Who is in demand on the Russian labor market? About the labor market in the Russian Federation and in-demand professions. Working professions and vacancies for people of mental work

The question “Where should I go to study?” This problem is acute for graduates: often, upon entering an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they are choosing. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students of foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespeare club.

To choose a secondary school for your child abroad, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, and we will also prepare your child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of his studies.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what they are interested in as a future profession, what they have an inclination for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign schoolchildren already know what they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Educational institutions also cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But enrolling in an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates lose interest in studying by the end of their studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get a more modern education in your field, consider enrolling in a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field, continue your specialized studies in a master's program, or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Find out more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most higher education institutions are also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the developments of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university gives you the opportunity to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that do not yet exist in Russian universities.

The prestige of a profession is determined not by fashion, but by its real demand in the labor market. While school graduates traditionally choose economics, legal, and management specialties, there is already an oversupply of managers and lawyers on the labor market in Russia, and employers are running wild in search of qualified engineers, accountants, IT specialists, programmers, architects and builders.

Who are employers looking for today?

IT specialists, graphic interface designers, software developers, SEO optimizers - the modern labor market constantly requires specialists related to the development and promotion of websites. Owners of small companies are often looking for “generalists” who can simultaneously perform several functions: programmer, layout designer, designer, editor or system administrator. Web designers who know how to create original, eye-catching, memorable websites are also at the peak of demand.

Accountants, economists - these specialties are not only popular among applicants, but are also always in demand among employers, and are also highly paid. Today, marketers and sales managers are in great demand.

They may not be the most prestigious, but they are in demand and well-paid blue-collar specialists - qualified car mechanics, builders, industrial employees, and debugging engineers. Cellular base station engineers are in great need.

Popular professions on the labor market in Russia in ten years

In the labor market, the need for specialists is changing very rapidly, but quite predictably. To ensure that your specialty is still in demand after graduation, read the research of sociologists who have identified the most necessary professions in the near future.

  • Engineering specialties. Labor market experts predict that engineering specialties related to production will take leading positions in the coming years. In Russia, there is an acute shortage of technical specialists with higher education in the field of communications and telecoms, construction, mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering, food and other industries. Manufacturing industry today is already experiencing an acute shortage of design and process engineers. Specialists who combine technical and economic education with knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be especially valuable. Good specialist engineers are trained at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow State Technical University named after. Bauman (MSTU), National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and at the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (MADI).
  • IT specialists. In the coming years, a sharp increase in demand for specialists in the development of cloud computing and mobile application development is expected. The organization of data storage, the problem of information security, and hacker attacks will contribute to the demand for specialists in the field of IT security. Just like today, in 10 years there will be a growing demand for SEO optimizers who can not only promote a website to the top positions, but also combine the functions of a designer and a marketer. Graduates of the Faculty of Cybernetics of MSTU are in great demand on the labor market. Bauman and the Faculty of Computer Science (Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics) of Moscow State University.
  • Nanotechnology. You can work as a nanotechnologist in Russia at well-known and successful enterprises of MDT Nanotechnology or the giant company Rusnano. If government support programs remain a priority, then this industry has a great future. And the sooner you find your place in it, the more chances you have to reach heights in it. To get a specialty in Nanotechnology in Electronics, you need to enroll in MIREA (Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation) or MIEM (Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics). The specialty “Nanomaterials” can be mastered at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), the University of Chemical Technology named after. Mendeleev and the Moscow Energy Institute.
  • Biotechnology. Currently, biotechnology specialists are widely in demand in agriculture, molecular medicine, and biopharmaceutical production. Specialists are required to have fundamental knowledge of electronics and bioengineering. Specialists in “Biomedical Engineering” are trained at MATI (Tsiolkovsky Technical University), as well as at MGUPI (Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics). At MSTU. Bauman studies the effects of radiation on living tissues, and the Department of Innovative Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology has been opened at the Physics and Technology Institute.

  • Marketers. The success of the battle for the money spent on the company's product by the end consumer largely depends on these specialists. A marketer must constantly study the market, plan an assortment, they determine product prices and sales volumes, stimulate sales, and offer management the most profitable ways to invest money. Every year the need for competent marketers will only increase. You can become a certified marketer after graduating from the State Institute of Management (SUM), Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) or Russian Economic University. Plekhanov (REU).
  • Services sector. As the population's income grows, the need for quality services grows: dry cleaners, hairdressers, beauty salons, cafes, sushi bars, kindergartens and much more. The demand for service sector professions is increasing every year.
  • Chemistry. Specialists will be especially in demand in the energy sector to solve the problem of finding and developing alternative energy sources. According to experts, in the next few years (peak popularity is expected by 2016), research in this area will require competent biochemists.

The labor market is constantly changing and it is difficult to say what professions will be most in demand in Russia, for example in 2020. One can only make assumptions based on analysis and research.

It is especially difficult to make predictions regarding the so-called female professions.

About, what professions are in demand on the labor market now, different researchers give conflicting information.

Basically, everyone today strives to become managers, lawyers, economists, and specialists in international relations.

These specialties are in demand on the labor market, but the huge number of specialists trained in these areas minimize the likelihood of getting a job without problems, while employers have the opportunity to increase the qualification requirements for applicants.

If you compose list of popular professions for women at the moment, taking into account the research of specialists and the state order for specialties, it will look something like this:

- educators, teachers in secondary educational institutions, schools. This is traditionally a woman’s domain in the labor market, but due to some transformations in the education sector, today there are not very many people who want to go there to work. And wages in education leave much to be desired;

- medical workers. In this industry, things are the same as in education. There is a particularly acute shortage of nurses and junior staff. The staff of doctors in clinics has been reduced. Many specializations are in danger of disappearing due to the fact that soon there will be no one to work with;

- engineers. This applies to both men and women. Without a powerful engineering corps, technological and, therefore, technical development is impossible;

— IT specialists. There is a catastrophic shortage of personnel here. Most workers in this field are self-taught, or their qualifications leave much to be desired. The latter occurs due to the fact that the domestic education system is not adapted to modern requirements in the field of IT technologies and does not keep pace with its rapid development;

- specialists in the field of nanotechnology. The shortage of qualified personnel in this area is due to the fact that only a few educational institutions provide training. This direction is promising and is only gaining momentum;

- service sector workers. The list here is huge, from hairdressers to realtors. The demand for professions is due to the active development of the service sector;

- specialists in the field of advertising and PR. This area of ​​activity is controversial. Here it is not enough to have a diploma indicating education; you must have creative thinking; Not everyone can master this specialty. It is perfect for purposeful, creative women and girls;

— marketers. The market today offers a huge number of products, for the successful promotion of which it is necessary to conduct research and make forecasts regarding what the market prospects are for a particular product. The shortage of specialists in this field is due to the fact that educational institutions have only recently mastered this area and have not yet saturated the market with trained personnel;

- ecologists. The popularity of the specialty was determined by global trends aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the ecological system of our planet;

— psychologists, incl. family. This fashion trend came to us from the West and today is confidently gaining popularity in the post-Soviet space.

This is probably the most in-demand professions on the labor market in Russia for the female half of the population. The following list answers the question: “What professions are in demand in Russia?”, in general, throughout the country. If we consider the situation in specific regions, it will change.

In-demand working professions in most regions of Russia, as a rule, they belong to workers in warehouses, motor transport enterprises, car service centers and construction sites. Moreover, their popularity is almost equal. It’s easier to get a job as a storekeeper or loader, but don’t forget that their wages are significantly lower than those of builders, drivers and auto mechanics, and there are practically no prospects for growth.

In order to become a specialist in the field of construction, you need to receive specialized education and constantly monitor the latest developments in the profession market. Sometimes a professional team of narrow-profile builders earns no less than successful businessmen and, due to their fame, dictates the price of their work, which attracts larger customers, and this is a significant advantage in choosing such a profession.

Unfortunately, such a concept as a professional loader or warehouseman is absurd, although warehouse managers can earn a good salary.

Getting one or another profession is a personal choice of each person, and such a choice should be taken carefully. If you are a representative of a working profession that is in demand on the labor market, then some work experience is very important. Since the market is oversaturated with vacancies in blue-collar professions, you can choose more suitable working conditions for yourself.

What professions will be in demand in 5 years?

It is difficult to make any forecasts on such a question, since the modern labor market is very flexible and dynamic, and directly depends on the macroeconomic situation and directions of technology development. But, on the other hand, it is quite static, since the reorganization of areas of professional training in educational institutions takes quite a lot of time.

Today all trends point to the fact that in-demand professions for the female half of the population in 5 years will remain in the same form as presented above. The first place will be:

  • engineers;
  • specialists in the field of advertising and PR;
  • service workers;
  • builders.

The latter specialty will almost 100 percent be in high demand in a few years, especially in Russia. This is due to the fact that the demographic situation, although at a slow pace, is beginning to improve.

The increase in population necessitates the construction of housing. In addition, the outdated housing stock requires at least partial renovation.

The demand for construction specialties will increase the development of businesses that need commercial facilities: business centers, warehouses, retail space, industrial premises.

But in the first place there will still be professions related to intellectual work. This situation is natural, since Russia is gradually moving from the industrial to the information stage of development.

Some of the most in demand will be specialties related to service sector. These professions can be called eternal: services are necessary for everyone and always.

Answering the question: “What professions will be in demand in 2020”, it is necessary to list those specialties that will remain, as they say, out of work. In this case, forecasts are easier to make. It is enough to list the professions in which educational institutions have already provided the market for many years and continue to produce specialists in these areas:

  • lawyers;
  • economists;
  • managers;
  • administrative staff, office workers.

To the question, “Why won’t office workers be in demand, because business is developing, and accordingly the need for such personnel is increasing?” you can answer that they will play a cruel joke on him new technologies, which will maximize the optimization of the work of organizations and reduce the use of human resources for employers.

Also endangered, according to experts, is journalism in the classical sense of this specialty. This is especially true for print media; today they have already lost much relevance in terms of the source of information.

The same fate awaits radio, which is being restructured in an entertaining way, leaving the information function as short news blocks.

The only source of information in equal demand with the Internet remains TV.

To post information online, you do not need to have a degree in journalism, and this is still a zone without censorship, which brings the Internet to a leading position.

Thus, when choosing a direction of training or a future specialty, it is necessary to take into account current trends, get acquainted with research and independently analyze the information received.

What profession is the most in demand and highest paid?

For Russia, the answer to this question is ambiguous, because the demand for a profession and remuneration are different concepts in our country, unlike in Western countries. For example, the most in demand professions are engineers and teachers, but at the same time they are among the lowest paid.

At the same time, workers oil and gas industry and top managers receive high wages, but are not so in demand.

That's why the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia It is almost impossible to clearly define.

In such cases, it is necessary to resort to the help of mathematics, namely, to derive the arithmetic mean. As a result, it turns out that this is a profession IT specialist, programmer.

This corresponds to general global trends, since the development of technology requires the writing of software, its modernization and maintenance. This direction can be noted as the most promising.

What are the most in-demand professions in the world?

The word “world” here refers to the most advanced labor markets: Europe, USA. This is due to the fact that it is possible to obtain a clear, specific answer to this question, since labor markets are subject to systematic research and the list of in-demand specialties is quite clear.

It is quite difficult to monitor the African labor market. It can be assumed that everything will depend on the degree of economic development of the country.

What does it look like list of leading professions for Europe and the USA:

  • financial expert;
  • pharmacist;
  • software security specialist;
  • specialists in the field of advertising and PR technologies;
  • IT specialists;
  • managers in the tourism and hotel business;
  • mathematics teachers;
  • managers, office administrative staff.

List of in-demand professions in Western countries can be considered very conditionally global. On other continents it may be completely different. But in the above lists you can find similarities in terms of the demand for specialties related to technology development, PR and advertising. These directions can be called promising on a global scale. These are professions that will be in demand in the future.

This situation indicates that Russia is a full participant in global economic and scientific processes.

Exotic professions in demand in Russia.

These include:

  1. Boogie Woogie Trainer;
  2. Sports shoe tester;
  3. Captain of a floating drilling rig;
  4. Livestock slaughterer;
  5. Carcass cutting specialist.

All these vacancies are quite real, employers offer applicants decent wages and a full benefits package. Considering that there are no training courses in educational institutions for most specialties, the main requirement is that candidates have a higher education.

It should be noted that foreign companies are the trendsetters for exotic specialties, not counting the last 3 items on the list.

Although they cannot be called truly in demand, since offers from employers are sporadic.

Considering the active integration of the Russian Federation into global processes, we can expect that by 2020 list of official professions will be replenished with new names that are still unknown today.


    Strange? There are millions of different employees in the education accounting system of all profiles in all professions, different ministries in the state, there is no state order for secondary and higher educational institutions in the training of professional specialists. It turns out a strange system in which millions of citizens receive certain professions, but actually work in completely different industries. Years of short life are wasted due to imperfect government. In fact, we have in public administration managers with diplomas from the USSR, in fact without knowledge of economics and the politics of managing the new state system in an eternal experiment.
    I worked in the system of general and vocational secondary education for 37 years, also as a city inspector. I affirm: the system of general and vocational education does not provide individuals with the knowledge of connecting personal capabilities and the needs of the state in obtaining a profession and the labor market. In the state, labor resources are not accounted for or ordered. In fact: the state does not manage labor resources, there is no need? In the system of education and science, an order is required for the training of professional specialists from the state and an order from all employer firms, with qualification requirements. Without taking into account the labor resources and professional requirements for the vocational education system, the development of the state is impossible. Because the education of citizens is the basis of all science, industry, agriculture, everything and everyone in the state of the future being created today.
    The government is not formed from educated modern management specialists; in fact, many of them are random people.

    “The labor market is constantly changing and it is difficult to say which professions will be the most in demand in Russia, for example in 2020. One can only make assumptions based on analysis and research."
    It’s not at all difficult to say because there are no such specialists in analysis and research in the scientific community. How many builders, what professionals, teachers, what professionals, and all other professions have been trained in the state since 1992? How many work in professions acquired in the education system, how many work according to the resources of compliance and non-compliance with education. In this analysis we get the result. Education in the Russian Federation is riding on a cart, with the requirement to produce all categories of modern goods. With such an education, the Russian Federation will forever buy more than sell. covering the deficit by selling natural resources. Where are the Russian household appliances and machines of the entire production complex! Where are medical equipment and medicines produced? Where is Russian industrial equipment and production? We can continue ad infinitum. Where are the modern teaching equipment in the education system? There is a school near my house; the school has a large electronic screen with educational process control panels and electronic textbooks.
    In the Russian Federation today, paper textbooks and paper-based education are based on the requirements of various OGE and EGE. Once again, the requirements are the same for everything. Even to this day, the system operates according to a unified plan for selecting knowledge in all subjects for certificates. They forgot that the inventor of the Internet did not graduate from high school and university. Education in the Russian Federation does not determine a person’s qualifications for professional education based on the capabilities of the individual’s individual intelligence. A person can be the greatest scientist without having knowledge of the general subjects of the Certificate of Requirements.

    The labor market does not change on its own; the labor market changes according to the requirements of production, science, and all sectors of business.
    Each ministry, production, all industries, agriculture, and so on have their own labor market. If the ministries and the Government do not know the resources and needs of the labor market, then there is nothing to dream about, there is no development, which is what is happening in reality.

Quite often you can hear the question of what professions are in demand on the labor market. In addition, it worries not only young people who have graduated from school, but also adults who want to change jobs. And this is not strange because the right profession guarantees a good income, as well as pleasure from the work performed.

general information

It’s no secret that the labor market directly depends on economic development. According to the majority of experts who have studied this issue, the same specialists as last year will be in great demand in 2017. These include engineering and technical professions, and production managers also remain in demand.

You should also not lose sight of the fact that in our time the sphere of innovative technologies is developing quite rapidly. Accordingly, programmers, IT specialists, as well as specialists who develop new technologies will continue to be very popular.

Recently, the service sector has been suffering from a lack of specialists. And this, as you know, is the hotel and tourism business.

Nowadays, there is a problem of environmental pollution all over the world. Consequently, today all professions related to the study of this problem, for example ecologists, will be in demand.

Women should pay attention to specialties that traditionally belong to them. TO; These include: doctors, teachers, as well as trade workers. But still, work in the advertising business will be most popular.

If we talk about the future, then in about five years people specialized in nanotechnology will be in demand. The number of such enterprises is increasing every year. Therefore, after some time, such specialists will be worth their weight in gold.

People who will never be without work include translators and linguists. In addition, it is necessary to study not only the popular English and German languages, but also oriental languages.

Following the example of the West, many have increasingly begun to seek help from a psychologist. Therefore, the demand for such specialists is growing every year.

In-demand working professions

Nowadays, many will say that working as a mechanic or turner is not prestigious. This may be true in some cases, but all practice and research have shown that many employers are willing to pay such specialists higher wages than a manager or auditor. All this is explained by the fact that it is very difficult to find a decent worker in this field. Therefore, young people who want to earn good money in the future can safely choose professions such as:

  • Builder. This area will always develop, as people do not stop building new objects. Therefore, by choosing this profession, a person can be provided for for life.

  • Mechanic, turner. The huge demand is due to the fact that recently young people have chosen economic education, thus reducing the number of specialists in the working sector.

  • Whether an operator of mining or industrial equipment.

This information may please many school graduates who do not have very good knowledge. It is only important to choose the specialization that most appeals to a particular person. This will provide an opportunity to earn good money in the future, and the work performed will also bring pleasure.

Popular creative professions

It’s no secret to anyone that any work is creative to one degree or another. But there are still those that are rightfully called that. Their demand depends directly on the size of the monetary reward for its implementation. These include the following specialties:

  • related to work in show business;
  • interior, clothing and web designers;
  • architects;
  • stylists;
  • hairdressers;
  • makeup artists;
  • journalists;
  • scriptwriters and writers;
  • artists.

List of outsider professions

In addition to popular specialties, it will be useful to learn about those that have lost their popularity. Such professions include:

  1. Lawyer. As statistics show, today there are more than enough such specialists. Research has shown that there are 70 applicants per job.
  2. Financiers. Recently, the number of banking institutions has decreased, and many employers, in order to save money, transfer two positions to one person. For example, a financial director does the work of an accountant.
  3. Managers. Almost every university in the country graduates such specialists every year, and there are fewer and fewer jobs for such people.

When choosing your life’s work, you must be interested in the demand for a particular profession in the labor market with a perspective of several years ahead.

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Every year, a lot of new specialties appear on the labor market, some of which quickly disappear. But there are also professions that are always in demand. The Jobsavior portal compiles a rating of the most popular specialties based on its own data.

Every school graduate is faced with the question of where to go to study in order to have the opportunity to earn good money in the future and know that he has truly found his place in society. But the market is changing so rapidly that no one can say whether the chosen specialty will be relevant five years after the main course is completed.

The popular job search portal jobsavior.com has compiled its rating of the most in-demand specialties in 2018, for which the largest number of vacancies are presented on the site.

Working professions and vacancies for people of mental work

Analysts of the Jobsavior portal are encouraging both for those who have received higher education and for those who have studied at a vocational school. The TOP 10 most popular vacancies on the site allow people with a wide variety of knowledge to find employment.

The top ten includes:

Managers of different directions;

Sellers and cashiers;


Sales specialists;



Security guards.

The data is relevant for all of Russia, although in some regions there is some bias towards certain vacancies.

Dynamics over the past decades

There is currently a clear shortage of specialists in the field of trade. It is noteworthy that wages in most cases are based on personal performance. This is especially true in the area of ​​distance selling. However, ordinary salespeople, cashiers and people who can combine both of these specialties are also in great demand on the Russian labor market.

Just a few years ago, there was an oversupply of specialists in trade. However, over time, many found themselves in other specialties, but the number of organizations specializing in wholesale and retail trade has increased noticeably.

There are always not enough doctors, especially highly qualified ones, as well as other medical personnel. We are mainly talking about public hospitals, since the salaries of specialists in them are always lower than in private clinics.

There is also always a demand for representatives of simple blue-collar professions, as well as loaders and security guards. Promoters are also always at a premium. Job openings for these positions often involve temporary work, so students and those wishing to receive an additional source of income can take part-time work.

The Jobsavior portal allows everyone to find a job to their liking, spending a minimum of time and effort.