawed” in a matter of years.

Therefore, globalizers will never allow this. It is for this reason that globalizers decided to restructure the entire world National economy. For the same reason, globalists are carrying out a plan to discredit the United States in the eyes of all humanity. They need to “extinguish the beacon” that many countries and peoples have oriented toward.

Remember how in the USSR there were “our lighthouses” - “Stakhanovites”, “Zagladovites”. Enterprise administrations created for them best conditions for work: new machine, best tool, timely repairs, procurement. Due to this, the “lighthouses” exceeded their plans, and for this they were given apartments without a queue and vouchers to sanatoriums.

And the rest of the suckers were told: “Work like the Stakhanovites, then we’ll give it all to you.” The suckers worked with all their might, but either the machine breaks down, or the workpieces are not delivered on time, or the cutter becomes dull... The same system under the control of globalizers operates at the world level.

Errors in the price list - the secret of competition

Now let's complete our consideration of the issue of the price list. We settled on the fact that all mistakes in the management of society as a whole are reflected in the price list for all goods and services. In this case, both in a planned economy and in a market economy, the price list appears as consumer competition (there is a shortage).

This competition is hidden by the pyramid (scale, rating) of people’s financial capabilities: the difference is not in people’s desires, but in their financial capabilities. The competition of various industries for money is outwardly visible and loudly promoted. This is what the “market people” are buzzing about, saying that this competition between industries for profits is the “engine of progress.”

Laziness is the engine of progress

In fact, the main thing is that the current credit system owes its existence to financial system(KFS), and the price list is consumer competition! But, as soon as it was said, all Western and domestic “economic obscurities” are silent about this.

Economic "darkness"

Thus, we expand the conclusion made earlier. The price list for all goods and services is a vector of errors in the management of society as a whole and it is integral to the FSC. This immediately follows:

The credit and financial system is a management tool that can ensure the stability of all product exchange processes in social production all goods and services and their consumption by people even with erroneous self-government of society;

The credit and financial system is a means of distributing products in society, when there is a known shortage of it in relation to the demands of society.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that FSC does not work on its own. FSC is a tool that is in the hands of certain people. And the work of the FSC depends on what kind of people they are, what their ideals are, what type of structure their psyche is. In other words, the FSC depends on the chosen concept of managing all social processes, which in turn is determined by conceptual power.

Credit and financial system. Legalized robbery.

The price list is drawn up in the form of a document and approved; it can also be drawn up as an appendix to an order - in budgetary organizations.

Almost every trading company has its own price list. After all, it is the simplest and most inexpensive way to disseminate information about goods and services. The price list can be distributed at exhibitions, can be sent by mail, etc. A correctly compiled price list is an important component for.

Write at the very top of the sheet: “Price list”. Next to it, add what type of product, goods or services the document is being drawn up for, its serial number. Indicate from what date these tariffs are valid. For example, write: “To be introduced from December 1, 2012.” Please indicate the name of the company next to it.

Create a price list table. In the header of the table in the first column write: product (service) number. In the second column write: name of the product (work or service). Label the third column: tariffs including VAT, and you can add a fourth if necessary: ​​prices excluding VAT.

Draw rows for the table - there should be as many of them as the product you want to add to this price list. Enter the data into the resulting table. You can list products in alphabetical order or by price. For example, start filling out the table with the product that has the most low price, and then continue to introduce goods as the cost increases.

Break the price list into several tables if goods (work) are divided by purpose or their prices depend on the time of day. At the same time you can add required amount columns. If you are compiling a price list for services, you can additionally indicate in the table: the expected duration of the service, the cost with a visit to the client and the cost without a visit, the provision of services on an individual basis, urgent services.

Provide notes below the table. They may include information that will reflect when and by whom these tariffs were drawn up, and from what date this document will come into force. You can indicate the amount of compensation in case of failure to perform work or in case of inadequate quality of service or product.

Agree on the finished price list with your manager and accountant. Sign and affix the company seal.

The price list must indicate the date of its compilation or the date from which these prices are put into effect. Please note that it is advisable to have a price list not only paper version, but also in in electronic format.Try to make the price convenient for customers. But do not print unnecessary information that can cause some damage to the company. Do not overload the price list with different fonts, many colors or a very long list of procedures. It's tiring. There must be moderation in everything.

There shouldn't be too many branded services. Otherwise the idea itself will lose its meaning. If 90% of the procedures in the price list become branded, you risk causing justifiable grins from clients. In addition, it is very important not to disappoint the expectations of your visitors. If the products on which branded services are performed are not very high level, you risk losing customers. What then can be said about classic services if branded ones are of very dubious quality.

A modern, colorful and tastefully designed price list can become a true masterpiece. An attractive menu design is the first step not only to the original image of a beauty salon, but also to increasing its profits. After all, judging by psychologists, up to 60% of people are pronounced visuals. This means that most of us perceive information primarily visually. By investing a small amount in illustrating procedures, you will have another opportunity to increase sales. People want to know what they are paying for. And when they see colorful pictures, they purchase the service that really interests them.

Video tutorial on creating a price list

Invariant in the price list

What does invariant mean in the price list? The price list is the current prices for all goods. The invariant is:

Self-worth (a product that has its own price);

A means of measuring the value of other goods and services.

Bananas 39 rubles = 0.6 dollars;

Oranges cost 65 - 196 rubles = 1 - 3 dollars;

Cherry 222 rubles = 3.4 dollars;

Grapefruit 65 rubles = 1 dollar;

Seedless grapes 163 rubles = 2.5 dollars;

Lemon 105 rubles = 1.6 dollars;

Peaches 105 rubles = 1.6 dollars;

Pears 92 rubles = 1.4 dollars;

Strawberries 105 rubles = 1.6 dollars;

Potatoes 46 rubles = 0.7 dollars;

Tomatoes 92 rubles = 1.4 dollars;

Broccoli 105 rubles = 1.6 dollars;

Cabbage 46 rubles = 0.7 dollars;

Celery 59 rubles = 0.9 dollars;

Sweet pepper 157 rubles = 2.4 dollars;

Soup in a cafe 210 rubles = 3 euros;

Beer in a restaurant 245 rubles = 3.5 euros;

Beer in a supermarket costs 70 rubles = 1 euro;

Fruit salad in the store 300 gr. 140 - 210 rubles = 2 - 3 euros;

The average price of a hamburger is 210 rubles = 3 euros;

Coffee in a cafe from 64 rubles = 1.30;

Dinner in a restaurant per person 883 rubles = 18 Canadian dollars;

Steak at a steak house 1,128 rubles = 23 Canadian dollars.

Price list in China

Some examples of price lists in .

Prices for food in cafes for locals and tourists:

Sausages fried on the street 26 rubles = 2.5;

Dumplings (with beef or pork) for 12 pcs. 51 ruble = 5 yuan;

Rice with roast duck in a tourist cafe 123 rubles = 12 yuan.

Price list as a source of information

A quick study of several price lists allowed us to put forward a basic hypothesis. The price list as a source of information on the market allows you to obtain the following information:

Client information;

Information about its suppliers;

Information about the properties of the product;

Information about the company itself in the price list

It should be noted that not all enterprises use in their practice the distribution of price lists in one form or another (posting at points of sale, mailing, distribution at exhibitions, faxing, mailing e-mail, posting on the Internet, publication in the press, etc.).

Association memberships mentioned in the price list

It is known from practice that even in cases where this is not mentioned in the price list, an organization may be a member of some kind, a member of a chamber of commerce and industry or, for example, an employers' union. Therefore, it is advisable to use other sources to study this issue.

Availability of parent and subsidiary organizations listed in the price list

Subsidiaries are mentioned mainly when listing branches and representative offices of a particular enterprise in other regions. The actual situation may vary. An analysis carried out using data from the SKRIN system showed that many enterprises have affiliated organizations. An analysis of company websites showed that some organizations are members of the company, but this is not mentioned in the price lists. Therefore, it is better to study this issue using other sources.

Payment details in the price list

By studying the payment details, you can get both a more complete picture of the company (district of registration in which the organization’s current account is located, etc.) and quickly find it in various databases data on TIN, OGRN or current account.

Coordinates indicated in the price list

In the vast majority of cases, price lists indicate:

E-mail address;

The site of the company;

Addresses of representative offices;

Phone numbers of managers;

Coordinates of the person responsible for a certain region or group of goods.

Manual listed in the price list

Most often, price lists do not mention specific names. In cases where they exist, they are most often mentioned CEO, commercial director, deputy commercial director for sales. At the same time, the price lists mention one, maximum two managers. Most often, the last name and initials of these persons appear in price lists. Consequently, the role of the price list as a source of information about the company’s management is also low. For this purpose, it is better, firstly, to study the competitor’s website (sections “How to contact us”, often the website contains telephone numbers of the reception, department heads, press secretaries; “News”, etc.), secondly, you can just call the reception and find out the full names and coordinates of the required persons.

Enterprise structure based on the price list

In most cases, it is impossible to extract information about the structure of the enterprise from the price list. Even in cases where the price list indicates the telephone numbers of two or more structural units of an enterprise, this information does not exhaust the entire structure of the enterprise. Most often in the studied price lists the following are mentioned:

Purchase department;

Production Department;

Marketing and sales;

Sales department or sales department.

In some cases, price lists contain references to the specialization of managers by territory or product.

Thus, it is also better to study the structure of an enterprise not with the help of a price list, but with the help of website analysis. In some cases, an internal telephone directory is posted on the website, sometimes the structure of the company is posted on the website in the form of a diagram. In cases where this information is not presented, it is necessary to pay attention to the “News” and “Vacancies” sections - they often contain information about individual elements of the enterprise structure. In addition, to study the structure of a company, it can be useful to visit it - sometimes it is enough to study the signs on the doors to get an idea of ​​​​the structure of the company.

Company activity profile based on the price list

When analyzing a price list, you can find out whether the company under study is a manufacturer or a product, but not in all cases. The fact that an enterprise is a manufacturer of products can be indicated by its name (the name contains the word “factory”) or the words “manufacturer”, “produce”, etc. This point is important, especially when price lists are collected at specialized exhibitions, as well as when the price list is studied by someone other than the person who originally received it. In order to determine whether an organization is a supplier or manufacturer of a particular product, a competent person is usually sufficient telephone conversation or site analysis.

Information about suppliers in the price list

Trading organizations most often do not indicate in their lists which company’s products they sell. In cases where this is indicated, it is most often noted that the company is an official distributor, or an official representative of a certain plant or plants. In some cases, the wording “We offer you the products of the plant...” is used.

It should be noted that this is the root of numerous mistakes made when analyzing price lists. Products with the same markings, but from different manufacturers, are often compared. One and the same product is made either in compliance with all the requirements stipulated by the relevant regulatory documents, or by ignoring some of them. Thanks to the use of low-quality components, unscrupulous manufacturers save on raw materials, as a result of which they are able to sell their goods cheaper than competitors. It should be noted that in some cases the name of the manufacturer is encrypted in the product brand, and

Explore the site (sections “News”, “Useful links”, “Our partners”; “Regulatory materials”, “Certificates”, etc.);

Ask about this directly, emphasizing that the product of a certain supplier is needed, as a result of which, in the process of persuasion, information about the supplier of the product may slip through;

Request certificates for products (the certificates must indicate the manufacturer of the product or its coordinates) or certificates stating that the product is not subject to mandatory certification (the manufacturer is also mentioned in them);

Find an excuse to visit your competitors' warehouse, where to pay attention to appearance products, tags, stickers, etc. - in many cases this is enough to identify suppliers;

Find organizations that purchase from the company under study and try to obtain the necessary information from them.

The situation will be significantly simplified if the client purchases products both from the company under study and from the company that conducts this research - in this case, if there are informal relationships, this information is usually easy to obtain.

Product information in the price list

By studying the price list, you can find out this or that information about the goods.

Complete list of assortment in the price list

By studying the price list, you can get an idea of ​​the product range that the company sells. In the vast majority of cases, this list is incomplete, since most enterprises supply non-standard products, which are problematic to include in the price list. When analyzing a specific price list, this situation can be diagnosed based on a number of signs. New

Quality of goods price list

In most cases, it is impossible to judge the quality of a product offered by a particular company by studying the price list. Only in some cases can indirect information about this be obtained from references regulatory documents and certification systems. In some cases, price lists contain references to the fact that the product is of high quality or meets European standards without specific reference to the relevant documents. Some mention the presence of fire certificates or the Torch of Birmingham, Gold Star, ISO 9000 and a number of others are placed at the bottom of the price list. Thus, it is also better to look for information on product quality in other sources: request certificates for certain products, search the Internet for reviews about this particular product, purchase a small batch of products for subsequent study.

Scope of application of the product from the price list

In 47.7% of cases, the goods are divided into groups by area of ​​application; in other cases, product brands are listed in alphabetical order. Therefore, this information also needs to be looked for in other sources, primarily in catalogues.

Logistics information noted in the price list

Logistics information is a purposefully collected set of facts, phenomena, events that are of interest and subject to registration and processing to ensure the process of managing the enterprise’s medicines.

Warehouse or custom goods in the price list

Signs that a product is supplied to order are:

A mention that the product is supplied to order, indicating the price;

Mention that the product is supplied to order without specifying the price.

Indirect signs of a custom-made product are an extremely narrow and specific scope of its application, the absence warehouse stock of this product at the manufacturing plant, the high cost of the product, measured in tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Minimum order quantity from the price list

The minimum order quantity is the minimum quantity of products accepted by the supplier for production per order item. In this case, the total order for all items should, as a rule, be no less than the transit norm. Mentioned in only 5.1%, but this phenomenon is much more widespread.

Location of the company's warehouses, given in the price list

Two signs indicate that the warehouse and office are located in the same place:

Direct mention of this;

The warehouse address is the same as the office address. In all other cases, it is not possible to unambiguously determine the location of a competitor’s warehouse (warehouses) using price list analysis, and for this it is better to use other sources.

Delivery of goods from the price list

In most cases (86.9%) there is no mention of delivery of goods in price lists. In some cases (1.4%) it is directly written that the goods are supplied on EXW terms. Thus, the price list as a source of information about the competitor’s logistics is not complete and reliable. To study this issue, it is better to use other sources:

Study the company’s website, paying attention to the sections “News”, “How to find us”, etc.;

Find clients of this company, try to obtain the necessary information from them;

Find suppliers of this company, try to obtain information from them;

Visit a competitor.

It should be noted that it is extremely undesirable to use the details of non-existent companies in work, business cards non-existent persons - this work can give results, but it has a one-time effect, since such a “James Bond” very quickly becomes familiar. In many cases, you can use the help of your clients who also purchase products from a competitor. In this case, it is enough to agree with this client on a joint visit to the competitor’s warehouse (for example, to receive the products he ordered).

James Bond

Information about pricing policy in the price list

Price policy The firm's strategy is formed within the framework of the firm's overall strategy and includes pricing strategy and tactics.

List prices

The vast majority of price lists studied provide one type of price. In some cases, prices have names: wholesale, retail, etc. without specifying the conditions for choosing a particular price; in some cases, several types of prices are indicated indicating these conditions. It should be noted that this system is not rigid, and managers have the ability to control the price within certain limits.

Price list discounts

In some cases, the price lists indicate the conditions of provision: they are provided depending on the amount of the order, the duration of cooperation, the volume of the order, the method of payment, the duration of cooperation and the volume of the order.

Premiums specified in the price list
As for kickbacks, due to the illegality of such methods of sales promotion, the price lists do not say anything about this, with the exception of some cases where “bonuses to suppliers” were mentioned in the price list.

Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos - collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries - a dictionary of absolutely all words - dictionary of all economic terms - dictionaries and encyclopedias on academician - wiki dictionary of the free encyclopedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Russian - online resource live journal - site "course of truth and unity" - a collection of tips on the nail design website - explanatory dictionary of Dahl and Ozhegov - translation agency, translations to - collection of dynamic explanatory dictionaries - online site legal services - Great Soviet Encyclopedia - image search through the Yandex service - service of pictures, video presentations

Article creator - VKontakte profile - profile on Odnoklassniki

Com/alisse.wonderland - Facebook profile

Each product or service has its own cost, but often it is not so easy to convey these numbers correctly to the buyer. In order for your customers to have the opportunity to visually evaluate your product, its characteristics and cost, there is a price list. In this article, we will look in detail at what a price list is and an example of how to create its ideal version, which will not only increase your sales, but will also set you apart from your competitors.

Why do you need a price list?

The price list in trade is a very important document - it is a kind of document in which you offer your product for consideration. In fact, this is the face of your company, a factor no less important than the corporate website or the appearance of the hostess. Quality of paper, printing, design style, presentation electronic document- all this works either for you or against you.

Price lists can be provided to a potential buyer, both in paper and electronic form. They may contain brief information for numerous positions, or may be dedicated to only one product item, they can sell both material things and services. Any product should have its own price list - it’s convenient, correct and effective!

It has been proven that when the buyer sees the price, sees the image and characteristics of the product, its various options, the information is perceived much more effectively than simply hearing the same thing from the seller. The price list can be actively used in both retail and wholesale trade.

Price list structure

The meaning that any price list should contain is to convey the main, most important information about your product to the buyer in a form convenient for him. a short time. The correct structure of the price list will help with this, and of course we will learn how to compose it correctly. Information should be concise, meaningful, interesting, and easy to understand. Before drawing up a price list, decide on the task it should solve:

  • Inform the client about the range and prices. Informational.
  • Talk about the unique characteristics of a specific item of your product and its cost. Presentation.
  • Communicate a special offer or promotion for a specific product. Promotional.
  • Mixed type, which combines information about the assortment and special prices for these items.

By choosing one of four formats, the structure of compiling the price list itself will become clear. Let's look at four examples in which you will see how and how price lists can differ from each other and why this is important.

How to create an information price list?

Information price lists are often used in areas where the number of goods is very large (more than 100 units). Areas where this type is most often used:

  • construction and food supermarkets;
  • auto parts stores;
  • sale of electronics and components;
  • wholesale warehouses for various goods, including pharmacies.

Since the lists of goods in these areas exceed several thousand unique units of goods, the structure of the price list should contain only the most necessary information for the customer: name, a brief description of, price. It should look like this:

There may be several dozen pages for each category, but spreadsheets and special warehouse programs will help you generate summary tables for such price lists. The client can receive the entire global warehouse in electronic form or print out several sheets with goods of a specific category.

It is important that the names and numbers are readable, otherwise there will be little meaning in such a CP. The header is also an important element of the price list - it is not only an image but also the first contact with potential buyer. There, indicate your contacts, phone number, website, email, Skype, etc. At the bottom of the price list there should be page numbering, since out of 287 pages of the general price list, it is sometimes difficult to remember or explain what is needed and where this item was.

How to create a presentation price list?

The presentation price list should tell about one product or products belonging to one group. For example:

  • description of the collection (clothes, shoes, jewelry);
  • complete set of goods (car, computer, equipment);
  • presentation of new products.

The emphasis in such a price list should be on a specific product or on the main part of the product of a specific group. The structure must contain a description of the unique advantages or characteristics of the product, a photograph of the product, and cost.

You can place several products in a similar format on one sheet, limiting the number of photographs or descriptions. Such a price list will help the buyer in a comfortable environment (not in a store), to slowly get acquainted with your product and make an informed decision. In some cases, a table structure can be used. It is needed when we are talking about several configurations of one product:

How to create a promotional price list?

An offer with a special price for your product should be presented to customers in a special way. If you want to surprise with a price or attract attention with the price of a specific product, you need to learn how to correctly reflect this in the price list. Use the benefit rule; the client should easily understand what the promotion or special offer is. The design of a special price should be simple and readable. For example:

Pay attention to the special attributes of the promotional price list. This:

  • dedicated font;
  • contrasting arrow with a call;
  • two prices to understand the benefits.

Instead of prices, you can indicate percentages, days, or any unit of measurement for the value of your product. Do not overdo it with asterisks, labels, exclamation marks, in general, with attributes that attract attention, since their excess not only does not attract attention, but also alarms customers. Showing the benefits and correctly attracting the attention of customers is the task of the promotional price list.

Mixed type price list structure

Sometimes it is necessary to highlight a few items out of 100 that are eligible for a special offer. This can be done by highlighting the cell or using an asterisk next to the price. There is simply nowhere to place promotional icons in such price lists, so you can highlight these positions in the general list. For example like this:

The example shows 3 different ways It’s up to you to decide which product is best for you. If you have a whole group of promotional products, it makes sense to list them on a separate price list.

Separate these two concepts and never “fill the price list with water” with justification for the need to buy your product, or with a long story about your company, its mission and history. There is such a thing as a sales funnel. At each of the turns (levels of the funnel) you must form correct communication with your counterpart. The correct one is laconic, specific. Based on this, the person to whom you send the price list should already be familiar with your company. If both the presentation of the company and the story about prices occurs at the same time, then first all information materials should be presented as a separate material (file), and only then the price list.

To the village to grandpa's

Most likely, this warning will be unnecessary for most site visitors, but I still occasionally see price lists without full indication: contact information and a contact person in the company’s price lists. Indicate the coordinates of your company - address, telephones, fax, e-mail for orders - good form and correct communication. indicate Bank details necessary as needed (avoid information overload). The reason is clear: analysis of prices and ordering goods are usually separated in time. Payment details can be filled out on another sheet. You can also specify a list of your distributors. Believe me, no matter how beautiful the logo for your company is, it alone will not be enough.


My next warning applies to marketers involved in creating a price list. Inserting a company logo into Excel is good and mandatory; inserting photographs of product samples is up to you and is determined by the business customs of your market segment. However... A price list that says 3 megabytes is not a tool, but a work of art. Try sending this “brick” by email, or try opening it quickly when you have a client on the phone asking for advice on prices. When the price list opens for 30-40 seconds, it doesn’t go through by email, or it’s difficult to download from the site when bad internet, this situation is an example of poor communication.

How does the price gain weight? The main devourer of resources and the reason for inflating the weight of a document is its design: stripes, frames, highlighting, embedding photographs - everything that makes the document beautiful in design. If all this cannot be ignored and it is precisely this “beauty” that is required from you and the price list, be sure to pay attention to the graphics posted: photographs, drawings, logos.

A typical mistake: insert pictures as they are without cropping, and simply make them smaller in the document by pulling a corner. The image in the price list has shrunk, but its “weight” remains the same. All graphics must be reduced in size to fit the required width and height BEFORE importing into the price list. Be sure to reduce the resolution to 72dpi. The graphics in this print will look quite tolerable, and will “weigh” little.

Product ID

Product ID, otherwise - product code - a unique short designation of a product item, an identifier that will be further used when creating and processing an order. More precisely, not even the one that will be used in all of your accounting policies (purchases, product movements, reporting). If you purchase goods, then use the article numbers, part numbers of the manufacturer or vendor.

If you yourself are the owner of the brand and co-developer of the product accounting system, you can use product model numbers and even line numbers in Excel. Here, decide for yourself, do not forget to first communicate about this with sales managers, logistics managers and IT specialists (if there is a need to automatically pull the order into the accounting system). In any case, do not use descriptions of goods/services by abbreviating them. Otherwise you will end up with something like .

Price list currency

The fact that the use of several currencies is unacceptable is probably unnecessary to remind. One currency will make life easier for everyone - you, clients, logisticians, accounting departments, etc. This currency must be identical to that accepted within the business etiquette of your segment. Do not follow the lead of the accounting department and do not necessarily use the currency of your accounting policy. The price list is made for clients, not for the accountant! It is ideal when the currency of accounting policy coincides with the currency of business etiquette of a market segment. What's happened Business Etiquette? If market leaders quote prices in Euros, your prices should also be in this currency, and it does not matter in what currency you then issue invoices.

And please, colleagues, do not drag this currency into every cell of the price list. It is enough to indicate somewhere at the top something like: “all prices listed are in rubles.”

Product characteristics

Colleagues, do not fit ALL product characteristics into the cells of the price list table. The price list is not a technical catalogue. Indicate additional product characteristics only those that help distinguish one product in a group from another.

If you deliver goods in large quantities (trucks, wagons), or if your goods have large dimensions and (or) weight, be sure to indicate in the price list information about the number of pieces of goods in the transport packaging (number of pieces in a box), the weight of the goods, the minimum lot for ordering, etc. If there are a lot of brands in the price list, please indicate trademark in the spelling that is accepted in the market. If brands are well identified by logos, place logos - this will make it easier to find the right brand and product. Sometimes it will be useful to indicate the country of production, name of the manufacturer, etc.

Minimum creativity

If you are not a market leader, or are a distributor (or dealer), use information from the manufacturers' price lists. There is no need to invent your own system of classification and designation. If you are a manufacturer, vendor, make sure that information about your company, your products (services) is correctly indicated in the price lists of your distributors/dealers, and other open sources (for example, databases, catalogs on the Internet).

Order Form

A price list is like a list of prices and products and a form for placing an order - different documents. Have both this document and the other. Please note that this form is convenient and easy to fill out for the client, and also, which is not unimportant, convenient and practical for loading the order into your company’s accounting system from, say, 1C. This way you will simplify the work of your colleagues, those who serve orders - logisticians, sales managers.

Terms of delivery and payment

Be sure to include a footnote that the prices indicated are valid only under certain conditions of delivery and payment. For example: “The price is set subject to pickup from the supplier’s warehouse, subject to 100% prepayment of the goods.” If the price currency differs from the national currency, indicate the payment terms in the price list. For example: “Payment is made in national currency at the exchange rate on the day of payment.” Be sure to indicate from what date and until what date the prices are valid.

Price list- an indispensable tool for a consultant, because it indicates distributor prices for products (those for which the consultant buys the product), for samples, catalogs and printed literature, and calculates Bonus Points. The price list is published every 3 weeks, the price list number corresponds to the catalog number. The price list number can be seen in the header. Each consultant receives a free price list upon ordering.

The columns in the Oriflame price list mean:
CODE- each Oriflame product has its own code. It can be found in the catalog or on the product packaging.
DISCOUNT- Current discount on this product in the current catalogue. The discount is calculated on the full cost of the product.
NAME- the product's name
BB- Bonus points are points that Oriflame awards you for purchasing this product. Based on the Bonus Points you have collected, you can take part in company promotions and receive valuable gifts and bonuses. Read more about the company's shares
OP- sales volume, i.e. product price excluding VAT. Based on sales volume, group turnover is calculated and a volume discount is paid.
DC- distribution price, i.e. the price at which the consultant buys the product from the company.
PC- consumer price is the price indicated in the catalogue.
NP- immediate profit, the difference between PC and DC, i.e. how much money a consultant will earn from selling this product.

The Oriflame price list has several sections:
. New items in the catalog - codes and names of products that first appeared on sale are indicated;
. All products presented in the catalog;
. Special catalog offers - catalog promotions. For example, buy 1 product for 99 rubles, and 2 products for 149 rubles, etc.;
. Mini-catalog - sometimes the catalog is accompanied by an insert - a mini-catalogue, in which you can order products with big discounts;
. Products not presented in the catalog - Oriflame products not presented in the catalog can also be ordered at the Distributor price;
. Testers - codes and prices of product samples. IMPORTANT! The last 2 digits of the lipstick sampler code correspond to the 2nd digits glued to the base of the sampler;
. Exclusively for BC - price list for a special offer, which is valid only for Business Class participants (Business Class participants - a consultant who placed an order for 150 BB in the previous catalog period).
. Wellness - price list for Wellness products;
. Oriflame corporate materials;
. Catalogs - prices for catalogs and discounts when ordering 5 catalogs or more.