Course of lectures of the discipline. Course of lectures of the discipline Based on geographical location, find an exception to the logic

"Geography of Agriculture" - USA. a) Ankara b) Vientiane c) Hanoi d) Phnom Penh. Plant growing. Export Countries goods exporters. Animal husbandry. Place of agriculture. Trades. Match Country Capital. Lesson in 10th grade teacher Ivanov K.A. Canada, France, Australia. China, India, USA, Pakistan, Uzbekistan.

“Agriculture in Europe” - The Mediterranean coast is the main “garden of Europe”. Spain ranks first in the world in orange exports. The main type of agricultural enterprise is a large, highly mechanized farm. In many cases, the specialization of agriculture takes on a narrower profile.

“Agriculture and Livestock Husbandry” - Professions in the agricultural sector. At each stage, specific technologies are used. Fur farmer. Animal husbandry. Technologies of agriculture and animal husbandry. Laboratory assistant-ecologist. Agro-industrial production. Recycling. Agro-industrial complex –. Veterinary assistant. Agronomist. Breeder.

"Russian Agriculture" - Quality food products, arriving at consumer market in the first half of 2007. Dynamics of the main indicators of the functioning of agriculture in 1990–2006. Level of average actual prices of import transactions, dollars A.F. Serkov, head of the department of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Green Revolution - The Green Revolution in developing countries has three main components. Agriculture in developed countries. The third component of the “green revolution” is the industrialization of agriculture itself. Composition of the agro-industrial complex: Developing countries - > 1 billion people. Production of machines, equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, compound feeds.

"Agriculture" - Superficial agricultural procedures. In organic farming, soil productivity is a key value. Mechanical weeding - herbicides are not allowed. Criteria for ecological agriculture. Ecological agriculture. Biological diversity. Goals of sustainable agriculture.

There are 11 presentations in total


B) Indonesia

B) Paraguay

3) Asuncion

B2. Identify the country by its brief description.

This island country is one of the most developed countries in the world. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. A characteristic feature of its nature is frequent earthquakes and the presence of active volcanoes. The country ranks among the world's leading producers various types mechanical engineering products, electricity production, steel smelting. A large agglomeration formed around its capital.


AT 3. Arrange the countries in descending order of their birth rate (per 1 thousand inhabitants).

A) USA B) India

B) Mozambique D) Lithuania

AT 4. Match the country with its capital.


A) Canada 1) Tehran

B) Iran 2) Baghdad

B) Iraq 3) Ankara

4) Ottawa

Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

AT 5. Identify the country by its brief description.

This country has an advantageous economic and geographical position: it borders on a highly developed country and has access to two oceans; the capital is one of the most ancient cities in America; pockets of ancient civilization have been preserved on the territory of the country; there are large reserves of non-ferrous metal ores, oil production is high; enough high level economic development allows it to be characterized as “key” in the group of developing countries.

Answer: ___________________________ .

AT 6. Arrange the countries in order of increasing birth rate (per 1 thousand inhabitants).

A) Ethiopia B) Hungary

B) Syria D) Australia

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table.

AT 7. Establish a correspondence between the lake and its location on the map, indicated by a number.


A) Michigan 1) 1

B) Upper 2) 2

B) Victoria 3) 3

AT 8. Using the data from the table below, compare the resource availability of freshwater countries

Water. Arrange in decreasing order of resource availability.

fresh water resources,

Population size,

exercise 1)
Paraguay-Asuncion; Peru-Lima; Mexico-Mexico City; indonesia-jakarta
task #2 this is Japan


1. Match:

Leading countries Products.

1. Russia, USA, Canada. A. Coal.

2. Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia. B. Oil.

3. USA, Japan, Russia. B. Natural gas.

4. China, USA, Germany. D. Electricity.

2. Match:

Direction of the largest cargo flows Products.

1. Russia - Western Europe. A. Coal.

2. Persian Gulf - Western Europe. B. Oil.

W. Australia - Japan. B. Natural gas.

3. Match:

Countries Type of power plants

1. Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil. A. Mainly thermal power plants

2. France, Belgium, Lithuania. B. Mainly hydroelectric power plants

3. Germany, Ukraine, Japan. B. Mainly nuclear power plants

4. Mongolia, Ireland, Belarus. D. Only TPP

4. The leading countries in iron ore mining are:

1. USA, Russia, Canada.

2. China, Brazil, Australia.

3. China, USA, Russia.

4. Canada, Brazil, Australia.

5. The main exporter of steel and rolled products in the world is:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

6. Match:

Leading countries in metal production.

1.USA, Chile, Japan. A. Aluminum

2. Canada, Australia, Russia. B. Copper

3. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. V. Tin

4. USA, Russia, Canada. G. Nikel

7. Match:

The main factor in the location of enterprises is Metal.

1. Raw material (field). A. Metallic aluminum

2. Consumer. B. Blister copper

3. Energy (electricity). B. Cast iron and steel

4. Transport (freight flows). G. Rolled steel

8. Match:

Mechanical engineering sub-sector The main factor in the location of enterprises

1. Instrument making A. Proximity of ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

2. Agricultural. B. Proximity of scientific and technical centers.

3. Heavy B. Availability of labor resources.

4. Electronic G. Proximity of product consumers.

9. Match:

Specialization Country

1. Electronics and electrical engineering. A. Hungary

2. Clocks and machines. B. Netherlands

3. Cars and planes. B. Switzerland

4. Buses. G. Sweden

10. Match:

Products Leading country

1. Vessels. A. USA

2. Cars. B. Japan

3. TVs. To China

4. Computers.

11. Volume of automobile exports from the USA:

1. More than from Japan and Germany.

2. More than from Japan, but less than from Germany.

3. More than from Germany, but less than from Japan.

4. Less than from Japan and Germany.

12. The main automotive manufacturing centers in Europe are:

1. Birmingham, Wolfsburg, Detroit.

2. Paris, Munich, Zaporozhye.

3. Madrid, Turin, Kyiv.

4. London, Berlin, Athens.

13. Find an error in the list of main automotive manufacturing centers:

1. Detroit.

4. Berlin.

14. The leaders in the export of phosphorites are:

2. Brazil.

3. Morocco.

4. Madagascar.

15. By production mineral fertilizers is in the lead:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

16. The first place in the world in the export of forest products is occupied by:

1. Russia.

2. Brazil.

4. Canada.

1 7. India produces fabrics:

1. More than China and the USA.

2. More than China, but less than the USA.

3. More than the USA, but less than China.

4. Smaller than China and the USA.

18. The leaders in footwear production among developed countries are:

1. Italy.

2. Spain.

4. Japan.

19. "Green Revolution"- This...

1. Spread of the environmental movement in the world.

2. The struggle for forest restoration.

3. Introduction of advanced technologies into crop production.

4. Transition of livestock farming to natural feed.

20. Match:

Leading countries Culture

1. Russia, Poland, China. A. Rees

2. Brazil, India, Cuba. B. Potatoes

3. China, India, Indonesia. B. Sugarcane

4. China, USA, India. G. Cotton plant

21. Match:

Culture Leading country

1. Peanuts. A. India

2. Coffee. B. Bangladesh

3. Jute. B. Brazil

4. Corn. G. USA

22. The main importer of grain on the world market is:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

23. Match:

Type of vegetables and fruits Leading country

1. Bananas. A. USA

2. Grapes. B. China

Z.Luk. B. Brazil

4. Tomatoes. G. Italy

24. Plantation farming with a specialization in coffee, sugar cane, fruits is the most common:

1. In North Africa.

2. In Southeast Asia.

3. In Northern Australia.

4. In Central America and the West Indies.

25. Match:

Type of domestic animals Leading country

1. Cattle. A. Russia.

2. Pigs B. Australia.

3. Sheep B. India.

4. Reindeer G. China.

26. The first two places in terms of fish catch in the world are occupied by:

1. USA and Russia.

2. Russia and Japan.

3. Japan and China.

4. China and the USA.

27. Arrange the types of transport in descending order of freight turnover:

1. Railway.

2. Automotive.

3. Pipeline.

4. Marine.

28. Match:

Type of transport ranked first

by cargo turnover. A country

1. Railway. A. USA

2. Automotive. B. Russia

3. Pipeline V. Japan

4. Morskoy G. Afghanistan

29. Length railways in Germany:

1. More than in the USA and Japan.

2. More than in the USA, but less than in Japan.

3. More than in Japan, but less than in the USA.

4. Less than in the USA and Japan.

30. The leading aviation power in the world is:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

4. Australia.

31. Largest share of cargo turnover maritime transport accounted for:

1. For oil and petroleum products.

2. For coal.

3. For grain.

4. For iron ore.

32. Three largest (by cargo turnover) sea ​​ports Europe:

1. London, Hamburg, Marseille.

2. Rotterdam, Antwerp, Marseille.

3. Rotterdam, London, Genoa.

4. Antwerp, Marseille, Genoa.

33. Find the error in the list of capital export regions:

1. Countries of Western Europe.

2. USA and Canada.

3. Gulf of Guinea countries.

4. Gulf countries.

34. The main regions of international tourism are:

1. Countries of Western Europe.

2. USA and Canada.

3. Countries of East Asia.

4. African countries.





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17. 4.

20. 1-B.2-B.Z-A.4-D.

21 1-A.2-B.Z-B.4-G.

Test round

1) In Russia, a city is considered to be a populated area in which live:

  • A. from 1 to 3 thousand people
  • B. from 3 to 7 thousand people
  • V. from 7 to 12 thousand people
  • G. over 12 thousand people+

2) What grain crop is pearl barley made from?

  • A. Rye
  • B. Wheat
  • V. Barley+
  • G. Millet

3) Agriculture, which region specializes in growing rice?

  • A. Prikhankai lowland+
  • B. Meshchera Lowland
  • V. Barabinskaya Lowland
  • G. Oka-Don Plain

4) The ice-free port of Russia is

  • A. Murmansk+
  • B. Kaliningrad
  • V. Nakhodka
  • Vladivostok

5) Establish a correspondence between countries and the international organizations they belong to:

6) In the proposed list, select the line where only the capitals of Asian countries are listed:

  • A. Doha, Seoul, Hanoi, Beijing, Tripoli
  • B. Kathmandu, Thimphu, Naypyidaw, Abu Dhabi, Bangkok+
  • V. Tokyo, Islamabad, Tirana, Baghdad, New Delhi
  • Canberra, Jakarta, Pyongyang, Riyadh, Tehran

7) The top five countries by population are as follows:

  • A. India, China, USA, Indonesia, Brazil
  • B. China, India, USA, Indonesia, Pakistan
  • B. China, India, USA, Pakistan, Bangladesh
  • G. China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil+

8) Select an industry that uses non-ferrous metallurgy waste as raw materials:

  • A. tire production
  • B. production of sulfuric acid+
  • B. production of rolled steel
  • D. production of synthetic rubber

9) Which of these pipelines is not a gas pipeline?

  • A. “Northern Lights”
  • B. "Blue Stream"
  • V. "Yamal - Europe"
  • G. "Friendship"+

10) What type of product is produced in all of the listed cities: Kaliningrad, Kaluga, St. Petersburg, Taganrog, Ulyanovsk.

11) Select the option in which all cities are centers of non-ferrous metallurgy:

  • A. Bratsk, Norilsk, Berezniki, Dalnegorsk, Chelyabinsk+
  • B. Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Shelikhov
  • V. Norilsk, Kandalaksha, Tula, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk
  • Dalnegorsk, Monchegorsk, Mednogorsk, Magnitogorsk, Boksitogorsk

12) Which river serves as the main transport route for delivering goods to the largest region of Russia by area?

  • A. Yenisei
  • B. Lena+
  • V. Ob
  • G. Amur

13) In what climate zone is most of the territory of Russia located?

  • A. Moderate+
  • B. Subarctic
  • V. Arctic
  • G. Subtropical

14) What do Finland and Udmurtia have in common?

  • A. Oil production and oil refining are developed
  • B. Indigenous people speak languages ​​of the Uralic family+
  • B. The population professes Orthodoxy
  • D. Fertile soils predominate

15) Select a region that does not have millionaire cities:

  • A. Western Siberia
  • B. North-West
  • V. North Caucasus
  • G. Far East+

16) Establish a correspondence between the industrial center of the Volga region and its satellite city:

17) In which Russian city did the 2012 APEC summit take place?

  • A. Vladivostok+
  • B. Khabarovsk
  • V. Moscow
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

18) What type of inexhaustible resources is used on the Kola Peninsula?

  • A. Wind energy
  • B. Geothermal energy
  • B. Energy of ebbs and flows+
  • D. Solar energy

19) Based on geographic location, find an exception to the logic:

  • A. Austria
  • B. Belarus
  • V. Slovakia
  • G. Slovenia+
  • D. Moldova
  • E. Luxembourg

20) Which of the listed islands does not belong to Russia?

  • A) Wrangel Island
  • B) Krusenstern Island+
  • B) Rudolph Island
  • D) Habomai ridge

Exercise 1

Determine which federal subject we are talking about. Name geographical features mentioned in the assignment.

This federal subject is located in the north-west of the European part of Russia. It has access to the sea, which was known to the Novgorodians already in the 11th century and was of great commercial importance for them. The relief is represented by a hilly plain, which experienced glacier activity in the Quaternary period. As a result, specific relief forms appeared. One of them is lake basins. This subject of the federation is often called the lake region. There are about 60 thousand lakes here, two of which are the largest in Europe. The ethnic group is dominated by Russian population. However, the subject of the federation received its name thanks to another people, whose writing is based on the Latin alphabet. The center of the region is the city, which began with an arms factory, which has now changed its specialization. On the territory of the federal subject there is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a unique monument of wooden architecture.

Evaluation criteria: 1 point for a correctly indicated object. Maximum score – 20


Subject of the federation Republic of Karelia
Sea White
Glacial landforms ozy, "ram's foreheads", "curly rocks"
The largest lakes in Europe Ladoga, Onega
Titular nation Karelians
Language group of the titular nation Finno-Ugric
Language family of the titular nation Ural-Yukaghir region
Religion of the titular people Christians
The city is the center of a federal subject Petrozavodsk
Specialization of the plant in the center of the federal subject Tractor manufacturing
UNESCO World Heritage Site Architectural ensemble of Kizhi
Main sectors of the economy and industrial centers of the region Pulp and paper – Segezha, Kondopoga

Non-ferrous metallurgy – Nadvoitsy

Mechanical engineering – Petrozavodsk

Mining – Kostomuksha

Task 2

Establish a correspondence between enterprises and cities, and also indicate what products they produce.

Cities: Cherepovets, Omsk, St. Petersburg, Balabanovo, Rostov-on-Don, Tolyatti, Mytishchi, Moscow, Berezniki, Krasnoyarsk

Products : medications, frozen foods, match production, subway cars, passenger cars, rolled steel, agricultural machinery, potash fertilizers, sea vessels, refrigeration equipment.

Evaluation criteria: 1 point each. for a correctly filled cell. The maximum score is 20.


Task 3

Calculate the missing population growth rates in the federal subjects, and then answer the questions.

Criteria for evaluation:

  • 1 point for correct calculation
  • 1 point for scheduled calculation
  • 2.5 points for the correct answer to question No. 1 and 2
  • 5 points for the correct answer to question No. 3

The maximum score is 20.

Questions for the table:

  1. Which subject of the federation has the maximum increase in migration? Why?
  2. Which federal subject has the minimum migration growth? Why?
  3. In state-territorial entities, natural growth is negative, and in national-territorial entities it is positive. What could this pattern be related to?


  1. Samara Region. Causes:
    • Samara is a millionaire city that attracts labor resources;
    • Samara is an industrial center;
    • Samara is a transit route for migration within the country from the eastern to the western regions.
  2. Republic of Kalmykia. Reasons: There are no large industrial centers, therefore, there are few jobs and the population leaves to work in other areas.
  3. NTOs are distinguished largely on a national basis. Religion plays a major role in the life of the population of Buryatia and Kalmykia - these are large centers of Buddhism in Russia. Due to mentality and upbringing, large families are traditional for these territories.

Task 4

Below are groups of countries grouped together according to a specific characteristic. Identify these characteristics, and then write down 3 Eurasian countries that will meet all 3 requirements.

Criteria for evaluation : 3 points for a correctly identified attribute, 3 points for a correctly identified Eurasian country, 1 point – bonus for a correctly identified country (max 2) when answering a question.

Question: Which 2 countries (of those you guessed) are not members of NATO?
Answer: Liechtenstein and Andorra.

Task 5

Establish a correspondence between the metropolitan country and the country - its former colony. And also indicate the current status of the 5 territories listed in the second table.

Metropolis countries : UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Portugal

Countries - former colonies : Algeria, Angola, Nigeria, Suriname, DRC, Cape Verde, Laos, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mexico, Somalia, Philippines, Barbados

Criteria for evaluation : 1 point for a correctly indicated match. The maximum score is 20.

Territory Current status
Gibraltar British overseas possession
French Guiana Overseas department of France
West Sahara Occupied by Morocco
Puerto Rico Freely associated state with the USA
Taiwan Unrecognized state




Share in the world structure Energy resource

primary production


1. 40% A. Coal.

  1. 30% B. Oil.
3. 20% B. Natural gas.

4. 10% G. Nuclear and hydropower.

1 . Match:

Leading countries Products

  1. Russia, USA, Canada. A. Coal.

  2. Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia. B. Oil.
3. USA, Japan, Russia. B. Natural gas.

4. China, USA, Germany. D. Nuclear and hydropower.

2. Match:

Direction of the largest Products

cargo flows

  1. Russia - Western Europe. A. Coal.

  2. Persian Gulf - Western Europe. B. Oil.

  3. Australia - Japan. B. Natural gas.
3. Match:

Countries Type of power plants

1. Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil. A. Mainly TPP.

2. France, Belgium, Lithuania. B. Mainly hydroelectric power plants.

3. Germany, Ukraine, Japan. B. Mainly nuclear power plants.

  1. Mongolia, Ireland, Belarus. D. Only TPP.
4. The leading countries in iron ore mining are:

  1. USA, Russia, Canada.

  2. China, Brazil, Australia.

  3. China, USA, Russia.

  4. Canada, Brazil, Australia.

5. The main exporter of steel and rolled products in the world is:


  1. Russia.

  2. China.
6. Match:

Leading countries Metal

on production

  1. USA, Chile, Japan. A. Aluminum.

  2. Canada, Australia, Russia. B. Copper.

  3. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. V. Tin.

  4. USA, Russia, Canada. G. Nickel.
7. Match:

Main factor Metal

placement of the enterprise

1. Raw material (field). A. Metallic aluminum

  1. Consumer. B. Blister copper.

  2. Energy (electricity). B. Cast iron and steel.

  3. Transport (freight flows). G. Rolled steel.
8. Match:

Sub-industry Main factor

mechanical engineering enterprise location

1. Instrumentation. A. Proximity of a ferrous metallurgy enterprise.

2. Agricultural. B. Proximity of scientific and technical centers.

  1. Heavy. B. Availability of labor resources.

  2. Electronic. D. Proximity of product consumers.
9. Match:

Specialization Country

  1. Electronics and electrical engineering. A. Hungary.

  2. Clocks and machines. B. Netherlands.

  3. Cars and planes. B. Switzerland.

  4. Buses. G. Sweden.
10. Match:

Products Leading country

1. Vessels. L USA.

  1. Cars. B. Japan.

  2. TVs. To China.

  3. Computers.
11. Volume of car exports from the USA:

  1. More than from Japan and Germany.

  2. More than from Japan, but less than from Germany.

  3. More than from Germany, but less than from Japan.

  4. Less than from Japan and Germany.
12. The main automotive manufacturing centers in Europe are:

  1. Birmingham, Wolfsburg, Detroit.

  2. Paris, Munich, Zaporozhye.

  3. Madrid, Turin, Kyiv.

  4. London, Berlin, Athens.
13. Find an error in the list of main automotive manufacturing centers:

  1. Detroit.

  2. Nagoya.

  3. Turin.

  4. Berlin.
14. The leaders in the export of phosphorites are:

  1. Brazil.

  2. Morocco.

  3. Madagascar.
15. The leaders in the production of mineral fertilizers are:


  1. Russia.

  2. India.
16. The first place in the world in the export of forest products is occupied by:

  1. Russia.

  2. Brazil. W.U.S.
4. Canada.

17. India produces fabrics:

  1. More than China and the USA.

  2. More than China, but less than the USA.

  3. More than the USA, but less than China.

  4. Less than China and the USA.
18. The leaders in footwear production among developed countries are:

  1. Italy.

  2. Spain.

  3. USA.

  4. Japan.
19. “Green Revolution” is...

  1. Spread of the environmental movement in the world.

  2. The fight for forest restoration.

  3. Introduction of advanced technologies into crop production.

  4. Transition of livestock farming to natural feed.
20. Match:

Leading countries Culture

  1. Russia, Poland, China. A. Fig.

  2. Brazil, India, Cuba. B. Potatoes.

  3. China, India, Indonesia. B. Sugar cane.

  4. China, USA, India. G. Cotton plant.
21. Match:

Culture Leading country

  1. Peanut. A. India.

  2. Coffee. B. Bangladesh.

  3. Jute. B. Brazil.

  4. Corn. G. USA.
22. The main importer of grain on the world market is:

  1. Japan.

  2. Russia.

  3. China.
23. Match:
Type of vegetables and fruits Leading country

1. Bananas. A. USA.

2. Grapes. B. China.

Z.Luk. V.Brazil.

4. Tomatoes. G. Italy.

24. Plantation farming specializing in coffee, sugar
cane, fruits most common:

  1. In North Africa.

  2. In Southeast Asia.

  3. In Northern Australia.

  4. In Central America and the West Indies.
25. Match:

Type of domestic animals Leading country

  1. Cattle. A. Russia.

  2. Pigs. B. Australia.

  3. Sheep. B. India.

  4. Reindeer. G. China.
26. The first two places in terms of fish catch in the world are occupied by:

  1. USA and Russia.

  2. Russia and Japan.

  3. Japan and China.

  4. China and USA.
27. Arrange the types of transport in descending order of freight turnover:

  1. Railway.

  2. Automotive.

  3. Pipeline.

  4. Nautical.
28. Match:

Kind of transport,

ranked first Country

by cargo turnover

  1. Railway. A. USA.

  2. Automotive. B. Russia.

  3. Pipeline. B. Japan.

  4. Nautical. G. Afghanistan.
29. Length of railways in Germany:

  1. More than in the USA and Japan.

  2. More than in the USA, but less than in Japan.

  1. More than in Japan, but less than in the USA.

  2. Less than in the USA and Japan.
30. The leading aviation power in the world is:


  1. Russia.

  2. Australia.
31. The largest share of maritime transport cargo turnover is accounted for by:

  1. For oil and petroleum products.

  2. For coal.

  3. For grain.

  4. For iron ore.
32. The three largest (by cargo turnover) sea ports in Europe:

  1. London, Hamburg, Marseille.

  2. Rotterdam, Antwerp, Marseille.

  3. Rotterdam, London, Genoa.

  4. Antwerp, Marseille, Genoa.
33. Find the error in the list of capital export regions:

  1. Countries of Western Europe.

  2. USA and Canada.

  3. Gulf of Guinea countries.

  4. Gulf countries.
34. The main regions of international tourism are:

  1. Countries of Western Europe.

  2. USA and Canada.

  3. Countries of East Asia.

  4. African countries.

  1. 1-B.2-B.Z-G.4-A.

  2. 1-B.2-B. 3-A.

  3. 1-B.2-B. 3-A.4-G.

  4. 1-B.2-G.Z-B.4-A.

  5. 1 -B. 2 G. 3-A. 4-B.

  6. 1-B.2 D. 3-A. 4-B.

  7. 1-B.2-V.Z-G.4-L.
10. 1-B.2-B. 3-B.4-L.


  1. 1 - B. 2 - B. 3 - A. 4 - D.

  2. 1 - A.2 - B. 3 - B.4 - D.

  3. 1-B.2 - G.Z - B. 4 - A.

  4. 1-B.2 - G.Z - B. 4 - A.

  5. 4, 1, 3, 2.

  6. 1-A. 2-G. 3-B. 4-B

Option 1

1.The “information explosion” is characterized by rapid growth:

A. Circulation of newspapers and magazines.

B. Number of gymnasiums and lyceums.

B. The volume of scientific knowledge and the number of sources of information.

G. High-tech industries.

2. Geographical division of labor is determined:

A. Specialization of countries and regions in the production of a certain


B. Only by geographical location.

B. Country type.

D. Exchange of goods and services between countries.

3. Regional economic communities include:





4. Areas of new development:

A. Rich in natural resources.

B. They have access to the sea.

B. Occupy a convenient geographical location.

D. They are located at the crossroads of transport routes of international importance.

5. Territorial structure of the economy of the countries of Asia and Africa
and Latin America is primarily determined by:

A. Historical factors of the discovery and colonization of the territory.

B. River system.

B. The nature of the relief.

D. Climatic features.

6. First place in oil production is occupied by:

A. Saudi Arabia.

B. Russia.

G. Iran.

7. Electricity importing countries:

A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

B. Mexico, Ukraine, Hungary.

V. Russia, Ukraine, France.

G. Italy, Netherlands, USA.

8. Countries exporting household appliances:

A. Japan, USA, China, Republic of Korea.

B. Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania.

9. Rice is produced mainly in the following countries:

A. Asia.
B. Europe.

B. Latin America.
D. USA and Canada.

10. The leading place in world trade is occupied by:

A. Developing countries.

B. Western European countries.
D. USA and Canada.

11. The first place in the world in terms of passenger transportation in the metro is occupied by:

A. Moscow.
B. Paris.

B. London.

New York City.

12. The capital-port is most characteristic:

A. For developing countries.

B. For major maritime powers.

B. For island states.

G. For former colonies.

13. Homeland of corn:
B. Mexico.

B. Europe.

G. Australia.

Option 2

1. Technology is...

A. Same as technology.

B. System of production methods.

B. Advanced Manufacturing Techniques.

D. Ability to work.

2. The specialization of a country or region is primarily the production of products:

A. For domestic consumption.

B. For international exchange.

B. For the newest sectors of the economy.

D. For branches of the military-industrial complex.

3. Formation of a world market - result:

A. First World War.

B. Collapse of the colonial system.

B. Expeditions to the North Pole.

G. The Age of Great Geographical Discoveries.

4. The OPEC organization unites:

A. Eastern countries.

B. Asian countries.

B. Agricultural producers.

D. Oil exporters.

5. Examples of new development areas could be:

A. Appalachians, Andes.

B. Sahara, Nile Valley and Delta.

B. Siberia, Far East.

Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland.

6. The main oil exporting countries are located:

A. In the Near and Middle East.

B. In Russia.

D. In South America.

7. The first place in gas production is occupied by:

A. USA. B. Algeria.

8. Russia.

G. Saudi Arabia.

8. Electricity exporting countries:

A. Russia, Ukraine, Hungary.

B. USA, Canada, Australia.

B. Mexico, Argentina, China.

G. Japan, Russia, Switzerland.

9. The main wheat harvest occurs:

A. To the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

B. To Southeast Asia.

B. To Latin America.

D. To Australia and New Zealand.

10. The largest (by value) cargo flows connect:

A. CIS countries.

B. USA, Canada, Japan.

B. Mexico and Argentina.

G. Far East and Japan.

11. The main centers of international tourism are:

B. In Europe.

B. In North America.

D. In Africa.

12. Residents consume the most electricity:

B. USA. In Japan. G. Russia.

13. In which country is almost 100% of its electricity generated by hydroelectric power plants?

A. In Russia.

B. In the USA.

B. In Canada.

D. In Norway.


Option 1



























Option 2



























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