Literary scenes. What should be in a literary script? But! All this is suitable if followed

I wrote this skit on literature for 11th grade graduates, who staged it at the Last Bell (or graduation - sorry, I don’t remember exactly) under the guidance of their class teacher - a literature teacher.

I’ll say right away: the scene is NOT simple, the plot is twisted, and you will have to read a lot - first of all, explanations and introductions.

Please read carefully and listen to my words! Then your production will create a small sensation - or maybe not a small one)) Otherwise, you will encounter misunderstandings from teachers and spectators.

Suitable for whom and when?

Is this skit based on literature?

To whom:

11th grade throughout the entire school year without (or almost without) changes

9th and 10th grades with minor text correction

Philology students changing school to university

Literary and theater clubs and studios with children over 15 years of age


For graduation and last call

On the birthday of your favorite literature teacher

For the birthday (anniversary) of your favorite writer from the 6 listed below (or adding him to the script if he is not there)

During Literature Week

At the student skit

At KVN, if the topic matches

Just a separate performance to the pleasure of himself and the audience.

But! All this is suitable if followed

Required conditions:

1. “Actors” and spectators know and love literature.

2. They know the biographies and statements of the writers portrayed in the sketch.

3. The most important thing is that they treat famous writers not as idols, but as the people they were. That is, accepting their weaknesses and possible shortcomings philosophically and with humor, without falsehood and unnecessary embellishments.

If only because these people are already history, and history must be known as it really was. And not the way someone for some reason wanted to portray her.


Why is everything so difficult? – you may ask.

Because the Customer wanted it that way, I will answer you.


This time the Author of the text is me, Evelina Shesternenko, but the Authors of the assignment/idea are literature teacher Ekaterina Aleksandrovna and then 11th grade student Pavel. ( I cannot write their full names because I do not have their consent to disclose personal data. But if Ekaterina Alexandrovna and Pavel want to reveal themselves in the comments under the article, I will be glad for their visit and feedback).

The work was difficult (I sifted through a lot of reference books with biographies, letters and statements), but interesting (I remembered forgotten old things, learned something new).

The result is that everyone was happy. I really hope you like it too.

Scene “Literary Salon”

From the Customer - idea, dedication and creative task:

“And we would like to dedicate this scene to our to the class teacher- (teacher's name)! Teaching literature is a difficult matter; willy-nilly you will become imbued with sympathy for the author, but then, with this bunch of worldviews, teach us to write essays. The head of every writer is a literary salon, in which there is always a debate over the creation of an ideal model of writing and the world. Go!"

The scene should be active and, most importantly, comical, so that the writer can be recognized by each line (perhaps so that they point to each other’s names in an argument). Definitely using desks (so that at least 2 characters “lead” the entire stage and argue).

The idea is to depict the workings of a typical 19th century salon, featuring writers and poets such as Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Marina Tsvetaeva and Mikhail Prishvin. It is necessary that all writers work together to create some kind of “ideal” work. But, according to the plot of the sketch, nothing would have worked out for them, since they all have different styles, shout and interrupt each other, add their own worldview, which is why, in the end, it is impossible to write an ideal work.

Sample roles in the scene

(how I would like to see them) :

1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - cheerful and cheerful, perhaps a little drunk (he led a riotous lifestyle), his task is to insert his poetic lines into the dialogue (polylogue) of those arguing, to add more of a comic component to the scene.

2. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - calm, but secretive, prone to mysticism, with a demonic squint. He actively argues with Tolstoy over the fact that the work lacks something mystical, magical (and maybe even a “warlock” theme).

3. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a powerful and firm man, whose foundations are visible in his every remark. But no one listens to him (except Gogol, who is offended by his insertions). He knocks his hand on the table and tries to prove to everyone that an ideal work cannot do without “common people”, without “peasant wisdom”, so that the work can be understood by everyone and at the same time be highly social.

4. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is an unyielding critic. Criticizes any idea that is not related to his ideas about the world; criticizes everything that is divorced from reality, realism. One of the main characters who must speak relatively a lot and prove their point. (He zealously argues with Tsvetaeva about love, for example).

5. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva is a character who wants to add romanticism and love themes to everything. Does not agree to any other place of events except Moscow. He responds caustically and briefly to Chekhov's long monologues.

6. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin is a carefree and peaceful character. He doesn’t argue with anyone, runs around with a net and catches butterflies, admires nature and flowers. He hopes that everyone at the table will come to their senses and add more soulfulness, nature, and landscapes to the work, and will not argue about the romantic or realistic component. (People listen to him even less than Tolstoy, who is actively knocking on the table, but his remarks should be the most touching, so that the audience understands that they don’t listen to Prishvin in vain, he is the most reasonable of all)


This was the text of the Customer's wishes.

What happened to me?

1. I tried to follow the task, although the plot tried to go its own way. The only thing I changed consciously was Prishvin’s rationality. She shifted it towards the truth: there is NO absolute truth, everyone has their own, every writer is right in his own way.

2. Most of the replicas consist of exact or slightly modified quotes - phrases from the programmatic (occasionally - and some other) works of writers, as well as from the diaries and letters of the authors. Feedback about writers from their colleagues was used in limited quantities.

3. Written with reserve. The rehearsal will show which unnecessary fragments can be removed. It is better to refrain from pruning before the rehearsal.

4. Also during the rehearsal, it will become clear which of the characters doesn’t have enough words, and neutral phrases (that are not quotes from specific individuals) can be redistributed differently.


If suddenly, dear Reader, you began to worry about the Writers, then I assure you – you shouldn’t. Everything is written with very gentle humor and appreciation - both for their talent and for the color of their personality. If they weren’t such bright personalities, this scene wouldn’t exist. I believe that their famous works would not have existed either.

In addition, while working on the plot and text, I became so imbued with their destinies that I even fell in love with all my characters and their prototypes. So the sketch was written by me almost with tenderness))

If it seems otherwise to you, it means that this is not yours, or simply not your day. Try rereading it later in a different mood.

“Literary Salon” - a skit on literature


The heroes (all 6 writers stated above) look similar to their well-known counterparts in their relatively mature age. Nuances:

  • Leo Tolstoy - in a spacious long shirt-sweatshirt and spacious pants, as in his later photos. On your feet are modern sneakers of any bright color.
  • Pushkin and Gogol - from under the edge of the sleeve of their coat they should have a cuff made of thin white cardboard or several sheets of paper - they will write on it. Imitates the starched cuff of a white men's shirt, with a cufflink.
  • Pushkin has a pen imitating a quill pen in the breast pocket of his coat. If you don't find a similar pen, find a nib and use a ballpoint pen refill.
  • Prishvin has a net with a long handle.
  • Unintended character - Ekaterina Alexandrovna, the owner of the salon (played by Ekaterina Alexandrovna herself - a literature teacher - in a cameo role or a graduate girl in the image of Ekaterina Alexandrovna)


  • There is a tray in a convenient, visible place, on it - a jug with dark juice or compote (cherry, pomegranate - similar to red wine), 2 glasses, 4 glasses. Everything is transparent. You can put cheat sheets with text nearby)) Pushkin walks around with a glass a quarter full almost all the time, the rest is optional. They pour themselves randomly.
  • There are 1 or 2 desks (tables, chairs): for Tolstoy - a must, the rest of the characters can sit down at the table for a while, get up, change - to maintain the dynamics.
  • On the curtain or back wall there is a “window” (cardboard frame).
  • Portraits of writers in prominent places (optional).


Pushkin is the first to enter the salon (on stage). He looks around, catches a thought in the air, takes a pen from his breast pocket, pulls out his left cuff, and writes on it. He looked into space with satisfaction and looked around again. He sees a tray with a jug and glasses and screams joyfully - Oh, how thoughtful! - He rubs his hands in anticipation, pours juice into a glass and just wants to take a sip when he shudders from the scream of Tsvetaeva who came in behind him.

Tsvetaeva almost screams with joy:

Oh, my Pushkin! ( He approaches Pushkin and shakes his hand in a handshake. ) I shake Pushkin’s hand, not lick it!

Pushkin, looking around with caution and freeing his hand from Tsvetaeva’s palm:

Marinochka, you are a very good poet, as I heard!

Tsvetaeva, passionately:

Only a poet? And what about love?


Sorry, I already have Natalya Nikolaevna.


All women lead into the mists...

At this phrase Gogol enters:

Pushkin, my dear, you have long been appointed the main genius of Russian poetry. And therefore, every schoolchild knows that your poems are not dedicated to Natalya Nikolaevna, but to many different ladies. So do you feel sorry for dedicating a couple of stanzas to our Marinochka?

Chekhov appears, nodding politely to those present.


Then, it's OK. Hold it! ( Hands a glass to Chekhov, reads - emotionally and with theatrical gestures addressed to Tsvetaeva )

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

I loved you. Love still, perhaps
It has not completely faded away in my soul.
But don't let it bother you anymore -
I don't want to make you sad in any way.


I don’t want to make you sad either)) Therefore, we’ll take a break here, and we’ll meet again in the next article: “.

Any ideas what will happen there? Please write in the comments.

With the wish to remember that I also want to read something from you,

Ball with literary heroes.


Oh, how indomitable
Takes you back to your former youth

Up close fluttering by

Young couple whirling!

What I want? Or it may happen
Breathing the old life,

To move into someone else's delight

Does the soul learn in advance?

Monotonous and crazy

Like a young whirlwind of life,

A noisy whirlwind swirls around the waltz;

Couple flashes after couple.

(Slow waltz)

Scene. Two ladies.

Oh! Hello, Sasha! Girlfriend!
What a wonderful ball today!

Here, Captain Vasiliev - darling -

He danced the mazurka with me!

Oh! Mashenka! My dear!
Countess Gulyaeva's son

He cares about me, I know!

He is here without his mother, alone!

Look to the right, darling!
There is a handsome officer standing.

He looks at us without blinking.

Well, just a miracle gentleman.

A! Prince Mironov! From Paris
He returned yesterday, they say.

Now he will come closer to us.

By the way, he is fabulously rich.

ABOUT! The daughter of the merchant Petrov is Glasha.
Crooked! Look, you turned up your nose!

The goods were successfully sold, dad,

Gostintsev brought her a bunch of them.

What kind of lady is there, listen?!
Is a widow really a councillor?!

- Yes, Agrafena, in the past - Grusha.

The old owl has appeared!

The hunt for men is open.
They won't be happy today.

And you and I are not cut out for it.

We won't let ourselves be offended.

Look, what a starry sky!
Let's throw all sorrows away!

French wine flows!

And we'll dance all night!

(Dance. Viennese Waltz)

Young cornet.

I saw her once in the cheerful whirlwind of the ball;
It seemed that she wanted me to like her;

Friendliness of eyes, speed of movements,

Natural shine on the cheeks and fullness of the breasts -

Everything, everything would fill my mind with charm,

If only for a completely different, meaningless desire

I was not oppressed; whenever in front of me

No shadow flew by with an empty mockery,

If only I could forget the other features,

The face is colorless and the eyes are icy!..


(The romance “Chrysanthemums” is performed by a student. A young man flies into the hall.)

Ah, Monsieur Khlestakov... (Speaks a phrase in French) Have you been delayed somewhere? Come in, we are glad to see you. Is it a wonderful ball today?


Yes, of course, who can compare it with St. Petersburg? (Takes a chair and sits in the center of the hall.) Eh, Petersburg! What a life, really! There is no way to hide, no way! As soon as I go out somewhere, everyone says: “There, they say, Ivan Alexandrovich is coming!”

First lady.

“Tell me how...!”


I know pretty actresses. I, too, am a different vaudeville artist... However, there are many of mine: “The Marriage of Figaro,” “Robert the Devil,” “Norma.” I don’t even remember the names... And all by chance: I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: Please write something... I think to myself, well, perhaps, if you please, brother... And then in one evening, it seems, I wrote everything, amazed everyone. I have an extraordinary lightness in my thoughts...

Second lady.

So, right, “Yuri Miloslavsky” is your composition?


Yes, this is my essay. I admit, I exist only through literature. This is my first house in St. Petersburg. That's how it's known. House of Ivan Alexandrovich.

(Addresses everyone)

Do me a favor, gentlemen, you will be in St. Petersburg, I ask everyone to come to me.

I also give points.

First lady.

I think the balls they give there are tasteful and splendid...


Just don’t say... On the table, for example, there is a watermelon... a watermelon costs 700 rubles... The soup in a saucepan arrived straight from Paris on the boat. ... I'm at balls every day. There we had our own whist: the French envoy, the English envoy, the German envoy and I... I have one ladder standing... standing...

And it’s curious to look into my hallway when I haven’t woken up yet... The counts and princes are milling around and buzzing like bumblebees, all you can hear is zh-zh-zh, Sometimes the minister: Z-Z-Z-Z-Z...

They even write to me on the packages “Your Excellency...” Me myself State Council fears! Yes indeed! That's who I am! I won't look! I tell everyone: “I know myself,” myself! I am everywhere! Everywhere” I go to the palace every day! Tomorrow I will be promoted to field marshal!!!

(Two hussars take him by the hands, lead him out and put him in a row.)


Madame, Monsieur – figure waltz

Leading .

And now, friends, round up! Let's play "Compliment" You need to say at least 10 pleasant compliments to the person who is third from the right!

(You can use the tune of the Nikitins’ song from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”).

"Let me introduce Catherine - here's my friend Alexander ,
A bit of a poet and an excellent fighter, of which there are few."

"Oh my dear
Serge , You made Alexander blush,
Let him finally open his mouth!”

The polished parquet floor reflects light.
And the couple spins to the sweet sounds of the mazurka...

And for a long time the girl will dream about the beardless cornet

And he is not the only one who will dedicate a love sonnet to her.

“Is it true that the sovereign visited your regiment?”
“He came for Easter to congratulate us on the holiday personally,

And he ordered us to beat the Turkish army perfectly!”

"I will be happy to give you my amulet as a gift..."

I can’t tell each other everything in words,
What they said to shake hands is simple and immodest,

In the beautiful decoration and splendor of that huge hall

They didn't want to notice anyone now.

“Catherine, promise to wait for me in victory?”
“Oh, my Alexander, I will wait for you even to the grave!”

“Thinking about you will give me strength in battles with the Turks.”

"My prayers will protect you, Alexander..."

None of the guests saw tears on their eyelashes.
And again there is a smile on the faces - after all, the ball is not for sadness!

And only the aching pain will not go away until the morning,

And just pray and wait for news from the messengers...


As a memory of summer, of the Larins’ house, of summer bouquets, herbs and floral aromas, we dance the “Waltz of the Flowers”. He distributes flowers to the dancers.

The participants of the ball dance the Viennese waltz with flowers, after the dance they give

flowers to the presenter.


Now our dear guests will be able to learn everything about flowers.

Flower cards are brought into the hall, the presenter reads out the meaning of each flower:

chicory denotes severity,

Forget-me-not says: “Remember me”

violet is a symbol of severity,

poppy is a symbol of passion,

clover promises a secret romance,

cornflower is a symbol of simplicity and tenderness, renewal and happiness,

geranium - your whim,

dandelion - prediction,

violet is a symbol of modesty,

bell - portends good news,

carnation is a symbol of voluntary refusal.


The romance “Shine, Shine, My Star” is played for all participants of the ball.


We're glad it's late or early

Hear the sounds of the piano.

A girl performs a piano etude.


On days of fun and desires

I was crazy about balls:

Or rather, there is no room for confessions

And for delivering a letter.

O you, honorable spouses!

I will offer you my services;

Please notice my speech:

I want to warn you.

You, mamas, are also stricter

Follow your daughters:

Hold your lorgnette straight!

Not that... not that, God forbid!

That's why I'm writing this

It's been a long time since I've sinned


The presenters conduct the game “Literary forfeits”


After the ball, when the guests leave, it often happens that our servants find many lost things, for example, one of the kings spent a long time looking for a girl who lost her shoe at the ball.


We would like to know who owns the lost items.

this pen belongs to a nobleman who studied in both Russia and Germany, and lived most of his life in Paris, danced at a ball with Pushkin’s daughter, although he was very fond of Russian nature and hunting.(Turgenev)

this literary heroine lived in the village, after the tragic death of her groom she got married quite quickly, and this is her doll. (Olga Larina)

a bouquet of violets... it became the reason for the meeting of two young people, but their love was unhappy. ("Poor Lisa")

This is a book by Voltaire, it was brought from abroad by a young nobleman, he traveled abroad for three years, and then returned to Moscow to arrange his personal affairs.(Chatsky)

Mademoiselle dropped this item into the river and suffered for a long time trying to get it out of there. (Tanya’s ball. A. Barto).

And this is a chest, it was carried by one very famous nobleman, he worked both in the construction of government buildings and at customs, however, it later turned out that he was a famous swindler, but he almost married the governor’s daughter, but one fairly tipsy landowner, Arriving at the ball and seeing the swindler, he exposed him.(Chichikov)

This pistol... probably, the owner was not very pleased to remember it, because he killed a friend with it in a duel... (Onegin)

This is a thick notebook... there are some notes in it... In my opinion, these are notes from an officer... What was his name? (Pechorin)


Young man.

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,

In the anxiety of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but it's a mystery

Your features are covered.

Only the eyes looked sadly,
And the voice sounded so wonderful,

Like the sound of a distant pipe,

Like a playing shaft of the sea.

I liked your thin figure
And your whole thoughtful look;

And your laughter, both sad and ringing,

Since then it has been ringing in my heart.

In the lonely hours of the night
I love to lie down when tired -

I see sad eyes

I hear cheerful speech;

And sadly I fall asleep like that,
And I sleep in unknown dreams...

Do I love you - I don't know

But it seems to me that I love it!


Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.

A tray with notes is brought into the hall, each note should have a wish written on it, for example, “When you choose the road, don’t turn off!”, “Look into your soul, ask your heart!”, “Believe in yourself, because for the one who believes, nothing is impossible!”, “Don’t forget about yourself!”, “Remember, a fired arrow does not return”, “Find happiness in today”, “Know that the clouds will clear, the peak will appear”, “Remember, no matter how slowly you move , the main thing is not to stop,” “Knowing the limits, you will have plenty of everything.”


Dear guests, one of the notes has the signature of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who is this lucky guy? He can choose his own gift
(romance, poetry or last dance...)

Last dance.

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Conducting a concert in the style of congratulations from famous literary heroes.

Purpose of the event: fostering a respectful attitude towards the work of a teacher through the inclusion of a literary context in the holiday script.

Tasks: promote the realization of acting, speaking, and musical talents of students, apply meta-subject results obtained in literature lessons, and create a friendly and favorable atmosphere of communication between teachers and students.

Practical significance: use of the entire script or its individual parts in any school team to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday.

Event form: a festive concert concluding Understudy Day in the form of a literary and musical quest for students and teachers

Equipment: the hall is festively decorated with posters, balloons, fresh flowers in vases, student presentation, music, costumes are used

Progress of the event

The music “Ivan Kupala” - “Kolyada” sounds, voice-over.

Not in the kingdom-state far away,
Not in the royal white stone palace,
In the Perm gymnasium, taken separately,
The holiday has been going on all day already.
And many words have not yet been spoken,
And there are still numbers in stock.
All because it’s a teacher’s holiday,
One of the most important here.
Although this is not the year of literature, congratulations nonetheless,
They come from heroes of different books,
And today we are with you, without a doubt,
Let's share their important content.

Music for the cartoon "3 Bogatyrs". The presenters come out. Message in hand. (Paper – imitation of an ancient manuscript)

1 presenter: What a strange telegram. ( is reading) From the unknown author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign...”. I will read.

Isn't it time for us, brothers, to start
A word about great things,
To tell in an old speech
About the teacher’s actions again?

2 presenter (takes away from the first)

And let us sing, brethren, of him -
In praise of his labors and wounds -
According to the epics of this time,
Without chasing Boyan with your thoughts.

1 presenter (picks up again)

And today I want to glorify those
That, straining the mind, full of strength,
Success was found among the students,
The team spirit sharpened the heart.

2 presenter. The boys choir congratulates you, dear teachers, and everyone who has worked and is working in our glorious gymnasium.

Performance by the boys' choir, singing the song "Teachers, for us you are the light in the window."

The music “Mitrofanushka’s Exit” plays. A young man comes out dressed as a teenager...

1 presenter. Another congratulations. From whom? Mitrofanushka..

Mitrofanushka. I didn't want to study, I wanted to get married. I knew a little about science: I knew, for example, that the door that is attached to the jamb is an adjective, but the door at the bottom is not hung, so that is a noun. But my mother sent me to study at the gymnasium, thanks to good teachers I became smart, which is what I wish for everyone... But I know there are Mitrofanushki in your gymnasium, I would like to meet..

1 presenter. So... one of them

A disheveled young man comes out, his high school uniform is on inside out.

New Mitrofanushka(reads from a piece of paper) Well, in general, something needs to be said here. They asked... Like the class can perform, no one can sing, who dances, but here this... What's his name... in prose. Maybe they'll give it a five in literature. OK. I'll tell you

Well, that means I’m studying in this what’s his name, well, there are some letters, a lot of letters, they even decipher somehow - I remember writing on the title page of the research paper - well, it doesn’t matter, the main thing I remember is the number 5. And I also remember - to what stops to go, however, I sleep in the minibus all the time - and I have to go one more stop. I managed to move, but didn’t change the gymnasium. And who came up with the idea of ​​starting the educational process at 8.00? School? It’s okay if it’s close to home... But here... well, in general, I’m late... but that’s okay. The teachers here are understanding - they say I was driving through the market, stopped at the dam - come in - well done, like you came. I get enough sleep right here in class. But if they talk about money... some kind of economy, I immediately wake up.

I always left a bag of notebooks in the minibus, but I found a way out... I got one, I carry it in my pocket for all the items... the teachers are happy - well done, saying, write, it will come in handy in life.

There are a lot of different lessons there, I don’t remember the names - I remembered them from the classrooms. The first lesson is room 12, we read books there, the second is 23, I remember the debates were filmed there on TV, the third is 32, I thought it was there... well, so on, as in the schedule... At first, of course, I was confused, but then I understood - that’s it in the same ones. Yes, everyone knows us here. They shout, they rejoice, apparently, go, they say, yours are sitting at 23.

Favorite subject? Are you asking? Of course, Vasily Aleksandrovich... never played volleyball... And here... he already took part in the championship. And also all sorts of events, like... Run a marathon or play football. What about me? With pleasure - to lessons on good reason don't go. Me: why wasn’t you there? And I defended the honor of the gymnasium. How is it...

How am I studying? Well... I go, I’m not some kind of truant. They told me to walk, so I walk. Nooo... it was interesting during the lessons, I remember I often looked up from my mobile phone. I listened. Reply? - the teacher is smarter, so why argue with him?

I also remember the dining room, well, yes, there were all sorts of pasta and rolls - you can’t die of hunger - but we were always asking: what are you doing here? Why are you sitting here? And who knows how to adapt to this call... by the way, the call here is cool, I thought someone’s mobile phone was playing. I'm used to it.

Yes, by the way, why did I come out? Congratulations on Teacher's Day. What did I say then? In general... Happy holiday to you

Both leave, talking about something.

2 presenter. The story continues in the ditties of 8th grade students...

Student performance.


1 presenter. Look how beautiful the words are.

2 presenter (girl)

I am writing to you, what else?
I want to say heartfelt words.
I know on this autumn day -
We need to congratulate teachers.
I want to confess my love to all of you
And wish you happiness in life.
Don't fall in love with the Onegins
Submit programs on time.
There would be no teachers in the world,
Believe me, I wouldn't exist.
How the heart beats in ecstasy.
Patience, love, warmth to you.

1 presenter. Sings for you... Song "Autumn Blues".


Music 9.

2 presenter. The most short congratulations. « Vivid impressions from life. And trips to Rio de Janeiro." Ostap Bender.

1 presenter. They dance for you... ( ballroom dance)

Music 11.

Leading (young man in a blond suit):

Here's another congratulation:
You know, of course you know everything,
You can answer any question.
You understand, you definitely understand
You know how to forgive with an open soul
You speak:
It's time for me to learn what has tormented you
My crazy life
And that it’s time for me to sit down for the Unified State Examination,
Instead of standing on stage in front of you, please
Live happily
Under the shadow of bright stars,
Deal with system updates.
With greetings to you always loving - Sergei Yesenin.

2 presenter. Sings for you...


Music 12.

1 presenter. Another congratulations.

A young man playing Chichikov comes out.

Chichikov:“I admit honestly, the gymnasium is good, a wonderful gymnasium, and I spent a very pleasant time here: the company is most courteous, full of entrepreneurs. They're all businessmen, I like it... I came in and bought shoe covers. And also recommendations for parents, leave your passport details... well done... I wish you a big salary for little effort and entrepreneurial opportunities so that life is fun and happy. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov."

2 presenter. They dance for you... (incendiary dance, modern)


1 presenter (comes out with a telegram). I don’t understand the next congratulation, some words: “A hot horse cannot have a steel bit. I am a free person and I wish you freedom. But I liked you, teachers, you touched my heart, I’m ready to exchange my will for study. Loiko Zobar"

2 presenter. Dancing for you... “Gypsy Hungarian”.


1 Presenter

Why are you a meager fantasy?
Where are you vocabulary!
Sweet, gentle, wonderful!
Eh, I wish I could fall in love with you.

Vladimir Vysotsky

2 presenter. A song about a friend...

An ensemble of guitarists perform a song by Vysotsky.

Music 16.

1 presenter. (reads the text from the heart) Such a beautiful message: We wish you love. Real, true. Although you are the people who know what true love is. You constantly live the life of those you love: you fall asleep over their notebooks, you come up with something to make their life not boring, you know how to give a piece of your heart, you rejoice at the success of your students at conferences and olympiads. Love! Master and Margarita.

2 Presenter. For you, a performance performed by a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, silver medalist of international competitions...


1 presenter. We have very important guests today; we welcome those who dedicated their lives to our college. The floor for greetings goes to the director...

2 presenter. The teachers' choir sings "Teacher's Waltz" for you.

1 presenter. May the important work you do every day bring you only joy. We wish you good health and new successes in your hard work.

2 presenter. And we, your students, in turn, will try to please you with our achievements as often as possible and, even after leaving our gymnasium, never forget those people who helped us explore the world and return here again and again.

Music is playing.

Literary script: simple rules

There are two types of scripts: literary and directorial.

First the literary script is written, then the director's script. In feature films, such a sequence is mandatory; in documentary films, they often make do with the director’s script or script plan.

Literary script, as the name suggests, is directly related to literature.

Why do you need a literary script? Who came up with this form?

The literary script was invented at the beginning of the 20th century and was then simply called a “film script.”

So why was it invented? Or more precisely, for whom? For people, for everyone who can read and loves making movies. A literary script describes the plot of the film, the characters, dramatic situations, conflicts and their resolution. That is, history, with all its cause-and-effect relationships.

Over the years, the literary script has developed a certain form of writing. What does it mean? For simplicity, we will use the comparison method: an accounting report, a business plan or a thesis project has its own form, and a literary script has its own.

The four elements of a literary script:

- remark



The remark, or descriptive part, should answer the questions: who? Where? When? what's happening? What are the connections between the current action and the previous one?

A stage direction in a film script is a figurative description of an action currently taking place; characteristics of characters, events, dramatic situations and settings.

The stage directions describe the action precisely and visually, since when reading a script we must see the action.

Examples (we use them inside links, i.e. whoever wants to watch, let him watch. In addition to the text, you can give a fragment from this film illustrating the remark):

Ivan Vyrypaev “Euphoria” (an example of a script stage direction).

From a bird's eye view, the muddy Don River meanders like a wide ribbon; the yellow-red sun-bleached steppe trembles with small ripples in the wind; white feather grass, like white water, green mounds and a lonely tree of a bizarre shape. It seems that a huge wild deity lay down with his whole body on the ground. The Don is more than a river. The Don is steppes, small farms, lonely growing trees, the Don is red, yellow, white spots and many more fancy colors. Don is a free, riotous, ferocious, passionate, rebellious and incredibly beautiful god. The hands of God are the Don starry sky, his feet are the earth cracked from the heat.

Bird's eye view of a cliff above the river. On the edge of the cliff is a small figure of Vera in a red dress. Vera looks somewhere into the distance. It is she who lives inside this huge organism, inside the Lord God named Don.


Dialogue, those. communication between two or more characters. Dialogues are written in capital letters. Unlike a theatrical play, where dialogue makes up 99%, and only 1% remains for stage directions, in a film script there is a different relationship between stage directions and dialogue.

Usually 50% to 50%, 70% (remark) versus 30% (dialogue), and sometimes 100% remark and 0% dialogue. In Otar Ioseliani’s film “April,” the characters do not utter a word, and the project only benefits from this. (An example from Otar Ioseliani’s film “April” is needed).

If in a movie you can show something instead of talking, then it is better to show it, i.e. describe the action in a remark. Dialogues in a good movie begin when the characters cannot help but speak. Those. the silence already looks unnatural. Different ratios work in television series, where the main load, as in the theater, falls on the dialogues.


Announcer (any television report where there is no author's attitude to what is happening on the screen);

Voiceover commentary ( “Mongol” S. Bodrov senior);

Inner monologue (“Mirror” by A. Tarkovsky);

Fragments from Tarkovsky, Romm, Bodrov are needed


Captions, or intra-frame captions known since the days of silent cinema. When there was no sound in cinema yet, credits, and they were also called explanatory notes, not only the text of the characters’ dialogues was recorded, but also the characters’ states of feeling, seasons, time of day (night, day, dawn, etc.) and much more. With the advent of sound in cinema, the function of titles became as follows:

Informational (description of circumstances)

Separation (separation of one period of time from another).

What should be in a literary script?

The script is written not as a literary work, implying the complete freedom of the author, but taking into account the fact that it will be made into a film. That is, a screenwriter is an applied profession, you are not free, you are confined to the movie screen. You need to understand this right away, then it will become clear how to write a script and how it differs from a short story, story or novel.

External structure of the script

The script consists of scenes and episodes.

Scene- this is the unity of place, time and action. That is, a certain one place of action: a field, a forest, a city street, an apartment or a bathroom. If the film takes place in a room in a city apartment (scene No. 1), then in the front door (scene No. 2), then moves to a city street (scene No. 3), then into the forest (scene No. 4), and after the forest again into the room (scene No. 5), then, accordingly, there are 5 scenes in your film.

Episode consists of scenes. An episode, like a film in miniature, has its own internal development: beginning, middle, end. There are about 5-7 episodes in an hour and a half film. A short film, up to 10 minutes long, usually consists of one episode.

A standard feature film script has 32 episodes. An episode is approximately 4-5 pages.

Night at the Library 2014


to make as many students as possible active readers in the school library, to interest schoolchildren in reading books;

Initial scene

The student comes out, speaks and sits down at his desk.

Damn, today is a literature exam. I prepared all night - and my head was a complete mess of poems, biographies, portraits!

The teacher comes in:

So, Mitin, what did you write in your essay?

And what?

I quote:

“I was exiled to the same place as Lermontov. The only thing we have in common is our middle name – Yuryevich. He was passing through Lazarevskoye, an adult, talented. And I’m stuck, a child, and the most talented one at that.” And are you writing about a wonderful summer vacation!? Okay, pull out the ticket.

My ticket: Golden Age

Very good, answer.

The Golden Age was, first of all, Lermontov, his friend Raevsky, and he also had a friend Pechorin.

Pechorin is Lermontov's friend?

Oh, no.

Or yes?

Um, no, no.

Okay, what's your first question?

My first question is the Life of Lermontov.

Well, tell me, what did he do?

Well, Lermontov was hanging out.

(Lermontov dances to modern music)

So what?

Um, no, no. I went to balls!


Gentlemen, Lermontov's beloved Natalia Martynova has arrived.

Gentlemen, you're slow!


Lermontov - Natalya, allow me!

N - of course!

L - Natalya, I adore you!

N - Lermontov, let's run away! just the two of us: me and you!

L - Come on: Me, YOU and the HORSE, it’s really faster!

N - Lermontov, read for me something new from yours!

L - Okay, gentlemen, listen!

everyone runs up

In your eyes the devils are dancing the samba

and I’m already alone without an ensemble

I crawl to your feet

Boom - shaka - taka-taka - boom, senorita

Boom - shaka - taka - taka....


Teacher - Are you crazy? I'll kick you out!

Well, I got it wrong!

So, answer the question: with whom did Lermontov conflict?

Lermontov had a conflict with Fet.

Wow, what a twist!


ATAS! Fet fans are coming!

Oh my God! (run away)


Tyutchev? NO!


who? AAfanasy AAAfanasich FET FET FET

Natalya, what are you doing here?

(this is Natalya’s brother! - 2 times, the calculation is completed)

Lermontov, shame on you! it's a duel!

L - Exclamation mark!

In terms of?

I mean, no question!


Teacher - that is, you want to say that Lermontov fought with Fet because of Martynova???


Mitin, remember: Lermontov fought with Natalya’s brother, Nikolai Martynov!!!

Ahh, so I know! Listen to the end!


Fet turns and says to his

Gentlemen, I have been deceiving you for a long time, in fact I am Nikolai! (they turn the feta sign, and there is Martynov)

Lermontov - Martynov, listen, we need to decide something with Natalya!

So don’t let anyone get you!(takes a gun and aims at Natalya)


Teacher - Okay, stop! This is not from there at all!

Ahh, I remembered, I remembered!


Lermontov strangles Natalya - Did you pray for the night, Martynova?


Teacher - So, either you now answer how Lermontov’s duel ended, or I give you 2!

The heroes come to life and begin to whisper to the boy

Martynov - hey, Mitin! Look here! I, (points to Lermontov) kicked him!

Natalya - Because of me (points to herself)

Lermontov - And I (indicates that he has died)

Mitin - That's it, I remembered everything! Martynov mortally wounded Lermontov because of his sister Natalya!

HALLELUJAH! (all hands up)

Okay, Mitin! I see you were reading something! Pass!



Well, in the end I would like to say thank you to libraries, because thanks to them we can touch the wonderful works of great writers at any time