Methodical development of the scenario of the holiday "From the bottom of my heart!". Scenario of the evening with all my heart "Age of leaf fall" Scenario of honoring pensioners with all my heart


evening "With all my heart", dedicated to the Day of the elderly

Music sounds - screen saver for the program "With all my heart"

1 host: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to see you in this hall at the “With all my heart” evening dedicated to the Day of the elderly.

2 host: We are very pleased to present the veterans of pedagogical work, home front workers, children of the war, who are present at our holiday: ...

Presentation of veterans.

1 host: Agree, there is an amazingly kind atmosphere in our hall today ...

2 host: You can't argue with that. It seems to me that the whole point is that wonderful people have gathered here with us today, who have devoted their entire lives to peaceful and military work, to school.

1 host:

Perhaps someone needed

Perhaps it was God's will

To honor people who deserve

Not secretly, but like this, publicly.

To from different parts of Lipetsk

All here to gather you for a meeting,

You, sympathetic, in love with life,

You, differently marked in life.

2 host: “The house is the owner,” says a Russian folk proverb. So our school stands thanks to the efforts of our director.The floor for greeting is given to the director of the school ...

School principal's speech .

1 host: The uninterrupted connection of generations is the secret thread that connects today with yesterday, with our past. What is the past? This is not only a list of individual events that took place at one time or another. It is, first of all, people.

Music sounds. Readers take the stage.

1 reader: When we tear out the pages of memory from ourselves, the deeds of former heroes will decay with time - we will drown our hearts in dank slush, we will be dirtier than the dirt that creeps under our feet.

2 reader: When we forget how many lives have been shed, how death played the lotto with funerals, how courage looked death in the eyes of that death, then we will become, like a reed, brittle.

3 reader: When we are unable to remember the tears of the mother, how the widows dressed themselves with sorrow, how the bread stale over the edges with torn pain, we will accept that we are ready for soullessness.

4 reader: When we forget about the gray hairs in the strands of youth that screamed into the leaden embrace, about what kind of cross it was given to carry, what good will our holy crucifixions be?

5 reader: When we remember neither the names nor the faces of the soldiers who grew into stones with a spirit harder than a fortress, tearing the dead grip of blockades with their teeth, then what values ​​will rule us?

6 reader: When we fill up in the catacombs of our memory those who hugged the earth with crimson dew, and how the earth then patched up those wounds, will we ourselves be worthy to be remembered?

Dramatization of the song "Cranes"

1 host:

When the earth was cold with blood,
When our common house was on fire,
Victory home front workers
Forged with righteous labor.
When fascism tore the body
Fathers, husbands and sons,
In the rear seethed and boiled -
My Motherland worked.
Women's shoulders became stronger,
Children grew up before our eyes.
Burning blast furnaces
The rye was earing in the fields.

2 host: Our guest is P. Praskovya Yakovlevna, who has been in constant contact with our school for many years. Praskovya Yakovlevna had to go through a lot during the years of the Great Patriotic War. She is a home front worker.And also a truly creative person.

1 host: Dear Praskovya Yakovlevna,It is with great pleasure that we give you the floor.

Veteran speech. Performance of the song "Lipetsk - my native city" and the poem "About the bun".

2 host:

Your work has brought the hour of Victory closer,
He gave people joy and peace,
And on the fronts, fathers and grandfathers
The land was defended by our native land.

Todaywe say thank you to those who devoted all their strength to their people, who are now making a great contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation.

1 host: Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today!I bow to you for courage, for great work, for faith and love for life. There is a song in your honor.

The song sounds "You survived, soldier..." .

1 host: Dear veterans!We have always taken an example from you. And what a pity that many veterans alreadynot with us today. We offer to honor the memory of those who did not return from the war and those who did not live to see this day with a moment of silence.

A moment of silence. Metronome.

2 host:

We are grateful to you for the past years,
For the fact that you, bad weather to spite everyone,
Overcoming all storms and hardships,
Laugh so fervently and lightly.

Thank you for your concern.
You are our vanguard and reliable rear.
Your character, friends, is of such a nature,
That the perpetual motion machine froze with envy.

We love you, optimistic, cheerful,
For not wanting to sag.
Thank you for the wisdom of good songs,
It's more fun to walk through life with them!

With respect, we bow our heads before you.
We could compose poems for you.
For the fact that you live next to us,
We tell you from the bottom of our hearts...

Together: Thank you!

1 host: We did not know the war - and thank God! But we will remember and be proud, passing our memory from generation to generation!

2 host: School No. 45 in Lipetsk bears the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Papin Pavel Andreevich. The young generation is brought up on the exploit of a hero.

1 host: It is very important for us that the graduates of our school, who were born many years after the Great Patriotic War, inherit the heroic traditions of their fathers and grandfathers, their readiness for heroism, for self-sacrifice in the name of other people, in the name of our great Motherland - Russia.

2 host:

Sing about Russia
What to strive for in the Temple
Over forest mountains, field carpets…
To sing about Russia - what to meet spring,
What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother ...
To sing about Russia - what to forget longing,
What a dream to love, what to be immortal ...

The song "Oh, my Russia ..." sounds.

1 host:

On the third front, standing up proudly,

On the front of study, on the front of books -

The teacher is equal to the hero-soldier,

The same fearless front-line soldier.

2 host: Teacher! How and how to measure his hard work? Every teacher is dedicated to the school and the children. With special respect we treat teachers - veterans of pedagogical work.

1 host:

Lesson, change and again a lesson,

First call and last call.

And between them - the whole life lay,

Which was often difficult, disturbing.

Teacher's work - it is not easy, by no means,

And a worthy and righteous path has been chosen,

After all, if you come to school one day,

You won't turn off this road.

(Intro to the program "From the bottom of my heart")

2 host: The teacher, which will be discussed now, chose the path for himself many years ago and never once doubted the correctness of his choice.This is K. Galina Nikolaevna. The whole life of this teacher is devoted to the school. In addition to the main work, G.N. He is also a public inspector for the protection of children's rights. For great success in the education and upbringing of the younger generation G.N. awarded the title of Honored Teacher of Russia.

1 host: We give the floor to Galina Nikolaevna.

Teacher's speech.

2 host: Galina Nikolaevna, from the bottom of my heart, please accept our gratitude for your noble long-term work.

1 host: Dmitri Mendeleev once said that all the teacher's pride is in his students, in the growth of the seeds sown by him.

2 host: And they say that you reap what you sow!

1 host: Well, let's see what fruits the seeds nurtured by our teachers gave.

Creative number from young teachers.

Screensaver for the program "From the bottom of my heart."

1 host: ATIn our school, in the world of knowledge and creativity, where for 50 years the eyes have been burning and the smiles of children have been shining, there are still luminaries and creators!

2 host: S. Raisa Nikolaevna is well known to the educators of the city of Lipetsk. This is a man whose biography reflected the difficult fate of the children of the war, important milestones in the history of our Fatherland. Raisa Nikolaevna had many life trials: early orphanhood, an orphanage... The little orphan girl grew up, overcame all difficulties, formed herself as a whole person. And for the rest of her life she remained “grateful to the Motherland”, which, in her words, “raised and educated”.

1 host: Godes of study at the Penza College physical education, work as a teacher in a kindergarten, a teacher at a school, a leader in pioneer camps, work as an organizer of pioneer, mass and circle work in the Houses of Pioneers of the Penza and Lipetsk regions, head of the school sector of the Belinsky district committee of the Komsomol of the Penza region ...

2 host: Raisa Nikolaevna moved to Lipetsk in 1972. And our city became her home.

For many years, the main focus of Raisa Nikolaevna's educational activities has been in the field of prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Being a freelancer of the UGIBDD, she devoted many years to the work on organizing road safety, the activities of the YuID Union in Lipetsk, the Merry Traffic Light circle in our school. Awarded with medals, badges of honor, Certificates of Honor, Letters of thanks which can be used to study the history of our country.

1 host: Throughout her life, Raisa Nikolaevna has been involved in charity work. For many years of financial contributions to the Soviet Peace Fund, which at one time was aptly called "the people's piggy bank for the benefit of the world", to the Soviet Children's Fund, Raisa Nikolaevna was awarded letters of thanks. To this day, she provides disinterested assistance to orphanages, seriously ill children, large families. Day after day, year after year, this marathon of kindness continues.

How much young enthusiasm, unspent energy, desire to benefit people, his native city, to be needed and in demand in this person.

1 host: The energy of this amazing woman is to be envied.Community activities, veterans choir…As she herself says, "old age will not find her at home."

2 host: And Raisa Nikolaevna also writes poetry, has released several poetry collections. Dear friends, welcome to the author.

Raisa Nikolaevna reads his poems.

(Intro to the program "From the bottom of my heart")

1 host:

Yes, life is given to us only once.

We have the right to value it.

But still, it is more important not only how much,

And how could they live it!

2 host: You know, when you look at people like Raisa Nikolaevna, and at you, dear veterans, I somehow can't bring myself to call you elderly people. You are young at heart! And this is the most important thing!

1 presenter (sets questions for veterans

    What is the main quality of character that you value in people?

    What do you not accept in people?

    Do you have shortcomings? How do you deal with them?

    How do you spend your free time? Tell us about your hobby.

    If you feel bad, how do you deal with such a mood?

1 host: I understood: the secret of your youth is optimism and diligence.

2 host: Dear guests, for someone you are beloved grandparents.And now I appeal to all the guys: love and appreciate your grandparents. They deserve respect and gratitude. After all, these are people who gave life to our parents, who endured difficult life tests on their shoulders and survived them.

1 host: For you, dear guests, ditties sound.

Pupils perform ditties.


    Well, girlfriend, you're sad

Did you hang your head?

Here, listen to ditties -

It will be fun right away.

    On my sundress
    Roosters yes roosters,
    In the whole world there is no more beautiful
    My sweet grandmother!

    Oh yes, my grandmother
    Oh yes combat:
    Knows so many jokes
    How much I don't know!

    And my grandmother
    The most entertaining.
    If you laugh -
    The sun shines brighter.

    I went to my grandmother
    Merry and lucky:
    I am with my snub nose
    Got two dozen.

    The old woman says to her grandfather:
    - I'm going to America!
    - Go, I'll give you money:
    I will sell your crutches.

    Today is not new:
    The grandmother in the field bends her back,
    And the granddaughter is standing in the market -
    Sells cigarettes.

    Sooty pots
    Julia cleaned with sand.
    Two hours in Yulia's trough
    My grandmother washed it afterwards.

    Grandma was peeling potatoes
    Grandfather sang songs on the roof.
    Grandma whistled a little -
    Grandpa flew into the chicken coop.

    Two old women, without teeth,
    They talked about love
    - We are in love with you:
    I - in sour cream, you - in pancakes.

    grandfather to his grandmother
    Wrapped up in a rag
    Sprinkled her with water
    I wanted to be young.

12. We finish singing ditties
And we honestly promise you:
Listen to you always in everything.
Morning, evening and afternoon!

2 host: Do you knowgrandparents love their grandchildren and granddaughters very much, oftenare their best friends.

1 host: But sometimes they forget that you can't do everything for them, as in our scene.

Scene "Grandmothers and grandchildren" (2 old women)
1. Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?
2. What are you, I haven’t done my homework yet.
1. What are the lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You've been out of school for a hundred years!
2. Yes-ah? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren.
1. Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.
2. Really? Is that how you pamper them?
1. I don't spoil! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always rewrite me cleanly.
2. Oh, really, strictly.
1. So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.
2. Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm - hm ... “There is a green oak near the seashore; a golden chain on that oak ... "
1. So, okay.
2. And day and night, the dog is a scientist ...
1. What kind of dog? What dog?
2. Well, I don't know what breed he has.
1. Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat, understand? Cat!
2. Ah - ah, I understand - I understand! I then first: “At the seashore, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak; And day and night the cat is a scientist ... "
1. Well?
2. He goes to the grocery store with a shopping bag ....
1. With what string bag? Which deli? Where did you see this?
2. Oh, well, what are you, a friend! I have so many more lessons, I messed everything up.
1. What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?
2. She has already been named.
1. How?
2. Col! It is put to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do homework.

2 host: This scene is, of course, a joke. And we say thank you to our wonderful grandparents for a happy childhood.

The song "Island of Childhood" sounds.

Screensaver for the program "From the bottom of my heart."

1 host:

elderly people,

Young at heart
How much have you seen
You are paths, roads.

warmly loved,
And raised children
And lived in hope
Less worries!

2 host:

elderly people,
Mother Russia
Didn't spoil you
Easy fate.

God give you peace
To over the river
The sun was shining
The dome is blue.

1 host:
elderly people,
You are like this:
Give your soul
Experience and love

dear home,
To the young world
And everything that the heart
Remembers again.

2 host:

elderly people,
Let the past years
Will be your support
Children will understand everything.

And low bow to you
From relatives and friends
And from the whole Fatherland
For invaluable work!

1 host: And so our meeting came to an end. I would like to thank all the participants from the bottom of my heart. I wish you further creative success, health, happiness, never grow old in soul.

2 host: Today we honor people without whom our own existence would not be possible. They convey to us the foundations of life experience and wisdom, on which every family and country rests.

1 host: It is no coincidence that a Russian proverb says:"Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people."

2 host:

It is impossible not to agree with these words.
We are bound by fate
One fate, one blood.
Descendants will become us with you
Hope, faith and love.
And your spirit, continuing to live,
In grandchildren, great-grandchildren will join.
And never break
Ages of connecting thread.

1 host:

And let a smile light up your face
You tell your age - do not rush!
We wish you to be happy
We wish this...

Together: Heartily!

Music sounds. Children give flowers to veterans.

Scenario on the theme "From the bottom of my heart to the dearest"

The music plays and the slide show starts.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked through the ages -

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

From any misfortune conjuring,

She doesn't do any good.

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly

Proud, sublime Mother!!!

Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!
The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!

Ved.1 On the last Sunday of autumn we celebrate a wonderful holiday - MOTHER'S DAY. On this day, we remember the closest people - our mothers and grandmothers, thanks to whom we exist and live.

Ved.2 On this day, we would like to be next to you and say thank you for the fact that we, your children, have the opportunity to say in the morning and in the evening, in a whisper and aloud, the great word - MOTHER!

You are mom. Is it a lot or a little?
You are mom. Is it happiness or a cross?

And it's impossible to start over

You pray now for what is:

For crying at night, for milk, diapers,

For the first step, for the first words.

For all children. For every child.

You are mom! And so right!

You are the whole world. You are the rebirth of life.

And you would like to hug the whole world.


Ved1 Today we would like to give pleasant moments of joy to sitting mothers and twice mothers - grandmothers. Today, all attention is only to you - our relatives!

Ved.2 There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother." The word that the child says most often is the word "mom". The word at which an adult, gloomy person smiles is also the word "mother."

Ved.1 Because this word carries warmth in itself - the warmth of mother's hands, mother's soul, mother's word. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?

Ved.2 Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person - we call MOM! And congratulations to all the women who had such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother!

Ved1 . Today you will hear holiday greetings ...

Ved2 . See the holiday concert...

Ved1. And now congratulations on the holiday from the vocal group of class students

Mother's Day is a great holiday
For all times, for all ages
For everyone, it is very important -
And words are not enough to express.

Mother's Day - Day of all loved ones,

Day of primeval beauty

He is unique in everything.

You owe him your life.

And get down on your knees

And warm your mother's hands.

Spare her grief

She is dear to all of us in life.

You say more often "Mom" -

Her heart will be warmer.

And on this Day - the most beautiful -

You warm her with affection.

This word will never deceive,

There is a life being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything

He has no end.

Get up! I pronounce it: mother.

Song "Mom" (early in the morning)

Ved.2 Smile more often, our beloved mothers. You are our suns! It is you who warm us with your love. It is you who give us the warmth of your heart.

Ved1. And today we want to warm you, to convey to you our warmth and tenderness. And all the kindest words, words of gratitude and love will be addressed to you today, dear mothers.

Oh, how beautiful is this word - mother!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She us, disobedient and stubborn,

Good taught - the highest of sciences.

Playing with primordial power

Mother nature created the world

And, apparently, she invested in a woman

All beauty and grace!

Mom is the first word
The main word in our destiny!
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you!

Ved.2 Mommy, mommy. How much warmth this magic word conceals. It is addressed to the one who gave life.

Mom bent over the bed at night

And quietly whispers to his little one:

“Just don’t get sick, my Bunny is sweet,

I beg you, just don’t get sick ... "

When the disease approaches the child,

A mother's soul cries.

And mom does not fall asleep until the morning,

Pressing the palm of the baby to the cheek ...

When eyes shine not from fun,

When a son or daughter has a temperature,

That mother's heart is crying from impotence,

Trying to overcome all diseases ...

Wrapping gently Happiness in a blanket,

Clutching your Treasure to your chest,

She kept repeating:

“Go away, disease, go away from your son!”

And no medicine can heal

Like mother's care and warmth ...

Love - will provide a child with happiness,

It will drive away all ailments, troubles, evil ...

For a mother, the most important thing in the world

Health, happiness of their own children.

Vedas 1 . Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother who bowed to her baby. There is nothing more disturbing than sleepless nights and unclosed mother's eyes. But motherhood is a gift given to a woman by nature, her sacred duty.

ATunit 2 Mothers always burn themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.

There is an eternal word in our world -

Short but heartfelt.

It is beautiful and kind

It is simple and convenient

It is soulful, beloved.

Nothing in the world is incomparable.

Such a warm, living word -

There is nothing dearer and dearer.

Always ready to protect us in everything,

It is the basis of our life!

Just say: "Mom", - and stung in the heart,

Huge world filled with warmth.

Hope and love opened the door,

After all, MAMA is everything we live by!

Ved1 : Every second, three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles.

Vedas. 2 A mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

For a woman more than all men

Into this world the son born to her

And all prayers to God for one thing,

To lead the child in a proven way

First the first cry and the world froze,

when the baby said with his eyes:

Thank you Mom for waiting for me

And brought into this world with love

Then a smile, a tooth, the first step

Diseases came close

But Mom's love is stronger than trouble

Whispered heart: Just do not get sick!

And after tears of joy from the eyes

Success in kindergarten. First grade…

But he is the same peanut for Mom,

Even though I've already finished high school.

Vedas 1 : Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother lies in the happiness of her children. There is nothing brighter and more disinterested than her love.

Ved.2 Mom is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother.

Who opened this world to me

Not sparing your strength?

And always protected

The best MOM in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world

And warm with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOM.

Reading books in the evening

And always understands everything

Even if I'm stubborn

I know my mom loves me.

Never get discouraged

He knows exactly what I need.

If, suddenly, there will be a drama.

Who will support? My mother.

Who cherished my dolls

I sewed funny clothes,

Helped me cradle them.

And played toys with me?

My mommy!

Who gave me advice

When you fall and hurt

And wiped away my tears,

He said: “Don’t cry, that’s enough…!”

My mommy!

Who carried me to bed

wished Good night,

Whispered in my ear, sweetly:

"Sleep soon, daughter!"

My mommy!

You know, mom, an ordinary day

We can't live without you!

The word MOM is so familiar

From the first days we speak!

Vedas. one And every child misses their mother very much when they are away from her.

Song "Far From Mom"

Ved.2 A lot has been said about maternal love, selfless, most faithful. This love protects and preserves us when we are defenseless and helpless, this love lifts us up when we fall, this love reassures and strengthens us when trials come in life.

Vedas 2 . Mom - not only does not get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy and happy. Mom is a window to the big world! It helps the child to understand the beauty of the world. Mom is with us all my life!

There is no one dearer on Earth than mother,

Mother who gave us life!

And how many warm words they would not say to her, it's not enough,

We all want our mother to live for a long, long time!

Born late or early

At least for that into the world,

To say the word "mother" for the first time,

Which is not sacred in the world!

Vedas. one . Our mothers get up early in the morning. It is necessary to redo the household chores, and not be late for work.Atthem the kindest and most sensitive heart. If you get sick, your mothers will cure you, if you are sad, they will console you.And also atthem golden hands.

Ved2 . Tell me, how long have you taken your mother by the hand? But mother's hands are truly miraculous. Remember, as soon as something hurts with us or we splinter, bruise - we immediately run to our mother. And about a miracle! As soon as mom presses us to her, lulls us - and now the pain is half.

Vedas. one Mother's hands are multi-caring, not knowing fatigue, either they cook, or darn, or needlework.

Who can be more precious than a mother?
Who brings light and joy to us?
When we are sick and stubborn,
Who will pity and save?

Who will cook a delicious dinner?
Set the table, water the flowers,
Who needs the most in the world?
Of course, mom, it's you!

Responsible for her work
Being a mom is a very hard job.
Everyday care
Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits.

Song "Supermom"

Vedas. 2 Parents love their kids unconditionally.

Vedas. one There are many trials and difficulties in life .. And mothers try to protect their child from troubles.

We carry our illnesses to our mother,

And we go to share insults with her,

And we draw her wrinkles ourselves,

Forgetting to ask for forgiveness...

Mothers forgive us a lot,
Not offended, not scolding,
Just patiently explain
Not judging, not blaming.

Where so much strength and patience
Take all mothers on earth
To hide the anxiety and excitement

And give happiness to you and me?

Vedas. 2 We do not always understand well what mother means to us. But mom is the person you can trust, mom will understand everything.

Ved.1 We are proud of our mothers, rejoice in their success at work. But much more - the fact that they cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, warm everyone with their worries and love. After all, the most important thing in the life of every person is his family, and the main thing in the family, of course, is his mother.

My sweet mother, who are you?

Maybe an angel descended from heaven?

Every day you flutter in worries,

So that our house is full of wonders.

You are my mentor and friend

You will support me and understand

And always from any ailment

You, like a fairy, will find a cure.

Oh, mommy, what luck

What a joy - you are next to me!

And I would like to enjoy

Give you the whole globe of the earth:

All the meadows and flowers of the field

And all the stars in the night sky

Oceans, seas are blue

Pearls that shine at the bottom.

All smiles and good news

All hopes, desires, dreams,

All poems, all favorite songs

And all the colors of earthly beauty.

To describe it all, mama,

I probably don't have enough words.

But, perhaps, the most desired

Our love will be with you!

Song "Mom"

Ved.1 In our difficult time, giving birth and raising one child is already an act, and raising three or more children is a feat! And in our class there are such mothers - heroines.

Vedas. 2 Vadim's mother, Svetlana Ivanovna, has four children, Maria Sergeevna Glazunova has three, Nastya has a sister and a brother, and three assistants, daughters, grow up in the Magomedov family.

Ved.1 Dear mothers,this applause to you!

Vedas. 2 Guys, if you want to make mom the most happy man, act in such a way that she rejoices and can proudly say: “You know what good children I have!”

Ved.1 Whose hands are the warmest?

(in chorus): Mom's!

Vedas. 2 Whose words are the fairest?

(in chorus): Mom's!

Ved.1 Whose eyes are the most attentive?

(in chorus): Mom's!

The song sounds mother's eyes»

Ved.1 Our dads and moms also have moms - our grandmothers. Our grandmothers are not only affectionate, skillful, they are also very, very caring.

Ved.2 They even prepare lessons with their grandchildren. And of course, they always rejoice at academic success.

Ved.1 The fours and fives of your grandchildren are also your marks!

Ved.2 I would like to especially note the grandmothers of our class: Valentina Andreevna, Nastya's grandmother, Lyubov Alexandrovna, Rita's grandmother, who do their homework, go for walks, collect herbariums and almost roller-skate not only with their granddaughters, but also with other children from the class.

Ved.1 Galina Alekseevna for Katya and grandmother, and mother, because mother is far away.

Ved.2 These women can be deservedly awarded the title

Together "Class Supergrandmothers"

Ved2 Song for grandmothers of the class "Ah, grandmother"
Vedas. one Mama, mommy ... How we got used to the fact that she just is, and that's it!

Ved.2 Sometimes we forget that there is somewhere a person who thinks every minute, remembers us, worries, at the first call rushes to help support, calm, give his whole heart.

Thank you family for caring
For every breath of the night at the head.

For what our souls you willingly

And sacredly fill with love.

Forgive us for every wrinkle.

After all, because of us, it is not easy for you!

Forgive us for every tear

Stealthily wiped from my native cheek.

Many nights have passed without sleep
Worries, worries can not be counted.
Earth bow to you all mothers
For the fact that you are in the world!

Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."

Vedas. 1Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest, the day of a holy person,

Vedas. 2 We congratulate all the women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother.

Mother's heart knows no sorrow

Mom's heart, like a torch burns

Mom's heart will cover from grief

It will be hard for him - he will remain silent.

Mom's heart does not hold grudges

Her love for children does not fade away,

Mom's heart will understand and forgive

The heart of anxiety knows no boundaries.

Mom's heart holds so much

Caress, care, love and warmth,

Anyone protects us from adversity,

If only my dear, lived longer!

Vedas. 2 On November 25, Natalya Alexandrovna Merkulova will accept congratulations not only on Mother's Day, but also on her birthday. She was destined to be a mother by her own destiny.

Vedas 1 . Mom as a gift from the class song "Mommy"

Teacher: Guys, surround your mothers with constant care, attention, sympathy, kind words and deeds. And most importantly, take care of your mothers!

(to the music) Take care of your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard,

Their love is a hundred times hotter than friends and beloved girlfriend

Maternal love cannot be embraced - in the summer heat, and in a blizzard, and in the cold

She is ready to give you everything, everything to the gram and even her soul!

Take care of your mothers - to you, no one can replace their affection,

Among the cloudy days of life, who will understand you and who will appreciate?

Who will take upon himself all the pain, all the torments of the soul and torment?

Mother will not give salt instead of bread, mother will always stretch out her hands to you

Let her punish severely - never lie to mothers.

After all, they don’t need much from you - just take care of them very much!

Take care of your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard,

And with your filial care heal all their ailments

Do not leave them without participation, always take care of them, children!

After all, there can be no complete happiness,

if the mother is not in the world!

Vedas. one We bow to all mothers for selfless love, kindness, for the hands that do good and justice on Earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.

Vedas. 2 We bow to you, mothers, for your maternal feat.

Vedas. one We bow to you for your concern.

Vedas. 2 We bow for your understanding.

Vedas. one We bow for patience.

Vedas. 2 We bow for your kindness.

Vedas. one We bow for the fact that we have you.

Together. Peace, goodness, prosperity to you, our mothers !!!

Clip "Flowers for Mom"


Mom ... It would seem a simple word,

How much is in ittenderness, affection, warmth.

The child mutters it stupidly,

Arms outstretched, swollen from sleep,

In sorrow and in joy we say

That timid "Mom", then sharp - "Mother"

And we write on school sheets hastily




Song "Thank you mom"

Teacher: On this day, I would like to say thank you. to all mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Thanks you folks! Let it go each of you your favorite children often say warm words!

Dear women! Happy holiday to you!

The “School Waltz” sounds, the presenters take the stage.

1st leader.

If there were no teacher, Then there would probably be no poet, no thinker, No Shakespeare, no Copernicus. And until now, probably, Undiscovered Americas Remained undiscovered.

2nd leader.

And we would not have been Icarus, We would never have soared into the sky. If it were not for the Wings grown in us through his efforts. Without him, a kind heart would not be the world so amazing, That's why the name of our teacher is so dear to us. V. Tushnova

1st leader.

Good afternoon, dear children and dear teachers! We all know that today is a professional holiday for all teachers. Let me, on behalf of all those present, congratulate you, our dear mentors, and sincerely wish you success in your hard work, patience, happiness, and health.

2nd leader.

What kind of trials does a restless life prepare for a teacher! Lack of money, excess work, joy from the success of students, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a “second wind” from what was said in time good word. And today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.

The guys sing to the music of the song "Does the heart forget ...".

It's not an easy day, because you have a lot of things to do, Worries are like an endless stream. You are already wearily wandering home, And tomorrow with renewed vigor for the lesson. Chorus. You will live forever in our hearts. Don't forget your lessons. The teacher is your calling, the teacher will teach us to love life. You souls are creators and sculptors of morality, Take care of the brightness of the mind, You want us not to lose ourselves, We lived in hope, believed in ourselves. Chorus. We want to congratulate you today together. Words cannot convey everything to us. Take care of us, dear ones, we need all of you. This is what we wanted to tell you. Chorus.

1st leader.

We meet with our teachers every day, it seems to us that they are our old acquaintances, that we know everything about them. But is it? Perhaps we know only one half of their soul. Today we will try to open the soul mate of our mentors.

2nd leader.

Now we will show you a photo of a girl who is not quite familiar.

Through a slide projector on the screen - a photo of a teacher in her student years. And this year is her birthday. Several photographs are shown.

2nd leader.

Well, did you know?

The presenter tells about the teacher, which university she graduated from, where she worked after graduation, her photographs in her youth pass on the screen.

1st leader.

She was a thin, modest girl. When she came to school, she looked like her students. And now she is still young and beautiful. Her eyes continue to radiate a soft and magnetic light of love for children.

2nd leader.

Where does the sound of the flute come from? - From the air. But after all I all time in it - And anything. - And you find your place, and the air will be surprised that you exist. Y. Kononenko

These words are about a man who, like a flute, guessed his destiny. These words are about you, dear ... (f. i. o). We invite you to the stage.

The teacher goes on stage, she is handed flowers.

2nd leader.

Dear, dear ... (and. about). We know that you celebrated your anniversary this year. But we want to tell you that women do not have anniversaries! There are dates by which one can judge the onset of the next period of youth. We wish you that this period does not end.

1st leader.

Dear ... (acting), preparing for today's holiday, we learned that you love to sing and you have favorite songs. Please accept our musical gift.

The vocal group sings 1-2 of their favorite songs.

2nd leader.

And we also found out what you have achieved and what you are striving for. Have you achieved:

Respect for friends and work colleagues;

Universal love of relatives;

Ability to draw up necessary and unnecessary paper documents;

The ability to stay up at night preparing for lessons and checking notebooks;

Ability to always look elegant.

What is ... (acting) striving for?

Find the reason - why the students do not know everything?

Get to the premiere in the theater;

Grow an unprecedented crop in the garden;

Marry a daughter and marry a son;

Calmly, at home, talk with your husband about family matters.

1st leader.

Let me make one of your wishes come true today and give you 2 tickets to the theatrical premiere.

(Applause, music, presentation of a gift.)

1st leader.

Everyone chooses for himself a Woman, a religion, a road. Serve the devil or the prophet - Everyone chooses for himself. Everyone chooses for himself the Word for love and for prayer. A sword for a duel, a sword for battle Everyone chooses for himself. Everyone chooses for himself. I also choose as best I can. I have no complaints against anyone. Everyone chooses for himself. Y. Levitansky

1st leader.

The teacher, which will be discussed now, chose the path for himself 30 years ago and never once doubted the correctness of his choice. We asked this man a few questions. Let's listen to the recording and find out what it's all about.

The tape recorder starts. The teacher briefly talks about the beginning of his career, some of the most memorable episodes from school life. Then - a photograph, the audience recognizes the teacher, he is invited to the stage, they are presented with flowers.

2nd leader.

Dear ... (acting), we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! Be healthy, cheerful and as cheerful as now. And we would like to ask you a few questions:

Do you remember what dress you wore to your first lesson?

Count how many releases you had?

Do you remember the name of the PIS boy from your first release, who sat at the right desk in the middle row and constantly asked you tricky questions?

We found this boy and invited him to our party.

A graduate rises to the stage, congratulates the teacher, gives flowers.

1st leader.

We know that you love romances. And now romance will sound for you.

Students perform a romance.

2nd leader.

In the soul of every person, no matter how serious he is, no matter what he does, there is a corner where a child lives, a little boy or girl, and for some, such a corner is a school. Our next guest is a resident of this house. At the age of 19, she graduated from our school, and after 5 years she came to work as a teacher with us. And by the way, she is very good at it.

1st leader.

We will not say anything about this teacher. Let the kids talk about it.

The video is turned on, the students answer questions, talk about the teacher.

1st leader.

Well, did you find out who we are talking about? We invite you to the stage ... (f. and. o.).

The teacher goes on stage, he is handed flowers.

2nd leader.

Dear, ... (acting), we congratulate you on the holiday! Always remain the same sweet, kind, cheerful and beloved!

Questions for the teacher:

How did you get to this life? - What is behind the concept of "master" for you? - What is your life credo? - What is your favorite poet?

The student reads a poem by M. Tsvetaeva "I like it."

I like that you are not sick of me, I like that I am not sick of you, That the globe is never heavy. Won't float under our feet. I like that you can be funny - promiscuous - and not play with words. And do not blush with a suffocating wave, Lightly touching the sleeves. I also like that you are with me Calmly hugging another, Do not read to me in hellfire. Burn for the fact that I do not kiss you. That my tender name, my tender one, You don’t mention day or night - in vain ... That never in church silence Will they sing over us: Hallelujah! Thank you with my heart and hand For the fact that you me - not knowing yourself! - So love: for my peace of the night, For the rarity of meetings at sunset, For our non-festivities under the moon, For the sun, not above our heads, - For the fact that you are sick - alas! - not by me, For the fact that I'm sick - alas! - not you!

1st leader.

And one more gift - the performance of our gypsy ensemble.

The song "Shaggy Bumblebee" from the movie "Cruel Romance" sounds.

2nd leader.

Leaves fell beautifully, Steamboats sailed beautifully. The weather was clear, And festive celebrations Celebrated the original September, Thoughtful, but not sad. And I realized that there are no Forbidden words or phenomena in the world. Their being to the very depths Explodes the shocked genius. And the wind is unusual, When it is the wind, not the wind. I love ordinary words, Like unknown countries. They are clear only at first, Then their meanings are vague. They are rubbed like glass, And this is our craft. D. Samoilov "Words".

This is how one girl defined the meaning of her profession. Yesterday she still studied at the institute, took exams, tests, and today she is a teacher in our school. All high school students and male colleagues are in love with her. According to the results of the survey, she is the most popular teacher. We will not talk about her life, because this person's whole life is still ahead, but we will simply invite her to the stage.

The youngest teacher of the school is invited to the stage, flowers are presented.

1st leader.

We congratulate you on the first Teacher's Day in your life. We hope that you will not have a chance to regret your professional choice. Grateful to you students, patience, love.

2nd leader.

Have you forgotten how exams are taken? Did the teachers learn the main points in the work? Let's check. Now we will ask you questions, and you will try to answer them.

Who to the age-old children's question "why?" taught us to look for answers on our own? (Teacher). - Who, using the entire range of their vocal cords, is trying to invest in us for a change that which did not fit for years? (Teacher). - Who comes up with 7-8-hour homework for us, distracting us from the harmful influence of the street and TV? (Teacher). - Who cannot live a day without our dear parents, informing them of our various achievements? (Teacher). - Who in one working day has to act as an educator, public figure, psychologist, artist, astronaut (if we are talking about overload)? To whom? (To the teacher).

1st leader.

And now we give you your favorite song.

Music sounds.

2nd leader.

Not beyond the mountains and forests Wizards live now. They come to school with us, Or rather, a little earlier than us.

1st leader.

Is it a snowstorm, snow, is autumn rustling In the trees that have chilled during the night, They come and bring Us the sun in trembling hands.

2nd leader.

And so our meeting comes to an end. Once again, we sincerely congratulate all teachers on the holiday.

1st leader.

No matter how life flies, do not regret your days. Do a good deed for the happiness of children.

2nd leader.

No matter how difficult it is, Stand up, keeping faith, In the tenderness of a new morning, In the valor of a new day,

1st leader.

So that the heart burns, And does not smolder in the darkness, Do a good deed - That's how you live on earth, N. Vodnevsky

Sounds like School Waltz.

The teacher is the organizer.

Holiday program script" Heartily!"

for the Day of the elderly in a club with games and competitions

Target holding the Day of the Elderly - drawing attention to the problems of the elderly, as well as to the possibility of improving the quality of life of the elderly.

The script of the holiday Heartily! » designed for the Day of the elderly. While preparing for the holiday, the children got acquainted with the history of the holiday, learned dance, songs and poems, prepared gifts for grandparents.

Preparation for the event involves the selection of costumes and props for scenes and games, thematic design of the hall. The scenario uses ICT.

Target : Strengthening the link between generations;


1. To form a kind, respectful attitude towards the older generation;

2. Develop artistry, expressiveness in the performance of poems;

3. Create a positive, festive mood among the audience;

Equipment : Balloons, flowers, posters, cap, costumes for scenes, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Event progress:


Leading Good afternoon, our dear guests! For many years now, it has become a good tradition to celebrate October 1 - the Day of the Elderly.

How we have been waiting for this day is beyond words.

  • Ksyusha reads a poem

Leading "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication" _ said Antoine de Saint-Exupery. With these words we open our festive fellowship." Heartily!" - we called our program and ask you all to take an active part in it.

Each family rests on the love and memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren the experience of many, many years, unite decades of history into one continuous chain. Today we congratulate all of you, our dear elders, and wish you happiness and understanding in the family, daily joy and good health!

  • Song

Leading Today, on this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you on this holiday! You, hardened, hardworking, devoted to the family, children and grandchildren, devoted to their native land. Health to you, well-being and attention. We bow low to you, live under the motto: "we live up to a hundred years without old age." Accept from us an autumn musical gift.

  • Dance
  • Poems about grandma and grandpa

Leading Yes, our life is running, the days are flying by. The soul becomes sad from the thought: “How long have you been young?”, But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let's all smile together and remember the joyful moments of the past - remember about childhood. And a good song will help us.

  • Song


Believe me, being elderly does not mean living.

After all, you still have years ahead of you to be happy.

You can turn up the calendar of the days that have passed.

And sigh about past sorrows - bad weather.

Well, you can look there with a smile

To spend what was: everything has a time to end

And without sadness light and free to breathe

And dream of a well-deserved future happiness

Leading One wise man said:“Youth is like a lark, it has morning songs, old age is like a nightingale, it has its evening songs.”


  • Dance

Leading Life does not stand still, and it does not matter that the gray hair has silvered the whiskey, and the cobwebs of wrinkles lie near the eyes. The main thing is that you are always young at heart. And let you become warmer from this musical gift.

scene (rejuvenating apples)

Don't Look for Too Much Complexity

In our restless atomic age

Age is just a faux pas

If a person is young at heart.

Good afternoon, dear guests - mothers, grandmothers. And about the fact that he is kind, your shining smiles say. So the first spring days have come, and with them the wonderful holiday of all women is approaching. We congratulate all girls, their mothers and grandmothers.

We wish you a cheerful mood, warm sunshine, happy smiles.

(All the girls enter to beautiful music and dance)


(squat at the end)

(the boys enter and do not see the girls,

1st boy.

Holiday is coming soon. Everything is ready?

Hey, nobody late?

2nd boy.

Our girls are all updated,

Decorate the room!

(They hang balls, put flowers in vases.)

3rd boy.

I told you guys

We may not meet the deadline

4 boy

Where are the girls? Wait a minute

Is it time for us to sing a song?

REB :-

Look guys-

How much beauty is everywhere!

REB :-

And from where in our hall,

Those lovely flowers?


Boys, don't you recognize?

In these tender petals

Our girls are hiding!

Beautiful music swirled and bewitched them, but the same beautiful words about them will help to break the spell!

Shall we try?

(On TV there are words about each girl, after which FLOWERS

Get up and go.)


Then to the music, everyone line up on stage

And 2 readers remain around

REB :-

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers

We mothers and grandmothers kind smiles

We will collect in a huge bouquet.

For you, dear, beloved,

We will sing a song today


(children sit down)

Today we will congratulate lovely women on Women's Day

We will sing and dance, talk about this and that.

What are we talking about today?

Well, of course, about moms!

Reb :-

Better mom can not find anyone in the world,

Even the sun doesn't seem to shine without it.

REB :-

Our mothers are so beautiful, and besides, they are hardworking!

For diligence, for care, mom is appreciated at work

All her deeds cannot be counted, even there is no time to sit down.

REB :-

And what a mother I have! You know, the songstress right.

Let's sit together in the evening, together we will sing a song

There is nothing more wonderful than our song with mom

Reb :-

And my mom is just beautiful. !

How do I guys like my mom

ALL :-

TOGETHER (pointing to their moms in the audience)

Enjoy friends!

SONG Mommy is my sweetest, most beloved

REB :-


I will definitely be a mom.

What should I name my daughter?

I know there will be many difficulties.

You need nipples, a stroller, a bed.

I need to wash my daughter's panties,

shake, lull, sing,

Kiss her scratches, bumps.

Feed and wash dishes

And in winter, ride on a sleigh,

Be patient and kind.

Can I do all this?

How tired I must be!

Who will take pity on me, warm me?

Both :-

Yes, of course, my mother!

song my dear mom

Get up early in the morning, run with friends

What to give us?


And for a long, long time I thought what to give her?

Dad and I gathered in the kitchen in the evening

And quietly conferred from mommy secretly

Let's give mom weights - so she can't lift them,

A soccer ball - she has no time to play.

We don't have enough money to donate a computer.

And to give her spinning - I love fish myself.

Suddenly dad started up and gave good advice:

There is no better gift in the world than a car!

Stop walking for her

bags full to carry.

Of course, we can't save money for a Mercedes.

We decided to give "Zaporozhets" to our mother.

Although he is old, he roars like a beast.

Where should mom immediately bring

Dad bought a car song

Accept congratulations from the future star!

Song ONCE palm, two palm ..

REB :-

There is a gift - all the most wonderful,

It's called a new song!

SONG Clap your hands

Individual congratulations to children on TV

REB: -This is a song as a gift to our grandmothers!



REB:- to continue our concert

Accept as a gift from us MINUET



REB: - And I really want all the stars

Collect to give to mom!

REB: -But everything is very simple for mom,


VED;-What beautiful kind faces

Well, what beauty can compare with them?

Well, except perhaps the first spring flower

REB: - What blossomed for mommy on time.

VED: - And let in 50 years to each mother

Your children will come with flowers on this day! ...............................