Light Belarusian bread. Light bread (Belarusian fairy tale). Fairy tales – Belarusian fairy tales – Folk tales – Light bread

Dear friend, we want to believe that we are reading a fairy tale" Light bread"You will find it interesting and fascinating. Folk legend cannot lose its essence, due to the inviolability of such concepts as: friendship, compassion, courage, bravery, love and sacrifice. Simple and accessible, about nothing and everything, instructive and edifying - everything is included in the basis and plot of this creation. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of the heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they “breathe life" into the creation and the events taking place in it. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all those opposing them: anger , deceit, lies and hypocrisy All descriptions environment created and presented with a feeling of deepest love and gratitude to the object of presentation and creation. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and bewitching pictures of the surrounding world, making them mysterious and enigmatic. The fairy tale “Easy Bread” is certainly useful to read online for free; it will instill in your child only good and useful qualities and concepts.

The mower settled in the meadow. I got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out the bag, untied it and began to chew the bread.
A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees a mower sitting under a bush and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked:
- What are you eating, man?
“Bread,” the mower answers.
- Is it tasty?
- And how delicious it is!
- Let me taste it.
- Well, try it.
The mower broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf.
The wolf liked the bread. He says:
- I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Tell me, man!
“Okay,” says the mower, “I’ll teach you where and how to get bread.”
And he began to teach the wolf:
- First of all, we need to plow the land...
- Then there will be bread?
- No, brother, wait. Then you need to harrow the ground...
- And can I eat bread? - The wolf waved his tail.
- What are you talking about, wait. First you need to sow the rye...
- Then there will be bread? - the wolf licked his lips.
- Not yet. Wait until the rye sprouts, survives the cold winter, grows in the spring, then blooms, then begins to spike, then ripens...
“Oh,” the wolf sighed, “however, we have to wait a long time!” But then I’ll eat plenty of bread!..
- Where can you eat? - the mower interrupted him. - It's too early. First you need to squeeze the ripe rye, then tie it into sheaves, put the sheaves in heaps. The wind will blow them away, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current...
- And will I eat bread?
- Eh, so impatient! You must first thresh the sheaves, pour the grain into bags, take the bags to the mill and grind the flour...
- That's all?
- No, not all. You need to knead the flour in the bowl and wait for the dough to rise. Then place it in a hot oven.
- And will the bread be baked?
- Yes, the bread will be baked. “That’s when you’ll eat it,” the mower finished his lecture.
The wolf thought, scratched the back of his head with his paw and said:
- No! This work is painfully long and hard. Better advise me, man, how to get food easier.
“Well,” says the mower, “since you don’t want to eat heavy bread, eat light bread.” Go to the pasture, the horse is grazing there.
The wolf came to the pasture. I saw a horse.
- Horse, horse! I will eat you.
“Well,” says the horse, “eat.” Just take the horseshoes off my feet first, so as not to break your teeth on them.
“And that’s true,” the wolf agreed. He bent down to take off the horseshoes, and the horse hit him in the teeth with its hoof... The wolf somersaulted and ran.
He ran to the river. He sees geese grazing on the shore. “Should I eat them?” -thinks. Then he says:
- Geese, geese! I'll eat you.
“Well,” the geese answer, “eat.” But first, do us one favor before you die.
- Which one?
- Sing to us, and we will listen.
- It's possible. I am a master of singing.
The wolf sat down on a hummock, raised his head and began to howl. And the geese, flapping and flapping their wings, rose up and flew away.
The wolf got down from the hummock, looked after the geese and went away empty-handed.
He goes and scolds himself with the last words: “What a fool I am! Why did you agree to sing? Well, now I’ll eat whoever I meet!”
Just when he thought so, lo and behold, an old grandfather was walking along the road. The wolf ran up to him:
- Grandfather, grandfather, I will eat you!
- And why is it in such a hurry? - says Del. - Let's smell the tobacco first.
- Is it tasty?
- Try it and you'll find out.
- Let's.
The grandfather took a tobacco pouch out of his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf. As the wolf sniffed with all his might, he inhaled the entire pouch of tobacco. And then he started sneezing all over the forest... He can’t see anything because of his tears, he keeps sneezing. He sneezed like this for an hour until all the tobacco was sneezed out. I looked around, and there was no trace of my grandfather.
The wolf moved on. He walks, walks, and sees a flock of sheep grazing in a field, and the shepherd is sleeping. The wolf spotted the best ram in the herd, grabbed it and said:
- Ram, ram, I will eat you!
“Well,” says the ram, “this is my lot.” But so that you don’t suffer for a long time and don’t break your teeth on my old bones, you better stand in that hollow over there and open your mouth, and I’ll run up the hill, accelerate and draw you into my mouth.
“Thanks for the advice,” says the wolf. - That's what we'll do.
He stood in the hollow, opened his mouth and waited. And the ram ran up the hill, sped up and hit the wolf on the head with its horns. So sparks fell from the gray one’s eyes, and the whole light began to spin in front of him!
The wolf came to his senses, shook his head and reasoned with himself:
- Did I eat it or not?
Meanwhile, the mower has finished his work and goes home. He heard the wolf's words and said:
“I didn’t eat anything, but I did taste some light bread.”

A mower was mowing the meadow. I got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out the bag, untied it and began to chew the bread.

A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees a mower sitting under a bush and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked:

- What are you eating, man?

“Bread,” the mower answers.

- Is it tasty?

- And how delicious it is!

- Let me taste it.

- Well, try it.

The mower broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf.

The wolf liked the bread. He says:

- I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Tell me, man!

“Okay,” says the mower, “I’ll teach you where and how to get bread.”

And he began to teach the wolf:

- First of all, we need to plow the land...

- Then there will be bread?

- No, brother, wait. Then you need to harrow the ground...

- And can I eat bread? - The wolf waved his tail.

- What are you talking about, wait. First you need to sow the rye...

- Then there will be bread? - the wolf licked his lips.

- Not yet. Wait until the rye sprouts, survives the cold winter, grows in the spring, then blooms, then begins to spike, then ripens...

“Oh,” the wolf sighed, “however, we have to wait a long time!” But then I’ll eat plenty of bread!..

- Where can you eat? - the mower interrupted him. - It's too early. First you need to squeeze the ripe rye, then tie it into sheaves, put the sheaves in heaps. The wind will blow them away, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current...

- And will I eat bread?

- Eh, so impatient! You must first thresh the sheaves, pour the grain into bags, take the bags to the mill and grind the flour...

- No, not all. You need to knead the flour in the bowl and wait for the dough to rise. Then place it in a hot oven.

- And will the bread be baked?

- Yes, the bread will be baked. “That’s when you’ll eat it,” the mower finished his lecture.

The wolf thought, scratched the back of his head with his paw and said:

- No! This work is painfully long and hard. Better advise me, man, how to get food easier.

“Well,” says the mower, “since you don’t want to eat heavy bread, eat light bread.” Go to the pasture, the horse is grazing there.

The wolf came to the pasture. I saw a horse.

- Horse, horse! I will eat you.

“Well,” says the horse, “eat.” Just take the horseshoes off my feet first, so as not to break your teeth on them.

“And that’s true,” the wolf agreed. He bent down to take off the horseshoes, and the horse hit him in the teeth with its hoof... The wolf somersaulted and ran.

He ran to the river. He sees geese grazing on the shore. “Should I eat them?” -thinks. Then he says:

- Geese, geese! I'll eat you.

“Well,” the geese answer, “eat.” But first, do us one favor before you die.

- Sing to us, and we will listen.

- It's possible. I am a master of singing.

The wolf sat down on a hummock, raised his head and began to howl. And the geese, flapping and flapping their wings, rose up and flew away.

The wolf got down from the hummock, looked after the geese and went away empty-handed.

He goes and scolds himself with the last words: “What a fool I am! Why did you agree to sing? Well, now I’ll eat whoever I meet!”

Just when he thought so, lo and behold, an old grandfather was walking along the road. The wolf ran up to him:

- Grandfather, grandfather, I will eat you!

- And why is it in such a hurry? - says Del. - Let's smell the tobacco first.

- Is it tasty?

- Try it and you'll find out.

The grandfather took a tobacco pouch out of his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf. As the wolf sniffed with all his might, he inhaled the entire pouch of tobacco. And then he started sneezing all over the forest... He can’t see anything because of his tears, he keeps sneezing. He sneezed like this for an hour until all the tobacco was sneezed out. I looked around, and there was no trace of my grandfather.

- Ram, ram, I will eat you!

“Well,” says the ram, “this is my lot.” But so that you don’t suffer for a long time and don’t break your teeth on my old bones, you better stand in that hollow over there and open your mouth, and I’ll run up the hill, accelerate and draw you into my mouth.

“Thanks for the advice,” says the wolf. - That's what we'll do.

He stood in the hollow, opened his mouth and waited. And the ram ran up the hill, sped up and hit the wolf on the head with its horns. So sparks fell from the gray one’s eyes, and the whole light began to spin in front of him!

The wolf came to his senses, shook his head and reasoned with himself:

- Did I eat it or not?

Meanwhile, the mower has finished his work and goes home. He heard the wolf's words and said:

“I didn’t eat anything, but I did taste some light bread.”

One of the favorite children's fairy tales, “Easy Bread,” a Belarusian fairy tale, tells the story that in order to achieve some goal in one’s life, one must work.

The essence of the tale is simple: a peasant went out into the field to mow grass, got tired of work and sat down to rest, and then a hungry wolf approached him and asked for a piece of bread. The man treated the wolf, he really liked it, but when he found out how much he needed to do in order to eat bread, he decided to get food in easier ways, which you will learn about when you read the story - you will read the Belarusian folk tale “Easy Bread” "

So simple and accessible, “Easy Bread,” a Belarusian folk tale, teaches us how to work and achieve our goals.

One day a mower was mowing a meadow. Tired, he sat down under a bush, untied his bag and began to chew bread from it. At that time, a wolf ran out of the forest, saw a man with food under a bush, came closer and asked:

What do you eat?

Does it taste good to you?

Very tasty, fresh, aromatic!

Let me try it.

Why not give it, hold it!

The mower handed a piece of bread to the wolf. The wolf liked the treat.

I want to eat it every day. How can I get it, tell me?!

Okay, I’ll show you where and how to get bread. First of all, you need to plow the land.

And then there will be bread?

No, wait. Then the ground needs to be harrowed.

And then can we eat the bread?

No, after that you need to sow rye on that land.

Can we eat bread now?

It's still early, wait. You need to wait until the rye sprouts, survives the harsh winter, gets stronger in the spring, blooms in the summer, begins to spike in the fall and will soon ripen.

Oh, what a long wait! One thing is good, then you can immediately eat bread to your heart’s content!

You're wrong, it's still early. Ripe rye needs to be compressed, tied into sheaves, and the sheaves placed in heaps. Wait until the wind blows them away and the sun rays dry them. After that you can take it to the current.

Is it possible to eat bread there already?

Well, you are impatient! It's still early. Those sheaves need to be threshed, the grain then poured into bags, and the bags taken to the mill. You need to grind flour in a mill...

Now you can definitely eat bread?

No, the bread will not be ready yet. You need to knead the flour, wait until the dough rises and put the dough in a hot oven.

And will the bread be ready?

Yes, then the bread will be baked. Then you can eat it to your heart's content.

The wolf thought about it and said:

This job is too long. Tell me, man, how you can get food faster and easier.

If you don't want to try heavy bread, you can try light bread. Go to the pasture, there is a horse grazing there.

The wolf approached the pasture, saw the horse there and said to him:

Horse, I will eat you!

There’s nothing to be done, if you want to eat, then eat. But first, take the horseshoes off my feet, otherwise you’ll break all your teeth on them.

The wolf agreed with the horse, bent down to take off the horseshoes at his feet, and the horse kicked him in the teeth with all his might. The wolf rolled head over heels and barely carried off his legs.

He ran to the river. He looks - geese are grazing near the shore. He decided to feast on them, came up and said:

I'll eat you now!

You can eat it, but before you die, do us just one favor. Sing to us.

“Okay,” answered the wolf, “I’m a master of singing!”

The wolf sat down on a hummock and, raising his head, howled. Meanwhile, the geese gathered and quickly flew away.

The wolf got angry, jumped off the mound and decided that now he would definitely eat the first one he met.

As soon as he decided this, he suddenly saw an old man walking along the road. The wolf immediately ran up to him and said:

Grandfather, I'll eat you now!

Why are you in such a hurry? I'm in no hurry, let's smell some tobacco with you.

Is the tobacco tasty?

You'll know when you try it!

The old man took the pouch out of his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf. The wolf tried so hard that in one breath he inhaled all the tobacco from the pouch. And then he began to sneeze so hard that he could be heard throughout the forest and tears poured out of his eyes like hail. The wolf finally sneezed, but there was no trace of the old man.

Ram, I'll eat you now!

“Well, that’s my lot,” says the ram sadly. “And in order not to torment you for a long time and not break your teeth on my old bones, you better go to that hollow and open your mouth, and I will climb that mountain and drive you straight into your mouth with acceleration.”

Thanks for the advice, that’s what we’ll do,” the wolf agreed.

He went into the hollow, opened his mouth wide and waited. And the ram jumped up the mountain, accelerated and hit the wolf on the head with its horns so hard that sparks fell from his eyes and his head went spinning.

Having come to his senses, the wolf could not understand whether he had eaten the ram or not. Meanwhile, the mower finished mowing and walked home. Hearing the wolf talking to himself, he said to the wolf:

You didn’t eat it, but you did eat some light bread!

A man was mowing the grass in the meadow. He got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out the bundle, untied it and began to eat.

A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees a man sitting in a bush and eating something.

A wolf approached him and asked:

- What are you eating?

“Bread,” the man answers.

- Is it tasty?

— Passion is so delicious!

- Let me try.

- Welcome!

The man broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf.

The wolf liked the bread. He says:

- I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Please advise!

“Okay,” he says, “man, I’ll teach you where and how to get bread.”

And he began to teach the wolf:

- First of all, we need to plow the land...

- Then there will be bread?

- No, brother, wait. then we need to harrow the land...

- And can I eat bread? — the wolf was delighted and waved his tail.

- Look how fast you are! First you need to sow rye...

- Will there be bread then? - the wolf licked his lips.

- Not yet! Wait until the rye sprouts, survives the cold winter, grows in the spring, then begins to spike, then the grain begins to fill, then ripens...

“Oh,” the wolf sighed, “it’s too long to wait!” Well, when the grain ripens, then will I eat plenty of bread?

- Where can you eat? - says the man. - It’s still early! First, ripe rye must be compressed, then tied into sheaves, and then the sheaves must be placed in the rump. The wind will blow them away, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current.

- And will I eat bread?

- How impatient! The first thing is to thresh the sheaves, collect the grain in bags, take the bags to the mill and grind the flour...

- No, not everything. You need to knead the dough from flour and wait for the dough to rise. Then put it in a hot oven.

— Will the bread be baked?

- Yeah, it’ll be baked. Then you’ll eat to your heart’s content,” the man finished.

The wolf thought, scratched the back of his head and said:

- No! This work is not for me - it’s long, troublesome, and difficult. You better advise how to get easy bread.

“Well,” says the man, “if you don’t want to eat difficult bread, eat light bread.” Go to the pasture, the horse is grazing there.

The wolf went to the pasture. I saw a horse:

- Horse, horse, I will eat you!

“Well,” says the horse, “eat.” Just first take the horseshoes off my feet so as not to break my teeth on them.

“And that’s true,” agreed the wolf.

He bent down to tear off the horseshoes, and the horse kicked him with its hoof!

The wolf somersaulted and let's go. He ran to the river. He sees geese grazing on the shore.

“Should I eat them?” - the wolf thinks. then he says:

- Geese, geese, I will eat you!

“Well,” the geese answer, “eat.” Just do us a favor first.

- Which one? - asks the wolf.

- Sing us a song and we will listen.

- It's possible! I am a master at singing songs. The wolf sat down on a hummock, raised his head and began to howl. And the geese - fluttering their wings - took off from their place and flew away.

The wolf got down from the hummock, looked after them and went on with nothing.

He goes and scolds himself: “Well, am I not a fool, huh? And why did I start singing to the geese! Well, now I’ll eat whoever I meet!”

Just when he thought so, he looked and saw an old grandfather wandering along the road. Wolf - to him;

- Grandfather, grandfather, I will eat you!

- What's the hurry? - says the grandfather. - Let's smell the tobacco first.

- Is it tasty?

- Try it, you’ll know.

- Let's!

The grandfather took the snuff box out of his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf.

The wolf sniffed with all his might and sniffed all the tobacco and inhaled. And then let’s sneeze all over the forest... He doesn’t see anything because of his tears, he keeps sneezing. I sneezed for more than an hour while I rested. I looked around, and there was no trace of my grandfather.

He walked and walked and looked at the sheep grazing in the meadow and the shepherd sleeping.

The wolf spotted the largest lamb, grabbed it and said:

- Ram, ram, I will eat you!

“Well,” says the ram, “apparently this is my lot.” Stand in that hollow and open your mouth wider. And I’ll run up the hill, accelerate and jump into your mouth myself.

“Thank you for the advice,” said the wolf, “we’ll do that.”

He stood in the hollow, opened his mouth, and waited. And the ram ran up the hill, sped up and fucked the wolf with its horns! There were already sparks falling from his eyes...

The wolf came to his senses, shook his head and said:

“I don’t understand: did I eat it or not?” And at this time that same peasant was returning home from mowing.

He heard the wolf’s words and said:

“You didn’t eat it, but you tasted the light bread.”

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A mower was mowing the meadow. I got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out the bag, untied it and began to chew the bread.

A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees a mower sitting under a bush and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked:
- What are you eating, man?
“Bread,” the mower answers.
- Is it tasty?
- And how delicious it is!
- Let me taste it.
- Well, try it.
The mower broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf.

The wolf liked the bread. He says:
- I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Tell me, man!
“Okay,” says the mower, “I’ll teach you where and how to get bread.”
And he began to teach the wolf:
- First of all, we need to plow the land...

Then there will be bread?
- No, brother, wait. Then you need to harrow the ground...
- And can I eat bread? - The wolf waved his tail.
- What are you talking about, wait. First you need to sow the rye...
- Then there will be bread? - the wolf licked his lips.
- Not yet. Wait until the rye sprouts, survives the cold winter, grows in the spring, then blooms, then begins to spike, then ripens...

“Oh,” the wolf sighed, “however, we have to wait for a long time!” But then I’ll eat plenty of bread!..
- Where can you eat? - the mower interrupted him. - It's too early. First you need to squeeze the ripe rye, then tie it into sheaves, put the sheaves in heaps. The wind will blow them away, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current...

And will I eat bread?
- Eh, so impatient! You must first thresh the sheaves, pour the grain into bags, take the bags to the mill and grind the flour...
- That's all?
- No, not all. You need to knead the flour in a bowl and wait until the dough rises. Then place it in a hot oven.

And will the bread be baked?
- Yes, the bread will be baked. “That’s when you’ll eat it,” the mower finished his lecture.