NLP metaprograms. Promagik - Metaprograms in NLP. Drawing up metaprogram portraits for various positions

1. Metaprograms- This perception filters, which act in people in a habitual way.
2. Metaprograms- This patterns , which determine what information will be allowed into consciousness.
3. Metaprograms- These are characteristic ways of concentrating attention.

Metaprograms determine which aspects of a territory are included in the map. Each of the meta-programs has two or more choices that direct attention to alternative aspects of the territory. Access to each of the dimensions of the metaprogram allows for multiplicity of description and a balanced perspective.

List of basic meta-programs.

World classification(sorting gates): people, values, processes/procedures, actions/things, time, place.


  • Perspective: approach (towards), avoidance (from)
  • Response style: active, reflective (passive)

    Focuses of power

  • Reference: internal (I decide for myself), external (I focus on others, I focus on the context)
  • Attention: yourself, others

    Styles of organizing information

  • Capabilities-processes: capabilities (results), processes (procedures)
  • Generalization size: large (enlargement, generalization, whole), small (disaggregation, division, details)
  • Way of thinking: deduction (from the general to the particular), induction (from the particular to the general), transduction (analogy)
  • Leading representative system: visual, auditory, kinesthetic.

    Comparison focus: coincidence (similarity), discrepancy (difference), comparison (similarity with exception, difference with exception)

    Persuasion Factors(persuaders): automatically, number of examples, time period, values, never sure.


  • Orientation: past, present, future
  • Duration: included time, end-to-end time

    Style: independent, on duty, team player.

    The list is incomplete - many trainers offer alternative meta-programs. And you should use those that are convenient and that allow you to solve your problems.

    Context - important notes about metaprograms. What metaprograms are not.

    • Metaprograms depend on the context. A person can manifest different meta-programs depending on the context.
    • Manifested Meta-Programs depend on condition. In different emotional states, a person can manifest different meta-programs. In general, any change in state affects the manifested metaprograms (at least a little).
    • Metaprograms exist as tendencies (operate on a continuum). It is extremely rare to find people who manifest metaprograms “in full”. In the limit - never. It is possible to exhibit one element of dichotomy in 33% of cases, and another in 77%. But they don’t measure it exactly like that, because more information will be provided by differences in the contexts in which they appear. Thus, if they say that a person has a meta-program “motivation K,” then it means that he uses “motivation K” noticeably more often than “motivation OT.”
    • “One’s own” meta-programs may seem natural and correct, while someone else’s may seem “abnormal.” In fact no meta-programs are more "good" or correct than others. Here with metaprograms the same as with any differences in cards in general). Different meta-programs are more effective in different contexts. It is useful to develop your flexibility.
    • Sets of metaprograms are not another way to classify people. Although the dichotomies often coincide in many ways with those used in such classifications. The difference is that in NLP we do not give names to people according to the principle (m11, m12, m13, m14,..) => type1, and we do not attach the name of the type to another person or to ourselves. (What can happen due to this labeling - see the article by D. Bukhvalov “Imprint and typing”). Meta-programs remain an observation tool, and we allow ourselves to notice that a person is exhibiting a meta-program that is unusual for him (and, perhaps, we will pay special attention to this!).
  • If your home is in order, then it’s easier for you to know where everything is. The more different cabinets, shelves and drawers you have, the more different useful and useless things you can put there, maintaining this precious order, thanks to which all these things are most likely easily accessible to you, rather than if it all came together in chaos .

    Similarly, the human brain, which works with information and knows how to make it available at the right or unnecessary moments in time, must have some kind of internal organizational structure, according to which incoming information is perceived, processed and becomes part of experience, and also on the basis of which a person organizes his behavior.

    This organizational structure involves features development of representative systems, neurological organize ation, ability perceptions from those different positions, features of the interaction of the cognitive conscious mind with the creative unconscious, features of attention, as well as other filters of perception.

    The NLP model provides a useful description of this organizational structure that has broad application - metaprograms.

    Their usefulness, as a certain classification structure, is determined by a number of applied applications in various spheres of human activity, as well as the fact that in order to identify them, it is necessary to conduct any kind of testing - all of them are heard in the everyday speech of any person in ordinary communication.

    Each of our meta-programs is a description of a certain frame in the reality around us in which our attention is located; accordingly, we can determine what is outside this frame, what we miss, or, in other words, experience that is inaccessible to us.

    By getting to know a person, thereby recognizing the boundaries of his experience, one can effectively act within his boundaries - this is what we call mutual understanding. You can also determine what is outside its boundaries, thereby identifying possible areas for improvement and development of new abilities - opportunities to expand the scope.

    Playing football with an opponent only makes sense within the confines of a football field. When we go beyond these boundaries, we manifest different abilities.

    Metaprogram- These are personally accumulated behavioral beliefs.

    Metaprograms- these are skillful filters of the feelings that we experience about everything that we see, hear, feel tactilely, taste or smell. These programs carry out a preliminary selection of what is presented to awareness and understanding before it reaches the sphere of our consciousness. Information is read by priority value when it reaches our attention threshold.

    Metaprograms is a set of attention rules stored in long-term memory. It would seem that our attention should be diverse, but our meta-programs have selected, sorted and pre-packaged the content of awareness before we become aware of it. Attention can be built freely, but within the sphere limited by the metaprogram.

    99% what we are aware of at any given moment goes outside our awareness, driven by well-learned orders and sequences. Consciousness is limited to 7 plus\minus 2.

    We can never know what our situation is metaprogram(filtered) selected because we cannot follow the operation on this filter that makes this selection. Meta-programs function autonomously, determining which aspects of a situation should attract our attention.

    Metaprogramming patterns accumulate over time as behavioral beliefs. In general, a meta-program resembles a theory - a type of informational, private assumption (sentence) about the nature of events, objects or situations that we encounter in life.

    This is a ready-made decision or preference based on experience.

    Metaprograms are habits. Habits can be changed. Our field of attention (what we hold in our minds) is quite fragile and shallow (superficial). However, since metaprogram filters are simply pre-developed habits, paying attention to a partner can change both filtering operations and habits.

    Forming a new habit takes approximately 3 weeks (21 days) for the majority of people. It includes the following stages:

      Unconscious Incompetence

      Conscious incompetence

      Conscious competence

      Unconscious competence

    It is important to be able to ask non-specific questions if you want to extract a personal meta-program. For example: “What do you want in your work?” is more productive than: “In your work, do you prefer to complete tasks?”; or: “Do you like to do everything yourself?”

    Metaprograms- this is the basis on which information is organized and operations are performed TOTE.

    The features of our representational systems with their submodalities and cognitive strategies form the basis of our more abstract procedural filters - metaprograms, which can be conditionally divided into three classes:

      world classification- the main filter that sorts our experience;

      motivation meta-programs, references and comparisons are meta-programs, determined mainly by the features of operations and comparison tests in the TOTE of basic motivation and decision-making strategies;

      organizing meta-programs - These are meta-programs that are determined by the peculiarities of the organization of information (experience) and the ways of processing it during operations in most human strategies.

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  • Presentation:: Metaprogram: Comparison Focus

    Presentation: Meta-program “Focus of Comparison”.

  • Scheme:: Language tricks and metaprograms

    How to construct language tricks based on the client's predominant metaprograms.

  • Test:: Metaprogram: Breakdown size

    Screening test on the topic.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Breakdown Size

    The meta-program “size of breakdown” (or “size of generalization”) determines a person’s inclination either to a general view of a situation or to a particular one.

  • Test:: Metaprogram: Time Orientation

    Screening test on the topic.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Time Orientation

    This meta-program is related to which part of experience a person pays more attention to: what happened in the past, what is happening in the present, or plans and possibilities.

  • NLP Model:: Metaprogram: Reference

    The “Reference” meta-program concerns whether a person relies on internal or external values ​​when making decisions.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Comparison Focus

    The “Focus of Comparison” meta-program concerns what a person pays attention to: what is common, what is similar, or what is different or different. By defining this meta-program, it is possible to determine a person’s time of stability, his loyalty and motivation for renewal and learning.

  • Test:: Focus Comparisons

    Verification test for knowledge of the meta-program "Comparison Focus".

  • NLP Model:: Metaprograms

    Metaprograms are basic filters of human perception. They are also associated with characteristic patterns of thinking.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Ways of Thinking

    The “Way of Thinking” meta-program is associated with how a person prefers to process information: enlarge, disaggregate, or look for analogies.

  • Test:: Motivation K-OT

    Test on the topic: meta-program "Motivation "K-OT"

  • My books:: Metaprograms in schemes

    A selection of descriptions of metaprograms in diagrams. And a few more useful schemes on NLP. Version 2.0 - added the scheme “Contexts of application of metaprograms”, “Well formulated result”, “Connection of goal setting models”, “Change of submodalities”, “Change of critical submodality” and updated the scheme “Activity - reflexivity”. Can be downloaded completely freely in PDF.

  • Scheme:: Contexts of manifestation of metaprograms

    In what contexts what meta-programs appear.

  • NLP model:: Metaprogram: BEYOND time

    This meta-program is associated with how a person usually perceives situations - predominantly associated (in time) or dissociated (out of time). This program will manifest itself in the ability to plan, context dependence and type of motivation - rational or emotional.

  • Technique:: Setting up K-OT motivation

    This technique allows you to customize the approach-avoidance motivation for a specific situation. But, in principle, a similar approach can be used to configure other meta-programs.

  • Test:: Metaprogram: Active-Reflective

    Screening test on the topic "Metaprogram: Active-Reflective"

  • NLP Model:: Metaprogram: Motives

    Typing people depending on the most important motives of their activity: power, achievement, involvement or avoidance.

  • Presentation:: Metaprogram: Motivation K-OT

    Presentation: Meta-program “Motivation K-OT”.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Sorting Gate

    Sorting Gate- these are the main focuses of attention and the questions we ask: people (who?), things (what?), values ​​(why?), process (how?), time (when?) and place (where?). A person perceives information presented in the “favorite” Sorting Gates easily and with pleasure, but tries to filter it out in the “unloved” ones.

  • Presentation:: Meta-program: Active-Reflective

    Presentation on the "Active-Reflective" meta-program. This meta-program has to do with how people gather information: before or during action.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Active-Reflective

    This meta-program concerns how people gather information. Actives prefer to collect information during action. Another important characteristic of active ones is that they do not need an additional push to start action. Reflexive ones, on the other hand, collect information before starting an action and, as is already clear, they need to be pushed to start moving.

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Motivation K-OT

    The meta-program “K-OT Motivation” describes how a person prefers to motivate himself - imagining how good it will be when he does the thing that he or someone motivates him to do (K motivation), or how bad it will be when he does this the thing will not do (OT motivation).

  • NLP Model:: Meta-Program: Preferred Modality

    Usually a person is more focused on one of the ways of processing information: visual, auditory, kinesthetic or internal dialogue (digital). This manifests itself in speech, voice, posture, preferred style of clothing and choice of work.

    Mastering metaprograms will allow you to understand people's behavior and the differences between them, and will open up the opportunity to vary your behavior and communication methods in order to more successfully work with and change your own and others' behavior and models of the world. Meta-Programs are the greatest contribution that NLP has made to the understanding of differences between people. Only by understanding and appreciating these differences can we begin to respect and support other people, begin the work of replacing hostility with understanding and antagonism with compassion, and begin to replace conflict with cooperation.

  • Meta-programs are filters for the perception of reality that save us from the huge flow of information coming to us from the outside world.

  • A.L. Poteryakhin


    Learning and using client metaprograms

    in the process of communication

    Selling involves a psychological influence on the client - persuasion, instilling confidence in the correctness of the action, etc. This is understandable to any sales manager working in sales, or an insurance agent. It is also clear that such an impact requires taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular person who is a potential client. This task for the seller is extremely complicated by the fact that he does not have the opportunity to study the client, for example, using psychological tests, draw a conclusion about his personality type based on the test results, and then build a persuasive strategy based on this type. To implement a transaction, the seller needs to obtain information about the psychological characteristics of a potential client literally in the first minutes of communication. And it is possible. An understanding of a person’s metaprograms and the ability to study them in the process of communication makes it possible to find an individual “key” to a person.

    The very concept of a meta-program was introduced and widely used in one of the areas of practical psychology, which is called neurolinguistic personality programming (abbreviated as NLP). S. V. Ivanova, I. M. Mostovaya showed the possibilities of using metaprograms in personnel work. E. V. Samsonova was one of the first to propose using this knowledge to improve sales performance.

    In psychology, the prefix “meta-” is used to denote a phenomenon at a higher level than the phenomenon that the main part of the word denotes. M. Hall and B. Bodenhamer write that metaprograms are programs that stand above the everyday thoughts and emotions that visit us. Everyday thoughts and emotions manifest themselves at a primary level as content that describes what we think and feel. On top of the content of our thoughts, we have other thoughts and feelings that most often manifest themselves outside of consciousness. “These “programs” function as “rules” for sorting and perception, they control what How we think and feel. This software, like any operating system, determines structure our thoughts and feelings. It determines what exactly we select.”

    Meta-programs are often defined as filters on the path of perceived information, which determine the type of thinking, characteristics of motivation and preferences, the nature of a person’s decisions and actions. Without special work, metaprograms are not realized by a person. Having identified the presence of a certain meta-program in a communication partner, we can evaluate those individual characteristics that are associated with it. Moreover, the most valuable thing for the seller is that metaprograms manifest themselves in a person’s speech. Knowing their signs and carefully listening and observing the interlocutor during a conversation, it is possible to identify them and make adjustments to communication, tune in to the client, switch to his language, seize the initiative and lead. In addition, meta-programs are manifested not so much in the content of speech, but in its form, the structure of phrases. It is practically impossible for a partner to consciously control the form of speech and deliberately mislead us in this regard.

    Let's consider the essence of meta-programs, which have the greatest practical significance for the activities of an insurance agent.

    Reference type

    This meta-program shows how one’s own and other people’s opinions are correlated when making decisions and a person’s self-esteem. There are people who, when making decisions and forming their views, are guided by others, by public opinion and generally accepted norms of behavior. But there are others who always focus on their own opinion, not paying attention to the approval or disapproval of other people. Among the former, the so-called external reference , for the second - internal . Here it must be emphasized that we are talking specifically about the predominance of a certain type of reference, i.e. a person with internal reference can also make a decision focusing on others, but his orientation towards his own beliefs still prevails. An approximately equal combination of both orientations allows us to talk about mixed references .

    People with external reference are focused on other people, are capable of finding new solutions, know how to reach a compromise, and are easily managed. But they behave insecurely in the decision-making process, are subject to external influence and can easily change their minds. “An externally referent person has an external decision-making focus. The more people who approve of his choice or have made the same one, the more confident he will be that he is doing the right thing.” Due to difficulties in making decisions, they constantly need your support and advice.

    E.V. Samsonova does not recommend saying the following to clients with a pronounced external reference:

    Decide for yourself...

    - You should know better...

    “I don’t know all the circumstances and I can’t advise...

    In her opinion, statements that encourage them to make their own decisions are contraindicated for them.

    People with internal reference, on the contrary, have a decision-making focus internally. They make decisions on their own and do not need other people's advice. They themselves know what they need. They are ready to firmly defend their point of view, have a definite vision of goals and take clear positions, and are more able to resist pressure and manipulation. But, at the same time, they often do not see other solutions and are not flexible enough in the negotiation processes. A person with internal reference “may listen to a lot of advice or read a lot of recommendations, but his final decision may greatly surprise you. It is as if he has an internal core, his own system of criteria for making decisions. ... Internal referent people cannot stand it when they are given advice, when they are taught or recommended something to them by those whom they themselves do not yet consider worthy of trust (their trust).”

    For clients with a strong internal reference E.V. Samsonova strictly prohibits saying the following or similar phrases:

    I advise you...

    - Listen to me…

    - All our clients are happy with this...

    - Most people think that...

    It should be taken into account that over time the type of reference can change both under systematic influence and as a result of changes in a person’s life.

    Open questions help determine the predominance of one or another type of reference (or their relationship), by answering which the client can explain WHY he thinks so, HOW he came to make this or that decision. These could be questions: “Why did you choose this company?”, “Do you consider the conditions acceptable? Why?”, “How do you decide which candidate to give preference to in elections?”, “Do you easily adapt to a new team? Why do you think so?" and others.

    Answers like: “It seems to me so”, “I feel so”, “I like it so much” or others containing references to internal, personal feelings will indicate an orientation, first of all, to one’s own opinion, i.e. to internal reference. If the answers contain references to an objective result, to the opinions of other people or generally accepted norms, then this will indicate an external reference.

    Signs of reference

    (according to E.V. Samsonova)

    - I want to see this...
    I think that…

    - Things of this style don’t suit me...

    - Send me the conditions, I want to study them. Most utterances contain a passive “I”:

    — I was told that the things from this company are not of very high quality...

    — Tell (advise) what is more suitable...

    — My friends didn’t advise me... 2. The role of other people Other people or sources of information are mentioned in communication only in passing:

    — I saw this (read about it) in a magazine. Show me, I want to see (check, figure it out) myself...

    — Friends said that the conditions were very favorable. I want to make sure for myself. Let me… Other people or sources of information are present in the story as important advisers:

    — They wrote in X magazine that they are popular now... Do you have them?

    — Friends advised me to contact you. They think it's profitable... What do you say? 3. Controllability of behavior Their behavior is poorly controlled. In the office (room) where they entered, they decide for themselves where to go and when to sit down. They may ignore your invitation or accept it, but do it their own way. Their behavior is controlled. Once again they will ask if something can be done. Your invitation will be gratefully received. In further communication they will be guided by your recommendations and advice.4. Need for help from loved ones When making a decision, they do not need help. Even if they come to the office with someone, they exclude him from participating in the transaction. They often come to the office (store, presentation, viewing) not alone, but with advisors (relatives, friends, specialists) who are involved at the evaluation stage (whether it’s worth dealing with or not).

    E.V. Samsonova proposed the following rules for communicating with people who have different types of reference.

    Rules for communicating with an internal referent person:

    1. Respect the opinions expressed, even if the client is wrong.
    2. Don’t argue (don’t say: “No, this is not right. I’ll tell you how to do it now...”).
    3. Provide information without pressure or obvious pushing for a decision. Such pressure is quickly tracked and causes resistance not to the proposal, but to the form in which it is made.
    4. Find out who the client considers to be an expert in your field, who he listens to and considers worthy of trust. When making your argument, refer to this source.
    5. The formula that allows you to influence the intra-referential client is formulated as follows:

    “I can give you information (tell you, show you, etc.) But only you make a decision... (and then you talk about what you offer)”

    This formula, according to E.V. Samsonova allows you to bypass the control system of the intra-referent client.

    — I can familiarize you with the conditions of various life insurance programs. Think and decide for yourself which one suits you best.

    — Having decided to spend your holidays abroad, you have probably thought about insurance. I can provide you with a detailed list of travel insurance programs. This type of insurance is voluntary. You decide for yourself what conditions and type of travel contract to choose.

    Rules for communicating with an external reference person:

    1. Find out who advised him and what. During your presentation, try to make references to the advice and recommendations of those who were advisors.
    2. If a person came not alone, but with a “support group,” find out who is in charge. In further communication, focus more on him than on the client.
    3. Rely on recognized and respected sources of information and assessments, in particular refer to famous people whom your client respects. These can be both world-famous personalities and people from the client’s circle of acquaintances. Rely on the majority opinion.
    4. Try not to let the client out of your influence until the transaction is finalized. “Even if you spent two hours persuading and a person, confident in his choice, went for the money, then you cannot have any confidence that he will return. Any phrase like: “This is nonsense. “Don’t take it”, uttered by a random acquaintance, can nullify all your efforts.”
    5. Give advice as an expert and clearly express your opinion about what this person needs to do:

    I've been doing this for a long time. Listen to me as a specialist. These are excellent conditions. Take...

    Concluding the consideration of this meta-program associated with one or another type of reference, it should be noted that there are almost no “pure” internal and external referent people. Researchers are paying attention to this. Much depends on the specifics of the situation. A person with an internal reference may behave as an external referent in an area where he is incompetent. Conversely, a client with an external reference can behave as an internal referent in matters with which he has been familiar for a long time, if he is confident in his opinion. In addition, people may not show their reference if the cost of the issue is low. The error in this case does not matter much. Referentiality is clearly manifested in situations of serious choice, when the cost of the issue is high.

    The next meta-program is associated with the presence of two types of deep motivation for actions.


    One of the important personal characteristics that can be determined during communication is the motivational tendencies of the potential client, which may consist of a predominance aspirations to achieve anything or avoiding failure or something unwanted. These two tendencies are sometimes called “To” motivation and “From” motivation respectively. This factor must also be taken into account when communicating with the client.

    The fact is that people who have a predominant tendency to avoid failure have difficulty communicating. Because of the fear of failure, they do not dare to take risks, do not like innovations, tend to double-check everything many times, and prefer to act in old proven ways. Such people feel insecure in constantly changing conditions, in stressful situations, they need stability. But, since they are focused on finding errors or negativity, they are very successful in controlling types of work, in analytical activities, they are better at anticipating possible problems. Such people can easily tell what they do not want, what do they want to avoid , what shouldn't be. From the story of such a person, one can easily understand that he does not want to. But you won't be able to hear what he wants. There is no positive component.

    I would not like to purchase policies for the whole family.

    “I don’t want the cost of insurance to increase.”

    — I don’t want state-owned clinics to be on the list.

    In contrast, people who are achievement-oriented (or “K-motivated”) set specific goals and strive to achieve them, and are often willing to take risks. They welcome innovation, are not afraid of change, generate new ideas themselves, but at the same time tend not to notice the pitfalls on the path to their implementation. If we give short characteristics, we can say that people with a predominance of the aspiration tendency know what they WANT, and people with a predominance of the avoidance tendency know what they DO NOT want.

    I want to insure my child.

    — I want you to narrow the list of clinics, and also detail what diseases will be sent to where for treatment.

    - Tell me my rights, I want to know what actions will need to be taken in case...

    Avoidance as a speech characteristic manifests itself in the formal expression of a neutral position (“normal”, “acceptable”) or denial (the prefix “not”). Positive language indicates a desire for achievement. THEM. Mostovaya gives the following example: if, when asked what kind of work would be optimal for a candidate, he answers that it is non-routine, close to home, well paid and there is no overtime, then we can say that in terms of motivation, he is dominated by the tendency to avoid failures. In this answer, out of four job characteristics, one is neutral (“normally paid”), and three are negative (contain “not” - NOT routine, NOT far from home, NO overtime). If we receive the answer to the same question: “Interesting, well paid, in a pleasant team,” then this indicates that the candidate has a desire to achieve. The answer “Creative, non-routine, with good pay, in a well-known company” will most likely indicate a predominant desire for achievement, but at the same time the presence of negative experience associated with routine work or increased criticality towards this factor.

    Questions to determine the predominance of the desire to achieve or avoid failures may be related to clarifying the client’s ideas about the optimal conditions of something (for example, insurance conditions), clarifying his preferences, etc.

    How to take into account the presence of these trends in communication with the client? E.V. Samsonova notes that if a person has one of the motivations as dominant, then he does not accept arguments focused on another type of motivation. Sometimes he simply doesn’t hear; his “filter” (i.e., mathematical program) does not allow such information to pass through. A person does not pay attention to the words “not belonging to his world.” For example, a person with avoidant motivation should not be told that he will receive as a result of insurance. He may not hear this. He needs to talk about what he can do to avoid. “Without understanding this, sellers often become nervous and offended: “I just told you everything in detail. And it was as if he didn’t even hear me. Asks the same questions!” I didn't hear it! This is true. And this must be understood and taken into account."

    E.V. Samsonova formulated some rules for working with people of different types of dominant motivation.

    With clients who have a “From” (avoidance) motivation:

    1. At the presentation stage, present information using the formula “From” > “To”, i.e. listen to concerns, assure that he can to avoid troubles that bother him and only then offer something.
    2. Be sure to use in communication significant words client.

    You do not need to worry about organizing and paying for a doctor’s consultation at home, you do not incur costs associated with possible hospitalization, payment for medications, physical therapy, and if you need consultations with specialists, you do not need to pay for them. Our insurance contract includes the risks of acute illnesses...

    With clients who have “K” (achievement) motivation:

    1. Information must be presented in a positive manner. Such clients want to hear only “positively packaged” information.
    2. If possible, exclude all sorts of “scarecrows” and “horror stories” that irritate such people. They may even express their outrage about this.

    — Travel insurance is a necessary condition for a relaxing holiday. By purchasing our policy, you receive not only maximum health protection, but also high-quality support, and most importantly, a guarantee that the insurance will really help you if necessary.

    Speaking about this meta-program, many authors also point to a certain convention of dividing people into two large groups or two types. The presence of a certain motivation should be considered precisely as a dominant tendency. As a rule, a person exhibits both motivations. Every person avoids something and strives for something. But at the same time, some people are dominated by “scaring themselves” with various undesirable scenarios, while others prefer to think about what they will get if they do something. In insurance, too, some try to avoid undesirable consequences, while others think more about the benefits they will receive. And yet, as a rule, a person is closer to one of the poles

    In addition, in different situations the same person may exhibit different motivational tendencies. For example, as noted by E.V. Samsonov, at work a person can be result-oriented, but at home he can avoid unpleasant situations of sorting out relationships. In this regard, a general recommendation: listen carefully, collect and analyze information in the process of communication. It is advisable to understand in what moments the client manifests himself in an avoidance style, and in what moments he strives to achieve something. And then present your product taking into account these features. “You always need to connect to the current moment. The client will tell you everything himself. You just need to listen, analyze and immediately use the information received to present your product.”

    We examined the concept of a meta-program and analyzed the signs, the role of two meta-programs, as well as the rules of communication with clients who have different manifestations of these meta-programs. In the next issue of the magazine we will continue the conversation on this topic.



    1. Derks L., Hollander J. The essence of NLP. Keys to personal development. – M.: “KSP+”, 2000. – 704 p.
    2. Hall M., Bodenhamer B. 51 NLP metaprograms. Predicting behavior, reading minds, understanding motives. – St. Petersburg
    3. Knight S. NLP at work. Differences that matter in business / Per. from English V. Eremenko. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2007. – 444 p.
    4. Ivanova S.V. The art of personnel selection: how to evaluate a person in an hour. – M. Alpina Business Books, 2004. – 160 p.
    5. Ivanova S.V. Motivation 100%: Where is his button? – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2005. – 288 p.
    6. Mostovaya I.M. Studying personality during the interview process: structuring the interview and asking the right questions / Personnel Directory Handbook, No. 6, 2005 – P.85 – 89; No. 7, 2005 – P.80 – 83
    7. Samsonova E. Dance of the seller, or a non-standard textbook on systemic sales. – St. Petersburg: Peter 2009. – 352 p.

    Metaprograms are certain “patterns” (unconscious automatisms) of human thinking. That is, a kind of “rails” along which the mind moves and, as a result, any communication, search for solutions, thinking and even receiving pleasure.

    There are more than 51 meta-programs in NLP, and you will begin to study some of them already in the NLP practitioner course.

    But why do we need to know meta-programs and how people think in general? What opportunities does this open up for us?

    In short, it is a) freedom and b) control.

    Freedom from our own “rails” that limit our thinking and which we do not see until we know about what other “rails” there are?

    And of course, if someone has a habit that he has become attached to, it is quite easy to manage him. In order to help him, motivate and guide him, or vice versa, to make this person fulfill what you need, considering it your own desire - this is your personal choice. Metaprograms are just a tool.

    Let's take a look at some of the most interesting meta-programs.

    Polar responders

    You've probably met people who always argue with you. Even when they agree, they start with the words “No, of course...”.

    They simply cannot dare to say otherwise, because their brain is designed that way. Or rather, the “operating system” of their brain. Despite their habit of arguing, they are quite easy to control because of this very habit. Just start proving to them the opposite of what you want from them and stop when they say what you need ;)

    If you want to tease such a person publicly, then the moment he once again begins his answer with the phrase “No, but...” just tell him that he always starts with a negative. What do you think he will do right away? Yes, he will begin to deny it! The audience will laugh as many times as he tries to deny that he denies everything)))

    Among the polar responders there are also more flexible ones. Their favorite speech pattern is “Yes, but.”

    They seem to agree with you, but in reality this is only an appearance. You can fool them in the same way as the first ones, by starting to prove to them the opposite of your goal, although you won’t be able to play them. Apparently, they have already gone through this joke in their lives;)

    Processors and results

    Quite a lot has already been written about these comrades, since the meta-programs “process” and “result” very much determine both the motivation and, in general, the fate of a person.

    Resulters make excellent leaders due to their ability to plan and control in a results-based manner. They don't care how, they are goal oriented and will be quite flexible and resourceful in their choice of methods.

    But process workers truly know how to enjoy life. Unlike achievers, they do not put “checkboxes” and “pluses” on their lists of achievements. They don’t understand at all how to motivate with a “plus sign” - what matters to them is the intensity of experiences, the range of sensations, being in the flow and allowing amazing things to happen...

    True, they don’t know exactly what kind of amazing thing will happen)) so in business they need to be controlled and directed.

    Naturally, each of these meta-programs has its own motivation system - the first needs results, the second needs what the path to the result itself will be. ...however, what exactly the path will be to is no longer important to them))

    Global and detailed

    There are people who adore details, nuances, details down to the smallest detail.

    I hate them!!!))) They will drown you in these damn details and you will never see the whole picture! Normal people think globally, perceive the world as a whole... and they don’t care that someone starts to fall asleep at that moment))

    In general, as you correctly understood, global ones have great difficulty finding a common language with detailed ones. And as you might guess, there is a professional inclination, motivational features, and a way to find an approach to a person.

    Sorting Gate

    And finally, for today, let me show you a different type of meta-program. Let's do an experiment.

    Try to remember some bright, but not regular event in your life, like a friend’s wedding. What question do you ask yourself first to get this memory out of your memory?

    Where was it?

    Who was there?

    What were you doing there?

    When it was?

    What did you give the newlyweds?

    How did it end?

    Or perhaps you are listing a chain of events to get there sequentially?

    The “sorting gate” is a kind of “coordinate grid” by which we structure the contents of our memory and operate with it. There are seven types of “coordinates” in total, and for each person some are leading, and 3-4 at most are close. It is extremely unusual to think in other coordinates, and it is difficult to find a common language with people living in them. These are the “coordinate grids”:





    Things (objects)

    Results (meanings)


    Is it possible to change your metaprograms?

    Above I have listed only some of the meta-programs, but this is already quite enough to begin to notice how different people are from each other. ...Although, someone will be interested to see who you have something in common with;)))

    The question arises. If metaprograms limit our thinking so much (or rather, if we have a lot of new opportunities to think differently)))) then how can we master other metaprograms? And is there a chance to completely change your character, or will the existing meta-program profile determine a person’s nature all his life?

    The good news is that we can develop habits of thinking in different meta-programs than we previously had. This is the same skill as the ability to count, write and speak another language. He's training.

    The bad news (although I’m sure the operational service workers don’t think so))) is that the basic meta-programs that a person has developed from birth and become what we call his “character” will always be closer to him. And in a normal situation (when a person does not need to look for non-standard solutions or adapt to someone else’s thinking style), he will think in his usual way.

    Solution for James Bond

    The difference in metaprograms, by the way, is the reason why we like to consult or resort to the help of coaches when we cannot find a solution ourselves. If some decision is in the “blind spot” zone, then the reason is not necessarily “fear of admitting it” or some other diagnosis - it may simply be a limitation of metaprograms, which is solved by an alternative “angle of view” of another person. The more different from you, the better.

    Well, if you don’t want to ask for advice all the time, but on the contrary, you prefer to sell your advice for money))) ... Or you just want to develop the flexibility of your thinking, learn to speak with each person in the language of “his brain”, causing in him a feeling that you understand it like no one else (which is true), then develop new meta-programs. This can be done in NLP courses.

    P.S. The course of NLP practitioners for managers by Tatyana Muzhitskaya starts this Saturday - November 15th. There are already more than 80 people in the group, !