What kind of bird can be kept in the house. For the "environment" will be required. Interior design

Birds are unusually pleasant creatures. With their appearance, songs, lively bustle, they can decorate any home. With good care, little birds will live in your home for more than ten years and become the heroes of many of your stories and family stories.

Birds and children

Do not be afraid to have birds if there is a child in the house, but teach your children to communicate with birds correctly, because communication with birds is very different from playing with cats and dogs.

It is important for children to communicate with wildlife, especially in the city. Watching a little bird is a world of amazing discoveries that develops a full-fledged and moral person. Just remember that the responsibility for the life of such a fragile creature should still be borne by adults, not children.

Birds need both food, and clean water, and a washed spacious cage, and many other things: trimming claws, beak, arranging the cage, shading it ...

If you get a bird and realize that you can’t cope, find a new owner for it, don’t torture it and don’t let it go free: after living in a cage, it will definitely die on the street.

Before buying, carefully study more literature about the bird you are going to take: about food, about possible diseases, about the required cage sizes, about possible neighbors (not all birds will be able to get along with each other).

But, based on personal experience, this is not a very burdensome chore, especially if you have an unpretentious bird, and not something exotic. Of course, if you are going to buy a whole dovecote or start ravens, there will be more responsibilities and duties.

A reasonable question arises: which of the birds are the easiest to keep and care for? We answer:

1. Budgerigars

In any pet store you can find a cage with these restless birds. The great thing about these parrots is that they have been living side by side with people for a long time, and therefore will not behave with you like wild birds. They are distinguished by noise and talkativeness, quite easily memorize words and expressions that they repeat many times when “communicating” with a person and even with other poultry.

2. Canaries

The domestic canary is a domesticated subspecies of the Canarian canary finch from the Canary Islands. She was tamed over 500 years ago and is the only pet that has had a vocal and singing change. This singing made the canary famous, and it can rightly be said that her songs are as beautiful as her bright yellow plumage.

3. Amadins

Amadins are a family of finches weavers, beautiful unpretentious birds that readily breed in captivity. Very funny birds, which are loved for their sweet grumpiness and extraordinary beauty.

4. Goldfinches

Cheerful, mobile, dexterous birds in movement. In conditions of cellular content, they soon become accustomed. Even in captivity they like to sing a lot. Very very! With good maintenance, proper care and feeding, they sing all year round and live up to 15-20 years.

5. Chizhi

Siskin got its name for the characteristic squeak, which is constantly echoed by individual birds in flocks. The song of the siskin is quite diverse and consists of both his own short "words and strokes" and imitation of the singing of other birds. It is impossible not to love this bird for its singing, ingenuity and gullibility to humans.

6. Bullfinches

Yes Yes. Bullfinches really get used to it well and calmly and live quietly in captivity, besides, they are very easy to care for and do not require much attention. They are kept mostly for their beauty. By the way, only males have such a red breast, female bullfinches look very mediocre.

This photo is from personal collection, it depicts my bullfinch named Arthas. For two molts, he does not lose his natural color, which indicates proper care.

If you buy a goldfinch, bullfinch, siskin or other bird from our area, then you should understand that it was most likely recently caught and it is unlikely that it will become completely tame. However, she will sing and will be able to settle comfortably in the cage.

Birds and cages

Those “free birds” that you see in nature and in the city simply do not live to their old age. Pigeons live under human protection for 15 years or more, and the lifespan of their wild counterparts is about 3 years. And such exotic birds as parrots have been domesticated for many generations, and life next to a person is their usual place in this world.

Don't worry, birds can be happy in cages too!)

The tribe of finches - small bright decorative birds is diverse and unpretentious in care.

Japanese are the easiest birds to keep at home. Their coloring is not too bright, but the song is pleasant and quiet. This type of finches does not fuss and does not litter, so cleaning in their cages is a pure formality.
- Zebra finches are the most popular among this species of birds. They breed well in captivity, are brightly colored and often start their cheerful song. They are more mobile than Japanese finches, so there will be more garbage from them.
- Gould Amadins are shy and bright birds. They are very delicate and sing quietly, with overflows.
- Rice finches are large, unpretentious birds. Their song is very peculiar and similar to electronic music.

To keep the finches in good mood you need to keep at least a couple of birds in a cage. Alone, only rice finches feel best of all.

Popular songbirds are canaries

For many years now, the most common poultry have been. These feathered pets are valued for their delightful and undemanding care. When buying a canary, keep in mind that only males sing.

Appearance is sunny - they are painted mainly in yellow bright colors. Kenars very easily get used to the owner and do not require a large aviary. The cage of these birds can be cleaned every 2-3 days, but the water for drinking and bathing needs to be changed every day.

Friendly feathered pets - parrots

For a sociable person, there is no better pet than a parrot. These birds are in good contact with people and quickly get used to the new environment. Parrots respond to their name and, with a good attitude towards them, are able to learn some funny tricks.

Before choosing as a pet, please note that this bird is quite noisy and noisy. Parrots love to be involved in people's lives and are very curious. Often, if there are no other pets in the house, these birds are released to walk around the apartment.

If you get a couple of parrots, they will not bother you much, because one bird suffers alone.

decorative chickens

Among decorative poultry, you can increasingly find a chicken! Of course, this bird is not ordinary or. Small specially grown hens are more like pigeons and are remarkable for their remarkable quick wit.

Decorative chickens love to walk on the street and sit on their hands. The only drawback of such pets, like all birds, is the inability to accustom them to one place. Unfortunately, chickens recover wherever they go.

It so happened that I can't keep cats or dogs at home, because I'm allergic to them. I love animals and since childhood I dreamed of having at least some living creatures at home. There were also cats and dogs, but they all had to be given away, because my allergy only progressed. So, 3 years ago, the decision was made to take home a canary. And... we made the right choice.

They took a young yellow kenar in an ordinary pet store and named him Krosha. We affectionately call him Kronya. Krosha by nature was quite cautious and took a long time to get used to a new home for him. He rushed from one cell wall to another, chirping and very worried.

The cage was purchased for him quite spacious, about 45 cm long and 35 wide. They put it in the kitchen. By the way, it is better to put a cage with a bird in a room where there are no drafts. We ventilate the kitchen by opening the window only in the warm season. The bird likes when the water is turned on or when there is some kind of noise in the form of music, Krosha immediately begins to sing.

After a couple of days, Kronya got used to it. After reading that the birds need to be given free rein, we began to slowly release it. Kronya resisted and reluctantly left his cage. Next to her stood a flower in a large pot, and at first we let Krosha run around to "graze"

The bird was greatly disturbed by the ring with which it was ringed, and we removed it. Krosha quickly learned to fly around the apartment. His favorite place was a closet in the corridor, where he still flies to take a nap Krosha loved to run around the stove (of course, when it is cold), to study the kitchen. He loves when he is worn on the arm and leads a "tour", transferring from room to room. Kronya himself finds his way to the cage from any room in the apartment.

It so happened that six months after the acquisition, Kronya lost his beautiful song, because he survived a serious molt and could not restore his melody after it. We took the bird as a simple pet and therefore we were not very embarrassed. Krosha's favorite toy is a mirror, apparently he sees his girlfriend in it. Even sometimes he tried to fulfill his "manly duties" with a mirror.

He likes to play with the shadow when he sits on the closet in the hallway.

In the warm season, they took it with them to the country.

Krone liked to sit in flower pots. And you can chew the grass and try the geranium

Many funny things happened to the bird, we are amazed how he got out of them.

So, for example, one day he fell behind a closet in the hallway. The closet is huge and heavy, they were waiting for dad to come to move it away .. and they were afraid to move it away .... Kronya with tattered wings, a frightened look and a heart-rending squeak ran to the cage from the corridor to the kitchen, I caught him near the cage and put him in it. The bird was sick for a couple of weeks, but nothing, he recovered. They didn't even go to the vet.

One day we decided to buy him a nest, just for fun. In Krona, the "paternal instinct" woke up and he turned into a mother hen. He collected feathers, protected the nest .. I almost laid eggs there. The nest was attached with threads to the perch and the walls of the cage (we were inexperienced). As a result, when I came home to study, I found a bird hanging on one paw on a untangled thread, the thread passed under the wings and through the head, the foot was pinched, terribly reddened and swollen ... It freed the poor fellow from the thread for about 15 minutes, poor Kronya could not sit at first and just lay at the bottom of the cage. After a few minutes, he began to loosen up a bit. Traumel homeopathic ointment was applied to the paw and after 2 weeks everything went away.

I will not describe how many times he crashed into glass and mirrors. Once released a bird - be prepared for the fact that she will sometimes hurt her head

A few more photos of our poor fellow:

Three years later, we decided to get our pet a girlfriend. They didn’t have much knowledge in choosing a girlfriend to match the color of the canary then, so they acquired a simple brown female.

Krosha, who lived alone for 3 years, shied away from his girlfriend for the first few days. She, as a young and active, chased him around the cage and did not let him sit quietly or eat Kronya even lost weight from such stress. And he stopped singing. But after a couple of weeks, everything went on the mend .... So, more specific information on the maintenance and care of the canary:

1) A canary is a friend who is difficult to tame, but possible.

2) Minimum care, clean once a day (or even every few days the tray in the cage and that's it. With a cat or a dog, there is much more trouble.

3) The food is inexpensive. A pack of feed in the middle price category costs 200 rubles, it lasts for several months. Feeding as calcium, as well as soft food (eggs), germinated seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds ... all these are pennies.

4) The bird sings beautifully. Well, if you want a bird not for singing, but for beauty, then take a beautiful decorative color (there are just no colors now!). There are even canaries with crests

5) Canaries litter. Around the cell during the day can accumulate a large number of debris from grain, feathers, etc. But, sorry, who doesn't litter? Cleaning once a day / two days around the cage is not so difficult.

6) When you go on vacation, you definitely need to attach a bird to someone, well, or find a person who will visit your pet every 2 days (and if possible, more often).

7) For people who are allergic to cats/dogs but want to have a pet, canaries are the best option.

Spring, everything around is filled with bird singing: in the evenings, thrushes give a concert, at night nightingales take over the watch, in the daytime starlings are flooded. Earlier in Russia, songbirds were often kept at home. And now, as a pet, many would not refuse to have a little feathered singer. How to make the right choice?


The first place is firmly held by canaries - singing birds, which began to be imported from the Canary Islands and Tenerife back in the 15th century. Initially, they were only green, and as a result of selection, yellow and orange appeared.

Canaries are valued for their excellent singing, but those who want to get them should take into account: the voice of these birds is quite loud, and they can sometimes sing all day long (only males).

Domestic species of canaries can sing throughout the year, but still they have their singing season. It begins, as a rule, at the end of November, by the beginning of winter the voice of birds is gaining strength, but they usually demonstrate the best singing from February and throughout the spring. By summer, canaries take a well-earned vacation and give their vocal cords a chance to rest. Experts attribute this to the fact that during this period the birds molt, and all the forces of their body are aimed at shedding the old plumage and replacing it with a new one - there is no time for songs.


AT pre-revolutionary Russia a cage with a siskin was a common attribute of a schoolboy's room, an artisan's workshop, and a roadside inn. And now the siskin is perhaps the first bird that can be recommended for keeping a novice animal lover. Despite the modest appearance, the siskin at the first meeting captivates with its grace and liveliness. In a matter of days, he stops being shy of people, gets used to flying out of the cage and comes back. Of all the household, he usually singles out the one who cares for him. And it is to this person that he will turn all the “requests” for a treat or bathing, raising the feathers on his head, jumping on the perch and greeting his person with a fervent song. His singing includes many different trills, which can resemble the sounds of other birds, in particular, tits. Chizhik can sing up to 10 months a year.


The repertoire of a goldfinch can consist of more than 20 variants of melodies, and the sounds that it makes while singing can be both pleasant and melodic, as well as harsh and rough. Only canaries can compete with goldfinches in their singing abilities. By the way, like them, goldfinches during molting fall silent and do not sing. However, if only males sing in canaries, then in goldfinches both males and females sing, and females sometimes do it more skillfully.

If you didn’t buy a goldfinch in a pet store, but caught it in the wild or you were sold a wild one, you will be disappointed: wild birds they remain wild, and rarely please their owners with their singing.


The singing of a finch is melodious, beautiful and cheerful - it is often confused with the song of a nightingale. A typical finch song is a rolling trill ending in a "stroke" - a specific loud short sound. The finch endures captivity quite well, but never becomes such a tame bird as the siskin. In finches, only males sing. It is quite easy to distinguish a male from a female: males have a reddish breast, and their head and neck are decorated with bluish plumage in the warm season, females have a discreet brownish-green color.


Zebra finches are one of the most popular ornamental birds today. Often it is also presented as a singer, but the voice of the finches is quite specific, not everyone will like their song: the finches make sounds that resemble buzzing, grumbling, whistling, chirping, and sometimes hissing. Moreover, they sing especially loudly and actively early in the morning. However, thanks to the variegated coloring, the finches look very impressive and exotic, they are quite mobile and funny. Despite seeming friendliness, finches do not accept human hands, they prefer to live side by side with their own kind - big company or a couple. Therefore, for constantly busy and working people, finches are just right as a pet.

People have been keeping pets for a long time. Initially, our smaller brothers were kept for various purposes (protection of the home, hunting, etc.), but over time it became common for people to keep decorative animals.

In ancient times, domestic birds were decorations of palaces and castles of noble people.

They delighted with their diversity, fervor and wonderful voice. The fashion for decorative birds has reached our days.

When looking for pet birds for yourself and looking at their photos and names, you can’t help but notice the finches. These interesting birds are quite popular and are often kept at home.
It is quite easy to distinguish females from males, since finches have developed sexual dimorphism. Males have a reddish chest, and their head and neck are decorated with bluish plumage in the warm season. Females have a discreet color - brownish-green.
Finches quickly get used to people and become tame.


These birds are valued for their great singing. If you are not annoyed by loud trills, you can safely buy a canary. Moreover, the bird will delight the owners not only with its flooding voice, but also with the color of the plumage. Today there are types of kenars of various colors.

Important! In canaries, only males sing.

This feathered singer does not need a large cage, and they quickly get used to a person. However, you should not impose your society on them, they have a great time alone.
Canaries are unpretentious and have one feature - they love to swim. If it is not possible to add food and clean the cage every day, then the bathing water should always be fresh.

You can let this pet fly around the room, but it is worth remembering that there are many dangers in the room for a small canary.
Kenars are ideal poultry for.

You can feed them with ordinary grain bird food, adding natural products to it: chopped boiled egg, cottage cheese and grated. It will also be useful to give some crushed chalk.

Did you know? They learned about canaries in Russia in the 17th century from Tyrolean merchants. People fell in love with jellied trills, and birds began to be bred at home.

The most popular parrot, perfectly coexisting with humans. The aratinga got its name due to the bright color of the feathers. The main tone is fiery yellow, and the intensity of the color depends on the species.
The cage for the aratinga should be spacious so that when the parrot swings, it does not damage the wings. To make the bird feel comfortable, it is advisable to equip a small nest in the cage, and for entertainment - place perches, swings, mirrors and toys.

It is also worth remembering that these birds very sensitive to drafts and temperature changes.
Under natural conditions, these parrots eat plant foods - seeds, fruits,. At home, their food can be diversified and given boiled eggs and sprouts. In no case should salt, avocado and oil be given to aratingas.

Most main disadvantage aratingi - loud voice. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep them in groups.

If you are interested in what kind of birds you can keep at home in a cage, but do not dare to get a large parrot yet, pay attention to the Amazons. They can talk well (almost like a gray), but at the same time not touchy and more affectionate.
Amazons are fairly easy to train and adapt well to new environments and environments. Like many parrots, they love to swim.

Due to the fact that Amazons have a rather strong beak, cages for their maintenance must be all-metal.
Grain should be present in the diet of these birds, but it can be given in limited quantities. Amazons also need fruits and greens.

Important! The male and female are colored the same, so they are quite difficult to distinguish.

Quite a large South American parrot with a powerful beak. Popular for its bright colors.
The macaw cage should be spacious, it must be equipped with objects that the parrot will split with its beak.
The diet should include:

  • fruit;

These birds will always delight the eye with their diversity. They will not talk, but they are distinguished by sociability and funny behavior.
Lovebirds are better keep in pairs, so they need a spacious cage. Since these birds are big fidgets, the cage must be equipped with toys, perches and mirrors.
You can feed with a regular grain mixture, adding fresh herbs and.

These birds become companions of the owners for life, as they are centenarians. Cockatoos live in captivity 50 and even 80 years old.

A distinctive feature of this parrot is a colorful crest that rises in case of alarm or excitement.
If you like silence, then you should remember that the cockatoo is a noisy bird that loves to talk and shout. The cockatoo has a great intellect, and it is necessary to raise such a feathered bird from childhood, otherwise it will tire the family with its assertiveness and bite painfully.

In order for the bird to keep its beak in order, branches, twigs and solid food (for example,) must be present in the cage.
Many representatives of this species love to swim and take a shower with pleasure.

The larger the cockatoo, the larger its beak, which is why they got their second name - “flying wire cutters”. Therefore, before buying, think about whether your home is ready for such a pet.