How to make money on affiliate programs - my experience. The most profitable Runet affiliate programs for beginners Affiliate program service

Affiliate programs are a universal tool for making money on the Internet. In short, we take a product (goods or service), promote it in every possible way, and receive a commission. Businessmen and entrepreneurs use affiliate programs to increase profits and scale their business, and users, by participating in affiliate programs, have the opportunity to seriously increase their income even without investment.

For website owners, bloggers, and webmasters, cooperation through affiliate programs is a profitable way to monetize traffic. However, you can earn money this way or even groups on a social network. In this article we will talk about the main types of programs and the opportunities to earn money in this area. You will also learn how to choose a partner and what mistakes to avoid so as not to lose profits.

Earning money from affiliate programs. Main stages and types of payments

In the classic version, the process of making money on affiliate programs can be represented as the following diagram:

Selecting a program → Registration → Receiving an affiliate link → Promotion and advertising → Making a profit

After selection and registration, the partner receives a link with a unique identifier, which can be promoted using pages and communities on social networks, e-mail newsletters, instant messengers, forums, guest posts on third-party resources, on your website (if any), etc. .d.

Affiliate programs can be classified by payment type as follows:

*CPS affiliate programs can be considered a special case of a pay-per-action program. In this case, the purchase is considered as completing the “Place an order” task.

Best Affiliate Programs

The number of affiliate programs has already become so large that any user can actually find a profitable commercial offer among them. Programs that pay for impressions and clicks are more suitable for making money on your own resource and are not paid as generously as actions and payments.

But you can always make money on affiliate programs without your own website. As an example, let's look at several commercial structures and services that are interested in attracting customers through affiliate programs.

Online stores

The most common type of affiliate program is CPS. Stores strive to increase sales and are therefore willing to give up part of their profits for new customers. Commission payments and remuneration amounts on average range from 5 to 30%. So online network Top Shop, which has a huge range of products from household appliances to cosmetics, offers partners a commission of up to 20% on purchases. It also provides teasers, banners, mailing templates, and regularly holds competitions with a prize fund of 10 thousand rubles.

The same amount of affiliate remuneration on the service thousand products). You are allowed to use any materials from the online store for advertising, including opinions and reviews. Partners are offered a wide range of tools for placing links (simple links, search form, “Buy” button, informer).

Services for selling domains and hosting services

Cooperation with these companies is one of the very promising and popular areas in affiliate marketing. The number of websites and blogs is growing, therefore, the demand for the services of hosting providers and domain registrars is increasing. Webmasters can receive from 10 to 40% of paid services for new clients (for hosting, server rental, domain renewal, etc.).

For example, an affiliate program from TimeWeb invites legal entities and individuals of the Russian Federation and other countries to cooperate with the execution of an agreement (if necessary). Up to 40% is paid for the services paid for by the attracted client, and up to 20% of payments from clients who rented a VDS (virtual dedicated server).

Domain registration and renewal service Reg. ru pays partners a lifetime reward of 10% for each new client. That is, in the future you will receive your fixed interest from all payments of the attracted user.


Traditionally, banking organizations work through affiliate programs not directly, but through networks (aggregators of affiliate programs): AD1 , Admitad, Lead. su etc. Most often, partners promote lending services, mortgage loans, and issuing credit and debit cards. For example, the amount of partner payments from Alfa Bank for an issued loan is 4,700 rubles, for an approved credit card – 1,100 rubles. Tinkoff Bank pays partners 2,000 rubles for opening an account for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, and 1,500 rubles for a credit card.

Insurance companies

Let’s take, for example, the affiliate program of such a large player in the insurance market as Ingosstakh. The company works with both legal entities and individuals as insurance intermediaries. Pays up to 10% of the premium when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy through partners, 15% - CASCO, 20% - when taking out property insurance. Renaissance insurance offers partners 15% of the cost of an insurance policy for those traveling abroad. The service specializes exclusively in travel insurance. Cherehapa, where companies offer cooperation on various conditions and you can choose the option that is more suitable for you.

Advertising networks

Such services are created for the purchase and sale of targeted traffic and also strive to expand the list of their partners. If you attract a new advertiser, then a percentage is often paid depending on their costs for the advertising campaign. If a webmaster registered using an affiliate link, payments will be calculated based on his profit.

Content Exchanges

Authors on exchanges can earn money not only by selling articles or writing texts, but also by attracting other users to the service, that is, through a referral program. Most often, the reward is 25% of the exchange’s income. As we have already said, they take a certain percentage from each completed order. Payments to partners come from this withheld amount. However, each affiliate program may have its own nuances.

For example, on Text. ru the affiliate reward is reduced to 5% when earnings from the referral’s income reach 3,000 rubles.

Service ContentMonster pays for the attracted author not a percentage of his earnings, but a fixed amount - 30 rubles. In addition, affiliate payments are awarded only if the copywriter not only registered using your link, but also passed the exchange test, and then completed at least 3 tasks.

Exchange TurboText offers partners 25% of the service commission for the customer you attract, and only 5% for a new contractor. However, if a large customer comes to the system from you, you can contact the support service to determine individual terms of cooperation. In addition to links, it provides ready-made promotional materials for the program.

Partners TextSale can promote not only the service itself, but also specific authors and performers. For this purpose, the system provides different types of referral links.


The authors of trainings, courses, educational programs strive to offer theirs to the maximum number of users and therefore are willing to pay a good percentage of the cost for its distribution. The same applies to the services of business trainers, coaches, etc. Commission payments here are very generous and can reach up to 90%.

The LookFreedom company offers to participate in the affiliate program of our course. You can become a partner by going to the author’s website and clicking on the “Affiliate Program” button located at the very bottom of the page.

Computer and online games

You can receive affiliate rewards for registering in the game, for payments made by attracted players, for reaching a certain level, etc. The average payout is 10%-15% of the company’s income for each of your referrals, but this is far from the limit. So a service program for selling game money and services Night Money provides payments of up to 50% of the first purchase of a client who comes through your link. Graphic banners are provided for websites, and advertising screensavers are provided for streamers and video channel owners.

The affiliate program offers a bonus of 30-50% of payments from new players Live Games. For registration of an attracted participant, 30 rubles are credited, and each new partner in the system attracted by you will bring a reward of 5% of his profit.

Let us dwell on the most important criteria and principles that you need to know and take into account when choosing an affiliate program.


The best platforms for promotion are thematic ones. Therefore, when choosing an affiliate program, think in advance where you will advertise it. Let's say you have a website or group on a social network for personal effectiveness and self-development. In this case, it is productive to post links to information courses and trainings. On automotive resources there is advertising of insurance services. You can also create your website specifically for working with affiliate programs.


Knowing the remuneration percentage is important not only for planning your profit. If you want to use paid promotion methods and invest in advertising, then the amount of affiliate payments should exceed your costs. Monitor the return on investment (ROI), the quality of traffic, behavioral factors of your audience, look for new sources of traffic, analyze their profitability.

General formula for calculationROI(return on investment ratio)

ROI = (Income from Investment - Investment Size) / Investment Size

This indicator must be >1, i.e. if your ROI is 1.54, it means that for every 1 ruble invested you get 0.54 kopecks of net profit, i.e. your activity is profitable and generates income.

Prospects for cooperation and assistance in promotion

Programs that are designed for long-term interaction imply more stable and predictable income. It is easier to promote with the assistance of a partner. It’s good when the program allows you to receive promotional materials and participate in promotions. Some services even offer to create landing pages (landing pages) for free using special constructors.

Frequency of transfers and payment methods

You should study not only how often affiliate payments are made, but also through which payment systems. Find out how much the service takes when withdrawing funds, and use the options with the lowest deductions when transferring to your account or wallet. For example, direct pays only through banks and takes 15% for withdrawing earnings. Therefore, it is more profitable to work with it through affiliate networks.

Important! Before registering in the program, collect the maximum amount of information about the affiliate program, pay attention to the reputation, study reviews, ask questions to the support service, and evaluate the prospects for costs and investments.

5 mistakes that reduce your profits

A common situation: a person begins to use various methods of earning money online, but receives little or no income. Does this always mean that the methods he tried do not work? Certainly not. It’s the same with affiliate programs. So that you do not repeat the negative experience, we will name the most common mistakes made by users when working with affiliate programs:

  1. Work without regular analysis of statistics.

It is not enough to simply place an ad and wait for affiliate payments. It is necessary to constantly monitor the number of user clicks on links, the effectiveness of promotion channels and specific texts, and interact with the audience (answer questions and comments, take objections into account). Then you will be able to adjust your advertising campaign in time and achieve better results.

  1. Working with a non-target audience or an unfamiliar product.

It is necessary to select products for promotion in accordance with the target audience of your site or mailing list. Otherwise, you may not see any return on your investments (time and money). As for the product itself (goods, services), before advertising it through an affiliate program, it is important to study all the characteristics and terms of sale yourself. A visitor or subscriber will only be interested in a “live” review or important (interesting) information for him. A set of standard phrases or template sentences will not generate good engagement. Use creativity, test, experiment.

  1. Too many partners to cooperate with

It is not necessary to limit yourself to participation in 1-2 programs. However, participating in a dozen affiliate programs at once (especially if you are new to the field of affiliate marketing) leads to the fact that the income from each will be insignificant. It is better to reduce the number of options for cooperation, but regularly analyze statistics for each program and improve working methods.

  1. Concentration on one promotion channel.

It is more productive to use several methods at the same time. For example, advertising on a website + mailing lists or posting links on social networks + attracting an audience on forums, etc.

  1. Excessive advertising materials on the site.

Key Takeaways on the Pros and Cons of Affiliate Programs

Any user can start making money on affiliate programs from scratch, without a website, without costs and quickly enough. This indicates the availability and prospects of this method of making money on the Internet. It should be remembered that cash receipts may be unstable, since no one can guarantee constant user activity when clicking on your affiliate links.

However, if you choose a program wisely and act on the basis of a developed business plan, constantly analyzing statistics, the result in financial terms will be tangible. The level of income from affiliate programs directly depends on your activity and the time you are willing to devote to work.

You can find out about other opportunities to make money on the Internet in the section with. Author's methods and reliable services, which have been tested by LookFreedom employees, will help you increase your income and start making money on the Internet today!


Greetings, friends! Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today’s article we will begin to analyze such a large and profitable topic as affiliate programs. I will try to explain in simple words what an affiliate program is (it is also called a referral program or affiliate marketing), why it is needed, how it works and why for beginners working on the Internet this can be a good additional income.

Yes, there are many people who, like me, promote affiliate products on the Internet and earn from 50,000 rubles a month. Today you will also find out what is needed for this.

What is an affiliate?

Affiliate program(abbr. affiliate program) is a way of cooperation between someone who has a product that needs to be sold and someone who can sell it (recommend it), receiving a portion of the profit from each sale.

A specific example, I think everyone is already familiar with online stores where you can buy clothes, equipment, furniture, food and anything you want without leaving your home.

Let's take one of these popular stores - Aliexpress. He has a program that works through the E-Commerce CPA affiliate network, in which anyone can register.

You register, receive a link to the product you have chosen from this store and talk about it, for example, on your VKontakte page, attaching your link. Your friends, scrolling through the news, see a post, learn about such an interesting and useful product, follow the link, buy, and for this you are paid up to 10% of the cost of the product.

This money is credited to your account in your personal account, and then you withdraw it to your electronic wallets or bank card. It's simple! The product being sold can be anything: training courses from various authors, paid services, private services, etc.

You can also simply agree with a friend who makes websites (or), that you will recommend him, bring him clients, and for this he will give you a part of the profit. This is called affiliate marketing.

What is a referral program?

Many people confuse and do not understand the difference, but many affiliate programs also have a referral program or an affiliate program that is completely referral. In this case, you don’t just bring a client, but bring a referral to the system.

Referral(or a referral from English. referral) is a member of an affiliate program who came on the recommendation of another member.

According to some conditions of affiliate programs, you can receive a percentage not only from the referral itself, but also from the turnover of the clients they bring. Various HYIPs and MLM projects operate through this scheme, which I am sure many have already encountered. Therefore, I will not give a specific example here.

In the next article, we will look at what other types of affiliate programs exist, and what conditions for participation in them exist.

We have figured out the principle of operation, let's now look at how it functions from the technical side.

Affiliate links and how do they work?

After registering in the affiliate program, your partner’s personal account becomes available to you. In this account you are provided with special links with your ID, as well as advertising materials, statistics, etc.

I highlighted in bold the very identifier that helps the system understand which partner the client came from.

After a user clicks on such a link, data is stored in his browser (on his device) and in the affiliate system to track the transition. Depending on the terms of the affiliate program, this data can be stored from several hours to several years.

For example, a person followed your link, looked at the information, but did not buy right away, or received some free material, and closed the page. Then a day or a week later he remembered and came back to buy the product. I already followed a direct link to the site, but your ID was saved in its device and when you made a purchase in this case, you were awarded a commission.

If he suddenly changes his device, the system will not be able to track that the client came from you, and you will not receive a commission.

For this reason, in some systems a participant can be assigned to you more reliably by leaving his e-mail address. In this case, if during the purchase he changes the device in which the link click data is saved, but uses his email, the system will detect him, and the sale will be credited to you.

Does everything seem clear? Ask in the comments to the article if anything is unclear.

Advantages of affiliate programs and why are they needed?

You can probably already guess what a revolutionary step this is in the field of marketing and what advantages of creating and promoting affiliate programs are open to us.

For people who sell their product, this is an opportunity to receive a huge amount of traffic without investing in advertising. You pay partners only for real sales. You will be recommended by clients and traffic specialists. They will completely take care of all problems with advertising.

For people who don't have their own product, this is an opportunity to start making money on the Internet without investment. There are dozens of free and paid methods to promote affiliate products and services online.

Especially for all beginners, I just recently launched, in which I share my experience of how I achieved passive income from affiliate programs of more than 150,000 rubles per month.

Come, it will be interesting, you will find yourself in our chat of like-minded people, in which we constantly discuss everything related to affiliate programs.

How much income can you have?

I’ll say right away that affiliate programs are not a quick way to make money, unless you invest money in paid traffic. I, like the majority, initially followed the free route; I did not have the funds to invest in advertising, and at that time I did not know how to buy it.

Even if I had money, I would have stupidly lost it out of inexperience and abandoned this idea. Starting with simple steps and the first small results, I began to gain confidence in the chosen direction.

I still remember how happy I was with my first sale after 2 months of work and training. Then everything began to grow like a snowball, creating daily channels from which traffic came.

I have a section on my blog where I share and tell you what has been done, you can come read it if you are interested.

So, devoting several hours of time a day, after six months I began to earn 10 - 15 thousand rubles in addition to my main activity from remote work, after a year 25 - 40 and now more than 150,000 rubles. As you understand, there is no ceiling here.

Here are a few screenshots from personal accounts.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we are discussing making money on affiliate programs from scratch.

Let's talk about what an affiliate program is and how it works. How to advertise an affiliate program for quick results.

What is an affiliate program

An affiliate program is a form of cooperation between a seller and partners in the sale of goods or services.

It allows the seller to find a larger number of buyers with minimal expenditure of money and time, and allows partners to earn commissions.

You register in the affiliate program of your choice, get access to your personal account, where your affiliate links and advertising materials (banners, letters) are located, and advertise your links.

The advantages of this type of income

  • You do not need to create your own information product or product.
  • You can make money on affiliate programs without a website and without investments.
  • An affiliate program can be found on almost any topic.
  • Affiliate programs allow you to quickly earn your first money.

How much can you earn from affiliate programs?

It all depends on you. Profit can vary from a few rubles to hundreds of thousands.

I interviewed Andrei Tsygankov, who earned 100 thousand rubles from affiliate programs in just 2 summer months, and this is the “dead season” for the blogosphere. You can read the interview.

But this is a pro. Although even a beginner can do this. In any case, it’s possible for anyone to earn 10–30 thousand rubles a month.

Many affiliate programs offer a second level commission. That is, you invite a person to register in an affiliate program, he makes sales.

And you have your share of these sales. You can get 5 - 10% from one sale this way. And this is completely passive income.

The best affiliate programs for making money

In short, the best affiliate programs are those that offer a high-quality and in-demand product with good conversion rates and generous commissions. Where can you find such delicious affiliate programs?

Read about the most profitable affiliate programs in. There is also more detail about the criteria for choosing affiliate programs.

And here are some more tips for finding affiliate programs.

If you read various blogs, then many times you have seen banners advertising this or that course. As a rule, the author of the course also has an affiliate program.

Type in the search “catalog of affiliate programs” and choose an affiliate program based on your topic.

Perhaps you have already purchased a course and really liked it, go to the author’s website and find out if he has an affiliate program.

Enter the name of the topic of the affiliate program in which you want to participate. For example, you want to advertise weight loss courses. Type in search: weight loss affiliate program. And you get a whole list of offers:

It is very convenient to choose affiliate programs in the Justclick service. The service became completely paid, so the very best remained there.

To select an affiliate program, go to the “Advertise” section and select a directory of affiliate programs. Or immediately follow the link

Learn how to make quick money with affiliate programs

How to make money on affiliate programs without investments and without a website

You can start without money and without a website, although you will still need them in the future.

I talked about one of the methods in. Read and apply.

Here are a couple more.

Create an account in VK, choose an affiliate program. On your wall, write interesting materials on the topic of affiliate programs and provide your links.

Find thematic communities and invite them to your friends. Some will be interested and buy.

Find several groups on the topic you need. Offer them to advertise for free and split the profits. Or give him a ref. link. Let him receive his income, and you receive a level 2 commission.

Create an account on Instagram, provide useful information and advertise affiliate programs. This network is now developing well and there is an active audience there. Here are tips for.

If you have a website or subscriber base

  • Interview with a famous blogger

This method is suitable for those who have their own blog. You can interview an information businessman who has his own courses and affiliate program. And at the end of the interview, indicate an affiliate link to one of his products.

The course can be purchased by readers of your blog. And also the blogger you interviewed can tell his readers about it, as well as announce it in his newsletter, which will also bring additional profit.

For example, if he is selling a course on how to increase traffic to a resource, then his blog must have high traffic, otherwise there will be no trust in such a course.

  • Mutual PR

This method is suitable if you already have a subscriber base (from 1000 people)

Paid advertising

As soon as you receive your first money, invest in advertising.


  1. Yandex Direct
  2. Communities on social networks
  3. Targeting on VK, Facebook, Instagram.
  4. Other people's mailings.

Andrey Tsygankov has a cool course on how to make money on affiliate programs without large investments and hassles. Read my review of the course.

I hope you understand how to make money with affiliate programs. This is a very quick way to earn money, as it does not require long preparation.

  1. The scheme is simple:
  2. Choose an affiliate program;
  3. Register;
  4. Advertise affiliate links;
  5. You receive income and invest part of it in advertising.

Good day! Our resource has already offered three other articles on the topic, but the amount of information in this area is too extensive. In this article we will try to systematize the information received earlier and most fully consider the list of affiliate programs. Below is a list of the best affiliate programs that differ from each other, have different biases and topics.

We hope that thanks to the review you will be able to find a good option for work that you will like. Before announcing the list, let us recall the key information on this topic. Affiliate programs for earning money are divided into 4 areas of activity:

  • Fee for clicking on a link(this method is also called making money on clicks) - created in order to artificially attract visitors to the site for its promotion. This area is the least paid. You can get from 1 to 50 cents per click.
  • Receiving a percentage of the sale. The most profitable and risky method. You can earn several thousand dollars in one transaction. The essence of the activity is that you receive a percentage of the purchase made through your affiliate link.
  • Fee per impression. The most attractive method for those who are interested in making a profit without prior investment. The payment here is also small, because... There is no risk of losing your own funds. You can read more about this type of income generation in the article “”.
  • Earnings for completing tasks. The point is that the client must perform a certain action on the partner’s website: register, fill out a form, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.

List of affiliate programs 2019– sells training courses. The project assumes the availability of both paid and free courses. What is important: For selling free courses you also receive a cash reward. The cost of paid courses ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Thus, cooperation with this project can be quite profitable, because he gives 30% of the amount of each course you sell. If your sales increase, your commission rate can increase up to 45%. Thus, in the best case scenario, you can get 4,500 rubles for one of the most expensive courses sold.

Specializes in website promotion using crowdlinks. (crowd links are one of the methods of conducting a hidden advertising campaign, where they unobtrusively and casually advertise something). For any attracted client, the resource gives 50% of the profit.

BetAdvert– it is necessary to attract people interested in sports and ready to place bets. For each forecast made by a client, you receive 50% of its amount. The site has a simple referral program with a 5% rate. There is no minimum requirement for withdrawing funds; money comes upon the first request.

7StarsPartners– the essence of the work is to attract a high-quality target audience. There are several categories on the site that require traffic, including: gaming audience, adult, entertainment, etc. For attracting just such thematic clients, you can receive up to 60% commission.

Moedelo– accrues rewards for registering clients in the service. However, what is needed here is more than just low-quality traffic. The service will be convenient for businessmen who conduct their accounting online. For attracting (registering on the resource) one client, a reward of 300 rubles is given. By registering 15 people, your profit will be 4,500 rubles, which can be considered good money.– a resource specializing in training specialists in various fields. It is necessary to attract clients who want to use these services for a fee. The reward for each attracted participant is 20% commission. As for the service itself, its conditions are quite convenient: it implies home training and further specialized employment.

AliExpress– one of the most famous trading platforms with many affiliate offers. For selling any product through your affiliate link, you will receive a bonus reward in the amount of 8.5% of the cost of the product offered. The list of affiliate programs could hardly do without this service due to the impressive results with the right approach.– a resource where you can order high-quality articles and any text copyright materials. If you are not a copywriter, you can make money from affiliate links. You receive 25% of the order amount of the referral copywriter you referred.

Partner.apishops– a high-quality trading affiliate that is included in the list of affiliate programs with increased efficiency. Here you receive a percentage from the sale of goods. The list of products that you can work with is very extensive and divided into categories for convenience.

This resource is recommended for participants who are just starting to make money through affiliate cooperation. The project helps you get comfortable, gain experience and try yourself in this field, and in case of failure, not lose too much money.

Sotmarket– an online store selling electronic equipment. Over 12 years of work, it has proven itself on the positive side, distinguished by quality, reliability and low prices. It also offers favorable partnership conditions.

Cpaseti-here it is necessary to attract exclusively affiliate traffic. That is, people interested in affiliate programs and generating income with their help. Rewards for referral links are 5%.

LetyShops– is currently the largest cashback service. Thanks to cashback, you can return part of the amount from your purchase in . LetyShops is connected to more than a thousand of the most famous online stores. Among them are AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon, etc.

To receive your profit, you must provide a link to LetyShops, and your client must register there. After registration, the client must make purchases through this service. Your profit will be 15% of the client’s cashback.

In the near future, we will definitely compile a separate list of affiliate programs aimed at profiting from cashback.

EPN– the most profitable and convenient affiliate program for making money on AliExpress. From purchasing a product through your affiliate link, you receive 7-12% of income to your account, and the attracted client is assigned to you for a period of 30 days. Thus, even if the user does not make a purchase immediately, the money will still be credited to you.

BinPartner– specializes in making money from binary options. The affiliate program invites visitors to the Binomo website. The service, by the way, has an excellent reputation and reviews, so there is a high probability that attracted users will stay on this resource.

Your earnings will come from the unsuccessful transactions of your clients. The income from such transactions will be approximately 40%. For example, if an attracted visitor bet $100 and lost, your reward will be $40.

Admitad- one of the most serious CPA networks in Russia, which guarantees the most favorable conditions. There are more than a thousand affiliate programs on the service. The service is distinguished by a user-friendly interface, transparency and the availability of high-quality and necessary information for work.


The provided list of affiliate programs provides you with the opportunity to take an objective look at the existing competition in this field of activity. You shouldn't make hasty decisions. It would be wise to review in more detail all the capabilities of the services provided above.

Hello, dear readers! Looking for the best affiliate programs to make money online?

I present to you my hit parade of the best affiliate programs of 2019.

Although any affiliate program will seem profitable if you know how to recommend it correctly.

But there are still the most delicious affiliate programs that allow even beginners to earn money. Let's talk about them.

Do you want to learn about fast and profitable earnings on affiliate programs? Then this is the place for you.

But first, a few words about the criteria for profitable affiliate programs. I’ll express my opinion, and you share yours in the comments.

Criteria for generous affiliate programs

  1. Quality products: if 90% of customers are satisfied, then that's cool;
  2. It’s good if there are courses for every budget - expensive and more affordable;
  3. Delicious commissions: 20-50%;
  4. Several levels in the affiliate program: the ability to invite referrals and build your own structure;
  5. Constantly updated product line to earn on repeat sales;
  6. Attractive promotional materials that make you want to buy;
  7. Competitions and prizes;
  8. Partner training.

And I turn to the review of the most profitable programs. Collected the cream of the crop.

The best affiliate programs for making money online

BizClub affiliate program

Launches are carried out only a couple of times a year. But what kind? Conversion up to 80%. Generous commissions. 2 levels of partners.

There are both cheap and expensive products. There are a lot of advertising materials that the affiliate program organizers constantly test and select the best.

It’s simply impossible not to participate in this affiliate program. Join us.

The video invitation to the affiliate program alone is worth it. Not to look nervous.

Cybersant partner from Info-DVD

In the spring of 2017, this amazing program was launched. Its creators have compiled a checklist for the ideal affiliate program and strictly follow it.

Here are their principles:

They have cool promotional materials: a bunch of letters, banners, videos, interviews, copies of selling sites, slogans, widgets, even videos for. I have never seen such an abundance of materials.

Commissions on some products can reach 90%, and you also get 20% of your partners' sales.

The program includes 16 courses on money topics; there are also non-financial offers, for example, a course in Photoshop, English and yoga.

In general, it's simple register and see for yourself, or better yet, start attracting partners and clients.

By the way, they also have their own teaser network. If you have a financial website, I advise you to try it. And I’m also delighted with their technical support, they respond instantly and help with everything! Bravo!

Business Cases Laboratory

The laboratory was created by entrepreneur Evgeny Khodchenkov. I bought several courses myself. This is the quintessence of useful knowledge simply!

And most importantly, Evgeniy follows business trends and shares working schemes.

You can receive from 400 to 4470 rubles from each client. And also 5% of your partner’s sales. There are both paid and free offers.

Online training for women from Yulia Pryakhina

A profitable program for a female audience. And we women love to spend money!

Reward: 20-30% from each sale.

Remuneration from sales of 2nd level partners: 10%. Several active partners and you have passive income.

Topics: several areas from information business and personal growth to weight loss. There is a special website for partners with training materials.

Frequent launches and sales.

You will receive emails with current offers and promotional materials.

There are also free courses to make it easier to attract subscribers. Join us. Don't miss out on your benefits!


I have been looking for a suitable course on investing in stocks for a long time. And I found it. Amazing information and presentation. Now I am a client and partner. And I recommend it to you.

Commissions up to 50%. Topic: investments. There are promotional materials: letters and banners. And most importantly - very high quality material. Join us.

Partner Evgenia Popova

The most advanced affiliate program in technical terms. Evgeniy created his own service for an affiliate program. A bunch of banners, letters, and the ability to create promotional codes await you.

You get from 30 to 45%. The affiliate program also has 4 levels. It's best to advertise a new course as soon as it comes out. The quality of the courses is also excellent, I buy them myself.

I also like the deferred payment feature, when you can place an order on the most favorable terms and pay within a month. Convenient for clients.

Irina Belozerskaya Institute

I really love all of Irina Belozerskaya’s trainings and participate in them to the maximum. They are also very easy to advertise. Great response.

Irina Belozerskaya teaches how to maintain an alpha state in order to achieve what you want. Previously, these techniques were used only by the highest of this world: politicians and rich people.

Take part in the affiliate program. After registration, write to support that you want to participate in the affiliate program.

Andrey Tsygankov

Hooray! Andrey created his own affiliate program. His courses are fire. I went through it myself and was absolutely delighted. Read the review.

AND register as an affiliate. First you need to take a short survey. And an affiliate program is suitable for you if you already have 500 subscribers. And if you study Andrey’s course, you will definitely have them.

Commission 30%. Payments twice a month.


Wikium is a brain trainer. I advise you to try it yourself and recommend it to others.

You will receive 55% of the attracted user. Payments to WebMoney. I told you in detail about the service itself.

Affiliates paying in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. And you can make good money on this by advertising affiliate programs of crypto wallets, exchanges, and so on.

Read more about them, you will also find a list of recommended affiliate programs there.

CPA networks for information business

There are different offers here. The most interesting ones are those that pay for a subscription. That is, you don’t even have to sell. If someone signs up using your link, you will receive a reward.

Offers are constantly changing and are limited in time.

There are 2 well-known CPA networks: and Salid.

I’m finishing the hit parade of the most profitable affiliate programs. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, any affiliate program can bring you profit.

Just don’t sit idly by, but take action. Use different advertising channels.

See you in the next article!