The best companies for remote work. A complete guide to remote work, based on personal experience. How I started working from home without experience

If you don't like office life and you like working from home, then this post is for you.

website presents to your attention 85 exchange sites for finding remote work.

Remote work exchanges (general):

Leaders in popularity:

  • is a large remote work exchange on the RuNet. After registration, be sure to fill out your portfolio - it will help you get more orders!
  • is one of the largest freelance exchanges on the RuNet. Initially it was a forum.
  • (formerly is an exchange for freelancers of various specializations. To effectively promote your services, you need to buy a PRO account.
  • is one of the most popular exchanges for SEO copywriters.
  • is one of the largest Western exchanges, uniting more than 16 million freelancers from all over the world.

Remote work exchanges for copywriters

Our website contains the main exchanges for copywriters, allowing you to sell or buy articles and texts for websites.

  • is a popular exchange for copywriters and translators. There is a lot of copywriting and rewriting work, the pay varies.
  • is an exchange for copywriters and rewriters. There are expensive orders with high tariffs, as well as with a negotiated price.
  • - the exchange offers to make money by writing comments, reviews, and filling forums.
  • is a large content exchange. They pay on average from 25 to 100 rubles. for 1000 characters of rewriting or copywriting. There are expensive and profitable orders.
  • is a new exchange of texts and articles. On the site you can find orders for texts for websites, as well as sell ready-made articles.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. There is a store for selling finished articles.
  • is one of the most popular exchanges for copywriters, text authors, and posters. You can buy or sell articles on the site, but competition among performers is high.
  • is one of the most popular copywriting exchanges. On the site you can sell texts and articles at competitive prices. The exchange has a rating of popular articles - look at it and write articles on popular topics, this will increase the chances of quickly selling texts!
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. Lots of tasks. To get started, you need to pass a Russian language test.
  • is an exchange for experienced copywriters. They pay 35 rubles. for 1000 characters. There are quite a lot of tasks. Disadvantages for beginners: high quality requirements, payments not every day.
  • is an exchange for copywriters with payment starting from 44 rubles. for 1000 characters and above. There is an article store. To get started, you must complete three test tasks to confirm your qualifications.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. There are few orders yet, but you can register for the future.
  • is a content exchange; there are usually many orders for texts for websites.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters and text authors. There are many small and inexpensive orders that copywriting beginners can handle.
  • - on the exchange you need to create anchors (link texts). Relatively easy work, according to the exchange, can bring in about $100 a month.
  • is a popular exchange for copywriters that allows you to sell texts for 2-6 dollars per 1000 characters.
  • is a professional community of copywriters, remote work. Vacancies, projects, portfolios, blogs.
  • is an exchange for copywriters, an interesting project.
  • is an exchange for namers. The essence of the work is to come up with names for companies, domain names, slogans. Project budgets are usually 500-2000 rubles.
  • is a young text exchange. Beginners can try their hand at it.

Exchanges for programmers

Exchanges for programmers in the web development, startups and 1C segments.

  • - remote work for 1C specialists. Lots of jobs with good budgets.
  • is a new service for IT specialists, startupers and companies from the IT industry. Allows you to quickly assemble a team of any specialists to complete any IT project.
  • is a job exchange for 1C programmers.
  • is an exchange primarily for IT specialists, especially programmers. Many interesting projects.

Exchanges for lawyers, accountants and HR

  • is an exchange for lawyers and advocates. Clients ask questions - lawyers get paid for answers. To get started, simply register in the service.
  • - the service allows lawyers to earn money. You can also take advantage of free legal advice on the website.
  • is a remote work exchange for specialists in the field of HR, recruitment, personnel.

Exchanges for designers, illustrators

  • - you can sell logos and corporate styles on the exchange.
  • - work for illustrators, new projects almost every day.
  • - many projects for designers with a good budget, we recommend it.
  • is an international directory of designers. You can post a portfolio, including for freelancers.
  • - a service that allows you to post a portfolio online for creative people.
  • is an international directory of designers. You can post a portfolio. Interface in English.

Exchanges for actors, models, photographers

  • is a directory of wedding photographers and videographers. Performers rating.
  • is a directory of wedding photographers, videographers, florists, presenters and other specialists in the field of organizing and conducting weddings.
  • is an exchange for photographers and camera operators. A paid PRO account is available.
  • Exchange for actors and models - information about castings for films, TV series, filming.
  • is a job exchange for artists, painters, musicians and representatives of other creative professions. Project work in the field of arts, entertainment and leisure.
  • Fotovideozayavka.rf - exchange for photographers.

Exchanges for builders, engineers, architects

  • Jobs for interior designers - one-time and ongoing jobs for interior designers and decorators. New projects every day.
  • is a directory of specialists in design, architecture, construction, renovation and decoration.
  • is an exchange for finding contractors for household services, including repairs. The service was created by Yandex.
  • is a directory of experts in interior design, construction and architecture, and home improvement.
  • We are at home - remote work for architects, designers, constructors, technicians, engineering systems specialists, 3D visualizers.
  • is a remote work service for engineers.
  • - directory of engineers, work for specialists with a technical education.
  • Apartment Krasivo is an exchange for builders, searching for orders for renovation of apartments and offices. The exchange charges commissions for its services.
  • Exchange for home and garden - construction exchange. On the website you can find customers or a construction team.
  • The City of Craftsmen is a forum where they are looking for builders, teams, and private craftsmen.

Exchanges for students

  • - help students complete work and get paid for it.
  • is an online exchange for authors and customers of coursework, tests, and abstracts. Large service with a large list of services.
  • - help solve problems, write essays and make money from it!
  • - complete student assignments and earn money. Also on the service you can order student work from coursework, essays, reports and tests to more complex assignments.
  • - on the site you can order solutions to problems in various subjects. To make money by solving problems, you need to write to the service administration.

Exchanges for webmasters and bloggers

Popular exchanges for webmasters that allow you to make money on your own website.

  • - on the exchange you can buy or sell a website, including one that generates income. The cost of websites ranges from several hundred to more than a million rubles.
  • - on the exchange you can sell links from your website for rent and receive a stable monthly income.
  • Blogun is a marketplace for bloggers. Through the exchange you can sell posting and advertising publications on your blog.
  • is an exchange for buying/selling eternal links. Webmasters can make money by placing links in news and articles on their website.

Other exchanges for freelancers, new projects:

  • is a leader among microservice exchanges. On the site you can find a contractor for almost any job.
  • - on the service, freelancers post offers on what they can do and for how much (for example, I’ll make a website for 1000 rubles). You can find a performer on a small budget.
  • is a freelancer auction. The customer submits a task - you can complete it and receive money. Work in different specialties.
  • is positioned as an exchange for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - directory of specialists. You can register on the site and add your portfolio.
  • - vacancies for translators. In the free version, you can view vacancies published 12 hours ago or later. A paid subscription is required to receive the latest vacancies.
  • - on the service you can take orders for small services in the field of IT, courier services, household repairs, etc.
  • is a young but promising telework exchange for freelancers of almost any profession. Great opportunities for creating a portfolio. Freelancer rating.
  • is an exchange for teamwork. Has built-in tools for project management.
  • is a new remote work exchange. Gain popularity.
  • is a small but convenient and friendly freelance exchange.
  • is a remote work exchange for freelancers of all professions.
  • - remote work for designers, programmers, managers, optimizers, copywriters. The service is free - anyone can register an account here for free and gain access to the main services of the service.
  • is a promising service for freelancers, great opportunities for setting up an account and portfolio, low prices for paid accounts. There are enough orders in different areas - copywriting, translations, design, programming, website promotion.


Hello! In this article we will talk about remote work.

Remote work is already an established trend. Despite its great popularity in the West and in Russia, most residents of the CIS are still skeptical about the fact that it is possible to work outside of the office. I will try to dispel several popular beliefs regarding remote work, talk about its advantages, who should look for remote work and where.

What is remote work

Remote work in Russia has been actively developing over the last 7-8 years. Companies are hiring remote workers to work from home rather than from the office.

Distant work - a form of employment in which the employee and the employer are at a distance from each other and transmit/receive tasks, and then wages, using the Internet.

Remote work is often compared to. They have a lot in common:

  • You work primarily on the Internet.
  • You can work from home on your computer.
  • Free schedule.

But there is one fundamental difference: freelancers in most cases work on projects. It's more like a real business that interacts with different customers at different times. There are permanent partners with whom you can work for a long time, but nevertheless, the freelancer himself chooses how much his work costs and what services he provides.

Remote work has more in common with real office work. You also complete tasks, report to a manager, and receive a salary. Only you don’t work together with others, but from your home, personal office, or even a cafe. You can work anywhere you feel comfortable.

The good thing about remote work is that it can be combined with anything: training, freelancing, even homework.

Important: do not confuse full-time remote work with dubious vacancies like working from home, assembling some goods, and something similar.

Why has remote work become so popular?

Remote work has been steadily maintaining its trend in Russia and around the world for several years.

The main argument in its favor is cost savings. A company can save about 200 thousand rubles per year if it transfers 1 employee to remote work.

In addition to economic benefits, a large number of ways to monitor employee activities have also emerged. Managers are not willing to take their employees' word for it, especially if they are paid by the hours they work. The software allows you to see what the employee did on his computer, what tasks he performed and for how long.

The third factor that speaks for remote work is the character, psychology and comfort of employees. Some people actually find it much more convenient to work at home, in their comfort zone: communicate with colleagues via instant messengers, receive tasks and complete them remotely.

This is a great option for introverts who find it difficult to go out and talk with real people.

And the fourth factor is the erasing of language barriers and borders. Large Western companies must pay their skilled employees huge amounts of money to work on their projects. This is not only a salary, but also insurance, bonuses, deductions, etc. For most large companies, it is much more profitable to hire an employee from another country.

Minsk is a striking illustration of this factor. Large European companies involved in development come and set up their offices in Minsk due to the fact that employees in this city have to pay 2-3 times less than in Germany.

Looking at all these factors, most economists and analysts have been saying since 2015 that in Russia remote work is becoming and has already become a new trend that is covering more and more areas. It's convenient, profitable and simple.

Pros and cons of remote work

Now let's define the positive and negative aspects of remote work. Let's start, as always, with the good.

Pros of remote work:

  • Flexibility in managing your own time.
  • New skills. Working from home forces you to take a fresh look at your own effectiveness, learn to manage yourself and your work process.
  • It's cheaper. Both for the company and for the employees.

The most important advantage is flexibility. You get complete freedom. Many creative people find it easiest to work at night, for some early in the morning, and for others they can’t bring themselves to work in the evening. Many have their own characteristics, but standard work ignores this.

Remote work, on the contrary, allows you to act more effectively by studying your body, yourself and the organization of work processes.


  • Lack of communication. Communication and mutual assistance in projects is very important. Remotely, you won’t be able to knock on the next door or contact the person you’re sitting next to. Sometimes it's difficult.
  • Lots of ways to get distracted: scroll through social networks, clean, cook, even just walk around the room. This really interferes with concentration.

Lack of communication is not the biggest problem. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to do without live communication, but work issues can be resolved through correspondence, instant messengers, or, as a last resort, a phone call.

Distraction is a bigger problem. Lack of self-discipline has been the downfall of many freelancers and remote workers.

As you can see, remote work has its advantages and disadvantages. It is very suitable for independent people who know how to manage their time, and is completely unsuitable for those who are constantly distracted. When working from home, you will only receive money for how much you work. And in the office you can sit in your pants all day, doing practically nothing.

A few words about salary

Most companies have come to the same conclusion regarding remote workers:

Remote workers should be paid the same as people who work in the office (if they have the same amount of work done and tasks).

According to official statistics, 8 out of 10 companies that hire remote workers adhere to such a policy. One of them gives regional coefficients (depending on the region, the salaries of specialists of the same level will differ) and one of them, when searching for applicants, deliberately reduces the salary for remote vacancies in order to save money.

At first glance, it may seem that, financially, remote work is just as profitable as regular work. But in reality everything is different. The most important argument is transportation costs. And this is not only travel, maintaining a car, etc. It is also the time you spend getting to work.

For example, you spend 1 hour commuting to work and 1 hour getting home. In large cities it is even more so.

That's 10 hours a week and 40 hours a month that you could spend more efficiently: learning something new, going to the gym, spending time with your family, even just getting enough sleep. Thus, you become a more effective employee, which means you have much more opportunities.

Not only do you save money, but you also work more efficiently. This is why I believe that in reality, salaries and prospects for remote work will be significantly higher.

Just look at the American cult of workaholism. They value not workers who work hard, but those who work hard and efficiently.

Another good factor is the lack of regional binding. For example, in my region (Oryol region) the average salary is 16,000 rubles. If you really work hard, then in 10 years you can reach an income of 25-30 thousand rubles a month. But there are plenty of such vacancies in remote work.

For people from regions with a low average salary, remote work is the only option to earn a lot. With the exception of moving to large cities, of course.

What professions are in demand?

Now let's talk in more detail about in-demand professions. Despite the fact that remote work is developing and going uphill, certain areas still dominate in which it is much easier to find work.

1. Online sellers.

The most in-demand remote profession is related to sales. Hundreds of advertisements on dozens of thematic job search platforms. Most vacancies are related to cold sales and bringing the client to a deal.

Sales is now the most in-demand profession in general, not only remotely. The ability to find and offer a product to a client is highly valued.

Sales professionals have high incomes. Although the salary is low (15 - 30 thousand rubles), due to bonuses for fulfilling plans and percentages on sales, many pros earn from 80,000 thousand rubles per month exclusively on cold sales.

2. Programmers.

Where would we be without programmers? This is a very popular profession not only in Russia, but also abroad. You can work remotely even in large European companies.

Good specialists from the CIS are highly valued in Europe. Paying in-house talent is expensive, so many companies are turning their attention to other labor markets.

Programmers with 3 years of experience have an average salary of 45-90 thousand rubles, depending on their specialization. When working abroad, you can count on a salary of $3,000 per month. If you are lucky and can interest the company, it will offer permanent work and assistance in processing your move to another country.

3. Designers.

Designers are needed everywhere. They create very cool things out of almost nothing. Professional design teams are required in any field, so this area is very well developed in Russia.

Remote work as a designer can be found in any agency. Most managers of creative professions are loyal to the desire of employees to work remotely.

Good designers can't get paid enough. Most design vacancies are in the price bracket from 24 to 48 thousand rubles. The national average salary for a designer is 47,000 rubles per month.

4. Copywriters.

Copywriters most often work on a project-by-project basis, but there are agencies that hire full-time writers remotely.

Although this is wrong, journalists can also be included here. They also work with texts, but in a different format. However, there are many remote journalists and this profession is also popular.

In general, this is a fairly popular Internet profession, but finding a vacancy in an office is much more difficult. As for the salary, it all depends on the qualifications and name of the author. Average authors receive 300 - 500 rubles per hour, more advanced ones - from 2 - 3 thousand rubles per hour of work.

5. Translators.

Translators are becoming more valuable every year. A lot of high-quality specialized materials are published on foreign websites and forums, and all this can be dragged into the ru-segment.

Even a good translator working remotely will not be able to earn much. The average income is about 40 - 50 thousand rubles per month, if you work exclusively with companies as an employee. But if you combine it with freelancing, it comes out to 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

6. Online project managers.

In order to create cool projects, you need not only employees, but also competent managers. Most companies have a specific manager working on each project. He negotiates with the client, selects employees to complete the task, tells them what they will do and controls the entire work process.

Most remote managers work with creative and development teams. Everyone has one project, everyone is working on a certain direction.

Project Manager in Russia is a highly paid profession. The average salary in the market is 70,000 rubles. But such a position is difficult to get. They don't take someone off the street. You can only gain experience in a company, then a promotion and after that, only with experience in certain areas, work in other companies.

7. Lawyers and accountants.

Lawyers and accountants are the most in-demand professions according to most people who are far from the Internet. The reality is less colorful, but nevertheless, remote lawyers and accountants also have the right to stable work and high salaries.

Large companies prefer to keep lawyers and accountants on staff. Therefore, if you are only interested in remote work, in most cases you will be working with a small business.

The average salary of an accountant in Russia is 40,000 rubles. For lawyers, this figure is lower - 30,000 rubles.

8. Online consultants.

This is one of the easiest remote vacancies. You must have seen more than once when dialogues with online consultants pop up on websites.

Most often, the role of online consultants is performed by company employees. But sometimes they invite individuals to work remotely to respond to users.

Since the work is quite simple, and most conversations follow the instructions, the salary is not particularly large (from 15 to 30 thousand rubles on average). But the load is high. If the company is popular or provides interesting services, the flow of questions will be large.

9. SMMers.

In social networks. People who work in this direction do it through social networks. They work with groups of companies and individuals. With the help of advertising, maintaining public pages, posts, and various tools, they turn ordinary users into clients.

SMM is now one of the most popular areas. I'm not sure that it will be as popular in 5 - 10 years, so I put it at the end of the list.

However, SMMers earn quite well. The average price for maintaining a public page (unique posts, increasing the number of subscribers and working with clients) is 20-25 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, you can work with 2–4 such public pages every month.

These are the most popular vacancies that can bring a stable income over time. The most promising areas that will constantly grow and show stable results remain sales, programming and design. But with the exception of SMM, all these professions are guaranteed to be in demand, popular and highly paid for at least 10 - 20 years.

Where to look for vacancies

You can search for remote work vacancies in several ways. Let's look at the most popular of them.

General job sites:

  • the most popular Russian job search site. You can find almost everything. Every year, more than 20,000 thousand advertisements for remote employees are published.
  • Ukrainian analogue of the site Almost the same functionality. An ideal option for residents of Ukraine to find work, including remote work.
  • a large site for job search. Contains more than 500 different advertisements for remote work.

Large popular and interesting sites are predominantly in English, so if you don’t know the language, it’s better to spend a few months studying it. This way you can find a good job abroad or in a TOP Russian company.

For those who know foreign languages, you can go the other way: enter the name of your profession in English in Google. If you are interested in remote vacancies in general, then you can simply enter phrases without the name of the profession.

And finally, you don’t have to look for advertisements on special websites, but go directly to company portals in the “jobs” section and see what’s offered there.

Example:— even without experience in finance, you can work as a salesperson or collector.

As a bonus: VKontakte has an excellent group for freelancers “Distance. Freelancing, remote work." Interesting remote work offers periodically appear in the feed of this group. Most often these are sales, but you can stumble upon work for designers, programmers, SMM specialists, etc. There are many similar groups on social networks, but this is the best.

Is it worth working remotely?

Remote work is a good work opportunity for certain categories of people. You won't have a boss who constantly demands that tasks be completed. You will have to communicate with colleagues and project managers to a minimum. Plus, you will be working from home. But there is one thing: for undisciplined people who find it difficult to force themselves to work without a kick from their boss, working remotely is unrealistic.

There's nothing you can do about it. You can only change, strengthening your character and approach to work through hard work, or look for a familiar and stable place. But there are several more complex factors:

From personal experience: it is very difficult to work at home, where something is constantly happening. Relatives cannot understand that you are working, and will constantly come, do something and interfere in every possible way. And it's very difficult to explain. It took a year to clearly and calmly explain that I needed silence.

And the difficulty of working at home, in the comfort zone, where it is customary to relax, is also present, and this is not an empty phrase. But there are many other options: rent a small office, work in a cafe, set up a personal office. If you look closely, apart from the personal attitude to work and difficulties with discipline, there are no problems.

To summarize: If you are a disciplined person and want to work remotely, earn more money and develop in one of the areas listed above, try looking for remote vacancies. If you find it difficult to work at home, look for options.


Remote work is a great option for those who do not like the office and the endless simulation of work activities. Working remotely has its pros and cons, but for many people it is an ideal career option. If you work in one of the specialties mentioned in the article, you can easily get a job remotely and earn money.

Hello, dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about.

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and clients, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience; it’s difficult for beginners to get into it. To fully operate, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • is, in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offering their services. Currently there are more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • – remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.
  • is a cool service where you can post your service offers (for example, I can make a website for 1000 rubles!) and start making money on what you know how to do.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on a keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • is a popular remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sell articles on any topic. Check out the details.
  • is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts for checking texts. Read.
  • is a website for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • is the No. 1 content exchange. Many different tasks for text authors, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • is a rewriting and copywriting exchange with low prices for articles.
  • is a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other micro-tasks. See.
  • is a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • is a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • is a very popular exchange, there are a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in the Russian language. Also on the site you can study several courses on copywriting for free. See.
  • – on this exchange there are 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poetry, naming, resumes, etc.
  • is a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, text rewriting, articles in a foreign language.
  • is a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • is a service for posting tasks and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • is a content exchange and article store.

Websites for 1C specialists and programmers

I didn’t find many specialized sites for IT specialists and programmers. Later, when we look at these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find good remote work for programmers.

  •— an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  •— a service for IT specialists, programmers, startupers and other specialists that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  •— another site for 1C professionals.

Hello friends!

Lately my head has been swelling from work. I carefully try to arrange my work schedules and not take on more tasks than I can handle. It doesn't always work out. As usual with us, there are two extremes: sometimes it’s empty, sometimes it’s thick. And now, as at the beginning of the journey, it’s already somehow broken to go to the exchanges, you have to dodge and look for more stable sources of your own orders.

Of course, this was not always the case. A little earlier, like inexperienced neophytes, I longingly wondered: where can a beginner find remote work on the Internet? Moreover, when the very concept of remote work has been thoroughly desecrated by crowds of zombified MLMers, because of whom those suffering still recoil from remote work like the plague. During the search process, I even tried to make money on .

Against this background, it is first necessary to clarify the terminology and explain what is generally included in the concept of “remote work”. The second step will be to analyze all possible fiefs, where it is easiest to find customers for long-term and fruitful cooperation.

Looking for remote work

I won’t let my thoughts run wild. I’ll give you a link to the one I wrote a little earlier. In short:

This is a type of employment in which the employee and employer are located at a significant geographical distance from each other. At the same time, all issues of cooperation and interaction are resolved thanks to the Internet.

I will talk exclusively about the type of activity that involves the provision of services or the production of some goods (for example, websites). Roughly speaking, work by profession; when you receive money in exchange for your skills and experience.

Search Locations

From the definition it is clear that the main search place is the Internet. Let's look at the main areas where you can find interesting offers.


In addition to them, potentially “interesting offers” in the spirit of “collecting pens at home” for 40 - 50,000 rubles periodically pop up on exchanges and message boards. Or the “publishing house” (in quotes) will be looking for typesetters on very attractive terms. To divert attention, you will even be sent to a website where actually working contacts will be listed.

Everything is fine, if not one BUT! After negotiations, such “employers” will definitely ask you for a small amount of 500-1500 rubles for a guarantor or to cover postage costs for sending materials. It is clear that after your contribution, the employer safely switches off and no longer responds to letters or calls.

Offers may vary. The most common are the following:

  1. collecting pens or jewelry at home
  2. from a publishing house (this in itself is a popular and necessary activity, unless they require a deposit from you for work)
  3. typing (the most common temptation. It’s also not necessarily a scam. If they require a deposit, there’s a 100% chance of divorce)
  4. seed packaging
  5. sorting through letters
  6. other activities that are fairly easy to learn (there can be many options)

Of course, typing itself and transcribing audio into text are very common options for remote work. Therefore, you should not immediately run and shout “guard”. You need to pay attention to additional clarifying signs, especially attempts to extract money from you under any pretext (for shipping, for entering into the database, as a guarantor, etc.).

A quick way to remote work

It is clear that such a systematic hilling of exchanges and search results requires a lot of time and effort. It took me more than 3 years to truly understand that my treading water was the result of undirected efforts. Because there was a lot of motivation! Travel, free life and the desire to break away from offices as quickly as possible.

Therefore, I decided to take the course, thanks to which my path to remote work was reduced to a month. And looking back, I now understand that this was one of the most fateful decisions in my life.

Whether this option will help or not in each individual case is hard to say. Because, as in the case of any toolkit, everything is decided by the human factor. Some people manage to hammer nails using a microscope.

I haven’t thought of anything else to add yet. And if you have any questions or additions to the article, write in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates. I try to send out only the most useful and interesting material.

Successful freelancing and high income to you! See you in touch!

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Can I start working remotely without experience or skills?

Remote work without experience and special skills - is it possible? Today I want to answer this common question that I get asked often. For some reason, many people believe that in order to start working remotely, you need to be able to program or be a computer guru.

If you read my article about that, you will find out that there are many that require basic computer skills.

How I started working from home without experience

A year ago, when I began to find opportunities on the Internet to start working remotely at home, I also had no experience. Reading the stories of the guys in the book “,” I saw that most of them had no experience and skills.

Some simply transferred their activities to the Internet, while others began to learn their field from scratch. The first question I had after reading this book was: what can I do on the Internet?

Then I had 3 options for what I could do without experience:

  1. Copywriting - writing articles. But then I still didn’t understand.
  2. Administrator of VKontakte groups - what I started doing and did it for almost 8 months, consistently earning more than 20 thousand rubles.

These 3 professions were the most suitable for me, I understood their essence and what needed to be done. Of course, you know that the training I was taking at that moment helped me get started and in the first month have an income on which I could already live. But I studied my direction on my own.

My first specialty in remote work, in which you do not need to have any experience as such, was the administration of VKontakte groups. I had several groups, for the promotion of which I was paid from $150 a month.

Work with the group consisted of the following:

  • Decor
  • Filling content
  • Comment moderation
  • Answers to questions from participants
  • Group advertising
  • Conducting competitions and sweepstakes

Absolutely simple steps that helped you get started make money from home without experience and supported me while I explored other directions.

In parallel with running these groups, I created my own blog from scratch based on free training courses that are available on the Internet and also began looking for orders for creating and setting up blogs.

Surprisingly, everything that previously seemed incomprehensible and impossible to me, after studying it, became simple and easy.

I have improved my ability to search for work on the Internet so much that I can now find any vacancy and get a job without having any special education or experience. It's all about our confidence. I am confident and know that I can learn any Internet profession in a very short time - from several days to a month.

Remote work without experience is for everyone

Based on my story and stories of my friends, actually finding a remote job without experience is very simple.

Again, you can’t find remote work because you don’t know how to look for it and you don’t have experience in it. Job search skills also need to be studied, as well as your specialty in which you want to develop.

At the first stage, take any profession and start earning at least 5-10 thousand rubles from it. Without experience it will be difficult, but you will have confidence in your abilities. By studying one direction, dozens more opportunities for remote work will open up for you.

Jobs that can be found without experience or special knowledge

To find out what needs to be done and how, all you need is free information on the Internet.

  • social media administrator
  • rewriter, copywriter
  • caller
  • personal assistant
  • moderator on the site
  • account manager
  • youtube manager

Perhaps what you do offline can also be applied online, you just don't know how. Therefore, write any questions you have in the comments. Tell us what you are doing now, and I will tell you how you can start working remotely.