Motivation letter for university in English. Expert assistance with admission to master's programs at the world's best universities and business schools. Formatting a motivation letter

One of the fundamental points for successful admission to a foreign university is a correctly and accurately compiled motivation letter. With its help, convincing the admissions committee that you are a worthy candidate for admission to the university will be much easier.

Where to begin

So, you have already prepared the documents for admission to the university, and now you need to write a letter of motivation that will set you apart from other applicants and give you a chance to enter the university and implement your plans for the future. First, you need to think through the content of the letter, make a list of questions that will need to be answered in the letter.

  • Briefly tell us about yourself. What motivates you? What is most important to you? What results have you achieved? If you consider yourself purposeful, then show this based on specific life examples. For example, how you managed to achieve certain results in the field of activity that interests you most.
  • What exactly interested you in your chosen field? Probably in future profession you were attracted to something specific, for example, experiments, impressions, discoveries.
  • What is your choice of university based on? Study the history of the university you plan to enroll in. Which professor's teaching attracts you the most? What subjects will you study at university? Perhaps only at this university is it possible to obtain certain unique knowledge?
  • Describe your professional tasks for the near future. How will studying at this university allow you to develop in the future? Will acquiring this specialty continue what you have already started?

Correct text structure

So, let's divide your motivation letter for studying abroad into three blocks: introduction, main block and conclusion. The first describes the author's academic life, where he studied, practiced, his goals, profile. The main block is short description the author's motivation for studying at this university. Finally, indicate your planned place of work and the country where you would like to apply your knowledge.

How to write a motivation letter for admission to a foreign university

To begin, answer the previously prepared questions orally. Record all your ideas on a voice recorder. Then write down all your ideas for visualization. Then you can break them down point by point.

Point 1. Introduction

You need to immediately attract the reader with your main and most exciting idea, which you will later reveal in more detail.

Point 2, 3, 4: Main part

Here you need to reasonably describe your idea, supporting its relevance with facts. Surely, you know a lot of examples from life that prove the value of your idea.


  • The main idea, the idea is repeated and intensified. Add optimism, confidence, draw a connecting line between the beginning and the conclusion;
  • The text should not be overly formal, the main task convince the reader of your sincere intentions, add personality;
  • It is best to move from generalized phrases and sentences to specific examples, name names famous people, in the area in which you plan to develop, who are role models for you;
  • The most convincing thing is always sincere words and intentions, don’t lie;
After the text is written, you need to look at it again.

1. Pay attention to the structure and connections between all points of your letter;

2. The letter must be sincere; do not overload it with unnecessary emotions. The text carries a piece of your personality;

3. All paragraphs must be written in the same style;
4. Read the text again and remove all unnecessary things; the main idea should be clearly visible;

5. Will your letter be of interest to the admissions committee? From the first proposals?

6. Your motivation letter should stand out from the rest, describing your best thoughts, main ideas;

7. It is advisable that your letter is read by a person with knowledge of spoken English or German;

8. Look for the most interesting things, express your thoughts beautifully, reformulate sentences, reread, rewrite the letter.

Language of presentation

If the program in which you plan to study is English-language, then the motivation letter for the master’s program must be in English. If you are applying to study at a German-language university, then you need to write a letter in the language of the country where the university is located. Take translation as seriously as possible, since you need to not just write words, but convey to the reader the meaning of what you wanted to write.

Universal motivation letter Exists or not

All educational institutions are unique, with completely different training programs. That is why do not send the same motivation letter to several universities at once. You can leave unchanged only the block with personal information, information about work, practice. The motivation letter should be drawn up in accordance with the specifics of the university. can serve as a skeleton for writing your unique essay. This is just a visual, small hint for the author.


Be as careful as possible when editing your finished essay. Any mistake will be considered as negligence in writing the letter. Proofreading the text and its final revision may take several days. Do not waste your time, perhaps this will be a decisive plus in your favor. Editing is carried out step by step.

1. Checking the document for integrity;

2. Checking for the presence of a logical connection between all blocks of the letter;

3. A minimum of adjectives that express excessive emotions;

4. Motivation letter should not be too long, two A4 pages will be enough;

5. Unified style of text in the letter;

6. Text checking by a professional in English.

The result of such editing will be a deservedly positive review, as well as the admissions committee’s interest in such a competent applicant.


The best opportunity to finally convince the admissions committee of a foreign university that you are the most worthy candidate for admission is to write a unique motivation letter. Prove that you are active and capable of participating in student social life, achieving academic success, and are a great fit for studying at this particular university.

But still, try to eliminate the most common mistakes in your letter.

1. Do not repeat what you wrote in the application form again.. You have already filled out the application form for admission to the chosen university. Your motivation letter is a chance to open up and show the admissions committee your individuality. Do not repeat information known about you;

2. Standard motivation letter. Such a letter will not set you apart from the crowd. It is necessary to reasonably answer the question of what exactly attracts you to this university. Imagine that you are in the shoes of the admissions committee. What arguments will help you choose one or another candidate for admission?

3. The beginning of the letter is not interesting. From the very beginning, try to express your thoughts in such a way that
s and further reading of the letter fascinated the selection committee. Develop your thoughts smoothly. Describe a specific situation in your life.

4. All statements are superficial. Avoid common words and phrases. Support each of your statements and ideas with facts, examples from life, and personal experience.

6. Bad check. The written text must be carefully checked, because every mistake made can affect the decision of the selection committee. Proofread your letter carefully, preferably several times.

7. Poor attempt at a joke. People's opinions do not always coincide. Perhaps the admissions committee will find your joke inappropriate.

8.Try to be yourself. Don't exaggerate your knowledge and talents. Write the truth about yourself. Reality will best reflect the real situation and your personality.

9. The issue has not been resolved. The application contains instructions that detail what your motivation letter should be about. These are the instructions you must follow. Be careful.

10.Don't put it off until the very last moment. A hastily written letter is unlikely to be of high quality and will fully reveal all your talents. Think over your essay in advance, re-read it, perhaps fresh thoughts will come to you.

Video review: “How to write a motivation letter”

Make sure your motivation letter looks attractive and aesthetically pleasing in appearance. It must be error-free, clearly printed, signed, and have the correct address of the sender and recipient.

Sample motivation letter in English for admission to a university abroad.

I am Alex Smith citizen of country XXXXXXX. I have cleared my degree from the famous University of XXXXXXX in XXXXXXXXXX. However I always have been interest on business field as my family here in XXXXXXXX runs small business, so since my childhood. I am influenced by it and till today.

As all know that being the richest in natural beauty XXXXXX’s economy is poorest and now its economy is all dependent on remittance and donation. I wonder why is it so aren’t we prefect for the international business? This question always pinch on my heart or else we are missing something in the field of business so we are getting difficulties in coping up the international business field to fill up this gap the people should understand the international marketing and the world's economy keeping these in mind .

I am now much more interested in this field and I know I have to get success in it, in the way of achieving my goal. I have to study hard, know international people of this field, how they think and what are the main strategies they use for their success. I better know that the business style of western countries are timely, focused towards customers desire and wants and is completely different then those of here in eastern countries, they are so more practically then the theory that’s the main reason of their success.

I also have known that the practically implemented theories are much more beatifically than the hypothetical theories, and also students on business over there are given the chance of internship on reputed companies which is the main gate of their success. Due to the Natural beauty of XXXXXXX, Many people around the world are visiting and here we do not know their culture and the way they think, it makes us very difficult in dealing with them among these tourists.

I found most of them are from Holland so I choose my study country for this. If I get a chance to continue my study in this country then I am sore that it would help my future plan of doing business with these people as I would be able to know their striates build up business. Further more the course offered by this university are much more realistic then others and also the course fee affordable to me that’s the main reason why I choose this course and university as well as country.

I hope after finishing my study there in the Netherlands I would perfect in the western way of doing business and what labor is required for it. Anybody who wants to be successful in his/her life should study hard implement the theories in the field must be practical know much more technique be able to cope with time etc to get all abode mentioned points I have to have much more study and knowledge in this field, so

I decided to study this course to quench my thirst of doing international business with western country and teach more XXXXXX the way of doing business with them so our remittance and aid dependent economy can lift up and be independent which finally brings economic boom to the country for this we the new generation must contribute our effort and time.

It is also said that healthy the see is planted the healthy and more crops you get if you plant rice and hope for wheat that is foolishness which is now what is happening in our business world so that’s why I am fully motivated to this study.

To qualify for admission to any Russian university, it is enough to graduate from high school, submit the necessary package of documents and pass the entrance exams. It is based on their results that the admissions committee evaluates the degree of preparation of the applicant and determines the level of his social skills. Things are much more complicated.

In addition to providing a certificate and confirming the level of language proficiency (certificate), the future student must provide a motivation letter in English.

A motivation letter for studying abroad is a mandatory document, according to which the admission committee of a foreign university evaluates personal and professional quality applicant, as well as the level of his theoretical training in 2019. In addition, it best explains the choice of a particular specialty and the desire to study it.

For applicants who have successfully passed the test and scored the maximum score, writing such a sheet is a formality, since they are most likely to be admitted to the university.

An example of writing a motivational essay

However, for people who are missing several points, it can become a real salvation and guarantee admission to a university. In the case when a student wants to change his specialty, or for admission to a master's program, it also plays a vital role, since it explains the reason for such a decision.

A motivation sheet for entering a university is written in free form in the first person or in the form of a short interview. The dialogue format involves composing 10-15 questions and sequential answers to them. Despite the arbitrary nature of the writing, the letter is an official document for which certain requirements are put forward.

As a rule, they do not relate to the design of the letter, but relate to its content. The motivation letter for must contain the following information about the applicant:

  • some facts from the biography;
  • explanation of interest in the chosen specialty;
  • explanation of interest in a specific university;
  • description of plans for the future;
  • direct contact with representatives of the educational institution.

The finished letter must meet all these criteria. There is no need to provide dry or overly detailed information about yourself. All information should be exclusively relevant to the essence of the issue and cover only one single topic - a reasonable desire to enroll in a specific university. At the same time, its content should attract attention and make you want to read the entire letter to the very end.

The average length of a finished essay or dialogue is 500-800 words, but can be exceeded up to 1200-1300 words.

Drawing up a motivation sheet: introduction and presentation of biographical information

Compiling a motivation sheet itself is a fairly simple task. Anyone can write it, and the process itself is not difficult. However, teachers do not finish reading at least half of each of these creations. The letter should not only motivate the commission members to read it, but also meet specific requirements.

It is very important that it is not offensive or familiar in nature and is easy to understand.

The first part of a letter to study at a foreign university should not only contain most of the important information, but also be interesting to read. The story should begin with biographical notes. At the same time, they must be provided in such a way that they fully reflect and explain the desire to study in a specific specialty. In addition, the beginning of a letter for admission to a master's program must be written sincerely and from the heart, based on personal experience man and his worldview.

Personal history is not a necessary part of the narrative, since sometimes basic biographical information such as full name, place of birth and basic training is sufficient. If there was training in language courses, then this fact should also be indicated, as well as the result obtained at the end of them.

However, having a real-life story that dramatically changed your life significantly increases the chances of the letter being read in full. It fuels general interest in the story and encourages further study. A good example there will be a description of family traditions like the following:

My name is Peter Yakimov, I am a native of the city of Tula. It cannot be said that since childhood I dreamed of building residential buildings, and I did not like playing with cubes. However, when at the age of 13 my father and I started building a garage, I could not imagine what it would develop into. I was so carried away by the decorative decoration of all the walls and ceilings that I decided once and for all to become an architect.

Such an introduction is a good example of the beginning of a letter, since it contains all the necessary information about the applicant and encourages further acquaintance with him.

How to write a motivation letter, watch the video.

Structure and content of the main part of the motivation sheet

The emergence of interest in a certain specialization is good, but it is necessary to explain why the choice fell on this particular institute. For example, such an opus might look like this:

My grandfather fought with Germany in World War II, and my father served in the GDR. On this basis, various disputes arose in the family more than once. Therefore, as a child, I decided for myself that I would never go to this country. However, having reached the age of 15, I realized that today's Germany is significantly different from the previous one and is an advanced state in the field of education. Only here will I be able to fully realize myself and learn all the intricacies of architectural and engineering art.

After explaining your interest in the university, you need to describe your future plans to emphasize the feasibility. A sample of this part of the essay might look like this:

Studiesplays an important role in my life. However, self-realization and application of the information received is a much more significant aspect for me. I understand perfectly well that theoretical knowledge is nothing without practical experience. Therefore, in the future I plan to continue working on self-improvement of construction skills and want to get a job at one of the leading German design agencies.

The final part of the motivation letter is an appeal to the selection committee and the institute as a whole. In this part of the letter, it is best to avoid loud words and flattery, but simply express in a few words the truth about the attitude towards a particular university and citizens of a foreign state in general. In most cases, 1-3 sentences are completely enough to successfully complete a motivation letter for admission to study or a master's degree.

This motivation letter was compiled for admission to study abroad in English by a student applying for a place in the master's program of a prestigious British university - and, with the permission of the student, translated into Russian specifically for Smapse. Using this letter of approximately 500-600 words as an example, you can see how to effectively apply all the tips we gave you in.

"I got higher education at the Moscow State Institute International Relations(MGIMO) majoring in “ International management in the fuel and energy complex” and now I am applying for the MSc master’s program (here you can insert the full name of your specialty, faculty and university where you plan to enroll). I want to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in the energy business through the MSc program in order to start working in an international company in the fuel and energy sector. Energy is one of the main manufacturing sectors in Russia, and therefore I chose “Management in the Energy Sector” as my bachelor’s degree.

While receiving my bachelor's degree at MGIMO, I realized that I wanted to build my successful career in the international sector, striving to change the planet for the better. I am confident that the development of alternative energy sources will be able to solve key problems in global energy, ecology and environmental management - for example, overcome limited resources, minimize harm to our planet, and reduce the cost of global production. In the Western world, the issue of alternative energy sources is given much more attention than in Russia, unfortunately, so I expect to make a tangible contribution to the development of this sector in my home country.

To achieve my goal, I plan to build a career in world leading companies in the energy sector: Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil or British Petroleum. It seems to me that the most suitable option is to start working in a team of internal consultants: this way I can gain comprehensive experience, learn all the functions and features of this business. My interest in this topic and determination will help me in a few years to lead this team and stimulate the development of alternative energy sources in Russia. In the future, I plan to work as a managing director of a representative office of one of these companies in Russia, or to found own company, developing services in the field of alternative energy production.

I am confident that the MSc program will strengthen and deepen, update the knowledge I already have, plus give me unique, special skills for leading international business and cooperation. I want to acquire basic knowledge of the sector alternative energy in the countries of the Western world, because I consider the Western economy to be more developed than the Russian one. Main volume necessary knowledge I plan to study in the areas of “Energy Markets” and “Economics and Trade in the Fuel and Energy Sector”, as well as in the financial field (as this will help me better understand the complex, complex processes of international energy business).

I believe that the MSc Energy, Trade and Finance will provide an effective bridge between my undergraduate degree and my future successful career in the international community, in the energy sector. I am confident in my abilities and am aware of the complexity of the chosen course - I am ready to do everything possible to become a successful and promising student, a member of the student community of my university, and a qualified specialist. I plan to take the IELTS exam shortly before admission (here you can indicate the date of the scheduled test).”

Don’t forget to watch the video on how to write a motivation letter quickly and efficiently

The most optimal volume is 500-700 words that fit on one page. Write more - and you will probably not be remembered very well out loud kind words, and they will also think that you do not know how to briefly express your thoughts.

In order to serve as much as possible detailed information about yourself, there is another document - CV. In it you can write down all the details of your biography point by point on 5 pages, mention any received diplomas, diplomas, certificates, medals, badges and orders. Here you have just such a task - to tell everything about yourself. For this purpose, it is better to use a CV.

We already wrote about the purposes of a motivation letter at the beginning of this article. This is not an autobiography, but an essay about why you desperately need to enroll in a particular German university, and also why you need it more than everyone else.

A motivation letter with maximum efficiency is a short text of 1 page, in which you answer these questions concisely and at the same time juicily and beautifully. Specificity for this document is very important.

But, unlike, for example, an expert’s opinion or an article from an encyclopedia of birds, here it is also necessary to convey your mood and emotions. The most ideal option is when the specifics in the text are about 60%, and the rest is your emotions and beautiful words. But, nevertheless, there is no single recipe here. To determine what needs to be removed or added, you need to look at your entire text.

6. Show interest in the subject you are studying in action.

Everyone wants to learn. At least, they write about it excitedly in motivation letters. But how do the “jury members” know that you are not doing this under pressure or simply because you don’t know what else to do with your time in life?

A German university first of all needs fans of the specialty for which the competition is open. After all, such people will gnaw at the granite of science by the sweat of their brow. In addition, a passion for learning can be contagious, and a particularly inspired student can positively influence other colleagues.

It is also possible that after graduation, such a smart student will remain at the university to begin his scientific career. And in Germany today there is a shortage of such personnel - the vast majority of young people, after receiving a diploma, rush to earn money.

"IN school years I was repeatedly elected class president and school president. On the youth basketball team, I was almost always the captain. At his home university, he is also the head of the faculty, the head of the scientific community and a permanent organizer of cultural events.

Apparently, only a very, very modest student could write something like this. However, this should work great for an MBA program.

If, for example, you are enrolling in a music major, you probably composed something in your free time, performed at a concert or in a subway passage, and perhaps even won some kind of competition. Be sure to write about this - studying the subject you are studying in your free time from lessons, lectures and seminars will certainly work to your advantage.

However, excessive arrogance in a motivation letter can only do harm. Two or three similar sentences in which the future student praises himself is all right. But if the candidate in this text spends his whole trip explaining to others what kind of emperor of the universe he is, the university will probably think that he has problems with self-esteem.

"I am the best. I am a born leader. I am the future of your university. Possessing remarkable charisma, perseverance, hard work and many talents, I will organically fit into this educational institution and become its indispensable part. After the end of my studies, you won’t want to let me go anywhere.”

You are unlikely to get away with such a paragraph. But don’t confuse self-praise with stating individual and tangible achievements. For example, you somehow miraculously managed to pass a knowledge test in English IELTS and get an average score of 9.0. 98% of the British did not dream of such a result. Even though your core language is German. This can and should be written.

On the other hand, you are “fluent on the Internet,” “the best at getting along with people,” or “a true genius in your field.” What does “free” mean? The ability to open and close a browser and Google apple pie recipes? Or the skills to create an ftp server, as well as find the same recipe on the network, but using the command line? If such “airy” judgments are often found in the text of your letter, it means that it needs to be improved.

7. Reread and let others read

Do you want to delete or add something? Do it. Your mind will reflect the text appropriately, and after some time your subconscious will tell you what needs to be corrected.

Then give your creativity to others to be torn to pieces. Bring it to such a state where people simply have nothing to cling to after reading it. Native speakers of the language in which you are writing are especially valuable in this matter. If there is no competent German in your university or social circle, at worst, take a look at the forums and post your version of a motivation letter for everyone to see.

Usually, even if you think that you have written everything flawlessly, a native speaker will find a bunch of flaws in it. Domestic German teachers, no matter how wonderful they are, are completely unsuitable for such a role. If you want to write the way a German would do it, give the text to him for proofreading.

And yet this is not required condition. Of course, it’s very good if your text is perfect in all respects. However, the admissions committee will be well aware that German is not your native language, and if certain phrases do not fit into the traditional sound of this language, this will not entail any negative consequences for you. But keep in mind that this condition only applies if the text does not contain spelling and punctuation errors.

8. Don’t criticize or broadcast negativity

“Studying at my home university did not give the expected effect. Unlike German universities, the quality of teaching in Russian higher school leaves much to be desired. In addition, students are forced to study subjects that will not be useful to them in their future professional activities.

I chose this program in order to receive a high-quality European education aimed at gaining practical experience that will make me more competitive in the labor market.”

Don’t even think about writing something like that in your motivation letter. The Germans do not like it when you criticize educational institutions where you previously studied in such a document. Even if what is described in the example is exclusively your case and you consider it necessary to mention it in the letter, do it differently.

“Having received a basic education at a Russian higher educational institution, I intend to deepen my knowledge at a German university. I am confident that in this program I will be able to gain more practical experience, which will make me competitive in the labor market.”

This way, you didn’t offend anyone and still said everything you wanted. In the second case, there was even less text. Also, you should not criticize teachers, classmates, employers, or even the government in your motivation letter. You can always do without such comments - it’s better to write a couple of positive sentences about yourself. Snitching, on the contrary, will always work against you.

9. Don't be a fool

“Finally, the last reason why I want to enter your university is that I love German beer! And remember that it’s impossible to get bored with me, so hang in there, Germany!”

This is the end of a real motivation letter from our student, who hoped with his help to enter the scholarship program of the University of Leipzig. Additionally, at the beginning he inserted the following quote from Theodore Roosevelt as an epigraph:

“A completely uneducated person can only rob a freight car, but a university graduate can steal an entire railroad.”

We can only imagine the tears and hysteria of the Germans while reading such creativity. By the way, he entered the law program. Of course, our hero did not receive any scholarship.

You can joke in a motivation letter. But it is important to feel which witty expression will brighten up a given text, and which will only harm the candidate. The basic rule is that anything that goes beyond the boundaries of English humor (with rare exceptions) is unacceptable.

And in general, what can make one person laugh and win over often causes irritation in another. Therefore, you need to be careful with jokes in such a document.

Many “serious” people working in universities even have a stereotype that only students who have nothing specific to say about themselves make jokes in motivation letters, as well as at further stages of interviews. They do this out of despair, because, as it is believed, they will not be able to tell “anything sensible.”

In our opinion, this may be true, but only in some cases. If you have a biography rich in events and achievements, then you will not need to dilute the letter with sharp phrases in order to somehow hook the reader.

On the contrary, if you are confident in yourself and have nothing to hide, lightness and openness will appear in the text on their own. And then humor will be natural. Jokes in this case will never do any harm.

10. Don’t write about things that don’t relate to the subject you’re studying.

During your school years, you successfully sold cookies by promoting family business, and are you now entering the Faculty of Chemistry? Why then would the admissions committee know about your sales talents? You can tell your children and grandchildren about them as part of educational activities, or when hiring a sales manager (in case after graduating from university Good work you didn’t find a chemist).

Of course, if you have improved chemical formula food coloring, and this affected sales volumes, then this fact certainly deserves attention. When, besides cookies, you have nothing special to boast about, try to at least somehow connect it with the educational process.

“I was fortunate enough to acquire solid business skills at an early age. By helping my parents, I was able to increase the sales of the family store by half in just 3 months. Of course, this required a lot of self-organization, discipline, as well as work on one’s strong-willed qualities and communication skills. The experience gained taught me to better organize the educational process, as well as systematize and organize the acquired knowledge.”

Of course, it would be more impressive to write about the discovery of a couple of new elements of the periodic table, but even this is better than nothing. Always write only about what is relevant to the subject you are studying. Everything else is best mentioned in the CV.

11. Exceptional literacy is extremely important.
  • "Motivationschreiben für den Masterstudiengang in General Management
  • Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn,
  • ich studiere Betriebswirtschaftslehre im sechsten Semester im Bachelorstudiengang International Management.”

By starting your motivation letter in this way, you already provide the admissions committee of a university in Germany with 3 reasons why you can easily be rejected. And here they are:

  • "Motivationschreiben für den Masterstudiengang in General Management
  • Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn,
  • ich studiere Betriebswirtschaftslehre im sechsten Semester im Bachelorstudiengang International Management.”

It is very disappointing when a brilliantly written motivation letter is put aside because the university administration noticed a few typos or a couple of spelling errors in it.

To avoid this, let a spell checker help you, several additional re-readings, as well as transferring the creative for review to third parties. It is better to check the text printed on paper - it is always easier to see errors on it.

12. Don't lie

Many students succumb to this temptation. But if desired, most of the facts stated in the motivation letter can be easily verified. This applies to both the certificate score and the level German language, and participation in various conferences and seminars. You confirm most of them yourself by submitting copies of the relevant documents to the German university.

Let's say you studied so-so, and big amount You can’t boast of authoritative recommendations. However, in the motivation letter they wrote that they won a prize at a national Olympiad in some subject or that you are the author of some super-relevant scientific work.

In this case, you will probably be asked to provide documentary evidence of these achievements. It is quite possible that you would have been admitted to the university without this false clause. Now you definitely won’t see a place at the university.

Of course, you need to describe yourself as richly and beautifully as possible. For example, you participated several times in some scientific conference in Barnaul, which was dedicated to protecting seals from extermination. You don't particularly remember her for anything.

In addition, you did not work very well on the reports and therefore each time after the speech you received several critical comments addressed to you. Moreover, not a single eminent doctor of science or professor came to this event. However, the conference itself had national status. As you probably already guessed, it is on last fact and it is worth paying attention.

“I have repeatedly taken part in a national scientific and practical conference dedicated to the problems of protecting seals. Having deeply imbued with the problems of protecting the environment, I intend to continue to devote myself to scientific activity, studying in graduate school at the Faculty of Ecology at your university.”

Please note that nothing in the above was embellished. It’s just that an ordinary, medium-sized event was presented in a very advantageous way.

It turns out that it is not an easy task to write a motivation letter to a German university. So don't put this work off until the very last moment. Many students do just that, sitting down to compose this “work” a few hours before the deadline for submitting documents. By doing this, you significantly increase the chances of screwing up your entire admissions campaign.

Moreover, the muse may not come to you a couple of hours before the “moment of truth”. What will you do in this case? Write nonsense? Use templates from the Internet? Remember that this document is no less important in importance than all the others that you submit to the university. Therefore, it is better to take its preparation as responsibly as possible.