Labeling of chicken eggs designations in Belarus. What categories are chicken eggs divided into? What is the difference between dietary, table and small chicken eggs?

The hen laid an egg, and a stamp was immediately placed on its side. As a rule, every egg produced at a poultry farm is marked. The first character in the marking means shelf life, read - the age of the egg; the second is the category, that is, its size. The beginning of our cipher can be the letter “d” or “s”, which means, respectively, “ dietary" or " dining room».

Dietary an egg is considered to be one that will not be stored at sub-zero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. The day of his “birth” is not counted. That is, “dietary” is not some special variety, but simply a very fresh egg.

The yolk in it is motionless, the white is dense, and the height of the space occupied by air is no more than 4 mm. The marking on a dietary egg is usually applied in red ink and includes the date and month of its “birth” - as confirmation of its “dietary status”. Time passes, the white in the egg dries out somewhat, the yolk shrinks, becomes mobile, and after a week the void increases to 7-9 mm.

And the diet egg goes into canteen category. Table eggs They are quite edible, but they live by different rules. You should know that the shelf life of table eggs at room temperature does not exceed 25 days from the date of laying, in the refrigerator - no more than 90 days. The shell of an egg that is initially destined to become table eggs is usually marked with a blue stamp indicating only the category.

A competent consumer always pays attention to best before date And date of manufacture product, including eggs. After all, a “red” testicle according to the passport may turn out to be “blue” according to age.

The eggs themselves may not be marked if they are packaged in container with label containing the necessary information. But the label must be placed in such a way that we have to tear it off when opening the container.

Now let's deal with categories- the second part of our cipher. She talks about egg weight. Let's start with the smallest - from 35 to 44.9 grams - this is third category, second- from 45 to 54.9 grams, large eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams - first category. The largest ones - weighing from 65 to 74.9 grams - fall into the category " selected", designated letter « O" It is rare, but eggs weighing more than 75 grams are found - such giants are awarded highest giant category, they are entitled to the honorary letter “ V».

When purchasing imported eggs, you should pay attention to the fact that the packaging must indicate: the class of the product and its weight category, the number of eggs in the package; the name and address of the company that packed the eggs or for whose order they were packed; conditional number of the package; best before date; instructions for storage or use.

Hereweight categories for these eggs:
S- less than 53 g
M- 53-63 g
L- 63-73 g
XL- 73 g and more

The first digit of the number on the package indicates in which EU country the eggs were packed. Most often this is Belgium (number 1), Germany (2), France (3) or Holland (6). If you buy eggs individually and not in packaging, the same data should be indicated on the price tag.

By the way
In recipes, the weight of one egg is usually considered to be 40 grams, that is, a small egg of the third category is meant.

Organic eggs

A person who is accustomed to thinking about the meaning of words and concepts will face a difficult test in a modern supermarket. Here, for example, is what the word “ organic"on the packaging of eggs? Is it already open new way artificial egg production without the participation of a laying hen?

What about the prefixes “bio” and “eco”? How should we treat them? Do they contain any information about the contents of the shell or is it just a tribute to the fashion for everything natural?

In EU countries, USA and Japan Buyers have long been free from such speculation, because all these concepts are clearly defined and regulated by law. There are standards systems around the world that regulate the field of organic food production. There are some differences in the definition of the “degree of organic” of a product in America and Europe, but general principle universal.

Only that product has the right to be called organic if all its components are produced and grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, bioengineering and ionizing radiation. In organic livestock farming, the use of growth stimulants and other hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed is prohibited; The use of vitamins, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs is strictly limited. Special requirements are presented to the conditions of detention and water.

Only with strict adherence to these rules (which is verified by a certification company) does the manufacturer receive a document allowing it to put the “organic” label. Certifying companies, in turn, are regularly inspected by inspection authorities for compliance and compliance with the law.

Thus, in Europe, America and Japan the inscription “organic” on the packaging of eggs essentially means: these are eggs from chickens that have the opportunity to free-range in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural feed, rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - seaweed.

What do we have? Until mid-summer 2008, in our country, the degree of compliance of “organic” products with any standards was left to manufacturers and sellers. In this situation, consumers could only rely on their conscience. In July, Rospotrebnadzor issued a decree on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products. However, the newly born legislative framework Neither certification nor inspection systems currently support this area. In addition, according to the rules, before a field or farm can be called “organic”, it must undergo “purification”, that is, last a certain period of time without chemical fertilizers and other substances prohibited in this system.

So for now inscription « organic» on the packaging of eggs in our supermarkets doesn't guarantee us anything. There are organizations that have developed their own voluntary environmental certification systems.

However, they approve standards for “organic” and “environmentally friendly” products independently, based on their own requirements. Some of the manufacturers send their products for voluntary laboratory research, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. What conclusion can we draw from all this?

Carefully read all the labels on the packaging, try to look for additional information about the manufacturer you are interested in. Be critical. Unfortunately, we also cannot give a recommendation to trust such markings on imported goods, because in our country at the moment their certification check for compliance with the declared standards has not been established.

Functional foods: eggs with iodine and carotenoids

Well, okay, in which basket should we put a variety of “smart” eggs with iodine, “village” eggs with carotenoids, “fitness” eggs with selenium, “vitamin” eggs with a high content of acids? Let's try it in the basket with the inscription " functional products».

According to the manufacturers, their place is there. Functional (or fortified) are products that have had their nutritional value increased or restored. In our case, the enrichment of eggs with various additives is carried out by adding appropriate preparations to the feed of laying hens. Manufacturers may call this “creating products with specified properties.”

Nutritionists do not have a common opinion about the effect of such products on the body, and our bodies are different: one benefits from iodine or acid, while another means death. We can only conclude that in this case the egg cannot be both “functional” and “organic”.

White and dark eggs

Finally, when we have more or less figured out the “formal characteristics”, we still need to answer the question once and for all: white or dark? Which eggs are better? What does the color of an eggshell indicate? Here experts agree: the color of the shell depends only from the breed of chicken. Giving preference to one egg or another based on shell color is a purely aesthetic choice.

Let all this help you choose the best eggs from the store variety. Because all doctors and nutritionists agree that a chicken egg is a unique and remarkable product in its composition and dietary properties.

How to protect yourself from salmonella

Not only do we love eggs, but also the causative agent of a serious infectious disease - the salmonella bacterium. Protecting yourself from this uninvited guest is not so difficult.

  • Dirt and dried droppings on the shell are not a sign of an “organic” egg; rather, they indicate insufficient hygiene in the poultry farm.
  • Eggs with damaged shells should not be eaten.
  • Before use, the egg should be washed under running water and soap. Remember to wash your hands, even if you just touched the egg.
  • Store eggs in a cool, but not too dry place, away from strong-smelling foods and raw meat; the best temperature is 0-5 °C.
  • Eggs can be pasteurized. To pasteurize, they are washed and then separated into sterilized containers. After combining the yolks with the whites, they are filtered and heated to +63 ° C for one minute, then quickly cooled.

It is one of the staple foods of the population of many countries. But despite the popularity of this product, people quite often face the problem of choosing them. Turns out, chicken eggs There are several categories, each of which has its own shelf life and a lot of other information that is incomprehensible to most. Let's look at what types of eggs there are and how to choose them.

Acceptable storage period

The shelf life of a product is the first thing we usually focus on when purchasing. Chicken eggs are no exception. Depending on the time that has passed since the hen laid eggs, they are usually divided into two types: dietary and table.

Dietary "D"

Dietary specimens include: the shelf life of which does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day the hen laid eggs. However, they should not be at sub-zero temperatures. Moreover, this species must have a compacted white, an equally colored yolk, and a height of the space occupied by air of no more than 4 mm. The shell of such eggs must be clean; a small presence of dots or stripes on it is allowed.
You can recognize this product on the counter by a red stamp on the shell with the letter “D” on it. Thus, this type is not a specific variety or species - these are simply the freshest eggs.

Did you know?A laying hen produces on average 250-300 eggs in 12 months. It takes her a little more than a day to lay one egg.

Dining rooms "C"

It is customary to include specimens that are stored at living room temperature as canteens. no more than 25 days from the date of their sorting, not counting the day of their demolition, or stored in refrigerated chambers for no longer than 90 days. Such a product has a mobile yolk, low protein density and a height of space occupied by air of more than 4 mm, which, as a rule, ranges from 5 to 7 mm.
If dots and stripes are present on the shell, their total number should not occupy more than 12.5% ​​of the total surface. A stamp is placed on the shell of each table egg. of blue color with the designation of a capital letter “C” and its category.

Categories of chicken eggs and their weight

So, you and I know what types of chicken eggs there are and what is their difference. Now let's try to understand their categories. The key criterion by which eggs are classified into one category or another is their eggs, therefore, according to modern GOSTs, there are 5 main categories.

Highest category (B)

Choice Egg (O)

Products in this category are slightly smaller in size and weight - from 65 to 74.9 g. Marked on the shell or packaging capital letter"ABOUT".

First category (C1)

Category 1 is indicated on the shell by the number “1” and has a weight from 55 to 64.9 g.

Second category (C2)

Category 2 includes those eggs that have weight from 45 to 54.9 g. Such products are usually designated by the number “2”.

Third category (C3)

Did you know?Every year, about 570 billion chicken eggs are consumed worldwide.

Thus, if you see a chicken egg on the counter with a mark on the shell “C2”, this means that it is a table egg of the second category, and the abbreviation “D1” classifies the product as a dietary product of the first category.

In addition, on store shelves you can often find products labeled "premium", "bio" and "organic control". However, we advise you not to fall for this trick of manufacturers and not to overpay extra money.
The thing is that abroad this designation implies that those who demolished them the chickens are free-range and fed exclusively with natural food. However, our GOSTs do not provide any requirements for these inscriptions, so the above text does not guarantee you anything.

It is worth noting that the manufacturer may not label any of the above types and categories at all, if at the same time he packs the products in containers with a label that shows all the information necessary for the buyer.
But the main condition is that the manufacturer must place the testicles in such packages that cannot be opened without leaving visible damage. This condition guarantees the buyer in the future that the contents of the container cannot be re-sorted or replaced.

Choosing an egg: how to protect yourself from infections

After receiving the above information, choosing eggs of the desired type and category will not be difficult.
However, when purchasing, we still advise you to pay attention to the following:

  1. First of all, check the production date, which must be present on each copy or packaging.
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer, which is recommended to be chosen based on the distance from the factory to the counter: the shorter the product was in transit, the better.
  3. The next step is to check whether the egg is rotten. To do this, simply bring it to your ear and shake it a little. If at the same time the yolk knocks against the wall of the shell, it is better to put it aside.
  4. The storage location of the goods in the store is also important, since the products in question are susceptible to strong absorption of unpleasant odors. It is also worth paying attention to this when purchasing goods in packaging: carefully check that there are no stains or mold on it.
  5. Well, the last important argument when choosing is appearance. Make sure that there are no cracks or chips in the shell, as bacteria can penetrate through them.

I would also like to note the false opinion that has developed among people that the larger the egg, the more useful substances it contains. In fact, large specimens are laid by older hens, so they contain much less nutrients than those laid by a young hen. The most the best option For the human body, scientists call eggs of the first category.
However, even with such careful selection, it is not always possible to avoid infection.

Egg differences

They are in any home refrigerator. They tell tales and jokes about them, make up sayings and are certainly mentioned in the so-called “basic consumer basket.” This is both the most common ingredient and a simple and quick dish to make. Chicken eggs - what could be simpler? But do we know everything about them?


The hen laid an egg, and a stamp was immediately placed on its side. As a rule, every egg produced at a poultry farm is marked. The first sign in the labeling means the shelf life, read – the age of the egg; the second is the category, that is, its size. The beginning of our cipher can be the letter “d” or “s”, which means “dietary” or “table”, respectively. A dietary egg is one that will not be stored at sub-zero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. The day of his “birth” is not counted. That is, “dietary” is not some special variety, but simply a very fresh egg.

The yolk in it is motionless, the white is dense, and the height of the space occupied by air is no more than 4 mm. The marking on a dietary egg is usually applied in red ink and usually includes the date - the day and month of its “birth” - as confirmation of its “dietary content”. Time passes, the white in the egg dries out somewhat, the yolk shrinks, becomes mobile, and after a week the void increases to 7–9 mm.

And the dietary egg goes into the category of table eggs. Quite edible, but living by different rules. You should know that the shelf life of table eggs at room temperature does not exceed 25 days from the date of laying, in the refrigerator - no more than 90 days. The shell of an egg that is initially destined to become table eggs is usually marked with a blue stamp indicating only the category.

A competent consumer always pays attention to the expiration date and date of manufacture of a product, including eggs. If you want to purchase a truly dietary egg, then this is simply necessary: ​​a “red” egg according to your passport may turn out to be “blue” according to age.

The eggs themselves may not be marked if they are packaged in a container with a label containing the necessary information. But the label must be placed in such a way that we have to tear it off when opening the container. Now let's look at the categories - the second part of our code. She talks about the mass of the egg. Let's start with the smallest ones - from 35 to 44.9 grams - this is the third category, the second - from 45 to 54.9 grams, large eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams - the first category. The largest ones – weighing from 65 to 74.9 grams – fall into the “select” category, designated by the letter “o”. It is rare, but eggs weighing more than 75 grams are found - such giants are awarded the highest giant category, they are given the honorary letter “v”.

When purchasing imported eggs, you should pay attention to the fact that the packaging must indicate: the class of the product and its weight category, the number of eggs in the package; the name and address of the company that packed the eggs or for whose order they were packed; conditional number of the package; best before date; instructions for storage or use.

S – less than 53 g

M – 53–63 g

L – 63–73 g

XL – 73 g and more

The first digit of the number on the package indicates in which EU country the eggs were packed. Most often this is Belgium (number 1), Germany (2), France (3) or Holland (6). If you buy eggs individually and not in packaging, the same data should be indicated on the price tag.

In recipes, the weight of one egg is usually considered to be 40 grams, that is, a small egg of the third category is meant.

Bearing moment

A person who is accustomed to thinking about the meaning of words and concepts will face a difficult test in a modern supermarket. For example, what does the word “organic” mean on an egg package? Has a new method of artificially producing eggs without the participation of a laying hen already been discovered?

And isn’t this what the manufacturer is hinting at, emphasizing that his product has such distinctive feature– was this egg laid directly by a living bird? What about the prefixes “bio” and “eco”? How should we treat them? Do they contain any information about the contents of the shell or is it just a tribute to the fashion for everything natural?

In the countries of the European Union, the USA and Japan, buyers have long been free from such speculation, because all these concepts are clearly defined and regulated by law. There are standards systems around the world that regulate the field of organic food production. There are some differences in the definition of the “degree of organicity” of a product in America and Europe, but the general principle is universal.

Only that product has the right to be called organic if all its components are produced and grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, bioengineering and ionizing radiation. In organic livestock farming, the use of growth stimulants and other hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed is prohibited; The use of vitamins, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs is strictly limited. Special requirements are imposed on the conditions of detention and water.

Only with strict adherence to these rules (which is verified by a certification company) does the manufacturer receive a document allowing it to put the “organic” label. Certifying companies, in turn, are regularly inspected by inspection authorities for compliance and compliance with the law.

Thus, in Europe, America and Japan, the inscription “organic” on the packaging of eggs essentially means: these are eggs from chickens that have the opportunity to free-range in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural feed, rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - seaweed .

What do we have? Until mid-summer 2008, in our country, the degree of compliance of “organic” products with any standards was left to manufacturers and sellers. In this situation, consumers could only rely on their conscience. In July, Rospotrebnadzor issued a decree on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products. However, the newly born legislative framework in this area is not yet supported by either the certification or inspection systems. In addition, according to the rules, before a field or farm can be called “organic”, it must undergo “purification”, that is, last a certain period of time without chemical fertilizers and other substances prohibited in this system.

So while the inscription “organic” on the packaging of eggs in our supermarkets does not guarantee us anything. True, there are organizations that have developed their own voluntary environmental certification systems.

However, they approve standards for “organic” and “environmentally friendly” products independently, based on their own requirements. Some of the manufacturers send their products for voluntary laboratory research, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. What conclusion can we draw from all this?

Carefully read all the labels on the packaging, try to look for additional information about the manufacturer you are interested in. Be critical. Unfortunately, we also cannot give a recommendation to trust such markings on imported goods, because our country currently does not have a certification check for compliance with the stated standards.

On prescription

Well, okay, in which basket should we put a variety of “smart” eggs with iodine, “country” eggs with carotenoids, “fitness” eggs with selenium, “vitamin” eggs with a high content of acids? Let's try the basket labeled "functional foods."

According to the manufacturers, their place is there. Functional (or fortified) are products that have had their nutritional value increased or restored. In our case, the enrichment of eggs with various additives is carried out by adding appropriate preparations to the feed of laying hens. Manufacturers may call this “creating products with specified properties.”

Nutritionists do not have a common opinion about the effect of such products on the body, and our bodies are different: one benefits from iodine or acid, while another means death. We can only conclude that in this case the egg cannot be both “functional” and “organic”.

What is more important to you - choose. And finally, when we have more or less figured out the “formal characteristics”, we still need to answer the question once and for all: white or dark? Which eggs are better? What does the color of an eggshell indicate? Here experts agree: the color of the shell depends only on the breed of chicken. Giving preference to certain eggs based on shell color is a purely aesthetic choice.

Let all this help you choose the best eggs from the store variety. Because all doctors and nutritionists agree that a chicken egg is a unique and remarkable product in its composition and dietary properties.

Soap protects the safe

Not only do we love eggs, but also the causative agent of a serious infectious disease - the salmonella bacterium. Protecting yourself from this uninvited guest is not so difficult.

Dirt and dried droppings on the shell are not a sign of an “organic” egg; rather, they indicate insufficient hygiene in the poultry farm.

Eggs with damaged shells should not be eaten.

Before use, the egg should be washed under running water and soap. Remember to wash your hands, even if you just touched the egg.

Store eggs in a cool, but not too dry place, away from strong-smelling foods and raw meat; the best temperature is 0–5 °C.

Eggs can be pasteurized. To pasteurize, they are washed and then separated into sterilized containers. After combining the yolks with the whites, they are filtered and heated to +63 ° C for one minute, then quickly cooled.

We welcome you, dearly beloved guests and regular readers of our site! Today we will analyze the categories of chicken eggs, what is their difference and what benefits or harm they contain. Chicken eggs are included in the diet from the first months of a person’s life in the form of complementary foods to provide a sufficient amount of vitamin D to the baby.

In subsequent years, the chicken delicacy is consumed raw, boiled, fried, and added to salads, creams and other dishes. This popularity of the product is due to its beneficial properties.

Eggs are readily used in cosmetology, adding a component to hair masks, shampoos, and other care products, which confirms the value and benefits of this product.

What are the types and categories of eggs?

Today the market offers 2 types of chicken eggs, corresponding state standard. The division is based on the period and method of storage (age of the product). Both each copy and one package are stamped.

Attention! Both types of eggs are suitable for consumption, taking into account specified deadlines storage This classification does not show the worst and the best.

  • Diet egg – “Young”, i.e. very fresh. Can be eaten raw. It is considered dietary until the seventh day from the moment of laying. Not stored at sub-zero temperatures. Difficult to clean after cooking. Marked with the letter "D".
  • Table egg. Shelf life increased to 25 days at room temperature, up to 90 days in the refrigerator. It is not advisable to eat it raw; it should be cooked. Marked with the letter "C".

Information: described in detail in another article, so we will not dwell on this issue.

Egg categories

  • The highest category – unit weight from 75.0 grams, large. Giants among their own kind. Designation – “B”.
  • The first category - weigh from 55.0 grams to 64-65.0 grams, medium size. Designated as “C1”.
  • Second category. Weight ranges from 45.0 -54.8 g, marked “C2”.
  • Third category. Small testicles from 35.0 to 45.0 g, stamped “C3”.
  • Selected ones weigh 65 – 75g. Slightly smaller than a premium product. Designation – “O”.

Interesting: in recipes, the egg ingredient is meant to weigh 40.0 grams, which corresponds to the 3rd category.

Today, the range of chicken products surprises consumers with their diversity. They sell eggs enriched with selenium and iodine, with two yolks, and different shell colors.

The categories of chicken eggs “bio” and “eco” are assigned if the black whale grew and laid free-range and was fed with natural products. This characteristic is dubious and without guarantee in relation to the CIS countries, unlike its European neighbors.

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

  1. Stimulates brain activity and the process of memorization.
  2. They help the liver function, cleanse it of waste and toxins.
  3. Prevents the appearance of cataracts.
  4. Participate in the normalization of the blood coagulation mechanism.
  5. Positively influence sex hormones. Male sperm become more active and of better quality.
  6. Calcium helps strengthen teeth, bones, and joints.
  7. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  8. Reduces the risk of breast cancer in women.
  9. Helps to lose weight due to the content of proteins that satisfy hunger.
  10. Recommended for pregnant women. Nutrients will protect the baby from developing certain developmental defects.

Why are chicken eggs harmful?

People suffering from diabetes should not eat this product - it will double the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Those who like to “drink” the delicacy run the risk of becoming infected with salmonella. You can avoid this by washing the product with soap under running water, or better yet, boiling it.

Excessive consumption of yolk increases cholesterol. It is not advisable to eat more than two units a day.

Middle-aged men should not eat more than seven testicles per week, as they contribute to the formation of plaques in the blood vessels: the risk of premature death.

What color eggs are healthier?

So what color shell indicates usefulness? Why are some light, white, others brown? There is no mystery, as well as the dependence of the color of the shell on the quality of the egg. The shade of the outer shell is relevant only to. Choosing light dark specimens is a matter of visual preference.

Preferences for the type, category, and color of a dietary delicacy are individual. They have one thing in common: their usefulness, confirmed by doctors and nutritionists.

Make decisions easily! Good luck!

Why do eggs differ in shell color, what do the numbers and letters on them mean, and how to store them correctly.

What to look for when buying eggs, what threat eggshells pose and much more about eggs - a useful selection from

Each egg produced at the poultry farm is marked (letter and number). The first character in the labeling (letter) indicates the shelf life, i.e. “age” of the egg; the second (number) is the category, that is, its size.

The shelf life of eggs can be indicated by the letters D or C. The letter D on the label means that the egg is dietary, C means table.

Diet eggs will not be stored at sub-zero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. That is, “dietary” is not some special variety, but simply a very fresh egg.

What is it like:

The yolk in it is motionless, the white is dense, and the height of the space occupied by air is no more than 4 mm.

Labeling on a dietary egg is usually applied red ink and usually includes the date - the day and month of his “birth” - as confirmation of his “diet”.

Transformation of a dietary egg into a table egg

Time passes, the white in the egg dries out somewhat, the yolk shrinks, becomes mobile, and after a week the void increases to 7-9 mm. And the dietary egg goes into the category of table eggs.

table egg

You should know that the shelf life of table eggs at room temperature does not exceed 25 days from the date of demolition, in the refrigerator - no more 90 days.

They usually place eggs on the shell, which should initially become table eggs. blue stamp .

You should always pay attention to the expiration date and production date of the egg, because... An egg with a red marking may already be old when checked, i.e. dining room

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Egg categories

The second part of the egg marking (number) indicates the mass of the egg.

  • Category 3 (3): the smallest, weighing from 35 to 44.9 grams
  • Category 2 (2): weighing from 45 to 54.9 grams
  • Category 1 (1): large eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams
  • Select (O): largest eggs weighing from 65 to 74.9 grams

There are eggs weighing more than 75 grams - such giants are awarded the highest category (B).

What is the difference between brown eggs and white eggs?

Brown eggs differ from white eggs only in the color of their shell. There is no difference between them, just different breeds of chickens lay eggs of different colors (brown eggs are laid by Asian chicken breeds).

Chemical analysis of eggs with different shells revealed absolutely no differences in their usefulness, and they also do not differ in taste. The color of an egg has nothing to do with its nutritional properties.

Worth being careful

The causative agent of a serious infectious disease, the bacterium Salmonella, can live on eggshells. To avoid catching this bacterium, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

– Do not eat eggs with damaged shells.

– Before use, the egg should be washed under running water and soap.

– Wash your hands, even if you just touched the egg.

– Store eggs in a cool but not too dry place away from strong-smelling foods and raw meat; the best temperature is 0-5 °C.

Based on materials from