Glow-in-the-dark stones: luminescent business for a beginner. Production of luminous paving slabs Manufacturing technology of luminous stones

Luminous laces, as a decorative element of shoes and clothing, appeared on the Russian market several years ago. Today this is a trend among young people. The Chinese invention quickly gained popularity and found its consumer. For modern fashionistas, the luminous accessory has become a real find. Entrepreneurs also showed interest in the new product. The production of luminous shoe laces was praised by many as a non-standard idea worthy of investment.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 10,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

How to organize a business using glowing laces?

The prospects of a seemingly simple business largely depend on the quality of the products produced and the ability to sell the goods. First, you need to decide what is more profitable, resell finished products or set up your own production.

The first option is simpler. It is enough to find a reliable supplier and take advantage of the advantages of a wholesale buyer. By purchasing goods in batches, it is possible to mark up and sell products at retail. The risk of this way of making money is that a large markup can scare away potential buyer. Today, glow-in-the-dark shoe laces can be found and purchased in many online stores. The only difference is the price, and if your product does not attract profitability, it will remain unclaimed.

If you make small markups, you will have to compensate for the costs by increasing turnover. Considering the specifics of youth fashion, this is also a risky step. It will no longer be possible to respond flexibly to requests. Another risk is related to information accessibility. Active Internet users know perfectly well how to make glowing shoelaces at home, but not everyone is interested in doing this. Despite all the disadvantages of reselling goods, you can try yourself in this business. Many novice entrepreneurs are successfully doing this, taking advantage of the consistently high demand for luminous laces.

Own production will require investments, but this way of earning money is considered more reliable. If small volumes are planned, when purchasing components in bulk, you will need no more than 20-30 thousand rubles. To begin with, you can organize production in a small room with several assistants, this way you can reduce the level current expenses. If things go well and the business begins to make a profit, it makes sense to think about expanding production. The main thing is to find your buyer, attract him with impeccable quality of products and competitive prices.

Technologies for making laces with a glow effect

There are two types of products: glowing led laces powered by batteries and regular ones impregnated with a glowing solution. Let's compare the features of each type and highlight the advantages.

  1. Dye

Dyes must contain fluorescent elements or phosphorus. You can buy such paint in office supply stores or in places where LED equipment is sold. The intensity of light reflection depends on the amount of water. The less liquid, the more intense the glow. The strongest reflection can be achieved by using undiluted paint. The duration and intensity of the glow depend on the quality of the dye. Good expensive paint gives a more durable effect; it does not wash off even after numerous washes.

After applying the dye, the laces are dried in the sun. For phosphorus, the presence of a light source is mandatory. In the dark, phosphorus-containing solutions will glow only if they have spent at least 2-3 hours in the light. Fluorescent paints work differently. The glow will only be noticeable in daylight or artificial light.

Making luminous laces with your own hands using paints is one of the simplest and most available ways, but finding durable and long-lasting paint is quite difficult. When opening a business producing luminous laces, this point must be taken into account. There is always a risk that the paint will be unstable and the components will be substandard. It is unlikely that a buyer dissatisfied with the quality will recommend you as good seller. If you value your own reputation and are not sure that you can handle the painting, turn to other options.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide and chemical reagents

There are a lot of recipes for making luminous compositions, but most of them are ineffective. To prepare a solution that will actually have a glowing effect, chemical reagents are used. Here is one recipe for making glowing dye:

  • Luminol (5 g.)
  • Hydrogen peroxide (70 g.)
  • Copper sulfate (3 g.)
  • Sodium hydroxide solution (10 ml)
  • Water (100 gr.)

When the ingredients are mixed, the solution acquires a blue tint. To obtain a different color, you can add any fluorescent dye to the composition.

Be careful!

Resorting to this method making a luminous composition, take care of safety. Eyes and exposed areas of the body must be protected. Use glasses, gloves, thick fabrics.

  1. Silicone

A more lasting glow effect is achieved using silicone materials. The cord is made of soft silicone with a built-in LED element. The service life of such products is unlimited. The laces glow thanks to regular batteries. They can work up to 70 hours. It is possible to control the lighting modes.

Silicone luminous laces are safe for the wearer. They can be multi-colored and have different lengths, but for all their advantages, such products are inferior to ordinary laces in practicality. When tightened tightly, soft silicone loses its seal and becomes deformed. Difficulties may arise during the manufacture of such structures. Without knowledge of electrical engineering, it is better not to take on this matter.

Sales of products. How and to whom to sell fashion laces?

The issue of selling non-standard goods always requires a creative approach. It is important to find and retain a buyer, and this must be done taking into account demand. IN open sale Shoelaces with a glowing effect are not easy to find, but there are many online stores with a rich assortment and great deals. The price of luminous laces varies from 150 to 700 rubles. It is necessary to fit into this range. If your product costs above average, the buyer should know that he is paying for quality.

You can use any opportunity to promote your product. Let's look at the most promising ones:

  1. Internet platforms– the most reliable way to attract customers. The ideal option is to create your own website, fill it with a good assortment, preferably with related products, and invest in advertising. Your Internet resource should be as informative as possible. It is not enough for a modern buyer to know how much glowing laces cost. He needs data on the composition of materials, information about the practicality, safety and service life of the product.
  2. Direct sales. Your own retail outlet can bring good profits. Platitudes are not welcome here. Let it be a store with youth products. Exclusiveness, originality and originality are always at a premium.
  3. Contacts with retail stores. It makes sense to contact manufacturers of children's, youth and sports shoes. Don't rule out outlets, selling other popular products. An accessory such as luminous laces often acts as decoration for clothing and interiors, and is widely used in the clothing industry, in the production of jewelry, souvenirs and toys. Take advantage of the versatility of your products and offer them to everyone for whom cooperation would be interesting and profitable.

Possible risks

Even in the most promising business, it is important to consider the risks. Since the main focus in product sales is on young people, it is necessary to take into account the variability of youth fashion. In pursuit of originality, everyone tries to stand out. Tastes, trends, demand change, and what was fashionable yesterday may turn out to be a useless product tomorrow. Many people buy glowing laces for sneakers, but the “like everyone else” trend is no longer relevant. Teenagers love to experiment with the style, color, length and shape of laces. These needs must be responded to with new proposals.

The production and sale of luminous laces is an interesting and profitable business. A simple business may well become promising, despite the widespread belief that you can’t make money on small goods. The main thing is to set up production in a timely manner, promptly respond to consumer requests and take into account all possible risks.

Practically luminous compositions (otherwise, “phosphors” or “luminophores”) are prepared by fusing a mixture of individual components, if possible - chemically pure. In addition to the substances necessary for the formation of phosphorus, substances that serve exclusively to lower its melting point (melting point) are usually introduced into the initial mixture.

Good phosphors glow quite brightly, and the duration of their glow is measured in hours. This is the basis for the production of luminous paints to cover various night signals, and a small part is also used in art (paintings, masks, etc.).

To prepare high-quality phosphors, substances of at least “chemically pure” class (chemically pure) are required, as well as careful grinding of the substances and their mixing. Melting of the mixtures is carried out in a clean porcelain crucible, closed with a porcelain lid (not too tight). A muffle furnace with a temperature controller is used for heating.

Precautionary measures:

The composition used to prepare phosphors may contain toxic substances (here they will be marked with an *). They should be stored in a container with a special label and in a locked cabinet.

When sulfides come into contact with acids, poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas is released with a disgusting smell of rotten eggs. Its danger is increased by the fact that it paralyzes the olfactory center.

Sulfides of alkali and alkaline earth metals destroy nails and hair upon contact with them, so you should not allow them to come into contact with any parts of the body, and wash your hands thoroughly after working with them.

When sintering mixtures in a furnace, harmful gases are released (the mixture foams), so heating should be carried out in the open air or in a well-ventilated area, and the crucible should be filled no more than 1/3 before placing it in the furnace.


Calcium oxide CaO - 20 g, sulfur S - 6 g, lithium sulfate Li2O4 - 1.5 g, 1 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution of bismuth nitrate Bi(NO3)3. Heat at a temperature of 700C for 40 minutes.

Blue color

Calcium oxide CaO - 20 g, barium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 - 20 g, sulfur S - 8 g, potassium sulfate KSO4 - 1 g, sodium sulfate NA2SO4 -1 g, lithium sulfate Li2O4 - 2 g, 2 ml 0.5 % alcohol solution of bismuth nitrate Bi(NO3)3. Heat for 40 minutes at 800°C.

blue color

Calcium carbonate CaCO3, - 100 g, magnesium oxide MgO - 25 g, sulfur S - 50 g, sucrose C13H22O11 -10 g, sodium fluoride NaF - 3 g, potassium sulfide K2S - 2.5 g, sodium sulfide Na2S - 2.5 g, (0.5%) alcohol solutions: thorium nitrate Th(No3)4 - 1.6 ml, thallium nitrate TlNO3, -1.6 ml, bismuth nitrate Bi(NO3)3 - 3.6 ml, nitrate rubidium RbNO3, - 8 ml. Boil at 1100°C for 150 minutes.


Calcium oxide CaO - 10 g, strontium oxide SrO - 20 g, calcium tungstate CaWO4 - 1 g, sulfur S - 8 g, potassium and sodium sulfates KSO4 NA2SO4 - 1 g each, lithium sulfate Li2SO4 - 2 g, 2 ml 0.5% a solution of bismuth nitrate Bi(NO3)3, in alcohol. Heat for 40 minutes at 800°C.

Lilac color
Potassium oxide CaO - 100 g, sulfur 5 - 30 g, 10 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution of bismuth nitrate Bi(NO3)3. Heat for 30 minutes at 1200°C.

Light green color

Strontium carbonate SrCO3, - 40 g, sulfur S - 6 g, arsenic (III) sulfate* As2S2, - 1 g, lithium carbonate Li2СО3, -1 g, 2 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution of thallium nitrate TlNO3,. Heat for 45 minutes at a temperature of 1200°C.


Strontium hydroxide Sr(OH)2 - 15 g, barium carbonate BaCO3 - 25 g, calcium tungstate CaWO4 - 1 g, sulfur S - 10 g, lithium sulfate LiSO4 - 1 g, 3 ml of 0.4% alcohol solution of copper sulfate CuSO4, 3 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution of thorium nitrate Th(No3)4. Heat at 800°C for 40 minutes.

Red tones

To obtain pure red tones, you need starting substances of the "Op.Ch" class (extra pure), clean dishes and the absence of dust in the air.

Red color

Barium oxide BaO - 40 g, sulfur S - 9 g, lithium phosphate Li3O4 - 0.7 g, 3 ml of 0.4% alcohol solution of copper sulfate CuSO4. Heat for 40 minutes at 800°C.

Bright red color

Barium carbonate BaCOs - 100 g, cepa S -15 g, borax Na2B4O7 - 2.5 g, lithium phosphate Li3PO4 - 2.5 g, 2 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution of rubidium nitrate RbNO3 4 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution of nitrate copper Cu(NO3)2,; Heat for 45 minutes at a temperature of 1200°C.

Brief information about luminous substances:

Glow can occur due to the slow oxidation of a substance in air (for example, white phosphorus, luciferin in some insects, microbes, fungi, fish). Such substances do not glow without access to an oxidizing agent (for example, atmospheric oxygen). With increasing temperature, the glow of such substances intensifies (white phosphorus is highly toxic and spontaneously ignites at a temperature of 18-25°C).

Some substances can glow when rubbed or shaken (for example, crystalline chelidonine, some sulfides activated with manganese, etc.). This glow is called triboluminescence.

Substances that glow in the presence of radiation or invisible X-ray rays are used to make permanently glowing compounds. For example, paraffin is used as a radioactive substance, in the molecules of which some of the atoms of ordinary hydrogen (protium) are replaced by atoms of super-heavy radioactive hydrogen (tritium). Due to the presence of radioactive elements in their composition, such visible light sources are hazardous to health.

The fourth class of luminous substances are those that glow due to stored energy. Their glow can continue very intensely even for several hours after preliminary illumination. Recipes for just such compositions are given above. Compared to other light compositions, they have a number of advantages: they do not oxidize, do not contain radioactive impurities, can glow regardless of air access, and do not require any friction or shaking, unlike triboluminescents. Their only drawback is that they do not require “recharging” from time to time to accumulate energy.

After removing from the oven, leave the crucible without opening it to cool. Then open, remove the crust and grind the alloy into powder. To prepare the paint, the powder must be mixed with nitro varnish or other glycogen-forming substance that does not contain water and acids.

Everyone wants to make their home cozy and beautiful. People plant their front gardens with flowers, build gazebos and construct decorative wells. Everyone builds their own nest according to their capabilities. Some do this with the help of ultra-modern interior delights and technical innovations, while others create interesting design masterpieces with their own hands. Such man-made miracles can be called luminous stones.

Ancient myths say that such stones have special strength and energy. It is clear that legends can say a lot, but it is a fact that luminous stones, no matter what you decorate with them, will lift your spirits.

Stones that glow in the dark are used in making souvenirs, decorating photo frames and other small items. They are used in interior decoration; they decorate aquariums, bookshelves and flower pots. In general, with their help, you can change the world around you beyond recognition, if you have the desire.

Glowing stones, no matter what you decorate with them, will lift your spirits

The principle of operation of miracle stones

Initially, such stones were made of plastic and filled with luminous paint. But at home, the blanks are coated with acrylic paints with a luminescent effect. This paint has a glossy or matte surface that cannot be washed off or faded. During the day, the luminescent surface, like a battery, accumulates sunlight and begins to emit it when night falls. Therefore, such stones are very popular not only in decorating small things, but also in landscape design. They look great in summer flower beds and along the banks of a pond. A glass vessel filled with such stones looks very original. It can be used not only as decoration, but also as a lamp.

A glass vessel filled with glowing pebbles looks original.

The big advantage of such stones is that they are charged not only by sunlight. This can be done with a flashlight or a simple lighter, so if the weather is gloomy, this does not mean that the stone will not glow at night. A large palette of colors makes it possible to decorate any room with stones, while fitting into its design.

We create beauty with our own hands

Before you make luminous stones with your own hands, you need to decide what you will decorate with them in order to choose the right shape and size. In order not to rack your brains about which brand of blanks is best to buy, you can use natural material– ordinary cobblestones or pebbles. In addition, you will need TAT33 light-accumulating paint to paint your pebbles. The dried surface can be used immediately. Glowing paint does not deteriorate even in a humid environment, so it is often used to decorate the bottom of decorative ponds and aquariums. The paint is also environmentally friendly and safe for people and animals. You can safely paint interior items with it.

With this paint for concrete surfaces you can make entire luminous borders, and this good way decorate the area without spending a lot of money. If you want to make luminous paving slabs, you need to cover them after laying them. But if you need to make a flowerbed of stones or a border, you first need to paint them and dry them.

Glowing stones have become an indispensable item for landscape design. Experts divide them into three types, which depend on the size: crumbs (about 5 mm in diameter), river pebbles (1-2 cm) and boulders (27x17 cm). These standards come from manufacturers of finishing materials, so you do not have to measure each workpiece with a ruler and generally adhere to specific numbers. After all, you create comfort for yourself, which means you choose the size and shape of the stones yourself.

You can decorate your home with glowing stones not only on the outside, by gluing them onto the finishing tiles. If you want to decorate the inside of the house, then you need to apply a construction mesh onto the freshly plastered wall, onto which pre-painted stones are glued. Empty spaces between the stones are carefully rubbed over with plaster. Ceiling tiles can also be framed with luminous chips.

Making glowing stones often turns into a hobby. Even if you have already decorated everything possible with them, your hands reach for paint again and again. In such cases, people begin to study art more deeply and even find a way to make good money. So it makes sense to work.

How to decorate your garden with glowing stones

Decorating your site will first require your own imagination. If you want to strew the path with them, it is better to use pebbles painted in a color that matches the design of the garden. The border between the path and the lawn can be lined with boulders. A sufficient number of luminous stones in the garden will significantly save on electricity costs and prevent you from tripping in the dark.

You can also strew the path with pebbles of different colors, for example, the main color is blue, and the dotted inclusions are pink. Or make a mix of natural gravel and painted stones; at night it will look like a “moon path”, which any romantic will definitely like. Glowing pebbles are especially relevant in those regions where day abruptly turns into night and there is almost no twilight: they have time to charge as much as possible and when darkness falls they begin to glow very intensely.

Another option for the track is provided for those who already have it laid out from a different material. Usually such paths are made of logs or logs in a country style; it’s just between the wooden masonry that you need to fill everything with small stones, maybe even crumbs.

The mix of natural gravel and painted stones looks like a “moon path” at night

Flowerbeds must be framed with boulders. They can also be dotted between flowers if they do not grow very densely. If the flowerbed is dotted with lawn in places, then it is decorated with multi-colored crumbs, inventing beautiful patterns that are visible not only at night, but also during the day.

Having the talent of an artist, you can paint lonely boulders. If this is not within your competence, then flat surface Apply a special sticker on a transparent film to the stone and cover the surface with varnish. A large glowing boulder also looks very attractive under natural climbing flowers such as sweet peas or morning glory. If hops are crawling along the stone, then you can plant any bush with bright inflorescences nearby.

The garden decorative well is framed both at the base and along the posts. Depending on its size, the size of the stones is determined. It is better to cover the roof with crumbs or pebbles. Glowing stones are also ideal for decorating a children's sandbox. The main thing is that they should be large and heavy so that the child cannot pick them up and drop them on his leg. There is no need to decorate the playground with small pebbles; children love to taste them, and this is not safe for health.

Thus, luminous stones are a design element that awakens imagination and forces improvisation. And who, if not you, should know better how to decorate your territory. Good luck to you and creative success!

There are substances that glow due to stored energy. Their glow can continue very intensely even for several hours after preliminary illumination. Recipes for just such compositions are given below. Compared to other light compositions, they have a number of advantages: they do not oxidize, do not contain radioactive impurities, can glow regardless of air access, and do not require any friction or shaking, unlike triboluminescents. Their only two drawbacks are that they require “recharging” from time to time to accumulate energy, and it is also quite difficult to get their ingredients.

Recipe for violet-blue (long-lasting glow):

Recipe for orange-red (medium intensity):


Thinners for luminous paints:

Liquid glass (silicate glue) and turpentine can be used as thinners for all of the above luminous paints. You can dilute luminous paints with dammar varnish, which contains: dammar resin 52%, xylene 43% and castor oil 5%. The resin is poured with xylene and mixed thoroughly after dissolving the resin, castor oil is added. The resulting mixture is filtered through suede. The varnish has a straw-yellow color and evaporates easily, so it should be stored in a glass container with a ground stopper. If sediment appears in the dishes over time, the varnish must be filtered again. 2.5 parts of luminous paint are dissolved in 1 part of dammar varnish and the mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Each of us wants to make our home as beautiful and cozy as possible, because it reflects the soul of the owner. And if, for certain reasons, we cannot turn it into the embodiment of ultra-modern technical innovations and interior delights, then we try to do everything we can and know how to do with our own hands. And sometimes we manage to make original designer pieces with our own hands, which at first glance seem simply unearthly miracles. An example of such a man-made miracle is glowing stones.

Glow stones are primarily used to decorate the garden.

The recently fashionable luminous stones are not just a spectacular decoration, but also an unexpected opportunity to change the world around you beyond recognition, and to do it with your own hands. In addition to interior decoration, such stones are used in decorating the area near the house, in making designer original souvenir items, in decorating photo frames, and so on. These stones can be a wonderful decoration for an aquarium, flower pot or bookshelf.

A flower pot decorated with stones looks very beautiful at night.

Initially, they were invented as artificial stones, made of plastic, and had different sizes, mostly from one to two centimeters. During production, they are filled with luminous paint.
At home, plastic stone blanks are covered with acrylic paint with luminescent effect. This surface layer of paint is quite wear-resistant, cannot be washed off or faded, and has a matte or glossy surface. During the day, stones accumulate sunlight and begin to emit it when night falls. Stones that glow in the dark, are used during construction and decoration of premises, in the production of souvenirs and promotional products, for decorating halls in entertainment establishments and as accessories for mobile phones.

Stones coated with fluorescent paint decorate flower beds.

Such stones look original in glass vessels filled with them. The product can be used not only as an exclusive souvenir, but also as an economical night lamp. Industrial production stones with an internal glow effect offer them to revitalize residential areas. Such ordinary magic can transform a traditional garden, plot or park into a real fairy tale. In addition, stones can serve as night lighting for a site, garden, park and other objects. So glowing stones for landscape design became not just decoration, but also a practical detail in the interior. This decorative element is used in the manufacture of original finishing tiles that look very stylish and fashionable.

Glow stones for landscaping come in a variety of sizes, from small to huge boulders.
Not only gardens and aquariums are decorated with luminous stones, they are also used in decorations.

Luminous stones are often used when decorating interiors in paintings for decoration. They are successful both in the design of the internal facade of the house and in the finishing of the external foundation of the house and cottage. Also, the stones simply look fabulous in an aquarium, adding mystery and intrigue to the magical underwater world. The design of stones depends on their use. So they are laid in an intricate pattern along the front garden or path, scattered artistically along the bottom of the aquarium, secured in a frame or attached to a string in jewelry or key chains.

This is what the stones look like day and night.

Glowing stones are used to fill containers, for example, decorative transparent vessels. Production of glowing stones is activated due to their demand, as well as unpretentiousness in operation and storage. So their shelf life is unlimited, and the maximum temperature that the stones can withstand reaches forty degrees. Typically, luminous stones are shaped like sea pebbles with a matte or shagreen surface, which allows them to imitate natural stones even more believably. Their color under normal lighting is white and white-green, and the glow of the stones can be green, blue and dark blue. The release of the accumulated light usually lasts about seven hours. A standard package contains from one and a half to thirty kilograms of stones, and one kilogram contains about five hundred glowing stones with a diameter of 2 centimeters. It is characteristic that this baby can withstand loads of up to one ton. The size of the glowing stone varies: from huge boulders to pebbles to glowing “stone” chips.

If you paint the stones in different colors, you can achieve a similar effect.

And for those who are looking for a way good earnings, luminous decorative stones can become a very profitable option for business. The production of stones from self-luminous polymer plastic of the PL and PP brands today takes place with the addition of a luminosity catalyst. And since the design of the pebbles comes as close as possible to the shape of natural river stones, the difference between them can only be noticed upon very close examination or by weight. After all, artificial stones are 10 times lighter than similar natural stones. This is another advantage of the polymer, which simplifies its shipping and transportation. Well, the most important, magical and unique quality of artificial stones is that they really glow at night! Without light bulbs, without wires, without special painting and processing, without phosphorus, they emit a mysterious alluring light!

Glowing stones in landscape design.

Glowing stones video