Company President Neva Energy Center. Positive and neutral opinions

The President-Neva Energy Center company is a research and production enterprise and one of the leading system integrators energy equipment on the territory of Russia with more than 18 years of history. The company produces the following equipment under the President-Neva trademark: more than 40 models of diesel power plants (DPP) of various designs with a capacity of 5-1000 kW; automation equipment for diesel power plants with microcontrollers own production, superior, according to experts, to foreign analogues; controls for switching local power inputs electrical networks; more than 20 models of containerized power modules based on diesel and gas piston power units with a power of up to 2500 kVA; “President-Neva” thermal energy utilizers for the Customer’s power plants; mini-thermal power plants based on President-Neva waste heat recovery units with a unit electric power of up to 2000 kW; boiler rooms in container design; uninterruptible power supply device UBP-PN with a power of 10-80 kVA with a high degree of reliability; systems automated control and dispatching of energy facilities; mobile (container) data centers; unit with UPS; distribution devices KSO PN; combined block-transportable power supply systems. The President-Neva Energy Center company has a modern production base in St. Petersburg and Barnaul, has service centers for all types of equipment. Six branches are actively operating: “National” in Moscow, “Altaisky” in Barnaul, “Privolzhsky” in Kazan, “Uralsky” in Yekaterinburg, “Nizhegorodsky” in Nizhny Novgorod, “Sochi” in Sochi, “Dalnevostochny” in Yakutsk. The company implements projects of any scale and complexity, integrating equipment from leading global and Russian manufacturers as the main parts of its systems, which guarantees the quality, reliability and modernity of solutions created in the field of energy. The accumulated scientific, production and personnel potential allows us to provide the Customer with wide range engineering services for the supply of diesel, gas piston, gas turbine power plants, containerized power plants, as well as mini-thermal power plants and boiler houses of all types.

Negative and negative opinions:

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Anonymous ( Former employee) 2017-03-28

Positive sides

Negative sides

I’ve never written reviews, but I wanted to write about the organization. I hope it will be useful and will save you from this “wonderful” employer.

1) Salaries are not paid. Even employees who work for 10 years are paid their salary once every six months, and then only after proving that they need it (insanity, but people write memos to the chief accountant, where they explain exactly why they need the salary).

2) Workers (both new and old) are leaving en masse, their work falls on the shoulders of those who remain.

3) I won’t write about the specifics of the work, each broom sweeps in its own way and, in principle, you can perform the director’s senile tasks, but for MONEY.

4) The lack of money from the organization affects the work of the entire plant. There is no money, everyone is sitting waiting for materials, the materials have arrived, everyone is working in emergency mode with processing, because... deadlines are running out. Deadlines are always running out, but there is never any money for implementation.

5) The salary promised upon hiring consists of a salary (50%) and a bonus (they do not provide any official documents confirming the terms of payment of the bonus), they do not give pay slips, so how much you earned and whether you were deprived of a bonus you will not know until you see money on the card, and this happens very rarely.

6) Do not believe what they say when applying for a job. That now the company is in a slight crisis, but very soon they will pay all their debts and then everything will be fine. And that reviews are written by offended employees who do not know how and do not want to work.

In my opinion, things will never be great there and the organization is heading towards bankruptcy. And not a single qualified and self-respecting specialist will work for no pay.

Ksenia (Former employee) 2016-10-16

Positive sides

Absolutely none!

Negative sides

Marina 2016-09-27

Positive sides

no ljcnjbycnd

Negative sides

Terrible company. No relationship with people. The directors include a whole family of matchmakers, brother, wife's brother, etc. The turnover is very high due to the fact that they first recruit people, squeeze out all the juice, people do not see material rewards (in the form of salaries) and leave there. The director is glad that we need to recruit new people who will again blindly work for free.

Anonymous (St. Petersburg, Busnaya 3.) 2014-03-10

Positive sides

None of these were found.

Negative sides

Workers should bypass Bus 3 at a distance of 5 kilometers! Why would you voluntarily go to a concentration camp?! You will have to perform a rather complex, expensive and demanding highly qualified work - for pennies. At the gates of Busnaya 3, you can safely hang posters of fascist camps: \"He who doesn't work, doesn't eat!\" (this is why you won't be paid for forced downtime, but will be given vacations at your expense, and this happens regularly), and \ “To each his own” - because you will have to feed all 10 floors (3 floors on Busnaya + 7 floors on Zelenogorskaya) of that office plankton and riffraff who themselves do not produce anything, but have limitless appetite and ambitions. For this simple reason - even Dzhamshut and Ravshan will laugh at your monthly salary XD. How could it be otherwise if 1in is with a bipod, and 7po is with spoons? You have to work with smoke breaks on a schedule of 13 hours per shift (lunch is not paid, of course!) + overtime. So that! I highly recommend not dealing with this company.

Positive and neutral opinions:

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pavel (Former employee) 2017-03-27

Positive sides

if you don’t know how to do what, they can teach you

Negative sides

Don't even go to interviews! There's nothing to do there! Wages are not paid, laws are not followed.

I didn't get paid for 2 months, I was left with zero money. They didn’t even pay me when I was fired.

Former employee 2016-09-12

Positive sides

No, the company is confidently moving towards bankruptcy!

Negative sides

Salary delays for several months, inadequate director, intimidated staff, staff turnover. I don’t advise anyone to waste time even on an interview! Salaries are not paid for months, if you constantly beg, then once every 2-3 months, and if you don’t ask, then you won’t see them at all. But they are swamped with work, and they have to go out for free on weekends and in the evenings. The director is inadequate, he can yell for no reason. And most importantly, he has an obsessive state that everyone is stealing from him. He fires in batches without reason, and even with insults! For the last six months, things have been really bad in the company, there are no sales, no money. People are running away, several people are quitting every day. There are no good specialists left at all. I fired all the sales managers, there are a couple left, they are not hiring new ones. They forcibly transferred secretaries and office managers to sales positions. They won't be of any use. Upon dismissal, they completely stopped counting people, lawsuits began, and an investigation is underway from the prosecutor's office. Don’t be tempted by the white salary, you won’t see it anyway!

Oleg 2016-08-28

Positive sides

The National Moscow branch is a good team.

If they paid me a salary, I would work with pleasure.

Negative sides

I quit because they didn’t pay my salary. After my dismissal, they set the condition that if I return, they will pay my salary, if not, then later. I refused and still have not received my money for two and a half months. Conclusion, the management is sick people.

Vladimir 2016-08-11

Positive sides

They pay so much money that you can’t carry it in your pocket at one time. In short, a lot. The team is excellent, nice and friendly - a pleasure to work with, the vast majority are professionals. The work is not difficult (I worked in OMTS) and quite interesting. Workplace- cozy.

Negative sides

There are no disadvantages. True, the salary is 100% white. I don’t like paying taxes, I’m used to receiving it in an envelope. In general, for me this is a minus, although for most it is rather a plus.

Valery Afanasyev (St. Petersburg, In the office))) near \"Svetlanovskaya Square\")))) 2014-08-03

Positive sides

Once again I was convinced that not everything in life is so simple))) That behind the “smile” there can be an enemy!))) I only have negative emotions from the director, who is also the owner of the company “President Neva”. My opinion, please note, it is my opinion))) director Misha is a very bad person)))! Stupid, greedy and cowardly man! I could punish him when I quit, more than 10 years ago, and I can punish him now, so that his “business” could crack... leak and his “ship” would sink, but I don’t want to, God will be his judge, in the end, God will punish him anyway, if he is not punishing him already, maybe someone close to him is already sick))) Bad people, they don’t understand that their “bestial” attitude towards others to people, will ultimately return to them! By the way, I received my dismissal money 2.5 weeks later in one day immediately after I warned the head of the security service that if I don’t receive my money this afternoon, then I reserve the right to cause significant economic damages. damage to the President Neva company. And these were not \"empty words\")) and \"no crime\"))) everything was within the law!))) They were scared)))) Yes, and also, it must be said, the director of \"Misha\" - a liar or suffers from amnesia. He did not keep his word to pay me interest on the volume of sales that I made to him. I paid 17.5 thousand rubles net salary, instead of 47 thousand - this is salary and interest, squeezed 30,000 rubles!))))

Negative sides

A bad company, since it is headed by a Bad person - \"Misha\"!)) I say with a smile, because I always say this about bad people, I should feel sorry for them, but I never learned))) feel sorry, they are indifferent I just like this kind of "furniture" around!

Ivan(St. Petersburg, Busnaya 3) 2014-02-21

Positive sides

You can gain experience and you will still be paid a salary for training! $)

Negative sides

24-hour weaving of all for all. Whoever snitched first is a great guy. The director is a fool, a former soldier and paranoid. In general, the company is saturated with the smell of shoe polish from retired officers. Accordingly, the situation in the team there is prison-barracks-like. Horseradish is not sweeter than radish. Officers are idiots by definition. They do not know how to think for themselves, but only carry out the orders of the highest-ranking idiots, without even thinking about the purpose of these orders. For those who served in the ranks, this is unlikely to be a significant factor, since they perfectly remember how to deceive the "goats" and lead them around their finger. For others who are unfamiliar, it’s better not to go there. Well, to hell with them... nerves are more valuable. The salary system is a dark forest, the work is low paid (compared to analogues and equivalents from other employers.) In general, it is a mediocre shit business, of which there are so many scattered throughout the entire map of the Russian Federation. Sharaga and sharaga. Somehow it exists there and produces something.

Anonymous Anonymous (St. Petersburg, Zelenogorskaya street) 2014-02-14

Positive sides

The company provides an opportunity to develop in different directions and earn money for those who want to work. There is a high probability career growth. Friendly team. If you have a desire to grow and develop, this is the place for you.

Negative sides

I think that there are negative sides to everything and everywhere. It’s good where we are not. For example, it’s not very convenient for me to get to work.

Anonymous 2014-01-30

Positive sides

Despite the staff turnover at all times, the company has always had and still has true professionals from whom you can learn.

Negative sides

The director has big problems in his head, which will finally ruin this company. Competitors are already placing bets on the President-Neva EC when it will end up on its side. The director asked at meetings: What is stopping you from working? And the answer is simple: No one but you, Mr. Antipov!

Diva 2013-12-09

Positive sides

There is always the opportunity for career growth if you have the desire and ability. If you wish, you can gain experience not only in your specialization, but also in what is interesting. You can negotiate and there is an opportunity to reach an agreement.

There are corporate events, awards, and those who excel are always recognized. Anyone who doesn’t like and doesn’t want to work will really not stick around. They will teach you how to organize your time and work. Young specialists are given the opportunity to develop and have the opportunity to learn a profession while receiving additional responsibilities, without the need to change their place of work, as is usually the case.

I wish the company further development and success!

Negative sides

The competition in the market is high, so there are emotions when working, but this is normal.

Troll 2013-10-13

Positive sides

Salaries are no longer paid on time!

Negative sides

Businessmen can't earn normal money! Under no circumstances, do not go here! If you earn a normal bonus, the director will fire you, bonuses are paid with a delay of 6-7 months, there is no chance of receiving it. All initial agreements are not respected. Commercial Directors, until recently there were three of them, they forgot about fulfilling their professional responsibilities, this is a sales organization and a normal attitude within the team! Let's play! Role-playing games were organized! The company's development stopped two years ago. Behind Last year Many professional businessmen left the company. This is company policy. I would like to wish good luck to those who remain. Maybe you'll swim out!!!

Negative sides

Military dictatorship, bureaucracy. Every employee is afraid to take responsibility, and if he does, he is fired, or the bad mood of the Head makes itself felt. Constant squabbles, more experienced employees shift the blame onto others. If you don’t argue with everyone, it means you’re plotting something against the Head. The principle is that whoever snitches first is the favorite, but everything changes very quickly, sometimes for reasons beyond your control. Few people actually work; many create an appearance or shift their responsibilities to others. There is a chance of being overwhelmed with someone else's work. There is a constant feeling that someone is watching you, they say that the mail is being read (many people said that they got caught doing this) and the building is stuffed with all sorts of bugs. The statistics of website visits are checked - if you went to an employment website (xx or they give a warning (they hint that you did it in vain) at best. At worst - a statement on the table. They fire you day after day, or even hour after hour, and even without your presence, they just call you and tell you about it. Lots of idle talk. The words of the Head about the introduction of additional motivation and systems of rewards and penalties are just words. In fact, there is no motivation (unless of course you are promoted), just fines. By the way, positions are changed very easily and quickly. True, they descend much faster than they rise and descend only into free swimming (dismissal). All the heads of the company are relatives, distant and close.

In fact, practically no one needs commercial areas not related to the main activity of the company.

Not very experienced, young management of the commercial directorate (commander director, director of development).

The General Director has his own vision of the company's development and commercial directions.

There are menial wages, bonuses from sales of merchants are paid with a delay of 3-6 months. There is no payment upon dismissal.

The company has a barracks regime - everything is on schedule, lateness is severely punished, many retired military personnel work.

Nikolay Kovalevsky (Moscow, bus, no. 3) 2012-09-28

Positive sides

I decided to write this review after working a little at a new company so that I had something to compare with! So let's start with the "pros":

1) At the time of my dismissal, there were no bad people (let’s face it, people I didn’t like) in production.

2) At work, no one tried not to set anyone up; the holidays were celebrated peacefully, with soulful company.

3) I was on very good terms with my bosses good relations, if anything they always supported me with advice or action. The team of my department takes a respectable second place, behind the team of my first office. work!

4) I went to work in the morning with pleasure (I really go to almost everything like this xD)

Negative sides

And now you will understand why everything is learned by comparison)))

1) Wage low (competitors in St. Petersburg have more) and black (60 to 40), the worst thing is that they pay it 1 month late.

2) On new job coffee machine, tea, buns and other goodies, in President-Neva there is only a refrigerator and a microwave (((

3) The Tsar sits in the office))) He either executes or sends him into exile in the Trans-Urals)))

4) Everyone is afraid to go to the director))) People try to hold on to their places!

5) Everything is always done urgently and was required yesterday)))

6) Discipline is ironclad! If you’re late, explain yourself (during the entire work period I was late 2 times by no more than 15 minutes, so if you are punctual, you have nothing to fear)

7) Bureaucracy is everywhere, as in government agencies, the signature of this, the signature of that...

8) USB ports are closed, Google drive solves it

10) If you are attentive, then you are lucky and you will read this paragraph))) the number of retired officers in the organization is over9000, and decide for yourself whether this is a plus or a minus)))

Verdict: If you came to St. Petersburg or Moscow to relieve boredom, you have no experience and the salary offered will be enough for you to live on - this is the place for you)))

After this organization in St. Petersburg or Moscow, all competitors will be happy to hire you. Knowledgeable people have a smile on their face when they hear the phrase "President-Neva"!

According to the rating stars, I assessed my department and those accompanying it, those with whom I closely communicated!

My personal value judgment:   The shortest interview in my life: D. Before that, I read all the reviews about this company on this site and other similar ones. But I thought to go and see everything with my own eyes. Moreover, there is not very positive business experience of cooperation. "Idle departure" of the service team from Barnaul and not a very decent attitude when purchasing the company's products. We called and emailed HR. They found my profile on superjobs or hh. We made an appointment. At the entrance, he presented his passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation to the security guard, from which he copied the data into a log. Then I was asked to fill out a form on 5-6 sheets, among which were again passport information, information about my family members, number mobile phone, permanent registration address, information about a foreign passport, and other data that is clearly redundant for the applicant, which is usually filled out when taking out, for example, a loan from a bank. Then in this questionnaire it was proposed to fill out by hand everything that is already available on the Internet - professional experience and education. I understand that for some it’s 2-3 lines, but not for everyone. I have been to interviews in many companies, and everywhere HR people accompany the applicant with printed forms from the Internet. When I told HR that I would not fill out ALL the data on this form. The security guard at the entrance has my passport details. And what's the point in them - before the interview, if it turns out that we are not suitable for each other. HR was adamant and retorted that these were “company rules” that could not be broken. What can lead me to to CEO. But for some reason she escorted him out.)) It’s a shame, otherwise maybe he doesn’t know that in the Russian Federation there is a law “On the Protection of Personal Data.” And it’s clearly not without reason; data leaks have already happened and led to dire consequences. In general, it’s great that the company is so diligent in its HR document management. But we still need to treat each other with respect. Everything has its time. It is necessary to see in the staff, first of all, people as individuals, and not a faceless stream of personnel with filled-in personal data fields. I came to a meeting and want to “shake hands” and start a dialogue, but instead of shaking my hand, they try to “take fingerprints off it.” Not a good start for cooperation. I don’t demand from the threshold constituent documents, financial statements, regulations on payment and bonuses, etc. If a company is suspicious of applicants, then the opposite is true. Job seekers in this case have every right to be suspicious of the company. It's a pity for wasted time on the road.
Polite and communicative security guard at the entrance.

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Saint Petersburg Worked in the company for 5-10 years

Pros: No

What can be improved: There's nothing left to improve! it's just tough! the director does what he wants, even the law doesn’t dictate to him! the company is constantly suing everyone (more precisely, deceived customers are suing it!) Six months have passed since the dismissal, there is zero money! no one is going to pay delayed wages, even after the trials people have been waiting for money for a hundred years!! I do not advise anyone to go there! take your time! There has been a global crisis for three years now, I think this great company will come to an end before the New Year.

Is the review helpful? 0 0

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Saint Petersburg Worked in the company for 3-5 years

Not recommended for employment

Position not specified

Pros: No

What can be improved: I’ve never written reviews, but I wanted to write about the organization. I hope it will be useful and will save you from this “wonderful” employer. 1) Salaries are not paid. Even employees who work for 10 years are paid their salary once every six months, and then only after proving that they need it (insanity, but people write memos to the chief accountant, where they explain exactly why they need the salary). 2) Workers (both new and old) are leaving en masse, their work falls on the shoulders of those who remain. 3) I won’t write about the specifics of the work, each broom sweeps in its own way and, in principle, you can perform the director’s senile tasks, but for MONEY. 4) The lack of money in the organization affects the operation of the entire plant. There is no money, everyone is sitting waiting for materials, the materials have arrived, everyone is working in emergency mode with processing, because... deadlines are running out. Deadlines are always running out, but there is never any money for implementation. 5) The salary promised upon hiring consists of a salary (50%) and a bonus (they do not provide any official documents confirming the terms of payment of the bonus), they do not give pay slips, so how much you earned and whether you were deprived of a bonus you will not know until you see money on the card, and this happens very rarely. 6) Do not believe what they say when applying for a job. That now the company is in a slight crisis, but very soon they will pay all their debts and then everything will be fine. And that reviews are written by offended employees who do not know how and do not want to work. In my opinion, things will never be great there and the organization is heading towards bankruptcy. And not a single qualified and self-respecting specialist will work for no pay.

Is the review helpful? 5 0

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Saint Petersburg

Position not specified

Pros: No

What can be improved: Terrible company. No relationship with people. The directors include a whole family of matchmakers, brothers, wife's brothers, etc. The turnover is very high due to the fact that they first recruit people, squeeze out all the juices, people do not see material rewards (in the form of salaries) and leave there. The director is glad that we need to recruit new people who will again blindly work for free.

Is the review helpful? 2 0

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Moscow Worked for the company for less than a year

Position not specified

Pros: The National Moscow branch is a good team. If they paid me a salary, I would work with pleasure.

What can be improved: I quit because they didn’t pay my salary. After my dismissal, they set the condition that if I come back, they will pay my salary, if not, then later. I refused and still haven’t received my money for two and a half months. Conclusion, the management is a scam.

Is the review helpful? 2 0

Salary Management Workplace Team Career

Saint Petersburg Worked for the company for less than a year

Not recommended for employment

Position not specified

Pros: If you don’t know how to do something, they can teach you

What can be improved: Don't even go to interviews! There's nothing to do there! Wages are not paid, laws are not followed. I didn't get paid for 2 months, I was left with zero money. They didn’t even pay me when I was fired.

Pros: No, the company is confidently moving towards bankruptcy!

What can be improved: Salary delays for several months, inadequate director, intimidated staff, staff turnover. I don’t advise anyone to waste time even on an interview! Salaries are not paid for months, if you constantly beg, then once every 2-3 months, and if you don’t ask, then you won’t see them at all. But they are swamped with work, and they have to go out for free on weekends and in the evenings. The director is inadequate, he can yell for no reason. And most importantly, he has an obsessive state that everyone is stealing from him. He fires in batches without reason, and even with insults! For the last six months, things have been really bad in the company, there are no sales, no money. People are running away, several people are quitting every day. There are no good specialists left at all. I fired all the sales managers, there are a couple left, they are not hiring new ones. They forcibly transferred secretaries and office managers to sales positions. They won't be of any use. Upon dismissal, they completely stopped counting people, lawsuits began, and an investigation is underway from the prosecutor's office. Don’t be tempted by the white salary, you won’t see it anyway!

Is the review helpful? 1 1

The team is nice, both in production and in the office.
Managers, every single one, will always help, advise, support if there is a reason for it, very good experience for people who are used to working in a free mode, and who are ready to carry out the plan, working, as they say, in the fields, in constant dialogue with the client. This will not work here. The best person in this company and at the expense of whom it still functions is Konovalov M.Yu. Thank you to him!!

Let's start with the fact that in this company people who are engaged in sales are not considered people, in company management, in The executive and commercial offices are occupied by former secretaries, for whom the word sale means buying bread in a store, that is, you take a product and MUST pay a certain amount of money for it. In this company, most clients are one-time, since the management does not understand that it is we who need to sell our equipment to clients, not the client who HAS to buy it. There have been several cases of talking with clients about it job responsibilities pay the bill without signing an agreement with him.
The managers of this company, instead of engaging in sales, make a report on the report, report to the secretaries on the work done, report to the assistants of the executive directorate, record in printed form in 1 second, a dialogue with the client, write a Photo of the day every day (photo of the day is an XL file in which you schedule the entire working day, up to 9:00 - 9:15 - checking mail, 9:15 - 10:00 communication with a client on a topic, etc. in order to go to a meeting with a client, you must agree on this meeting or not agree, this decision is made by a person who, in principle, does not know how to communicate with clients, and how the usual MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL relationship between a client and a manager occurs. Everything is according to the mood, and approval can take about an hour or two, and they are absolutely not interested in how to go there, and where it is located. This is your problem. But when a client refuses to buy, you are accountable for this to them. A lot gray cardinals in this company, or the director pretends that he knows nothing and understands nothing. Bonus - when I got a job there, it was said that fulfilling the monthly plan promises you a bonus, and you are paid it, not only that the bonus for the month of August was only paid in March, and when paying, it turned out that in order to receive the bonus, you had to fulfill the annual plan, that is, for the 14th year, the amount of my income had to be equal to 12 completed months of the plan. and only then would I receive a bonus for the month of August, October and December, in my case, I fulfilled the plan only three times by 180% for the year, since I did not close the year, I was not paid a bonus, when I personally approached the director with this question two weeks before the vacation, there was an agreement that if until mid-summer, I am closing that year and half of the year 2015, with some large parish he pays me a bonus for the 14th and 15th years, after the vacation, I was asked to write a statement on my own, writing a service letter for a bonus for one month for at least February 2015 , I was refused. So guys, if you just want to work on a bare salary, then this is the place for you. Now I don’t remember all the disadvantages, but believe me, there are enough of them.
With respect and understanding, Shamsutdinov Eduard Ramilevich.
For Mr. Antipov M.A.
WITH Best wishes!

Reviews about President-Neva (56)

I quit because they didn’t pay my salary. After my dismissal, they set the condition that if I come back, they will pay my salary, if not, then later. I refused and still haven’t received my money for two and a half months. Conclusion, the management are sick people (meant Peter). They don’t pay any money there, even though it’s a white salary.


They haven’t paid their salaries for two months now, they only give handouts, saying that the rest will be paid in a week. These promises by Mr. Fetisov have been going on for months. Yabber, not Executive Director. However, like all other key leaders.

According to the contract, the working day is Mon-Fri from 8 to 17, but in reality they force you to work overtime, for which you will not be paid a penny, and they will also force you to work on Saturday. And if you don’t like it, there is only one answer - quit.

Occupational health and safety standards are not partially observed. On labor Code, they didn’t care. As General Director Antipov says, we are not state company, but private.

In general, I don't recommend going here.

There are a lot of vacancies with salaries starting from 50,000.

In fact, this is a PR company combining a PR specialist with a super job. Because the personnel department is unnecessary there!!! and she’s stupidly busy scheduling work schedules; she has nothing else to do there; no social guarantees or sick leave; white salary = 1.5 mrod.

at an interview in the automated control system department, the boss shows a rosebury pie and a bunch of non-working ultrasonic oil sensors, he did all this himself!!! and therefore nothing works, no one knows why!! A new employee needs to make sure everything works. At the end of the interview there is a call, after which the boss looks at me with round eyes and says Putin called to ask when it will be ready.

There are fewer and fewer of them

The company is dying, and apparently is slowly heading towards bankruptcy. I have no other explanation for the fact that Mikhail Alexandrovich stopped paying employees salaries and is selling equipment at half the price.

Mikhail Alexandrovich could have acted like a man and explained to the employees the situation about non-payment of wages, and not hidden like a kid.

Previously, there was a stable salary payment, it was possible to develop a career in some departments.

Mikhail Alexandrovich! Please inform the employees of your company when the salary will be paid, and whether it will be paid at all ((. We must plan for our future. What should we expect?

Thank you.

The team is nice, both in production and in the office.

Every single one of the managers will always help, advise, support if there is a reason, a very good experience for people who are used to working in a free mode, and are ready to carry out the plan, working, as they say, in the fields, in a constant dialogue with the client. This will not work here. The best person in this company and thanks to whom it still functions is Konovalov M.Yu. Thanks to him!!

Let's start with the fact that in this company, people who are engaged in sales are not considered people; in the management of the company, in the executive and commercial offices, there are former secretaries, for whom the word sale means buying bread in a store, that is, you take the goods, and for it MUST give a certain amount of money. In this company, most clients are one-time, since the management does not understand that we need to sell our equipment to clients, and not the client MUST buy it. There were several cases of conversation with clients about his job responsibilities to pay the bill without having signed a contract with him yet.

The managers of this company, instead of engaging in sales, make a report on the report, report to the secretaries on the work done, report to the assistants of the executive directorate, record in printed form in 1 second, a dialogue with the client, write a Photo of the day every day (photo of the day is an XL file in which you schedule the entire working day, up to 9:00 - 9:15 - checking mail, 9:15 - 10:00 communication with a client on a topic, etc. in order to go to a meeting with a client, you must agree on this meeting or not agree, this decision is made by a person who, in principle, does not know how to communicate with clients, and how the usual MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL relationship between a client and a manager occurs. Everything is according to the mood, and approval can take about an hour or two, and they are absolutely not interested in how to go there, and where it is located. This is your problem. But when a client refuses to buy, you are accountable for this to them. There are a lot of gray cardinals in this company, or the director pretends that he knows nothing and understands nothing. Bonus - when I got a job there it was said that fulfilling the plan for a month promises you a bonus, and you are paid it, not only was the bonus for the month of August paid only in March, but also upon payment it turned out that in order to receive the bonus, you had to fulfill the annual plan, that is for the 14th year, the amount of my income should have been equal to 12 completed months of the plan. And only then would I receive a bonus for the month of August, October and December, in my case I fulfilled the plan only three times by 180% for the year, since I did not close the year , the bonus was not paid to me when I personally approached the director with this question two weeks before the vacation, there was an agreement that if before mid-summer I close that year and half of the year 2015, he will pay me a bonus for 14 and 15 year, after a vacation, I was asked to write an application on my own, having written a service letter for a bonus for at least one month for February 2015, I was refused. So guys, if you just want to work on a bare salary, then this is where you come. Now I’m all cons I don’t remember, but believe me there are enough of them.

With respect and understanding, Shamsutdinov Eduard Ramilevich.

For Mr. Antipov M.A.

Best wishes!

Polite and communicative security guard at the entrance.

The shortest interview of my life: D. Before that, I read all the reviews about this company on this site and other similar ones. But I thought to go and see everything with my own eyes. Moreover, there is not very positive business experience of cooperation. "Idle departure" of the service team from Barnaul and not a very decent attitude when purchasing the company's products.

We called and emailed HR. They found my profile on superjobs or hh. We made an appointment. At the entrance, he presented his passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation to the security guard, from which he copied the data into a log.

Then I was asked to fill out a questionnaire on 5-6 sheets, which again included passport information, information about my family members, mobile phone number, permanent registration address, information about a foreign passport, and other data that is clearly redundant for the applicant, which is usually filled out when taking out a loan, for example. in the bank. Then in this questionnaire it was proposed to fill out by hand everything that is already available on the Internet - professional experience and education. I understand that for some it’s 2-3 lines, but not for everyone.

I have been to interviews in many companies, and everywhere HR people accompany the applicant with printed forms from the Internet.

When I told HR that I would not fill out ALL the data on this form. The security guard at the entrance has my passport details. And what's the point in them - before the interview, if it turns out that we are not suitable for each other. HR was adamant and retorted that these were “company rules” that could not be broken. Which can take me to the CEO. But for some reason she saw me out.))

It’s a pity, otherwise maybe he doesn’t know that in the Russian Federation there is a law “On the Protection of Personal Data.” And it’s clearly not without reason; data leaks have already happened and led to dire consequences.

In general, it’s great that the company is so diligent in its HR document management. But we still need to treat each other with respect. Everything has its time. It is necessary to see in the staff, first of all, people as individuals, and not a faceless stream of personnel with filled-in personal data fields. I came to a meeting and want to “shake hands” and start a dialogue, but instead of shaking my hand, they try to “take fingerprints off it.” Not a good start for cooperation. I don’t immediately demand constituent documents, financial statements, regulations on payment and bonuses, etc. If a company is suspicious of applicants, then the opposite is also true. Job seekers in this case have every right to be suspicious of the company.

It's a pity for wasted time on the road.

There are no positive aspects

There is a lot of work, even more management. The salary is small. If you want to get a job as a secretary, then it’s better to run away from President-Neva. There are always not enough secretaries there. High turnover. Someone is constantly working for two, or even three. And yet everyone is unhappy with you! The attitude towards secretaries in this company is sometimes downright boorish! In general, I don’t even want to write everything. I am leaving this review because... If someone had written about this position before me, I wouldn’t have gotten the job and wouldn’t have spoiled my nerves.

The company is worthy. The salary is above the market average. There are competent people in the team who are interesting to communicate with and who can support you. Mikhail Alexandrovich (general director) is a worthy person. I sincerely wish you success and prosperity.

Low level commercial apparatus.

St. Petersburg, In the office))) near "Svetlanovskaya Square"))) 03 August 2014 18:38

Once again I was convinced that not everything in life is so simple))) That behind the “smile” an enemy can be hidden!))) The director, who is also the owner of the President Neva company, evokes only negative emotions in me. My opinion, please note, it is my opinion))) director Misha is a very bad person)))! Stupid, greedy and cowardly man! I could punish him when I quit, more than 10 years ago, and I can punish him now, so that his “business” could crack... leak and his “ship” would sink, but I don’t want to, God will be his judge, in the end, God will punish him anyway, if he is not already punishing him, maybe someone close to him is already sick))) Bad people, they don’t understand that their “bestial” attitude towards other people will eventually return to them themselves! By the way, I received my dismissal money 2.5 weeks later in one day immediately after I warned the head of the security service that if I don’t receive my money this afternoon, then I reserve the right to cause significant economic damages. damage to the President Neva company. And these were not “empty words”)) and “no crime”))) everything was within the law!))) They were scared)))) Yes, and it must also be said that the director “Misha” is a liar or suffers from amnesia. He did not keep his word to pay me interest on the volume of sales that I made to him. I paid 17.5 thousand rubles net salary, instead of 47 thousand - this is salary and interest, squeezed 30,000 rubles!))))

A bad company, since it is headed by a Bad person - “Misha”!)) I say with a smile, because I always say this about bad people, I should feel sorry for them, but I never learned))) to feel sorry, I just don’t care about them , so kind of "furniture" around!

None of these were found.

Workers should bypass Bus 3 at a distance of 5 kilometers! Why would you voluntarily go to a concentration camp?! You will have to do quite complex, expensive and highly qualified work - for pennies. At the gates of Busnaya 3, you can safely hang posters of fascist camps: “He who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat!” (for this reason, you will not be paid for forced downtime, but will be given vacations at your expense, and this happens regularly), as well as “To each his own” - because you will have to feed all 10 floors (3 floors on Busnaya + 7 floors on Zelenogorskaya) in addition office plankton and riffraff who produce nothing themselves, but have limitless appetite and ambition. For this simple reason - even Dzhamshut and Ravshan will laugh at your monthly salary XD. How could it be otherwise if 1in is with a bipod, and 7po is with spoons? You have to work with smoke breaks on a schedule of 13 hours per shift (lunch is not paid, of course!) + overtime. So that! I highly recommend not dealing with this company.