Monster high history spectra. Biography of Spectra Wondergeist. An original gift for a girl

“I come from a royal family, of course, my father was next in line to the throne of a large and powerful state, but my envious uncle plotted against him, and we had to go into exile.” From Spectra's diary.

Spectra Vondergeist, also known as Spectra von Huntington, is the daughter of a ghost. She can walk through walls and has the "uncanny" ability to eavesdrop on school gossip.




Spectra's parents are ghosts, but nothing more is known about them. In her diary, she hints that the truth about her family is quite tragic, although she never talks about it. She writes that she even began to believe in her story, until Gulia one day reminded her of the truth.


Spectra's pet is the purple ghost ferret Ruen. Ruen's friends are Sir Woo-hoo-lot (Gulia Yelps's pet) and Shiver (Abbey Bominable the Mammoth).


Series: Back to School

Release: July 2011

Specter is wearing a black and purple gothic style dress with three chains on the front. She has a silver belt around her waist and a double chain around her neck. On her feet are translucent purple boots covered in chains; instead of heels, they have a silver ball. In her ears she wears black earrings with a ball at the end, and on her wrist is a bracelet in the shape of a Victorian brace.

The doll comes with a purple handbag with a chain, a figurine of Rouen, a purple comb, a purple stand and a diary. There are two versions of Spectra from the Back to School series. In the original version, Spectra has black earrings with balls at the end, while later versions sport earrings with silver chains.

Set of clothes

Release: November 2011

Purple dress with black and pink spots and a silver chain pattern. Accessories: silver scarf, sunglasses, ball handbag on a chain. Shoes: Translucent white shoes wrapped in chains. Also included is a Monster Beat magazine and a gray coffin.

  • In the beginning, Spectra was known as "Phantom Girl" and "Spectra von Huntington".
  • The name spectra comes from the word "Ghost" (Specter).
  • Spectra has a German surname - Vondergeist (von der Geist), which means "from the ghost". Spectra probably comes from a royal family, because... the prefix von indicates high origin.
  • Spectra Wondergeist is the only character from Monster High who was prototyped in the Fright Song video before the doll was released and appeared in the webisodes.

2011 2018, . All rights reserved.

Hello, I am the Monster High Spectra Wondergeist doll, a ghost from the royal family.

I am the most real ghost of all real ghosts.

Although I am sometimes equated with other students of the School who come from a line of ghosts, I say right away: not related! Can they walk through walls?

Do they have this noble translucency, like on my hands and feet?

No, of everyone in Russia and all over the world, it is the monster high spectra vondergeist who is the number one ghost!

It’s easy for me to find out the truth about any monster, I’m always up to date with the latest events, rumors and gossip.

I could easily use the information to my advantage, but no - I am a kind and noble ghost!

That I love? Your parents. They are ghosts. Your pet, a ghostly ferret. I love going back to School, I love monster nights and photo shoots, I participate in the support group. Sometimes I feel mortally tired from all this, but not for long.

I like purple clothes. It sets off well the noble pallor of my skin and the deep blue of my hair.

Want to know more? Buy me, the Spectra Wondergeist doll, and I will tell you everything in great detail!

Don't watch the news! Read the Spectra Vondergeist blog “Phantom Gossip Girl” - only here you will find the most true stories about the Monster High School of Monsters! This aristocratic beauty is, without a doubt, one of the main ones. A graceful news-gathering ghost, this is the original Spectra Wondergeist doll. This wonderful toy is already waiting for you! Hurry to our online store! Buy and always be aware of the latest rumors - what could be better? Oh yes, it can only be better low price and fast, inexpensive delivery of goods both in Moscow and all over Russia!

Monster High Spectra Wondergeist doll is a very mysterious girl. Before the School of Monsters, Monster High, she managed to study for a couple of years at the School of Ghosts. Once at Monster High, for some reason she began to spread rumors about her high origin (but Gulia Yelps quickly brought her to light), and then she started the blog “Ghost Gossip Girl” and began a real hunt for sensations. However, Spectra Vondergeist quickly became friends with Frankie Stein and her company and became everyone's favorite. Although they try not to trust her with some of her friend’s secrets.

Elusive beauty

The Spectra Wondergeist doll is very pale, with sharp cheekbones and a thin nose, translucent arms and legs, large lilac eyes and light purple and almost always straight hair. The clothes are mostly very “ghostly” - flying silhouettes, “torn” edges, mesh and a lot of chains. In short, if you've never seen a ghost, look at the Specter Wondergeist doll - she's a great example of a beautiful ghost from some gothic Victorian novel!

There are no ordinary students at the School of Monsters and there cannot be! But the Monster High Spectra Wondergeist doll is a completely extraordinary student. This is evidenced by her appearance, character and actions.

Appearance of the Spectra Wondergeist doll

The heroine is distinguished by silk robes. She believes that silk is the finest fabric in the world, ideal for ghosts. After all, the Monster High doll Spectra and there is a real ghost. Sometimes she wears a beautiful belt decorated with bells. This accessory helps the girl become visible to others. The entire external image of the doll is attractive with its undeniable taste and exquisite style. The transparent body is capable of emitting bluish light, which looks unusual and mysterious.

The character and abilities of the heroine

Due to its being a ghost, the Spectra Wondergeist doll has unique abilities. She may become invisible to others or regain her body. Walking through walls, reading other people's thoughts and hearing conversations, floating smoothly in the air - the amazing heroine can do everything. She does not hide the fact that she is proud of her abilities. But sometimes, from an overabundance of information, Specter begins to suffer from headaches. That's when she starts chatting uncontrollably, giving away all her secrets. For this behavior, the heroine in the School of Monsters was known as the first gossip.

Buy a Spectra Wondergeist doll Anyone who wants to know the future or penetrate the secrets of their soul can. At the same time, you need to make sure that Spectra does not disappear, because after this it will be impossible to find her.

Visit our store where wide range Monster High dolls are presented. Buy Spectra. She will become a real amulet. She is also a great friend who can give necessary advice and warn against failure. But you shouldn’t learn from her excessive talkativeness! :)

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Legend has it that Spectra Vondergeist is the daughter of a royal ghost. She has all the supernatural abilities typical of monsters of this type. For example, Spectra can walk through walls and eavesdrop on other people's conversations. She would make a great editor for a gossip column about the heroines of the animated series Monster High. She loves to wear outfits made of flowing fabrics combined with leather and metal. It is so easy to create a mysterious feeling of persecution in the people around her. Her ferret, Ruen, is also ghostly, just like herself.


The Spectra doll has long straight lilac hair and dazzling white skin. In one of the puppet series, Spectra Vondergeist, while flying to collect gossip, is illuminated with blue light and makes piercing ghostly sounds. Spectra's shoes always have chains or silver balls attached to them to scare people. With friends, the heroine is friendly and sweet.

An original gift for a girl

Almost all children in Europe are in love with cute dolls from Monster School. You can order such a toy and make your child happy in a matter of minutes. Our online store offers you an inexpensive way to buy a Spectra Wondergeist doll. This beautiful toy will become your daughter's best doll friend. It is difficult to come up with an original and desirable gift, the price of which does not go beyond a reasonable price. The Spectra Vondergeist doll from the Monster High series will delight your child with its originality and large selection of outfits, and you with the fact that its price is as close as possible to the average wallet.