What types of statements are used in letters. Components of a letter. Student assignment

... "The Inspector General" was played - and my soul was so vague, so strange... I expected, I knew in advance how things would go, and despite all that, a sad and annoyingly painful feeling came over me. My creation seemed disgusting to me, wild and as if not mine at all. The main role was gone: that's what I thought. Dur didn't understand one bit what Khlestakov was. Khlestakov became something like Alnaskarov, something like a whole line of vaudeville rascals who came to visit us from Parisian theaters. He became just an ordinary liar - a pale face, appearing in the same suit for two centuries. Is it really not clear from the role itself what Khlestakov is? Or did blind pride take possession of me prematurely, and my strength to control this character was so weak that not even a shadow or a hint of it remained for the actor? But it seemed clear to me. Khlestakov is not cheating at all; he is not a liar by trade; he himself forgets that he is lying, and already almost believes what he says. He turned around, he is in spirit, he sees that everything is going well, they are listening to him - and for this reason alone he speaks more smoothly, more freely, speaks from the heart, speaks completely frankly and, speaking a lie, shows himself exactly as he is. In general, our actors don’t know how to lie at all. They imagine that lying means simply talking. To lie means to tell a lie in a tone as close to the truth, as natural, as naive as one can only speak the truth; and this is precisely where all the comic lies lie. I am almost sure that Khlestakov would have benefited more if I had assigned this role to one of the most mediocre actors and would have told him only that Khlestakov is a clever man, a perfect comme il faut, intelligent and even, perhaps, virtuous, and what remains for him imagine it that way. Khlestakov lies not at all coldly or in a fanfare-theatrical way; he lies with feeling, his eyes express the pleasure he receives from this. This is generally the best and most poetic moment of his life - almost a kind of inspiration. And at least some of this was expressed! Poor Khlestakov was definitely not given any character, that is, face, that is, visible appearance, that is, physiognomy. Of course, it is incomparably easier to caricature old officials in shabby uniforms with frayed collars; but to capture those features that are quite plausible and do not stand out as sharp angles from the ordinary secular circle is the work of a strong master. With Khlestakov, nothing should be expressed sharply. He belongs to that circle, which, apparently, is no different from other young people. He sometimes even carries himself well, sometimes even speaks with weight, and only in cases where either presence of mind or character is required does his somewhat mean, insignificant nature appear. The features of the role of some mayor are more fixed and clear. He is already sharply designated by his own, unchangeable, callous appearance and partly confirms his character. The features of Khlestakov’s role are too fluid, more subtle and therefore more difficult to discern. What is, if you really look at it, Khlestakov? A young man, an official, and empty, as they call it, but containing many qualities belonging to people whom the world does not call empty. To expose these qualities in people who, by the way, are not without good virtues, would be a sin on the part of the writer, for he would thereby raise them to universal laughter. It’s better to let everyone find a piece of himself in this role and at the same time look around without fear or fear, lest someone point a finger at him and call him by name. In a word, this face must be a type of much that is scattered in different Russian characters, but which here was united by chance in one person, as very often comes across in nature. Everyone, at least for a minute, if not for several minutes, was or is becoming Khlestakov, but, naturally, he just doesn’t want to admit it; he even loves to laugh at this fact, but only, of course, in the skin of another, and not in his own. And a clever guards officer will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov, and a statesman will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov, and our brother, a sinful writer, will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov. In a word, it is rare that someone will not be one at least once in their life - the only thing is that after that they will very cleverly turn around, and as if it were not him. So, is nothing of this visible in my Khlestakov? Is he really just a pale face, and I, in a fit of momentary pride, thought that someday an actor of vast talent would thank me for the combination in one person of so many heterogeneous movements, giving him the opportunity to suddenly show all the diverse sides of his talent. And so Khlestakov played a childish, insignificant role! It's hard and poisonous and annoying. From the very beginning of the performance of the play, I was already sitting in the theater bored. I didn’t care about the delight and reception of the public. Of all the people in the theater, I was afraid of only one judge—and that judge was myself. Inside myself I heard reproaches and murmurs against my own play, which drowned out all the others. And the public was generally happy. Half of her accepted the play even with participation; the other half, as usual, scolded her - for reasons, however, not related to art. How she scolded us, we will talk about this on our first date with you; There is a lot of instructive and a lot of funny stuff here. I even wrote something down; but that's an aside. In general, the mayor seemed to have completely reconciled the “Inspector General” with the public. I was sure of this before, because for a talent such as Sosnitsky, nothing could remain unexplained in this role. I am glad, at least, that I gave him the opportunity to show his talent to its full extent, about which they were already beginning to speak indifferently and put him on the same level as many actors who are so generously rewarded with applause in everyday vaudevilles and other funny plays. I also hoped for the servant, because I noticed in the actor great attention to words and greatness. But both of our friends, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, turned out to be bad beyond expectations. Although I thought that they would be bad, because when creating these two little men, I imagined Shchepkin and Ryazantsev in their skin, but still I thought that their appearance and the position in which they find themselves would somehow bear them out and not so caricatured. The opposite happened: it was a caricature that came out. Already before the start of the performance, when I saw them in costume, I gasped. These two little men, in their essence quite neat, plump, with decently smoothed hair, found themselves in some awkward, tall gray wigs, disheveled, unkempt, disheveled, with huge shirtfronts pulled out; and on stage they turned out to be such antics that it was simply unbearable. In general, the costume design for most of the play was very bad and shamelessly caricatured. I seemed to have a presentiment of this when I asked to do at least one rehearsal in costumes; but they began to tell me that this was not at all necessary and not the custom, and that the actors already knew their business. Noticing that they gave little value to my words, I left them alone. I repeat once again: melancholy, melancholy. I don’t know why the melancholy overcomes me. During the performance I noticed that the beginning of the fourth act was cold; it seems as if the flow of the play, hitherto smooth, has been interrupted here or is moving along lazily; I admit, even during the reading, a knowledgeable and experienced actor made a remark to me that it was not so clever that Khlestakov was the first to ask for a loan of money and that it would be better if the officials themselves offered it to him. Respecting a rather subtle remark, which has its fair sides, I, however, did not see a reason why Khlestakov, being Khlestakov, could not ask first. But the point was made; “So,” I said to myself, “I performed this scene poorly”; and sure enough, now, during the performance, I saw clearly that the beginning of the fourth act was pale and bore a sign of some kind of fatigue. Returning home, I immediately set about redoing it. Now it seems to come out a little stronger, at least more natural and more to the point. But I don’t have the strength to bother about including this passage in the play. I'm tired; and when I remember that for this you need to travel, ask and bow, then God bless him - it would be better with the second edition or renewal of The Inspector General. One more word about the last scene. She didn't come out at all. The curtain closes at some vague moment, and the play seems as if it is not over. But it's not my fault. They didn't want to listen to me. Even now I say that the last scene will not be successful until they understand that this is just a silent picture, that all this should represent one petrified group, that here the drama ends and is replaced by numb facial expressions, that two or three minutes the curtain must not fall, that all this must take place under the same conditions as required by the so-called living pictures. But they answered me that this would tie up the actors, that the group would need to be entrusted to a choreographer, which was even somewhat humiliating for the actor, etc., etc., etc. Many others others I saw mines that were more annoying than verbal ones. Despite all these others, me I stand my ground and say a hundred times: no. This is not at all binding, it is not humiliating; even let the choreographer compose and form a group, if only he is able to feel the real position of each person. Talent will not be stopped by the boundaries indicated to him, just as granite banks will not stop a river: on the contrary, having entered them, it moves its waves faster and more completely. And in the pose given to him, the feeling actor can express everything. No one put shackles on his face here, only one group was stationed; his face will freely express any movement. And in this numbness of diversity there is an abyss for him. The fear of each of the characters is not similar to one another, just as their characters and the degree of fear and fear are not similar, due to the greatness of the sins committed by each. In a different way the mayor remains stricken, in a different way his wife and daughter are stricken. The judge will be especially frightened, the trustee, the postmaster, etc. will be especially frightened. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky will remain especially amazed, and here they have not betrayed themselves and turned to each other with a numb question on their lips. Only the guests can be stunned in the same way, but they are distant in the picture, which is outlined with one stroke of the brush and covered with one color. In a word, everyone will mimic his role and, despite the fact that he has apparently subjugated himself to the choreographer, he can always remain a great actor. But I'm missing more strength fuss and argue. I am tired both in soul and body. I swear, no one knows or hears my suffering. God be with them all. I was disgusted with my play. I would like to run away now to God knows where, and the journey ahead of me, the ship, the sea and other distant skies can only refresh me. I crave them like God knows what. For God's sake, come quickly. I won't go without saying goodbye to you. I still need to tell you a lot of things that this unbearable, cold letter cannot say... 1836, May 25. St. Petersburg.

Esina L.V.

The official business style is one of the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. It is a set of linguistic means that are used exclusively in the sphere of official business relations.

The official business style serves purely official and extremely important areas of human relationships: relations between government and the population, between countries, between enterprises, institutions and organizations, between individuals and society. In fact, from birth to death, a person is within the scope of official business speech. Also, this style of communication is used when drawing up various acts of state, public, political, economic life countries.

There are a number of circumstances when storing written information is not only desirable, but also necessary. This statement applies specifically to the official business style of communication. Business speech is implemented in the form of written documents constructed according to special rules. The content of a conversation can be forgotten, misremembered, misunderstood, and even deliberately distorted. But if the text has been preserved in written form and recorded according to these special rules, then anyone using this text can be confident in the accuracy of the information contained in it.

A regulated process for recording information on paper or other media that ensures it legal force called documentation. IN business communication documentation is of particular importance.

Indeed, if a person refers to any oral agreement or oral order, then his words can be refuted or questioned. But if this agreement or order is in the form of a document, then the reference to it is legally justified. Documentation rules are established by the legal acts of each state or developed by tradition.

The result of documentation is the creation of a document. IN socially any official document is multifunctional, i.e. simultaneously performs several functions, which allows it to satisfy various human needs. Among the functions of the document, general and special ones are distinguished. Common document functions include functions such as:

  • communicative function - the document is presented as a means of communication between individual elements of the social structure, in particular between institutions;
  • information function - the main task document is expressed in the preservation of information;
  • social function - the document is social significant object, because it is generated by one or another social need;
  • cultural function - the document acts as a means of consolidating and transmitting cultural traditions and stages of development
    civilization. For example, scientific and technical documentation reflects the level of scientific and technical development of society.

Special document functions include:

  • legal function - the document is a means of consolidating and changing legal norms and legal relations in society. The legal function is performed by legislative and legal regulations, as well as documents that acquire legal function for a time. So, for use as forensic evidence it can be any document;
  • management function - the document acts as a management tool; this function is vested in the so-called
    management documents (planning, reporting, organizational and administrative documents, etc.), specially created for management purposes;
  • function of a historical source - the document acts as a source historical information about the development of society.

The listed functions determine the general requirements for the document. In Russia, modern requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative (administrative) documentation are fixed by the state standard - GOST R6.30 - 97 “Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

For an official business letter the following must be presented: special requirements. These requirements, in turn, are determined by the conditions of business communication, which include such as official character, targeting, repetition of management situations, and thematic limitations. These requirements underlie such a concept as the culture of official correspondence, the formation of which is associated with the development of world experience in composing and executing business letters.

So, we can highlight the following standard requirements or main features of a business communication style:

  • accuracy of information presentation;
  • standardization and unification of language and text means;
  • formality and rigor of the language and style of business writing;
  • conciseness and sufficiency of informative content;
  • logic, objectivity and structured presentation.

Now let's talk in more detail about each component. The function of social regulation, which plays the most important role in official business speech, imposes on the corresponding texts the requirement of unambiguous reading. In this regard, each text should be characterized by such accuracy in the presentation of information that would not allow the possibility of different interpretations.

An official document will serve its purpose if its content is carefully thought out and its language is impeccable. It is this goal that determines the actual linguistic features of official business speech, as well as its composition, rubrication, paragraph selection, etc., i.e., the standardization of many business documents. And this, in turn, is one of the mandatory properties of official business writing. Standardization of official papers consists of establishing, on a state scale, optimal rules and requirements for the development and execution of documents. These rules are adopted in accordance with the established procedure for general and repeated application in office work. The development results are formalized in the form of interstate (GOST), state (GOST R), industry (OST) standards, as well as standards of enterprises and institutions (STP). It is standardization and unification, to one degree or another, that characterizes all types of business papers and determines the strict compositional correlation and consolidation of the parts of a business letter.

It is enough to remember the receipt for payment of housing and communal services, personnel records, etc. Clarity and unambiguity of the message language is achieved through substantive and communicative precision. By subject accuracy we mean the accuracy of the fact, the correspondence to the denoted. From the point of view of the linguistic design of an utterance, substantive accuracy is achieved by the accuracy of the use of words, that is, by using words in accordance with their lexical meaning. Using words without taking into account their meanings can lead to misinterpretation or nonsense.

For example: to shortchange the data (the verb to shortchange has the meaning “Deliberately counting incorrectly, to under-deliver”, for example: to shortchange the buyer. It would be more correct to say: to process the data); or refuse under a favorable pretext (the adjective favorable has two meanings: “Promoting, helping something.; convenient for something”, for example: favorable moment, favorable conditions; “Good, approving”, for example: favorable review. You should write: refuse under a plausible pretext).

Communicative accuracy is the accuracy of the implementation of the writer’s intention. It is achieved by the relationship between the meaning of words, context, grammatical structure and the relationship of parts of the text. Violation of the communicative accuracy of the statement leads to misunderstanding and complicates the perception of the content of the message. For example: You should familiarize yourself with the findings of the commission conducted a year ago.

This phrase is difficult to understand because it does not meet the requirement of accuracy: it contains grammatical, stylistic and text errors. Thus, the noun commission can form phrases with the verbs form, appoint, choose, elect, but it is not combined with the verb to conduct, and therefore, with the participle formed from it. In addition, what is important is not that the commission was formed, but that it worked and came to certain conclusions. Consequently, it would be more correct to say: ...with the conclusions of the commission that worked a year ago. Instead of the verb get acquainted, which means: “To get acquainted with someone”; “To receive information, to acquire knowledge about something,” it would be more appropriate to use the verb to get acquainted, since it has an official business connotation and is used only in the meaning of “To receive information, to acquire knowledge about something.” As a result, this proposal should look like this: You should familiarize yourself with the conclusions of the commission that worked a year ago.

The formality and rigor of a business letter means the most strict and restrained presentation of information. This, in turn, excludes the possibility of using expressive and emotionally charged language means (for example, colloquial vocabulary or interjections), figurative means or words used in a figurative sense in business speech texts. This would contradict the requirement for accuracy in business speech. Also, a business message should reflect the actual state of affairs and give an unbiased, dispassionate assessment of events. This circumstance meets the requirement of reliability or objectivity of information.

One of distinctive features business letters is concise writing of the text. The letter should not exceed one or two pages, otherwise the perception of information will be difficult. Laconism is combined in business letters with the requirement for completeness of information, or more precisely, with the principle of its sufficiency. The requirement of completeness implies that the document must contain sufficient information to make an informed decision. The depth of presentation of the issue depends on the goals of the document: in an information letter it is enough to name the facts and events; in a request letter, the subject of the letter must be precisely indicated and fully justified.

These and some other features characterize the official clerical style business style. All these specific (and
textual and linguistic) features formal business style enshrined in GOSTs and manuals, which ensures high level standardization and unification of business documentation texts.

Each of us at least once in our lives (and often much more often) is faced with the need to draw up an official business letter, for example, to submit an application, draw up a power of attorney, etc. But at the same time, every time we experience difficulties associated with knowledge (or, or rather, ignorance) of the form of the document. Thus, it turns out that the content of speech culture in relation to business communication cannot be limited only to the framework of linguistics; it is a question of not only the selection of linguistic means, but also the choice of the correct form of the document.

The first thing we encounter when composing a business letter is the choice of the genre of the document. This choice directly depends on the nature of the current official business situation, which forces you to write a business letter. This situation dictates the choice of the appropriate document: if you need to ask some organization (the leadership of this organization) for something, the required document turns out to be a statement; if you have done some work for this organization and want to be paid for it, this will be an invoice, etc.

The choice of a document genre necessitates knowledge of the form of the corresponding document. Document form is a complex concept. The form of a document is understood as the sum of its details and the content-compositional scheme - their relationship, sequence and arrangement. Here are the most common forms of documents in our life practice. The first one is a statement.

The components of this type of document in their sequence are as follows: name of the addressee; name of the applicant; the name of the document, the wording of the request (complaint, proposal) and, if possible, a brief but comprehensive argument; date and signature.

Another common genre of business document is the power of attorney. A power of attorney is an assignment or transfer to someone of certain actions or rights of the principal. The form of this document, as well as the application, is quite standard and has the following form: name of the document; name of the principal (last name, first name, patronymic, position or address); name of the authorized person (last name, first name, patronymic, position or address); an accurate and comprehensive definition of the range of entrusted powers or rights; date and signature.

In this case, the power of attorney receives legal force only when the signature of the principal is certified by some organization - the signature of an official and the seal of the organization.

For example:


I, Andreeva Svetlana Fedorovna, living at the address: Syktyvkar, st. Sovetskaya, 76, apt. 382, passport (series, number, issued...) I trust Anna Petrovna Nadezhdina, living at the address: Syktyvkar, st. Valovaya, 76, apt. 251, passport (series, number, issued...) conclusion of an agreement with the publishing house "Children's Literature" on my behalf.

8.4.2007 Andreeva

Sometimes in business life such types of documents are used as standard texts and texts stencils. This is the least labor-intensive way to compose an official letter, which is applicable only for transmitting the same type of repetitive information. It should be noted that the diversity of modern business relations, the increase in the number of non-standard situations reflected in business correspondence, reduces the possibility of using stencil texts as a method of business communication.

Model text is like a sample text used as an example or basis for creating a new document. The method of creating documents according to a stereotypical model is called document typing. It is used to construct texts of similar content corresponding to similar situations of business communication in production, trade, government institutions etc.

Stencil text conveys information as text with spaces designed to be filled with variable information that depends on the specific situation. Examples of stenciled text forms are forms for certificates from HR departments, travel certificates, etc. In business correspondence, stenciled texts are also used, for example, in letters of invitation, application letters, etc. The texts of agreements, agreements, and contracts are drawn up using the stencil method. The use of stencil forms significantly reduces the time spent on drawing up documents. In addition, the stencil method of drawing up documents eliminates the possibility of multiple interpretations of the text.

IN modern life In conditions of fierce competition in the labor market, people increasingly have to engage in self-promotion, i.e.
write a resume. This circumstance has led to the fact that today a resume can also be classified as a special form of a business document.

A resume is “a brief written summary of biographical data characterizing the educational background, professional activities and personal qualities of a person applying for a particular job or position.” Unlike a job application, which only requires filling out blank fields, writing a resume is a creative process.

Therefore, there is no single standard or rigid forms for writing it, although there are some General requirements for writing a resume. These requirements include:

  • personal data of the author (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, marital status);
  • addresses and telephone numbers of the applicant with an indication of time for contacts (you can specify an e-mail);
  • the name of the vacancy for which the resume writer is applying;
  • list of places of work and (or) study in chronological order (starting from the last place of work), indicating the full
    official name of the organization, term of work, name of the position held (name of educational specialty);
  • additional information (freelance work experience, social activity, professional retraining);
  • other information (related knowledge and skills: foreign languages, travel abroad, computer skills, driving);
  • honors and awards, academic degrees (section is optional);
  • interests, inclinations related to the applicant’s intended professional activity (this section is optional);
  • recommendations (information about recommendations);
  • date of writing the resume;
  • compiler's signature.

When preparing your resume, consider the following guidelines. The title (the word summary) is usually not specified. Instead, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth of the applicant. It is recommended to write the surname in capital letters so that it is easy to read.

The given forms of documents are textual norms of official business language that regulate the construction of the text of the document. Textual norms regulate the patterns of information structure and the rules for drawing up business documents, i.e. determine the semantic and formal organization of the document text and its parts.

After choosing the form of the document, the most difficult part of the work comes - filling this document with information. With the transition to presenting the content of a business text, the possibilities for choosing linguistic means to convey the specific circumstances of the case increase - and, accordingly, the difficulties facing the compiler of the text of the document increase. The difficulties of such a choice relate mainly to two linguistic aspects: the choice of vocabulary and lexical formulas for composing a business letter and the choice of grammatical means - mainly syntactic structures of a business text.

So, the language norms of official business style include the following components:

  • grammatical norms;
  • syntactic norms;
  • lexical norms.

Each of the listed linguistic aspects is worthy of detailed consideration. Grammatical norms are quite diverse and have some nuances. In the field of morphology, business speech is characterized by the predominance of verbal nouns for naming actions, especially the name. There are more such nouns in the official business style than in other styles. Thus, in a business letter it is customary to write about providing assistance, providing housing, serving the population, replenishing the budget, taking measures, etc. (in ordinary speech it will look like this: provide assistance, provide living space, replenish the budget, etc.).

Complex denominative prepositions are also widely used in business speech. As a rule, they are used either with the genitive (what?) or dative (what?) cases. For example: along the line, on the subject, in order to avoid, upon reaching, upon returning, in force, provided, in relation to, according to, according to, accordingly, contrary to, etc.

Prepositional combinations with a temporary meaning - “after something” (g.p.) - are written at the end with and: at the end of school, after the expiration of the contract, upon the arrival of a delegation, upon returning from a business trip, if they include the preposition “ By".

Prepositional combinations with a temporary meaning, starting with the preposition “before” have - i (g.p.) at the end: before the expiration of the five-day period, before the decision is made, until the completion of the reconstruction period. The so-called linguistic formulas are also subject to the same case principle. These are stable, as a rule, template language expressions that make it possible to reflect regularly recurring situations of business communication with a high degree of accuracy. Language formulas allow you to clearly and concisely state the motives, reasons and goals of an official message: formulate a request, warning, order, refusal, assurance, etc. Combining language formulas in a certain sequence that reflect the semantic aspects of the message allows you to model the text of the document and its structure; simplifies the procedure for creating official paper.

Such linguistic formulas, assigned to one grammatical case form, include: in confirming (what?) our agreement, in order to provide (what?) assistance, in accordance with (what?) a previously made decision, based on (what?) existing needs, in accordance with (what?) the customer’s letter, etc. Along with clerical phraseological units (take into account, take note, put to a vote, bring to the attention, etc.) such phrases create a rigid text frame, manifested in the interdependence of text parts and fragments of a sentence.

In addition to language models that reflect certain situations of business communication, there are also stable figures of speech that are firmly entrenched in the official business style: best result...; least complex...; the most important...; check...; create the necessary conditions...; management considers it possible...; the organization does not object...; ensure implementation...; optimal solution...; probable timing...; confirm receipt...; report data...; prepare for shipment...; under the circumstances...; in addition to the above...etc.

The grammatical norms of business style also include the unification of the grammatical structure of phrases and word forms. The selected option is assigned as a reference for each compositional part of the text.

For example, in the text of the order, each paragraph begins with indicating the addressee in the dative case - “to whom?”, and then “to execute what?”: To the head of the financial department, M. S. Bodryakova, award a bonus to S. D. Bolshov in the amount of salary for working on weekends days in the period from 01/10/06 to 02/10/06

To the chief manager of the editorial and publishing department, D. G. Chesnov, prepare advertising material for release

Literacy is one of the most important qualities of business speech, which determines the effectiveness of business communication. Literacy implies not only knowledge of the rules of word usage, grammatical compatibility, sentence patterns, but also the delimitation of areas of language use. Modern Russian language has a large number of variant forms. Some predominate in book and written styles of speech, others - in colloquial and everyday speech. In the official business style, forms of codified written speech are used, since only compliance with them can ensure the accuracy of the transmission of information.

However, there are a lot of errors due to the wrong choice of word form, violations in the structure of phrases or sentences. One of the most common mistakes is the use of colloquial plural forms in writing. including nouns ending in -а /-я instead of the normative ones ending in -ы/-и. So, in colloquial speech people say contracts, instructor, proofreader, etc. Whereas when writing a business letter, it is necessary to use other forms of these words: contracts, instructors, proofreaders. Special mention should be made about the form of “agreement - agreement”. This grammatical norm is associated with stress, which in the colloquial version necessarily falls on the first syllable. In practice, we often encounter a mixture of the forms “agreement” and “agreement”, which contradicts all logic. There is often hesitation when choosing the desired shape pl. including nouns in genitive case: kilograms/kilogram. WITH

It should be remembered that the following group of nouns has a zero-ending form:

  • names of military groups (soldier, cadet, partisan);
  • names of paired items - shoes, boots, stockings (but socks);
  • names of nationalities, territorial affiliations (Armenians, Bashkirs, British, Bulgarians, southerners, Kievites);
  • names of units of measurement (ampere, volt, watt, arshin, micron, roentgen, nogram, kilogram).

The number of syntactic features of business speech is greatest. This is due to the presence of a set of ready-made syntactic constructions, which are proven constructive means for expressing standard elements of meaning. We can distinguish a number of models of syntactic constructions and options for their implementation, for example: We bring to your attention or We remind you that..., We ask + infinitive; We direct or Guarantee + an object in the accusative case.

You should remember the syntactic features of constructing phrases. Thus, most words in written business speech are used with only one word or a limited group of words. For example: control - assigned; order - issued; price - set; debt - repaid; invoice - issued (paid); complaint (claim) - presented; payment - made; payment - made (guaranteed); censure - imposed; official salaries- are installed; agreement - reached; credit is allocated, etc. - verb combinations; prices - low, high; the arguments are compelling; discounts - significant, insignificant; necessity - urgent; cooperation - mutually beneficial, fruitful, successful; calculations - preliminary, final; profitability - high, low, etc. - noun combinations.

When writing a business letter, preference is given to passive constructions rather than actual ones. For example: we will not do it, but we will do it; It is not you who offer, but what is proposed by you. The passive voice is usually used when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that an action has been completed (payment is guaranteed, the offer is approved). However, to make the text more convincing, as well as in cases where it is necessary to indicate a specific person or organization as the subject of legal liability, the form of active pledge is more preferable (Metallist Plant disrupts the supply of raw materials; The head of the cooperative did not provide safety precautions, etc. ).

In business writing, simple sentences predominate. Such sentences contain a fairly large amount of information and are designed for repeated reading. Sentences in business writing are often complicated by homogeneous members, participial and participial phrases. It can take up (especially in orders, resolutions, regulations) a whole paragraph, and sometimes a page.

Passive constructions are actively used, as in scientific speech; complex sentences with subordinate clauses occupy a large place:

“The procedure for conducting the meeting and examining additional evidence, if it was presented to the appellate court, is determined by the presiding officer. By general rule First, explanations from the persons participating in the case and their representatives are heard. First, the person who filed the appeal and his representative speak. In the event of an appeal against a decision, the plaintiff will act first for both parties” (Economy and Law. 1997. No. 1).

Strict logic and precision of presentation determine the sequence of actions in the presented situation. This text acts as a regulation and establishes the procedure for considering an appeal. No less attention is paid to the order of words in a sentence. In business speech, the direct order of the main members of the sentence predominates - subject - predicate (an order is issued); placing a circumstance or addition in the first place serves to emphasize them; the place of the agreed definition is before the word being defined (credit relations), and the inconsistent definition is after the word being defined ( actual question, wholesale market; issue of primary importance, wholesale market); the place of the adverbial degree is before the adjective, and the complement is after it; the place of the object is after the verb, in the order “direct - indirect” (convey + what + to whom); the place of the adverbial manner of action (adverbs in -о, -е), measure and degree, cause and purpose - before the predicate verb (if logical stress does not fall on them), and the place of the circumstances of the manner of action, expressed otherwise, is behind the verb.

In impersonal sentences and passive constructions, the first position instead of the subject is usually occupied by the secondary member of the sentence. For example: One hundred and fifty units of finished products were invoiced. Separate text formulas are also associated with the order of words, for example, the sequence of arrangement “the expression of the will of the writer + the wording of the order + the deadline.”

For example: I order T.L. Ivanov to submit a report on 05/01/07.

Syntactic features also include special text layout - this means rubrication. It is associated with dividing the text into paragraphs and subparagraphs. Typically, this document structure is used when drawing up agreements, agreements, and contracts. Depending on the complexity of the division, a one-, two-, or three-digit designation of an item or subitem is selected (1.1; 1.1.1; 1.2; 1.1.2).

The choice of numbering option depends on the content of the text, its volume, composition, and compositional structure. Simple texts use the same type of characters - Arabic numbers or letters. Texts of complex organization require the designation of parts by various means.

Sections larger than paragraphs (part, section, chapter, paragraph) are designated by Roman or Arabic numerals and named.

For example:
1. General Provisions.
2. Responsibilities.
3. Rights.

When dividing the text into headings, each component part corresponding to the concepts of paragraph and subparagraph receives its own number (Arabic numerals are used), after which a period is placed. The number of each component includes all numbers of the corresponding components higher levels of division.

For example:

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The person responsible for fire safety is appointed and dismissed by order of the General Director.

1.2. The person responsible for fire safety reports directly to the General Director.

With further division of the text into subparagraphs, the number of characters indicating numbering will increase: 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3.

Headings and subheadings of paragraphs give business texts an emphatically logical, analytical character. The title of a document is an integral part of any business letter, which speaks about the nature or subject of the document (Order, Job description, Agreement, Order, etc.). The title of the document carries the main semantic load.

Only in business correspondence the title of the document is not indicated. The title should be short and should not exceed two lines. In business letters, a meaningful heading is not always included. In a number of etiquette business letters and in letters of an informational nature, the header is not used.

However, it is absolutely necessary in commercial correspondence:
About delivery of goods.
About the delivery of cargo.
About paying the bill.

Functionally, the header is a very important part of the text, which greatly facilitates working with documents: sorting, processing and redirecting if necessary.

From the point of view of a set of details, the entire text of the document is divided into the following parts:

  • header part of the document: company address (street, house, city, zip code, telephone and fax number), type of document (not indicated in all documents), date;
  • the main part of the document: title (located after the details “date” and “document index” on the left), the text of the document itself, an appendix;
  • the formal part of the document: the position and surname of the author, his office telephone number, signature, seal (not always).

Requirements for registration of details are set out in GOST 6.30-97 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." They apply to all types of documents.

However, no document is prepared with a complete set of details. Their composition depends on the purpose of the document. So, in official letters The name of the document type is not indicated. In all other documents the name is indicated.

For example: Agreement, Order, Decree, etc. Business letters are usually written on letterhead.

A form is a corporate sheet of paper, on which, as a rule, the details of the enterprise are already indicated. All other data is typewritten into the form and arranged in a certain order. There are two types of organizational letterheads - angular and longitudinal. They differ in the location of the details preceding the text of the letter.

The lexical composition of texts in official business style has its own characteristics. Firstly, this is the accuracy of word usage, i.e. using words according to their meanings.

A word in the text of a document should be used only in one meaning, not allowing any other interpretations or ambiguities. And, secondly, this is the use of special terminology characteristic of business style. Thus, in the texts of this style, words and phrases are used that have a pronounced functional and stylistic connotation, for example, plaintiff, defendant, protocol, job description, detention, delivery, identity card, scientific
employee, etc., among them a significant number of professional terms. Many verbs contain the theme of prescription or obligation: prohibit, allow, decree, oblige, assign, etc. It should be noted that in official business speech there is the highest percentage of use of the infinitive among consonant forms. This is also due to the imperative nature of official business texts.

Let's look at an example:
“When studying any international agreement, and in particular an agreement on the elimination of double taxation, first of all, it is necessary to clearly define the scope of its action in two aspects:

  • taxes covered by the agreement;
  • territories covered by the agreement." (Consultant. 1997. No. 24).

In this example, you can find the following features of business vocabulary: words and phrases with an official legal connotation (international agreement, double taxation, taxes); a phrase expressing an obligation; the need to determine; and we can also highlight such features of a business text as rigor in the expression of thoughts, impartial statements, and complete impersonality of presentation.

The use of specific terms imposes additional obligations on the author. The author needs to ensure that the term is understandable not only to him, but also to the addressee. If the term is rarely used and its meaning may be unclear, you should resort to one of the suggested methods:

  • give official definition of term, for example: factoring - sale of the right to collect debts;
  • clarify, expand the content of the term with words of neutral vocabulary, for example: ... failure to fulfill the contract is caused by
    force majeure circumstances (heavy rains washed out the routes of communication with the plant);
  • remove the term and replace it with a generally understood word or expression.

The perception of text can also be complicated by the unjustified use of borrowed words. The most typical mistake is the unmotivated use of foreign words instead of familiar words that already exist to denote concepts, for example: appeal instead of appeal; publicity (PR) instead of advertising, prerogatives instead of exclusive rights; exclusive instead of exceptional, etc.

Words and expressions that have fallen out of use (archaisms and historicisms) should not be used in documents. In a business letter you should write not at this point we direct, but we direct; not this year, but this year (current year); we do not hereby inform, but we inform, the act is not hereby drawn up, but the act is drawn up; not which, but which; not the above-mentioned one, but the one indicated above.

Business language is characterized by complex words formed from two or more words: tenant, employer, material and technical, repair and maintenance, above, below, etc. The formation of such words is explained by the desire of business language to accurately convey meaning and unambiguous interpretation. The same purpose is served by phrases of a “non-idiomatic” nature, for example, higher educational institution, tax return, Joint-Stock Company, housing cooperative etc. The uniformity of such phrases and their high repetition leads to the clichédness of the linguistic means used, which gives the texts of the official business style a standardized character.
For an official document, the legal essence is important, therefore preference is given to generic concepts, for example, arrive (arrive, fly in, come, etc.), vehicle (bus, plane, Zhiguli, etc.), settlement (village , city, village, etc.) etc. If a person’s name needs to be mentioned in the text, then nouns are used for this, denoting a person based on a characteristic determined by some attitude or action (pathologist Antipov T.N., witness Stolyarov T.P., rector of the university Sergeeva E.I., etc.).

When using any adjectives in a business letter, you should take into account the peculiarities of phraseology that has developed in official business speech. When using the comparative degree, the complex form is preferable: less important, more complex (rather than the most important, most complex). When expressing the superlative degree, the most common form is with the prefix: greatest effect, least result, or a combination of the positive degree with the adverb “most”: the most important.

Official business style terms also include a large layer of nomenclature vocabulary, which quite often appears in business letters.

Such vocabulary includes:

  • nomenclature of positions (general director, advertising manager, financial director, etc.);
  • nomenclature of names (OOO "VEK", IP Melnikov, FSB, private security company "Druzhba", etc.);
  • product range (gasoline L-76, CNC machines, ZIL-130, etc.).

Standard aspects of business writing language include the unification of abbreviations most commonly used in business letters. Words and phrases characterized by high frequency of use are abbreviated, as well as terms, names of organizations, well-known legal acts, codes of laws, text symbols, etc. All abbreviations used in document texts are subject to certain rules:

  • Abbreviations must be the same throughout the document. You cannot abbreviate the same word or phrase differently or write it in full in one place and abbreviated in another;
  • It is not permissible to use an abbreviation in the text if it may lead to a different interpretation or ambiguity in the perception of the phrase; you cannot abbreviate a word if it is the only member of a sentence;
  • You cannot abbreviate words to one letter, except in the case of traditional text abbreviations. For example: g. (year), g. (city), l. (leaf, sheets), p. (village), r. (river), item (point), etc. Also, various abbreviations can be classified as official business terminology. In business texts, all kinds of abbreviations of nomenclature signs of various properties are used.
  • names of well-known legal acts: UG (Criminal Code), Civil Code (Civil Code);
  • names of organizations: IMF (International Monetary Fund), CBR (Central Bank of Russia);
  • names indicating the form of ownership of the enterprise, included as a classifier in the names of enterprises: LLC (Limited Liability Company), OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company);
  • job titles: EO - acting;
  • names of technical devices: ACS ( automatic system control), efficiency (efficiency factor.).

In addition to professional terms, so-called procedural vocabulary is often used in business letters. This is vocabulary with a generalized meaning, which in the text of the document represents a specific action, object or feature in the official legal interpretation. Thus, in business speech the following general expressions are used: violation labor discipline(this could be lateness, absenteeism, coming to work while drunk, etc.), failure to deliver on the delivery schedule (delay in transit, untimely shipment of goods, etc.), bear responsibility (be subject to fines and financial penalties in case of violations , criminal prosecution, etc.). Procedural vocabulary can also include some generalized concepts: enterprise (company, concern, holding, cartel, syndicate), goods (canned food, thermoses, cars, shoes, etc.).

Terms, procedural vocabulary and nomenclature vocabulary constitute the main style-forming vocabulary of the document language. They are used in parallel in the text of documents, complementing each other (terms and procedural vocabulary are usually used in contracts, and nomenclature vocabulary is usually used in appendices to contracts).

As already mentioned, the most important feature of business vocabulary is that a word in a text must be used in only one possible meaning. The unambiguity of contextual use is determined by the topic of the document. However, ignorance or inaccurate knowledge lexical meaning words entails a lot of errors that make it difficult to perceive the text of the document or even distort its meaning.

One of the most common mistakes is not distinguishing between paronymous words (words that are close in sound but differ in meaning). These words include: guaranteed - guaranteed, present - provide, effective - effective, carry out - produce, economical - economical, insurer - insured, etc.

For example, one should distinguish:

  • guaranteed rest (secured by something) - guarantee card (serving as a guarantee);
  • introduce a new employee to the team (present, show) - provide a certificate (give something for use,
  • hold a rally (carry out something) - produce canned food (produce, produce something).

The inability to use synonymous words can also lead to semantic violations in the texts of documents. For example, the words build (stylistically neutral), erect (stylistic connotation “high”), construct (create something technically complex); erect (build something significant; tall) differ in stylistic colors, shades of meaning and, as a consequence of this, have different compatibility. You should write - build a sports ground, erect a monument, build a house. Incorrect spelling: erect a garage, build a palace, build a tower.

The above examples of errors are far from the only mistakes that writers of business letters make. Errors such as incorrect word order in a sentence, displacement of the structure of simple and complex sentences, inability to use participial and participial phrases, violation of lexical norms in fixed and terminative phrases, tautology and many others, often lead to negative consequences, i.e. to difficulty in perceiving the document, and in the worst case, to misinterpretation of the meaning of the information presented.

Thus, it becomes clear what a colossal role language norms play in the preparation of business documents. Inattention to basic norms today leads to the “pollution” of the official business language, which has or had centuries-old traditions.

In written business communication, business etiquette plays an important role, which is the most important tool in achieving a communicative goal. Business Etiquette manifests itself in the form and content of documents and, above all, in the formulas of appeal, expression of requests, refusals, claims, methods of argumentation, wording of instructions, etc. In business correspondence, the use of etiquette means is also regulated.

An important element of a business letter is the address to the addressee. To attract his attention and, most importantly, to interest him is the main task of the appeal. Appeal is a mandatory element of commercial correspondence. Recently, it is often used in official correspondence if the situation requires contacting an official directly.

Dear Mr...(last name)!
Dear Madam... (last name)!
Dear Sirs!

The examples given are the most general inversion formulas. However, there are some nuances that should be taken into account when approaching a business partner: his official position, field of activity, degree of personal acquaintance.

There are unspoken rules of business etiquette that must be followed in business correspondence. These rules include the following aspects:

  • when formulating requests, requests, proposals, opinions, etc. They usually use the first person plural form of expression: We present a new bill for consideration and approval... We bring to your attention a new book by Vorontsova D.L. "Window" ...
    Please inform us about the possibility of purchasing commercial equipment...;
  • in letters of confidential content and in documents drawn up on official letterheads, the formula of address in the first person singular is used: I ask, I offer, I invite;
  • You can’t start a letter with words of refusal. It is more polite to first state the reasons for the decision made (Our company is forced to refuse cooperation due to inflated prices for products, which makes it unprofitable to sell them in our region);
  • It is not recommended to hint to a business partner about his inattention and impose on him a pre-planned outcome of any issue (Please consider this proposal carefully...; We hope for a favorable outcome of our business...);
  • if the text of a document begins with a formula for a personal address to the addressee, then at the end of the text, before the signature, there should be
    be the final politeness formula: Best regards;
  • It is not tactful to use the words “urgently” or “immediately” in letters, thereby pushing the addressee to rush into making a decision. More acceptable expressions may be: I ask you to respond by such and such a date; We kindly ask you to inform us of your decision immediately.

Drafting a business document is not an easy task. This is work that requires a fairly high level of linguistic competence. It is impossible to write a business letter without knowing the text and language norms of formal business style. In order to be able to correctly compose official documents, you need to practice writing business letters as much as possible, and most importantly, you need to study and re-learn this difficult art.

List of materials used:

Koltunova M.V. Business letter. What the compiler needs to know. M., 1999.

Rogozhin M.Yu. Business communication documents. M., 1999.

Tepper R. How to master the art of business writing. 250 letters and notes to help the manager. M., 1994.

The article was prepared with the assistance of the agency business literature"IP AIR MEDIA"

First, this is the “header”, that is, what is already printed at the top of the letter with the details of your company (if, of course, you are writing from some company, and not on your own behalf). Here's an example.
MAGATON'S Department Store
12745 Bullet Strip
Los Angeles, California 941474
June 21, 1994
Secondly, this is the “date”, which is placed a few lines below the header (although this is not important and it is placed both at the top and after the header).
Cetrum Collection Agency
4376 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 947661
Third, this is an internal address. Although your partner’s address is already on the envelope, nevertheless, it must be indicated in the letter.
Dear John Mitchell:
Fourth, this is the greeting: Dear Sir if you don’t know who you are addressing; The address Gentlemen/Gentlemen and Ladies is acceptable only in cases where your letter is of a completely diplomatic and official nature.
Fifth, this is the text itself and sixth, this is the signature: Sincerely Yours, Truly Yours, Faithfully Yours, Best regards and so on. In a signature, as paradoxical as it may sound, the main thing is your signature. Yes Yes! If we trust only various official seals, then in the West the most important thing is your signature under everything that was written above. Your address, telephone (fax) and your signature are valued above all our seals.
And finally, the seventh is the initials of the person who wrote this letter, MG/vr. This is like a polite reminder of who worked on compiling this document, your initials and after a dash or after a colon the initials of the secretary, the one who typed it all.
I promised to tell you when you can write letters by hand. See, I haven't forgotten. In principle, it is always possible to write by hand as long as you write with black lead and printed, legible letters, especially when you are writing in your own personal capacity. Then the letter turns out to be more intimate, more confidential. You show by this that the matter you are writing about really cares about you. This is especially important to consider when you, a student from a low-income family, or, for example, a Chernobyl survivor, have the chance to go on an internship for a charity, or simply relax at a youth camp. Here it is even advisable to write your Reference by hand:
Dear Sir,
I would be very very grateful to your company if I only could use such a wonderful chance to have study practice in the USA where I might have improved my English and met new friends.
Such a message looks more cordial and interested than, for example, one printed on laser printer and imagining a successful young assistant rather than a poor student in need of help. But do not forget that at the same time, all the canons and form of constructing a business letter: header, date, greeting, the text itself and signature are preserved. Also note that in English language It has long been no longer used, as in the Russian language, in writing, with various twists, curls and a tilt to the right. They write everything straight, in block letters, without any slant, and if they do slant, it’s more to the left. I still found myself at a time when at school we were taught a non-existent copybook, as it later turned out. At the institute they told us directly: “Forget what you learned at school.” The slanted script, however, exists; it is used in some special cases: when congratulating you on your anniversary or wedding, or if you are presented with the Queen of England award or the cross of honor... Of course, this does not threaten us (although, who knows? ). Well, the copybook copies printed letters in everything. And don’t forget that it’s better to write with a black pen.
Of course, this is not a problem if your letter is printed. In the West, people are so accustomed to computers that even friends write letters to each other on computers; this is more familiar and faster for them (and for many of us). But if you correspond on business or work, even with a person with whom you have a fairly good relationship, then even then all the principles of business correspondence are observed. Look at what stands out about the letter from my American holiday camp director, who treated me like his son.
October 8, 1992
Hi Michael,
I am asking for your help! We have been advised by the Post Office to send you two letters. One addressed to you at Bellorussia and one addressed to same name, same address, and instead of "Bellorussia" Byelarus, Russia.
Please send us a card or letter as soon as you receive this letter along with the date received. We were told that if the address is not the current, correct one you will not get the mail. Your shirt is ready to be mailed but we do not want to lose it or not have you receive it.
Our best to you and much love from all at Camp Aldersgate and especially the Thomas Family,
Jeffrey C.
Thomas Director
As you can see, a friendly letter, however, is kept within the standard framework of business correspondence. Just Hi instead of an official address.
But let's return to the traditional business letter.
The next thing to do when writing a business letter is to get rid of the desire to sound too businesslike. Here, for example, is a phrase.
As per your request, please find enclosed herewith a check in the amount of $16.49.
Expressions such as herewith and as per create nothing but excessive primness. But we just need to relax. The more natural the letter looks, the better it will be maintained between a friendly and formal tone.
As you requested, I am enclosing a check for $16.49.
The second example is more clear and productive. And much less words were spent. And further. Forget all colloquial abbreviations in business correspondence. Write not “Don”t, but “Do not” and everything in the same spirit.
With all that said, check out this list of words to avoid in business writing:
according to our records
acknowledge receipt of
as to, with reference to
with regard to
with respect to
at hand, on hand
attached please find
attached hereto
enclosed herewith
enclosed please find
beg to inform, beg to tell
for your information
hereby, heretofore, herewith
I have your letter
I wish to thank/ may I ask
in due time
in due course of time
in receipt of
in the near future
in view of
our Mrs Johnson
let me to say
pursuant to
thank you again
thank you in advance
All these examples are taken from the archives of American business correspondence, and the Americans themselves advise each other not to use these “words”. And here is a list of words and expressions (left column) that should be avoided, and instead use those in the right column.
Instead Write advise/inform say/tell/let us know along these lines like on the order of as/according to at an early date/at your soon/today/next week/earliest convenience a specific date at this time/at the present now/at present time/at this writing check to cover check for due to the fact that because for the purpose of for forward send free of charge free in accordance with according to in advance of/prior to before in compliance with as you requested in the amount of for in the event that if/in case kindly please of recent date recent parly person/a specific name subsequent to after/since the writer/the undersigned I/me up to this writing untill now A now read two versions of one letter and see how the second option compares favorably with the first.
Dear Mr Fergusson,
With reference to your order for Nashito camcoder we are in receipt of your check and are returning the same.
I beg to inform you that, as a manufacturer, our company sells camcoders to dealers only. In compliance with our wholesale agreement we deem it best to refrain from direct business with private consumers.
For your information there are many retailers in your vicinity who carry Nashito camcoders. Attached pleased to find a list of said dealers.
Hoping you understand.
Yours truly...
The first mistake of this option is that the words said, same are used, which should generally be avoided, and instead of deem it is better to write Believe. And the participial phrases Looking forward to your early reply, Hoping to hear from you soon, Thanking you for your interest CANNOT be used when ending a letter. Write complete sentences: We look forward to your early reply, I hope to hear from you soon, Thank you for your interest. Now let's read the corrected version.
Dear Mr Fergusson,
We have received your order for Nashito camcoder but unfortunately must return your check.
As a manufacturer we sell only to dealers with whom we have very explicit wholesale agreements.
Nevertheless we sincerely appreciate your interest in Nashito products. We are therefore enclosing a list of retailers in your community who carry a full line of our camcoders. Any of them will be happy to serve you.
Sincerely yours...
The second example is clearer and, at the same time, more polite. By writing We are sorry or I appreciate, you create a favorable business atmosphere for the letter. Never blame your client with expressions like: your error / your failure. If you write Because you have refused to pay your long overdue bill, your credit rating is in jeopardy, then it will look too aggressive. Here's a more diplomatic approach: Because the $435 balance on your account is now over sixty days past due, your credit rating is in jeopardy.
For a positive collaboration perspective, keep the tone of the letter natural. Even if you bring up unpleasant topics, be tactful and polite. In every letter, the addressee should see your good intentions so that even a bandit with high road It was a pleasure doing business with you. Joke.
Any social letter will become warmer if you write the usual please or thank you... Instead of We have received your order, you can write Thank you for your recent order. Or instead of the impersonal Checking our records we have verified the error in your September bill, you’d better write Please accept our sincere apologies for the error in your September bill.
The second example is also more successful because there are no immediate claims against the person who will read this letter. Politeness is our weapon.
Your letter should be, first of all, focused on the client and, as it were, express his point of view. For example, Please accept our apologies for the delay is a polite form. But We hope you have not been seriously inconvenienced by the delay makes it clear that you are caring and involved in your client’s affairs.
Of course, this does not mean that you should avoid the pronouns I and We, but if you use them, then consider the following.
Write I when you speak on your own behalf, and We when you speak on behalf of the company. DO NOT USE the name of the company, as well as the expression our company, as well as the terms mentioned above - all this sounds somewhat pompous. It’s the same thing if the sender constantly calls himself by his full name instead of “I”...
Be careful and do not use the recipient's name too often in your letter. If you don't keep an eye on this, I'm afraid your letter will turn out to be too condescending. Now compare the two letter options and try to determine what makes the second option more personal.
Option one
Dear Ms Mitchell
Having conducted our standard credit investigation we have concluded that it would be unwise for us to grant you credit at this time.
We believe that the extant of your current obligations makes you a bad credit risk.
As you can understand it is in our best interest to grant charge accounts only to those customers with proven ability to pay.
Please accept our sincere regrets and feel to continue to shop at Allen's on a cash basis.
Sincerely Yours...
Option two
Dear Miss Mitchell,
I am sorry to inform you that your application for an Allen's charge account has been turned down.
Our credit department believes that because of your current obligations additional credit might be difficult for you to handle at this time.
Your credit reputation is too valuable to be placed in jeopardy. We will be delighted of course to reconsider your application in the future should your financial responsibilities be redused.
Untill then we hope you will continue to shop at Allen's where EVERY customer is our prime concern.
Sincerely Yours...

This page contains brief annotations court decisions on the topic under consideration and links to files with the full text of the court decision.


Court decisions in favor of the audited organization are indicated by the index (a);

Court decisions in favor of the regulatory authority are indicated by the index (b).

(a) FSBN technical specifications revealed misuse of subsidies for state support small and medium-sized businesses - allocation of funds to the legal entity carrying out production alcoholic products, i.e., not entitled to receive financial support from these funds, due to the restrictions established by part 4 of article 14 Federal Law N 209-FZ.
The court found that Part 4 of Article 14 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ imposes a ban on subsidizing only small and medium-sized businesses that simultaneously produce and sell excisable goods. The reference of the FSBN technical specifications to the letters of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 10, 2008 N D05-5638, dated July 27, 2009 N D05-3697, dated April 14, 2010 N D05-1084 by the district court is rejected by the district court, since these letters are of an informational nature.

(b) Conversion of the cost of construction and installation work performed by the contractor into current prices must be carried out using the indices established in the letters Federal agency on construction and housing and communal services, since these letters are acts of a government body, an official, mandatory for an indefinite number of persons (regardless of their form and other conditions - state registration, publication in the official journal).

(b) Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2009 N 02-05-10/1191 is of an informational nature with reference to the mandatory management of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation. The letter is interpretive, contains the position of the executive body on the interpretation of the law and is not reasonably regarded by the appellate court, based on the meaning of Article 311 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, as a newly discovered circumstance.

(a) Conclusions of the FSFBN technical specifications: The institution admitted misuse of federal funds. Payment for the policy has been made CASCO for insurance of a car rented by the Institution.
The court found:
- insurance under a voluntary insurance contract for rented vehicle against damage and theft (CASCO) is a legal way of insuring exclusively treasury propertysubject of the Russian Federationin accordance with its market value;
- in order to properly fulfill contractual obligations, the Lessee is obliged to carry out comprehensive voluntary insurance of the vehicle as an object of property in the Tyumen region. Only the presence of OSAGO and CASCO policies is the appropriate method of executionInstitutionobligations under the contractrent.
The reference of the FSFBN Technical Regulations to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2011 N 14-01-07/151-1301-1455 is not accepted by the court, since the said letter is not normative legal act and is of an advisory (informational) nature.

(b) FSBN specifications during inspectioninformation about monthly recipients monetary compensation(EDK), assigned to military personnel, citizens called up for military training, and members of their families, whose pension provision is provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation,found that the Centerunreasonablyrefused to assign an EBC to citizen Z. and citizen K., and therefore these citizens did not receive the EBC.

AtZ. submitted an application, including a certificate issued in the Republic of Ukraine, establishing for the first time a disability of the second group due to injury at the front during the Second World War.
WITHThe courts concluded that a certificate issued in the Republic of Ukraine should be accepted in the territoryRFas confirmation of the right to social benefits.Gr. Z. had the right to receive an EDC from the date of submission of the certificate rejected by the Center.
The courts also confirmed that gr. TO.is a member of the family of a deceased WWII participant and a disabled person of group 1 of the WWII and had the right to receive EDC from 01/01/2012.
The reference in the complaint to the letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2014 N 13-7/B-757 is untenable, since it is not a normative legal act, but is of a recommendatory nature.

(b) The Head of the Department was brought to administrative responsibility under Art. 15.15.7 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violation of the procedure for accounting for budget obligations.
The court found the following. Arguments that operations for compiling and providing information about an obligation do not relate to operations for accounting for a budget obligation, with reference to letters from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, are untenable. Letters from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation are not regulatory legal acts defining the procedure for accounting for budgetary obligations and are only advisory in nature. Arguments that executive authorities are not charged with accounting for budget obligations are based on an incorrect interpretation of substantive law.

(b) Conclusions of the TU FS FBN, confirmed by the courts: federal budget funds allocated to the Department under KBK 244.225 “Work, services for property maintenance” were used for expenses provided for under KBK 243.225 “Purchase of goods, work, services for the purpose of major repairs of state property” , which, in accordance with Article 289 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, is an inappropriate expenditure of funds.
The courts also established the following. The Department's reference to the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2013 N 11921-vl/10 is not accepted by the court, since the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation does not have the right to replace the functions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and explain the possibility of applying the Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures. In addition, this letter is for informational purposes only and is not a mandatory legal act.

(b) Conclusions of Rosfinnadzor technical specifications. The institution did not comply with the principle of efficient use of budget funds, namely: when calculating the initial (maximum) cost of a government contract, their cost was overstated as a result of incorrect application of cost change indices to the base price level, which resulted in additional expenditure of federal budget funds in the amount of 66.1 million. rub. Arbitration court The East Siberian District recognized as legitimate the conclusions of the courts of previous instances about the illegal use of budget funds in the amount of 66.1 million rubles.
The courts found that the Institution applied the indices provided by the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2007 No. 12529-GG/DOZ, while in order to form the initial (maximum) bidding price when preparing tender documentation, the indices of changes in the estimated cost specified in quarterly letters must be used Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
Arguments about the absence of TU FSFBN the right to exercise control over the justification of the initial (maximum) contract price, about the calculation of the initial (maximum) contract price in accordance with the provisions of Law N 94-FZ, that letters from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation do not relate to laws or other regulatory legal acts were rejected by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.



Business letters have certain rules for drafting and formatting; they are subject to requirements due to their belonging to information and reference documents. When composing a letter, the author must think in detail about the purpose for which he is composing the letter, and what he expects as a result of its consideration. He must clearly clarify for himself what the addressee knows about the subject of the letter, what he can rely on as a starting point, and what new information is not yet known to the addressee, for the sake of which the letter is being written. The nature of the argument and the composition of the text will depend on the target setting of the letter. The following stages of preparing and composing letters can be distinguished:

  • Studying an existing issue
  • Preparing and writing a draft letter text
  • Coordination of the draft letter
  • Signature by the manager
  • Registration
  • Dispatch
  • Let's look at these stages. Studying the essence of the issue involves: collecting sufficient information on this issue, if necessary, studying the legislation on the essence of the issue, analyzing previous appeals on this issue and the responses received to them. Then they begin to compose the text of the letter.

    Structure of the text of a business letter

    Writing the text of a letter is a labor-intensive process. An important task when composing a letter is its information saturation, i.e., inclusion in it required quantity information. Writing can be single-aspect or multi-aspect. One aspect of the letter usually makes up the content of the entire letter, and most often these are letters that do not require a response. The text of multi-aspect letters may consist of the following aspects: sections, clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs. The presentation of each aspect must begin with a paragraph. Business correspondence is characterized by a tendency to compose predominantly multifaceted letters. The letter is usually composed according to the following scheme: introduction, main part, conclusion. The introductory part contains: a link to the document, its individual points that served as the basis for drawing up the letter; a statement of fact, which indicates the purpose (reason) for drawing up the letter. When referring to a document, its data is indicated in the following sequence: name of the type of document, author, date, registration number of the document, title, for example: In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 27, 2004 No. 620 “On approval Model provision..." The main part contains a description of the event, the current situation, their analysis and the evidence provided. It is in this part that it is necessary to convince, prove that it is necessary to participate in the meeting (conference, round table), that the products produced or services provided are the best, that the request must be fulfilled, etc. The conclusion of the letter represents conclusions in the form of requests, proposals, opinions, refusals, reminders, etc. The letter may contain only one final part. The main questions of the letter must be clearly formulated and arranged in a sequence that is most optimal for perception. After drafting and writing, the service letter must be edited. A business letter almost always begins with an address. This small part of the text is extremely significant for communication purposes. A correctly chosen message not only attracts the addressee’s attention, but also sets the right tone for the correspondence and helps establish and maintain business relationships. The importance of the appeal is determined by the author of the letter; the appeal allows you to secure a listener. The punctuation mark following the address deserves special attention. A comma after an address gives the letter a casual character, while an exclamation mark emphasizes significance and formal style. The writer of the text must take into account the following factors:

    1. The social position of the addressee in relation to his own;
    2. Degree of acquaintance, nature of the relationship;

    3. Formality/informality of the communication situation;
    4. Etiquette permissions valid in a given speech group.

    When printed, the appeal is centered:

    Dear Mikhail Petrovich!

    The text of the letter may end with an expression of the expectation that the request will be fulfilled (guarantees, representations, invitations, reminders), as well as a politeness formula, for example:
    I express my gratitude for the assistance provided and assure that the information you provided will be of great importance in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation.
    I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the invitation...
    I express my hope for fruitful cooperation and active participation in solving problems, in developing and implementing our further program actions.
    The politeness formula is located before the “signature” attribute, printed from the paragraph and separated from the position by a comma. The name of the position is written with a capital or lowercase letter, depending on how the position is spelled out in the constituent or regulatory documents of the organization. If the letter is issued on the letterhead of an official, then the name of the position is not indicated in the “signature” attribute.

    In official correspondence, an official business style is used.
    Business style is a set of speech means, the function of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations.
    Features of business style, specific features inherent in it, style norms of this type of language took shape under the influence of the conditions in which business communication takes place. These conditions are as follows:
    1. Participants in business communication - mainly legal entities- organizations, institutions, enterprises, represented by managers and other officials acting on behalf of them;
    2. The nature and content of information relationships between organizations are quite strictly regulated;
    3. The subject of business communication is the activities of the organization: managerial, production, economic,
    scientific, technical, etc.;
    4. The vast majority of management documents are focused on a specific recipient;
    5. Most situations that arise in the activities of organizations and require written documentation relate to recurring, similar situations.
    The considered conditions of business communication form certain requirements for management information. To ensure effective information exchange in the field of management, information must have certain properties.

    She must be:
    1. Formal in nature, which emphasizes business basis relationships, their non-personal nature, and also indicates a certain distance that exists between the participants in business communication;
    2. Addressed, since a management document is always intended for a specific recipient, official, organization, group of organizations;
    3. Relevant, since the document must contain exactly the information that is necessary at a given time to make an effective management decision or
    other uses in management activities;
    4. Objective and reliable, since effective management activities require an unbiased, unbiased assessment of events, facts, and phenomena;
    5. Convincing, reasoned, since the task of business communication is to encourage the addressee to do (or not to do)
    certain actions;
    6. Complete and sufficient for making management decisions. Lack of information may necessitate
    additionally request information, generate correspondence,
    lead to unjustified losses of time and money.
    Business style has a set of specific features that distinguish it from other styles of language - scientific, journalistic, colloquial, and the language of fiction.
    The main requirements for business style are:

  • standardization of presentation;
  • neutral tone of presentation;
  • accuracy and certainty of wording, unambiguity and uniformity of wording;
  • conciseness, brevity of text presentation;
  • use of language formulas;
  • use of terms;
  • use of lexical and graphic abbreviations;
  • the predominance of passive constructions over real ones;
  • the use of phrases with a verbal noun;
  • the use of constructions with sequential subordination of words in the genitive and instrumental cases;
  • predominance of simple common sentences.

  • Standardization of business speech covers all levels of language - vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. To date, business speech has accumulated a huge number of terms, phrases, and formulas. The use of ready-made constructions allows you to avoid wasting time searching for definitions that characterize standard situations. Standardization of business speech significantly increases the information content of documents, significantly facilitates their perception, which helps to optimize document flow in general.
    The neutral tone of presentation is the norm of official business communication, which is manifested in the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation. The neutrality of the tone of presentation excludes the possibility of using expressive and emotionally charged language means (colloquial vocabulary and interjections), figurative means and words used in a figurative sense in the texts. The information contained in the text of the letter is official in nature. For this reason, the personal, subjective element in documents should be kept to a minimum. Words that have a pronounced emotional connotation (words with diminutive suffixes, with suffixes of exaggeration or diminution, interjections) are excluded from the language of documents.
    However, one cannot assume that an official document is completely devoid of emotions.
    The purpose of most documents is to interest the addressee, convince him, and encourage him to act in the direction desired by the author. A management document will not achieve its goal if it is devoid of emotional overtones, but emotionality should be hidden and achieved not by language, but by content. It should be hidden behind an external calm, neutral tone of presentation. Accuracy of presentation presupposes an unambiguous understanding of the content of the document.
    The clarity and accuracy of the text is determined primarily by the correctness of the compositional structure of the text, the absence of logical errors, thoughtfulness and clarity of wording - stable phrases, and the absence of figurative expressions.
    Laconic presentation of the text is achieved by the economical use of linguistic means, excluding speech redundancy - words and expressions that carry additional meaning.
    The requirement for conciseness, or brevity, of the text is directly related to reducing the volume of the text. The requirement of brevity forces us to more clearly formulate the topic of the document, use language sparingly, eliminate unnecessary words that do not carry the necessary information, unjustified repetitions and unnecessary details.
    The letter must be convincing regardless of who it is sent to, contain exact dates, indisputable facts and conclusions.
    One of the features of business speech is the widespread use of linguistic formulas - stable (template) phrases used unchanged. To motivate a particular action, the following expressions are used:

    We inform you that from... to...;
    - We inform you that as of...;
    - We send you the agreed...;
    - We ask you to consider the issue of...,
    - The inspection established that....;
    - Due to the lack of financial assistance...;
    - Due to the difficult economic situation...;
    - In accordance with your letter...;
    - In order to carry out joint work...;
    - In accordance with the protocol...;
    - In confirmation of our agreement...;
    - In order to strengthen responsibility... etc.

    Linguistic formulas are the result of the unification of linguistic means used in repeated situations. In addition to expressing typical content, language formulas often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the document does not have sufficient legal force:

    We guarantee loan repayment in the amount...,
    - We guarantee payment. Our bank details...,
    - Control over implementation is assigned...

    A term is a word or phrase to which a specific or special concept is assigned. A set of terms in a particular field of knowledge or professional activity composes terminology, or terminological system.
    The use of terms in a strictly fixed meaning ensures an unambiguous understanding of the text, which is very important in business communication.
    The terms used in management documentation are industry terminology that reflects the content of the subject area to which the content of the document is devoted, as well as terms that have developed in the field documentation support.
    The correctness and stability of the use of terms in practice is achieved by using terminological dictionaries and standards, which establish a strictly unambiguous system of concepts and terms and help streamline terminology. The terms used in the field of documentation support for management are recorded in GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions".

    When using a term, you must ensure that it is understandable to the recipient. If the author of the letter has doubts about this, then it is necessary to do one of the following:

    Give an official definition of the term;

    Decipher the meaning of the term using neutral vocabulary;

    Remove a term or replace it with a commonly understood word or expression.

    Difficulties in using terms are also associated with the fact that the terminology system is in constant change: the content of existing concepts changes, new ones arise, some concepts become obsolete, and the terms denoting them fall out of use.
    When using polysemantic terms (synonymous terms), it should be taken into account that in one document a term can be used only in one of its meanings. For example, the terms “agreement”, “contract”, “agreement” are synonymous terms, but they differ in the practice of their application. IN labor legislation this is about employment contract(contract); in civil law - two and multilateral transactions are called contracts; In foreign trade activities, the term “contract” is more common; agreements in a number of other areas are fixed in agreements.

    Another feature of business speech. Abbreviations are used in business speech. There are two main types of word abbreviations:
    1. Lexical (abbreviations) - complex abbreviated words formed by removing part of their constituent letters from parts of words: CIS, LLC, Ministry of Emergency Situations, NPP, GOST, GUM, Roskomzem, chief accountant, head, deputy, special forces.
    2. Graphic - abbreviations for words used in writing: gr-n, tchk, zh-d, kv. m, etc.

    Letters should only use officially accepted abbreviations, designations and terms. The names of institutions, organizations and positions, titles, units of measurement, geographical names and others must exactly correspond to the official names.

    Another feature of business speech is the use of constructions with sequential subordination of words in the genitive or instrumental case:
    - We offer you options for solutions (what?) for the reconstruction of heating, ventilation and sanitary installations of residential buildings and administrative buildings.
    - We fully share the need (what?) for further discussion of specific issues of possible cooperation.
    - According to the list of main activities approved by the President of the Russian Federation (what?) for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War...

    According to the staffing schedule...

    Business speech is characterized by the use of phrases with verbal nouns. In business speech, constructions from verbal nouns with the meaning of action are used instead of verbs: to assist (and not to assist), to provide assistance (and not to help), to clean (and not to clean), to provide support (and not to support), to make repairs (not repair).
    Simplicity of presentation and the predominance of simple, common sentences are important for writing. A feature of the business style is the predominant use of simple common sentences, one-part (with one main member - subject or predicate) or two-part (with two main members - subject and predicate) with isolated phrases (participial, adverbial, isolated definitions), introductory words and sentences, For example:
    - Due to the extremely low efficiency of use of city property contributed to the authorized capital of the joint venture "MIO", as well as the insufficient workload of the motor vehicle fleet and its unprofitability, we ask you to resolve the issue of transferring the city's share to the financial and economic management of the City Hall.

    It is advisable to prepare a letter on one issue. If you need to contact an organization simultaneously on several different issues, it is recommended to write separate letters for each of them.
    In the text of one letter, you can express requests or other questions if they are transferred to one person for execution.
    In addition to traditional language formulas, business correspondence contains foreign words and phrases. In practice, they play the role of linguistic formulas. Some of them are well known, some are less common. It should be borne in mind that the use of foreign words smacks of a slight old-fashionedness, but at the same time it leaves a good impression on the partner who knows these words and makes it possible to confuse an outside reader.







    There are also letters of request, letters of request, letters of notification, letters of response, letters of invitation, etc. Each type of letter has its own characteristics in drafting and design.

    Letters of invitation

    Letters of invitation with an offer to participate in seminars, meetings and other events are usually addressed to the head of the organization, a specific official, but can also be addressed to the entire team. The letters indicate the conditions of participation, the place and time of the events, and, if necessary, the dress code. The letter usually contains the details “attachment”, which informs about the program of the event.

    Letters of guarantee

    Letters of guarantee are written to confirm certain promises or conditions and are addressed to an organization or individual. Payment for work performed, quality, delivery time of products, payment for goods, rent, etc. can be guaranteed. Such letters use standard expressions: “the company guarantees, we guarantee, we ask you to send it to us by cash on delivery (type of guarantee), we guarantee payment, We guarantee delivery times, we guarantee the quality of products...”
    The letter usually indicates the payment details of the organization providing payment guarantees.
    It is advisable to coordinate the text of the letter with the legal service. In addition to the signature of the head of the organization, the signature of the chief accountant can be issued. The signature is certified by a seal.

    Letters of request

    Exists great amount situations that give rise to requests on behalf of enterprises, organizations, institutions. The text of this letter is usually structured in the following form: the main part of the content contains a statement of the reason that prompted you to make the request; statement of the request itself; the final part expresses hope for the expected result. Requests are usually expressed with the words “I ask, we ask”;
    Please provide assistance...;
    Please send to our address...;
    Please take part...;
    Please inform...;
    I ask you to liquidate the debt...;
    Please take action...

    The main purpose of this letter is to convince, to prove the need to fulfill the request, therefore, the text of the letter provides convincing evidence, attaches calculations, estimates and other supporting grounds, which are formalized as an “attachment”.

    Reply letters

    The text of the response letter usually begins with a repetition of the request. Next, the results of consideration of the request are stated, the refusal is motivated (if it is a refusal letter) and the refusal itself is stated.
    The nature of the information in a business letter usually implies alternativeness to the expected information in the response letter, i.e. in business correspondence there is a principle of parallelism in aspects of content, which is reflected in the language of the response correspondence. It means:
    1. The presence in the response letter of a link to the original letter and its subject;
    2. Use of the same linguistic means of expression (primarily terminology) in both letters;
    3. Comparability of volumes of information and aspects of content in both letters;
    4. Compliance with a certain sequence in presenting aspects of the content.

    The texts of response letters must correspond to the tasks recorded in the resolutions of managers.
    The first and basic rule is do not delay your answer, do not make your correspondent wait. If circumstances are such that you cannot give an answer within the established time limit, inform the addressee about this, as well as the time frame within which you can give a definitive answer. Be sure to apologize for the delay, indicating its objective reason.
    The response letter indicates the number and date of the document to which the response is given. This data is not entered in the text of the letter, but in a designated place on the form or before the heading of a document not drawn up on a form.

    The following forms of presentation of refusals are used:
    - Your proposal is rejected for the following reasons...

    The draft agreement on joint actions sent to you is rejected for the following reasons...
    - We are sorry, but our company cannot accept your offer...

    Thanksgiving letters

    Recently, thank you letters have become widely used in business correspondence.
    Letters of gratitude are the rules of good manners in relationships between partners. In partnerships, you need to be able not only to ask, but also to thank for services rendered, for jointly holding any events, for sending congratulations, for organizing a reception, etc.

    The letter can be drawn up on letterhead or on colored letterhead) thank you letter. If the letter is drawn up on letterhead, it is registered in the prescribed manner. A letter drawn up on the form of a letter of gratitude is not subject to registration; a stamp may be affixed to the “signature” detail. Since the letter is personal in nature, it is not recommended to include the “performer” attribute in it. The texts of the letters use standard form statements:
    - I express my gratitude...;
    - I am sincerely grateful...;
    - We note with gratitude...;
    - Thank you...;
    - Thank you for...

    Cover letters

    Covering letters are drawn up to inform the addressee about the sending of any documents. The text of the letter consists of two parts: a message about the material being sent and clarifying information (attachments). Typically, the text of a cover letter is very short, fits on A5 format and does not have an independent heading. Cover letters usually begin with:
    - I am sending information...; - We are pleased to offer (recommend) you...;
    - We are offering to you...;
    - We are sure that you will be interested high quality products..;
    - We inform you that...;
    - We inform you that...;
    - We hope for further cooperation...