Musa Bazhaev is the main freak of Russian business. Bazhaev Musa Yusupovich - CEO, head of the board of the Alliance group of companies VTB received a share in the mining project of Musa Bazhaev

For the daughter of the platinum king Bazhaev, “everywhere is better than in Russia” October 24th, 2016

Many people know, so I’ll keep it short.

22-year-old MGIMO student Elina Musaevna Bazhaeva, daughter of the oligarch-billionaire of Chechen origin Musa Yusupovich Bazhaev and daughter-in-law of the Chechen multimillionaire Alikhan Sultanovich Mamakaev, to a question in " It's better in the USA than in Rashka"answered categorically" Everywhere is better than in Russia"(spelling preserved). Adding that at the mere thought of Moscow she feels sick, that she chooses between New York, Los Angeles and London.

The network was incredibly surprised and indignant. Why is it surprising?

The father of the Russophobic “student” (who has never been seen at MGIMO) is fiercely resentful of the Russian authorities and Russia in general. About two years ago, he lost the war to Igor Ivanovich Sechin and was actually forced to part with his profitable oil and gas business. It seems that this is not the end, he is the owner of Russian Platinum, plus banking, engineering, agro-, textile, construction and other businesses, but Bazhaev suspended major projects in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and stopped investing in other domestic Russian projects. Investigators raided Bazhaev’s Finprombank, and there was a serious outflow of finances (on September 19 of this year, the bank’s license was revoked). Finally, the Russian authorities refused Russian Platinum’s request for state support in the form of state guarantees for the loan (220 billion rubles).
In addition, they say that Musa Yusupovich has been behind the scenes accusing the FSB of the murder of his brother Ziya Yusupovich Bazhaev for sixteen years (remember the famous plane crash in 2000, which claimed the lives of Bazhaev Sr. and journalist Artyom Borovik?).
Moreover, relations with Kadyrov had not yet developed, and the Chechen oligarch was quietly cut off from the opportunity to influence the Chechen Republic. Many heads of federal subjects affiliated with the Bazhaev clan lost their positions.
Musa Yusupovich began to withdraw capital from Russia in advance and buy expensive assets in NATO countries (for example, a luxury resort on the island of Sardinia). The newspaper "Top Secret" in the summer of 2015 transparently hinted at his cooperation with Western intelligence agencies. In the summer of 2016, the media began to openly write about the oligarch’s “retreat plans” to alternate airfields abroad. He’ll settle at that very expensive Sardinian resort, Forte Village, and that’s fine.

But the smart and cunning Bazhaev remains silent for the time being, and his daughter (who married Bekhan Mamakaev in September, the son of multimillionaire Alikhan Mamakaev, associated with the ruling dynasty of Qatar) blurted out in passing.

Elina Bazhaeva in a dress for 20 million rubles

Musa Bazhaev

Musa Yusupovich Bazhaev - Russian entrepreneur, CEO Alliance concern, born May 11, 1966 in the city of Grozny. He is of Chechen origin and is currently one of the 200 richest people in Russia. The businessman's fortune totals more than $600 million. His Alliance group is a multi-industry concern. It includes factories specializing in oil, sugar and cotton processing. Musa also owns his own airline.

Education and career

In 1991, the businessman successfully graduated from the Petroleum Institute named after Academician Millionshchikov. He chose the specialty “chemical technology of oil and gas processing”. In 1992, Bazhaev began working for the Swiss organization Lia Oil. Initially, he took up the post of process engineer, but over the course of several years he made significant progress in career ladder. By 1997, the entrepreneur became president of a group of companies in the CIS. Since 1998, Musa has been the head of CJSC Alliance Oil.

"Alliance" was founded by Bazhaev's brother. In 2000, he died in a plane crash, because of this, all responsibility fell on Musa’s shoulders. He set himself the task of preserving the company and not losing anyone from the team of like-minded people.

Since 2000, the entrepreneur became president of Alliance OJSC; a year later he took the post of chairman of the board of directors. For three years, the businessman monitored the safety of assets and provided the concern with protection from raider attacks. At the same time, he was elected chairman of the board of directors of the Russian Platinum Group of Companies.

Thanks to Bazhaev’s efforts, Alliance became an independent full-cycle company. Three times in 16 years, the concern was recognized as the “Company of the Year” and the winner of international awards and competitions. Among them are “Golden trade marks" and "Business Olympus". Alliance has also been repeatedly awarded for the best corporate management and social responsibility in business. In addition, Musa received a prize for the development of economic relations between the CIS countries.

Politics and charity

The entrepreneur was often offered positions in politics. He could run for the post of senator or deputy in different regions. But the businessman understood that he did not have the proper experience and abilities. He flatly refused to govern such large territories. In the Chechen Republic, Bazhaev also did not want to build a political career.

Musa actively participates in charity events. He strives to make the lives of his fellow citizens better, although he does not go into politics. The entrepreneur founded a fund to support hostages and victims of terrorists in Moscow. This organization provides financial support to children whose parents have suffered as a result of terrorist attacks.

In 2009, thanks to Bazhaev’s contribution, two hospitals were built in the Chechen Republic. The businessman also repeatedly participated in charity auctions. For example, at an event organized for leukemia patients, Musa bought two dolls for 250 thousand rubles each.

In 2011, the businessman joined forces with the Spanish company Tecnicas Reunidas to organize an exhibition of contemporary art. Since the late 90s, he has constantly supported the Shchukin Theater School. For my charitable activities He received the Patron of the Year award.

Other achievements

The businessman has done a lot during his career. He has collaborated with such well-known companies as Repsol, Shell and Samsung. Together with the latter organization, Musa began modernizing the oil refinery in Khabarovsk.

In 2003, the entrepreneur entered into a contract with Sergei Kunitsyn, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea. Thanks to this, a network of new gas stations was opened on the peninsula. Two years later, Musa announced that he planned to invest $500 million in modernizing the Kherson plant.

In 2007, a joint venture between Alliance and Shell was established. As a result largest network gas stations were opened on the territory of Ukraine. In the same year, the businessman bought the Amur gold mining artel.

In 2008, Alliance was merged with the oil company West Siberian Resources, operating in Russia and Stockholm. As a result, an independent, vertically integrated company emerged. Also this year, the entrepreneur was going to spend 50 million on the restoration of the Chechen Republic.

In 2011, Bazhaev entered into a contract with Antonio Brufau, head of the Spanish company Repsol. They agreed on joint exploration and production of oil in the territory Russian Federation. The company has almost a trillion dollars in assets.

The businessman was awarded the “Public Recognition” distinction. He has been repeatedly singled out for his contributions to charity. Now Musa continues to do business; he spends his free time on the football field and with his family. The entrepreneur has a wife, Louise, and four children - sons Timur and Alim, daughters Elina and Maryam. In August 2017, the eldest daughter gave birth to Bazhaev’s grandson, Amir.


In 1991 he graduated from the Grozny Oil Institute named after. Academician Millionshchikov, majoring in chemical technology of oil and gas processing.


In 1992-1997 he worked as a process engineer, manager, department director of the Moscow representative office of Lia Oil (Switzerland), and then president of the Lia Oil group of companies (CIS). In 1998, after the creation of Alliance Group OJSC, he headed the holding’s subsidiary, Alliance-Oil CJSC. In March 2000, he headed Alliance Group OJSC.

In 2003, together with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, Sergei Kunitsyn, they opened a network of gas stations on the peninsula.
In 2004, he signed an agreement with Samsung Co on the implementation of a project to modernize the Khabarovsk Oil Refinery (KhNPZ). In 2007, he signed an agreement to create a joint venture with by Shell, to which he transferred one of the largest gas station networks in Ukraine. In 2011, he signed an agreement with the head of the Spanish oil and gas concern Repsol, Antonio Brufau, to create a joint venture for oil exploration and production in Russia. In 2014, he signed an agreement to create a joint venture with the Independent Oil Company (NOC) of Eduard Khudainatov. The establishment of NK Alliance at the end of 2001, the Board of Directors of which was headed by Musa Yusupovich Bazhaev, is the next stage in the development of the Group. Currently, NK Alliance OJSC is a successfully operating new full-cycle oil company: from hydrocarbon production to the distribution of petroleum products in an extensive network of its own gas stations. NK Alliance meets the energy needs of many regions of Russia and is a reliable partner of the largest domestic and foreign oil companies. Alliance Group is known in Russia as a company actively involved in social programs, the implementation of which is carried out by the one created on the initiative of Musa Yusupovich “ Charitable Foundation them. Ziya Bazhaeva".

"Boards and Commissions"



Potanin and Bazhaev will merge the platinum mining business

Norilsk Nickel and Russian Platinum will create a joint venture to develop platinum group metal deposits. According to the expert, companies can bring Russia to first place in the world in the production of platinum group metals

Musa Bazhaev sold the Olympic sports complex

The new owners of the Olympic Stadium, God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev, promise to invest at least $300–400 million in the project. Reconstruction of the complex is planned, which will begin in 2019

VTB received a share in Musa Bazhaev’s mining project

VTB received a minority stake in one of the subsidiaries of Russian Platinum, said the owner and president of the company Musa Bazhaev.

The media learned about a “hole” of 27 billion rubles in Musa Bazhaev’s bank

Based on the results of the audit, the Bank of Russia discovered a “hole” of 27 billion rubles in the balance sheet of Finprombank, one of the shareholders of which is the owner of the Alliance group Musa Bazhaev. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to an unnamed source.

As the agency’s interlocutor noted, the “hole” that has arisen concerns only Finprombank, and not the entire banking group, which also includes Aymanibank and the “Customs Card” payment system.

The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in Rosinterbank

Earlier it was reported about difficulties in the work of two more banks included in the top 100 in Russia. Thus, on September 14, it became known that in Finprombank, one of the shareholders of which is the owner of the Alliance group Musa Bazhaev, as a result of an inspection by the Central Bank, a “hole” of 27 billion rubles was discovered, and in early September the Central Bank disconnected the Military-Industrial bank.

Dead networks. Russian mobile operators who died without being born

The Antares company is associated with the structures of businessman Evgeniy Roitman (formerly a top manager at Media Most). The partner of his 4G project, as reported by the media, was the president of the Alliance group, Musa Bazhaev. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the companies of the Antares group belong to the Cypriot company Runelia.

The fifth mobile operator in Moscow will be launched by Evgeny Roitman and Musa Bazhaev

In Moscow before the end of 2015 there may be new operator cellular communications- it will be launched by the Antares group of companies owned by Evgeniy Roitman. According to Vedomosti, the owner of Russian Platinum Musa Bazhaev also joined the project

The Antares group of companies owned by Evgeniy Roitman began construction LTE networks in Moscow and the region and plans to launch the operator until the end current year. The businessman himself told Vedomosti about this.

Eduard Khudainatov and Musa Bazhaev transfer oil and gas assets to Alliance Oil Company

The partners intend to make the company a leader in the Russian fuel and energy complex - Vedomosti source

The former head of Rosneft created an oil joint venture with Alliance worth $6 billion

Former head of Rosneft Eduard Khudainatov and the Bazhaev family agreed to merge their Nezavisimaya oil and gas company"(NNK) and the Alliance Oil company. NNK's share in the created joint venture NNK will be 40%, and Khudainatov himself will receive the post of general director and will be directly involved in managing the company's affairs. The president of the Alliance group and Alliance Oil, Musa Bazhaev, will be the president of the joint venture, Kommersant reports.

Millionaires in Courchevel finally began to live “fur inside”

Yes, Courchevel is no longer “hot”. Gulbari is over. Only Eastern people are faithful to traditions. The head of the Alliance group, Musa Bazhaev, invited Toto Cutugno to the birthday party of his nephew, the son of his deceased brother Zia. Guests were gathered at the Chalet de Pierre. And, although Nikolai Baskov was supposed to host the evening (the mountaineers and Baku residents adore him, at one time Mr. Baskov did not leave Thalmann’s side), fortunately, the oligarch Alexander Mashkevich took over the initiative and did not allow the singer to say anything stupid. Mr. Mashkevich conducted the first section himself, and smartly and talentedly. He reminded the guests of the kind of person the deceased Zia was. (Businessman Ziya Bazhaev died along with Artem Borovik in a plane crash.) But the main plot of the feast, of course, was not voiced by anyone, although everyone understood everything. The main driver and owner of the multi-billion dollar business was Ziya Bazhaev, not Musa. Musa began to rule with full power only after his brother Zia died. But Zia's son is growing up. He is already 15. Soon he will own everything. This constituted an additional intrigue of the evening. They said that Patricia Kaas should appear by the end of the evening, but we can neither confirm nor deny this information yet.

"Let's start with Bogdanchikov"

“Let’s start with Bogdanchikov,” one of the Kremlin officials commanded so that the journalists could prepare their writing and recording devices. In less than a few seconds, the beaming head of Rosneft, which had recently become related to Gazprom, appeared before the journalists. It was clear that this was his day. Next, the president of the Alliance Group, Musa Bazhaev, was brought to the press. He was also in high spirits. “Tell me, is this your first international treaty signed in the presence of our president?” - an NG correspondent asked the oligarch after an investment agreement worth $500 million was signed. “Yes,” answered Bazhaev, who did not hide his happiness. The oligarch was pleased to tell how grateful the Alliance Group was to the Russian leadership for the necessary support and what a wonderful oil refinery there would be in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The President himself watched with satisfaction the ceremony of signing documents. Representatives of our country sat down next to Putin one after another in order to put their signatures on the little blue folders. Thus, everyone had the opportunity to exchange a few words with the head of state. Of course, Bogdanchikov and Bazhaev did not miss their chance. And the head of the government of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, probably in order to better hear the president, bent down so low that his chin almost touched the table at which the signing ceremony was taking place. But the most interesting interlocutor for Putin turned out to be the head of Vneshtorgbank, Andrei Kostin. It was clear that the president and chairman of the board of Vneshtorgbank had many topics for joint discussion.

Diasporas have divided Moscow

Anti-crisis management, comprehensive provision of rehabilitation and restructuring of enterprises in Russia and the CIS, provision of financial and legal consulting services. The shareholders of the Alliance Group include state property funds and state property management committees of 15 constituent entities of the Federation, as well as OJSC Kirov Plant and OJSC Izhmash. Another area of ​​activity is oil refining. Owner - Musa Bazhaev.

Where does the money from the local diaspora go?

Tragedy brought Musa Bazhaev to the highest echelon of the business elite. His older brother, Ziya, died along with the famous journalist Artem Borovik in a plane crash. And the younger brother had to head the Alliance Group oil company.

Before that disaster, the country knew mainly Ziya Bazhaev, a successful businessman, the ideologist of the creation of a state oil company in Russia. It didn’t work out: as one high-ranking official said, “the idea of ​​the company is good, but a Chechen will never lead it.” This, however, did not prevent Bazhaev from creating and heading the Chechen oil company Yunko in 1995/96.

In 1997, Ziya Bazhaev was invited by the shareholders of the Sidanco fuel holding to the post of manager, and in fact, an anti-crisis manager: Sidanco at that time was far from experiencing better times. Most of all, it resembled Rus' during the period of feudal fragmentation: its branches were scattered throughout the country, centralized management almost absent. Having entered the business, the Bazhaevs devoted most of their time to establishing relationships with the governors of the regions where the branches were located. According to eyewitnesses, in 1997 Ziya Bazhaev spent more time on the road than in Moscow, and held personal negotiations with each of the governors.

The ability to persuade and negotiate has become “ business card"Bazhaevs...

The personal connections developed at Sidanko very soon came in handy again for the Bazhaev brothers. When in 1998 the shareholders of the oil company considered that the crisis had been overcome and did not re-elect Zia as president, he left his post calmly, without saying a bad word about anyone. The property of that time was the phrase of Bazhaev Sr.: “You need to leave with dignity, especially for a man.”

And after leaving, the brothers began to create own company, and relying specifically on working with the regions. The founders of the Alliance Group were the largest enterprises (Kirov Plant and Izhmash) and 15 constituent entities of the Federation, relations with which were established even earlier...

Today, Musa Bazhaev’s oil group has spread its influence over almost all of Russia, from Kaliningrad to Primorye. The authorities of Kazakhstan and Ukraine included it in the intergovernmental program for the development of the Kherson oil refinery. In Russia, based on the results of last year, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation awarded the Alliance Group the status of a “priority enterprise for the implementation of investment programs.”


The Alliance group of Musa Bazhaev acquired the Khabarovsk airport and owns 17% of the Vladavia company, which owns the Vladivostok airport. The owner of the Moscow River Shipping Company, Roman Trotsenko, bought more than 40% of the shares in the airports of Novosibirsk and Barnaul. Oleg Deripaska, having bought the Krasnodar airport (more than 1 million people a year) from the state, decided at the same time to “raise” small airports on the Black Sea coast - in Anapa and Gelendzhik.

As our editorial staff previously reported, Finprombank lost its license. Before the bankruptcy of the organization became known, its main shareholder, Musa Bazhaev, managed to withdraw assets worth more than 1 billion rubles.

Golden Mountains and hotel in Sardinia

Two years ago, news feeds reported about a businessman from Russia who bought a chain of famous Forte Village hotels in Sardinia. By the way, the price for this resort complex is still unknown. Later it turned out that the lucky owners of the “dacha” in Sardinia were the Bazhaev brothers. Musa Bazhaev did not comment on the new acquisition.

Let's return to the fact that where could such a large amount be withdrawn? The fact is that entrepreneur M. Bazhaev is also the owner of a large gold deposit in Kyrgyzstan. Experienced experts note that maintaining such a treasure trove of gold requires a lot of finances. Most likely, all the stolen assets from Finprombank were directed specifically to the gold mining industry.

Musa Bazhaev

Who drowned Finprombank?

This year, Finprombank began to lose clients. At the same time, clients also took away their deposits. So already in the spring, 20% of depositors withdrew their savings, which is approximately 2 billion rubles. Thus, customer demand for bank services decreased by 30%.

It is worth noting that the bank’s shareholders are very famous people:

Pyotr Kondrashov, Andrey Belkin, Anatoly Goncharov, Dmitry Semenov, Stanislav Perminov, Musa Bazhaev, Evgeny Lyubimov.

Already this summer, M. Bazhaev and the bank’s beneficiaries are increasing the capital of Finprombank by 6.5 billion rubles. But this did not help, and investors began to leave M. Bazhaev.

Experts note that, in essence, Mr. Bazhaev only needs the bank for the “invest and get double” scheme. Then it is not clear what kind of appetites M. Bazhaev has?

Relatively recently, the entrepreneur’s company, Russian Platinum, applied for financial support from the state in the amount of 220 billion rubles. But, apparently not understanding the “jokes of humor,” M. Bazhaev was refused. But the businessman did not sit idly by. He also applied for a loan from a bank, but was not understood there either and was sent home.

The oil business was taken away

In another area of ​​Musa Bazhaev’s business, things were also not going smoothly. Two years ago, the entrepreneur sold his shares to the Independent Oil Company, Eduard Khudainatov. This was a representative of Igor Sechin, who had long wanted to get M. Bazhaev’s business.

In turn, the businessman explained his decision by saying that he needed to devote all his attention to the “platinum business,” with which there were obvious problems.

Sources close to Mr. Bazhaev report that E. Khudainatov put pressure on the entrepreneur. He threatened to take away the business and leave Bazhaev without the Norilsk-1 field.

Bazhaev's dangerous connections

As you already understood, Musa Bazhaev himself is absolutely not an aggressive person. But in business they don’t like people like that. So how did the entrepreneur solve his problems?

Experts suspect M. Bazhaev of involvement in raider takeovers. Namely, to the not entirely legal appropriation of Krymnefteprodukt, which so successfully became the property of the entrepreneur. The organized criminal group Salem provided assistance to Bazhaev.

Musa Yusupovich is also credited with the raider seizure of the Khabarovsk airport. It is worth noting that the leadership of the Khabarovsk Territory, represented by Viktor Ishaev, sold the airport for ridiculous money. Namely, for 10 million dollars.

Well, what’s even more interesting is that Musa Bazhaev was suspected of colluding with a Chechen organized crime group in the 90s. Its leader is Shahrudi Dadakhanov (nickname Shah). At that time, people from Chechnya were involved in money fraud. The same group is credited with stealing a billion dollars from the Central Bank using forged documents.

Then have law enforcement there were no questions for M. Bazhaev, since the organizer of the theft, Mikhail Cherny, disappeared.

After the closure of Finprombank, the investigation will still have questions. But Mr. Bazhaev will most likely already be in Sardinia. Business may not have been easy for him, but he created a worthy escape route for himself.

Musa Bazhaev sold the Olympic sports complex ... . The reconstruction of the complex is planned, which will begin in 2019. Alliance company Musa Bazhaeva sold the capital's Olympic sports complex to the Kyiv Ploshchad company, which belongs to...

Business, 21 Sep 2017, 16:41

Musa Bazhaev

Business, 21 Sep 2017, 16:41

VTB received a share in Musa Bazhaev’s mining project of the subsidiaries of Russian Platinum, said the owner and president of the company Musa Bazhaev. “We have already agreed with VTB, they received a minority stake. Now... Businessman Musa Bazhaev Musa Bazhaev Bazhaev’s share in Petropavlovsk will be one and a half times less than planned Businessman Musa Bazhaev may receive only 20% of the shares of the gold mining company Petropavlovsk instead of the previously... revaluation of the company and its resource base, the expert suggests. Businessman structures Musa Bazhaev can receive 20% of the shares of the gold mining company Petropavlovsk in exchange... on the London Stock Exchange website. In April, Petropavlovsk announced that Bazhaev can receive a package one and a half times larger - 30.3%. Then... Musa Bazhaev The court declared bankrupt the bank from the first hundred ...system. In September, shareholders of Finprombank, which included a businessman Musa Bazhaev, are thinking about asking the regulator to cancel or revoke the license...

Business, 28 Sep 2016, 08:53

... Russian platinum" Musa

Business, 28 Sep 2016, 08:53

The media learned about negotiations between Russian Platinum Bazhaev and Sberbank about a loan ... Russian platinum" Musa Bazhaeva began negotiations on a loan with Sberbank. About this newspaper "... Musa Bazhaev Musa Bazhaev Bazhaev

Finance, 14 Sep 2016, 14:51

The media reported a hole of 27 billion rubles. in the capital of Finprombank ... ., the source said. In October, the bank's shareholders, including a businessman Musa Bazhaev, may decide to contact the Central Bank with a request for... the bank to implement banking operations. Among the minority shareholders of Finprombank is a businessman Musa Bazhaev, included in the ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes ... the funds of Bazhaev’s companies are located, Vedomosti wrote, citing a source. Bazhaev previously supported the bank with money. From December 2015 to February 2016... Muse

Finance, 13 Sep 2016, 23:16

A bank in the top 100 is thinking about asking the Central Bank to revoke its license ... the value of assets and belongs 8.4% to the founder of the Alliance group Muse Bazhaev, will hold a vote on October 14, during which the issue will be decided... Muse Musa Musa Bazhaev's Bank failed to fulfill its repo obligations ... obligations are settled. Finprombank, owned 8.4% by the founder of the Alliance group Muse Bazhaev, did not fulfill obligations under repo transactions for June 21... Finprombank in the amount of up to 10 billion rubles. the businessman's structures will take care of Musa Bazhaev: he bought 8.4% of the bank from U-M... Musa Bazhaev: he bought 8.4% of the bank from U-M... Clients of Musa Bazhaev's bank took a tenth of their deposits ... Finprombank in the amount of up to 10 billion rubles. the businessman's structures will take care of Musa Bazhaev: he bought 8.4% of the bank from U-M... Billionaire Musa Bazhaev Musa Bazhaev Musa Bazhaev

Technologies and media, 04 Feb 2016, 23:27

Billionaire Bazhaev proposed to Putin to create a 4G operator for the poor Billionaire Musa Bazhaev asked President Vladimir Putin to support the creation of a “domestic operator mobile communications" ... To Putin. Owner of the Alliance Group and the mining and metallurgical company Russian Platinum Musa Bazhaev sent a letter to President Vladimir Putin asking him to support the creation of 4G ... the Vedomosti newspaper reported that Antares had become a partner in the project Musa Bazhaev. The businessman ranks 160th in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia... Musa Bazhaev Bazhaev Lawyer with billions: what is the famous businessman Shumkov who committed suicide? suicide lawyer Dmitry Shumkov. In business he is known as a partner Musa Bazhaev and the owner of the Olimpiysky sports complex. The buyer of "Olympic" Lawyer Dmitry Shumkov... refused to talk about the deal. Two acquaintances of Shumkov also say that Bazhaev and Shumkov were involved in Moscow real estate together and in July of this year decided to divide the business: Bazhaev took “Olympic”, and Shumkov - Varvarka. Assistant to Bazhaev In 2012... Musa Musa Bazhaev VEB may enter the capital of Musa Bazhaev’s Russian Platinum ..., added Dmitriev, answering a question from RBC. VEB and Russian Platinum Musa Bazhaev signed a memorandum of cooperation in the implementation of the project on Tuesday... the head of the company and its main owner told reporters Musa Bazhaev. “We need $4.4 billion, including $1.2...

Finance, 16 Feb 2015, 16:24

Maxim Nogotkov may offer an option on Svyaznoy Group of Companies to Musa Bazhaev ... get the co-owner of Finprombank Anatoly Goncharov and the ownership structure of the Alliance group Musa Bazhaeva. In exchange for an option on assets, they are asked to decide... Enter with co-owner of Finprombank Anatoly Goncharov and owner of the Alliance group Musa Bazhaev. Kommersant writes about this with reference to sources familiar... Goncharov, Nogotkov himself confirmed to the publication. However, Kommersant's sources insist that Musa Bazhaev is still one of the parties to the negotiations. In particular, credit... Musa Muse Muse Bazhaev The Bazhaev brothers bought a luxury resort in Sardinia Co-owners of the Alliance holding Musa and Mavlit Bazhaevs bought the luxury resort Forte Village in Sardinia. ...Daminn Capital Limited. Until March 2013 Quarmine Ltd was owned by Muse Bazhaev. Alivar Holding Limited and Daminn Capital Limited are included in... the year. Owns 30% of the OJSC Muse and his nephew Denis Bazhaev, 25% controlled by Mavlit Bazhaev, the rest belongs to management and family members...