Babadoo Company. Products for young mothers

Online store— one of the largest children's online hypermarkets in Russia. A selection of 30,000 products, promotions, sales, bonuses for every purchase are available to you around the clock, seven days a week. More than 27,000 orders are sent to different parts of Russia as well as to Belarus and Kazakhstan every month.

The company's logistics service is distinguished by convenient delivery of goods, thanks to the presence of about 300 delivery points. The online store is also managed by Express delivery in more than 5,000 settlements in Russia alone.

What does the home page of the site look like?

The design and design of the store is constantly being improved from year to year, making it convenient for visitors to use all the functions. The simple modern interface of the site is quite easy and understandable to use. Even a non-technological user can easily understand the navigation of an online store.

The main page of the site has all the attributes of a modern selling site. In the center below the menu catalog, the site is decorated with dynamic banners that direct visitors to the most interesting offers, including promotions, sales, new season items, competitions and sweepstakes from the company.

Promotions, bonus offers and sales make up the majority of a company's marketing programs. Every day the store invites you to participate in numerous and varied promotions, attracting customers with the help of simply and beautifully designed links in the form of banners.

How to select and buy a product?

One of the most simple ways Find the product you need using the search bar. Try entering the first few letters of the product name, and in the drop-down list, select the options that best suit your request.

In addition, products can be searched using the menu catalog on the horizontal panel. Hover your cursor over the name of one of the sections and a list of all categories and subcategories, including popular brands, will appear in a pop-up window.

All names in the list of categories are clickable. You can follow a link to a general section, a separate category, or a brand name by clicking on the link.

The product category is set up quite simply, despite the large assortment. Filter and sorting options are located at the top of the page, so you can choose a category subsection and topic.

Hover your cursor over one of the filters and select the desired option so that only those products that match your request remain on the page.

There is no preview of products on the site. Click on the name or image to go to view the description and characteristics of the product.

The product page is filled with sufficient information so that the buyer can make his choice: description, characteristics, reviews of the product, as well as at least one high quality photography goods - all this is present. It’s impossible not to notice the “Add to Cart” button.

Placing an order

To proceed to checkout, click on the “Cart” button, which is located at the top of the site.

Before placing an order, be sure to check the availability of the product and its cost. You can add or subtract the number of units using the “+” and “-” buttons, as well as remove items from the cart.

At the stages of placing an order you will have to leave information about yourself. Enter your real last name, first name, patronymic, current address Email and mobile phone number.

There are only three delivery methods, however, they are all proven and reliable.

If you have chosen the pick-up method from a pick-up point, select a metro station from the list and the address of the point where you can pick up your purchase.

It’s nice that the store offers many payment methods, including the most popular: payment by card, cash, electronic money, as well as payment using payment terminals.

To complete the process, you must select a method to confirm receipt of the order - it will be a call from the operator or an SMS to the specified phone number.

You can pay for goods directly on the online store website using the Cloud Payments system - it’s quite convenient, fast and reliable.

Conclusion about the store's work

The beautiful design of the children's goods store corresponds to the focus and concept of the company. The user will enjoy the fast, usable interface of the site. The ability to quickly and easily order goods, as well as the availability of many popular payment options, add advantages to the online store. Happy shopping!

Every mother is faced with the need to buy new clothes, books, toys, strollers and other things for her baby, but how to make a choice among so many stores that provide seemingly identical services and products? The online children's goods store Babadu answers this question by providing a high level of online service and excellent quality of goods.

Range and quality

About promotions and sales

In the “Our Features” category you can always find out in more detail about the features, promotions, discount system and virtual currency of the store yourself. By clicking on the banner in the middle of the main page, you can also find out about promotions, their conditions and gifts; in the sale section you can see the goods that can be purchased at the purchase price.

About gift certificates

The store has a gift certificate system. If you yourself cannot make a choice of a gift for a child, you can buy him a certificate, and he will be able to make a choice in the store; the certificate will be suitable as a gift for the baby’s parents.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

About delivery within Russia

The delivery system is also very convenient. Firstly, delivery works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Secondly, when ordering you can choose various ways delivery, including pickup.

Delivery works in almost all major cities of Russia. It can be carried out by courier, through pick-up points or by Russian Post. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov, Ryazan and Tyumen, courier delivery is free, as is pickup; in other cities, the delivery cost varies from 350 to 400 rubles. Delivery by Russian Post costs 400 rubles for all cities of Russia.

It is worth saying that the delivery quality of the Babadu store is at its best. high level. You will never wait longer for your ordered product.

About payment

The payment system in the store involves different forms of payment. You can pay for your order in cash, subject to delivery by courier or pick-up, with a bank receipt, through the PayU payment system, using your bank card, simply by entering its data in the payment form of the system.

You can pay with electronic money: YandexMoney, Qiwi, WebMoney.

When ordering more than 10 thousand rubles, you can take goods on credit.

The store also provides a system for returning and exchanging goods if the item does not suit the child. Therefore, you can be sure that you will not waste your money.

Babadu Academy

A special mention should be made of the service necessary for any young mother on the Babadu website - Babadu Academy. This section has online lessons, a library, educational video lessons, recipes for kids, as well as many tips for all occasions. This is very convenient because you can study necessary materials and lessons without looking away from viewing catalogs, which will greatly save your time.

In general, the Babadu store is an excellent representative of the modern type of online stores, where everything is done exclusively for the convenience of young mothers and their children, from the website interface to delivery and receipt of goods from the hands of the courier. The excellent quality of products and time-tested brands make it one of the best on the Internet and in the entire market.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful! is a very famous online store for children's goods. Here you can find everything you need for children of any age, from newborn babies to schoolchildren. A large assortment products for mothers will surprise you with its variety. is engaged in the sale of goods very famous brands, the names of which are pronounced every day by our modern mothers and children.

Every day in the online store the following applies to you:

  • sales
  • discounts up to 60% on various groups of products
  • seasonal discounts on clothing and accessories
  • promotions in which all product groups participate
  • possibility to buy on credit

Catalog of children's goods on

Babadu - a store specializing in goods for preschool and younger children school age. A colorful and positive online project will help you purchase for your baby not only toys and clothes, but also other goods inextricably linked with the upbringing and development of the child.

Products for pregnant women and mothers

Mothers of little ones are not left unattended by this store either. To help them, Babadu offers products that help minimize the likelihood of problems arising when raising and caring for a child.

If you are planning to throw a party for your child, then Babadu will help you with this too. Big choice goods for children's parties, at your service. You can also purchase gift certificates worth up to 5,000 rubles in the store.

In the catalog of children's goods of the online store you can find all the products that are necessary for your child. Strollers and baby food. Baby feeding items that are very popular in the store are:

  • blenders
  • steamers
  • children's dishes
  • nipples
  • high chairs
  • bibs
  • sterilizers.
  1. hygiene products
  2. toys for children of different ages
  3. cloth
  4. accessories

Toys and products for children's sports

Children's sports and leisure products are more often purchased in summer season. However, there are some sports toys that will entertain your kids at any time of the year. You can find a detailed catalog on the official website, and we will list only the most popular categories:

  • scooters
  • bicycles
  • swimming pools
  • gaming complexes

For your child's education and creativity, there is a special section where you can buy educational books, tools for modeling and drawing. Of course, you can’t ignore products for children's party. And don’t forget about comfortable furniture for the children’s room so that your baby grows up in comfort and coziness.

Products for pregnant women

The catalog of goods for mothers of the online store will delight you with a large selection of items that will greatly facilitate motherhood.

If you haven't become a mother yet, but are preparing to become one, you can buy yourself maternity clothes. It will make you feel comfortable anytime, anywhere. Prenatal bandages will help you avoid discomfort and reduce stress on your back. When going to the maternity hospital, do not forget to buy personal hygiene products at

During pregnancy, a woman's appearance changes. To maintain your feminine attractiveness, you need to keep yourself in good shape. The Babadu online store will help you do this. Here you can buy various cosmetics (remedies for stretch marks, body care, hair care). With this cosmetics you will always look good!

Products for young mothers

If you become a mother, in the online store you can buy the goods you need.

The catalog contains various electronic devices(baby monitors, video monitors, breathing monitors, scales, thermometers, humidifiers). To carry a child, there are backpacks, slings, hips (kangaroo bag).

A bag for mom is a very necessary accessory, because you can carry everything you and your baby need in it. Postpartum slimming bands will help you keep your figure slim.

To always remain beautiful, you need to use good cosmetics. Face, body, and hand care products will help keep your skin young and elastic. Stretch marks on the chest and hips will not bother you if you use stretch mark remedies.

For nursing mothers, the online store offers breast pumps, milk containers, breast pads, correctors, and comfortable pillows.

Delivery and payment of orders

You can pay for your order by bank card MasterCard or VISA. In addition, payment is accepted in cash to the courier or in cash at the point of issue.

The following delivery methods apply:

  • transport company
  • Russian Post
  • courier service
  • opportunity to pick up the goods yourself

Delivery in Moscow is carried out by courier (or at the point of delivery) free of charge when ordering over 2,500 rubles.

Delivery to St. Petersburg is carried out by courier (or at the point of delivery) free of charge for orders over 2900 rubles.

Delivery to other cities in Russia is carried out by courier free of charge when ordering for a certain amount. For more details, see the website of the online store

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