Summary of an open lesson in the preparatory group on familiarization with fiction "Memorizing the poem by P. Voronko "There is no better native land." Children's poems about the homeland, poems about Russia, about Rus' Read p Voronko boy cranes

(Platon Voronko)

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
-Where is the best land? —
He answered as he flew by:
- It’s better not native land!

(Platon Voronko)

Along the earth from end to end

The boy is walking. Help.

Where people plant a garden,
There he plants a row.

Scooped up a bucket of water
I took and watered two ridges

On the oak tree of collective farm bees
Help, I found it in the forest.

He covered them up and went to the collective farm
He brought a whole swarm in a bag.

Diggers are digging a pond
He shares the labor with them:

Carries dug sand -
His cart is already groaning.

Helped everyone
Help in any way you can:

The carpenter and the blacksmith,
Brother, mother, father.

What a glorious land this is,
Where does our Help grow?

(Platon Voronko)

Spring day.
It's time to plow.
We went out into the tractor field,
They walk through the hills hunchbacked,
They are led by my father and brother.
I'm hurrying after them,
Please take me for a ride.
And my father answers me:
— The tractor plows but doesn’t roll.
Wait a minute: when you grow up -
You will drive the same one yourself!

(Platon Voronko)

We will plant linden and maple trees.
The city will be elegant and green.

We will plant poplars in rows.
Our squares will become gardens.

We will surround the school with trees,
Let the cheerful hubbub ring over her.

Soviet children love greens,
They love to see trees in bloom.

With young gardens and forests
We will grow and bloom ourselves.

Let it bloom more and more beautiful every hour
Our young Fatherland!

(Platon Voronko)

I grew up, sticky,
Thin and flexible.
Don't break me!

Honey color
I will bloom in the summer.
Protect me!

At noon below me
Hide from the heat
Grow me!

I'm leafing you out
I'll protect you from the rain.
Water me!

Together, my dear friend,
Let's gain strength!
You love me!

And you'll wait until the deadline
You will go out into the wide world -
Do not forget about me!

(Platon Voronko)

Thin birch,
She's not tall.
Like a teenager
She has a pigtail.

Tree for glory
It has grown over the year.
How curly
How white!

The goats came running
Early in the morning
Gnawing at the birch tree
White bark.

Don't go, goats,
Into our young forest.

Birch trees will grow,
They will be up to the skies!

(Platon Voronko)

The sun is warm, the wind is blowing,
The blue sky is clear.
And the meadow turns green,
Because it's raining.

What a miracle! Just a miracle!
What kind of rain and where is it coming from?
The firmament is clean and clear,
There are no clouds, but it’s raining!

It's right. Not out of the clouds
It's raining in our region.

There's a mighty engine in the fields
Drives a noisy stream.

(Platon Voronko)

I carried water, water
From the well to the garden.

And then she carried it into the garden,
I watered ten beds.

And in the beds - look! —
Strawberries have grown today.

I'll pick ripe berries
I'll call all my girlfriends!

(Platon Voronko)

The heron sewed shoes
Not small, not big.

The heron did not look for the ford.
Chapu-lapu - straight into the water.
“Admire, waders,
On your heels, heels!”

While she was boasting,
The shoes fell off her feet.
One shoe sank
And the other one softened in the water.

Heron raises his leg
Doesn't understand anything
And all day among the willow trees
Stands on one leg.

(Platon Voronko)

Night is coming.
You're tired, daughter.
My legs were running in the morning,
It's time for your eyes to sleep.
A crib is waiting for you.
Sleep sweetly, daughter!

Topic: P. Voronko. There is no better native land Goal: to expand the knowledge of students; develop memory, logical thinking, coherent speech; expand students' vocabulary; improve students' ability to read sound patterns of words; to cultivate patriotism, love for the Motherland, and an understanding of its significance for every person. Equipment: symbols of Ukraine, slides depicting the native city, audio recordings. Lesson type: combined lesson. LESSON PROGRESS I. Class organization II. Updating students' basic knowledge - Tell me what is shown in these pictures? (Coat of arms, flag of Ukraine) - How can you say it in one word? (Symbols) - What other symbol do you know? (Anthem) - What is the name of our state? - Which cities of Ukraine do you know? (Illustrations are on the board.) - What are the largest rivers flowing in our region? - Name the capital of our state. - Tell us about your little native place: where do you live? Where do you go to school? Where do you relax? - Why is your native land dear to you? III. Report the topic and objectives of the lesson Teacher. Today in class we will continue the conversation about our Motherland, listen to many poems, and learn some of them. IV. Motivation educational activities students - Listen to the poem by E. Trutneva. Everything for you in your native land! You are the happiest person in the world! In the gardens, starlings sing to you, the warm wind is your friend, Hiking, games and science await you in your beloved country, And your every step is protected by Her caring hands. - Many poems and songs have been written about the Fatherland, about the native land. Poets glorified the beauty of the Motherland in their works. And we will get acquainted with some of them today in class. V. Work on the topic of the lesson 1. The teacher’s word - The homeland is the place where a person was born, where he said his first word, took his first step. And no matter where fate takes him, his homeland will definitely shine with a distant light. Students learn P. Voronko's poem by heart. THERE IS NO BETTER NATIVE LAND Zhura-zhura-crane! He flew over a hundred lands. He flew around, walked around, and strained his wings and legs. We asked the crane: - Where is the best land? He answered, flying by: “There is no better native land!” “My land, my region, my beloved country,” every person says about his Motherland, his Fatherland. Working with proverbs and sayings - The people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland. One's own land is sweet even in sorrow. The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid. On the other side, even spring is not beautiful. Where someone is born, that’s where they will come in handy. - How do you understand these proverbs? Lesson summary - What did we talk about in class today? - What poems did you learn? - Which legend did you listen to? - Why do you love your Motherland? Topic: P. Voronko. There is no better native land Goal: to expand the knowledge of students; develop memory, logical thinking, coherent speech; expand students' vocabulary; improve students' ability to read sound patterns of words; to cultivate patriotism, love for the Motherland, and an understanding of its significance for every person. Equipment: symbols of Ukraine, slides depicting the native city, audio recordings. Lesson type: combined lesson. LESSON PROGRESS I. Class organization II. Updating students' basic knowledge - Tell me what is shown in these pictures? (Coat of arms, flag of Ukraine) - How can you say it in one word? (Symbols) - What other symbol do you know? (Anthem) - What is the name of our state? - Which cities of Ukraine do you know? (Illustrations are on the board.) - What are the largest rivers flowing in our region? - Name the capital of our state. - Tell us about your little native place: where do you live? Where do you go to school? Where do you relax? - Why is your native land dear to you? III. Report the topic and objectives of the lesson Teacher. Today in class we will continue the conversation about our Motherland, listen to many poems, and learn some of them. IV. Motivation for students' learning activities - Listen to the poem by E. Trutneva. Everything for you in your native land! You are the happiest person in the world! In the gardens, starlings sing to you, the warm wind is your friend, Hiking, games and science await you in your beloved country, And your every step is protected by Her caring hands. - Many poems and songs have been written about the Fatherland, about the native land. Poets glorified the beauty of the Motherland in their works. And we will get acquainted with some of them today in class. V. Work on the topic of the lesson 1. The teacher’s word - The homeland is the place where a person was born, where he said his first word, took his first step. And no matter where fate takes him, his homeland will definitely shine with a distant light. Students learn P. Voronko's poem by heart. THERE IS NO BETTER NATIVE LAND Zhura-zhura-crane! He flew over a hundred lands. He flew around, walked around, and strained his wings and legs. We asked the crane: - Where is the best land? He answered, flying by: “There is no better native land!” “My land, my region, my beloved country,” every person says about his Motherland, his Fatherland. Working with proverbs and sayings - The people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland. One's own land is sweet even in sorrow. The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid. On the other side, even spring is not beautiful. Where someone is born, that’s where they will come in handy. - How do you understand these proverbs? Lesson summary - What did we talk about in class today? - What poems did you learn? - Which legend did you listen to? - Why do you love your homeland?

Extracurricular reading grade 3 THERE IS NO BETTER NATIVE LAND.docx


Topic: P. Voronko. There is no better native land Goal: to expand the knowledge of students; develop memory, logical thinking, coherent speech; expand students' vocabulary; improve students' ability to read sound patterns of words; to cultivate patriotism, love for the Motherland, and an understanding of its significance for every person. Equipment: symbols of Ukraine, slides depicting the native city, audio recordings. Lesson type: combined lesson. LESSON PROGRESS I. Class organization II. Updating students' basic knowledge - Tell me what is shown in these pictures? (Coat of arms, flag of Ukraine) - How can you say it in one word? (Symbols) - What other symbol do you know? (Anthem) - What is the name of our state? - Which cities of Ukraine do you know? (Illustrations are on the board.) - What are the largest rivers flowing in our region? - Name the capital of our state. - Tell us about your little native place: where do you live? Where do you go to school? Where do you relax? - Why is your native land dear to you? III. Report the topic and objectives of the lesson Teacher. Today in class we will continue the conversation about our Motherland, listen to many poems, and learn some of them. IV. Motivation for students' learning activities - Listen to the poem by E. Trutneva. Everything for you in your native land! You are the happiest person in the world!

In the gardens, starlings sing to you, the warm wind is your friend, Hiking, games and science await you in your beloved country, And your every step is protected by Her caring hands. - Many poems and songs have been written about the Fatherland, about the native land. Poets glorified the beauty of the Motherland in their works. And we will get acquainted with some of them today in class. V. Work on the topic of the lesson 1. The teacher’s word - The homeland is the place where a person was born, where he said his first word, took his first step. And no matter where fate takes him, his homeland will definitely shine with a distant light. Students learn P. Voronko's poem by heart. THERE IS NO BETTER NATIVE LAND Zhurazhurazhuravel! He flew over a hundred lands. He flew around, walked around, and strained his wing-legs. We asked the crane: - Where is the best land? He answered, flying by: “There is no better native land!” “My land, my region, my beloved country,” every person says about his Motherland, his Fatherland. Working with proverbs and sayings - The people have composed many proverbs and sayings about their Motherland. One's own land is sweet even in sorrow.

6-7 years old according to the program “From birth to school”

(at the teacher's choice)


    Ya. Akim. "April"

    P. Voronko. “There is no better native land”, trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak

    E. Blaginina “Overcoat”

    N. Gernet and D. Harms. “Very, very tasty pie”

    S. Yesenin. "Birch"

    S. Marshak. "The young month is melting..."

    E. Moshkovskaya. "We've reached the evening"

    V. Orlov. “You fly to us, squawk”

    A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn...” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”)

    N. Rubtsov. "About the Hare"

    I. Surikov. "Winter"

    P. Solovyov “Snowdrop”

    F. Tyutchev. “Winter is angry for a reason”

Y. Akim “April” »

Spring has been going on for a long time in secret

From the winds and cold,

And today straight

Splashes through puddles.

Drives melted snow

With hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows

Green velvet.

Drumming on the glass

Gray paw willow...

", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak


He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, went away,

Wings, legs strained

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered as he flew by:

There is no better native land!

I wanted to throw a ball

And I invited guests to my place,

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked a crumbly (pie).

Pie, knives and forks are here -

But for some reason the guests (are not coming).

I waited until I had enough strength

Then I took a bite.

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

When did the guests arrive?

Not even crumbs (they didn’t find)

E. Blaginina “Overcoat”

Why are you an overcoat

Are you saving? –

I asked my dad,

Why don't you break it?

Won't you burn it? –

I asked my dad.

After all, she is both dirty and old,

Take a closer look,

There's a hole in the back,

Take a closer look!

That's why I take care of it, -

Dad answers me, -

That’s why I won’t tear it up, I won’t burn it, -

Dad answers me, -

That's why she's dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We walked, my friend,

On the enemy

And they defeated him!

Here the young month is melting,

The stars go out in succession.

From the open gates

The red sun is coming.

The sun leads by the hand

New day and New Year!

S. Yesenin “Birch”

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

We ran and hurried,

Because they lived fast!

We ran and jumped

And we haven’t rested since the morning,

And they ate

On the run

And they drank

At a gallop

Out of breath


Tired, surprised:

We reached the EVENING,

A star lit up in the sky,

Need to live


Fly to us, little bird,

Bring us some sunshine!

Wake up spring soon

With his sonorous song.

Fly to us, little bird,

silk feather,

A new house on a birch tree

Waiting for you in your native land

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter


Fog lay over the fields,

was approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

N. Rubtsov “About the hare” »

The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,

I was walking home from the forest -

Poor frightened hare

So he sat down in front of me!

So he died, stupid,

But, of course, at that very moment

Jumped into the pine forest,

Hearing my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time,

Hiding in silence,

I thought somewhere under the tree

About yourself and me.

I thought, sighing sadly,

What friends does he have?

After Grandfather Mazai

There is no one left.

I. Surikov “Winter”

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

God's days are short

The sun shines little, -

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

P. Solovyov “Snowdrop”

In the forest where the birches are

They crowded together

Snowdrop looked

Blue eye.

Little by little first

He put out his green leg,

Then I reached out to them all

Of your little strengths

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather

Warm and clear

Tell me, is it true that

It is spring?"

No wonder winter is angry,

Its time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,

Everything is forcing winter out -

And larks in the sky

The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy

And he grumbles about spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it just makes more noise...

The evil witch went mad

And, capturing the snow,

She let me in, running away,

To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough:

Washed in the snow

And only became blusher

Against the enemy.

Y. Akim “April” »

Spring has been going on for a long time in secret

From the winds and cold,

And today straight

Splashes through puddles.

Drives melted snow

With hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows

Green velvet.

“Soon, soon it will be warm!” - This news first

Drumming on the glass

Gray paw willow...

P. Voronko “There is no better native land ", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak


He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, went away,

Wings, legs strained

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered as he flew by:

There is no better native land!

N. Garnet, D. Kharms “Very, very tasty pie”

I wanted to throw a ball

And I invited guests to my place,

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked a crumbly (pie).

Pie, knives and forks are here -

But for some reason the guests (are not coming).

I waited until I had enough strength

Then I took a bite.

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And he ate the whole pie in a minute.

When did the guests arrive?

Not even crumbs (they didn’t find)

E. Blaginina “Overcoat”

Why are you an overcoat

Are you saving? –

I asked my dad,

Why don't you break it?

Won't you burn it? –

I asked my dad.

After all, she is both dirty and old,

Take a closer look,

There's a hole in the back,

Take a closer look!

That's why I take care of it, -

Dad answers me, -

That’s why I won’t tear it up, I won’t burn it, -

Dad answers me, -

That's why she's dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We walked, my friend,

On the enemy

And they defeated him!

P. Solovyov “Snowdrop”

In the forest where the birches are

They crowded together

Snowdrop looked

Blue eye.

Little by little first

He put out his green leg,

Then I reached out to them all

Of your little strengths

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather

Warm and clear

Tell me, is it true that

It is spring?"

S. Marshak “The young month is melting…”

Here the young month is melting,

The stars go out in succession.

From the open gates

The red sun is coming.

The sun leads by the hand

New day and New Year!

S. Yesenin “Birch”

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

E. Moshkovskaya “We reached the evening”

We ran and hurried,

Because they lived fast!

We ran and jumped

And we haven’t rested since the morning,

And they ate

On the run

And they drank

At a gallop

Out of breath


Tired, surprised:

We reached the EVENING,

A star lit up in the sky,

Need to live


V. Orlov “You fly to us, little bird…”

Fly to us, little bird,

Bring us some sunshine!

Wake up spring soon

With his sonorous song.

Fly to us, little bird,

silk feather,

A new house on a birch tree

Waiting for you in your native land

A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn... (from “Eugene Onegin”)

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy with sad noise


Fog lay over the fields,

A caravan of noisy geese stretched to the south:

was approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

N. Rubtsov “About the hare” »

The hare ran through the meadow into the forest,

I was walking home from the forest -

Poor frightened hare

So he sat down in front of me!

So he died, stupid,

But, of course, at that very moment

Jumped into the pine forest,

Hearing my cheerful cry.

And probably for a long time,

Hiding in silence,

I thought somewhere under the tree

About yourself and me.

I thought, sighing sadly,

What friends does he have?

After Grandfather Mazai

There is no one left.

I. Surikov “Winter”

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

God's days are short

The sun shines little, -

Here come the frosts -

And winter has come.

F. Tyutchev “Winter is angry for a reason”

No wonder winter is angry,

Its time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,

Everything is forcing winter out -

And larks in the sky

The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy

And he grumbles about spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it just makes more noise...

The evil witch went mad

And, capturing the snow,

She let me in, running away,

To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough:

Washed in the snow

And only became blusher

Against the enemy.

Kremlin stars

Kremlin stars
They are burning above us,
Their light reaches everywhere!
The guys have a good homeland,
AND better than that one Motherland
(S. Mikhalkov)

There is no better native land

He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
Where is the best land?
He answered as he flew by:
There is no better native land!

(P. Voronko)


Hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -
Native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you once come out?
To the fork in the road.
And I realized what it was
Expanse of fields -
A piece of the great
My fatherland.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Native nest

Song swallows
Above my window
They sculpt, sculpt a nest...
I know it will be there soon
The chicks will appear
They will start shouting
They will have parents
Wear midges.
The little ones will fly out
In summer from the nest,
They'll fly over the world
But they always
They will know and remember
What's in our native land
The nest will greet them
Above my window.
(G. Ladonshchikov)


Homeland – the word is big, big!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.
(T. Bokova)


sown -
She's all there before our eyes
From South
to the north!
Dear homeland,
The homeland is fair-haired,
(V. Semernin)

Our Motherland

And beautiful and rich
Our Motherland, guys.
It's a long drive from the capital
To any of its borders.

Everything around you is your own, dear:
Mountains, steppes and forests:
The rivers sparkle blue,
Blue skies.

Every city
Dear to the heart,
Every rural house is precious.
Everything in battles is taken at some point
And strengthened by labor!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

WITH Good morning!

The sun rose over the mountain,
The darkness of the night is blurred by the dawn,
A meadow of flowers, like a painted one...
Good morning,
Native land!

The doors creaked noisily,
The early birds began to sing,
They argue loudly with silence...
Good morning,
Native land!

People went to work
The bees fill the honeycombs with honey,
There are no clouds in the sky...
Good morning,
Native land!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Hello, my Motherland

In the morning the sun rises,
He's calling us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!

I sing in silence too
The birds sing along with me.
The herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry up, my friend, grow up!

I answer to herbs,
I answer the wind
I answer the sun:
- Hello, my Motherland!

(V. Orlov)

Key words

We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words.
They were read for the first time:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
The foliage will become sunny.
Illuminated with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow!
(L. Olifirova)

Native pier

Looking out to sea
Meeting people:
To your native pier
The steamer is approaching.
Until this moment
He walked a hundred roads,
Probably out of excitement
His horn became hoarse.

In his portholes
The rocks looked
And the sun of the equator
The sides caressed him.
The seas rocked him
The winds roared above him,
But on black nights
Beyond the seas
He was thinking about the pier
In your homeland.

And now at sea
People are watching at the port -
To your
Mother's pier
The steamer is approaching.
And iron, he quietly purred
And gently,
I rubbed myself against the pier.

(V. Orlov)

Our region

Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree,
Willow bush over the river.
Where else can you find one like this?

From the seas to the high mountains,
In the middle of our native latitudes -
Everyone is running, the roads are running,
And they call forward.

The valleys are filled with sunshine,
And wherever you look -
Native land, forever beloved,
Everything is blooming like a spring garden.

Our childhood is golden!
You are getting brighter every day
Under a lucky star
We live in our native land!

(A. Alien)

What we call Motherland

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
(V. Stepanov)

Vast country

If for a long, long, long time
We're going to fly on the plane,
If for a long, long, long time
We should look at Russia,
We'll see then
And forests and cities,
Ocean spaces,
Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge,
Tundra, where spring rings,
And then we will understand what
Our Motherland is big,
An immense country.
(V. Stepanov)

What is our Motherland!

An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.

The gardens stand thoughtfully.

What an elegant homeland,

She herself is like a wonderful garden!

The river plays with riffles,

The fish in it are all made of silver,

What a rich homeland,

A leisurely wave is flowing,

The vastness of the fields is pleasing to the eye.

What a happy homeland

And this happiness is all for us!

(V. Bokov)


Have your own native land
By the stream and by the crane.
And you and I have it -
And the native land is one.

(P. Sinyavsky )


Here the warm field is filled with rye,

Here the dawns splash in the palms of the meadows.

Here are the golden-winged angels of God

They came down from the clouds along the rays of light.

And they watered the land with holy water,

And the blue expanse was overshadowed with a cross.

And we have no homeland except Russia

Here is mother, here is the temple, here is the father’s house.

(P. Sinyavsky )


In my drawing
Field with spikelets,
Church on the hill
Near the clouds.
In my drawing
Mom and friends
In my drawing
My motherland.

In my drawing
Rays of dawn
Grove and river,
Sunshine and summer.
In my drawing
Song of the stream,
In my drawing
My motherland.

In my drawing
The daisies have grown
Jumps along the path
Rider on a horse
In my drawing
Rainbow and me
In my drawing
My motherland.

In my drawing
Mom and friends
In my drawing
Song of the stream,
In my drawing
Rainbow and me
In my drawing
My motherland.

(P. Sinyavsky )

Native song

The cheerful sun is pouring
Golden streams
Over the gardens and over the villages,
Over fields and meadows.

It's raining mushrooms here,
Colored rainbows shine,
Here are simple plantains
Since childhood we have been dearest.

Poplar powder
Spun at the edge of the forest
And scattered throughout the grove
Strawberry freckles.

It's raining mushrooms here,
Colored rainbows shine,
Here are simple plantains
Since childhood we have been dearest.

And they started burying me again
Flocks of swallows over the house,
To sing about the Motherland again
Familiar bells.

(P. Sinyavsky )

Native land

Cheerful forest, native fields,
Rivers meander, flowering slope,
Hills and villages, free space
And the melodious ringing of bells.

With your smile, with your breath
I'm merging.
Immense, protected by Christ,
My native land,
My love.

(M. Pozharova)


If they say the word “homeland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,

A modest birch tree by the river
And a chamomile hillock...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud, joyful whistle.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

(Z. Alexandrova)

Above our native land

Airplanes are flying

over our fields...

And I shout to the pilots:

“Take me with you!

So that over our native land

I shot through like an arrow,

I saw rivers, mountains,

Valleys and lakes

and swell on the Black Sea,

and boats in the open air,

plains in lush color

and all the children in the world!”

(R. Bosilek)

Rain, rain, where have you been?..

- Rain, rain, where have you been?
- I was floating across the sky with a cloud!
- And then you crashed?
- Oh, no, no, it spilled with water,
Dripped, dripped down, fell -
I fell straight into the river!

And then I sailed far away
In the fast, blue-eyed river,
Loved it with all my heart
Our Motherland is great!

Well, then it evaporated,
Attached to a white cloud,
And I swam, I tell you,
To distant countries, islands.

And now over the ocean
I'm still floating into the distance with the fog!
Enough, wind, keep blowing -
We need to swim back.

To meet the river,
To rush with her into the native forest!
To admire with your soul
Our Motherland is big.

So, wind, my friend,
We are hurrying home with the cloud!
You, wind, urge us on -
Point the cloud towards the house!

Because I miss home...
Come on, I’ll rock the cloud!
I'm in such a hurry to get home...
I'll be back to you soon!

(K. Avdeenko )

Go beyond the seas and oceans

Go beyond the seas and oceans,

You have to fly across the entire earth:

There are different countries in the world,

But you won’t find one like ours.

Our bright waters are deep,

The land is wide and free,

And the factories thunder without ceasing,

And the fields are noisy, blossoming...

(M. Isakovsky)

Home country

In the wide open space

Before dawn

Scarlet dawns have risen

Over my native country.

Every year it gets more beautiful

Dear countries...

Better than our Motherland

Not in the world, friends!

(A. Prokofiev)


Hello to you, my native land,

With your dark forests,

With your great river,

And endless fields!

Hello to you, dear people,

Tireless hero of labor,

In the middle of winter and in the summer heat!

Hello to you, my native land!

(S. Drozhzhin)

baby crane

The warmth has gone from the fields,
and a flock of cranes
The leader leads to the green overseas land.
The wedge flies sadly,
And only one is cheerful,
One stupid little crane.

He rushes into the clouds
hurries the leader,
But the leader says to him sternly:
- At least that land is warmer,
And the homeland is dearer,
Miley - remember, little crane, this word.
Remember the sound of birches
and that steep slope,
Where your mother saw you flying;
Remember forever
Otherwise never
My friend, you won’t become a real crane.

We have snow,
We're in the middle of a blizzard
And you can’t hear bird voices at all.
And somewhere out there in the distance
The cranes are crowing,
They mumble about their snow-covered homeland.
(I. Shaferan)

Song of Glory

Hail, great one,
Fraternal Russian
Family of peoples.

Stand surrounded
An ancient stronghold
Gray Kremlin!

Hello, darling,
Banner flowing
Light of reason!

Glorious for grandfathers,
Brave grandchildren
Friendly Russian
Family of peoples.

Strengthen yourself with victories,
Expand yourself in sciences,
Eternally incorruptible
Glory to the earth!
(N. Aseev)

Russia, Russia, Russia

There is no more beautiful land in the world,

There is no homeland in the brighter world!

Russia, Russia, Russia,

What could be dearer to the heart?

Who was your equal in strength?

Anyone suffered defeats!

Russia, Russia, Russia,

We are in sorrow and happiness with you!

Russia! Like a blue bird

We protect and honor you,

And if they violate the border,

We will protect you with our breasts!

And if we were suddenly asked:

“Why is the country dear to you?”

Yes, because Russia is for all of us,

Like a dear mother, one!

(V. Gudimov)

The best in the world

Russian region, my land,
Dear spaces!
We have rivers and fields,
Seas, forests and mountains.

We have both north and south.
Gardens bloom in the south.
In the north there is snow all around -
It's cold and blizzardy there.

In Moscow they go to bed now,
The moon looks out the window.
Far East at the same hour
Rising to meet the sun.

Russian region, how great you are!
From border to border
And a fast train straight ahead
It won't finish in a week.

The words are heard on the radio -
The long journey is not difficult for them.
Your familiar voice, Moscow,
Heard by people everywhere.

And we are always happy to hear news
About our peaceful life.
How happy we live
In your native Fatherland!

Nations are like one family,
Although their language is different.
All are daughters and sons
Your beautiful country.

And everyone has one homeland.
Hello and glory to you,
Invincible country
Russian power!
(N. Zabila, translated from Ukrainian by Z. Alexandrova )

Russian house

Russia is like a huge apartment.
There are four windows and four doors:
North, west, south, east.
A heavenly ceiling hangs above her.

Luxurious carpet lays in the apartment
Floors in Taimyr and Anadyr.
And the sun burns at a billion kilowatts,
Because our house is a bit dark in places.

And, as befits every apartment,
There is a Pantry of Siberia in it:
Various berries are stored there,
And fish, and meat, and coal, and gas.

And next to the Kurilka - Kuril ridge -
There are hot water taps,
Springs are bubbling at Klyuchevskaya Hill
(Go and turn on the hot water!)

There are also three cool baths in the apartment:
Northern, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
And a powerful stove of the Kuzbass system,
What warms us in the cold winter.

And here is a refrigerator with the name "Arctic",
The automation works great in it.
And to the right of the ancient Kremlin clock
There are seven more time zones to go.

The Russian House has everything for a comfortable life,
But there is no order in the huge apartment:

A fire breaks out here, a pipe leaks there.
Then the neighbors knock loudly from the corner.
The walls are cracking, the paint is falling,
About two hundred years ago Alaska fell away,
The roof went down, the horizon disappeared...
Again rebuilding and again repairs.

The builders themselves do not know what they are building:
First they will build it, and then they will tear it down.
Everyone wants it to be built right away

We are all neighbors and residents in our house:
Ordinary residents, building managers, builders.
And what will we build now in Rus'?..
Ask your mom and dad about this.

(A. Usachev)


Rain, rain, where have you been?
- I was floating across the sky with a cloud!
- And then you crashed?
- Oh, no, no, it spilled with water,
Dripped, dripped down, fell -
I fell straight into the river!

And then I sailed far away
In the fast, blue-eyed river,
Loved it with all my heart
Our Motherland is great!

Well, then it evaporated,
Attached to a white cloud,
And I swam, I tell you,
To distant countries, islands.

And now over the ocean
I'm still floating into the distance with the fog!
Enough, wind, keep blowing -
We need to swim back.

To meet the river,
To rush with her into the native forest!
To admire with your soul
Our Motherland is big.

So, wind, my friend,
We are hurrying home with the cloud!
You, wind, urge us on -
Point the cloud towards the house!

Because I miss home...
Come on, I’ll rock the cloud!
I'm in such a hurry to get home...
I'll be back to you soon!


Go beyond the seas and oceans,

You have to fly across the entire earth:

There are different countries in the world,

But you won’t find one like ours.

Our bright waters are deep,

The land is wide and free,

And the factories thunder without ceasing,

And the fields are noisy, blossoming...


If for a long, long, long time

We're going to fly on the plane,

If for a long, long, long time

We should look at Russia.

We'll see then

And forests and cities,

Ocean spaces,

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge,

Tundra, where spring rings.

And then we will understand what

Our Motherland is big,


Russia is like a word from a song,

Birch young foliage,

There are forests, fields and rivers all around,

Expanse, Russian soul -

I love you, my Russia,

I love you, I understand you deeply

Steppe away the brooding sadness,

I love everything that is called

In one broad word - Rus'.


Hills, copses,

Meadows and fields -

Native, green

Our land.

The land where I made

Your first step

Where did you once come out?

To the fork in the road.

And I realized what it was

Expanse of fields -

A piece of the great


Oh, Motherland! In a dim glow
I catch with my trembling gaze
Your woods, woods -
Everything I love without memory:

And the rustle of the white-trunked grove,
And the blue smoke in the distance is empty,
And a rusty cross over the bell tower,
And a low hill with a star...

My grievances and forgiveness
They will burn like old stubble.
In you alone there is consolation
And my healing.


I read a book yesterday

About the treasures of Russia.

And, seeing the double-headed coat of arms,

I quietly asked my mother:

“Why is the eagle two-headed?

Who is the rider on the horse?

I want to know everything in detail!

Tell me, Mommy.”

"Great is our power,

May peace reign forever,

A double-headed eagle looks into the distance,

Protects us from harm.

On horseback - Victorious -

Our holy fighter against evil.

Fierce, large snake

He killed with his spear.

And the Russian coat of arms is painted

In red and gold.

Red is the blood of fallen heroes,

So that you and I can live.

Gold is our wealth:

Bread, ore, fields, forests.

Just to live richer

It takes work and kindness.”

I listened to the stories

About Russia from ancient times

And I decided - not in the world


Powers in different ways

They decorated their own with coats of arms.

Here is a leopard, a double-headed eagle

And a lion rearing up.

This was the ancient custom -

So that from state emblems

The animal face threatened the neighbors

Bare all your teeth.

Now a beast of prey, now an evil bird,

The likeness, having lost its own,

They squeeze in their paws, threatening,

Striking sword or spear.

Where there have been no lions for centuries,

Lions look fiercely from the coats of arms

Or eagles who can't get enough

One eagle head!

But not an eagle, not a lion, not a lioness

They decorated our coat of arms,

And the golden wreath of wheat,

A mighty hammer, a sharp sickle.

We do not threaten other nations,

But we take care of the spacious house,

Where is there a place under the sky

To everyone who lives by work.

Will not be split by an enemy

Union of peoples never.

The hammer and sickle are inseparable,

Earth, and ear, and star!


I love my fatherland, but with a strange love!
My reason will not defeat her
Nor glory bought with blood,
Nor the peace full of proud trust,
Nor the dark old treasured legends
No joyful dreams stir within me.
But I love - why don’t I know?

Its steppes are coldly silent,
Her boundless forests sway,
Its river floods are like seas...
On a country road I like to ride in a cart,
And, with a slow gaze piercing the shadow of the night,
Meet on the sides, sighing for an overnight stay,
The trembling lights of sad villages;
I love the smoke of burnt stubble,
A train spending the night in the steppe,
And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field
A couple of white birches.
With joy unknown to many
I see a complete threshing floor
A hut covered with straw
Window with carved shutters;
And on a holiday, on a dewy evening,
Ready to watch until midnight
To dance with stomping and whistling
Under the talk of drunken men.

GOY, YOU, Rus', MY DEAR...

Goy, my dear Rus',
Huts - in the robes of the image...
No end in sight -
Only blue sucks his eyes.
Like a visiting pilgrim,
I'm looking at your fields.
And at the low outskirts
The poplars are dying loudly.
Smells like apple and honey
Through the churches, your meek Savior,
And it buzzes behind the slope
There is a merry dance in the meadows.
I'll run along the crumpled stitch
Free green forests,
Towards me, like earrings,
A girl's laughter will ring out.
If the holy army shouts:
“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”
I will say: “There is no need for heaven,
Give me my homeland."


The hewn horns began to sing,
The plains and bushes are running.
Again chapels on the road
And funeral crosses.
Again I'm sick with warm sadness
From the oat breeze.
And on the limestone bell towers
The hand involuntarily crosses itself.
About Rus' - raspberry field
And the blue that fell into the river -
I love you to the point of joy and pain
Your lake melancholy.

Cold sorrow cannot be measured,
You're on a foggy shore.
But not to love you, not to believe -
I can't learn.
And I won't give up these chains,
And I won’t part with a long sleep,
When the native steppes ring
Prayer feather grass.


The feather grass is sleeping. Plain dear,
And the leaden freshness of wormwood.
No other homeland
It will not pour my warmth into my chest.

Know that we all have such a fate,
And, perhaps, ask everyone -
Rejoicing, raging and suffering,
Life is good in Rus'.

The light of a magnifying glass, mysterious and long,
The willows are crying, the poplars are whispering.
But no one listens to the crane's cry
He will not stop loving his father's fields.

And now, when the new light
And my life was touched by fate,
I still remained a poet
Golden log hut.

At night, huddled against the headboard,
I see him as a strong enemy
How someone else's youth splashes with newness
To my glades and meadows.

But still, cramped that night,
I can sing with feeling:
Give me in my beloved homeland,
Loving everything, die in peace!


Oh, my mother, Russia, Rus',
Your golden-domed throne is unshakable,
I love you, I'm proud of you,
Long-suffering and powerful.

Russia, Russia, great power,
Great power, bottomless Rus',
I am in love with Russia, with all my heart, with all my heart
And I will stay with her forever, I swear!


We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words.
They were read for the first time:
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

Spring and summer will fly by.
The foliage will become sunny.
Illuminated with new light
Mom, Motherland, Moscow.

The sun shines kindly on us.
Blue is pouring from the sky.
May they always live in the world
Mom, Motherland, Moscow!


He flew over a hundred lands.
Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:
-Where is the best land? –
He answered as he flew by:
- There is no better native land!


Hills, copses,
Meadows and fields -
Native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you once come out?
To the fork in the road.
And I realized what it was
Expanse of fields -
A piece of the great
My fatherland.


Russia, you are a great power,
Your spaces are infinitely large.
You have crowned yourself with glory for all ages.
And you have no other way.

The lake captivity crowns your forests.
A cascade of ridges in the mountains hides dreams.
The river flow cures thirst,
And the native steppe will give birth to bread.

We are proud of your cities.
From Brest to Vladivostok the path is open.

The glorious capital crowns you,
And St. Petersburg preserves history.

In your land of wealth there is an inexhaustible stream,
The path to your treasures lies for us.
How little we still know about you.
There is so much we have to study.


Touching the three great oceans,
She lies, spreading out the cities,
Covered with a grid of meridians,
Invincible, wide, proud.

But at the hour when the last grenade
Already in your hand
And in a short moment you need to remember at once
All we have left is in the distance

You don't remember a big country,
Which one have you traveled and learned?
Do you remember your homeland - like this,
How you saw her as a child.

A piece of land, leaning against three birch trees,
The long road behind the forest,
A small river with a creaky carriage.
Sandy shore with low willow trees.

This is where we were lucky to be born,
Where for life, until death, we found
That handful of earth that is suitable.
To see in it the signs of the whole earth.

Yes. You can survive in the heat, in thunderstorms, in frosts,
Yes, you can go hungry and cold,
Go to death...

But these three birches
You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.


What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I live,
And the birch trees along which
We walk next to mom.

What do we call Motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call Motherland?
Everything that we cherish in our hearts,
And under the blue-blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.


Hello to you, my native land,

With your dark forests,

With your great river,

And endless fields!

Hello to you, dear people,

Tireless hero of labor,

In the middle of winter and in the summer heat!

Hello to you, my native land!


What is this song of weeping birches about?
A melody full of light and tears?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
What's behind the cold granite borders?
The melancholy of birds flying away for the winter?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.

In moments of sadness, in times of adversity
Who will take care of us and who will save us?
Motherland, only Motherland.
Who do we need to warm in the bitter cold?
And in difficult days should we feel sorry?
Motherland, dear Motherland.

When we go on interstellar flight,
What is our earthly heart singing about?
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.
We live in the name of goodness and love,
AND best songs yours and mine -
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland...

Under the scorching sun and snow dust
And my thoughts and my prayers -
About the Motherland, only about the Motherland.


I need to talk about Russia,
Yes, so that poetry is spoken out loud,
Yes, so much so that you want to repeat it,
The strongest name to say is: Russia!

The strongest name to pronounce,
Stronger than mother, stronger than love
And it’s gratifying to say on your lips
To the singing waves that turn blue in the distance.

More than once I was alone with you,
Asked for participation, demanded advice,
And you were always my destiny
My star, unique light.

He shone at me from my mother's eyes,
And it entered my chest and penetrated my blood,
And if it went out in my chest,
That heart would have burst at that very moment!


In the wide open space

Before dawn

Scarlet dawns have risen

Over my native country.

Every year it gets more beautiful

Dear countries...

Better than our Motherland


In any part of any country

The guys don't want war.

They will have to enter into life soon,

They need peace, not war,

The green noise of the native forest,

They all need school

And the garden at the peaceful threshold,

Father and mother and father's house.

There's a lot of space in this world

For those who are used to living by hard work.

For all children, for peace, for work!

Let every ear of corn ripen in the field,

Gardens are blooming, forests are growing!

Who sows bread in a peaceful field,

Builds factories, cities,

The one for the children of the orphan's share


Oh, Russia!
A country with a difficult fate...
I have you, Russia,
Like a heart, alone.
I'll tell my friend too
I will tell the enemy too -
Without you,
Like without a heart
I can't live...