Letunovsky Valentin Vasilievich Office of the President. International Conference on Internal Control

In this article I will talk about how to add new or existing databases to the 1C:Enterprise server. 8.3 (for other versions of the platform - 8.1 And 8.2 actions are similar). Options for adding will be considered information base both from and through the 1C:Enterprise server administration program (in Windows OS). Some issues of administering information bases in a 1C:Enterprise server cluster are also touched upon.

1. Adding an infobase from the 1C:Enterprise launch window

Let's create a new database on the 1C:Enterprise server from a standard configuration. To do this, launch “1C:Enterprise” and in the launch window click “ Add…» to add an information base.

The wizard for adding an information base will start, select the item “ Creation of a new information base" by setting the appropriate switch and clicking " Further».

In the list of installed configuration templates, select the template we need and click “ Further».

Let's enter the name of the database as it will be displayed in the list of infobases, specify the location type " On the 1C:Enterprise server" and click " Further».

On the next page you need to specify the parameters of the created infobase, namely:

(IN in this example parameters were selected in accordance with the 1C:Enterprise server installation parameters adopted in the article)

  • Server cluster name 1C:Enterprise— as a rule, it matches the network name of the computer where the 1C:Enterprise server is installed (the central cluster of the server);
  • Name of the database being created in the cluster— the name by which the information base will be accessed. Must be unique within a given cluster;
  • Secure connection- disabled by default;
  • Type of DBMS on which the database will be stored- in this example MS SQL Server;
  • Database server name— as a rule, it consists of the network name of the computer where the database server is installed and the name of the server instance (if any), separated by the “\” sign;
  • Name of the database on the database server— for convenience, we will adhere to the rule that the name of the database must match the name of the infobase in the cluster. In addition, in the case of using MS SQL Server, the first character in the database name can only be a letter of the Latin alphabet or the symbol “_”, subsequent characters can only be a letter of the Latin alphabet, a number or the symbols “_” and “&”, the name must be unique within a given database server instance and not exceed 63 characters. If the database already exists on the server, the current database will be used, if not and the flag " Create a database if it doesn't exist", a new database will be added to the database server.
  • Database user— a DBMS user who will become the owner of the database on the server if a new database is created or who has rights to work with an existing one;
  • User password— the password of the user on whose behalf the database will be accessed;
  • Date offset— 0 or 2000. This parameter determines the number of years that will be added to dates when they are saved in the Microsoft SQL Server database and subtracted when they are retrieved. The fact is that the DATATIME type used by Microsoft SQL Server allows you to store dates in the range from January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999. If, when working with an infobase, there may be a need to store dates preceding the lower limit of this range, the date offset should be selected as 2000. In addition, if the application solution uses accumulation registers or accounting registers (and most likely this will be the case), also in the “field date offset must be set to 2000.
  • Set blocking of scheduled tasks— setting the flag allows you to prohibit the execution of scheduled tasks on the server for this information base. It should be installed in the case of creating test information bases, where the implementation of routine tasks does not carry any practical load.

Having set all the information base parameters, click “ Further».

And finally, specify the launch parameters for the database being created and click “ Ready» to start the process of creating a new information base. In this case, a new information base will be created on the 1C:Enterprise server; if necessary, a new database will be created on the database server, and data will also be loaded from the configuration template.

If all of the above actions are completed successfully, the wizard will complete its work, and we will see the newly created database in the list of infobases in the 1C:Enterprise launch window.

2. Adding an information base from the 1C:Enterprise server administration console

Now let’s add another infobase to the server cluster, but through the “ Administration of 1C:Enterprise servers"(previously). You can find it:

Well, in any case, the snap-in can be launched by executing the file “ 1CV8 Servers.msc"located in the 1C:Enterprise installation directory in the subdirectory " common».

If the equipment " " is launched on the same computer where the 1C:Enterprise server is installed, then in the tree on the left, in the branch with the network name of the current computer, we should see this cluster of servers called " Local cluster" Expanding the tab " Information bases"we will see all the infobases in this server cluster (for example, the database created through the 1C:Enterprise launch window in the previous step). To add a new information base, right-click on this tab and select “ Create» — « Information base».

The parameters window for the created infobase will open. The list of parameters is the same as that described above in paragraph 1 of this instruction. After filling out all the parameters, click “ OK» to start the process of creating a new information base. In this case, a new information base will be created on the 1C:Enterprise server and, if necessary, a new database will be created on the database server.

If all of the above actions are completed successfully, the parameters window will close, and we will see the newly created database in the list of infobases of the current cluster.

And if you go to the “Wednesday” program SQL Server Management Studio" and connect to the current instance of MS SQL Server, you can see the databases created in the previous steps.

3. Properties of the infobase

To view or change the parameters of a specific infobase, you need to use the " Administration of 1C Enterprise servers", in the list of infobases, right-click on it and select " Properties" To authenticate in the administration console, you must use administrators in the corresponding infobases. In other words this check is similar to authentication when connecting to an infobase through the 1C:Enterprise client.

As you can see, the following have been added to the list of parameters already familiar to us:

  • Session start blocking is enabled— a flag that allows you to enable blocking of the start of sessions with the infobase; if the flag is set, then:
    • Existing sessions can continue running, establish new connections, and also run background jobs;
    • Establishing new sessions and connections to the infobase is prohibited.
  • Start And End— duration of session blocking;
  • Message— text that will be part of the error message when trying to establish a connection with a blocked infobase;
  • Permission code— the string that should be added to the parameter /UC when starting 1C:Enterprise to connect to the infobase despite being blocked;
  • Blocking options— arbitrary text that can be used in configurations for various purposes;
  • External session management— a string describing the parameters of the Web service external control sessions;
  • Mandatory use of external control— if the flag is set, then if the external session management Web service is unavailable, an error occurs and establishing a connection to the infobase is impossible;
  • Security Profile— if a profile name is specified, the application solution begins to work taking into account the restrictions imposed by the specified security profile;
  • Safe Mode Security Profile- the same as the security profile, but restrictions will be imposed on fragments of the application solution operating in safe mode.

After changing the necessary parameters, click “ Apply" to save changes or " OK» to save and close the infobase properties window.

4. Adding an existing infobase to the list of infobases in the 1C:Enterprise launch window

And finally, all we have to do is add the one created using the “ Administration of 1C Enterprise servers» infobase to the list of infobases in the 1C:Enterprise launch window. Why in this window click “ Add…" and in the wizard that starts adding an infobase/group, select the appropriate item and click " Further».

Enter the name of the infobase as it will be displayed in the list, select the type of infobase location " On the 1C:Enterprise server" and press " again Further».

Enter the address of the 1C:Enterprise server cluster and the name of the infobase, as it is defined in this cluster. Click " Further».

And finally, set the parameters for launching the infobase and click “ Ready» to complete the wizard.

Our database has appeared in the list of information databases. You need to understand that this is an empty (clean) database, and then you should load data into it from a template, or from a pre-loaded data file.

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I already talked about it in one of the previous articles. Now we will look at one trouble that can await the user when trying to create a new database.

As you know, information databases for 1C Accounting 8, as well as other 1C Enterprise configurations, are created from templates. These are special files with the extension *.dt, i.e. essentially ordinary uploads that can be done using the Configurator (for example, during backup). If only the 1C Enterprise 8 platform itself was installed on the computer, but not a single configuration was installed, then a new 1C database cannot be created - there will simply be nothing to create it from.

So if you know for sure that the configuration you need has not been installed, then you should install it.

However, there is another case when a new base does not want to be created. Namely, the path to the folder with the same configuration templates is not specified or is specified incorrectly. Generally speaking, everything is usually indicated there and you don’t need to do anything. However, if such a situation arises, you should know how to solve it. It's not difficult at all.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

If the path to the folder (at least one; yes, there may be several of them) with templates is not specified, then during the process of creating a new 1C Enterprise database you will see such a window.

In this case, you should interrupt the creation of the database and click Cancel to exit the dialog.

A common mistake is to click the Next button without looking! Look at the picture above - the lowest item “Creating an information base” is selected there no configuration...". This item cannot be used, since the database created in this way will be completely empty, i.e. it will not be able to do anything at all! This item is intended for programmers and administrators. Therefore, if there is not a single configuration in the list, then from the creation dialog you need to exit the database by clicking Cancel.

After this, in the launch window, click the Settings button (it does not matter which database is selected in the list).


As a result, you will see the window shown in the picture below.


The path to the 1C Enterprise information base should be indicated in place of the question mark. In this case it is empty. That is why there is not a single configuration in the dialog for creating a new database - the program simply does not know where these templates are.

This is corrected as follows. You should click on the button with a green plus and in the Explorer window that opens, specify the path to the folder with templates. They can be located anywhere - where they were installed during installation configurations. An example is shown below.


You can add several folders with templates to the list if you have them in different places, as shown in the figure below. After selecting the folder with templates, do not forget to click OK.


Now everything is in order. In this case, when creating a new 1C Accounting, Simplified (or any other) database, in the list of available configurations you will see all the templates that you added in the settings window.


As you can see, this problem, which occasionally arises when creating a new 1C Enterprise information base, is easily solved.

If you want to learn how to not only create a database, but also keep all your records yourself, sign up for training courses presented on this site!

There have been many rumors and speculations on this topic, but most of them do not inspire any confidence. Nevertheless, let's try to figure it out.

It is highly likely that the head of the Presidential Administration Anton Vaino will retain his position, who, among other things, relies on the strong support of the head of Rostec Sergei Chemezov, and also impresses Vladimir Putin with his ability to influence events without entering the public policy arena. Vaino is a politician for the most distant future, without aspiring to the first roles, which suits the national leader quite well. Vaino's functionality can be compared to the role of Marshal Berthier, Napoleon's chief of staff. He is engaged in long-term strategizing and has not yet made any miscalculations in this area.

Sergei Kiriyenko, who brilliantly handled the “March 18” project, will most likely retain his position, ensuring a triumphant result in the presidential elections for his boss. Kiriyenko’s special achievement is that no serious violations were noticed during the elections. An obvious competitor to Sergei Vladilenovich in the competition for curatorship domestic policy what remains is State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who, with his departure from the Presidential Administration, retained, more than he could have hoped, the levers and tools of influence on the Russian regions.


Vladimir Putin and Sergei Kiriyenko at a meeting with the winners and finalists of projects at the forum “Russia - the Land of Opportunities”

Obviously, the head of the legal department Larisa Brycheva, who is tipped to move to the Constitutional Court to replace Valentin Zorkin, will leave the administration. It is noted that she will owe this to a large extent to her good relationship with the head of Rostec Sergei Chemezov and Anton Vaino. The hypothetical transition of Larisa Brycheva to the Constitutional Court is associated with a possible constitutional reform, the “smooth” and legitimate implementation of which requires a strong professional who enjoys the personal trust of the first person.

The expert community has already begun discussing possible replacements for Brycheva. Among the candidates for the position of head of the State Legal Administration of the AP are: the head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction Andrei Klishas, ​​the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov and the Rector of Tyumen State University Valery Falkov.

However, it cannot be ruled out that Brycheva will be replaced by one of her current deputies - Sergei Pchelintsev, who came to the AP from Investigation Department FSB, or Sergei Komissarov, comes from the Ministry of Defense. Personally, this option seems to me the most likely.

Dmitry Medvedev, as you know, intends to invite the head of the control department of the Presidential Administration, Konstantin Chuychenko, to the post of Deputy Prime Minister and head of the government apparatus. This gives a real chance to head the control department to Chuichenko’s deputy, FSB General Valentin Letunovsky, a tough and strong-willed functionary.

Global Look Press/Alexander Legky

Rumors are circulating on the networks about the dismissal of presidential aide Vladislav Surkov from the Presidential Administration and about his transfer to another job - which is not clear, there are too many options. The possibility of the current head of the AP's internal policy department, Andrei Yarin, becoming the presidential envoy to the Central Federal District is also being discussed.

In addition to Surkov and Yarin, Sergei Glazyev, whose economic concepts, as one might assume, did not suit the court, may leave the administration. In addition, Glazyev, apparently, was unable to compete in macroeconomic analysis with Andrei Belousov, a recognized luminary in this area, and was simply no longer needed by top management.

In my opinion, the potential for possible rotations in the presidential administration has been exhausted. As in the composition of the government, changes staffing if they happen, they will not affect key figures, who, like horses, are not changed at the crossing, that is, in difficult times.