International Festival Intermuseum

MOSCOW, May 10, 2017 /Press service of the festival/. The main museum event of the year is the international festival "Intermuseum 2017". The main program has already been published on the festival website More than 3,000 specialists, as well as numerous festival guests, will take part in 350 events - lectures, master classes, presentations, discussions and round tables. The theme of Intermuseum 2017 is “Museum of the Future.”

First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Festival Organizing Committee Vladimir Aristarkhov: “The festival today brings together not only museum experts, but also public figures, commercial companies, representatives of various spheres of culture, media; involves a wide audience, citizens, since the museum today becomes a point of attraction and meeting of people from different areas, where new ideas and meanings are born. "Intermuseum is an intellectual platform for the museum industry."

For the first time during the Intermuseum, the space around the main site - the Manege Central Exhibition Hall - will turn into a separate festival and museum cluster. Public lectures, conferences and creative meetings will also be held in nearby museums - the State Historical Museum, the Moscow Kremlin Museums and the Shchusev Museum of Architecture.

For the first time, classes will be held at the new sites directly in museum collection departments. The prospects for restoration work will be discussed here; There will be discussions and creative laboratories on the topic of contemporary art. This year in the festival program special attention will be paid to the topic of museum education, issues of formation will be raised personnel policy museums, from the caretaker to the director. Educational sessions will be held daily.

In 2017, the festival significantly strengthens its international status: experts and delegations from 25 countries have confirmed their participation in the festival. Twelve foreign participants will present their expositions at stands in the Manege.

"Intermuseum" is in a development trend modern culture, solves entertainment and educational problems and becomes one of the central annual events in the cultural life of the capital. For the first time, the openings of four major exhibition projects are timed to coincide with the Intermuseum festival:

  • "Builders of the New World. Comintern. 1918-1924" (GMVC ROSIZO) - in Manege;
  • Exhibition of nominees for the "Innovation 2017" award (GMVC ROSIZO) - at the Shchusev Museum of Architecture;
  • "For our friends." To the 140th anniversary of the war for the liberation of Bulgaria 1877-1878. – in the exhibition complex of the Historical Museum;
  • "Genius of the Place: from the exertzirhaus to the exhibition hall. 200 years in history" (MVO "Manege").

About the festival

The Intermuseum festival has been held since 1999. It regularly brings together several hundred Russian museums on one site. In 2016, more than 300 museums and more than 35 thousand visitors took part in it. The structure of the festival includes an exhibition of participating museums, a business program for industry professionals and a cultural program for visitors, which includes activities for children. The festival also includes a competition for the best projects implemented by museums.

Special projects:

Free admission.

XIX International Festival of Museums "INTERMUSEUM 2017"

Founder and organizer: Ministry of Culture Russian Federation.

Operator: State Museum of Cinematography "ROSIZO".

Partners: ICOM Russia, Union of Museums of Russia,

Charitable Foundation V. Potanin.

Regional partner: Moscow region.

Venue: Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

(Moscow, Manezhnaya Square, 1).

Press center of the festival "Intermuseum-2017" – [email protected]

Official press agent of the festival "Intermuseum-2017" - Valeria Gallai

XIX International Museum Festival

Topic: Museum of the Future

Founder: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

With the support and assistance of: State Museum of Exhibition Center "ROSIZO", Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Russia), Union of Museums of Russia, V. Potanin Charitable Foundation.

Venue: Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" (Moscow. Manezhnaya Square, 1).

Dates: 25.05 - 29.05.2017

More than 300 museums will take part in the Intermuseum 2017 festival, half of them had the opportunity to participate in the exhibition at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall.

The XIX International Festival "Intermuseum 2017" - the largest exhibition of museums - will be held at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall from May 25 to 29, 2017. "Intermuseum" is an annual festival that brings together more than 300 museums from Russia, near and far abroad on one site . The festival, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, has been held since 1999 and during this time has become a recognized platform for the exchange of experience, an opportunity for large and small museums to show their achievements, and for festival guests to get to know them.

Key theme festival in 2017 will become the “Museum of the Future”. New optics and the ability to move to a qualitatively different level, the future of a particular participant and the future of the museum sphere as a whole. All participating museums were invited to reflect the theme of the festival in the content and design of their stands in the exhibition.

By mid-April, the first qualifying round of the Intermuseum 2017 festival was completed, following which the jury members determined the main participants competitive program. 151 museums entered the second stage. Among them are museums from various cities and regions of the Russian Federation: from the Amur and Murmansk regions, to North Caucasus, from Chukotka and Yakutia to Karelia, from Krasnoyarsk and Omsk to Kemerovo and Tatarstan. The winners at this stage have the opportunity to present their organizations at the festival exposition at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall and continue to compete for a prize in one of the four competition categories. The full list of museums that passed the first round is posted on the official website of the festival. More details about all stages and nominations can be found in the “Competition program” section.


In total, this year 344 organizations from most regions of the Russian Federation and more than 10 countries of the CIS and abroad have registered for Intermuseum-2017 to participate in various programs of the Festival. Among domestic ones there are 65 federal museums, 162 regional museums, 52 municipal and 55 private. It should be noted that the number of museums and associations that submitted applications to participate in the forum increases every year: in 2016 there were 316, in 2015 - 286. In addition, the number of private structures participating in the festival has again increased significantly. In 2016 there were 38 such museums, and in 2015 there were only 6.

Structure and program

The main museum review will traditionally take place in the main space of the Manege Central Exhibition Hall.

The structure of the festival includes an exhibition part, business and cultural programs, as well as a competition for participating museums. The festival program this year will expand significantly, including geographically. Conferences, lectures and creative meetings will also be held in the halls of the nearest museums: the State Historical Museum, the Shchusev Museum of Architecture, and the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

Competition program

Russian museums submit applications for participation in the competition program in four categories, which vary depending on the theme of the festival. The Grand Prix winner is determined separately. Additional prizes and awards of the competition program are awarded by partners: ICOM Russia, the Union of Museums of Russia, the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation, and the World of Museum magazine.

The list of candidates for the Grand Prix and awards in the nominations of the competition, which is traditionally held as part of the Festival, includes a variety of art institutions in the country: from titanic museums to school museums, as well as inter-museum unions and associations. Participants submitted applications in one or several categories at once: the best research museum project; the best project in the field of museum education; the best project in the field information technologies; the best project aimed at social interaction. Therefore, the total number of applications more quantity contestants. A total of 414 presentations were considered.

In addition, participants submitted applications for special nominations from the competition's partners - the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Russia) and the Potanin Charitable Foundation, which will award the winners for the best project to work with the local community and for the best volunteer project. The Russian Ministry of Culture award “In Memory of T. A. Kibalchich” will also be presented (this year four candidates were nominated for it: the director of the Museum fine arts Republic of Karelia Natalya Vavilova, Director of the State Military-Historical and Natural Museum "Kulikovo Field" Vladimir Gritsenko, CEO State Museum-Reserve "Peterhof" Elena Kalnitskaya, director of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N.I. Grodekov Nikolay Ruban). The magazine "Museum World" will not ignore the participants, which will present a special award to them. Yu.P. Pishchulin "For the best initiative in the field of museum affairs."

Festival Jury, consisting of 16 people, headed by the director of the State Historical Museum A.K. Levykin, one of the jury members is the director of the State Darwin Museum A. I. Klyukina, winner of the Grand Prix of the Intermuseum-2016 Festival. Based on the results of the second stage of the competition, on May 15, the jury will determine the finalists in each nomination, who will have to defend their projects during the last meeting of the commission - on May 27. The winners of the competition and the Grand Prix holders, and the laureate of the Russian Ministry of Culture "In Memory of T.A. Kibalchich" award will be announced at the award ceremony on the last day of the Festival.

Business program

"Intermuseum" remains an important platform for business communication. More than 150 professional events are held for museum professionals. Volunteer and educational projects, personnel policy issues, interactive and multimedia technologies. Participating museums present the most successful and innovative projects implemented over the past last years. Experts from foreign countries share their experience.

In addition to the traditional program for the museum community from the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation, the Union of Museums of Russia and ICOM Russia, which will be held within the walls of the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, a thematic conference will be held at the Moscow Kremlin Museums on the topic: “Restoration in museums: features prospects and development opportunities"; in the Historical Museum will be considered actual problems accounting and stock work with a visit to the museum’s stock departments, as well as modern tools for promoting museum values ​​and issues of working with sponsors and attracting project financing; at the Shchusev Museum of Architecture we will mainly talk about contemporary art, museum exhibitions, and various aspects of working with the audience.

The regional partner of Intermuseum 2017 will be the Moscow region, on the discussion platform of which the “Place of the “Museum of the Future” in the cultural and educational environment"based on the experience of the Moscow region.

For city residents and guests of the capital, the organizers will prepare a special program - audiovisual performances by contemporary media artists, an exhibition of contemporary art, lectures and discussions.

Cultural program

Lectures, creative meetings, concerts and performances will be held on the main stage of the festival and other venues. Directors, artists, and collectors will talk about their work and museum projects. Museums present their best educational programs at the Intermuseum children's playground. Young guests of the festival conduct scientific experiments and research, and draw together with contemporary artists.

Schedule of all programs will be posted on the official website of the Festival in May 2017, see.

Press center of the Festival "Intermuseum-2017"

Official press agent of the Intermuseum 2017 Festival - Valeria Gallai

In the Moscow Manege, laureates in four main categories and the Grand Prix winner of the annual festival, which brings together more than 300 museums from Russia, near and far abroad, were awarded on one site.

The best research museum project at this year's competition was shown by the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve. He presented techniques for restoring and monitoring the preservation of wall paintings using 3D laser scanning systems and advanced restoration materials. They were developed at the Center for the Restoration of Monumental Painting in the Anthony Monastery.

Olga Golodets and Zelfira Tregulova at the stand of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Photo: “Intermuseum 2017”

In the field of museum education, the winner was the program of the Youth Center of the State Hermitage, developed for Jan Fabre’s stormy exhibition “The Knight of Despair - Warrior of Beauty”. The program “Sideshow: Circles on Water,” noted by the competition jury, explored exactly the reaction of visitors to the exhibition. Program participants who have passed competitive selection, together with the curators of the project, they studied quotes from the guest book, comments on the Internet and other platforms for expressing opinions about the exhibition, in order to present a documentary performance based on the results, voicing the opinions of supporters and opponents of the sensational exhibition.

All-Russian Museum Association of Musical Culture named after M.I. Glinka received a prize for the best project in the field of information technology - the multimedia exhibition “Sound And... Universe. Human. Game”, where you still have time to go - the exhibition is open until July 2. The interactive exhibition is dedicated to the phenomenon of sound in all its forms - from the heartbeat to loud neighbors. Here you can learn to conduct an orchestra, play a drum set made from pots and shovels, listen to the sounds of the streets of different cities and much more - almost all the exhibits can be touched.

Robot guide Kliosha at the stand of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. Photo: “Intermuseum 2017”

The winner in the category “Best project aimed at social interaction” was the program of the Museum of History of Yekaterinburg “Uralmash: Production of the Future”, implemented, among other things, thanks to the grant program of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation “Changing Museum in a Changing World”. The project is intended to rehabilitate the reputation of the famous area, noticeably damaged by the criminal group of the same name. The museum invites you to remember the history of Uralmash, which was conceived as an ideal socialist city, and at the anti-tour of the area presented this year, participants can listen to short stories about the residents of the area, tied to architectural monuments.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky and Russian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of culture Olga Golodets. Photo: “Intermuseum 2017”

The Grand Prix of the Intermuseum 2017 festival went to the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve, which qualified for the finals in two categories: “Best research museum project” and “Best project in the field of information technology.” Last year, the museum won the “Best Project in the Field of Museum Education” category for its concept for the development of the New Farm in Alexandria Park.

The winners in all categories will receive prizes in the amount of 400 thousand rubles, and the Grand Prix winner will receive 700 thousand rubles. In total, 414 applications from 265 institutions were submitted to this year’s competition. They competed for victory in four main categories, which change every year depending on the theme of the festival - this year it is “Museum of the Future”. A jury of 16 employees of cultural institutions, which this year was headed by the director of the State historical museum Alexey Levykin evaluates the relevance of the application, the innovativeness of the idea, the significance of the results obtained and their compliance with the goals of the project.

In addition to the main competitive nominations, awards are presented by festival partners. The prize of the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Russia) for “The best project for working with the local community” was received by the Yaroslavl State Historical, Architectural and Artistic Institute. The Prize of the Union of Museums of Russia named after L.A. Alexandrova “Museum in the city of N...” was awarded to the Museum of the History of the City of Makhachkala. The Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation presented the award for “Best Museum Volunteer Project” to the Lights of Moscow Museum. The special prize named after Yu.P. Pishchulin “For the best initiative in the field of museum affairs” was received by Natalya Polenova, State Memorial Historical, Artistic and Natural Museum-Reserve V.D. Polenova. The State Cinema Museum awarded the Literary and Memorial Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky “For the originality of presentation of cinematography in a museum project.”

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This year the Museum of K.A. Fedina took part in the competition for the best museum projects “Intermuseum-2017”, the theme of which was determined as “Museum of the Future”. More than 400 projects were reviewed by the Festival jury to select the 150 best. Museum of K.A. Fedina, the only regional museum, made it to the second round and received a platform to present its project.

The organizer of this Festival is the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the assistance of the Union of Museums of Russia and the Russian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). This year, in addition to Russian ones, museums from Germany, China, Belarus and Tajikistan were represented. Hungary, Croatia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan came to the festival.

The festival was visited by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets. Together with the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky and the deputy chairman of the festival organizing committee Mikhail Bryzgalov, they examined the exhibitions and talked with representatives of museums at various festival sites.

We prepared exhibition stands where we presented information about the unique research project “Konstantin Fedin and his contemporaries”. The publication of this book was prepared and carried out with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation. As a result of the combined efforts of the scientific staff of the Fedin State Museum, scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, more than four hundred letters of Konstantin Fedin, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Evgeny Zamyatin, Korney Chukovsky, Vsevolod Ivanov, Anna Akhmatova, and others were studied, systematized, published and scientifically commented famous writers from the writer’s inner circle.

Museum staff told interested visitors about the project “Konstantin Fedin and His Contemporaries” and answered various questions regarding the objective assessment of the writer and determining his place in literature and the literary process of the twentieth century.

I also managed to take part in the business program of the Festival: at the plenary session of the All-Russian meeting of chief curators, at the round table meeting “Exhibition and educational projects of the association of literary museums of the Union of Museums of Russia”, “Difficult heritage in the museum”, “ A complex approach to the design and creation of new exhibitions”, “Museum of the Future - the future of the museum” and many others. Together with our colleagues, we tried to look into tomorrow, to look into the future, in order to keep up with the times, and sometimes be able to get ahead of it.

As part of the Festival, we were also able to watch large-scale exhibitions, presentations, performances, master classes and participate in discussions. Thanks to everyone who was with us during these five incredibly eventful days.