How to create an estimate for cleaning services. Summer cleaning of urban areas - everything for MGSU - educational portal for students. Estimate for construction and finishing works

Cleaning - professional service cleaning various premises and maintaining cleanliness.

Even in Europe and the USA with their established cleaning services market (about 80% of all commercial real estate serviced by cleaning companies) this area characterized by a rapid pace of development. The top 500 franchises according to the American business publication Entrepreneur include 17 cleaning companies - all of them are showing rapid growth.

In Russia, only a fifth of all commercial real estate is serviced by professional cleaners. But if there are large players in the non-residential cleaning market in Russia working with large shopping centers, business centers, government agencies, then the residential cleaning market is not consolidated. It is represented by small local companies operating within one city, as well as individual cleaners who constantly work for several clients. Therefore, the barrier to entry into this market is not so high.

The goal of this project is to create a cleaning company specializing in cleaning residential premises (apartments, houses, cottages) in a city with a population of one million.

The main factors for the success of this business:

  • Low competition. Even in big cities, there are no major players in this market; it is occupied by small businesses or “private traders” with whom they can successfully compete. In cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people, it is quite possible that the market will be free.
  • Demand. In any city there is a solvent audience that does not want or does not have the opportunity to clean their houses on their own. Even those who clean their homes themselves order additional services, such as dry cleaning of mattresses and carpets.
  • High MRR(monthly recurring revenue). A person needs cleaning constantly, once every 1-2 weeks. If you provide quality services, the client will order it again and again, which, coupled with a high average check, will lead to an increase in MRR. And a high MRR is not only a stable monthly income, but also the ability to predict and track the profitability of an enterprise in advance.

The amount of initial investment is 325,000 rubles.

Break-even point for 4 months.

Payback period - 9 months.

Average monthly profit is 118,790 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

List of services provided:

  • Regular cleaning means dry and wet cleaning of the entire room. It is necessary once every 1-2 weeks and includes dust removal and wet cleaning of all surfaces in the apartment or house.
  • General cleaning is a comprehensive cleaning of the apartment, including washing windows and balconies and kitchen appliances from the inside. General cleaning of the premises is required once a month.
  • Post-construction cleaning is a one-time service required after renovation of an apartment or house. It is aimed at getting rid of traces building mixtures, glue, limescale from all surfaces in the apartment.
  • Dry cleaning of upholstered furniture. Professional cleaning service for furniture (mattresses, chairs, sofas, armchairs) using a special vacuum cleaner. Produced 1-2 times a year.
  • Ironing is done at the customer’s home using the company’s equipment and ironing board. Payment is hourly.
  • Delivery of keys to the customer. If the customer is not at home when the cleaners arrive and finish cleaning, he can order the delivery of keys from him and to him for an additional fee.
  • Separate services included in general cleaning. For example, window cleaning. Can be ordered separately or combined with regular cleaning.

Opening hours: from 7:00 to 22:00. All services are provided at the client's premises.

3. Description of the sales market

In 2014-15, the commercial real estate cleaning market, which previously occupied more than 90% of the cleaning market, entered a stage of stagnation associated with price dumping against the background of cost optimization of large companies and business centers. In turn, the residential cleaning market began to grow, due to the fact that the services of housekeepers became less accessible to the middle class. At the moment, this growth continues.

In cities with a population of over a million, there are about 10% of the solvent population who are ready to order cleaning of their house or apartment. On average, there are 2.5 inhabitants per dwelling in Russia. Let’s estimate the potential and actual market volume per month for different cities, provided that the client orders cleaning twice a month for 2,000 rubles:

* calculation was made taking into account the smaller share of the solvent population in cities with a population of less than 1 million people.

4. Sales and marketing

Promoting a cleaning business is not an easy task. You will have to work with several segments at the same time potential clients, answer their key questions.

Let's highlight these segments:

  • Those who do not know about household cleaning at all. Their question is: “What, can I order cleaning of my house?” They just need to tell you about the company in detail. There are many such people. For example, 70% of our regular customers This was the first time they ordered cleaning from us.
  • Those who are used to cleaning on their own. “Why should I order if I can do it myself?” If this is a principled position, there is nothing you can do, but the rest of the categories need to convey the benefits of professional cleaning, talk about employee training and work standards.
  • Those who want to order, but are afraid/doubt. Their question is “What if it’s unsafe/expensive/inconvenient?” Your job is to refute these assumptions. And not only in word, but also in deed. Today, in the age of the Internet, any published story that your cleaner stole something, or that the reported receipt was lower than the actual one, will kill the reputation of your business.
  • Those who order from “private traders” or other companies. Learn how these categories work. Order cleaning for yourself and think about what you can do better. This will distinguish you favorably, and this will form the basis for the positioning of your company.

In any case, constant active marketing will reduce the profit of your enterprise to zero. High-quality service delivery and a high percentage of customer returns - this is what needs to be achieved first.

Apartment cleaning prices (RUB):

House cleaning prices (RUB):

Prices for additional services:

Price (unit)

500 rub. for a place

500 rub. per piece

1000 rub. for a place

100 rub. per piece

Washing a standard window

250 rub. per piece

Stained glass window cleaning

500 rub. per piece

Washing a standard balcony

1500 rub. for the balcony

Cleaning a stained glass balcony

2500 rub. for the balcony

500 rub. in an hour

Cleaning the oven from the inside

600 rub. per piece

Cleaning the refrigerator from the inside

600 rub. per piece

Washing the microwave from the inside

600 rub. per piece

The average bill is 3,000 rubles.

5. Production plan

Stage 1. Registration

First of all, you need to register your business.

Register an individual entrepreneur. Select UTII as the taxation system.

In the OKVED-2 classification, select item 81.21.1 “Cleaning activities for apartments and private houses.” It is included in the “household services” class and falls under UTII.

You will also need to produce and register a seal and open a bank account. In total, you will spend about 4,000 rubles on registration.

Stage 2. Premises

Your activities will be related to the storage of chemicals, equipment, and the constant arrival and departure of employees. Therefore, an apartment as a premises would be a bad option. Rent a small, inexpensive, vacant space. It should have a bathroom, two rooms, and good ventilation. Since the arrival of clients is not expected, the premises do not require repairs. A plus will be the availability of free parking near the office and accessibility to public transport. In a city with a population of one million, such an office can be rented for 25 thousand rubles per month.

Stage 3. Purchase of equipment, uniforms and chemicals

To get started you will need:

  1. 20 cleaning kits (mop, mop, bucket, bag) - 40,000 rubles.
  2. 20 sets of uniform - 30,000 rubles.
  3. Professional vacuum cleaner that can be used for post-construction cleaning - 23,000 rubles
  4. Vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning of upholstered furniture - 47,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • Consumables (sponges, rags, gloves, caps, etc.). All this will cost about 500 rubles per cleaner
  • Chemicals - about 1200 rubles per month per cleaner

Total: 140,000 rubles initial costs + monthly.

Stage 4. Hiring employees

First of all, you need to hire an office manager. This position does not require a person with any special competencies; he will simply supervise the cleaners, accept and send them to orders. Since the company's operating time is clearly more than 8 hours, most likely you will have to hire two employees in 2/2 mode. Wage employee - 25 thousand rubles.

Your main problem will be hiring cleaners. Residential cleaning involves high requirements to employees - in terms of discipline, appearance, readiness to work and improve their skills. But there is a prevailing idea that cleaning is the domain of low-skilled personnel or people looking for part-time work. In our experience, only 1 person out of 75 who responded is suitable.

But hiring people is not enough - they also need to be trained. You can independently study GOSTs, materials on the Internet, practice with equipment in order to subsequently train employees. You can hire a technologist on a piece-rate basis who will deal purely with training. In this case, each training for cleaners will cost you at least 2,000 rubles. One way or another, even recruiting a staff of 5 cleaners will take you about 2-3 months.

6. Organizational structure

The company structure is simple:

  • Manager - 1
  • Office managers - 2
  • Cleaners - 20

Naturally, you won’t hire 20 cleaners right away; initially, 5 people will be enough. But with 20 employees you will get the ideal combination - high turnover while maintaining a simple team structure. Increasing your staff will lead to the need to create an additional hierarchy, and this will be unnecessary complications for you.

Cleaners' salary is 60% of the order. Schedule: 2/2. It is obligatory to have a medical book with tests for employees household services(for example, a beauty salon).

7. Financial plan

The financial plan is calculated based on the average cleaning bill of 3,000 rubles and the norm of 18 cleanings per cleaner per month.

Costs/month of work


Purchase of vacuum cleaners


Cleaner kit


Salary for cleaners

Office payroll

Furniture, office equipment

Office rental


other expenses

Total expenses


Increased Cash Flow

Costs/month of work


Purchase of vacuum cleaners


Cleaner kit


Salary for cleaners

Lecture on the topic: Sanitary improvement of urban areas.
Part 5: Summer cleaning of urban areas.

Summer cleaning of urban areas.

During summer cleaning of urban areas, dirt is removed from road surfaces at such a frequency that its amount on the roads does not exceed the established sanitary norm. In addition, summer cleaning includes removing dirt from the roadway and street trays during the off-season and rainy periods of the year; cleaning of storm sewer sump pits; cleaning up fallen leaves; reducing air dust and improving the microclimate on hot days. The main factor influencing street clogging is the intensity of urban transport traffic. The accumulation of estimates and the clogging of streets are also significantly influenced by the improvement of adjacent streets, sidewalks, exit points for public transport and the condition of the surfaces of adjacent courtyard areas.
Main operations summer cleaning services are sweeping trays and washing the roadway . Washing of trays is carried out on streets with rain drains, well-profiled trays and slopes (from 0.5% or more), and is carried out by watering machines equipped with special nozzles. On streets with heavy traffic, the debris is moved to the side by the flow of traffic, and the cleaning of these streets consists mainly of cleaning the trays, and in this case, washing the roadway is necessary only once every 2-3 days.
The main way to clean streets during the rainy season is to wash the roadways and trays. Streets with medium and high traffic volumes are washed every day at night, and streets with low traffic volumes are washed every other day at any time of the day.
Streets are watered only in the hottest time of the year in dry weather to reduce air dust and improve the microclimate. Although watering is not a cleaning process, it nevertheless reduces air dust on city streets. Streets are watered at intervals of 1...1.5 hours during the hottest part of the day (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
Septic tanks for rainwater drainage wells must be cleaned with sludge suckers in the spring and then as sediment accumulates (2...4 times a season).
The technological order and frequency of street cleaning are established depending on the intensity of urban transport traffic (Table 1.). The given frequency of cleaning ensures a satisfactory sanitary condition of the streets only if measures to prevent street clogging and good condition of road surfaces are observed.

Table 1. Technological order and frequency of summer cleaning.

Note: In the absence of water intake wells, the roadway is cleaned with road sweepers at the same frequency as when washing

When washing, watering and sweeping, you should adhere to water consumption standards: 0.9...1.2 l/m2 is required for washing road surfaces; for washing trays - 1.6...2 l/m2; for watering improved coatings - 0.2...0.3 l/m2; for watering cobblestone surfaces - 0.4...0.5 l/m 2 (depending on the contamination of the coatings).
Sweeping is the main operation for cleaning streets, squares and driveways with improved surfaces. Sweeping is carried out in the following order: first of all, trays on streets with heavy traffic, city transport routes are swept, and then trays on streets with medium and low (for a given city) traffic intensity.
Cleaning is carried out in the following order: in the morning they sweep the trays that were not washed at night on streets with heavy traffic, passages with trolleybus and bus lines, then sweep the trays of passages with medium and low (for a given city) traffic intensity and then, as estimates accumulate, street trays in accordance with the established sweeping mode. Before sweeping the trays, sidewalks must be cleared to prevent re-clogging of the trays. The time for cleaning sidewalks should be linked to the work schedule of street sweepers. The timing of patrol sweeping of city transport stops and areas with large pedestrian traffic is linked to the time of accumulation of estimates for them. It is better to clean squares and wide highways with a column of sweeping machines moving in a ledge at a distance of 10...20 m from one another. In this case, the overlap of the sweeping strips should be at least 0.5 m.
Unloading of sweeping machines from the estimate is carried out at special sites located near the streets served and with good access roads. At the same sites or close to them, it is advisable to install a stand for filling cars with water. Sludge is transported to landfills from unloading sites by dump trucks or reloaded into heavy-duty containers.
Washing and watering .
Washing of the roadway is carried out on streets that have rain drains or slopes that provide reliable water drainage. It is recommended to wash downhill; the largest effective width of the washed strip at minimum water consumption is 7 m. When washing even at a slight rise (1.5...2%), the effective washing width is reduced to 2.5...3 m and the quality of washing deteriorates, especially with insufficient transverse slopes of the road profile. Due to the reduction in the width of the sink, water consumption increases by 1.5...2 times.
Driveways up to 12 m wide are washed with one machine (first one side and then the other); passages more than 12 m wide - a column of watering machines. In this case, the first machine captures the center line of the driveway when washing, and the rest follow a ledge, and the washed lane of the front machine overlaps the next one by 0.5...1 m. In the presence of slopes and drains, the last machine, equipped with a special nozzle, washes the tray and the adjacent there is a part of the passage 1.5 m wide to it. The distance between watering machines when washing in a column should be 15...25 m (Fig. 1). Driveways with one-way traffic are washed in one direction - towards the sidewalk tray. When the last car passes, you must ensure that dirt does not spill onto sidewalks and green spaces.
Sprinklers should be filled with water, if possible, close to the driveways they serve. When filling with water from the city water supply, the stander installed in the well is equipped with two hoses for simultaneous refueling of two cars. The filling point must have convenient access for cars and ensure filling of a tank with a capacity of 6 m3 in no more than 8...10 minutes. By agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities (SEN), cars can be refueled from reservoirs, for which purpose they are installed at the places where cars are refueled. pumping unit. Filling tanks from reservoirs is recommended at a large distance from gas stations to the streets served.
Sediment removal .
Ground sediments, as a rule, are formed in the off-season, as well as during heavy rains. The amount of soil sediment generated depends on the soil from green areas adjacent to the road surfaces getting onto the roadway. Interseasonal soil sediments, when their quantity is small, are removed with snow plows and brushes, followed by hilling, loading and removal, and when there is a significant quantity, motor graders are used. Sediments are loaded by snow loaders into dump trucks. When performing this work, loaders are moved along the shaft against the direction of traffic, and dump trucks are driven in reverse so that after loading they can move in the same direction with the general flow of traffic.
After removing the sediment, cleaning is completed using sweepers.
Cleaning of storm sewer well settling tanks It must be done once in the spring and then, as it accumulates, 2...4 times a season. Cleaning is carried out with sludge sucking machines and machines for cleaning sewer networks, which allow mechanizing all technological operations.

Continuation of the lecture on the topic:Sanitary improvement of urban areas.
Part 1:

If you need to find out what the price will be for cleaning an apartment in the Moscow region and in Moscow, you can find such information right now on the YouDo website. Through our service, you can order cleaning of your apartment from experienced professionals who are able to short time will bring perfect cleanliness. To carry out cleaning of premises, cleaners have the necessary cleaning products and professional equipment. You will agree on the exact cost of ordering apartment cleaning with private contractors or representatives of cleaning companies and firms in personal communication.

What is included in the comprehensive service?

Urgent wet cleaning allows you to quickly tidy up a one-room residential apartment and any other home in the Moscow region and in Moscow. A cleaning lady at a low price will be able to do:

  • wet floor treatment
  • high-quality cleaning of cabinet and upholstered furniture
  • inexpensive wet cleaning of mirrors and glassware
  • removing dust and dirt from walls and ceilings (a professional vacuum cleaner is used for this)
  • cleaning of kitchens and sanitary rooms with replacement of towels

You can contact specialists and order apartment cleaning in the region where you live. Specialists will be able to clean up very quickly and efficiently.

Inexpensive general cleaning of a one-room home will take 3-4 hours. Urgent (express) cleaning of one-room housing will not exceed 2 hours. With a total area of ​​premises of even 70 sq. m. Carrying out a maintenance type of cleaning will not take much time. If the square footage of the building is large, like a cottage, then specialists will be able to clean it in 5-6 hours.

How much will the cleaning work cost?

Private cleaners offer affordable rates for comprehensive maintenance of premises in a house or high-rise building. offers its services a little more generously, however, by attracting more people, specialists will be able to restore order much faster. You can instruct performers registered on the Yudu service to clean your home (for example, perform general cleaning), and also independently indicate the price that you are willing to pay to the specialists. If you can offer the best ones, you will very quickly receive many commercial offers from performers who will clean your home.

You can order a maintenance cleaning service, which is carried out several times a month. You can find out prices for such work from the performers. If you need to quickly and thoroughly clean your home after repairs, then on Yuda you can find the best prices from contractors.

Using a vacuum cleaner with a steam system gives good results in putting things in order. Such equipment allows you not only to thoroughly treat any surface, but also to clean upholstered furniture.

On the Yudu website you will quickly find performers who have affordable rates for the following types of additional work:

  • , window sills and mosquito nets
  • wiping lighting fixtures
  • cleaning the refrigerator, microwave and sink

Performers offer best rates to your job. Private specialists do not include overhead costs in the cost of comprehensive cleaning of premises. If you want to know how much cleaning will cost, the price will be announced after the contractor determines the volume and complexity of the work.

Prices will be slightly higher if there is a need for fire or flooding, because it will take a specialist much longer to clean the premises. The cost will be higher if external cleaning work needs to be done, for example.

Application Form

Methods for calculating the cost of cleaning services
If you try to analyze how the cost of cleaning services is calculated, you can identify several calculation methods.
1. The comparative method is usually used by companies for pricing if there is no experience in carrying out this work. The price of competitors is taken as a basis. This method has one big drawback: where is the guarantee that competitors’ prices are adequate to the costs your company will incur? You don't have the experience or technology that your colleagues have. What if the competitor made a mistake or deliberately lowers the cost?
2. The normative method is used mainly by the cleaning company (MC) on the basis of its own developed regulations. The lack of generally accepted standards does not allow this method to be widespread, but many companies are trying to develop their own standards, which are often a trade secret.
3. The custom method is used quite widely. It is based on the calculation of all costs associated with the execution of a given order. Its disadvantage is that sometimes the cost calculated in this way does not correspond to the price offered by competitors.
So which method should you choose?
I propose to use the fourth - custom-made comparative-normative method.
Calculation of direct costs and their optimization
Often the question arises not so much about drawing up cost estimates for types of work, but about how to bring this cost into line with market realities. Therefore, the issue of cost optimization is as important as the calculation itself. While working in cleaning, I noticed that managers understand the word “optimization” as an order to reduce costs. And first of all, they are trying to reduce the number of cleaners, thereby increasing the production rate by 20–30%. This achieves the exact opposite effect: the quality of work decreases, labor costs increase, since mistakes have to be corrected.
So how can you optimize costs?
In my opinion, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right equipment and inventory. Let's look at an example.
Large opens shopping mall. The terms of reference indicate that the main cleaning should be carried out from 7.00 to 10.00. The manager calculated its cost by analogy with an object that was similar in many respects. Compared to the offer price of competitors, it turned out to be 10% more.
Having visited the site, the manager suggested that using an additional scrubber dryer would help optimize costs. Having made a recalculation, he received savings of several hundred rubles. He was not happy with this result. Following the proverb of the peoples of the North, “Scratch seven times, wash once,” the manager began to consider other options and turned to the company supplying the equipment. The specialists of this company solved the problem very quickly. They suggested using scrubber dryers with a larger working width. This made it possible to bring the cost of the gearbox to the required values, without increasing the number of vehicles. Subsequently, the routes of scrubber equipment were worked out to reduce the number of turns; this resulted in additional man-hour savings.
This example helps to draw important conclusions:
· you should not rely only on your own experience, you need to work more closely with companies that supply equipment and chemicals;
· the use of additional equipment does not always give the desired result.
As shown in Fig. 1, the share of detergents and consumables in direct costs averages 8–12%, equipment and inventory – 15–25%. The main item of direct expenses (salaries of workers) amounts to 85% and is the main one. Cleaning companies are trying to optimize it first.

Rice. 1. Structure of direct expenses (on average)
But in order to reduce contract maintenance costs, it is also necessary to carefully study technical task, service plan. Typically, companies limit themselves to breaking down the cost by season. However, there are other ways.
Real life example: a customer demands that the bathrooms be cleaned every hour. But the specificity of the work is that visitors begin to use the toilets only two to three hours after opening. As a result, changes were agreed upon and made to the service plan. This freed up one person on the morning shift.
You can also differentiate premises by category, assigning them a certain level of cleanliness and, depending on traffic, determine the number of cleanings. This can either reduce the workload on staff or increase it. In the latter case, this will protect you from mistakes when starting work.
Experience has also shown that at facilities comprehensive service attempts to optimize costs using chemicals do not produce significant results. However, when carrying out general cleaning (especially after construction), properly selected chemicals significantly reduce labor costs. At one of the facilities, our company saved about 20 thousand rubles. compared to a similar facility using only chemistry, not counting the fact that the work was completed 1.5 days ahead of schedule...
Marginal profit
A question often asked at seminars is how to take into account overhead costs and profit when calculating costs. commercial offer? There are no clear answers. Overhead costs are generally a “floating” figure, depending on many factors, and accurately calculating them in advance is quite difficult and time-consuming. It is worth noting that when planning, calculation of overhead costs for a future period is, of course, necessary. At ZAO KMK, when calculating the cost of a commercial proposal, it is customary to use the term “ marginal profit"(MP). It is calculated quite simply: direct costs are subtracted from the contract value excluding VAT (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Calculation of the cost of the commercial proposal:
A – taking into account overhead costs;
B – using marginal profit

The introduction of MP quickly simplified the work of managers commercial department, since the assessment of their activities no longer depended on the ratio of overhead costs and profit. If earlier the economist assigned a percentage of overheads, which sometimes amounted to 50% of direct costs (which reduced the manager's profit), this caused numerous complaints and conflicts. Now the manager of the commercial department is interested in a progressive bonus scale to increase MP. And the economist is already preparing management report distributes MP to overhead costs and actual profit.
The policy for the formation of small enterprises should also take into account the strategic goals and objectives facing the company. For example, if a company has a goal to increase sales, MP decreases. This is also true when carrying out seasonal promotions or when concluding a “prospective” agreement.
Preparation of a commercial proposal
After the price for the service has been formed, it is necessary to prepare a commercial proposal in such a way that the customer can not only see the key information (cost) immediately, but also in the correct sequence. To do this, it is necessary to personalize each proposal as much as possible and work it out in such a way that it takes into account personal characteristics customer.
Example: when conducting negotiations, the customer focuses on the quality of services and the appearance of the staff. Despite the fact that each commercial proposal contains general words that “the company has been paying special attention to quality for 20 years...”, etc., this is clearly not enough for THIS CUSTOMER.
You can, of course, highlight these phrases in font and write them on a separate sheet, but it is much better if you write down some mechanisms or activities that will help achieve the desired result. And as for appearance personnel, then in my practice there was a case when we developed a uniform for personnel together with the customer, taking into account the specifics of the technical complex. And although the result was a different form, such a “live” discussion benefited both parties.
In 2006, I interviewed some customers, and one of the questions was: do they read information about the company in commercial proposals? Of the 16 people, 13 answered that practically none. If they don’t read, is it necessary to write? It is difficult to give a definite answer, because three of them still read it “from cover to cover.” But if you decide to include a company history and information about all the services you provide, I would recommend including a table of contents in your proposal as well.
Also important point- letters of recommendation. There were cases when managers included more than 30 such letters in the commercial proposal. As a result, KP was a solid publication of 60–70 pages. This, of course, has its advantages - such a CP is difficult to lose. But, in my opinion, there will be much more benefit from letters of recommendation customers operating in a similar segment.
One more question: is it worth deciphering the cost of the commercial proposal for the customer? Yes, the customer has every right to know what he is paying for. On the other hand, one can understand a cleaning company that is forced to disclose information that can be used by third parties - this may concern technology, the amount of equipment, etc. However, if the client requires a detailed estimate from us, we provide it to him. This can be used as an advantage if we can convince the customer that the dumping price of competitors cannot provide the quality required for the work.

Example. The customer held a tender for comprehensive cleaning of the shopping center. One company provided a CP with a cost lower than the payroll (payroll fund) of its own service. When asked how many cleaners you plan to use, the answer was: don't worry, we are professionals. Naturally, this company could not continue to participate in the tender. Another company won and, as it turned out later, the direct costs of the selected company exceeded the cost of this CP by almost 100 thousand rubles. Was the customer right? Most likely, yes, since there are still cases when, having won with the lowest price, the company was unable to organize work at the required level. And the idea that the customer will not demand quality from a cheap contract is a myth.
I would like to appeal to companies that unreasonably reduce the cost of work. After all, a contract won now at a very low price can hardly be called a victory, except perhaps a “Pyrrhic” one*: you will not have the opportunity to fulfill it efficiently. Moreover, a precedent arises for incorrect competition. Remember: optimization does not always mean cost reduction.
* Pyrrhic victory - a victory that came at too high a price; victory is equivalent to defeat. The origin of this expression is due to the battle of Ausculum in 279 BC. e. Then the Epirus army of King Pyrrhus attacked the Roman troops for two days and broke their resistance, but the losses were so great that Pyrrhus remarked: “Another such victory, and I will be left without an army.”

Estimate for cleaning facilities

Once upon a time, back in those days when there was practically no competition, and the word crisis was associated with 1998, many cleaning companies, when drawing up a commercial proposal, drew up estimates without delving too much into the calculations. Usually it happened like this: we summed up all the expenses that came to mind, added another 20% to this amount and voila - our tender. Since there was no strong competition, we mostly won only because everyone else had a 30% increase. Now everything is happening completely differently. For the customer, quality is important, not price.

10 years have passed and, as expected, the clear days are over. Everyone was caught up in the 2008 crisis. By that time, the number of cleaning services had already increased, and technologies had changed. As a result, many companies reduced their budgets by 20% or even 25%, although the method of calculating estimates remained the same. In the end, it turned out that many companies not only began to work at 0, but completely went into the red. In fact, it’s good for the client - he saves a lot of money, but the organization performing duties under the contract is confidently moving towards the edge of the financial abyss. There simply comes a period when the funds intended for turnover run out, and there is nothing left to pay the employee’s salary. At this moment, the so-called cost optimization in Russian begins. First, they cut employees' salaries, then they remove equipment from facilities and, ultimately, they stop using chemicals. All these actions lead to the fact that the object begins to become overgrown with dirt and the customer is naturally not happy with this.

Although there is another way that is even simpler. They take the salary of one cleaner and multiply it by the number of these cleaners. As a result, it turns out that all expenses for inventory, chemicals, equipment and taxes are not taken into account. Of course, the customer agrees to such low prices, but what does this lead to? And this leads to two bad things: firstly, to the fact that the object is poorly cleaned and secondly, to the bankruptcy of the cleaning company.

So how do you make a proper estimate for cleaning?

There is a way out, and it is gradually coming to us from the west. The fact is that the customer of cleaning services must reconsider his attitude regarding reducing his own costs in the short term. The fact is that cleaning nowadays is not Aunt Galya with Pemolux and a scarf, but a serious high-tech process. The customer must clearly understand what he needs. If he needs quality, then he needs to pay for quality, and if it is important for him that the price be low, then go to Aunt Galya. The customer and the contractor must speak a common language, the language of estimates. To do this, you need to formulate a budget in such a way that when studying a commercial offer, customers can immediately weed out those who do not work conscientiously and contact only really good cleaning companies.

  • First of all, we need to understand how many employees we need to attract. Based on the fact that one cleaner is needed for every 750 meters, then through simple calculations we find out that 4 people are needed per shift. Since the TC works every day, it is necessary to create a schedule of 2 every 2. As a result, it turns out that 8 cleaners are required. If we take the minimum salary of 5,500 rubles as a basis, then the amount of the wage fund is 44,000 rubles.
  • Next you need to calculate the consumption Money for chemistry and Consumables. Usually they are calculated at the rate of 3-4 rubles. per sq.m. Total approximately = 9000 rub.
  • If cleaning is required using scrubbing machines, then we include equipment depreciation in the estimate. For example, a simple corded scrubber dryer with a service life of 3 years costs about 100,000 rubles. Let's add additional costs for maintenance and consumables and we get 5,000 rubles.
  • We will cover unforeseen and transportation costs at a minimum - 2000 rubles.

Summing up all expenses, we get only direct costs of 58,000 rubles. Let's add a minimum profit of 5 percent (it will be 2,900 rubles). And of course, do not forget to add value added tax (VAT) of 18% and in the end we get = 71,862 rubles. From here we get that the cost is one sq.m. will cost from 24 rubles. along with VAT.

It is clear that this estimate is made rather crudely and is only an illustrative example. You need to try hard to calculate everything down to the smallest detail. Here you can add other cleaning equipment, and create an individual uniform for the style of the shopping center, etc.

How to cut costs during a crisis

Now let's imagine that we are in crisis situation and we need to cut costs. Let's say we fire one cleaning lady. We win approximately 11,000 rubles. But the workload on the remaining three cleaners increases greatly and during the busy autumn-spring seasons, they simply will not be able to cope, which means they won’t clean anything. Over time, dirt will accumulate and you will have to carry out general cleaning at least once a year, which costs approximately 30 rubles. per sq.m. Having quickly calculated, we will understand that such savings are only a minus for us. In principle, the same situation applies to abbreviations in chemistry. When we switch to cheaper chemicals, we will get more pollution, and again we have to do general cleaning. If you refuse scrubber dryers, then this is also a bad option; if you need them, then without them you will simply be stuck. All that remains is to reduce the profit, but it is already minimal, it turns out that we are working at zero (but this way we can survive the crisis).

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