Maks International Aviation and Space Salon. Russian aviation. Find and buy cheap air tickets

From August 28 to 30, the International Aviation space salon MAKS 2015 is one of the world's largest aviation forums.

The exhibition complex of the air show will demonstrate the latest achievements of the aerospace industry: civil and military aircraft and helicopters, aircraft and rocket engines and equipment, space aircrafts, military equipment and weapons, communications and communications systems, materials and technologies, simulators and much more. The traditional large-scale flight program will also take place.

"MAKS 2015" is held in the city of aviation science and technology - Zhukovsky, at the airfield of the country's central test base - the Flight Research Institute named after. M.M.Gromova. Guests of the salon can get acquainted with the largest scientific, production and experimental centers in Russia located in close proximity to the exhibition.

Date of MAKS 2015

The MAKS 2015 air show will take place from August 25 to August 30, 2015. The official opening day is August 26th. Public visit days and demonstration flights for the general public are from August 28 to 30.

How to get to MAKS 2015

The MAKS 2015 aviation forum will be held at the address: Moscow region, Zhukovsky, exhibition complex "Russia" at the Ramenskoye airfield.

Due to the expected large influx of visitors, we recommend using public transport. Free buses will run from the Otdykh platform in the Kazan direction.

The organizers ask you to refrain from visiting the Aerospace Exhibition with children under 3 years old.

Ticket prices "MAX 2015"

  • 700 rub. (pre-sale)
  • 850 rub. (sale on the day of the event)

Free entry to MAKS 2015 for students

  • secondary vocational students educational institutions(lyceums, colleges, technical schools and schools) full-time (full-time) education;
  • full-time (full-time) undergraduate and graduate students of higher educational institutions;
  • full-time (full-time) students from other countries;
  • military school cadets.
  • register on the official website of the Salon until August 24 inclusive;
  • get a personal name e-ticket.

To enter the Salon you must have with you:

  • passport proving your identity;
  • printed electronic ticket;
  • a valid student card or other document certifying the fact of study at full-time(for foreign students - International Student Identity Card (ISIC).

The International Aerospace Salon (MAKS) is an international space exhibition held every two years in the city of Zhukovsky, at the airport named after M. M. Gromov, near Moscow. The exhibition was held for the first time in 1993

Review of MAKS-2015, notes from the average person

Event dates:

08/25/2015 is the official day of the “Press”, Business day in the work of the Salon.

  • From 15:00 to 17:00 – performance of demonstration flights at the request of participants.

08/25/2015 – official opening of the air show.

  • From 10:00 to 18:00 - holding events of the exhibition and work programs.
  • From 11:00 to 15:00 – attendance of the event by the political elite and foreign delegations of the Russian Federation.
  • From 15:00 to 16:00 – performance of a special flight program.

08/27/2015 – Business day at the air show.

  • From 10:00 to 18:00 – holding events of the exhibition and work programs.
  • From 15:00 to 17:00 – performance of demonstration flights upon request of participants.

08/28 – 08/30/2015 – Days of mass visit.

  • From 10:00 to 18:00 - holding events of the exhibition program.
  • From 11:00 to 17:00 – performance of the demonstration program.

MAKS-2015 in Zhukovsky – work program:

  • Officially accepted hours Salon opening hours: 10:00-18:00.
  • Opening hours for participants are 8:00-18:00.
  • Opening hours for service personnel are 8:00-20:00.
  • Opening hours for visitors are 9:00-18:00.

Flight program

Throughout the existence of MAKS, its flight program has occupied a leading position among the world's largest aerospace shows. MAKS 2015, scheduled for August this year, will be no exception. The best Russian test pilots in the skies of Zhukovsky will demonstrate the unique capabilities of civil and combat aircraft for experts and countless spectators.

There is no doubt that the next MAKS will be a holiday that will give our compatriots a sense of pride in their own country, for those people who create sophisticated aircraft, and those who demonstrate their flying skills on them.

The flight program for MAKS 2015 includes demonstration flights of several aerobatic teams:

  • Aerobatic several "Russian Knights" of the Russian Air Force.

"Russian Knights" are an aviation group that performs aerobatics on highly maneuverable aircraft. multirole fighters Russian Air Force Su-27UB and Su-27P. The group members demonstrate the highest degree of flying skill in both single and group aerobatics. They are the only aerobatic team on the planet that performs formation aerobatics on production heavy fighters.

  • Aerobatic display of several Swifts of the Russian Air Force.

The pilots who are part of this team perform solo and group aerobatics on MiG-29 multi-role fighters. Several demonstrate programs with a huge number of aerobatics and solo performances. The set of demonstration programs includes such elements as “wing”, “cross”, “arrow”, “star”, “hammer”, “pyramid”.

  • Aerobatic flight of several "Golden Eagles" of the Russian Air Force.

This aerobatic team conducts several demonstration flights on six Mi-28N combat helicopters. is one of several teams in the world that shows figures of medium and high complexity in the sky in the horizontal and vertical planes at low altitude.

  • Aerobatic several "Rus".

Students of DOSAAF Russia are permanent participants of MAKS. The pilots of "Rus" demonstrate the school of domestic flying skills and the ability to conduct flights at a very close distance from each other.

  • "First flight".

The First Flight flying club created its own aerobatic team in 2009. Now she is the only one in Russian Federation personal aerobatic team performing flights on piston Yak-52 and Yak-54. Among the group members there are many sports pilots who have won prizes in domestic and world championships in aerobatics and flying skills.

  • "Baltic Bees".

Specified aerobatic team from Latvia. The pilots who are part of the Baltic Bees demonstrate their skills in group piloting at an extremely minimum distance from each other and performing aerobatic maneuvers. The participation of 6 aircraft from the Latvian group at MAKS 2015 has been announced.

  • "Wings of Taurida" of the Russian Air Force.

This one is somewhat new and appeared in 2015. It consists of army pilots, who will demonstrate group aerobatics techniques for the first time on 6 new Yak-130 military training aircraft at MAKS-2015.

Prices for visiting MAX 2015

The price of a pass ticket for a one-time visit to the air show (08.28 – 08.30) upon pre-sale is 700 rubles. From August 24, 2015, you will need to pay 850 rubles for such a ticket.

A ticket for an expert costs RUB 2,200 in advance. by pre-order and 2500 rub. per day of the event.

The price of a pass to the media platform is 11,000 rubles. when purchased on the day of the event and 9,000 when purchased in advance.

For those visitors who want to make the most of their time at MAKS-2015 comfortable conditions, a special program has been created with a visit to the PRIORITY territory.

The PRIORITY territory has a comfortable pavilion with a high-quality air conditioning system, open observation deck, a recreation area, a podium for observing the flight program and a summer cafe.

The PRIORITY territory for visitors will be open from 25.08 to 30.08 from 10 am to 6 pm.

Components of the PRIORITY territory visit program:

    Personal service.

    registration and meeting of visitors.

    Car parking pass No. 3 or 7.

    Transfer of guests from parking lots at the airport.

    service and reception of visitors throughout the day.

    Providing welcome light snacks and drinks (water, juice, pies, canapés).

    Free soft drinks.

    Conducting excursions on request to the static exhibitions of the air show.

    Return delivery of guests from the PRIORITY territory to the parking lot.

The price of a “PRIORITY” pass for an adult (from 15 years old) is 18,000 rubles, a child ticket (from 6 to 14 years old) costs 7,000 rubles, children under 6 years old are admitted free of charge. groups and Corporate clients Ten or more people receive discounts on tickets in this category.

It is worth remembering that entry to the territory of Ramenskoye airport via group transfer is paid additionally; to enter you must purchase a bus pass. In addition, if guests wish, they will be able to visit the media platform and order food (lunch, buffet, etc.) for an additional fee.

How to get to Ramenskoye airport

1. By train.

From Kazansky Station to the 42nd Rest and Kilometer platforms. From August 25 to August 30, free MAKS-2015 buses will run from the Otdykh platform. The first bus leaves at quarter past seven in the morning.

2. By bus from Zhukovsky.

During the days of the Air Show the following routes will be organized:

  • The "Rest" platform is an exhibition complex.
  • Checkpoint No. 1 at the Ramenskoye airport - exhibition complex.
  • From the "Rest" platform to the exhibition complex.
  • From the 42 km platform to the exhibition complex.
  • From Checkpoint No. 1 of the Ramenskoye airport to the exhibition complex.
  • From the stop "st. Latskova" (running through the Ocean shopping center) to the exhibition complex.

3. By car.

Within the city o. Zhukovsky during the days of MAKS-2015, travel by car is allowed only for drivers who have a MAKS-2015 Car Pass in their hands.

  • Novoryazanskoye Highway – a paid car pass is required to parking lots P2 and P7 (passenger cars).
  • Egoryevskoye Highway - a paid car pass is required to the exhibition complex parking lot P3 (cars only) and P4 (buses only).

Aerosalon MAX - website:

From August 28 to August 30, free parking will be available at Bykovo airport for air show visitors. From there a free bus will run, taking everyone to the exhibition complex (checkpoint No. 3).

Airshow MAKS-2015. Flight program.

Original name: International Aviation and Space Salon "MAKS 2015"

Purpose of the event:
The main goal of MAKS is to demonstrate Russian high technology and openness of the Russian domestic market for joint projects with foreign partners.

General information:
Currently, the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS deservedly occupies one of the leading places among the world's largest aviation forums.

MAKS is held under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. This is a guarantee high level organization and representativeness. At MAKS, top officials of the state are available for business communication. For everyone involved in the aviation and space industries, MAKS provides a rare opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions of decision makers on key issues in the development, production and sale of aviation equipment and weapons.

MAKS gives a comprehensive picture of the priorities and achievements of enterprises in the Russian aerospace complex. Only at MAKS you can see prototypes of aircraft and combat systems, experimental installations, which for a number of reasons cannot be demonstrated abroad.

MAKS provides specialists and businessmen with a unique opportunity to establish multi-level contacts, further develop industrial cooperation and search for new business partners. The role of the air show as a generator of new alliances and fruitful ideas is recognized throughout the world.

MAKS is held in the city of aviation science and technology - Zhukovsky, at the airfield of the country's central test base - the Flight Research Institute named after. M.M.Gromova. Guests of the salon can get acquainted with the largest scientific, production and experimental centers in Russia located in close proximity to the exhibition.

A significant place in the MAKS program is occupied by scientific conferences and symposiums held under the auspices of the state scientific center of Russia - TsAGI. They allow scientists and specialists to exchange views on the most pressing problems in the development of aviation and astronautics in the present and future.

Event topic:

  • Civil aircraft ( Passenger aircraft, Transport aircraft, Business aircraft, Seaplanes)
  • Aviation general purpose(Sports aircraft, Light and ultralight aircraft, Agricultural aircraft, Unmanned aerial vehicles)
  • Military aircraft (Fighters, Attack aircraft, Bombers, Military transport aircraft)
  • Training aircraft
  • Airships and balloons
  • Helicopters ( Civil helicopters, Military helicopters)
  • Engine engineering (Engines for aircraft, Engines for spacecraft, Rocket engines, Engine Technology and Research)
  • Aircraft armament (Aircraft small arms, Missiles)
  • Aircraft equipment (Avionics, On-board equipment and systems, Rescue equipment, Parachute systems, Simulators and simulators, Space industry and research, Space aircraft, Launch vehicles, Satellites, Space research)
  • Materials and technologies (Materials and components, Machine tools and tools, Fuel and fuels and lubricants, Information Technology, Conversion technologies, Innovative materials and technologies)
  • Repair and maintenance of aircraft (Repair and maintenance of aircraft, Maintenance aircraft, Equipment for aircraft cabins, Components for the rocket and space industry, aviation technology, engine building, etc.)
  • Military equipment (Air defense systems, Armored vehicles, tanks, multiple launch rocket systems, Small arms, communications and communication systems)
  • Airports and airfields (Airport Facilities, Aircraft Ground Handling, Logistics, Air Traffic Control, Navigation, Flight Control and Safety Systems)
  • Miscellaneous (Government and international organizations, Flight clubs and schools, Museums and exhibitions, Aerospace exhibitions and salons, Financial services and insurance, Media and information services, Universities, Aeromodelling, Automotive technology, Design, construction and investment organizations in the aerospace industry, Other)

Location: Moscow, Zhukovsky (Ramenskoye airfield). Official website: MAX.

On August 25 and 26, 2015, I was lucky enough to attend the MAKS-2015 air show. This is a daily 8-9 hour run in the heat and a lot of emotions. It was positive, interesting and just great! I won’t go into everyday details (transport, food, what to take with you) and the specifics of organizing the air show (what you can take with you, how and where to go through control). Those interested can familiarize themselves with a comprehensive discussion of the issue at the link: MAKS Air Show. Instructions for use.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to two people who encouraged me to participate in this event:
- Sergei Babain - creator of the website Aerospace Testers,
- to my wife, Natalya.

August 25, 2015, opening of MAKS-2015

To understand the context, I will only mention that the salon takes place every two years in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, at the Ramenskoye airfield. The first three days of the air show are business days. Tickets for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will cost 2,500 rubles, instead of 850 rubles per ticket on general admission days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). On business days, the air show is usually visited by 20-30 thousand people; on general days, the number of visitors means more. For example, on August 29, 2015, more than 150 thousand people attended the air show. The official opening hours of the event are from 10 to 18:00. However, even on business days with a press pass in hand, it is better to already be sitting on the train rumbling towards the "Rest" platform at 8 am (on business days there is no bus transport of visitors from the "42nd kilometer" platform to the airfield "Ramenskoe"). It's better to arrive early than to sleep an extra hour and then stand in lines.

Unfortunately, on business days the demonstration flight program is significantly shortened so that the noise of the engines does not interfere with events and negotiations. The display of heavy jet equipment begins after 15:00 and continues until approximately 17:00. For comparison: on weekends, when MAKS 2015 is open to everyone, flights start at 11 am and end closer to 17:00. In general, the most intense flight program is demonstrated on Saturday and Sunday, but on these days it will be difficult to get to the airfield and get through to the fence fencing the runway.

Sukhoi Superjet 100

MiG-29M2 and MiG-3

To understand what kind of fences we are talking about, we will have to explain the disposition a little. "Ramenskoye" - test airfield. The institute is named in honor of its first director, Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Mikhailovich Gromov (medal No. 8 was awarded to him in 1934 for the record of flying an ANT-25 along a closed route - 12,411 km in 75 hours). In the pre-war decade, the aviation industry developed rapidly in the USSR. Aircraft manufacturing required the creation of a testing base in the Moscow region, located close to the main research institutes and aviation design bureaus. This is the story of the emergence of the Ramenskoye test airfield, and with it TsAGI and the settlement that we now call the city of Zhukovsky. Now the airfield is still used as an experimental one. In addition to experimental vehicles, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry aviation is based on it.

MiG-29M2 - further development of the MiG-29M (“9-15”)

Two-seat version of the MiG-29M

The main runway of the airfield (Runway 4) is 5403 meters long and is the longest in Europe. At an angle to Runway 4 there is a second runway, which is significantly shorter than the main one. A diagram of the static exposition at MAKS 2015 can give some idea of ​​the layout of the area. During MAKS, airplanes and helicopters are stationed on the shorter runway. Between these two runways is a field covered with trimmed grass. Here, lighter-than-air aeronauts, representatives of small aviation, glider pilots, etc. demonstrate their achievements. There are open areas in the same area military equipment, congress center, exhibition pavilions, press center, chalets and catering outlets.

The MiG-3 is piloted by a test pilot,
Director of SibNIIA Vladimir Barsuk

The field between the exhibition pavilions and Runway 4 is the most accessible platform for observing flights. To prevent individual gifted individuals in a state of exaltation from crawling onto the airfield slabs, the clearing and the take-off are separated by a large-mesh wire fence installed parallel to the working runway. An additional security measure is a fairly tight cordon. In general, there is no need to try to climb over the fence.

Yak-130 piloted by test pilot
OKB im. A.S. Yakovleva Vasily Sevastyanov

It is quite comfortable to photograph aircraft through the large mesh fence. True, it is difficult to take photographs of aircraft on the runway from the lowest point - the hot air trembles over the grass. Again, photographing a plane taking off against the sky is one thing (there will be a lot of such pictures on the Internet after the show), but being able to shoot it against the background of the earth’s surface and recompose the frame is quite another. Therefore, advanced photographers either look for an opportunity to gain access to a thoroughly elevated media platform, or drag along a regular folding stepladder.

I crumpled up the filming of the flight program on the opening day of the air show in the most obscene way. I was just calmly walking through the pavilions, casually cooling down under the air conditioners of the press center, and suddenly... A hasty trot towards the runway, where from somewhere out of the heat came the roar of helicopter engines. There is a fussy change of lenses right on the run (300 mm telephoto lens and x1.4 converter instead of a fifty-kopeck lens). Accordingly, neither the shooting point has been selected, nor are there any test frames. But there are dark lines of airplanes in the cloudless sky and the sun at its zenith, ignoring all the hoods of the world. At the same time, I definitely won’t be able to re-shoot the performance of the aerobatic teams - there are only two days of vacation ahead, so either filming now, on President’s Day, or the “ergonomic” option of viewing other people’s pictures on the Internet. In general, I had to improvise with metering, exposure compensation and shutter speed. In all the chaos, I forgot that the camera had a 128 GB Sandisk Ultra card. Its capacity is more than sufficient, but it does not stand out for its speed. There was no time to look for the Sandisk Extreme card in my backpack, saved for the air show. I had to shoot most of the program in JPEG, because on a series of RAW files the camera sometimes became thoughtful.

Su-30SM from the 43rd separate attack aircraft
aviation regiment Black Sea Fleet

Su-30SM with tail number "38 blue"
(serial number 10MK5 1202)

However, even after two days of shortened performances, I filmed great amount(4590) frames. I assume that after strict filtering, about a tenth of the footage will remain in the archive. The primary selection has already reduced the photo archive to 1280 files (including sources in NEF). Continuous shooting involves subsequent removal of redundant frames. I haven’t even started sorting the statics - this photographic material will apparently wait for free time during the November holidays. This rejection rate is not due to crooked hands or inability to use television optics. The sun was very disturbing in the cloudless sky, and the haze trembling over the runway finished off potentially interesting photographs during the planes' run. I couldn’t get to the media platform with my pass, and I wasn’t mentally prepared to carry a folding stepladder from Orenburg and carry it around on trains and buses. And I don’t have optics like Nikkor 200-400 mm f/4.0 VR AF-S or Nikkor 500mm f/4G ED VR AF-S in my arsenal.

The Il-114 was supposed to come to the USSR Civil Air Fleet to replace the outdated passenger An-24. The first flight of the twin-engine turboprop aircraft for local airlines took place in March 1990. Times were difficult, airlines did not show much interest in the Il-114, so serial production of the aircraft never began. Until 2012, at the Tashkent Aircraft Manufacturing Enterprise named after. Chkalov assembled 17 machines, then the plant was reoriented to the production of building structures, spare parts for agricultural machinery, etc.

In 2015, the prospects for the production of Il-114 at the sites of the Samara OJSC Aviakor Aviation Plant were discussed. The fact is that Aviakor suspended the An-140 aircraft production program due to the political situation. It is not practical to carry out import substitution for the An-140 project: the head design bureau Antonov and 34 suppliers of components are located in Ukraine. Governor of the Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin assessed the project to produce Il-114 at Aviakor this way: “.. for this project, in order to implement it, 58 billion rubles are needed - this includes new equipment, modernization of the plant for this aircraft, digitization of the aircraft, well, and In the same amount, leasing an aircraft will cost approximately $14-16 million, and it will be very difficult for companies to buy such a rather expensive aircraft.”

At MAKS 2015, a flying laboratory based on the Il-114 was again shown. The aircraft was ordered by the St. Petersburg Scientific and Production Enterprise “Radar mms” in 2004. This IL-114LL was shown to the general public ten years ago, at MAKS-2005. What this aircraft is used for can be understood from publications in open sources. For example, this year, as part of the International Naval Show, the Radar mms stand demonstrated the operation of a complex for detecting underwater and surface objects, the elements of which were installed on board the Il-114LL. The stand demonstrated data transmission using the onboard search and targeting complex “Kasatka” in real time.

The issue of producing the Il-114 to replace the outdated Il-38 patrol and anti-submarine aircraft was also considered. Our designers created this car in the early 1970s on the basis of the passenger Il-18, but in the image and likeness of the American Lockheed P-3 Orion. It is clear that anti-submarine aviation complex based on the Il-38, it is outdated in its performance characteristics. But whether the IL-114 platform is an acceptable replacement is unknown. It is also unknown: will the Russian budget be able to handle these costs?

Another project based on the Il-114 involved the creation of a promising AWACS aircraft. The Air Force’s domestic analogue of the Boeing E-3 Sentry was built on the basis of the military transport Il-76MD. Hence the presence of blind areas at the all-round radar antenna, arising from the horizontal tail located on the top of the T-shaped fin, as well as the six-hour flight duration insufficient for an AWACS aircraft. The IL-114 stays in the air twice as long, its tail unit creates much fewer “dead zones,” but it is still unknown in which direction the pendulum will swing: the new AWACS or the A-50U?

Passage and dissolution of Su-34, T-50 and Su-35S

The T-50 is piloted by the head of the flight service of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, Honored
test pilot, Hero of the Russian Federation Sergei Bogdan

The Su-35S is piloted by an honored test pilot,
Hero of the Russian Federation Yuri Vashchuk

Su-35S: 8 weapons hardpoints under the wing and 4 under the fuselage.
During the air show, mass-dimensional mock-ups of rockets are suspended

The Su-34 is piloted by Sukhoi Design Bureau test pilot Roman Kondratyev

A fairly spacious cabin of the Su-34 in which the pilot and
the navigator-operator is placed nearby and allows you to stand up
V full height, warm up during a long flight

S. Bogdan performed a number of aerobatic maneuvers on the T-50:
"cobra", controlled flat corkscrew, "bell" and "Frolov's chakra"

Su-35S finished performance

Passage of the aerobatic team “Wings of Taurida”

The group "Wings of Tavrida" performs on a Yak-130

Aerobatic team "Swifts" on the MiG-29

Aerobatic team "Swifts"

Since 2003, the MiG-29 fighters on which the Swifts compete have been painted red and white with a bright blue silhouette of a swift on top and bottom, and the letters “MiG” on the fins.

Aerobatic team "Swifts"

"Swifts" disband

Aerobatic team "Russian Knights"

Aerobatic team "Russian Knights"

Aerobatic team "Russian Knights"

August 26, 2015, second day of MAKS-2015

Photos from the second day of the salon's work. Although the flight program did not include aerobatic teams, an hour and a half after it began, the sun was not particularly annoying. Again, the experience of the first, “sighting” day helped. I will add that aircraft that were not declared in the program appeared on the runway - they were performing qualification and training flights.

The Latvian aerobatic team “Baltic Bees” arrived at MAKS 2015

One of six L-39C Albatros of the Baltic Bees aerobatic team

Created in 2008 by K.S. Avia LTD based at Jurmala Airport, the “Baltic Bees jet team” was significantly updated in 2011. The name translates as “Baltic Bees”, which is reflected in the coloring of the aircraft, as well as in the elements of the pilots’ uniform. Official website of the group: Baltic Bees. For their performances, the group uses Czech-made L-39C Albatros training jet aircraft.
“Baltic Bees” arrived at Ramenskoye airfield in the middle of the flight program on August 26, 2015. The planes immediately cleared the runway and took turns landing. I didn’t have time to watch their performance.

The Yak-130 is piloted by a test pilot from the OKB. A.S. Yakovleva Vasily Sevastyanov

Su-30SM from the 43rd separate attack aviation regiment of the Black Sea Fleet

Su-30SM for the Navy have a two-tone color scheme
(dark gray top and camouflage bottom)

Multi-role two-seat fighter with a front horizontal tail and a thrust-vectoring engine (AL-31FP) Su-30SM (SM - serial modernized), this is a modification of the Su-30MKI for the Russian Air Force. A crew of two allows for combat operations involving long range and flight duration and effective management a group of fighters. In turn, the Su-30MKI (MKI - “modernized, commercial, Indian”) is an export version of the two-seat attack aircraft Su-30MK. It features avionics created within the framework of the international cooperation Russia - France - Israel - India, as well as the new N011M radar with a passive phased array antenna (PFAR) and an expanded range of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons.
The reasons for choosing the “Indian” Su-30MKI as the base platform for the multi-role heavy fighter of the Russian Air Force are clear. The Su-30K for India has been produced in Irkutsk since 1997. The fighter has been perfectly mastered by production; it has all the necessary technological tools and equipment, hence the price, quality and production time. Thus, the intention is obvious to save budgetary funds by increasing the load on the Irkutsk plant by producing a modification of the Su-30 for its own Air Force. Agree, the situation is radically different from the above-mentioned idea of ​​​​developing the production of Il-114 at Aviakor in Samara. Imagine for yourself how much more expensive it will cost to produce in a small series combat aircraft, if you go the original route: breathe life into an idle aircraft plant, purchase equipment, develop equipment and debug the technological process.

The Su-30SM carries an image of the St. Andrew's flag as a sign of belonging to the Navy

Su-30SM with tail number "38 blue" (serial number 10MK5 1202)

The St. Andrew's flag on the SU-30SM with tail number "38 blue" indicates that the aircraft belongs to the Navy. At the same time, the fighter has no signs of being ship-based: no folding wing consoles, no hook. This aircraft was featured on May 3, 2015 in the blog of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, see the post New Su-30SM for Naval Aviation. From this source we learn that the fighter with serial number 10MK5 1202 made its first flight in Irkutsk on March 15, 2015. Produced in accordance with the contract for the purchase of the first five Su-30SM fighters for the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy. " The three fighters, transferred on July 19, 2014, first entered service with the 859th Center in July combat use and training of flight personnel of the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy in Yeisk, and in December they flew to the 43rd separate attack aviation regiment of the Black Sea Fleet in Saki (Crimea)."That is, this is an ordinary Su-30SM, the same as in the Russian Air Force. The only thing that is naval about it is the coloring and the fact that after MAKS-2015 it will fly to Saki.

The Su-30SM is equipped with a phased array radar and is capable of hitting all types of air, ground and sea targets

Su-30SM is a two-seat aircraft with thrust vectoring engines, which provides it with super maneuverability

When performing aerobatics in an area of ​​low pressure, at a certain temperature and humidity, condensation forms.

Su-30SM is produced by Coproration Irkut

The International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS) is an international aerospace exhibition held every two years in the city of Zhukovsky, at the airfield of the Flight Research Institute named after M. M. Gromov, not far from Moscow. The exhibition was first held in 1993

Event dates:

08/25/2015 – official day of the “Press”, Business day in the work of the Salon.

  • From 15:00 to 17:00 – demonstration flights at the request of participants.

08/25/2015 – official opening of the air show.

  • From 10:00 to 18:00 - holding events of exhibition and business programs.
  • From 11:00 to 15:00 – visit of the event by foreign delegations and the political elite of the Russian Federation.
  • From 15:00 to 16:00 – execution of a special flight program.

08/27/2015 – Business day at the air show.

  • From 10:00 to 18:00 – holding events of exhibition and business programs.
  • From 15:00 to 17:00 – performance of demonstration flights upon request of participants.

28.08 – 30.08.2015 – Days of mass visit.

  • From 10:00 to 18:00 - holding events of the exhibition program.
  • From 11:00 to 17:00 – implementation of the demonstration program.

MAKS-2015 in Zhukovsky – work program:

  • The official opening hours of the salon are 10:00-18:00.
  • Opening hours for participants are 8:00-18:00.
  • Opening hours for service personnel are 8:00-20:00.
  • Opening hours for visitors are 9:00-18:00.

Flight program

Throughout the existence of MAKS, its flight program has occupied a leading position among the world's largest aerospace shows. MAKS 2015, scheduled for August this year, will be no exception. The best Russian test pilots in the skies of Zhukovsky will demonstrate the unique capabilities of civil and military aircraft for specialists and a large audience. There is no doubt that the next MAKS will be a holiday that will give our compatriots a sense of pride for their country, for those people who create sophisticated aircraft, and those who demonstrate their flying skills on them.

The flight program for MAKS 2015 includes demonstration flights of several aerobatic teams:

  • Aerobatic team "Russian Knights" of the Russian Air Force.

“Russian Knights” are an aviation group that performs aerobatics on highly maneuverable multirole fighters of the Russian Air Force Su-27UB and Su-27P. The group members demonstrate the highest degree of flying skill in both single and group aerobatics. They are the only aerobatic team on the planet that performs formation aerobatics on production heavy fighters.

  • Aerobatic team "Swifts" of the Russian Air Force.

The pilots who are part of this team perform solo and group aerobatics on the MiG-29 multi-role fighters. The group demonstrates programs with big amount aerobatics and solo performances. The set of demonstration programs includes such elements as “wing”, “cross”, “arrow”, “star”, “hammer”, “pyramid”.

  • Aerobatic team "Berkuts" of the Russian Air Force.

This aerobatic team conducts demonstration flights on six Mi-28N combat helicopters. It is one of the few teams in the world that displays figures of medium and high complexity in the sky in the horizontal and vertical planes at low altitude.

  • Aerobatic team "Rus".

Students of DOSAAF Russia are permanent participants of MAKS. The pilots of "Rus" demonstrate the school of domestic flying skills and the ability to conduct flights at a very close distance from each other.

  • "First flight".

The First Flight flying club created its own aerobatic team in 2009. Nowadays it is the only private aerobatic team in Russia that performs flights on piston Yak-52 and Yak-54. Among the group members a large number of pilot-athletes who took prizes in domestic and world championships in aerobatics and flying skills.

  • "Baltic Bees".

The said aerobatic team is from Latvia. The pilots who are part of the Baltic Bees demonstrate their skills in group piloting at an extremely minimum distance from each other and performing aerobatic maneuvers. The participation of 6 aircraft from the Latvian group at MAKS 2015 has been announced.

  • "Wings of Taurida" of the Russian Air Force.

This group is completely new and was formed in 2015. Consists of military pilots who will demonstrate group aerobatics techniques for the first time at MAKS-2015 on 6 new Yak-130 military training aircraft.

Prices for visiting MAX 2015

The cost of a pass ticket for a one-time visit to the air show (08.28 – 08.30) upon pre-sale is 700 rubles. From August 24, 2015, you will have to pay 850 rubles for such a ticket.

A ticket for a specialist costs RUB 2,200 in advance. by pre-order and 2500 rub. on the day of the event.

The cost of a pass to the media platform is 11,000 rubles. when purchased on the day of the event and 9,000 when purchased in advance.

For those visitors who want to spend time at MAKS-2015 in the most comfortable conditions, a special program has been developed with a visit to the PRIORITY zone.

The PRIORITY zone is a comfortable pavilion with a high-quality air conditioning system, an open observation deck, a relaxation area, a podium for observing the flight program and an outdoor cafe.

The PRIORITY zone for visitors will be open from 25.08 to 30.08 from 10 am to 6 pm.

Components of the program for visiting the PRIORITY zone:

    Personalized service.

    Meeting and registration of visitors.

    Car parking pass no. 3 or 7.

    Transfer of guests from parking lots on the airfield territory.

    Reception and service of visitors throughout the day.

    Providing welcome drinks and light snacks (water, juice, pies, canapés).

    Free soft drinks.

    Conducting excursions on request to the static exhibitions of the air show.

    Return delivery of guests from the PRIORITY zone to the parking lot.

The cost of a “PRIORITY” pass for an adult (from 15 years old) is 18,000 rubles, a child ticket (from 6 to 14 years old) costs 7,000 rubles, children under 6 years old are admitted free of charge. Corporate clients and groups of ten or more people receive discounts on tickets in this category.

It is worth remembering that entry to the territory of the Ramenskoye airfield via group transfer is paid additionally; to enter you need to buy a bus pass. Also, if guests wish, they can visit the media platform and order food (lunch, buffet, etc.) for an additional fee.

How to get to Ramenskoye airfield

1. By train.

From the Kazansky railway station to the 42nd kilometer and Otdykh platforms. From August 25 to August 30, free MAKS-2015 buses will run from the Otdykh platform. The first bus leaves at 8:15 am.

2. By bus from Zhukovsky.

During the days of the Air Show the following routes will be organized:

  • The "Rest" platform is an exhibition complex.
  • Checkpoint No. 1 at the Ramenskoye airfield - exhibition complex.
  • From the "Rest" platform to the exhibition complex.
  • From the 42 km platform to the exhibition complex.
  • From Checkpoint No. 1 of the Ramenskoye airfield to the exhibition complex.
  • From the stop "st. Latskova" (running through the Ocean shopping center) to the exhibition complex.

3. By car.

Within the city o. Zhukovsky during the days of MAKS-2015, driving is allowed only for drivers who have a MAKS-2015 Car Pass.

  • Novoryazanskoye Highway – a paid car pass is required to parking lots P2 and P7 (passenger cars).
  • Egoryevskoe Highway – a paid car pass is required to parking P3 of the exhibition complex (passenger cars only) and P4 (buses only).

Airshow MAKS - official website:

From August 28 to August 30, free parking will be available at the Bykovo airfield for air show visitors. From there a free bus will run, taking everyone to the exhibition complex (checkpoint No. 3).

Max 2013

Max 2014