How to get a job in the riot police immediately after returning from the army. Valery Brovkin: “the riot police are not an institution for noble maidens All about serving in the riot police

Exactly 25 years ago, on June 1, 1993, a police detachment appeared in Primorye, as elsewhere in Russia. special purpose- Riot police. In the 21st century, the special unit changed its name: after renaming the police to police. The abbreviation was becoming dissonant, so the second word was replaced, and the result was “mobile special forces detachment.” For some time now the riot police have become integral part Federal service National Guard troops Russian Federation. However, such changes do not affect the work and life of special forces soldiers. Corr. PRIMPRESS spoke with a riot policeman who spoke about the specifics of the service, main tasks and business trips to hot spots.

I was born in Vladivostok. He studied at the university, majoring in construction. In the army he served in the GRU special forces. After this, he firmly decided to connect his life with the service. As a result, he ended up in a special law enforcement unit - Sergei was brief in describing his pre-service period.

- The GRU is the dream of many guys, probably, unlike the riot police...

A GRU special forces soldier is narrow specialty scout. There, the personnel are faced with extremely specific tasks. The riot police have broader tasks and different responsibilities.

- What is he like, an average riot policeman?

- Most of the squad members are professionally involved in sports, and everyone has their own hobby. Mostly my colleagues are interesting and versatile people.

- Sergey, describe your working day.

Rise at six in the morning. There are situations when they raise it at night. After charging, breakfast and the way to work. The doctor examines us every day. During the deployment, the fighters are informed of the operational situation in the region and the city. Afterwards I go to the gym, where I practice wrestling techniques. This is a mandatory part of our service. On average, an employee spends two hours every day going to the gym. Dinner. This is followed by theoretical training: studying orders, laws, training in providing medical care. We can say that a fighter is constantly learning and honing his skills.

The fighters of our unit are used to suppress various crimes. For example, last fall we went to arrest a resident of Vladivostok, who, while intoxicated, began shooting at people with a traumatic weapon. There was a call to the Khasan district, where poachers opened fire. Riot policemen go to places where special training and force support are required during operations.

- Have you been to hot spots?

During my six years of service, I was on business trips to the North Caucasus region three times. Basically the same situations arise there as here. However, the population is different. They have their own rules and traditions. You quickly become familiar with these nuances after arrival. On our last business trip, we were stationed on the border with Georgia, where we collaborated with border guards. They mainly worked in the forest and mountainous areas, went on raids and carried out activities aimed at finding weapons warehouses and searching for militants. A business trip is a period of being in a state of combat readiness around the clock.

- How does the work of riot police differ, for example, from SOBR and other special forces?

The tasks facing OMON and SOBR are, at first glance, similar, but SOBR is more often involved in operations against armed criminals. Initially, OMON provided cover for public security police officers, and SOBR provided cover for criminal police officers. The riot police have a wider range of tasks, which is why they call us in more often. Over the past year, we completed more than 720 special events. They and we are part of the law enforcement system. The primary task of our unit is to ensure the safety of civilians and the functioning of the city. It can be noted that after moving to the Russian Guard, we began to be used more often in the city.

- I wonder if your squad is fully equipped or if new soldiers are needed?

Right now we are looking for new fighters! As I said, we are increasingly called upon to perform various tasks. This is probably why the number of riot police has been increased. Those who wish have a real opportunity to join our ranks. There are still vacancies. Good health, at least secondary education and military service are required. I can say that the most difficult thing for candidates is to pass a polygraph and a psychologist. Out of every 10 people, 2-3 enter the service.

First, let's figure out why you need this. I recommend that you read about this structure: there I talked about the features of the work, tasks and much more from the “inner kitchen”, something that you won’t read on the Internet. In general, there are 2 main categories of people who get jobs in riot police: young guys after the army or current employees who are transferred from other units.

Let's look at the motivation for each of them. With current employees, everything is clear - in the riot police the salary is higher (on average 8-10 thousand) than in the general education department or teaching staff and the preferential length of service is 1.5 years. Those. You can retire after working only 13.5 years. A policeman from another service writes a report, just like those who get a job as a civilian, he passes the standards and, if the results are successful, he moves on to the service. There have also been cases of simplified transfer from the Federal Penitentiary Service.

After the army they mainly come for two reasons:

  • Romantics are those who have not played enough of “war” and want to work in special forces, but due to education/physical characteristics/experience they cannot enlist in special forces.
  • Pragmatists are those who want to receive an above-average salary and benefits package, but do not have the education/knowledge for other qualified work.

Now let's look at the conditions

In order to get a job you need to meet the standard requirements for a police officer:

  • Age from 18 to 35 years. In fact, I didn’t see people over 27 years old coming. By this age, usually, the craving for adventure has already passed and you want quiet work.
  • No criminal record or arrest record. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, if you were charged with drinking alcohol in your youth, but otherwise you approach and behave adequately, then most likely they will meet you halfway. Difficulties may arise due to the criminal records of relatives. If there was something serious, there is a high probability of being refused. If it’s not serious, then the solution is simple. Recommendations have now become a practice - a paper written in free form from current employee, that he knows you, recommends you with positive side and ready to vouch. So, if there are problems in this direction, think in advance about who you can turn to for help.
  • Health category A1. Health must be excellent. With serious illnesses, you shouldn’t even try your hand. If there are minor problems, then as they say, proceed at your own peril and risk. Keep in mind that there is an option to receive a medical refusal. I will write in detail about passing the medical examination below.
  • Passing psychological testing and polygraph. After sad known history with the police major who started shooting with his service weapon in Moscow (if I’m not mistaken, it was 2009) and several other similar, but less well-known cases, a paranoid amount of attention began to be paid to psychological testing. And from 2012-13 they began to use a lie detector before applying for a job in the police.
  • Passing standards for physical training and hand-to-hand combat. For ordinary units, the requirements are much softer than for riot police. Here, in addition to physical training, you also need to pass battles - usually these are 3 rounds of 3 minutes. The first is wrestling, according to the rules of sambo, the second is striking, arms and legs, the third is complex, according to the rules of hand-to-hand combat.
  • Education must be at least secondary - 11 years of school or vocational school.
  • Military service.

Usually they come to the position of a fighter in an operational platoon. Those who were sappers in the army can apply for a position in the engineering and technical department. Those with a college or university diploma are rarely immediately hired for an officer position. As a rule, if a person comes after the army with higher education, they offer 2 options - first go to another police unit, and then transfer, or through the position of a fighter.

Let me clarify right away that the further process career growth may drag on for years.
A fighter can rise in rank to senior warrant officer.

The first officer position is squad commander (junior lieutenant/lieutenant). There are still driver vacancies, because... a lot of different equipment.
Already in the process of work, if there is a free vacancy, they can be sent for additional training, for example, as a dog handler.

Now let’s talk about how to get in, so to speak, “from the street.”

How to get into the riot police after the army

If you are still serving at the moment and familiarize yourself with the conditions of employment in advance, there is advice. Take a reference from the place of service and, if possible, ask the commanders (company commander, unit commander) to write a recommendation. This will come in handy later.

Employment process - step-by-step instructions

Now you have been discharged, you have a military ID in your hands and you are eager to serve in the riot police.

The first thing to do is contact the HR department. I will provide contact information for most regions on the Contact Us page. If you don’t find yours or the data is out of date, Google it, there’s nothing secret about it. It’s better to call in advance and find out if there are currently open vacancies and what time is best to arrive to submit documents. Write down what you need to take with you. Usually this is a passport and military ID.
When you arrive, be prepared for the fact that you will first need to communicate with the direct commander - a platoon or company commander. They will ask who you are and why you want to work. It is better to answer honestly and think through your answers in advance. Then fill out a form in the HR department and receive a referral to a medical examination. Write down everything they say so you don't forget. Next, they will send you through a commission and wait for the results from you.

Medical commission

You need to go through 2 commissions: first at your place of residence, then at the IHC. The residence commission is:

  • main dispensaries: tuberculosis (fluorography), drug addiction and mental health dispensaries (certificates that you are not registered)
  • doctors at the local clinic (ophthalmologist, surgeon, therapist - the full list will be written in the referral)
  • blood test, urine test, cardiogram.

Keep in mind that test results are valid for only 10 days, so do not delay taking the IVC. Otherwise, you will have to waste time and retake some of them. VVC is performed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs clinic in your city. Everything is standard, just like when they were drafted into the army.

Everything will take 7-10 days if you don’t waste time. After receiving a positive conclusion, you will be given a date to undergo physical tests.

Passing standards

They include physical training and combat. I wrote about this in detail in the article “Standards”, you can read it.

Then there are 2 options - if you don’t pass, then if you still want to get a job in the riot police, they will set a date for retaking the test. Usually after 2-3 months. If you pass successfully, then you will either be hired immediately - if there are vacancies - or you will be sent first to another unit (OVO, convoy), and then they will send a request for a transfer to them after the job becomes vacant. There's nothing wrong with that - you'll still be trained in the first six months. Training center— it is common to the entire regional police department.

  • do not delay in passing the commission at your place of residence and the military commission
  • be honest during an interview with future management
  • prepare in advance for physical fitness tests
  • Think again if you need it

Bottom line: to get a job in the riot police you need excellent health, compliance with minimum requirements and passing standards.

Riot police, black berets, special operations - these words already contain a little secrecy and a fair amount of rumors, spiced up with real male romance. Today the guest of “” is police colonel, permanent commander of the “Riga-Tyumen” riot police Valery Brovkin.

Tell us what the riot police are doing. For ordinary person your acronym sounds quite mysterious. Are any emergency situations in the city (pah-pah) yours or the prerogative of the detachment - hot spots - Chechnya, Transnistria? Is it possible to study the geography of the country on your business trips?

Well, let's start with history. In October 1988, around Soviet Union In the capitals of the Union republics and simply large cities, 24 special-purpose police units were created so that they could respond to emergency situations, participate in the detention of armed criminals, and the elimination of riots and the consequences of man-made and natural disasters. Despite the collapse of the Union, such units remained in almost all of these former republics. Such forceful support is always needed, because the detention of armed criminals and the fight against terrorism remain relevant.
Study the geography and biography of the country from us? In light of the fact that the former republics have become independent states, it is possible.

The fighters have changed, the commanders have changed, but the work itself remains.
Our unit acted as a “separation” force between the warring parties to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, in the “Turkish” conflict in Orsk, and took part in well-known events in North Ossetia and Ingushetia, as well as in events related to the White House in 1993. From December 1994 to this day, the hottest spot is the North Caucasus region, we go on business trips to Chechnya.

- How many business trips to Chechnya did the detachment and you personally have?

The squad has 36, I have 16.
Also, the soldiers of our unit go to “reinforce” various government important events, for example, this year at the G8 summit - to ensure law and order. Local forces, as a rule, are not enough, so we are brought in.

- Compared to ordinary police, are you practically supermen? Seriously

Maybe (smiles). A mobile detachment, for stabilization, in order to influence situations. Great emphasis on combat training, tactical, fire. Of course, the same, for example, police officers of the PPS have completely different tasks, specific ones, and, accordingly, different skills.

Has Tyumen become a second home, another homeland for the Riga riot police? At first, many people came here just to rest? Did everyone manage to adapt?

There were 119 of us then. After 15 years, for 20 Tyumen has truly become a second home. They settled down and started families. The rest went somewhere - to Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region, Voronezh Then, at that stage, social and everyday issues were not easily resolved and many moved to where their relatives lived, or moved to some other units. Some of them still work in our structure, some are engaged in something else.

There were rumors that several of your Riga residents were still hanging around with their families at the Kolos Hotel. Is everyone settled like a human being now?

Of that original cast, only one remained there. The rest settled in, everything was fine.
The local authorities helped us very well. Without this it would be very difficult. When we arrived in Tyumen, we lived in the Young Dzerzhinets pioneer camp. The base is located in the old fire tower on Osipenko. And the first thing that the head of the Shafrannik region, the mayor of the city Gennady Ivanovich Raikov, and General Basharin did then was to come to a consensus and allocate the territory of a former military unit at MMS for our base, where we could normally settle down and serve. It was a great decision for us. And from that moment on, everything somehow began to work out. Governors Roketsky and Sobyanin, former mayor Kirichuk have always helped us very well, and now governor Vladimir Vladimirovich Yakushev and the head of the city Sergei Smetanyuk are helping us. I'm not flattering. This is true.

Who does the Tyumen riot police report to? Do you have to follow orders from local authorities? How is your relationship going in general? It’s as if the regional and city authorities are helping you in your work - with premises, technology, equipment Or is this not entirely true?

We are part of the structure of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Tyumen Region and, accordingly, report to the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Without the command of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, I will not be able to do anything. As for the fact that they help, I have already partially said this. The base is currently undergoing major renovations. The major renovation of the living quarters where the personnel are located is almost completed, the dining room is being reconstructed, a sports and fitness complex is being equipped, an obstacle course is being installed, and the headquarters is being renovated.
In this regard, the regional government and the mayor's office are helping us. That's how it goes. Well what can I say. We feel cared for, honestly. Normal relationship. My comrades from other similar units came to me and said, you’re lucky, they love you here.

They say that when leaving Riga, you wrote on armored personnel carriers “We will be back.” It was not possible to return to live and work. Did you manage to just go to the Baltics?

- (laughs) Did we write that on armored vehicles? We actually left Riga in cars and went to the airport in them. Well, I don’t know, maybe someone wrote something similar - boyish enthusiasm plus a stressful situation...
Many actually returned to Riga. Of course, not in the quality that was intended when they wrote it. Some have parents there, some have families. I myself was in Riga in 1992, when I took my family to Tyumen.

- Which holiday do you celebrate - November 4 or November 7?
Maxim Shultz, Tyumen

- You know, I’ll say this: I’ve been serving in the internal affairs bodies since 1975 and I don’t have any holidays as such. For some people, holidays are work.

- It’s a matter of nuances: November 4 or November 7 - which of these two holidays is essentially closer to you.

I am 50 years old and it is difficult to erase the usual date from my life. It’s difficult to immediately perceive the new day - November 4th. It is possible that over time it will take root and my grandchildren will celebrate it as a matter of course.

- Recently, Tyumen media reported that riot police removed two mines from the Palace of Creativity, which they detonated outside the city. There are rumors that this is not so, that these are just harmless exhibits that Tyumen search engines brought for the museum. What really happened?
Vladimir, Tyumen

- Unfortunately it is so. An engineering and technical group left us. Indeed, the search engines brought two mines as exhibits. One of them was practically on alert, the second - the fuse had been pulled out, but was full of TNT. If this “thing” had gone off, there would have been casualties. It was enough to drop it or hit it.

- What are your career prospects, Valery, or have you reached your ceiling?
Essentially, this is about the fact that a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. Do you dream of general's shoulder straps?

I like my job. I am satisfied with my career and don’t want to change it for something else.

- How can you get into the Tyumen riot police? What are the requirements for fighters?
Kirill, Tyumen

You can join our squad under certain conditions:
- serve in the army (no matter what troops, although it is better if it is the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps, internal troops special forces and the like);
- excellent health (we have a strict medical examination!);
- excellent moral and psychological characteristics (we have a lot of stress).
And one of the most important conditions is the desire to serve.

It happens that they come for a beautiful uniform, a solid image and black berets - romance. But it turns out that in addition to this there is also hard work, heavy workloads, long business trips, stress and long working hours. It happens that you just returned from a six-month business trip, but you have to go on the next, and equally long one.
You have to be patient, because it happens that a detachment sits in the barracks for days, or even weeks, waiting for an order to go to some city where a conflict situation or some extraordinary event is taking place. This was recently the case in connection with the situation in Kondopoga. The order to board the boat can come at any minute. Or maybe you won’t do it at all.

- What is the salary of a soldier in your squad? For this is all

In the first year of service, an ordinary soldier receives about 7 thousand rubles. The first three months of the internship - probation- salary is 3-4 thousand. Then he receives a title and position.

- Whoever doesn’t stretch his legs during these three months will remain working?

Yes, it’s difficult, no matter what. But we don’t let you stretch your legs Someone who has served for 5 years gets paid in the range of 10-11 thousand. In general, if you are looking for excellent earnings, then this is not for us. But, on the other hand, the service is interesting.

- Is there a lot of turnover?

There is an outflow, of course, but it is insignificant. Everything has somehow stabilized.

Are there any traditions in the squad? It seems to me that your office is not the kind where you can work inside and out. You, most likely, somehow grow into each other - joys and sorrows Or am I romanticizing too much?

No, not excessive, everything is normal. The squad really has certain traditions. Let's say we celebrate together Detachment Day, of course, Police Day, Day of the creation of riot police, New Year… We gather when we remember our fallen comrades, we visit their families and parents. In addition, we have solemn procedures for presenting black berets, presenting weapons, and awards. If there are any difficulties, then, of course, we help.

- Over the past 15 years, the Tyumen riot police have lost many fighters?

Two. In September 2002, senior sergeant Serik Sadubov was blown up by a landmine. There was a boy from Armizon, the only son of his mother In May 2003, my first deputy, Yuri Valentinovich Firsov, was killed - also blown up by a landmine.
There are many wounded. 61 people. There are also serious injuries.

The losses are heavy, but nevertheless, over 15 years these are still small losses. Take care of people. There was a time when orders were given to those who would sacrifice the most of their people. It seemed like a sign of heroism

Indeed, earlier, especially during the first Chechen campaign, there was such a practice: “Why don’t you go into a hand-to-hand attack? Don’t you want to become heroes? We’ll write a paper for you, declaring them heroes. Posthumously Don’t you want to become heroes? And then we’ll send you to your homeland!” . They were afraid of the homeland People must be protected. No other way.
But now the situation has changed for the better.

- With your last name, they probably often remembered Private Ivan Brovkin? Did your ancestors—father, grandfather—serve?
Svetlana, Tyumen

That's right, they remembered. Sometimes, somewhere in childhood, I was a little shy. And I enjoy watching films about the soldier Ivan Brovkin. My father, by the way, like his on-screen namesake, raised virgin soil in 52-54; it was he who, after serving in the army, went there to be a driver. My grandfather died in 1943 near Kharkov.
My son serves in our detachment, company commander.

How did you raise your son so that he grew up to be as courageous? Probably mainly by personal example. You hardly had time to read him a book at night What kind of dad were you?

Oh, I need to ask him that. When we lived in Riga, I took him to kindergarten. Of course, the wife did more of the upbringing. And so, from his boyhood, my son knew a lot: shoot and everything else.

What measures do you think need to be taken to prevent hazing in the army? How do you combat this phenomenon in your squad?
Tatyana, Tyumen

- There is no hazing in the detachment. For us this is unnatural, there is not even a conversation. With such a relationship, it would be impossible to carry out combat missions together.
How to eradicate it in the army? I myself served in 1973-75 and knew nothing about hazing. The old-timers taught us to the point, no humiliation. Such a disgrace as with soldier Sychev could not have happened in our unit. True, in the construction battalion, where those on probation also served, not everything was the same as in our troops. My cousin once ended up in a construction battalion, so he later talked about “customs” and morals

Much depends on the commanders. If the officers are normal, then the problem of hazing is not so acute.

And you know, I’ll say one more thing: as long as we have thieves’ romance on all our screens, there will be plenty of problems within society. Look at the heroes of the screen - “Zones”, “Brigades” and similar films, listen to the “thematic” chanson. This is fine? Albeit indirectly, indirectly, but this thieves’ romance influences young people and their relationships with each other.
It also happens that sometimes people come to us who, instead of speaking normal Russian, begin to “talk with a hairdryer.” And this is unacceptable.

- Can you go on holiday abroad or are all riot police not traveling abroad?

Why, let’s go, it’s not prohibited. Even through the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, 2-3 years ago we were given vouchers to Egypt and Turkey... And so, in principle, you can submit a report and buy a voucher.

Nowadays there are men who take very careful care of their appearance. They get manicures done in salons, carefully choose fashionable clothes, perfume, etc. Those who are especially passionate about their image are called metrosexuals, there is such a word.

What, what are they called?

- Metrosexuals. How do you feel about such guys?

Negative. Because I believe that a man should be a man. I always have doubts that it’s not for nothing that he takes such meticulous care of himself I understand perfectly well when a woman carefully monitors her manicure and other things - there are no questions. When it’s a man, I can’t help but think that there’s something wrong with him. Well, appearance cannot be the meaning of life for a man.

- Your colleague Parfenov became a deputy. Are you interested in a political career? How compatible are these two hypostases - a “special” policeman and a politician?
Elena, Tyumen

Politics is such a thing By the will of fate, I encountered it quite strongly - it turned out to be not very pleasant. This path does not appeal to me.

- You have many awards - medals, the Order of Courage. Which one is the most expensive and most valuable for you?

Most valuable? Perhaps this is my first medal - “For 10 years of impeccable service.” I was pleased that I served honestly for 10 years in the internal affairs bodies and was rewarded for it. I received my first government award in 1987: a medal, on one side of which there is the inscription “For excellent service in protecting public order", on the other - the coat of arms of the USSR. It was also called the "police medal" or "ruble" - it looked like a coin.

- How many awards do you have in total?

Order of Courage (2000, for the liberation of regions of Chechnya), 12 medals.

- Dear Valery Alexandrovich! Workers Association law enforcement congratulates you and your team on your professional holiday - Police Day! Question: How do you plan to congratulate employees who are in business trip in the North Caucasus? Can you convey our sincere congratulations to the riot police personnel? Sincerely, Vasily Gorety.
Gorety V. P., Tyumen
Even though this year's Police Day has already passed, it will not be the last. How is it customary to congratulate?

Currently, 40 guardsmen are on a business trip to the North Caucasus. We constantly keep in touch with them. Moreover, now everyone Cell phones, the guys constantly call back with their comrades, exchange SMS. We will certainly pass on greetings from Vasily.
In December, as usual, a car with parcels and holiday gifts will go there.

When riot police appeared in Tyumen, it was no secret that they acted quite harshly towards offenders. And it is quite possible that this is not always fair. Now the situation is different. Was there still some element of permissiveness left, which, admittedly, still existed? Or did you manage to overcome growing pains?

A very interesting question. The times were difficult then. It is possible that somewhere in the heat of the moment they went too far. You're probably right, and these were indeed growing pains. But we survived them.
Today we act according to the law. But tough. But according to the law.
The actions of such special forces suggest this. Riot police are not an institution for noble maidens. And we will not politely give hour and a half lectures to offenders. Everyone should know that for any lawlessness there is a force that will put one or another who has gone wild or presumptuous in his place.

- Dear Valery Alexandrovich! It is known that crime in our region and in Tyumen is growing from year to year, and the detection rate is no more than 30%. What do you think is the reason for this situation? What and who needs to do to reduce crime and increase detection rates?
V. Yakovlev, Tyumen

Perhaps this is not really a question for me. Our detachment is only one of the components in the internal affairs system. Obviously, preventive measures are needed with young people, especially on the part of local police officers; it is necessary for the investigative apparatus to work high professionals, we need a stable composition of operational workers, and so on.

- Is your detachment leaving for the north of the Tyumen region?

- Until 1994, we went on missions to both the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal. Now we are more at war.

November 30 is Valery Aleksandrovich Brovkin’s birthday. "" wishes him good luck and good mood. Perhaps the commander of the Tyumen riot police will even be lucky, he will be more free in his service and will calmly celebrate the next anniversary of his life in the warm circle of family and friends.

How to enlist in the riot police? Rules for joining the OMON service.

Admission to service in the riot police takes place on a competitive basis.

General requirements: a man aged 18 to 35 years, education must be at least secondary, completed compulsory service in the military forces of the Russian Federation, characteristics from the army or from the place of work must be ideal, no criminal record, ideal health, excellent physical fitness.

However, even if the candidate meets all the above requirements, joining the riot police will not be so easy.

Stages of joining the OMON service:

1. Visit to the personnel department of the police department at the place of registration. They will inform you about all the rules for admission to the service. It is necessary to provide the HR department with a completed application form (the form will be issued), photographs of the established sample, a reference from the place of work or from the place of military service, educational documents, and an identity document. Based on the results of checking the documents submitted to the OK, they will issue a referral to undergo a military medical commission (MMC), a referral to the Center for Psychological Diagnostics (CPD), and a referral to a physical fitness exam.

2. Before undergoing the VVC and CPD, it is necessary to undergo a series of medical tests, pass numerous tests for all kinds of infections, and also provide certificates from narcological, psychiatric, and tuberculosis dispensaries. Moreover, all analyzes and certificates are paid. The approximate total cost is 5-7 thousand rubles.

3. Joining the riot police is an extremely difficult task. To successfully pass the IVC, the candidate must be:
Height – at least 170 cm;
The minimum visual acuity for distance is 0.6 diopters for each eye; acceptable myopia is 0.75 diopters per eye, farsightedness is 2.0 diopters per eye. The presence of non-structural scoliosis up to 8 degrees according to the Instructions does not prevent service in the police department. Candidates with fitness category B on a military ID (fit for service with minor restrictions) when passing the Military Military Commission are recognized as unfit for service in the riot police.
You should know that when passing a military medical commission, candidates with the slightest deviation from the norm in health are considered unfit for military service. This applies to all three categories of candidates.

4) After passing the IHC, the candidate will undergo a physical fitness test. The test consists of two stages:
- passing a number of standards;
- testing for moral and volitional qualities.

* Preliminary stage - passing standards: includes:
- cross 3 km (min 11 min 45 sec),
- push-ups (minimum 55 repetitions per set),
- press (minimum 55 repetitions per approach),
- pull-ups (minimum 14 repetitions per approach),
- jumping from a crouching position (jumps) - (minimum 55 repetitions per approach),
- military spring - (minimum 55 repetitions per approach).
If a candidate refuses to pass any standard, he/she does not pass the test stage. Upon successful completion of the physical standard. preparation, the candidate is allowed to test for moral and volitional qualities.

* Testing to identify the moral and volitional qualities of a candidate for service in riot police. The most difficult and exciting stage for a beginner. This testing takes place in sparring mode. Sparring is carried out in the following areas:
- striking technique;
- wrestling in clothes;
- mixed style.
The main task of the candidate is to show not so much tactical and technical preparedness, but activity and initiative.

A candidate who has passed all the above tests is enlisted in the riot police.

Riot policeman, aka a riot policeman, is an employee of the mobile special forces detachment, a police officer trained to work in “hot spots”. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in law, physical education and life safety (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Before the militia was renamed the OMON police, it was a special police unit. Today this abbreviation is filled with new content: OMON has become a special mobile detachment. But the essence of the work of a fighter in this detachment remains the same. Riot police are not involved in solving crimes; their task is to maintain law and order and suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fires or hurricane, riot police protect public safety in disaster zones. In particular, it stops looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for others police officers. Therefore, riot police take part in neutralizing armed criminals, freeing hostages, suppressing prison riots, etc.

As the name suggests, this unit is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous and requires serious training, dedication to one’s work and comrades. Riot policemen often die while carrying out missions. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.

Those who have attended protest demonstrations or observed mass civil actions via the Internet may ask: “What are riot police doing at protests? Are we talking about mass unrest? The riot policeman has a short answer to this question: “We keep order.” When many people get together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.

A member of the mobile squad can be identified by the large yellow inscription “OMON” on his spotted uniform and black beret. During mass actions, fighters wear special protective helmets, which is why they are also called “cosmonauts” and even “real cosmonauts.” What real real astronauts think about this, we don’t know.

Riot police officers stand in a cordon, allowing participants into the rally area strictly through special “gates” with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding batons, they force the protesters out of the protest area or, conversely, cut off the instigators and encircle them. They help colleagues from the operational squad make arrests. According to participants in the events, it happens that a “conflict situation” arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.

Of course, to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot policemen work on shifts. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical training. Since 2002, on October 3, riot police officers have celebrated their professional holiday.


OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Important qualities

The profession of a riot policeman presupposes good health, serious physical training, responsibility, courage, and devotion to comrades.

Knowledge and skills

A riot policeman must master hand-to-hand combat techniques (in particular, with a knife), shooting, collective action skills, etc.

Riot police training

Each region has its own special purpose mobile detachment. To become a riot policeman, you need to enlist in this detachment. As a rule, they accept men under 35 years of age who have served in the Army and have a secondary education. Upon admission, a physical fitness test is carried out: cross-country, push-ups, pull-ups, etc. And also hand-to-hand combat for endurance. Anyone who passes the test undergoes three months of study and a qualifying exam.