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To do this, you need to register in the “Applicant Online” system on the official website of the university - choose a time convenient for you to visit the admissions office (make an appointment), come and submit an application and the necessary documents.

Documents submitted to the admissions committee:

  • passport or a document replacing it (identity and citizenship), its photocopy;
  • original and (or) photocopy of a standard document on education and annex to it.

Optional An applicant can submit originals or photocopies of the following documents to the admissions committee:

Note: Before submitting documents, you must visit the admissions committee of the faculty/institute in order to receive a referral for registration for the selected educational programs.

Submit documents by mail

To do this you need:

  • Register in the “Applicant Online” system at:
  • In the “Personal Data” section - “Documents” tab, note that “You plan to submit documents to the University by mail.”
  • Download the application at:, print it and fill it out in strict accordance with the requirements for completing applications for admission to the university.
  • Application and required documents send simple or by registered mail by the address: 191186, St. Petersburg, emb. R. Moiki, 48, bldg. 6, room 19, Admissions Committee.

The application for admission must be accompanied by:

1. without fail :

  • photocopy of a document proving identity and citizenship;
  • photocopies of the standard document on education and its attachments.

When entering a place for study within the target numbers (without entrance examinations / within a special quota / within a target quota), the applicant, simultaneously with submitting an application for admission, submits statement of consent to enrollment with the attachment of the original document of the established form on education. The application for consent to enrollment must be downloaded from:, printed and filled out.

2. at the request of the applicant :

  • documents confirming the right to admission without entrance examinations/special right to admission within the established quota/for places allocated for targeted admission;
  • diplomas of winners/prize-winners of school Olympiads;
  • documents confirming individual achievements;
  • documents confirming the preferential right to enrollment;
  • documents confirming limited opportunities health of the applicant (to create special conditions at entrance examinations);
  • medical certificate confirming completion of a medical examination;
  • document(s) confirming that the applicant is a person permanently residing in Crimea;
  • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, or military ID.

When submitting the original education document of the established form to the admissions committee, the applicant submits six photographs measuring 3? 4 cm (without headdress).

Persons entering on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education, if you agree after enrollment to switch to accelerated education, you must download application for transition to accelerated learning at:, print and fill it out.

Absolutely necessary indicate your registration number (ID) in the “Applicant Online” system on a photocopy of your passport.

The application is accepted only if there is fully compulsory set of documents!

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Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen

There are no age restrictions for admission to the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor's or specialty programs.

At the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen at the Faculty of Life Safety is implementing the pedagogical education program 44.03.01 “Education in the field of life safety.” For admission, the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, social studies and mathematics of the profile level is required.

According to the “Rules for admission to the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen" for admission on the basis of secondary general education required Unified State Exam results, on the base vocational education you can apply for the Unified State Exam or take entrance tests at our university. For admission to the training direction 44.03.01 “Pedagogical education, profile Primary education”, bachelor’s degree, entrance examinations (if you have secondary general education): Russian language (USE), Social studies (USE), Mathematics (USE). Relevant specialties of secondary vocational education and any specialties (areas of training) of higher education: Russian language (written), Social studies (written). Psychological and pedagogical foundations modern education(written) ; other specialties of secondary specialized education: Russian language (written), Social studies (written), Mathematics (written).

According to the “Rules for admission to the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen" for admission on the basis of secondary general education, the results of the Unified State Exam are required; on the basis of vocational education, you can enter using the Unified State Exam or take entrance tests at our university. For admission to the direction of training 53.03.02 “Musical and instrumental art, Piano profile”, bachelor’s degree, duration of study 4 years, Entrance tests: creative test: piano, professional test: solfeggio with elements of harmony, Russian language (USE), Literature (USE ) or creative test: piano, professional test: solfeggio with elements of harmony, Russian language (written), Literature (written), form of training only off-budget.

According to the law, a bachelor of any direction can enroll in a master's program in any program. If you successfully pass the entrance exams, you will enter the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen for program 44.04.03 “Special (defectological) education.”

RGPU named after. Herzen

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RGPU - Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen

191186, St. Petersburg, Moika River embankment, 48

Reviews RGPU (118)

There are areas for improvement, but overall everything is positive.

I studied there! Everything is fine!

One of best universities! But there is always room to grow.

Just started studying, everything is very good)

An excellent university, but it also has its disadvantages (minor).

Great university! You shouldn't scold!

No trade union committee, no food, no sports

I’ve been studying at the Russian State Pedagogical University for a very short time. AI Herzen, but I will say that it is worth enrolling here.

The university is good, the canteen is expensive. The teachers are excellent.

I absolutely love studying here.

everything is fine, the only thing I’m not happy about is the food in the dining room

It could have been better!

I want to finish it as soon as possible, I’m tired of everything.

The teaching staff is excellent, at least in my department (building 20). Although some teachers cause shock with their “non-traditional” teaching high school methods of teaching students, but these are rather exceptions to general rule than the norm.

Received a diploma. There is basically no university, like almost all universities in the country. The equipment and teachers are all Soviet. Some mentors do not even reach the level of an educated student, let alone their degrees. IN my 4 years, I can only name a couple of teachers who are interested in students learning something and teaching their subject with passion. Some did not take their subject at all for all 4 years, this also happens, and tests and exams miraculously appeared on the transcript at the end of the session. There were also those who taught completely the wrong course that they should. Who ho

I have just started getting acquainted with the university, 1st year.

The level of education is high, all the knowledge gained was useful in the process of work (and I work as a teacher). The teachers are very highly qualified. I remember my student years with great pleasure; I really enjoyed studying.

Here are the teachers, they can’t tell the difference. Not to mention the level of speech.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the teachers of the Faculty of the Institute of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Biology of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Mechnikov. Especially Bredikhin V.N., Darinsky Yu.A., Alexandrov V.G., Dergacheva E.A., Karpenko N.P., and everyone, everyone, everyone.

RGPU named after. Herzen is the most wonderful university. I am very glad that I am studying here. do it - you won't regret it

There is frankly nothing to praise for. You can, of course, say that the walls are a pleasant color and the chairs are comfortable, but what does this have to do with education?

Very funny. Apparently, there are 2 different management faculties at Herzen. Because I have the exact opposite opinion.

Good atmosphere at the university

Faculty of Management - zero percent education in four years, the dean's office prefers work time chew cakes.

To everyone who is indignant, a couple of tips:

Love it because you work there. Here you go, a great example of local attitude. Rude staff who give out advice instead of adequately performing their duties.

I’m studying at the Faculty of Biology, the university has good, loyal teachers, and I’ve heard a lot about the Faculty of Management, guys, show your desire to learn, I agree, the canteen is expensive, bring food with you, otherwise there’s a lot of positive things here.

The teaching staff is strong. Whoever studies receives strong knowledge and more.

I'm a 1st year student

The worst place to be. Plus, too expensive. Fro no reason.

Having studied for 1 year in the field of advertising, I will say one thing: if you are a lazy, inactive person who does not want to gain knowledge, this is the place for you. a lot of water and philosophy (since the department is located at the Faculty of Philosophy, the teachers think that this is what advertising specialists should study). only 2 subjects in the specialty, and they are absolutely worthless. Practice is promised at best by the 3rd year, the rest of the time you can devote to ethics, aesthetics and mkhk. they will not load you with tasks, degradation is guaranteed.

The canteen is very expensive. The quality of education leaves little to be desired. The dean's office works disgustingly.

Wonderful talented teachers. Thanks for the knowledge!

Complete degradation, after school I knew more than after this university. I couldn’t even become a teacher, I just don’t have the knowledge. Teachers allow themselves not to attend classes, tests, and exams. cancel pairs 20 minutes in advance. before they start when the whole group is already assembled at 9 am. in classes they talk about heresy, and then during the exam I make such huge eyes, “why don’t you know the questions that I gave for the exam?”, maybe because in classes you discussed the topic of Ukraine and God?

Excellent university. Teachers do not allow themselves any unnecessary reasoning in pairs. The dean's office works well (PPF). We have quite a lot of young teachers at our faculty. And everyone without exception uses it modern technology. But it all depends on the faculty. People who shout that a university provides too little knowledge forget that they themselves need to devote a lot of time to education. I think that re-teachers give out as much information as possible during lectures. If that's not enough for you, read the textbook.

The best pedagogical university in the country!! amazing teachers, each of whom deserves a separate review. A slightly strange system of internal communication between faculties, but this is already a given... a kind of Herzen feature.

It is very noticeable, even to a stranger, that the review was written by a university employee or other interested person.

A good university for those who are going to later work in their specialty, i.e. pedagogical education

I say goodbye to the university this year and count the time spent within its walls, best years life. Teachers love to conduct, as has been repeatedly said above, political and heated social discussions, but this is not only a problem for Herzen, if this can be called a problem at all. I am sincerely amused by the comments on the subject “I was not given knowledge.” Did you even want to take them? They are excellent specialists, you can say a lot of positive and kind things about them, but most importantly, looking at them, I want to gain knowledge, develop and in many ways be like them) Thank you for your work!

Boorish attitude at the Faculty of Russian as a Foreign Language: either there is no employee, then they called early, then they called late, or at the wrong time; cannot provide adequate information, are incompetent, hang up when they cannot answer questions. HORROR! A university stuck in the past with a Soviet attitude towards people!

Why is education so cheap in Herzen? For example, a Master's degree costs on average about 50,000 a year, what's the catch?

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. Faculty (Institute) of Personnel Management. Specialty: Marketing. 2015

I want to go to law school (2nd degree), is it worth it? It is clear that knowledge from St. Petersburg State University is incomparable, but is it worthy?

Overpriced canteen. It’s like some top MGIMO.

In MGIMO the canteen is not expensive

Some lectures are confusing. practical information is outdated. Overall the situation is very positive. teachers are trying. technical equipment is weak. The dining room couldn't be worse, and the food and interior are like in prisons.

Having completed my studies in advertising and having worked for a year, I must say that philosophers know nothing about advertising. Why this direction was opened specifically at the Faculty of Philosophy, and not philology or economics, is a mystery. The only plus: it’s easy to pass tests and exams, you can do your time and get a diploma. Practical knowledge- none.

She graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Philology. The impressions remained mixed. As for the specialized subjects (modern Russian language and Russian literature), they are quite good, the knowledge remains even if you just attended classes and did nothing.

Wonderful university, real teachers. I remember my years of study with warmth and thank the teachers for their hard work and attitude towards students. I can’t say that I remember much from the training course, but the teachers instilled in me a love for my specialty, instilled a sense of responsibility and duty, and taught me to look for solutions where there seemed to be none. The level of training allows you to feel confident in your chosen job; Herzen graduates rightfully enjoy a positive reputation among employers. Only if you are a graduate, and not someone who, by a lucky chance, crawled to the end of the university, doing just enough to just get a positive grade in the record book.

The university itself is well known, but some faculties leave much to be desired! Herzen is known for its foreign language and philology department, but if you suddenly decide to enroll in the Faculty of Management, then get ready to waste your time, and if you are unlucky, then also your nerves))

I study at the Faculty of Philology of the Russian State Pedagogical University. Wonderful professors of the most important subjects, interested in transferring knowledge. Of course, you don’t want to attend not very important disciplines: it’s clear that they come to a lecture/seminar “for show.” What makes me happy is that absolutely all the employees of this faculty are ready to help and answer questions, no one from the staff behaves arrogantly: the words “I don’t have time”, “we’ll discuss it later”, “I can’t help” were never heard, “come back later.”

For techies, the university may be good, but the management is not. He's terrible, don't do it!

It all depends too much on the faculty.

Transferred from the university and the city. Satisfied! I don’t regret that I transferred to this university.

RGPU named after. Herzen is an excellent university! I'm almost done and I'm very happy! I have already found 3 prestigious works. I can’t work yet because I’m writing my dissertation.

They have an excellent foreign language language

Good university! There are a lot of interesting things there!

I entered the Herzen Faculty of Art. My specialty was declared as follows: additional education in design and computer graphics. without really understanding what additional education is. It seemed to me that I would be a designer, with the right to teach.

Thank you very much for your feedback. I wanted to send my daughter to study in this specialty, but now I’ll really think about it.

What can you say about the faculty? foreign languages?

Graduated from the Institute of Economics and Management, State and municipal government" Six years in the correspondence department and it was a mockery from the first to the last day. The dean's office is disgusting and to say “disgusting” is an understatement. You will find out about the session in a week, and only if you call and get an answer. You will learn about coursework the day before you are due. Reception hours at the dean's office are only on weekdays and strictly from 10.00 to 18.00, very inconvenient for a correspondence student. A separate joyful thing in the specialty “state and municipal administration” is practice only in government organizations, it's great. At a very mature age, you should take vacations to do free paperwork in some administration, work as a courier for free and listen to the nonsense of local employees about how important it is, humiliate yourself and pay for it and realize that you are a more qualified specialist in your field, than the people you waste your time on. You take any certificate from the dean’s office or call them and find out any question, they always, always answer in such a tone as if they were doing you a favor. And you pay money for it. They calmly attribute the extra weeks to “practice” and call it a technical error.

Tell us about speech therapy, please. For me, St. Petersburg is far away, is it worth the hassle of applying?

It's time to update the assessment and give new information regarding the university.

I am currently a master's student, I graduated from my bachelor's degree this year and I can say with full confidence that I am quite satisfied with the training, I would hardly go again to that institution where there are a lot of shortcomings. I can say that many people evaluate the RGPU negatively, but guys, wake up, first of all, each of you needs education and the fact that you think that the teachers do not teach you or give you knowledge, they do their job and do it to the maximum, my an objective opinion, and for your further education (at home) you need to continue reading books, writing articles, etc. in your free time from studying, and that’s right! Because you need it!

I studied at two faculties at this university, and everywhere I saw the same thing: disrespect for the student. They don't care who studies with them. Teachers do what they want: if you want, you come, if you want, you don’t come. And when they don’t come, no one warns that, for example, there won’t be a couple in the morning. And in the end, I didn’t get enough sleep and didn’t gain knowledge.

UPD: they also have problems issuing a previous diploma of education after graduation. Huge queues, reception only on weekdays and at inconvenient hours for those who work a five-day week. Save your brains - don't come here to study. I have a sharply negative assessment of the work of this institution on all counts. Positive reviews are written by interested parties, I think that anyone will notice it. Disgusting attitude towards people.

The dining room is bad. I haven’t come across anything about sports, because... I just entered the master's program in languages. Repairs and technical equipment leave much to be desired. The security is not always trained in the access system, I had an unpleasant moment, I wrote a complaint against a dull and arrogant security guard, because... I was brought to tears in building 16, showing my visit on video (the essence of the complaint is boorish nitpicking on the pass, taking into account the fact that I took out the pass on the doorstep and was extremely polite).

Dear RGPU employee! Do you think that a student should not eat normally? Or do you consider the quality of food that occurs at the university to be the norm? Your arguments have no basis. They write to you that it is impossible to study with you because of the terrible organization of the learning process, you reply to this that those who write this say that they do not want to study. So this university itself discourages this desire from people, leaving nothing but disgust.

I never studied at the Russian State Pedagogical University, so I can’t judge fairly. But I can speak with confidence about one thing - an interdisciplinary seminar. Would like to note high level both the organization of the seminar itself and its content. According to the regulations, the seminar is divided into 3 parts: report, questions to the speaker and speeches. I would like to note the following: even if the report “falls short” of the expected result, the second and third parts fully compensate for this. I have never regretted attending the seminar. I would like to express special gratitude to the leader and ideological inspirer - Gelikh Oleg Yakovlevich. Prosperity to you and your brainchild.

Let's just say: for me, in foreign language, everything is more than excellent. Cons: repairs to building 14, like the others, could use some repairs, the food is extremely poor.. None. Technical equipment sometimes it fails.

What to say. 1st year, Faculty of Foreign Languages, I came here to gain knowledge, but here everything is GALLOPPING ACROSS EUROPE, no grammar, everything is explained very quickly, and also after 2 pairs there’s some test right away, I haven’t had time to figure it out at HOME yet (namely at home, guys, since they won’t explain anything to you in classes) and bam. I’ve been studying English for 1 year and it’s still difficult for me, but I try very hard and am eager for knowledge, but you know, when I see that teachers don’t want to explain anything and in general they have no desire to present you with something new, then the sparkle in my eyes disappears. Disgusting! I'm a first year student and I already want to transfer

The disgusting work of the admissions committee, unqualified middle-aged ladies, working 3-5 hours a day, do not have time to do anything, treating students as some kind of rags. I sat for 2 hours to hand over one piece of paper and they didn’t accept me.

I want to enter the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen for a master's degree in "Economics and management in the service sector"

There is actually a physics department there. and then everything is written by humanists

Yes, he is dispersed across buildings 1-3 along with mathematicians, programmers and a few chemists. Basically the building has 3 buildings. Buildings 1-3 are a single complex, so you don’t have to go outside to cross. But get ready for the fact that this is still a pedagogical university. The best work here is to train teachers in all specialties. But in general, yes, the university’s strong point is still really humanitarian - social science. sciences, psychology, languages. This is its most important power, I would say.

Entered the Faculty of Law in 2016. Within a week I realized that I needed to transfer after the winter session.

We did everything right! I am sure that it is difficult to find a place worse than this university. I really regret that I had nowhere to transfer.

Good afternoon. I would like to give feedback on the work of the dean’s office at the Institute of Pedagogy (formerly the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology). This is disgusting work! Not only are they rude to students, but they always give incorrect information! We, a group of graduates, are just sleeping and seeing when this horror will end! They promised to give us two weeks of rest before the last and final session, but now, a few days before the session, we find out that we have one week of rest! We are a correspondence department, we need to plan and negotiate with work! Now everyone is in shock and doesn’t know what to do, we need to come to an agreement, but in such a time frame this is no longer possible! And even more so, RGPU bears the title of Russian University, which means it includes training for nonresident students! No to them either additional conditions No! How is a person supposed to travel back and forth in a week! Everyone will have graduations at their workplaces in May! We need to get ready! And we still don’t know when our final exams are! I do not advise anyone to go to the Institute of Pedagogy. You will get nothing but irritation at the ever-rolling eyes of our beloved dean’s office, or rather the laboratory assistants who sit there!

I would really like to know about the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, or better yet, about the direction of Psychological Education. If there are those who have graduated, please give advice, is it worth it or not?

I would also like to know guys who are studying - let me know how it goes and whether you like the attitude of the teachers/the quality of the material presented.

I agree, there is complete disgrace going on there.

I’m an applicant, I’m thinking of enrolling in academic or applied physics, can someone write what it’s like, is it worth going at all? Or is it better to go straight to another one? thank you in advance.

The Faculty of Physics is strong, strong quality education. I was there at a conference on the physics of dielectrics - it was very challenging scientific work. I myself graduated from the same department at another pedagogical university and am now defending my dissertation. I recommend this department to everyone.

There, in physics you can really get a fairly strong theoretical education, this is true. I conducted a study of pedagogical sciences in which I compared the learning process at a pedagogical university and at a classical university (believe me, I know what I’m talking about).

RGPU is actually a very strong university for those who want to be a teacher; those who don’t want to be a teacher (or an intellectual in general) should go to technical so-called universities.

Yes, that’s right, the university graduates teachers and intellectuals

There are at least five errors in your letter!

I completely agree with the previous statement. I myself graduated from this faculty, now I live and work in Paris.

I study at Herzen. I am only dissatisfied with the work of administrative bodies: the dean’s office works as it wants, it is never on site the right people. You can wait for the person you need for 2 hours. They say, for example, that the deputy dean’s office will be there by 12 (does the working day start at 12?), but in reality it may turn out that by 14 o’clock. They don't help with assistance. Disgusting. Faculty of Chemistry. But the university is good.

Tell us about speech therapy and defectology, please.

I planned to enroll in graduate school (correspondence) in the direction of 13.00.03 correctional pedagogy at the Department of Speech Therapy in 2017.

And you don’t have to do it, you’ll just waste your time.

Most likely science is not for you. You must understand that first of all you must find a supervisor in this department. This means you should already be included in the scientific community in this area, and of course have publications. If you don’t have publications, then what kind of scientist are you (you need publications and a supervisor).
Physics teacher, graduate of a pedagogical university.

It would be good to improve your Russian language!

By the way, regarding the previous review
I am Andrey Borisovich candidate technical sciences, now I hope to do my doctorate.

You are clearly an employee of the RGPU, trying to justify rudeness and carelessness with any arguments from non-existent 3 persons. You see the straw in someone else's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own.

please tell me something about the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Finally, stop bringing down the teacher education system. The problems you write about exist in all universities. I did not work and never studied at the Russian State Pedagogical University, but I was there and did science (participated in conferences)

Just because you were there doesn’t mean you understood anything.

The prices are huge, but the result of knowledge is low (Faculty of Foreign Languages)

I am studying for a master's degree, and completed my bachelor's degree at another university. I am pleased with the choice, as I walked purposefully. The teachers are interesting and provide knowledge. Not all of them, of course, there are exceptions, but where are they not?

Bogdanov is not the best candidate for rector. Have to search.

She studied at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, majoring in “general psychology.” I do not advise anyone to apply there.

Can anyone tell us about the Faculty of Technological Education?

Sorry for mistakes. this is a consequence of haste.

You have some ideas about the tasks of psychology as a science that are far from reality.

Passed the entrance examination for the professional retraining program “teaching” in English"at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen on August 25 of this year, I was missing a few points, and the university doesn’t even provide for retaking the exam, and despite the fact that the program is only paid for, I was very upset. I planned to start training in this program this year. The fact that the university does not provide for a retake was surprising and upsetting, otherwise I can’t say anything negative or positive about the university.

I entered the master's program at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology in 11th. “education” has been mastered to some extent, but the level of competence and professionalism of the department staff and teachers in general leaves much to be desired. Look elsewhere when choosing educational institutions.

I graduated from the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy and graduate school and defended my dissertation; in some areas the education is very good, in others it is not.

I think that this statement should be addressed to you

I had the opportunity to study at the Faculty of Philosophy at this university, art-business direction, correspondence course. There was too much philosophy and no business in the field of art. Unfortunately, I had zero knowledge in this area and still have zero. Unfortunately, there is no educational program as such, we also did not receive any assignments for the session, the teachers of the old school only load them with philosophy, the training takes place together with anthropologists. Decide for yourself whether you need all this, you can go purely for the sake of the crust, but overall, I personally am completely disappointed.

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen is one of the largest universities in Russia. The university was and remains the main innovation center training of teaching staff in the Russian Federation.

About Herzen University:

Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen) is the oldest pedagogical educational institution in the country. Founded on May 22 (14), 1797 by decree of Emperor Paul I.

In 1993, the university became one of the first universities in Russia to begin an experiment in introducing a multi-level system of higher education. It prepares bachelors and masters in various directions higher pedagogical education and science. The university trains specialists in more than 30 specialties.

Many faculties have no analogues in Russia: faculties of the peoples of the Far North, human philosophy, life safety.

Recognition of the high international status of the university was expressed in the opening of the UNESCO Chair, the only one in the system of pedagogical universities, as well as in the creation of the International Center for Educational Innovation. More than 500 foreign students study at the university every year.

The university conducts active research work; a large number of university research projects receive funding through a number of scientific programs and competitions.

Today, the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen is able to satisfy almost any educational needs at the highest professional level.

The mission of the university is to use the best traditions of domestic education to train educational specialists of a new type - those who know how to create conditions for the development of human potential, using innovative technologies capable of creating new projects and programs for the development of education in Russia.

IN Tsarist Russia Over the course of several centuries, charity has developed as a true virtue. Basically, medical institutions and schools were built with money from patrons. Many modern institutes and universities initially had the status of educational institutions. Their construction took place in the 18th-19th centuries and were intended for orphans left without parental care. University named after Herzen is just one of those educational institutions, which in 1770 was such an educational home. Children from the age of two were accepted here and, in addition to orphans and children of the poor, illegitimate children received education. They received primary education, which greatly distinguished them from the majority of the illiterate population of the country.

Orphanage for orphans

It so happened that the tsarist regime was always viewed as backward and cruel. But how can we explain the fact that in this educational home in 1806 a class was opened for deaf and mute children? Such children always need a special approach and teachers.

But already at that time, deaf and mute children received knowledge and were adapted for life among hearing children. Throughout the 19th century, new departments were opened in the orphanage: a maternity hospital, an orphanage, and a midwifery institute. Here, knowledge was put into the heads of male and female students that would undoubtedly be useful to them in the future. First of all, these were midwives who could replace midwives and reduce mortality in the country among the poor. Governesses and teachers were also needed, that is, those who could improve the level of education among all segments of the population.

Forge of teaching staff

But then the revolution happened, the orphanage was abolished with the ease of which only the Bolsheviks were capable. And in its place a pedagogical institute appeared to train teachers for Soviet Russia. The experience and knowledge accumulated over centuries were not in vain.

After all, after the devastation of the 1920s, schools began to be built in the country, and in such numbers that the institute turned into a powerful source of personnel. Thus, the government fought against general illiteracy and was very successful. Therefore, competent teachers were required, required, required. The institute, now a pedagogical one, worked even in wartime, without interrupting the learning process for a day.

Development of the country's largest university

In the 1950-1970s, Herzen University was the largest center for training and scientific workers for the whole country. And the merger with the Leningrad Institute named after. M.N. Pokrovsky made it possible to expand the range of activities, increase the number of faculties and acquire branches.

And there are three of them at Herzen University. Due to this merger, student learning has become even better. In the early 1990s, as a result of successful certification, the former Orphanage became a university and received the official name Russian State Pedagogical University. The once modest educational institution has become the largest university in the country.

Herzen University and faculties

People come here to study from all over the Russian Federation. Thousands of future specialists are educated within the university's walls. The passing score at Herzen University has always been one of the highest, because the best teachers in the country teach here, including many associate professors, doctors and candidates of science. Up to ten people can apply for one place. Applicants are offered a serious choice of more than 100 departments.

The following faculties are in great demand and popularity: pedagogy, mathematics and foreign languages, chemistry, geography. A future student can choose a teaching specialty primary classes or teach high school students computer science and modern technologies. National Economy our country needs highly qualified specialists in all fields and directions, so Herzen University has never experienced a shortage of applicants. And it pleases.

Contribution to science

The structure of Herzen University is very complex. Under its roof it unites several divisions of various specializations and more. All faculties and departments work closely with the Research Institute of Physics, Research Institute of Education and scientific laboratories. There is also an Innovation Center, which, thanks to the fruitful work of graduates from different faculties of the University. Herzen Institute in St. Petersburg currently has International status; it actively interacts with foreign scientists and developers of scientific programs.

At the university itself, for the training of scientific personnel and for the development innovation activity projects have been developed. Their goal is to provide as many opportunities as possible for young specialists to work in their chosen specialty, supporting their ideas and innovative activity.

Electronic University

One of the interesting offers of Herzen University is the opportunity to start studying at the Center distance learning, one of the convenient forms for those who, for some reason, cannot attend an educational institution. And this form can have its undeniable advantages.

The Electronic Pedagogical University actively uses the capabilities of modern computer technologies and is a high-quality education provider. Thus, students study at a time convenient for them; lectures and forums are used for work, which help while learning a particular science. Distance Learning Center shows good results in terms of the quality of training, because students work mainly independently, sometimes offering a unique solution to many problems. The Electronic University has the opportunity to organize individual training for each student.

Note to applicants

Teachers of Herzen University provide the opportunity not only to receive a high-quality education in the departments and faculties subordinate to them. The structure of the educational institution includes an agrobiological station. Of course she plays the role of a huge practical guide for students of the Faculty of Biology. Only with such practice at the biological station can a young specialist become a master of his craft.

Educational field work helps students better understand ecology, genetics, and zoology. Herzen University includes numerous workshops. For example, at the faculty visual arts there are departments of drawing, painting and art education. In the workshops of this faculty they study disciplines on the basics of sculpture, artistic graphics and lithography, and the basics of making ceramic products. There is also a recently opened workshop where students are taught the basics of computer graphics, Internet technologies, design and computer modeling.

Graduate students and doctors of science

At Herzen University, great importance is attached to the future of our country, therefore, great attention is paid to training personnel of the highest qualifications - these are graduate students and doctors of sciences who defend their dissertations within the walls of Herzen University. Created for this purpose special department, where specialists from all over our country undergo certification of their scientific achievements. Every year, more than 10 applicants receive a doctorate degree at the university.

At Herzen University in St. Petersburg, considerable importance is given to science; many students choose this particular path, no matter how thorny it may be. Scientific forums dedicated to the development of science in Russia and exhibitions of scientific achievements are held here. Numerous research projects receive additional funding in the form of grants and are supported by the work of the scientific laboratories of Herzen University. The main suppliers of orders were the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation. They offer young specialists topics for developing educational and methodological complexes and intellectual technologies.

4 stages professional development.

The first stage of professional development of an individual is associated with the emergence and formation of professional intentions under the influence of general personal development and initial orientation in various fields labor activity in the world of work and the world of professions. The psychological criterion for successfully passing this stage is the choice of profession or specialty that meets social needs (labor market requirements) and the needs of the individual himself. The second stage is the period vocational training and education, i.e. targeted training in selected areas professional activity and mastering all the subtleties professional excellence. The psychological criterion for successfully passing this stage is the professional self-determination of the individual, i.e. formation of an attitude towards oneself as a subject of one’s chosen activity and professional orientation, which quite clearly reflects the attitudes towards the development of professionally significant qualities. The third stage is active entry into the professional environment, reflecting the student’s transition to a new type of activity - to professional work in its various forms in real production conditions. The psychological criterion for successfully completing this stage is active mastery of the profession in the conditions of the real labor process and industrial relations, finding oneself in the system of work collectives. The fourth stage involves the full or partial realization of professional aspirations and capabilities of the individual in independent work. The psychological criterion for successfully passing this stage is the degree of mastery of the operational side of professional activity, the level of formation of professionally significant personality traits, attitude to work, a measure of skill and creativity.