Market seller card. About the card of a seller trading in retail and wholesale markets of the Astrakhan region "Market Seller Card" in books

An employee’s personal card in the T-2 form is unified form primary recording of information about current and dismissed personnel of the enterprise. It is a document consisting of eleven sections, of which the first, second, third and ninth (if the person has the appropriate rights) are filled out when applying for a job. The remaining sections are filled in during the process labor activity employee by hand or printed on the basis of documents provided during employment and generated during the employee’s work. A sample of filling out the T-2 card, pages 1, 2, 3, 4, can be found below.

Why do you need a personal employee card form T-2?

The law provides for two cases when a personal card is required:

  • to view the records in work book;
  • to register those liable for military service.

On 10/19/2019, Government Decree No. 1302 dated 10/09/2019 came into force, which abolishes the use of a personal card in form No. T-2 for military registration purposes. The amendments stipulate that in return the Ministry of Defense will approve a list of accounting documents. There are no changes yet, and employers have the right to use personal cards, as provided for, approved. 07/11/2017. To avoid breaking the law, follow the news.

Nowadays, when most processes are automated and executed in in electronic format, this document, it seems to us, is not needed and is a rudiment personnel records management, diverting resources to fill and store it. And it must be stored continuously while the person is working, and for another plus 75 years after his dismissal.

At a minimum, the employee signs the card three times:

  • for the accuracy of information when applying for a job;
  • when reading the employment entry in the work book;
  • upon dismissal.

Subsequently, if an employee is transferred to other positions and appropriate changes are made to his work book, the person each time signs on the card next to a duplicate entry about this information. Let's look at a sample of filling out an employee's personal card (form T-2) for 2020.

Employee personal card - form T-2: sample filling

Point 1. Fill out the header

A sample of filling out a T-2 card begins with the so-called header or basic details of the organization.

We enter the name of the organization and the eight-digit OKPO code.

We enter the information into a table in which we indicate the date of completion, Personnel Number employee, his Taxpayer Identification Number (if available) and SNILS, type and nature of work (as in the employment contract), gender.

In the “Alphabet” cell the first letter of the employee’s last name is placed.

In the “Nature of work” cell, either permanent or temporary (if a fixed-term employment contract) is written.

Clause 2. General information

Enter the details employment contract.

We record the employee’s last name, first name, patronymic and other personal data, including OKATO and OKIN codes. A sample of filling out, or how to fill out a personal T-2 employee card for this section - see the picture.

The OKATO code is a classifier on an administrative and territorial basis; Moscow has its own codes, St. Petersburg has its own, Chelyabinsk has its own. You can find the code on the Internet.

The OKIN code is a classifier of information about the population. It includes 293 sections, each of which contains the corresponding code.

An employee’s personal card may contain the degree of knowledge of a foreign language:

  • reads and translates with a dictionary;
  • reads and can explain himself;
  • is fluent.

If a person has two higher education or the employee additionally received postgraduate professional education, the T-2 card has additional columns.

In paragraph 7 we indicate the profession that the employee received as a result of training in educational institution. If there are two or more professions, indicate the one for which the employee was hired.

We enter the work experience as of the date of filling out the personal card, i.e. at the time of admission. We take information from the work book.

Total length of service is the period of working activity that gives the right to an old-age pension.

Continuous length of service is a period of working activity that is taken into account when calculating benefits, including temporary disability.

The length of service that gives the right to a long service bonus is the time spent working in certain organizations and institutions and in certain positions, for example:

  • in the apparatus of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation;
  • in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • in the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court, etc. (for the full list, see Section II of the Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 27, 2007 No. 808).

The T-2 card does not contain a section on insurance experience, so our example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card contains only the general length of service, information about which is in the employee’s work book. An example of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card in the seniority section:

As the employee works in the organization, the employee’s length of service increases, therefore, in order not to cross out or use various proofreaders, initially write down information about the length of service in pencil, then, when the employee leaves, write it in with a pen.

In paragraph 9, we indicate his marital status and marital status: married or single (if single, it is better to indicate in pencil; if married, write in pen; if married, write in pen; if divorced, indicate the document on the basis of which the marriage was dissolved).

We indicate the OKIN code for the state of marriage:

  • never been married;
  • the marriage is registered;
  • the marriage is not registered;
  • widower or widow;
  • officially divorced;
  • separated (when unofficially).

The family consists of husbands, wives and children.

In principle, you can indicate parents and brothers and sisters, but this is at your discretion (spouses, by the way, are not close relatives, this relationship is inherent, not blood).

The date of registration at the place of residence is looked at in the stamp in the passport.

A telephone number is necessary for communication: for example, an employee did not show up for work, you can call and find out what’s wrong with him. It is advisable to get a second telephone number from the employee for communication.

Clause 3. Information about military registration

Perhaps the most difficult section in this document is filled out based on:

  • certificates of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (conscripts);
  • or military ID (in reserve).

For those in the reserves, an example of filling out information about military registration in a personal card is based on the following principle.

The first point for reserve officers is not filled out.

For military rank, see paragraph 5 of the reserve officer's military ID.

The third item is filled in without abbreviation, for example, composition (profile) - command or soldiers.

In the fourth paragraph about the code designation VUS (military specialty), the full digital designation is entered, as written on the military ID, for example 021102 or 113195A.

  • A (fit for military service);
  • G (temporarily unfit for military service).

If there is no entry on the military ID about the fitness category, we set it to category A.

We copy the name of the military commissariat from the military ID.

The seventh paragraph must be completed if:

  • there is a mobilization order (pasted on the last page of the cover) or a stamp about the issuance and withdrawal of a mobilization order;
  • the employee is reserved for the organization for the period of mobilization and during wartime.

The eighth paragraph is filled out on the basis of a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office about deregistration.

This is what a sample of filling out a T-2 employee’s personal card for military registration for conscripts looks like:

The first, third, fourth and seventh points are not filled in.

In the second paragraph it is necessary to write that the employee is subject to conscription.

The fifth paragraph contains information from the registration:

  • A (fit for military service);
  • B (fit for military service with minor restrictions);
  • B (limitedly fit for military service);
  • G (temporarily unfit for military service);
  • D (not fit for military service).

In all other respects, the filling proceeds as for workers in reserve.

After completing this section, the HR employee and new employee signed: the first - for entering information into the employee’s personal card, the second - for the accuracy of the information provided.

Clause 4. Hiring and transfers

This section is filled out on the basis of the employment contract and the employment order.

All wording and numbers must be taken from the employment documents.

The employee must sign in the sixth column.

In general, an employee needs to sign every time he is transferred to another job, moved to another position, etc., that is, always when a new entry is made in his work book.

Let's assume that our employee will soon be promoted. In this case, a sample of how to fill out an employee’s personal card, and its third section looks like this.

The registration period is one week.

Information about temporary transfers and no changes to salaries are made.

Clause 5. Certification

If certification was carried out, the decision is recorded here certification commission and details of the order in which the decision of the certification commission is approved by the decision of the employer.

Our employee just got a job, so this field remains blank for him for now.

Item 6. Professional development, training and awards

These sections are filled out similarly to the “Certification” section: if an employer sends someone somewhere (to improve their qualifications, for retraining) or declares gratitude, all this must be entered into the appropriate sections of the T-2 card.

If the employer does not organize anything and does not send anyone anywhere, the sections remain blank.

If an employee himself, so to speak, takes the initiative to learn something new and brings a certificate or diploma, information about the training completed must be entered.

Clause 7. Vacations

Information about all vacations is entered here:

  • annual;
  • educational;
  • without saving wages;
  • additional paid, etc.

It looks like this:

Information about replacing part of the vacation with monetary compensation is also entered here.

If an employee has been working at the company for a long time and goes on vacation periodically, sooner or later the columns in this section will end. In this case, it is necessary to make an additional sheet in which the partition table is duplicated. The sheet must be pasted into the T-2 card.

In practice, there are situations when the date the employee returns from vacation does not coincide with the date specified in the order (due to illness or recall from vacation). In this case, you need to carefully cross out the incorrect entry (but do it in such a way that the old entry is readable!) and enter a new, correct one. In the margins of T-2, you must write “Believe the corrected”, indicate the details of the document in connection with which the deadlines were shifted, the signature, transcript and position of the HR specialist who recorded the changes.

Clause 8. Social benefits and additional information

These sections are filled out on the basis of documents confirming the rights of employees to the relevant benefits, with reference to regulations by which these benefits are established.

Don’t be afraid: if a person is on benefits, he will bring it himself Required documents, in which everything is written, and if it does not belong to this category, then there is no need to fill out these sections.

Clause 9. Dismissal of an employee

This includes information from the order to terminate the employment contract in the same wording as specified in the dismissal order.

And in conclusion personnel specialist and a former employee sign T-2. Here is an example of filling out a T-2 card upon dismissal.

Storage of T-2 cards

Personal cards are stored in special nomenclature folders, separate from personal files and employment orders (although it would be more logical to store them together).

Cards must be stored in such a way that no one else can get them and read them (ensuring the security of personal data of employees).

T-2 of current and retired personnel are stored separately from each other.

There are no other requirements for storing cards.

"...11) seller card - a document containing basic information about the seller, which is a means of control over the activities carried out by him and issued to him by the market management company in accordance with the requirements established by this Federal Law;..."


Federal Law of December 30, 2006 N 271-FZ (as amended on December 6, 2011) “On retail markets and amendments to Labor Code Russian Federation"

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  • Economic dictionary

  • - an interconnected set of activities of the development company software product aimed at achieving success in the market...
  • - a market situation when demand exceeds supply...

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  • - the lowest price at which the seller is willing to make a transaction...
  • - A market situation characterized by an excess of demand over supply, which allows sellers to increase prices. However, at a certain point, buyers stop shopping for excessive high prices, And...

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  • - The price at which a security is offered for sale by a market maker, as well as the price at which an institution sells shares in a mutual trust. compare: buyer's price...

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  • - option regarding the quantity of goods supplied, lot sizes, delivery times, ports of shipment. See. See also: Sales and purchase agreements  ...

    Financial Dictionary

  • - a market situation in which the amount of demand for a product from buyers exceeds the amount of supply from sellers. In English: Bid marketSm. See also: Bear markets  ...

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  • - The price at which a security is offered for sale by a market maker, as well as the price at which an institution sells units in a unit trust. compare: buyer's offer...

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  • - the lowest price at which the seller agrees to make transactions...

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  • - see SELL OPTION...

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  • - an option in which the seller is given the right to sell a specific futures contract at a specified price with a reverse premium...

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  • - an option in which the seller is given the right to sell a specific futures contract at a specified price with a reverse premium...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - market position when demand exceeds supply...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - a price favorable to the seller, at which the seller wishes, is ready, agrees, offers to sell his goods, based on the costs of production and circulation of goods, the desire to make a profit from the sale of goods,...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

"Market Seller's Card" in books

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About the card of a seller trading in retail and wholesale markets of the Astrakhan region


Resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated July 30, 2007 N15-p NGR:RU30000200700558)

(Changes and additions:

Resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated November 8, 2006 N 387-P “On measures to streamline trade in the markets of the Astrakhan Region”, in order to improve control over the legality of trading activities in the retail and wholesale markets of the region and to conduct an experiment on maintaining a system of accounting for each person trading in the markets using personal seller cards


1. Approve its form (attached).

2. Department of Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region (Kucheruk L.F.):

Ensure coordination of work on maintaining a system of accounting for those trading in retail and wholesale markets through a seller card.

Conduct, from December 20, 2006, an experiment on maintaining a system of accounting for each person trading in the market using personal seller cards on the basis of the markets of LLC PKF "Astrbytservis", "Tatar-Bazar".

3. Lost force - Resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p (NGR:RU30000200700118).

4. Department of Regulatory Support and organizational work Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region (Orlova M.F.) forward this resolution for official publication.

5. The resolution comes into force from the date of its signing.

Deputy Prime Minister

Astrakhan Region - Minister

economic development of the region

V.R. Shcherbakov

Regulations on the card of a seller trading in retail and wholesale markets of the Astrakhan region




economic development

Astrakhan region

dated 12/18/2006 N 08p

Regulations on the card of a seller trading in retail and wholesale markets of the Astrakhan region

1. This provision was developed in pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated November 8, 2006 N 387-P “On measures to streamline trade in markets in the Astrakhan Region”.

2. The regulations regulate the procedure for maintaining a system of accounting for tenants of retail spaces and sellers of goods in the wholesale and retail markets of the region.

3. Accounting for tenants of retail space and sellers of goods is carried out for the purposes of:

Streamlining the functioning of markets;

Ensuring the protection of consumer rights;

Improving control over the legality of trading activities in markets;

Increasing tax collection;

Ensuring compliance with the passport regime and streamlining migration registration.

4. Concepts used in this provision:

System for recording tenants of retail spaces and sellers of goods - a system for registering information about tenants and sellers based on submitted documents;

Seller card - a document containing basic information about the seller and tenant trading place, issued to the seller, which is a visual means of monitoring the legality of the trade carried out by him;

The tenant of the retail space is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, registered in established by law Russian Federation order, a peasant (farm) enterprise or an individual running a personal (subsidiary) farm, as well as members of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations who received a trading place under a lease agreement with the market administration;

Seller - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a peasant (farm) enterprise or an individual running a personal (subsidiary) farm, members of horticultural, gardening and dacha non-profit associations, as well as those attracted by them individuals Activities involved in the sale of goods, performance of work, and provision of services to consumers.

5. Accounting of sellers is carried out on the basis of equipping them with individual seller cards in accordance with the submitted documents.

6. To obtain a seller’s card, the tenant of the retail space submits to the market administration the originals and copies of the following documents:

Application for a merchant card;

Certificate of state registration legal entity or a certificate of state registration of an entrepreneur operating without forming a legal entity;

Certificate of registration with the tax authority, with the exception of individuals selling agricultural products grown in personal subsidiary farms;

(Paragraph as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

Permission to attract foreign work force on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Permission to carry out labor activities by a foreign citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Lease agreement indicating the number of the trading place, concluded with the market administration (when providing a trading place for a period of more than 1 month);

Talon ( cash receipt, receipt strict reporting) to the place of trade indicating its number;

Seller's medical record;

For a seller authorized by the tenant of a retail space to sell goods on his behalf - a document (employment contract or other civil law agreement);

Information about the owner of the goods.

Tenants of a retail space - individuals selling agricultural products grown on private farms, represent:

(Paragraph as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

Identity document (passport) of the seller;

(Paragraph as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

A document confirming the right of ownership (use of land);

(Paragraph as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

A rental agreement for a retail space concluded with the market administration (if a retail space is provided for a period of more than 1 month);

(Paragraph as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

Coupon (cash receipt, strict reporting receipt) to the place of trade.

(Paragraph as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

After completing an application for a seller card, the original documents are returned to the tenant of the retail space.

7. A seller card is issued to each seller and is valid at all retail locations of the tenant indicated on it in one market.

8. The merchant card is returned in the following cases:

a) removal by the tenant of the retail space of the seller from work;

b) early termination agreement with the tenant of the retail space.

9. The seller card is printed on a special secure form with a bar code applied during the printing process and is issued to sellers free of charge.

(Clause 9 as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

10. Lost force - Resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated March 6, 2007 N 04-p (NGR:RU30000200700118).

11. The seller card is issued by the market administration no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of submission of the required set of documents. The seller, in case of untimely execution of the seller card, has the right to trade without a card, subject to the submission of an application and the necessary package of documents.

(Clause 11 as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated 03/06/2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

12. The information contained in the seller’s card is entered into the register of sellers, which is formed and maintained by the market administration. The register of sellers includes information submitted by the applicant when concluding a lease agreement for a retail space or without it and provided for in paragraph 6 of these Regulations.


by resolution of the Ministry

economic development

Astrakhan region

dated 12/18/2006 N 08p

Card of a seller trading in retail and wholesale markets of the Astrakhan region

(as amended by the resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region dated March 6, 2007 N 04-p NGR:RU30000200700118)

1. Name and type of market ________________________________________

2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the seller _________________________________


3. Identity document ______________________________

series _______, number _______________________ date of issue____________

issued by ____________________________________________________________

4. Citizenship ________________________________________________

5. Details of an employment contract or civil contract with a person engaged as a seller, confirming his right to carry out trading activities_____________________________________________

contract time _____________________________________________

6. Location of the trading place in accordance with the layout of trading places on the market _______________________________________

7. Information about the person to whom the trading space is provided under the contract for the provision of trading space _________________________________________


__________________ __________________________

(signature) (full name of market manager)