Word Document Creation Wizard. Adding a cover page for your resume

3 methods:Creating a resume from a template (Word 2003, 2007, 2010)Creating a resume using the resume wizard (Word 2003)Creating a resume from scratch

Resume is summary that part of your biography that relates to work. Where did you work, when did you work, who did you work for, what did you do, what did you achieve, what did you learn and more - all this is written in the resume, which are, in general, extremely important documents for all those who are looking for or are just looking for get yourself a job. Microsoft Word gives everyone the opportunity to create their own resume using a template. However, you can do without it by doing everything using the great magic of text formatting. In this article, we will tell you about 3 methods for creating a resume in Microsoft Word, and also share information about what you should and should not include in this document.


Method 1 of 3: Creating a resume from a template (Word 2003, 2007, 2010)

Method 2 of 3: Create a resume using the Resume Wizard (Word 2003)

Method 3 of 3: Create a resume from scratch

  1. 1 Think about the type of resume you want to create. There are three main types of resumes: chronological, functional and CV (curriculum vitae).
  2. Chronological resumes list your work experience, starting with your most recent job and ending with your very first. Your job responsibilities should be listed below your job title and time spent in that position. Generally, chronological resumes cover the last 5-10 years, although if this seems justified and useful to you, the time frame can be expanded.
  3. Functional resumes first state what you can do. In other words, your skills are listed first, and only then the positions you held. It will be very useful to focus on certain skills required by the vacancy, as well as to hide the time spent without work (by the way, this is why this resume format is not liked). However, for those who want to change their field of activity, this is the most popular type of resume.
  4. A CV is a detailed list of your work experience, starting with your most recent job and ending with your very first. Unlike chronological and functional resumes, which, as a rule, take no more than 2 pages, a CV operates on a different principle: the more and more detailed your experience is described, the better. A CV is often required in Europe, as well as when applying for employment in educational institutions.
  5. 2 Decide how you will use your resume. It is clear that you will show it to a potential employer. The question is - how? Can you give me the original? Are you sure that such an opportunity will exist? Perhaps they will immediately scan your resume and start looking for keywords in it? It is necessary to take scanners into account - for example, they require a minimum of formatting.
  6. 3 Open new file in Word.
  7. 4 Please provide your contact information. This information should appear at the top of the first page of the resume, slightly different from the heading of any other subsequent page. Here you need to indicate your name, address, phone number and email.
  8. You can place the header with the contact details of the first country either on a separate page or make it part of the page (but in the latter case you will have to adjust the headers of different pages so that they are different). The title of the first page is usually centered, the titles of subsequent pages are aligned to the left. Page numbers are written on the right.
  9. The pages should be made in the same style, which also applies to decorative elements, for example, lines separating the title from the resume itself, etc.
  10. It is better to register a separate email specifically for use in your resume. It’s better to make an email based on your first and last name (ipetrov@), positive qualities (hardworker@) or skill (techwriter@). Using emails with less formal addresses is not recommended.
  11. 5 Consider what sections your resume will contain. So, there are three types of resumes, and in each of them information is organized according to its own canons. Try choosing headings first and then filling them with relevant information.
  12. Purpose: This is often written at the beginning of chronological and functional summaries. The purpose is one sentence that explains what, again, the purpose of the resume is. However, lately this section has gone out of fashion. What's the point of multiplying entities, really?
  13. Achievements and Qualifications: A list of key skills, qualities and outstanding achievements that demonstrate your experience/prowess/excellence as an employee. Of course, all this should be directly related to the position you want to take. It is also desirable that your achievements be tangible and begin with action verbs. For example: “saved the company >9000 million money by implementing new documentation processing regulations.”
  14. Skills: This will be a separate section in functional resumes, especially in the IT field. In the case of chronological resumes, it is permissible to combine this section into a section about work experience, if the latter cannot boast of dozens of years of experience. Depending on what is more impressive - skills or work experience, it is determined which section will be the first and which will be the second.
  15. Work Experience: A list of positions you have ever held, in reverse chronological order. Of course, you also need to indicate the names of the companies, as well as the date of hire and date of dismissal. In a chronological resume, dates are written first; in a functional resume, you can first indicate the position held. If you had several positions in the same company, then highlight the company name in the subtitle and list all those positions - also in reverse chronological order. Chronological resumes should include your job responsibilities and accomplishments here. Again - action verbs and more real ones! You can also include volunteer experience, especially if it is relevant to the position (or if you simply have little other experience).
  16. Education: list educational institutions, which you attended/graduated from in reverse chronological order. This section is usually indicated after “work experience”. However, an exception can be made for newly graduated “young specialists”.
  17. Recommendations: this section should be included if and only if recommendations are really needed, or you have them that really inspire you. In principle, nothing will stop you from collecting all the recommendations on a separate page. The phrase “recommendations are available upon request” does not need to be written.
  18. 6 Start formatting your resume. When all the information has been collected, it must be put into readable form. Here are a couple of tips on this matter:
  19. Don't go crazy with fonts. Choose one font - serif or sans serif. The text should be 10 or 12 point, with the exception of your name on the first page, where 14-18 point is acceptable. It is also worth highlighting the name, section headings and job titles in bold.
  20. It is better to leave the margins from the edge of the page equal to those specified by default.
  21. Align section headings to the left. After the title and between the content there can be one line, between the content and the title - two.
  22. If your resume will not be processed by scanners looking for keywords, then feel free to use unmarked lists - for example, where you talk about your achievements and work responsibilities. It’s also not recommended to be too clever with list markers, because the text, not the marker, should attract attention. If your resume is going to be scanned, you'll have to ditch the lists - instead, just format the text as if you were using a list.
  23. If your resume is a little more than 1-2 pages, you can play with the line height value and compress it to acceptable values. In addition, in this case it will be useful to look for extra empty lines.
  • Update your resume as soon as you get such a reason, don’t put it off! Have you been promoted? Add this to your resume. Have you achieved an impressive result? Write about it on your resume! This way, when you're looking for a job, you won't have to waste time on your resume.
  • Each position has its own resume. Moreover, each position has its own emphasis in the resume, its own order of presenting information, and even its own information. Accordingly, it would be a good idea for you to keep several versions of your resume at once. The main thing is not to get confused in them yourself.
  • For those who are applying for a job related to texts, you can, by analogy with a separate page for recommendations, prepare a separate page where all your published works or a list of projects on which you have worked will be indicated.
  • The title of your resume file must include your first and last name. You understand, it’s one thing to have a resume.doc file attached to an email message. Completely different - I_Ivanov_resume.doc!


  • Don’t lie on your resume and don’t forget about spelling and punctuation. A resume, after all, is the face of an employee!

1. Open a Word page on your computer

2. On the left side of the page there is a sign with 4 boxes inside a circle, known as the "Office" button. (or the "File" button)

3. Click on this button and select the “New Document” tab in the menu that opens. (Or “File” → “New”)

4. Templates are listed on the right various documents, among which you will find a resume if you scroll down.

5. These templates are located on the Internet. If you have a licensed version of Microsoft Office, you can select the desired template from the options presented.

Which template to choose depends on your goal: do you want to find a job in a specific position or do you need a universal template. A general template can serve many purposes and usually reflects a person's skills and qualifications in general terms.

All templates are arranged in a specific order, starting with the most relevant ones in the field of employment and education. You can choose one template based on your preferences and the ratings of other users, which are also indicated here. There are many templates and you should choose the one that suits you best.

6. Once you identify the most suitable template and click on it, a preview of that template will appear on the right. If the selected template is what you need, click the “Download” button and you can start editing the data in Word.

This may seem like quite a daunting task. If you feel that this is too difficult or you think that Microsoft Office is counterfeit, there are other methods you can use. The best option for you - use free online constructor resume, which allows you to upload your resume in MS Word format.

When you create a Word document using the wizard, you are dealing with an intelligent template that can change its configuration in accordance with specific user requests. Wizards often insert special macros into the document - small programs that automate text entry. In previous classes you have already used the wizards more than once. Let's take a closer look at the capabilities of these assistants using the example of one of them - the professional resume wizard.

1. Select a team File > New. In the dialog window Creating a document task panes in section Create with a template click on the icon General Templates. In the dialog box that appears Templates expand the tab Other documents and double click on the icon Resume Master. The first wizard window will open, describing the purpose of the launched module.

Note Please note that the master icons are different from the regular templates the presence of an image of a magic wand.

3. In the second window of the wizard, shown in Fig. 5.5, by setting the switch to the right position, select a sophisticated style for your resume. Then click on the button Further.

Rice. 5.5. Second window of the resume wizard

4. In the next window, select the switch position Professional and click on the button again Further.

Note There are five buttons at the bottom of any Office XP wizard window. Two of them - Further And Back allow you to navigate through the wizard windows. If you make a mistake or decide to change the data entered earlier, click on the button Back, return to one of the previous windows and adjust the wizard parameters. There is no need to repeat the entire procedure again. Button Cancel allows you to interrupt the wizard’s work at any time. Button Ready initiates the generation of a result based on the already entered data. Finally, a button with a question mark allows you to get help.

5. In the next two windows, enter your name, address, phone numbers and indicate what information about you should be included in your resume.

6. In the sixth window of the wizard, shown in Fig. 5.6, check the boxes corresponding to the sections that should be included in the resume.

Rice. 5.6. Sixth window of the resume wizard

8. In the next window, indicate which additional sections should be included in the document, and using the last of the informative windows, add, if necessary, sections not provided for by the wizard developers. Click the button Further.

9. In the last window of the wizard, informing you that everything is ready to create a document, click on the button Ready. The wizard will generate the document shown in Fig. 5.7. It will display the data you entered and additional fields that you can fill in later.

10. Save this resume in a folder My Documents under the name Resume. Now you can build documents based on templates and fill them with information using wizards. However, sometimes it happens that the text content is already present in a regular ASCII text file, for example obtained from e-mail. Such text is easily imported into Word, where it can be formatted using the powerful features of this text editor. To open DOS ASCII text, follow these steps.

11. Select a team File > Open.

12. Dropdown File type dialog boxes Opening a document select item Text files or All files.

Rice. 5.7. Word document generated by the wizard

13. Find the text file and double-click its icon. A dialog box will open File Conversion, shown in Fig. 5.8.

Rice. 5.8. Selecting a conversion option

14. Select an item MS-DOS text.

Note If the conversion window does not appear, you will not be able to properly configure the display of Russian letters. In this case, select the command Tools > Options and on the tab Are common check the box Confirm conversion when opening. Then import the text file again.

15. Click on the button OK. The DOS text will be converted to Windows format. When importing files of a different format, select in the dialog box File Conversion desired conversion option.

Laboratory work No. 2

Creating a resume

Target: Gaining skills when creating a resume based on a word processor templateMicrosoft Word.

Result : As a result of completing the work, students will acquire skills creating a resume and also its design using MS Word.

Exercise: create a resume for an interview with an employer. Use MS Word templates to create your resume. The created resume should contain information about you, your education, professional experience, and achievements.


The work progress is accompanied by a test case for creating a resume, presented in Figure 1

Figure 1 - Completed resume

A large number are available on the site free templates resumes that make it much easier to create. The user can download the required templates from the website and search in Word 2010 to create their own unique resume.

Choosing resume templates

    Search for resume templates using Backstage view in Word 2010, then select a template from the search results and download it. To do this, follow these steps:

    In the window Microsoft applications Word 2010 go to the File tab.

    In Backstage view, click Create.

    In the search bar in the Templates area, type “resume,” then click Begin search to find available document templates relevant to the resume (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Resume search

    After searching for the right resume templates on the website, you need to download these templates to create your own resume. To do this, follow these steps:

    In area searching results Choose a template that suits you, such as “Resume (Equity Topic).” Then click the button Download on the right side of the preview panel (Figure 3).

After downloading the template, a new document will be automatically created based on it. This template serves to automatically organize the text of a resume and allows you to make the appearance of the information presented in it more professional (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - New document

    Since the downloaded template is created in Microsoft 2003 format, it will open in reduced functionality mode(Figure 5).

Figure 5 – Functionality limitation message

To use the new Microsoft 2010 features when editing a document, you must first convert it to the new Microsoft 2010 format. To do this:

    press the button again File to open Backstage view. Then click the button Convert to convert the current document to Microsoft 2010 format (Figure 6).

Figure 6 – Document conversion

    Enter your information in the appropriate spaces and click the button Save on the Quick Access toolbar to save the document (Figure 7).

Figure 7 – Saving a document

You've created your resume using professional templates.

Using a SmartArt Graphic to Provide Education Information

The structure of information about the education received in the resume template is very simple. Indicating in one place all points of education over the past few years will make the resume sloppy. SmartArt graphics allow you to create a suitable layout and quickly give your resume an attractive look.

    To use a SmartArt graphic in a resume document, choose the appropriate graphic layout based on the information you want to present. For this:

    First, change the “Work Experience” header in the resume template to “Education” and remove the text inserted in this section by default (Figure 8).

Figure 8 – Resume conversion

    Go to the tab Insert and press the button SmartArt In chapter Illustrations(Figure 9).

Figure 9 – Insert

    In the navigation area of ​​the dialog box Select a SmartArt graphic select option List, then select a layout Process with circular diagram in the center of the region List style(Figure 10).

Figure 10 – Selecting a layout

    Click the button OK to close the dialog box Select a SmartArt graphic. The selected SmartArt graphic layout will be inserted into the document (Figure 11).

Figure 11 – Graphic layout

    Edit text in a SmartArt graphic. For this

    After inserting a predefined SmartArt graphic into your resume, enter your information in the object's text box by clicking the corresponding text placeholder in the SmartArt graphic (Figure 12).

Figure 12 – SmartArt drawing

    Trim the picture to improve it appearance. For this

    go to the SmartArt Tools tab so that in the options group SmartArt Styles on the context tab Constructor tapes Working with SmartArt graphics click the button Extra options(Figure 13).

Figure 13 – Tab “Working with pictures”

    In the pop-up library SmartArt styles choose the style you want based on personal preference, e.g. Strong effect(Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Selecting a style

    Select the text you want to trim in SmartArt drawing, then click the button Extra options in a group of objects WordArt Styles on the context tab Format(Figure 15).

Figure 15 – “Advanced parameters” button

    In the pop-up WordArt style library select the appropriate WordArt style (Figure 16).

Figure 16 – WordArt Styles

After using colorful SmartArt graphics to visually represent textual information, the resume became more attractive.

Quickly add professional-looking tables

A resume looks neater and clearer if the resume text is presented in a nicely designed table, and therefore makes a better impression.

    Convert your resume text to a table. For this:

    In the summary, select all the text data and the SmartArt graphic you inserted earlier. Then go to the tab y Insert. In the parameter group Table click the button with a triangle under the label Table, then select the command from the drop-down list Convert V table(Figure 17).

Figure 17 – Table parameters

    in the dialog box Convert V table please indicate right size tables. You can also leave the default value. Then click the button OK to close the dialog box (Figure 18).

Figure 18 – “Convert to table” window

All information in the resume will be automatically converted into a table (Figure 19).

Figure 19 – Summary

    Improve the appearance of the table. For this:

    Go to the tab Job With tables, in the parameter group Styles tables contextual tab Constructor tapes Job With tables click the button Additional options(Figure 20).

Figure 20 – “Working with Tables” tab

    in a pop-up window Table Style Library select the appropriate style to apply to the current table (Figure 21).

Figure 21 – “Table Style Library” window

    To make your table look more compact, place all the information in one cell. For this:

    Select content and go to contextual tab Layout on tape Job With tables, then click the button Merge cells in the parameter group An association(Figure 22).

Figure 22 – Merging cells

    In the same way, combine the details in the remaining sections of the resume (Figure 23).

Figure 23 – Summary text

    Complete your resume with information about yourself. To do this, add a “Basic Information” section to the top of your resume. In a split table, enter general information, such as first and last name, gender, date of birth and nationality. Then change the text format to suit your needs (Figure 24).

Figure 24 - Top of the summary

    Add your photo to your resume table.

    First, place the cursor in the cell where you want to insert the photo. Then click the button Drawing in the parameter group Illustrations on the tab Insert(Figure 25).

Figure 25 – Inserting a picture

    in the window Insert drawing select your photo and click the button Insert(Figure 26).

Figure 26 – Inserting a photo

    resize the inserted personal photo so that it fits exactly into the cell (Figure 27).

Figure 27 – Summary

All information in the resume is placed in a neat and professional-looking table (Figure 28).

Figure 28 – Completed resume

Adding a cover page for your resume

    Add a cover page to your resume. For this:

    On your resume, go to the tab Insert and press the button Front page in the parameter group Pages. In the built-in title page library choose a cover page of your own preference that matches the overall style of the resume, for example, “Cubes” (Figure 29).

Figure 29 – Inserting a cover page

    Click to quickly insert the selected cover page at the top of the document. The cover page will immediately appear on the first page of the document (Figure 30).

Figure 30 – Cover page

    Enter your personal information on the cover page in the correct places and remove unnecessary content (Figure 31).

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