Installation of vibration dampers estimate. Problems of increased vibration and “dancing” of wires and lightning cables in the Northern region and ways to solve them. Center for Production and Technical Information

On 35 kV overhead lines, especially when passing through forests, gardens, park areas in populated areas and in cramped conditions (with appropriate justification), use protected wires that provide greater stability when the wires come into contact with trees and the mutual contact of wires, allowing to reduce the distance between phases gaps and making power lines more compact compared to conventional lines made of bare wires and, as a result, reducing the harmful effects on environment(less powerful electromagnetic radiation), having lower operating costs.

To protect against lightning surges, use lightning cables made of galvanized steel wires, low-alloy steel, which have high mechanical and corrosion resistance.

In areas where operating experience has established the destruction of line elements due to corrosion, as well as at a distance of less than 5 km. from the sea coast and less than 1.5 km. Chemical plants must use only corrosion-resistant wires and cables.

Linear insulators and fittings.

With appropriate justification, by decision of the technical (scientific and technical) council of the branch agreed upon by the technical director of the South, the use of polymer insulators with an organosilicon solid-cast protective coating is allowed.

When carrying out reconstruction and new construction of 35-110 kV overhead lines, it is recommended to use spiral linear, coupling, support, tension, protective and connecting fittings that do not require maintenance, repair and replacement during the entire life of the overhead line.

If it is necessary to install vibration dampers on 35-110 kV overhead lines, use exclusively multi-frequency vibration dampers.

Based on design solutions for 35-110 kV overhead lines, it is necessary to use devices that prevent the formation of ice on wires, weights that limit the twisting of wires, and devices to protect wires from the adhesion of wet snow.

Cable power lines 35-110 kV.

Requirements for cable and cable fittings:

it is necessary to use single-core power cables with XLPE insulation, and, in appropriate cases, power cables with a flame retardant sheath and low emission of toxic gases;

universal cables for air-underground installation without the use of transition cable fittings, or with fittings based on heat-shrinkable elements;

use heat-shrinkable couplings made using the technology of cross-linked polymers with plastic shape memory, resistant to solar radiation, with high dielectric properties, designed for laying in any climatic conditions, in any environment and not requiring maintenance during operation;

the choice of the cross-sectional area of ​​CL screens and the method of their grounding should be carried out on the basis of a feasibility study, with the obligatory calculation of the value of the continuous-permissible current in normal mode, taking into account corrections for the number of cables, temperature and thermal resistance of the soil (according to the standard for the power cable used );

The service life of cable fittings must be at least 30 years.

2.1.3. Technologies and areas of repair and maintenance services:

planning and implementation of medium and major repairs power transformers based on diagnostic results and operating data (repair based on technical condition);

an integrated approach to performing repair and maintenance services, including work on electrical equipment, repair and restoration of buildings and structures, work on relay protection and automation devices, SDTU, measuring instruments;

automation of planning and operational processes;

introduction of promising methods for cleaning overhead power lines from trees and shrubs, including a combination of chemical (with a positive conclusion from the state environmental assessment) and mechanical cleaning methods;

development of oil facilities, allowing for the reception, storage and preparation of fresh oils, as well as the collection and regeneration of used oils for the purpose of their effective use and reducing the volume of purchases of fresh oils.

B. Advanced equipment and technologies.

GIS must be equipped with a monitoring and diagnostic system (measurement of SF6 gas density with the possibility visual control, the presence of built-in PD sensors with a continuous PD alarm system and the ability to connect portable devices to decipher the levels and nature of the signals);

equipping the most critical power transformers with automatic condition diagnostic systems;

the use of power transformers that do not require pre-pressing of the windings during the entire service life and are equipped with a device for monitoring the condition of the windings;

application of optoelectronic CTs;

installation of combined CTs and VTs in one housing;

with appropriate justification, the use of a lightning protection cable with a built-in fiber optic cable, including heat-resistant optical fiber;

use of self-supporting suspension cables twisted into a bundle of universal cables of the “DISTRI” type;

application of temperature monitoring systems for wire condition on overhead lines.

at 35/110 kV substation, install separators and short circuiters, air or oil circuit breakers;

use pneumatic drives for high-voltage switches;

diagrams of primary connections of 35-110 kV substations with portalless reception of overhead lines;

disconnector B with porcelain support-rod insulation without motor drive;

use power transformers, switches and disconnectors with a guaranteed service life of less than 30 years;

switches, disconnectors, current and voltage transformers requiring major repairs during the warranty period;

AB of open design;

install valve and tubular arresters in networks;

install oil-filled bushings 110 kV, mastic-filled bushings 35 kV;

hang a steel lightning protection cable without anti-corrosion coating;

install dual-frequency vibration dampers of the GVN, GPG and GPS types;

install polymer insulators – LP and LPIS series with a shell made of a polyolefin composition;

install suspended disc insulators of types PF6-A and PF6-B;

apply paint coating technologies for metal structures of supports that have not been certified;

install wooden supports with the exception of cases of repair of overhead lines performed on wooden supports.

2.2. Distribution networks 0.4-10 kV.

Primary requirements.

1. The basic principle for constructing networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV should be the principle that allows mutual backup of loads when one of the power centers is turned off, while the main power transmission lines should be of the same cross-section along the entire length of the line, ensuring normalized quality of electricity in a given area. The choice of construction scheme should be based on a technical and economic analysis.

2. When reconstructing (new construction) 6-10 kV overhead lines (CLs), apply in a complex technical solutions for the equipment of 6-10 kV RP (TS) and 35 kV substation and higher, to which the line is connected.

3. When carrying out large volumes of work on the reconstruction (restoration) of network facilities, it is necessary to consider options for transferring existing networks to a higher medium voltage class. Reconstruction of network facilities, with an appropriate feasibility study, can be combined with the transfer of networks to a higher voltage class and the bringing of 6-10/0.4 kV transformer substations closer to consumers.

Newly constructed 6 kV power lines must have an insulation class that makes it possible in the future to transfer networks to a 10 kV voltage class without significant additional costs.

4. During new construction and reconstruction of 0.4-6-10 kV networks, move to a significant reduction in the length of 0.4 kV networks through the construction of a more extensive 10 kV (6 kV) network, including the use of low-power STS in single and three-phase performance.

5. Based on the decision of the deputy director for technical issues - chief engineer of the production department of the branch of IDGC of the South, JSC, in accordance with the category of electrical receivers for reliability of power supply, it is possible to equip 6-10 kV overhead lines with double automatic reclosure devices at the main line switch and sectioning points, subject to the presence of interlocking of the second autoreclose cycle in case of a ground fault after the autoreclose of the first cycle (for example, due to the presence of zero-sequence voltages).

6. B technical specifications for connecting electrical installations of consumers over 150 kW (with the exception of consumer citizens using electrical energy for household consumption, and equivalent to them in accordance with regulatory legal acts in the field of state regulation of tariffs of groups (categories) of consumers (buyers), including apartment buildings, horticultural, gardening, country and other non-profit associations of citizens) include requirements for the need to fulfill calculations to determine the need to install compensating devices to maintain a given cosφ (tgφ) value.

7. In areas with an increased level of exposure to ice and wind loads on overhead lines (starting from region IV for wind and ice), on the basis of a feasibility study, the possibility of laying cable lines with a voltage of 6-10 kV should be considered.

8. On overhead lines with a voltage of 6-10 kV, passing in areas with intense ice formation and snow accumulation, take measures to prevent the development of “chain” destruction, including reducing anchor spans to 0.5 km.

9. For new construction and reconstruction, use disconnector B that does not require repairs throughout its entire service life.

Distribution points, transformer substations.

1. For new construction and reconstruction in electrical networks cities and large rural settlements with a population of 20 thousand people or more, as well as in areas with an aggressive air environment (sea coasts, reservoirs), causing increased metal corrosion, it is recommended to use small-sized, architecturally compatible BRTP and new-generation BCTP in a concrete shell.

In other cases, it is necessary to use container and modular transformer substations with a galvanized body made of hot-rolled steel, painted with zinc-containing paints (powder painting).

2. During new construction and reconstruction in power supply networks of responsible consumers in densely built-up conditions, use:

small-sized closed switchgear with modular type cells based on vacuum circuit breakers;

modular cells with combined air or gas insulation and maintenance-free switches, disconnectors, load switches.

3. In technical specifications for the design of new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment distribution points 6-10 kV, if necessary, provide telemechanization:

telemechanization of the RP (RTP) ensuring uninterrupted operation for at least two hours in the event of loss of power to the RP (RTP);

a simplified system for organizing direct operating current using operating current control devices (cabinets) with a distribution cabinet and a battery cabinet of the required capacity with a service life of at least 15 years;

It is permissible to use sealed batteries with gel electrolyte.

4. In 6-10 kV networks, two types of automatic reserve input should be used:

network ATS at a point connecting two lines extending from different 35-110 kV substations or different sections of 6-10 kV buses of one 35-110 kV substation;

local automatic transfer switch for switching on the backup input to the high voltage buses of TP 6-10/0.4 kV or RP 6-10 kV after the voltage disappears at the working input and is turned off. If it is necessary to organize an ATS on the 0.4 kV side for critical consumers (in accordance with the reliability category), the ATS is installed only in consumer electrical installations.

5. For new construction and reconstruction, use power transformers 6-10/0.4 kV hermetically sealed (TMG) or, if necessary, with dry (cast) insulation (TS, TSZ TSL):

power up to 250 kVA, with a circuit for connecting windings Y/Yn with a balun or Y/Zn;

power from 250 to 630 kVA, with winding connection diagram ∆/Yn;

with a power of more than 630 kVA, with a winding connection diagram ∆/Yn or with appropriate justification Y/Yn.

On the 0.4 kV side, for transformers with a power of 160 kVA or more, the use of hardware clamps is mandatory.

6. In rural settlements and settlements with low-rise buildings, to connect consumers with a power of up to 63 kVA, use STS with single and three-phase transformers, 6-10 kV fuses-disconnectors and 0.4 kV fuses-switches-disconnectors.

7. When reconstructing existing transformer substations, it is preferable to use complete 0.4 kV switchgears that are fully factory-ready.

8. In networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV on outgoing overhead lines (CLs), it is recommended to use switches with fuses and arc-extinguishing chambers and fuse switches.

Automatic sectioning points.

1. When reconstructing and new construction of 6-10 kV overhead lines (CL), with an appropriate feasibility study, provide for the use of automatic sectioning points, including reclosers.

2. The priority goal of sectioning 6-20 kV overhead lines using reclosers is the ability to isolate a damaged section of the network without disconnecting other consumers, optimizing the work of the company’s operational and maintenance personnel.

3. When choosing locations for installing reclosers, it is necessary to take into account the length of the overhead power line along with taps, the number of technological violations and the time to restore power supply in the sectioned areas, and the connected power of consumers.

4. When installing reclosers, the following functions must be implemented:

providing the AVR function;

ensuring the function of double automatic reclosure (implementation of the function based on the decision of the deputy director for technical issues - chief engineer of the production department of the South branch" in accordance with the category of power receivers for power supply reliability);

providing directional and non-directional current protection against phase-to-phase short circuits and single-phase ground faults;

ensuring the maintenance of logs of operational and emergency events with automatic transmission to the control center of information about the occurrence of a technological violation in the network;

ensuring the possibility of obtaining information and control from the control center, including changing protection settings;

ensuring the reception and transmission of the necessary data while minimizing time and financial costs in order to be able to integrate into the SCADA system via various types communications (GSM, radio, fiber optic);

ensuring the required selectivity of work with other electrical equipment;

ensuring the possibility of working from own source food for the longest possible time, but not less than 24 hours.

5. Reclosers must provide the ability to operate without extraordinary, routine and average repairs throughout their entire service life (at least 25 years).

Overhead power lines.

1. When designing, choose an option with a minimum network length of 0.4 kV.

2. 0.4 kV overhead lines must be made in a three-phase four-wire design according to a radial circuit with wires of the same cross-section along the entire length (main) from the 6-10/0.4 kV transformer substation.

3. Reconstruction and new construction of 0.4 kV overhead lines are carried out only using self-supporting insulated wires SIP-2, SIP-4.

4. When designing and constructing 0.4 kV networks, it is recommended to use power transmission line supports with a voltage of 6-20 kV for joint suspension.

5. When reconstructing and new construction on 0.4 kV overhead lines and 6-10 kV overhead lines, use wires with a cross-section on the main lines of at least 70 mm² (for aluminum). To arrange entrances from transformer substations (RP, BKTP) to 0.4 kV overhead lines, use SIP with a cross-section of phase wires of at least 70 mm² (for aluminum).

6. Select a 0.4 kV overhead line device system with SIP wires, in which excessive mechanical, wind and ice loads on the wires do not lead to damage to the wires and supports, but only to the destruction of the elements fastening the wires to the supports.

7. When reconstructing and new construction of 6-10 kV overhead lines in populated areas and forested areas, use SIP-3; with appropriate justification, the use of self-supporting overhead cables twisted into a bundle of universal cables is allowed.

With appropriate justification, it is allowed to use wooden supports treated with special preservatives that ensure a service life of at least 40 years.

9. During new construction, reconstruction and repair of a 0.4 kV overhead line, the branch from the overhead line to the subscriber's input should be carried out only by self-supporting insulation. It is recommended to carry out continuous insertion of the branch wire to the meter. If necessary, connect the SIP to the subscriber's wire using insulated sleeves.

10. On 6-10 kV overhead lines, use spiral linear (coupling, supporting, tensioning, protective and connecting) fittings that do not require maintenance, repair and replacement during the entire life of the power line.

11. On VL 6-10, for overvoltage protection, instead of tubular and valve arresters, use surge arresters, RDIPs and SPDs.

12. When reconstructing and new construction of 6-10 kV overhead lines, use disconnectors that do not require repairs throughout their entire service life (at least 25 years). It is recommended to use swing-type disconnectors (RLK).

Cable power lines.

1. The laying of new cable lines and the reconstruction of existing cable lines are carried out according to a project that necessarily contains engineering surveys of soils in the area where cable routes are laid and the requirements of manufacturers for laying.

2. The selection of cross-sectional sizes for single-phase CL screens and the method of grounding them must be made on the basis of a feasibility study with mandatory calculations.

3. As a rule, use power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation of various designs, including single-core. With an appropriate feasibility study, it is allowed to use power cables with paper-oil insulation impregnated with a non-delaminating special compound, and cables with paper insulation impregnated with a non-draining synthetic mass.

4. When entering CL into RP, TP, BRTP, use plastic pipes with heat-shrinkable cable seals. The internal diameter of plastic pipes must be at least 160 mm. To create mechanical strength (if necessary), plastic pipes are placed in cases made of metal or asbestos concrete pipes of the appropriate diameter.

5. When laying and repairing cable lines, use cable sleeves based on heat-shrinkable materials. The materials used for cable fittings must be resistant to solar radiation, have high dielectric characteristics, intended for installation in any climatic and industrial conditions. The service life of cable and wire products and cable fittings must be at least 30 years.

6. In some cases, when the use of open flame is prohibited due to work safety conditions, it is possible to use cold shrink couplings with removable spiral cord, having an operating temperature range from -50ºС to +180ºС and a mandatory warehouse shelf life of at least 24 months with a quality guarantee of at least 20 years.

7. When constructing and reconstructing 6 kV cable lines, use cables and cable fittings with a rated voltage of 10 kV.

8. During new construction and reconstruction, cable lines should be laid: in the territories of substations, distribution centers, industrial enterprises etc. - in trays, tunnels, wells; in the territories of cities and towns - in the ground (trenches) along impassable parts of streets (under sidewalks), along strips of green spaces. Use the horizontal directional drilling method when laying 0.4-6-10 kV cable networks at intersections with streets, roads with improved surfaces, as well as tram and by rail without digging trenches. When laying cables in the ground, it is recommended to use PZK type plates to cover the cables in the trench.

9. When laying cable lines, use, if possible, a mechanized laying method; in difficult conditions for a mechanized method, use a manual one. The conditions for laying cable lines, if possible, should not create obstacles during their operation and repair.

10. When conducting tests and diagnostics of cable lines, it is necessary to develop the use of non-destructive methods for diagnosing the state of cable insulation with predicting the state of cable insulation.

11. When carrying out repairs on cable lines:

to replace 6-10 kV cable outputs with paper insulation from TP, RP, BKTP, it is recommended to use an XLPE-insulated cable or a universal cable;

use cables of the AABl, ASB, AABlu brands. In cases of laying repair inserts in areas with high soil mobility or in landslide zones, it is necessary to use ASP or AAP cables, which have increased mechanical strength and tensile strength;

when installing all types of couplings on paper-insulated cables, connect the cable sheath and couplings only by soldering;

when repairing cables with paper-oil insulation (including paper-oil insulation impregnated with a non-delaminating special compound and non-draining synthetic mass) with a difference in cable laying levels of more than 1.5 m (including total) replace the cable on a cable with cross-linked polyethylene insulation;

on 0.4 kV cable lines of type AVVG or a similar type, when the effect of open fire on the phase and linear vinyl insulation of cable lines leads to cracking and increased aging, it is necessary to use couplings using closed mixing and pouring of an insulating composite or similar in parameters, excluding aggressive temperature impact on the insulation of vinyl cable cores.

B. Advanced technologies and equipment:

use of steel polyhedral supports and supports made of composite materials during new construction and reconstruction of overhead power lines;

the use of spiral ties when attaching wires to pin glass and porcelain insulation (ShS, ShF);

use of insulating traverses on 6-10 kV overhead lines;

mass use of universal cables 6-10 kV;

implementation of a telesignaling and telecontrol system in distribution networks 0.4-10 kV.

B. Restrictions on the use of equipment and technologies.


use of bare wires on 0.4 kV overhead lines;

use of automatic reclosure wires in the open air, including as subscriber branches;

use of grade A wires on overhead lines 6–10 kV;

use of 6-10/0.4 kV cabinet-type transformer substations with a power of more than 63 kVA;

the use of arc horns on overhead lines with protected wires;

laying all types of AVVG cables outdoors;

the use of cables that do not meet fire safety requirements, including the “ng” type and that emit toxic products during combustion (if there are relevant requirements);

the use of cold shrinkage couplings using tension technology;

use of three-core power cables with aluminum and lead sheath for rated voltage up to 1 kV using their sheath as a neutral wire;

laying cable lines in the ground under buildings, as well as through basements and warehouses;

the use of poured-type end couplings (including bitumen and epoxy) or end couplings in steel casings when carrying out repairs on cable lines (KVL);

the use of cables with hose insulation for laying in the ground (type AAShV, AAShVu);

the use of springs or other clamping devices to connect the cable sheath and couplings when installing all types of couplings on paper-insulated cables;

use of epoxy couplings.

2.3. Equipment diagnostics.

2.3.1. Systems for diagnostics and monitoring of main equipment of electrical networks.

Main directions in the development of diagnostics:

Carrying out diagnostics and monitoring of the condition of the main electrical equipment without removing the voltage and sending it out for “repair”;

identification of defects at an early stage of their development;

introduction of non-destructive methods for monitoring the condition of equipment;

the use of diagnostic and monitoring tools for main equipment that provide high reliability of information about the condition of the equipment;

implementation of unified information and diagnostic systems to obtain prompt access to information about the condition of equipment, existing risks and the likelihood of its failure, using intelligent (expert) assessment methods.

assessment of the condition of oil-filled equipment based on the results of chromatographic analysis of gases dissolved in transformer oil;

assessment of the stability indicator against oxidation of transformer oil by determining the concentration of the stabilizing additive ionol (agidol) in it;

assessment of the condition of paper insulation of power transformer windings using the chromatographic method;

chemical analysis of transformer oil;

express control of the level of water content, mechanical impurities in transformer oil, determination of dielectric characteristics and electrical strength of transformer oil using portable small-sized devices;

thermal imaging monitoring of electrical equipment and overhead power lines;

assessment of the quality of pressing of windings and magnetic cores of power transformers using vibration diagnostic systems;

monitoring the state of surge arresters under operating voltage, using permanently installed monitoring sensors and corresponding portable devices;

assessment of the condition of grounding devices with the ability to determine their actual circuits.

Requirements for devices, diagnostic and monitoring systems of main electrical equipment of electrical networks:

measuring instruments, systems must be certified (have a certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments), included in State Register measuring instruments approved for use in the Russian Federation must be verified and calibrated in accordance with the established procedure;

thermal imaging equipment (thermal imagers) for inspection of electrical equipment of substation, overhead lines of 35 kV and above based on uncooled matrices, with a spectral range of 8-14 microns, a minimally distinguishable temperature difference of no more than 0.06-0.08 ° C, a temperature measurement range no narrower than " from -20°С to +250°С” and automatic functions for setting level/sensitivity/focus, complete with professional software for image processing and analysis;

within the service area of ​​one diagnostic unit, the use, as a rule, of the same type of sensors for monitoring the state of surge arresters under operating voltage;

When operating devices from built-in batteries, have at least one additional set of batteries.

Requirements for mobile electrical laboratories:

have functional and operational reliability, environmental and technological safety;

mounted on a chassis type determined by the customer, including a bus chassis;

be able to transport a team of at least three people, including the driver, to the work site;

have a laptop with software, providing operation and the ability to analyze and archive data;

when using specialized programs for generating and processing data using individual “keys” - the presence of at least two keys that allow you to simultaneously work with these programs, both on a laptop and on a personal computer in the premises of the diagnostic department;

have heating and ventilation systems in the laboratory operator’s salons, capable of operating both when the vehicle is moving and when powered from an electrical network of ~ 220 V;

be equipped with the necessary protective equipment in accordance with the standards;

be equipped with devices that are not included in the manufacturer’s basic package, in accordance with customer requirements.

Mobile electrical laboratories intended for testing and measurements on substation equipment must:

have certificates, attestations, certified measurement methods and other documents necessary for registering a mobile electrical laboratory with Rostechnadzor and road safety authorities;

ensure testing with increased voltage;

ensure low-voltage measurements of equipment parameters.

Mobile electrical laboratories intended for diagnosing the condition, testing and searching for damage to cable lines must:

ensure testing with increased voltage for CLs with paper-oil insulation;

ensure the implementation of the entire complex of methods for determining damage locations - reflectometric, induction and acoustic, including the non-ignition method (pulse-arc and oscillatory discharge methods);

have blocks for burning and afterburning insulation;

have a set of search equipment with acoustic and induction sensors;

be equipped with testing installations or additional attachments that provide testing of cable lines with cross-linked polyethylene insulation with increased ultra-low frequency voltage of 0.1 Hz;

have a portable gasoline electric generator ~ 220 V, with a power of at least 3 kW.

2.4. Relay protection and emergency automation.

Requirements for microprocessor relay protection devices:

reducing the time it takes for operational personnel to make decisions in emergency situations and improving the quality of decisions made through the completeness of the information provided and the speed of its presentation;

the effectiveness of emergency control through the use of intelligent programmable emergency automation systems, improved conditions for coordinating protection;

increasing the reliability of operation of relay protection and automation devices, including as a result of the use of: continuous diagnostics built into the devices; digital channels communications, including fiber optic; duplicated communication channels;

the ability to register and save information on at least five emergency events;

ensuring electromagnetic compatibility;

low maintenance, multifunctionality, compactness, convenience, ease of maintenance;

possibility of integration into automated process control systems and continuous diagnostic devices;

possibility of organizing remote access.

MP protection devices must be:

adapted to the circuits and operating modes of the protected object;

be able to remotely monitor and control built-in functions.

In freely programmable MP RPA terminals, access to input of basic logic (settings) must be separated from access to input of terminal settings parameters (configuration).

Relay protection and automation devices must provide:

duplication of protection kits at electrical grid facilities supplying critical consumers;

modern transformers and current and voltage sensors for relay protection circuits;

to increase the reliability of operation of relay protection and automation devices at voltages of 35 kV and above, it is necessary to connect each main and backup protection device to different windings of current transformers;

functional compatibility of overhead line protection from all sides;

ensuring operating conditions (EMC, temperature, humidity, vibration) in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory and guidance materials and technical characteristics equipment;

ensuring the functioning of the relay protection and automation system as part of the automatic control system;

in the presence of two shutdown electromagnets, the effect of relay protection and automation devices, as a rule, is on both electromagnets;

Breaker failure protection of 110 kV connections must be implemented as one device per bus system, section - centralized breaker failure protection or separately for each connection - individual breaker failure protection;

Breaker failure protection of 6-35 kV connections can be performed in the form of a connection protection action with an additional time delay for disconnecting the supply connections;

high-speed optical protection against arc faults in complete switchgears 6-35 kV;

protection (alarm) against single-phase ground faults in 6-35 kV networks.

The introduction of MP equipment should be preceded by special studies to assess the electromagnetic situation at a power facility and, if necessary, carry out a set of works to ensure its compatibility with the level of noise immunity of relay protection and automation devices.

Relay protection devices from different manufacturers must ensure interoperability. Data exchange protocols must be open by the manufacturer to other users. Compliance with IEC 61850 is recommended.

It is allowed to use electromechanical relay protection devices during partial reconstruction and technical re-equipment of facilities, if this does not reduce the reliability of relay protection and automation devices.

SPD protection devices must provide:

fixation of stable short-circuit faults that occur in the presence of a reliable galvanic connection of the damaged phase with the ground (metallic connection, transition resistance, stable burning arc);

fixation of unstable arc faults, including the following types:

arc intermittent faults;

arc intermittent faults.

Cable and wire products and accessories

Problems of increased vibration and “dancing” of wires and lightning cables in the Northern region and ways to solve them

Bogach Igor Ivanovich, head of the operation and repair sector of overhead lines of the electrical service of JSC Tyumenenergo (Surgut)

Large-scale development of the Northern regions of the Tyumen region and massive construction of overhead lines was carried out in the 70-80s, when the region was poorly studied; about a thousand kilometers of overhead lines were built and put into operation per year. At the design stage of the overhead line, the influence of climatic and geological conditions during the operation of the overhead line was not taken into account due to their poor knowledge, and therefore, the design solutions for the Northern region were identical to those for the south of the Tyumen region. During the design and then in construction, the same type of supports, foundations, the same or even greater span lengths were used, due to the low population density and inaccessibility of the territory, similar sag booms were used, increased tension was laid (30% of the breaking force in wire instead of 25% used in foreign practice), the brand of wires, cables and fittings were also standard.

According to the project, wires and cables for the Far North regions were calculated for the following climatic conditions: outside air temperature -55-65°C, no wind or ice. The actual influence of the totality of wind loads, the presence of ice-frost deposits that appear on wires and cables due to the freezing of vast flooded and wetlands, low temperatures or temperature changes were not taken into account. As a result, during the operation of overhead lines, a number of problems arose, such as increased vibration of wires and cables, “dancing” of wires and cables, heaving of pile foundations, and low lightning resistance of overhead lines.

Vibration of wires and cables

Vibration of wires is caused by alternating disruptions of air vortices created by the wind from the upper and lower sides of the wire. This phenomenon creates the conditions for an imbalance of alternating pressure causing the wire to move up and down at right angles to the direction of air flow

The most dangerous vibration occurs when the wire is exposed to a transversely (or at an angle) directed aerodynamic flow at a speed of 0.6 to 7 m/s (causes low-frequency vibrations with a frequency of 3 to 10 Hz), since with more high speeds wind flow becomes turbulent and the wind energy supplied to the wire is significantly reduced. In addition, the self-damping of the wire increases due to an increase in the vibration frequency of the wire.

The most dangerous vibration of wires is when frost is deposited. Frost is usually deposited in very calm air, maintaining the cylindrical shape of the wire, but with a significant increase in its diameter. Increasing the diameter of the wire occurs without a noticeable change in its damping, so a wind of the same speed will cause vibration at a lower frequency. Under these conditions, the dampers, within their normal operating range, cannot cope with the increased perceived wind energy. Over time, this leads to fatigue failure of the wire, damage to the fittings, and emergency shutdown of the overhead line.

Without proper protection, it is only a matter of time before wires and cables are damaged by vibration. Based on operating experience, the service life of wires and lightning cables in the Northern region is 12-15 years. Damage to wires and lightning cables occurs in the places of suspension and their connections (supporting and tensioning clamps, connectors such as SOAS, SAS), since these places are stress concentrators (by analogy with the course of resistance of materials - places of sealing), as well as in those places where where vibration dampers are destroyed.

The following photographs show the most typical damage to overhead line elements that occurs during increased vibration and repeated exposure to alternating loads of small amplitude.

Operating experience has shown that standard vibration dampers such as GVN, GPG, GPS, incl. installation of double dampers is not effective in combating increased vibration. All failures occurred near support clamps, vibration dampers, and sometimes at the points where the wire exits the connecting clamps. It is in these places that alternating mechanical stresses from vibration are greatest.

Behind winter period 1998-1999 In the Northern Electric Networks, there were about 60 overhead line failures due to the breakage of overhead line wires of various voltage classes. The overwhelming number of accidents were recorded at low temperatures (below -40°C) and, accordingly, at increased stress. Inspections showed that all the damage occurred in places where the wire was already weakened by fatigue damage from vibration, both in aluminum and steel layers.

To solve the problem, since 1999, JSC Tyumenenergo has been working to strengthen wires and lightning protection cables using protective spiral protectors of the CZS type, developed at JSC Elektrosetstroyproekt, wound onto the wire in a supporting clamp, then CZS to connectors of the SOAS, SAS types . With the development of multi-frequency vibration dampers of the GV (“pawn”) type in 2002, their experimental use began in the Severnye ES branch.

A further logical development of the successful idea of ​​spiral reinforcement was the creation by JSC Elektrosetstroyproekt of a full range of spiral reinforcement (supporting, tensioning, connecting, stub, etc.), which immediately began to be used in the reconstruction and repair of overhead lines at OJSC Tyumenenergo.

Over time, the efforts undertaken by Tyumenenergo JSC have made it possible to achieve a qualitative breakthrough in the fight against vibration wear of wires and lightning protection cables.

A steady trend has been achieved towards reducing damage to wires and ground wires due to vibration wear, which has made it possible to almost completely eliminate emergency shutdowns of overhead lines for this reason and transfer the problem from the plane of emergency repairs to the plane of scheduled maintenance.

A few years later, confirming the correctness of the direction chosen by Tyumenenergo OJSC, the information letter of FGC UES OJSC No. CHA/29/173 dated December 28, 2007 will be issued, prohibiting the use of 2-frequency vibration dampers of the old model for technical repairs, repairs and repairs and for the new construction of overhead lines.

Quote: “...The ban is associated with the low efficiency and insufficient operational reliability of both the entire design of the vibration damper and its individual components. The low efficiency is explained by low energy absorption in the damper cable; the frequency characteristics of vibration damping have two narrow zones of effective absorption. This leads to the impossibility of suppressing vibration in the entire spectrum of the arising vibration frequencies of the wire and its actual vulnerability in wide frequency ranges ... "

Based on this letter, since 2008, OJSC Tyumenenergo has completely officially abandoned the use of old-style vibration dampers at all its facilities in favor of multi-frequency vibration dampers of the GV, GVP, GVU types.

"Dance" of wires and cables

There is no doubt that the emergence of “dancing” in the Northern region of the Tyumen region is facilitated by the influence of wind loads when frost (“kurzhak”) is deposited on wires and cables. The occurrence of frost deposits on wires and cables of overhead lines occurs for the most part not due to the adhesion of atmospheric precipitation on them, but as a result of freezing of moisture-saturated soil (freezing of swamps) and air. The deposition of cylindrical frost is usually accompanied by “dancing” of wires in the form of standing waves with the most dangerous type of oscillations with one or two half-waves or low-frequency vibration. “Dancing” is one of the most dangerous types of vibrations of overhead line wires, and there are cases when “dancing” occurs without frost deposits or ice, for example, during oblique winds directed at an acute angle to the overhead line route.

The “dance” of wires is called stable periodic low-frequency oscillations caused by the wind, forming standing waves with the number of half-waves from one to twenty. “Dancing” is the result of exposure of the wire to periodically changing lift, which occurs during torsional movements of the wire when a uniform and transversely directed air flow flows around it at a speed of 6 to 25 m/s (from theory).

The phenomenon of “dancing” of wires and lightning cables in the Northern Electric Power Systems is observed in a wide range of climatic conditions:
. air temperature from - 2°C to -42°C;
. wind speed from 3 m/sec to 25 m/sec;
. ice-frost deposits.

From operating experience, the most dangerous is the “dancing” of wires when:
. air temperature from -30°C and below;
. wind speed 5-12 m/sec.

Under such conditions, the amplitude of vibrations of wires and cables reaches values ​​from 1 meter to values ​​equal to the sag with a frequency of 0.2 to 2 Hz.

The wires and fittings are subject to a huge dynamic shock load transmitted from the wind.

Damage to overhead line elements by dynamic loads at low temperatures increases due to the cold brittleness of the reinforcement and the wire as a whole.

Analysis of the “dance of wires on 35-110 kV overhead lines for 2009.” shows that up to 40% of cases of “dancing” leads to a stable disruption of the operation of overhead lines (NAPV) for a period from several minutes to several hours, up to 10% of cases to damage to elements of overhead lines requiring urgent repairs, in 50% of cases violations are limited to short-term outages ( UAPV).

During the “dancing” process, wires and linear fittings experience significant cyclic (pulsating) transverse and longitudinal loads, the value of which reaches 1-4 tons or more. The consequence of prolonged exposure to such loads is the destruction of suspension and coupling fittings, damage to interphase spacers, protective fittings, damage and breaks of wires and lightning protection cables.

First of all, units that have a rigid structure and carry a large load are destroyed by cyclic loads.

Methods to combat the dancing of wires and cables follow from the physics of this process, described in many manuals.

During oscillations in the air flow, aerodynamic forces act on the wire:
. the aerodynamic force from changing the angle of attack during translational oscillations is proportional to the speed of the oncoming wind flow;
. the aerodynamic force from torsional vibrations is proportional to the square of the oncoming wind speed.

Hence arises important conclusion about torsional vibrations as the main lever of influence on the “dance” of wires. The aerodynamic forces arising during “dancing” from torsional vibrations are predominant in magnitude, and they are decisive in the quantitative assessment of the “dancing” of wires, thereby setting one of the directions in the fight against dancing.

The fight against the “dancing” of wires and its consequences should be carried out both with the help of active means and passive methods by preventing the convergence (clapping) of wires by increasing the distance between them or placing the wires horizontally, or installing interphase insulating spacers (from theory).

To combat the “dancing” of wires with active means, in order to gain practical operating experience various types“dance” dampers, in the branch of OJSC Tyumenenergo Northern Electric Networks since 2003. Several types of “dance” dampers were installed: developed by JSC “VNIIE”, the operating principle of which is aimed at preventing and reducing torsional vibrations of the wire.

110 kV overhead line "Yamburg-YAGTES" subdivision "YAGP-2" pr. No. 1-14: MP-120-A, GP-120 - 234 pcs.;
. 110 kV overhead line “Yamburg-YAGP-6” pr. No. 7-8: MP-120-A and GP-120 - 9 pcs.

JSC Scientific and Technical Center "Electroseti" (Moscow) developed in 2008, at the request of JSC Tyumenenergo, a mathematical model for calculating spiral-type "dancing" dampers and a system for measuring wire vibrations, and conducted laboratory tests of dampers for resistance to cyclic longitudinal loads and in November 2008 completed the delivery of new experimental spiral-type dance dampers: GPS-15.2-01-1P (“butterfly”) and GPS-15.2-02-1P (“half-butterfly”), which were installed on the lines of the Yamburg Distribution Zone. Today, new dance dampers and a wire vibration measurement system are undergoing operational tests in order to collect experimental data for further improvement and development of the idea of ​​spiral dance dampers, as well as the creation of new samples of dance dampers.

On the 110 kV overhead line "YAGP-6-YAGTES" subdivision "YAGP-2" f. "S" in spans No. 1-14 the following are installed: GPS-15.2-01-1P - 42 pcs;
On the 110 kV overhead line "YAGP-6-YAGTES" subdivision "YAGP-2" f. "A" in spans No. 1-14 the following are installed: GPS-15.2-02-1P - 42 pcs;

To combat the “dancing” of wires using passive means, for the first time in the practice of OJSC Tyumenenergo in 2008. Interphase insulating spacers manufactured by ZAO Energia+21, Yuzhnouralsk, were used. These spacers are installed on the lines of the Yamburg Distribution Zone in the narrowest places, where in 2006, 2007 and early 2008, power line outages occurred precisely because of the “dancing” of wires. Interphase spacers are used to maintain the design distance between phase wires, wires and lightning protection cables during the “dance”. Such a system is designed to reduce the amplitude of the “dancing” of wires and the associated dynamic loads on the elements of overhead lines.

In 2008, the Northern Electric Networks installed:
110 kV overhead line “YAGP-6-YAGTES” pr. No. 206-207 - RMI-110 - 4 pcs.
110 kV overhead line “Yamburg-YAGTES” pr. No. 114-116 - RMI-110 - 8 pcs.
110 kV overhead line “Yamburg-YAGP-1V” pr. No. 75-76 - RMI-110 - 2 pcs.
110 kV overhead line "Yamburg-YAGP-1V" subdivision "YAGP-1" pr. No. 2-3 - RMI-110 - 2 pcs.
110 kV overhead line “Yamburg-YAGP-1” pr. No. 6-7 - RMI-110 - 2 pcs.

World experience shows that the problem of this type of wire oscillation, known as “dancing”, has not yet been fully studied and overcome, although most of the causes that cause it have been identified and described. Nevertheless, it is now not possible to completely get rid of the problem of “dancing” wires on operating overhead lines. In this regard, today the main direction of work in this direction is considered by JSC Tyumenenergo to be finding ways to reduce the amplitude and frequency of the “dancing” of wires to safe values. Along with active and passive methods of combating the “dancing” of wires on operating overhead lines described in the report, OJSC Tyumenenergo uses methods for anticipating this phenomenon at the design stage, namely, for overhead lines designed in regions with frequent and intense “dancing”, In addition to all the requirements stipulated by the normative and technical documentation, a reduced span length and reduced gravity are also included. For example, for the projected 220 kV Nadym-Salekhard overhead line, the average span length does not exceed 300-320 m, while in the standard approach the span length would reach 400 meters or more.

In addition, currently, within the framework of R&D, work is underway with JSC Elektrosetstroyproekt (JSC ESSP) to refine existing (such as GPS “butterfly”, “half-butterfly”) “dance” dampers or develop new designs of “dance” dampers. In December, it is planned to install an experimental batch of icing limiters from the ORGRES Company.

The company EnergoKomplekt LLC offers vibration dampers of the following types from its warehouses:

Vibration dampers or in another way - dampers, are designed to maintain overhead power lines (VL) in good condition. They protect overhead line wires from destruction during high-frequency vibrations in the short-wave range. Such fluctuations are caused by the influence of wind, when periodic separation of air flow turbulence occurs on the leeward side of the wire. Thus, the wire is set to oscillate in a plane transverse to the direction of the oncoming flow. Vibrations can be quite strong, they lead to fatigue stress on the wires at the places where the clamps are attached. To date, about 70 different types of dampers (vibration dampers) have been developed and are used.
Vibration dampers consist of:
  • housing with a die (with reduced magnetic losses);
  • damper cable and weights;
  • mounting bolt with nut and spring washers.

Definition required quantity absorbers, types and layouts of their locations use the methods of the Federal Grid Company "UES", based on special wind zoning maps of the Russian Federation.

Vibration dampers GVN

The first dampers that were used to reduce vibrations were vibration dampers GVN, with a blind mount on the wire. GVN type dampers are designed to protect overhead line wires and cables from vibration in normal spans up to 500 m long.

Brand Range of used wires and ropes, mm Dimensions, mm Weight, kg Brand of absorber type GPG for possible replacement
L d D H Cargo Extinguisher
GVN-2-9 8,9-9,8 300 9,1 9 68 0,8 2,24 GPG-0.8-9.1 -300/10
GVN-2-13 10,7-13,5 350 9,1 13 69 0,8 2,29 GPG-0.8-9.1-350/13
GVN-3-12 11,0-12,6 400 11 12 71 1,6 3,98 GPG-1.6-11-400/13
GVN-3-13 13 450 11 13 72 1,6 4,02 GPG-1.6-11-450/13
GVN-3-17 14-17,5 450 11 17 75 1,6 4,04 GPG-1.6-11-450/16
GVN-4-14 14 11 14 2,4 5,6 GPG-2.4-11-450/13
GVN-4-22 17,6-22,4 11 22 2,4 5,7 GPG-2.4-11-500/20
GVN-5-25 22,1-25,6 13 25 3,2 7,7 GPG-3.2-13-550/23
GVN-5-30 30,6 13 30 3,2 7,8 GPG-3.2-13-550/31
GVN-5-34 32-33,1 13 34 3,2 7,8 GPG-3.2-13-600/35
GVN-5-38 35,6-37,7 13 38 3,2 7,9 GPG-3.2-13-650/38

Vibration dampers type GPG

(with blind fastening on the wire)

They are installed on wires and cables of overhead power lines and their crossings through natural obstacles to prevent damage from fatigue stresses caused by vibration.

Brand Wire diameter, mm Dimensions, mm Weight, kg
d D L H
GPG-0.8-9.1-300/10 9,0-11,0 9,1 10 300 82,5 2,32
GPG-0.8-9.1-300/13 11,1-14,0 9,1 13 300 83,5 2,34
GPG-0.8-9.1-350/13 11,1-14,0 9,1 13 350 83,5 2,37
GPG-0.8-9.1-350/16 14,1-17,0 9,1 16 350 86,5 2,39
GPG-0.8-9.1-400/13 11,1-14,0 9,1 13 400 83,5 2,39
GPG-1.6-11-350/10 9,0-11,0 11 10 350 80 4,23
GPG-1.6-11-350/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 350 81 4,26
GPG-1.6-11-400/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 400 81 4,28
GPG-1.6-11-400/16 14,1-17,0 11 16 400 84 4,3
GPG-1.6-11-400/20 17,1-20,0 11 20 400 87 4,32
GPG-1.6-11-450/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 450 81 4,31
GPG-1.6-11-450/16 14,1-17,0 11 16 450 84 4,33
GPG-1.6-11-450/23 20,1-26,0 11 23 450 88 4,51
GPG-1.6-11-450/31 26,1-32,0 11 31 450 92 4,57
GPG-1.6-11-450/35 32,1-35,0 11 35 450 93 4,57
GPG-1.6-11-500/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 500 81 4,34
GPG-1.6-11-500/20 17,1-20,0 11 20 500 87 4,38
GPG-1.6-11-550/16 14,1-17,0 11 16 550 84 4,39
GPG-1.6-11-550/20 17,1-20,0 11 20 550 87 4,41
GPG-1.6-13-350/13 11,1-14,0 13 13 350 89,5 4,39
GPG-1.6-13-400/16 14,1-17,0 13 16 400 92,5 4,45
GPG-1.6-13-400/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 400 95,5 4,47
GPG-1.6-13-450/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 450 95,5 4,51
GPG-1.6-13-450/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 450 96,5 4,57
GPG-2.4-11-400/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 400 81 5,88
GPG-2.4-11-450/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 450 81 5,91
GPG-2.4-11-450/16 14,1-17,0 11 16 450 84 5,93
GPG-2.4-11-500/13 11,1-14,0 11 13 500 81 5,94
GPG-2.4-11-500/16 14,1-17,0 11 16 500 84 5,96
GPG-2.4-11-500/20 17,1-20,0 11 20 500 87 5,98
GPG-2.4-11-550/20 17,1-20,0 11 20 550 87 6,01
GPG-2.4-11-550/23 20,1-26,0 11 23 550 88 6,17
GPG-2.4-11-600/23 20,1-26,0 11 23 600 88 6,2
GPG-2.4-13-400/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 400 95,5 6,07
GPG-2.4-13-450/13 11,1-14,0 13 13 450 89,5 6,07
GPG-2.4-13-450/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 450 95,5 6,11
GPG-2.4-13-450/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 450 96,5 6,27
GPG-2.4-13-450/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 450 101 6,33
GPG-2.4-13-500/13 11,1-14,0 13 13 500 89,5 6,12
GPG-2.4-13-500/16 14,1-17,0 13 16 500 92,5 6,14
GPG-2.4-13-500/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 500 95,5 6,16
GPG-2.4-13-500/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 500 96,5 6,32
GPG-2.4-13-500/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 500 101 6,38
GPG-2.4-13-500/35 32,1-35,0 13 35 500 102 6,38
GPG-2.4-13-550/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 550 95,5 6,2
GPG-2.4-13-550/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 550 96,5 6,36
GPG-2.4-13-600/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 600 96,5 6,41
GPG-3.2-13-450/16 14,1-17,0 13 16 450 92,5 7,69
GPG-3.2-13-450/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 450 96,5 7,87
GPG-3.2-13-450/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 450 101 7,93
GPG-3.2-13-500/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 500 95,5 7,76
GPG-3.2-13-500/35 32,1-35,0 13 35 500 102 7,98
GPG-3.2-13-550/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 550 95,5 7,8
GPG-3.2-13-550/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 550 96,5 7,96
GPG-3.2-13-550/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 550 101 8
GPG-3.2-13-600/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 600 96,5 8,01
GPG-3.2-13-600/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 600 101 8,07
GPG-3.2-13-600/35 32,1-35,0 13 35 600 102 8,07
GPG-3.2-13-650/35 32,1-35,0 13 35 650 102 8,11
GPG-3.2-13-650/38 35,1-38,0 13 38 650 104 8,19
GPG-4.0-13-500/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 500 95,5 9,36
GPG-4.0-13-500/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 500 96,5 9,52
GPG-4.0-13-550/20 17,1-20,0 13 20 550 95,5 9,4
GPG-4.0-13-550/23 20,1-26,0 13 23 550 96,5 9,56
GPG-4.0-13-550/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 550 101 9,62
GPG-4.0-13-600/31 26,1-32,0 13 31 600 101 9,67
GPG-4.0-13-600/35 32,1-35,0 13 35 600 102 9,67

Vibration dampers type GPG-A

They were developed as a replacement for the outdated model - GPG. Design differences in relation to GPG dampers:

  • the configuration of the loads (“horseshoe”) and the material of manufacture (steel) have been changed;
  • When sealing vibrator weights on the damper cable, bushings are not used, as before. The loads are pressed directly onto the damper cable, which greatly increases the strength of the seal;
  • the attachment unit for the vibration damper GPG-A has a monolithic design, which eliminates the appearance of backlashes in it;
  • one universal die of the fastening unit (made of aluminum) is installed, in contrast to the use of two dies in the GPG.

Explanation of the designation of the brand of vibration dampers, type GPG-A, for example:

GPG-0.8-9.1-300A/10-13, where (see Fig.1 and Table1)

  1. 0.8 – mass of the load used (0.8; 1.6; 2.4; 3.2; 4.0);
  2. A – specific execution model;
  3. 10-13 - Die number, indicating the wire mounting diameter (D) and standard sizes according to Table 1 and Fig. 1.
Die no. D, mm H, mm L1, mm
10-13 9,0-14,0 50,0 45,0
16-20 14,5-20,0 65,5 45,0
23-31 20,1-32,0 85,0 50,0
23-35 20,1-35,0 85,0 50,0

Vibration dampers type GV

The GW damper is a further scientific and technical development of the GPG and GPG-A models.

Installed on wires and cables of overhead power lines and their crossings through natural obstacles to prevent damage from fatigue stresses caused by vibration.

GW has three resonant operating frequencies due to changes in the shape of the loads relative to dampers of the GPG-A type. The hot water absorber copes not only with bending but also with torsional stresses. This type of damper is recommended for use by FGC UES. Their use is allowed on all types of overhead lines.

Explanation of the designation of the brand of vibration dampers, type GV, for example
GV-0.8-9.1-300/10-13, where (see Fig.2 and Table2):

  • 0.8 – mass of the load used;
  • 9.1 – diameter of the damper cable (d), mm (9.1; 11.0; 13.0);
  • 300 – nominal length of the vibration damper (L), mm (300÷600, in increments of 50 mm);
  • 10-13 - Die number, indicating the wire mounting diameter (D) and standard sizes according to Table 2 and Fig. 2.
Die no. D, mm H, mm L1, mm
10-13 9,0-14,0 50,0 45,0
16-20 14,5-20,0 65,5 45,0
23-31 20,1-32,0 85,0 50,0
23-35 20,1-35,0 85,0 50,0

Vibration of wires is vibrations of a wire in a vertical plane caused by wind, characterized by a small swing and a high frequency.
The vibrating wire in the span of an overhead line has a wave-like shape. Wire oscillations during vibration are standing waves, when the points of the wire with the largest range of oscillations (antinodes) and the points of the wire that remain motionless during the oscillation process (nodes) do not change their position along the length of the wire. The vibration wavelength is equal to twice the distance between two adjacent nodes (or antinodes). The largest range of vibrations is called vibration amplitude. The vibration amplitude usually does not exceed 3...5 cm at a wavelength from 1 to 10 m. In 1 s, from 5 to 100 vibrations occur.
The lowest wind speed at which vibration of wires is possible is 0.5...0.6 m/s. The upper limit ranges from 4...5 m/s with a wire suspension height of 12 m, to 8...10 m/s with a wire suspension height of about 70 m (at special crossings).
Vibration of wires occurs due to the formation of turbulence in the air flow as it flows around the wire. The air vortexes formed behind it swing the wire in the vertical direction. For vibration to occur, it is necessary that the forces acting on the wire be sufficiently large and alternate in direction. Such efforts occur only with a uniform wind.
The likelihood of vibration increases with the length of the line span, diameter and height of the wire suspension. As the tension along the wire changes, the wavelength, amplitude and frequency of vibration change. Vibration of wires occurs when the wind is directed at an angle of 45...90° to the line axis. At angles of 30...45°, vibration is unstable, and at angles less than 20° it does not occur at all. Vibration most often occurs on lines running through open areas. Shrubs, buildings and trees on the highway affect the occurrence of vibration, as they change the direction and speed of the air flow. On lines passing through forested areas with tree heights close to the height of the wire suspension, vibration of the wires is practically not observed.
As a result of vibration, kinks occur at the point where the wire is attached to the support or tension clamp. Their quantity during operation quickly reaches very large values ​​and causes fatigue of the wire metal. The destruction of individual wires of the wire occurs, and then the wire breaks under normal tension. The wire can withstand from half a million to several tens of millions of kinks before breaking. As tension along the wire increases, metal fatigue occurs with fewer kinks. Vibration damage to wires most often occurs near the support terminals. The more the wire bends in the clamp and the sharper the edges of the dies clamping the wire, the sooner the wire will break due to vibration. Best conditions for operation, wires are created in clamps with a wide mouth and rounded edges at the point where the wire exits. Damage to wires from vibration near tension clamps is rarely observed, since the tension clamp can vibrate around the axis of the fastening along with the wire. However, if the clamps are massive, the wire may be damaged by vibration near the tension clamp
During vibration, usually the first thing that occurs is the destruction of the wires of the outer layer of the wire, since they experience the greatest kinks. The wires at the break point have a fine-grained structure, the edges of the break are smooth. There are no necks characteristic of wire rupture under tension. Destruction of a wire from vibration develops very quickly, as the stresses in the remaining wires increase due to a decrease in the total cross-section of the wire.
Split phases on 330-750 kV power lines, consisting of two to five wires connected by spacers, are subject to vibration to a lesser extent than individual wires. The presence of connections between the wires prevents the development of vibrations and contributes to the dissipation of vibration energy. The vibration amplitude of the split phases is reduced by 1.5...10 times depending on the number of wires and the distance between the spacers; in most cases, this eliminates the risk of damage to the wires from vibration.
With two wires in a phase, sometimes it is necessary to install dampers, but with three or more wires, protection with vibration dampers is not required.
When using in-phase splitting of wires on power lines, spacers installed on the wires largely dampen the vibration of the wires. Paired spacers are especially effective at dampening vibration when they are arranged in a group and the phase is split into three or more wires. Under these conditions, the installation of additional vibration dampers, as a rule, is not required if the distance between the “bushes” of spacers does not exceed 60.. 75 m. On lines with phase splitting into only two wires, the vibration damping effect of distance spacers is somewhat weaker and installation may be required additional vibration dampers, although their number on each wire is usually less than on lines with unsplit wires running under the same conditions.
Thus, on split-phase lines of two wires connected by spacers, vibration protection is necessary for span lengths of more than 150 m and average operating stresses in steel-aluminum wires exceeding 40...45 MPa, depending on the type of wire and the nature of the terrain along which line passes.
Installation of dampers is not required if the line runs through a forest with a tree height exceeding the height of the wire suspension, along mountain valleys and other obstacles that protect the line from cross winds
In accordance with the current " Methodical instructions According to standard protection against vibration of wires and cables of overhead power lines with a voltage of 35-750 kV, vibration protection of single wires and cables is not required if the average operating voltage in them is less than 35...40 MPa for aluminum wires and wires made of AN alloy; 40...45 MPa for steel-aluminum wires and wires made of AZh alloy; 100...110 MPa for copper wires and 180...200 MPa for steel wires and cables. More precisely, these values ​​are determined depending on the cross-section of the wires, the length of the spans and the nature of the terrain through which the line runs: open, flat terrain without trees, heavily rugged or built-up terrain, or the presence of sparse or low-growing forest.
Depending on the conditions of the passage of the line, the design features of the lines and the tension along the wires and cables, vibration dampers are installed either on both sides of the span, or only on one side, and it is recommended to install vibration dampers through one support, i.e. on both sides of one support and skipping the next one
Installation of dampers on one side of the span is allowed in conditions of reduced risk of vibration in spans less than 200 m long, and also in spans 200-320 m long, if the average operational<- напряжение в проводах незначительно (на 5-10%) превышает указанные ранее безопасные для вибрации значения.
The installation of vibration dampers is mandatory for both single wires and split wires, regardless of the average operating voltage in the wires when crossing large rivers, reservoirs, open mountain valleys, if the crossing span exceeds 500 m for large rivers and reservoirs and 800 m for mountain valleys, where vibration manifests itself to a slightly lesser extent than when crossing rivers and reservoirs.
In transition spans through rivers and reservoirs with a length of 500-1500 m, as well as through mountain valleys with a width of 800...1500 m, it is recommended to install two vibration dampers on each side of the span. Protection against vibration of wires and cables in transition spans longer than 1500 m, as well as regardless of the span length for wires with a diameter of more than 38 mm and wires with an average operating tension of more than 180 kN, must be carried out according to a special design.
On lines with split phases, along with vibration, another type of vibration of the wires is observed - these are vibrations of the drives in the areas between the spacers, associated with the shielding of one of the wires by the other when wind influences the wires located in the same horizontal plane. This type of oscillation is called sub-oscillation. Shielding one wire with another when there is wind across the line and a relatively small distance between the wires (0.3.. 0.4 m) leads to the fact that the shielded wire falls into the zone of air flow turbulence and its oscillations occur mainly in the horizontal plane.

1 - position of the wires between the spacers during suboscillations.
2 - spacers; 3 - wind direction
The amplitude of suboscillations is from 5...6 cm to several tens of centimeters, and the oscillation period is from 0.2...0.5 to 1 s. Sub-oscillations of wires occur at sufficiently high wind speeds and can lead to collisions and damage to wires as a result of collisions. Sub-oscillations pose a great danger to remote spacers, the parts of which can wear out and be destroyed by prolonged exposure to sub-oscillations of the wires. According to foreign data, the ratio of the distance between the split-phase wires to the diameter of the wires, which reduces the likelihood of suboscillations, should be at least 20. However, from the experience of operating 500 and 750 kV lines in the Russian Federation, it can be concluded that with a group installation of spacers, this ratio can be reduced to 12... 17. If sub-oscillations of wires and damage to wires or spacers appear on existing lines, the installation scheme of distance spacers should be reconsidered, reducing the distances between the spacers or replacing them with another, more advanced design.
Protection against vibration of single wires and cables is not required if the span lengths of overhead lines and the average operating voltages in the wires do not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. 2.1.7,1 volume.
When passing an overhead line through a continuous forest with trees higher than the height of the suspension of wires and cables, as well as along mountain valleys (at the bottom), protection of the wires and cables of the overhead line is not required.
Vibration protection of single aluminum wires with a cross-section of 120 mm 2 and more, steel-aluminum wires with a cross-section of 95 mm 2 and more, aluminum alloy wires with a cross-section of 70 mm 2 and more, copper and steel wires, lightning protection cables with a cross-section of 50 mm 2 and more is carried out by standard dampers of the GVN type .
In the early 80s, vibration dampers with shortened weights and drop-shaped weights instead of cylindrical ones were produced for some time.
The operating efficiency of such absorbers is very low. There have been cases of fatigue damage to wires and lightning protection cables of overhead lines equipped with these absorbers. Currently, the production of such dampers has been discontinued, and previously installed dampers with shortened weights and drop-shaped weights must be replaced with standard ones.
In connection with the cases of damage to wires made of aluminum alloys AZh 120 and AZhS 70/39 VNIIE, special studies were carried out, which showed the need to develop supporting clamps and vibration damper clamps for wires of the AZh and AZhS grades using special gaskets made of wear-resistant elastomers with semi-conducting properties .
Before developing such clamps for AZh and AZhS wires, it is recommended to take average operating voltages of about,<<0,2овр.
The newly developed wire made from bimetallic steel-aluminum wires of grade PBSA 120, according to laboratory studies at VNIIE, has resistance to damage due to vibration that is at least no worse than a steel-aluminum wire of the same diameter. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt the criteria and means of vibration protection for PBSA 120 wire as for steel-aluminum wires.
When installing two dampers in a span, one damper is installed on each side of the span; when installing one damper in a span (on one side of the span), it is recommended to install them through one support - on both sides of the fastening of the wire or cable to the garland.
The newly developed multi-frequency vibration damper “Pawn” (Fig. 2.10.33) is designed to protect wires of overhead power lines from vibration. Its design retains both types of bending vibrations of a cable with weights inherent in the basic version of the Stockbridge damper, and also adopts a new concept of energy absorption to increase the number of degrees of freedom - torsional deformation.
Dual vibration dampers have been developed for overhead line transitions. Combined dampers are necessary to protect overhead line wires from “dancing” and vibration.

Multi-frequency vibration damper "Pawn"
The action of the dampers is based on a change in the torsional stiffness characteristics of both one wire (cable) and the phase wires. A pair of combined dampers are installed in a span on both sides of the wire, at an angle of 45° to it. If necessary, a second pair of dampers is used. The position of the ysigelei is very stable under any operational influences.
Protection against vibration of the split phase, consisting of two wires connected in a span by spacers with a distance between them of no more than 75 m for spans of 150 m or more, is carried out by standard dampers of the GVN type.
When installing four dampers in a span, two dampers are installed on each side of the span (one on each wire); when installing two absorbers, they are installed one per phase on each side of the span, alternately on different wires of the phase.
Split-phase wires, consisting of three to five wires or more, connected by spacers with a distance between them of no more than 75 m, in normal spans do not require vibration protection at any value of the average operating voltage. At the same time, for four and five wires in a phase, before developing spacers of increased reliability and resistance to vibration, it is recommended to install concentrated spacers alternately with groups of five and seven paired spacers (respectively for phases of four and five wires) with a distance between them (under the spans) no more than 40 m. The subspans adjacent to the supports are reduced: the first to 20 m, and the next one to 25..30 m. In some cases, only groups of paired struts can be used.

Technological map for the installation (replacement) of vibration dampers on the wires of 110-220 kV overhead lines

Technological map for the installation (replacement) of vibration dampers on the wires of 110-220 kV overhead lines using a hydraulic lift

Sequence of operations according to TC

1. Obtain a work order and permission to prepare the workplace and for admission.

2.Check the correspondence of the disconnected circuit (for double-circuit overhead lines) and the numbers of overhead line supports along with them. Place red flags on the support on the live side of the circuit.

3. Install the auto-hydraulic hoist on the side of the disconnected circuit (for double-circuit overhead lines) outside the security zone of the overhead line, secure the auto-hydraulic hoist with outriggers and ground it, set the boom to the working position and test it at idle

4. Prepare the workplace according to the technological maps “Installation of portable grounding on overhead line wires and a lightning protection cable, using an aerial platform.”

5. Lower the basket with the electrician to the ground.

6. Conduct instructions and allow the team to work.

7.Two electricians climb into the basket. Raise the basket up to the wire. Connect the basket to the wire with a portable grounding connection. Lift tools, equipment, and equipment into the basket along an endless rope.

8. Repair (install) the vibration damper and, if necessary, replace it.

9. Disconnect the portable grounding connecting the auto-hydraulic lift basket with the wire.

10. Repair (replace) other vibration dampers in the same way.

11. Upon completion of work, remove the portable grounding connections in the reverse order of its installation and lower them along an endless rope to the ground. The portable grounding connections, tools, fixtures, and equipment.