Certification card for the school cook's workplace. Working conditions at a catering establishment. Targeted briefing with employees carrying out work under work permits, permits, etc. recorded in the work permit or in another document permitting

The organization of workplaces at the enterprise must be carried out competently and correctly so that employees can perform their duties efficiently with the least amount of time.

The workplace is that part of the production area where a person performs his functions using the tools he needs for this. The equipment and design of the space he needs depends on a person’s activities and his responsibilities.

Characteristics of the chef's workplace

The reputation of food establishments largely depends on the work of the chef. In cafes and restaurants, with high-quality prepared and beautifully presented dishes, the number of visitors will only increase. In order for a cook to perform his duties well, he must have an effectively equipped workplace.

Chef job evaluation

All work must be paid fairly. To do this, a job assessment is carried out, which determines the size wages employee. Evaluated:

  • The complexity of the functions performed.
  • Personal responsibility in the workplace.
  • Availability necessary knowledge and skills for work.

These three main criteria consist of many smaller items that are also assessed. It is important that the assessment of jobs does not have subjectivity, but occurs from an objective point of view.

Microclimate of the chef's working area

In order for a person to perform his duties efficiently, it is necessary to create decent working conditions for him. Microclimate is the main parameter that ensures a comfortable stay in the work area.

The organization of the chef's workplace should be carried out taking into account the principle of creating maximum comfort for the employee. If the cook experiences discomfort while performing his duties, then it is necessary to carry out a full range of technological, sanitary, and organizational measures to bring the microclimate of the room back to normal.


  • Adjust the ventilation system.
  • Insulate surfaces that emit thermal radiation.
  • Replace old equipment with modern ones.
  • Use collective protective equipment.

Using local exhaust

When cooking food, the air is saturated with its aromas, and if a lot of food is cooked, and often different foods, then a “mixed” smell is constantly present. At the same time, not only it appears in the air, but also oil particles, remaining water vapor, and soot. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide also mix with air.

These odors can be controlled by using a ventilation system for the space. It is quite difficult to assess the excess level of odors and gases, because a person who has been in such a room for some time has a dull sense of smell, which is why the assessment will be subjective.

To get rid of excess odors and improve the air, local hoods are installed in the kitchen. They will "intercept" the aromas above the stove and release them into the ventilation system. Hoods must be of high quality and powerful, then this will help cope with the problem of air purification in the kitchen.

High-quality equipment is the key to the establishment’s reputation

Organizing a chef's workplace implies the presence of the necessary attributes - tools. They are needed to cook food quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the tool must be of high quality, as well as easy to use and, ideally, perform several functions, that is, be multifunctional.

Food establishments must have professional equipment so that the cook can prepare food without any time delays. Such equipment will pay for itself by serving for many years without breaking down or requiring repairs.

The presence of multifunctional equipment will reduce the production stage to a minimum. However, the equipment present must be placed organically and not interfere with the cook's duties.

In the photo below the workplace is presented in this form.

Required work area

An optimally equipped chef's workplace includes a triangle, that is, three key positions: stove, sink and refrigerator. At the same time, everything should be placed conveniently and not too far from each other, so that the cook does not have to walk long distances when preparing food. However, it is not recommended to place it too close, since movements should not be constrained.

Chef work clothes

While at his workplace, the cook must be dressed in special changeable clothes, which are put on directly in production. This is done to prevent street dust, which is present on ordinary everyday clothing, from getting on food.

The sanitary clothing set consists of the following mandatory items:

  • Jacket.
  • Cap.
  • Apron.
  • Neck scarf.
  • Towel.
  • Pants or skirt.
  • Replaceable special shoes.

Organizing a chef's workplace includes providing high-quality work clothes. The chef's overalls follow modern trends. If previously a robe was a necessary attribute of the uniform, now trousers (or a skirt) and a jacket are used. This more “military” name characterizes the shirt’s features: stand-up collar, double-breasted fastener, reliefs with piping. The jacket may have various buttons that will add style; they may also have the establishment’s logo. The previously obligatory neckerchief, intended to wipe away sweat, is now present more as a complementary element of clothing design.

Since the cook is constantly exposed to steam and heat, the shoes the best option considered to be a clog made of genuine leather with an orthopedic insole. The use of such insoles will allow you to correctly distribute the load on your legs - they will get less tired.

Clothing must provide the necessary freedom of movement, while always being clean and ironed.

Rules for using work clothes

Storing and wearing spare clothes complies with the following rules:

  • Clothes should always be clean.
  • Pins cannot be used.
  • Changes of clothing should be stored separately from permanent ones.
  • Do not go outside in sanitary clothing.
  • Change when dirty.

At his workplace, the chef always looks neat, which only adds positive feedback to the establishment’s reputation.


Proper organization of the chef's workplace is the key to the success of the establishment. Because, being in comfortable conditions, the cook will be able to perform his duties efficiently and with pleasure. At the same time, his appearance must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards for work in production.

Stylish design, high-quality tools, equipment and their organic arrangement in the work area will make the cook’s work comfortable and productive.

Everyone knows that for normal work that does not cause any harm to health, optimal working conditions are required: suitable equipment of workplaces with the necessary equipment and supplies, compliance with sanitary standards, ensuring an optimal microclimate in the room, etc. The latter is very rarely possible when working in Food Industry and establishments Catering: Even if it is equipped with the necessary hoods and ventilation systems, ensuring comfort for employees working in the kitchen can be problematic.

It is for the above reason that some additional payments to the salary “for harmfulness” are provided for cooks, because such a profession is considered to be of class III hazard in accordance with the classifier.

According to the law, hazardous working conditions include: the following factors depending on the degree:

  • Degree one: work can cause functional changes in the body, but the person has time to recover with long rest;
  • Degree two: work can cause persistent changes that appear after 15 years of work;
  • Degree three: due to persistent functional changes, the employee may develop persistent occupational diseases, leading even to temporary loss of ability to work;
  • Stage four: occupational diseases manifest themselves in severe forms, the growth of chronic diseases increases, and the employee may completely lose his ability to work.

All factors that in one way or another affect the well-being of employees must be recognized as harmful, but this is only possible after workplace certification. During this process, the necessary examinations are carried out, and the commission issues a conclusion, according to which the workplace is assigned a hazardous classification.

Certification is not required only in one case: when a citizen is a self-employed person, or engages workers for remote work (at home). In all other cases, even if there is only one unit on staff and a small office has been rented, certification must be carried out without fail.

What working conditions are considered hazardous by law?

In addition to the above classification, which links persistent changes in the body of workers with their immediate professional activity, it is worth highlighting physical, chemical, biological and labor factors, according to which working conditions in the workplace can be considered harmful based on the results of certification.

These factors include:

  • Physical: exposure to electromagnetic fields, healing, impulses, air humidity and temperature, air speed, solar and thermal radiation, vibration, pollution, aerosols; laser and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Labor: duration (length of working time), tension, severity, etc.;
  • Chemical: application chemical substances or mixtures obtained by chemical synthesis;
  • Biological: exposure to biological mixtures and substances (bacteria, microorganisms, cells, etc.).

By law, every person must be familiarized with working conditions before employment, and if he agrees to work in a hazardous environment, he is entitled to appropriate additional payments. As for working as a cook, the following negative conditions are most relevant:

  • Excessive physical activity (this includes being “on your feet” for a long time);
  • Prolonged exposure to various vibrations (for example, those emitted by equipment);
  • High noise level;
  • Too high or vice versa – low air temperature, or its constant fluctuations;
  • Great labor intensity (physical, mental, nervous, etc.).

Thus, if there are one or more factors that have a negative impact on the health of workers, based on the results of the commission, the workplace of each of them should be assigned the corresponding hazard category.

Benefits for hazardous working conditions: are they entitled to cooks?

The concepts of “benefits” and “additional payments” should not be confused, because in the first case it means the provision of additional days of vacation, a reduced work rate per week, early retirement, etc. Additional payments are measured only in monetary terms and are made once a month to all employees whose working conditions were considered harmful.

Due to the fact that cooks’ workplaces most often experience high humidity and high temperatures, their workplaces are usually assigned hazard class III. In addition, this category of workers has an increased load on their legs, because they have to spend most of their time standing, which must be taken into account during certification.

What types of bonuses and benefits are given to chefs for harmfulness:

  • Additional paid leave (minimum 7 days). Together with the main one (28 calendar days), the duration of rest can be from 35 days. If there are no length of service requirements for granting such leave, then its duration is calculated based on the time already worked;
  • Free receipt of personal protective equipment and products required by law;
  • Additional compensation “for harmfulness” in the amount of at least 4% of tariff rate or salary (parts 1 and 2 of Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Shortened duration working week. In contrast to the generally established norm of 40 hours, other indicators apply for cooks - 36 hours.

It is worth noting that employers can independently establish the amount of additional payments for work in harmful or difficult conditions, but their amount cannot be less than that established in Art. 147 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

There is a misconception that chefs are entitled to early retirement, but this is not true at all. Such a specialty is not in the lists attached to the Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991 No. 10 “On approval of lists of production, work...”. Consequently, female chefs retire at 55, and male chefs at 60.

How are the working conditions of cooks assessed?

The key point that determines the harmfulness of the working conditions of cooks is not only the severity of their work, but also the need to comply with sanitary standards. Often, organizational leaders neglect such requirements or they cannot be met for compelling reasons. For example, no kitchen can be completely free of noise or emissions from equipment, but if they exceed established standards, the working conditions are considered harmful based on certification results.

A workplace assessment can determine the presence and extent of exposure harmful factors in the workplace, as well as establish the level of personal responsibility for the conditions for each employee.

What indicators do members of the certification commission usually look at during the assessment:

  • Noise level;
  • Microclimate;
  • Providing workers with personal protective equipment;
  • Thermal radiation strength;
  • Level of electromagnetic fields;
  • Air temperature in work areas;
  • The presence of inventory or equipment that can injure employees, but is necessary for them to perform their job duties.

If certifying commission revealed the presence of harmful factors in the workplace; they can be eliminated. If elimination is not possible, the employer is obliged to provide all employees with the necessary compensation and benefits.

According to the law, such certification is carried out once every 5 years by an organization that has a license for this. For employees in the food industry, it is important not only because it can help them achieve additional compensation and benefits. Yes, acc. In accordance with the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n, cooks must undergo a mandatory medical examination by an otolaryngologist, therapist, radiologist, dermatovenerologist, dentist and infectious disease specialist once a year. If, based on the results of the certification, the need for a more frequent medical examination is established (once every 6 months), these requirements must be met.

Certification of workplaces can be either planned or unscheduled. The latter is most often organized when the initiator is a group of workers who consider the working conditions at their workplaces to be harmful and want to achieve the appropriate compensation.

There are many dangerous professions in the world. According to the magazine "Forbes" for 2010, in the USA, the most dangerous of them are considered to be fishermen, lumberjacks, and pilots. In Russia, the list of the most hazardous work, as before, are led by heavy types of production: construction, woodworking industry, mechanical engineering, mining, transport. The danger arises due to the specific nature of the work. Although the same risk injuries, occupational diseases, can also occur in lighter types of activities if safety measures are not followed, insufficient control. So, for example, due to the lack of proper order in organizing the work process, an explosion occurred in the kitchen area of ​​one of the stores in the Saratov region in 2010 as a result of violation of the rules for the operation of gas cylinders. The accountant who was in the room at the time died on the spot. The cook received numerous burns. Based on the results of the investigation, the following reasons were identified: non-compliance with labor safety standards and shortcomings in personnel training. Accidents and injury hazards are quite common in the cooking industry. When preparing food, they use technological equipment, the improper operation of which leads to accidents. For example, an accident occurred with a cook at a school canteen in the city of Barnaul when he tried to pull the auger out of an electric meat grinder by hand. The mechanism involuntarily started working and cut his fingers. The inspection showed that safety measures were not observed at the workplace, and there was no proper instruction for work.

When organizing catering units, it is important not only to correctly place equipment and supplies, but also to rationally create workplaces in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, safety rules and equipment of collective protective equipment. Determining the compliance of all workplace parameters with state requirements can be monitored using the process (AWS, - ed.). In order to foresee accidents in advance, it is necessary to periodically inspect not only the main parts of the organization, but also each individual workplace, which is what certification is. The employer is obliged to carry it out with subsequent ( Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

During work, the cook may be exposed to such negative factors as: increased temperature of equipment surfaces, decreased temperature of surfaces refrigeration equipment, increased humidity, air mobility in the work area, insufficient illumination of the work area, increased tension in the electrical circuit, physical activity. Their influence, within limits exceeding permissible norms, constitutes a significant obstacle to the implementation of functional responsibilities employee. Work environment factors are measured in accordance with Guide R 2.2.2006-05. Chemical, biological and physical factors are subject to analysis at the chef's workplace. allow you to establish the class of working conditions of the workplace and develop, if required.

At Cook's workstation also assessed workplace injury hazard. The presence of injuries at his workplace is associated with the use of electrical equipment and sharp cutting objects. The most common injuries in the workplace are burns resulting from careless handling of hot water boilers, related cooking equipment and when working with hot fat, as well as cuts from sharp piercing objects. Before starting work, the cook must check the readiness of the workplace and warn senior management in the event of a threat or emergency. To prevent such situations, he must undergo periodic safety training. The employer, in turn, must take care of labor safety issues. Injury risk assessment will be carried out by studying instructions on labor protection, electrical safety and fire safety.

The last parameter that is subject to assessment during certification is the security of the food shop worker collective defense means(PPE, – ed.). The analysis is carried out after assessing hygienic working conditions and the risk of injury. PPE is issued when working with hazardous and hazardous conditions labor, in special temperature conditions and in case of air pollution in the working environment ( Art. 221 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to requirements GOST R 50935-2007 catering establishment personnel must be dressed in appropriate sanitary clothing and footwear established by the establishment.

Some employers have to employ several cooks in hot and cold shops. When certifying so a large number of cooks may fall under the principle of analogy, which will significantly save on its implementation. It consists in identifying completely identical characteristics of workplaces (performing technological operations, identical job titles, location in the same workshop). At least 20% of such jobs are subject to assessment. But if the check reveals that the signs are different, then all 100% of the places will be checked. You can find out more about ways to save money during certification in the material: “ ».

Chefs are found mostly in the system of school, preschool nutrition, restaurant, hotel business etc. The organization of workplaces at each of these facilities is formed based on sanitary and epidemiological requirements. On January 1, 2013, minor changes occurred in the Moscow preschool nutrition system, which was transferred to the so-called school feeding centers. The transition to a comprehensive service implies the organization of meals in kindergartens by food factories that won tenders. Responsibility for organizing staff work and catering rests with these companies. Requirements for the organization baby food, to the organization of the catering unit, to employees, hygienic requirements for products, etc. remain the same and are defined sanitary and epidemiological standards (SanPiN, SanPiN, SanPiN

According to the Deputy Director for general issues State Unitary Enterprise "United School Nutrition Plant" NEAD E. M. Borodyanskaya, new system organizing preschool meals according to the type of school will significantly increase the level of qualifications of cooks:

Quote:‘The work of a cook is not easy and requires physical exertion throughout the entire work shift. Even with automation of many technological processes in work, it is not possible to completely eliminate the severity of the labor process. The transition to a comprehensive catering service will not only improve the professionalism of cooks, but will also significantly simplify the work of kindergartens themselves. Organizations that provide these services are engaged in the supply of food products, serving all necessary equipment, including its repair and renovation, are responsible for the organization of labor and child nutrition’

Convenience for kindergarten managers lies in the fact that responsibility for cooks is now assigned to school food factories, as well as for the organization of their workplaces. Most of the catering units of kindergartens in Russia still operate according to the traditional scheme. As the Deputy Director notes Samara kindergarten"Filippok" O.V. Shpagina, organizing this type of food is quite complicated, but the use of services in the regions will be welcomed, as long as the quality of the food and its preparation are at the proper level, because we're talking about about children.

Based on the severity and intensity of work, cooks are most often classified as workers engaged in hazardous working conditions, based on the influence of existing factors in the workplace. If, based on the results, the workplace is recognized as hazardous, the employer must take a set of measures to protect the employee from the influence of these factors. If it is impossible to create these conditions, employees are assigned compensation, the amounts and types of which are established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 No. 870.

Based on the certification results, the frequency is also established. medical examinations workers. For cooks, as of April 12, 2012, medical examinations must be carried out without fail once a year. They must undergo examination by the following medical specialists: therapist, radiologist, dermatovenerologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, infectious disease specialist. Doctors identify various occupational diseases and changes in the body, on the basis of which it is determined whether the employee can be allowed to continue performing duties.

Will only conduct legal entities, accredited to conduct it, in the manner established by Russian legislation on the accreditation of organizations. Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated January 24, 2011 under number 86 “On a unified national accreditation system” were created in the Russian Federation unified systems accreditations that are administered by Federal services on accreditation.

There are great amount dangerous professions in various enterprises. In Russia, the list of dangerous jobs includes heavy production: construction, woodworking, mechanical engineering, mining, transport. Danger may arise due to the specific nature of the work. Although the risks of injury and occupational diseases can arise in lighter activities, in case of non-compliance with safety measures or insufficient control of the activity. In the chef business, accidents and health hazards are quite common. Chefs use technological equipment to prepare dishes; if used incorrectly, accidents can occur.

A special assessment of the working conditions of the cook is carried out to identify harmful and dangerous production factors. If these factors have not been identified, then the working conditions of the workplace are considered acceptable. Employers will be required to file with government labor inspections declarations of compliance of these workplaces with labor protection requirements. The declaration of conformity is calculated for five years. If during its validity there are no accidents at the declared workplaces, then it will be considered extended for another five years.

When carried out by a commission special assessment Cook's working conditions in catering units will take into account not only the correct location of equipment and inventory, but also rationally organized workplaces in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, safety requirements and equipment of collective protective equipment. Determination of compliance of each workplace parameter with state requirements will be monitored through a special assessment of the working conditions of the cook. In order to foresee an accident in advance, it is necessary to carry out periodic inspections not only of the main unit of the enterprise, but also of all workplaces separately. Employers are required to conduct a special assessment of the working conditions of the cook with subsequent certification of workplaces.

Certification of workplaces at enterprises is carried out by the accredited company Center of Quality LLC. All questions regarding the special assessment of working conditions in Kazan will be answered by qualified specialists. You will get the desired result with high quality and in a short time.

According to the Labor Code of Russia, the place of work of any employee must not only be properly equipped and organized, but also safe. In the presence of irreparable harmful production factors the employee must be provided with additional payments and compensation. This applies to all work with increased danger.

In this article we will look at what benefits and guarantees are provided for harmful working conditions for cooks, how and exactly how they are presented:

  • what working conditions can be considered harmful;
  • whether the cook is entitled to benefits for hazardous working conditions;
  • assessment of working conditions for cooks.

What working conditions can be considered harmful?

Every person has the right to safe conditions labor. However, some types of work cannot be classified as safe.

In cases where exposure to hazardous substances or negative factors in the workplace is higher permissible norm, working conditions are considered harmful - and in such cases, employees have the right to apply for a certain type of compensation.

By group, such conditions can be classified as biological, chemical or physiological:

  • prolonged exposure to vibration;
  • high level noise;
  • increased or decreased temperature;
  • high labor intensity and so on.

Are chefs entitled to benefits for hazardous working conditions?

The profession of a cook belongs to the third class of hazards. This class was assigned due to uncomfortable microclimate parameters: often high humidity and temperature in the work area. In addition, the cook almost constantly works standing or is in motion, which leads to increased stress on the legs.

According to Article 117 in Section XLIII “ General professions all industries National economy» List of workshops, industries, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and shortened working hours, work as a cook gives the right to receive additional days of vacation, increased wages and a reduced working day - no more than 36 hours.

In order to identify dangerous and harmful working conditions at a certain workplace and establish benefits provided by law for persons working in such places, the employer is obliged to carry out certification of workplaces for working conditions.

Moreover, if the certification revealed the presence of dangerous or harmful factors in the workplace, then based on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 135-O, compensation should be established regardless of whether this type works to the list of hazardous professions or not.

Assessment of working conditions for cooks

The specificity of a cook's work, in addition to difficult working conditions, also involves increased sanitary and hygienic requirements. For this, a workplace assessment is necessary, which will determine the complexity of the functions performed, the presence of harmful and dangerous factors, and the level of personal responsibility.

A special assessment of working conditions in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2010 should be carried out exclusively by those organizations that have received the appropriate accreditation.

When conducting a special assessment of the working conditions of the cook, not only the correct location of inventory and equipment must be taken into account, but also the rationality of the organization of the workplace, compliance with safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards and the provision of protective equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to the following indicators:

  • microclimate;
  • noise level;
  • thermal radiation;
  • working area air;
  • level of electromagnetic fields.

Certification of a chef's workplace must also take into account the presence of inventory, equipment and tools in the work area that can lead to injuries.

If, based on the results of the certification, the cook’s workplace is recognized as hazardous, the employer is obliged to take measures to eliminate the identified harmful factors and create safe working conditions. If it is impossible to create such conditions, the employee must be provided with compensation, additional payments and guarantees provided for by current legislative acts.

Attached files

  • Job description cooks (form).doc
  • Form No. 1-T (working conditions). Information on the state of working conditions and compensation for work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.xls
  • Job description of a cook taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Cook” (form).doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Job description of a cook (sample).doc
  • Job description of a cook taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Cook” (sample).doc