Scientific approaches to the study of control systems. Modern approaches to the study of control systems. Research and its role in scientific and practical activities


1 Concept of research and characteristics of control systems research

1.1 Research and its role in scientific and practical activities

1.2 Characteristics of control systems research

2. Basic approaches to the study of control systems...

      Dialectical approach to the study of control systems

      Process approach to control systems research

      Situational approach to the study of control systems

      Functional approach to the study of control systems

      A reflexive approach to control systems research

      Systematic approach to the study of control systems

      An integrated approach to the study of control systems



List of sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B


In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and social structure, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today cannot be ensured without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. Management research is carried out in the everyday activities of managers and personnel and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, and departments. The need for research into management systems is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. The success of these organizations depends on the correct solution to these problems. Solving these problems is not possible without a systematic approach to them, which makes the topic of the course work relevant. The practical significance of the work is the need to formulate the main approaches to the study of organization management systems. The purpose of the study is the need to reveal the essence of the main approaches to research. The objectives of the study are: to consider the concepts used in the study of control systems; determine the methodology for studying management systems. The subject of the research is the main approaches to the study of control systems.

The theoretical basis of the work was the works of domestic and foreign managers and economists: Anokhin P.K., Freidina E.F., Maksimtsova M.M., Mishina V.M., Mukhin V.I., Makasheva Z.M. and others.

1. The concept of research and characteristics of systems research


1.1 Research and its role in scientific and practical activities

Understanding the definitions of terms and concepts is of exceptional importance in management in general and in its research in particular. A.P. Chekhov in his work No. 1st class passenger" through the mouth of one of the heroes said: "... if we knew what words are, we might also know the ways to achieve it." This statement can also be applied to the definitions of terms in field of control systems research.

Maksimtsov M.M. believes that research as a scientific work, scientific study and the process of knowledge has always been under the close attention of scientists. In general, research can be understood as a scientific work or scientific study of the subject under consideration, any object, (phenomenon) in order to determine the patterns of its occurrence, improvement, development and acquisition of new knowledge. Essentially, this is one of the main types of knowledge. 1 At the same time, V.I. Mukhin interprets it as a type of cognitive activity of an individual or a group, a team of researchers, which allows, on the basis of certain theories, methods and techniques of cognition, to study and evaluate the essence, features and trends in the development of phenomena, to find opportunities for using the acquired knowledge. This fully applies to the study of the theory and practice of management, which is associated both with a specialized scientific function and with practical professional work in various fields and spheres of human activity (management, economics, production, art, education, etc.). 2

Mishin V.M. believes that research is a process of studying an object and obtaining new knowledge. It can also be considered as scientific work, a type of cognitive activity; scientific study of a certain object, any phenomenon (objects) in order to determine the laws and patterns of its occurrence, functioning, improvement, development, features and trends of transition from one state to another, obtaining and applying new knowledge in theory and practice. 1

Research has fundamental characteristics that determine its focus and results. These characteristics primarily include: the need for research (severity and need to solve problems and tasks): its purpose, object and subject, methodology, type of research, resources (a certain set of means and opportunities to ensure the successful conduct of research and achievement of its goals); research results (as the final result and effectiveness of the research, which determines the ratio and proportionality of the resources used to conduct the research and the goals achieved), etc.

When conducting research, it is important to clearly and correctly define the purpose, object and subject of the study. The research process itself, which is a set of sequentially performed operations, is of great importance.

Any research is effective only when the established goals of the research work are achieved, subject to other conditions (terms and costs). In this regard, the meaning inherent in the content of the concept “goal” is of paramount importance.

In relation to research, it is most preferable to consider the goal as the desired new research result of the state of the subject of a certain object of research, expressed qualitatively and (or) quantitatively, mainly indicating the timing of its achievement, performers and resources.

Obviously, the goal cannot be identical to the future result of the research, and therefore the achievement is probabilistic in nature.

The need and significance of any research is determined by its need and the severity of the problem under consideration for society. Due to the fact that the results of scientific research are the most important components of the productive forces, their role in human activity at present cannot be overestimated. The results of scientific research free a person from uninteresting hard work and allow him to engage in creative work, including professional scientific activity. The desire to engage in creative work is inherent in humans, since the results of creativity make it possible to make human life easier, make it more interesting, and ultimately prolong the existence of humans as a species.

The development of human creative activity and scientific thought has led to the fact that science has become the main driving force of scientific and technological progress and the development of all modern civilization.

Of particular importance here are scientific achievements that have determined the direction of development of world society.

The development of science is currently moving more and more along a pragmatic path, which significantly increases the practical role of research in human activity. Now the time has come for the widespread use of the achievements of a wide variety of scientific branches of knowledge that were obtained through the differentiated development of sciences. This, in turn, leads to the integration of scientific disciplines, which led to the emergence of such sciences as systems theory, control theory, cybernetics, bionics, innovation, etc. It is at the intersection of sciences and in integrated fields of knowledge that scientific discoveries are increasingly being made.

The processes of differentiation and integration of sciences and the objective need to introduce scientific achievements into reality most clearly reflect the scientific and practical role of research into human activity on Earth. Taken together, the research results undoubtedly have a strong impact on the entire civilization, geopolitics, the security of countries, the social, economic and technical policies of states, public, social and professional status of people. It was the fruits of cognitive activity that determined the implementation in the world economy of the corresponding technological structures of cycles that significantly changed human life on the planet.

The laws of the market are currently forming fierce competition, in which the organization's managers are required to make new effective management decisions, usually related to the management of innovations and, accordingly, carrying out research work, while the number of decisions made is constantly increasing, which obliges managers to acquire knowledge and skills in the study of control systems and widely use them in practical activities.

1.2 Characteristics of control systems research

The need for a modern organization to comply with the requirements of a market economy raises the need for its constant improvement and organizational development. The basis for organizational innovation is the study of the activities of organizations.

Control systems research - this is a type of activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions. In the conditions of the dynamism of modern production and social structure, management must be in a state of continuous development, which today cannot be ensured without exploring the ways and possibilities of this development, without choosing alternative directions. 1

Since control is a specific function, it is implemented by certain elements of the system. During its operation, the system is divided into control and controlled subsystems. Indeed, in systems there cannot be aimless processes, it is obvious that if there is a goal of activity, then there must be management of the achievement of this goal and the activity itself to achieve it. Thus, there is a separation of the functions of the control and controlled subsystems. Such a division is an objective necessity caused by the complication of activity processes in all areas, the constant growth of the social nature of activity, and the increase in the interconnections of various processes. There is a need to coordinate the goals and efforts of individuals, teams of enterprises, industries, etc., to manage them joint activities. 1

Figure A 1 shows the structure of the control system.

Management research is carried out in the everyday activities of managers and personnel and in the work of specialized analytical groups, laboratories, and departments. Sometimes consulting firms are invited to conduct research. The need for research into control systems is dictated by a fairly large range of problems that many organizations have to face. The success of these organizations depends on the correct solution to these problems. Research of management systems can be different both in terms of goals and methodology of their implementation.

By purpose research can be divided into practical and scientific and practical. Case studies designed for quick, effective decisions and achieving the desired results. Scientific and practical research focused on the future, a deeper understanding of trends and patterns of development of organizations, increasing the educational level of employees.

According to the methodology, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, studies of an empirical nature and based on a system of scientific knowledge.

Research on the use of resources is also diverse. own or attracted, in terms of labor intensity, duration, information support, organization of their implementation. In each specific case, based on the goals set, it is necessary to choose the necessary type of research.

Conducting research and analysis of any specific management system as an object is necessary, first of all, to ensure the competitiveness of an enterprise in the market of goods (services), to improve the efficiency of the functioning of departments and the organization as a whole. It is possible to understand how the set goals are successfully and timely achieved only by studying the work of these departments and specific performers and managers.

Control- the most ancient art and the latest science. Experts in the field of management agree that management is part of large political, economic, technological, social and ethical systems and is based on its own concepts, principles and methods, i.e. it has a serious scientific and methodological foundation.

Any science is a body of knowledge and a constant search for new data about nature and society in order to understand and explain the phenomena and laws of nature, of which man himself is a part. In a new complex phenomenon, science seeks to determine its basis, which is usually ingeniously simple - to discover the patterns hidden in the apparent chaos. The main thing in theory is not detailed description of the object under study, but the study of its basic properties, the identification of general laws of connections in order to ensure the fundamental possibility of establishing new knowledge.

Management, in the broad sense of the term, is a continuous process of influencing the object of management (individual, team, technological process, enterprise, state) to achieve optimal results with the least amount of time and resources. Every specialist in the field of management must master the theory, practice and art of management, be able to clearly define the goals of their activities, determine the strategy and tactics necessary to achieve them.

The functions of a leader have become significantly more complex in our time. Now he not only has to think about the production and economic management of his enterprise, company, but also constantly solve long-term, strategic issues that were previously resolved at the level of the headquarters or the ministry. Without studying the market, without finding a place for your goods on it, without innovative investments and a bank loan, the enterprise is doomed.

The manager faces problematic tasks: introducing new technologies, organizing the release of new, competitive goods, not formal, but actual attention to the quality of products, solving a set of social issues, searching for new methods of stimulating labor, developing self-government and at the same time strengthening unity of command and discipline. And one more new and very important thing is risk and responsibility. Managers are forced to independently solve a number of new production problems such as defining strategic goals and management tasks, developing detailed plans to achieve these goals, decomposing tasks into specific operations, coordinating the activities of the enterprise with other companies and firms, constantly improving the hierarchical structure, optimizing the adoption procedure management decisions, searching for the most effective management styles and improving employee motivation.

Principles of research into management system development

IN economic theory, as in other sciences, methodology is usually defined as a certain set of scientific principles that provides the research process with the necessary set of methods and techniques through which the essence of the economic phenomenon or process under consideration, its driving forces and vector of development are clarified.

To study the process of transformation of the administrative-legal system of regional management into a new market management system at the stage of its transition and crisis state, a number of scientists define the following methodological principles.

The first principle is that the Russian economy as a whole and the regional economy are considered by them as a certain part of the world geo-economic and geopolitical space, giving it the general direction and principles of development, but requiring maximum consideration of national interests and historical features of development.

The second principle - the choice of an effective model for managing a region depends on the theoretical and practical recognition of the advantages of the “European” or “Asian” model of constructing economic theory as the most adequate to Russian realities, as well as on those organizational and legal forms that are chosen for commercial activities enterprises of the region and its non-profit organizations.

The third methodological principle is to recognize management as a specific type economic activity functions of renewal and rejection.

Based on the proposed principles, the authors justify the solution to the problem. In conditions of aggravation of economic, political, religious and personal relations associated with the transition to a post-industrial society and a new vector of movement of the modern world economy, “Russia’s choice of its own path for the socio-economic and political development of society and regions is one of the most important historical tasks, the solution of which will determine for many years, the place and role of the Russian state in the global geo-economic space."

The importance of choosing this path of development lies in the fact that “at present, Russia’s role in the world geo-economic order has not yet been determined - it is at the stage of “troubled times” and faces a historical choice. It will have to choose one of the options for a possible geostrategy. The first is accepting the status of a semi-peripheral country, relying only on the market for economic development... which naturally leads to transformation into a raw material appendage of developed countries; the second is to turn into a highly developed and prosperous power. The second option... is the development of Russia along the "third way" "similar to the ongoing reforms in China, and this must happen either in a radical adjustment of the course of reforms, or as a result of a social explosion."

The correctness of the upcoming choice of development path will be determined by the strategy of socio-economic transformations that has been outlined Russian government for the period up to 2010

Without denying the importance of the whole range of planned activities, we note two, in our opinion, key points.

The first is the need to restructure the economy of the country and regions. And the second point is the formation of the system effective management at all levels of management. Not only will the entry of the Russian economy into the complex and contradictory world of market relations depend on the solution of these problems, but also, no less important, it will become manageable. As an analysis of the progress of economic reforms in Russia shows, most of the transformation tasks outlined since 1990 Russian economy and increasing the level of its manageability were never resolved, as a result of which the private sector did not become the locomotive of economic progress, decentralization of management was not replaced by the action of specific market mechanisms. In these conditions, they are looking for ways to improve the efficiency of economic management based on the experience of the leading industrial countries of the world. The fact that economic management of a country and regions is indeed the central link in a complex chain of economic processes can be judged from a number of scientific publications and journalistic materials.

Methodological basis for construction new system management should form those general theoretical principles on the basis of which the developed model will be:

  • firstly, correspond to the character and level of development social production both in the country and in the regions;
  • secondly, to reflect and most fully realize the development goals of a managed economic system;
  • thirdly, integrate the various economic interests of all participants in the economic process into economic behavior;
  • fourthly, express all cost categories of production in monetary forms as the final economic forms of the reproduction process;
  • fifthly, optimize the combination of regional production factors and ensure the efficiency of their use in all phases of social reproduction;
  • sixth, provide high motivation workers and their focus on highly effective work.

As you can see, the current system of Russian economic management and its structural divisions is not based on all of the above theoretical principles and therefore requires some analysis.

In connection with the search for new theoretical approaches to the study of economic management problems, an increasing number of foreign and Russian scientists are paying attention to the experience of those countries that have provided a more effective mechanism for managing the national economy than Europe and the USA. Naturally, their attention is attracted to Japan and China, where a new methodology of economic science, different from the European one, began to take shape in the mid-20th century.

IN last years a whole series appeared scientific works on various problems of management theory, in which the authors reveal in different ways the essence of the concept of “control” and its relationship with the managed system.

Thus, L.N. Suvorov and A.N. Averin believe that “management as an objectively existing process arises only at the stage of social self-motion of matter, i.e. with the emergence of man and society,” and that it represents “actions that ensure , ordering and controlling the activities of people and their communities within the framework of a particular social system."

In the above definition, two important methodological points should be noted.

First– management is associated only with human activity and therefore has a social character.

Second– the substantive side of management is the ordering and control exercised by people in relation to a particular social or regional system.

A slightly different definition of management is given by V.D. Citizens, according to whom “management includes not only changing the order of what exists, but also the “design” of new parts and properties in the process of development, as well as the focus on eliminating the old, obsolete.”

Content part modern management(management) was successfully noted by Yu. V. Kuznetsov and V. I. Podlesnykh, according to whom “unlike all previous methods of managing collective actions, constant renewal is built into management. The historical periodization of management confirms and shows the dependence of its development on external conditions and , first of all, from the historical stage of development of society."

Thus, management is a management system that, with its functions, is designed to reproduce the managed organization on an expanded basis, ensuring in it qualitative changes specified from the outside.

Management as a system

Each management object (state, industry, enterprise, team, individual) is characterized by significant features and differences, but scientific management methods have in their arsenal general principles and methods of influencing any controlled object. The theory, practice and art of management are used by the manager to achieve the goals of his activities and allow him to develop a strategy, a set of tools and methods for solving assigned tasks with personal responsibility for the management decisions made. Defining goals, management strategies and implementing decisions with the help of the production team constitute the main complex functional responsibilities leader.

Each of the managed objects is a system consisting of separate but interconnected parts and elements. Moreover, the system acquires new properties that its constituent elements do not possess.

Management provides continuous and targeted influence on the controlled object, which can be a technological installation, a team or an individual. Management is a process, and the management system is the mechanism that ensures this process. Any dynamic process in which people can participate consists of separate procedures, operations and interrelated stages. Their sequence and interrelation constitute the technology of the management (in our case) process. Strictly speaking, management technology consists of information, computational, organizational and logical operations performed by managers and specialists of various profiles according to a certain algorithm manually or using technical means. Management technology is the techniques, order, and regulations for performing the management process.

Management science allows you to systematize, analyze the management process, and develop recommendations for its optimization. Fundamentally, the management process is characterized by two main components: the control system and the control object. These components can be a manager and a subordinate, a dispatcher and factory floors, the human brain and the organs controlled by it through the nervous system. The main feature of the management process is the unity and interconnectedness of its components, which is ensured by feedback. In this case, control is carried out in a closed loop.

Information about the state of the controlled object is sent via a feedback channel to the comparison body (OS) of the system, which can make the necessary adjustments to the control process.

There are technical systems (energy systems, oil and gas pipelines, information and computer networks, technological process, etc.), socio-economic systems (individual enterprises, industries, transport systems, service sector and trade, etc.) and separately distinguish particularly complex systems - organizational ones, the main element of which is a person - the element itself is complex, active and not always predictable.

To optimize and especially automate management, it is necessary to develop formalized models, but creating a model of an organizational system is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible. However, in organizational systems it is the person who makes management decisions.

To manage an object expediently, the manager must have information about its condition using instruments or through performers. This information is received by the manager via a feedback channel, compared with the required operating mode, and, if necessary, control signals are sent to the controlled object. The control object can be not only technical device, technological line, but also such highly complex managed systems as a team, a family, an individual. In this case, managing the system is often very difficult, requiring a lot of experience, knowledge and skill, since its reactions to control commands are often inadequate.

IN automatic systems control of the technological process is carried out without direct human participation. In these cases, the role of the person is transferred to the regulator, who, based on the information received, makes the appropriate decision.

Management organization

Organization is a supporting management function aimed at creating the necessary conditions for achieving goals. The main tasks of the organization: forming the structure of the organization and providing its activities with finances, equipment, raw materials, materials and labor resources. When environmental conditions change, it is often necessary to rebuild the organizational structure in order to improve its compliance with the needs of flexible production, simplify it, or, conversely, introduce new structural elements. The main indicator of a high management organization is its quick response to changes in the external environment, special sensitivity to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, and to market conditions.

The term “organization” (from the Latin organize – I give a harmonious appearance, arrange) has a double meaning. Organization as a management function ensures the streamlining of the technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects of the activities of the managed system at all its hierarchical levels. At the same time, another meaning of this word is a certain association, a team, whose efforts are aimed at achieving specific goals common to all members of this team. But any organization must have such important resources as capital, information, materials, equipment and technology. An equally important role for the successful operation of an organization is played by the presence of stable connections between team members, rules and a culture of behavior common to all. The success of an organization’s functioning depends on complex, variable environmental factors: economic conditions, applied equipment and technology, competing organizations, communications with consumers, the current marketing system, government and legal acts, etc.

A person’s managerial activity largely depends on organizational principles; the wisest order will only be a fiction if its execution is not organized, its purpose is not clear to the executor and it is not supported by motivation.

The task of organizing management at any level can be defined as ensuring a transition from the existing state to the desired one. If in n-dimensional space we designate any desired economic or other indicators and their values ​​by vectors (a 1, a 2, ... a n), then the task of organizing management is to determine the methods by which it can be translated at the lowest cost and into the minimum timeframe for the actual indicators (b 1, b 2,... b n) into the planned state. The theoretical foundation of scientific issues of organization and production management is the methods of cybernetics, systems theory, systems engineering, praxeology and bionics. Very fruitful from a theoretical and practical point of view was the proposal of famous American management specialists T. Peters and R. Waterman to consider an organization as a unity of seven main variables: structure, strategy, systems and management procedures, joint , i.e., shared values, a set of acquired skills, skills, management style (style) and composition of employees, i.e. personnel system (staff).

In Fig. Figure 5 shows the well-known 7-C diagram ("happy atom"), which allows you to clearly present the main components and problems of the organization.

Choosing an organizational management structure

Structure (Latin structura - structure) is a form of organization of a system, the unity of stable relationships between the elements that make up the system.

Any complex system is built on a hierarchical, multi-level principle. The control level is determined by system elements that are equally distant from the top structural link and have similar rights. To implement the system management functions, a special apparatus is created, the structure of which is determined by its constituent links and the number of hierarchical management levels. The management structure must ensure the unity of stable connections between its components and the reliable functioning of the system as a whole. This provision applies to the activities of any production team, any society, including family relations.

Rice. 5. Scheme 7-C "Happy Atom".

A reasonably created structure of the control system largely determines its effectiveness, since it ensures the stability of connections between the many components of the control object and ensures the integrity of the system. It connects individual elements of the system into a single whole, significantly influences the forms and organization of planning, operational management, methods of organizing work and their coordination, makes it possible to measure and compare the results of the activities of each link in the system.

In complex systems, the whole is greater than the sum of their constituent elements, the properties and capabilities of the whole exceed the properties and capabilities of their parts (the well-known law of synergy from the Greek synergos - joint, coordinated, which was introduced into scientific use by I. Ansoff). That is, the properties of the system differ from the algebraic sum of the properties that make up the system of elements. The features of the synergistic effect are described by an amazing formula: 2+2=5 . When transferring this abstraction, strange at first glance, into the real world production activities total income from activities large enterprise turns out to be higher than the sum of the return indicators for each of its branches (especially if resources common to all divisions of the enterprise are used and complementarity is ensured). It is advisable to note here that if the basic parameters of the elements and even the order of their interaction are known, then it is impossible to draw conclusions about the properties of the system as a whole.

The practical value of studying the synergistic effect lies primarily in the use of the unique properties of large systems - self-organization and the ability to determine a very limited number of parameters, the influence of which can be controlled by the system (order parameters).

There are many types of management structures: patriarchal, linear, functional, staff, matrix, there are even divisional and product structures.

IN modern Russia the structure of the economy and its management system have a clearly defined three-tier character: public administration– corporations and industry joint stock companies– medium and small enterprises. Corporations are forced to create powerful management structures for long-term analysis and planning, development of research programs and scientific and technological developments, patent and licensing activities, collection and processing of a wide variety of information, organization of marketing and sales research. Particularly in-depth studies of the optimality of management decisions are carried out by transnational companies that create subsidiaries in other countries.

The problem of choosing the type of enterprise management structure has become very relevant for enterprises and firms in modern Russia. The vast majority of failures in production management are due primarily to imperfection. organizational structure management. At the dawn of modern Russian entrepreneurship, this issue was of little interest to anyone, since the new companies created, as a rule, had a small number of employees and were easy to manage. Naturally, at that time the most common were “flat” structures, when the manager worked with subordinates directly, without intermediaries. But, as the financial director of the Party company, Mikhail Kuznetsov, quickly became convinced and then repeatedly spoke about this, with an increase in the number of personnel, individual management becomes impossible and the need arises to introduce vertical structures. The simplest two-level “flat” vertical structure, as the most flexible, adequately responding to changes in the situation, remains very common among Russian production management structures to this day. In such systems, information is less susceptible to distortion, since information channels are shorter and its transformation when moving from one control level to another is minimal.

Further development of the enterprise requires the adoption of new structural decisions; a transition is being made from a functional structure, for example, to a divisional one, which is a combination of several functional structures (from the English division - division). Enterprises with a divisional management structure make strategic decisions at the corporate level (financial management, marketing, capital investments, etc.), but their functional, or subsidiary, divisions have sufficient independence, carry out their planning, sales activities, personnel policy. But at the same time, the number of management personnel inevitably increases, most often up to 25-30% of the number of employees, and the costs of maintaining them increase accordingly. The goals and objectives of the “top” of the multi-level hierarchy and the subsidiary divisions do not always coincide.

The divisional structure of management is successfully used in those organizations that conduct operations in various areas of business (diversification of activities) and cover large geographical regions. With a high level of diversification, large corporations use one of the varieties of divisional structure - product, where management is carried out according to the main range of products. With this structure, management functions are transferred to a manager who is entirely responsible for the production and marketing of a certain type of product, and a small product-specialized company is formed within a large corporation.

In international companies, a matrix management system has become widespread, combining the advantages of large companies with a developed functional structure and small firms with their operational, flexible management structures. In a matrix system, an enterprise has double subordination – functionally and territorially: with significant operational independence.

The method of organizational economic and mathematical modeling is considered more professional, but more difficult to implement. It is based on the development of algorithms for the main functions of an enterprise under the conditions of optimal management criteria and the existing system of restrictions. This method widely uses methods of mathematical formalization, which makes it easy to move to computer programming and analysis of variants of organizational structures using computer technology.

A three-level management structure has received preference in Russia. This is how the vast majority of small and medium-sized businesses operate.

An analysis of the activities of leading companies and firms in modern Russia shows that their organizational structures are in constant dialectical development.

In recent years, another form of organizational structure has become widespread in Russia. production management– industrial holdings. It is more convenient for enterprises, usually from the same industry, to control joint activities and resolve issues of common strategic planning, while maintaining its economic and legal independence. Holding companies do not deal with the problems of production activities, but on their own behalf they can enter into commercial agreements and contracts, which is especially beneficial when entering international markets. The most common method of creating a holding company is to own a controlling interest in the shares or other securities of industrial firms. The holder of a controlling stake has the opportunity to control the progress of production and sales of products of the enterprises included in the holding.

An informed choice of the type of organizational structures depends on a balanced analysis of many factors: the possibility of using computer equipment to analyze the structures, the development strategy of the enterprise for the period under study, the volume of work performed and, finally, the production experience of management personnel. The simplest and most frequently used method for choosing an organizational structure is to study the structures of successfully developing related enterprises. Another method is to develop a new structure based on the recommendations of professional consultants and experts. Methods of goal structuring and organizational modeling are used less frequently.

Any, even the most perfect structure management is doomed to change and further improvement. The sooner the governing bodies determine the need for these changes, the more effective the management process will be, the less there will be the threat of stagnation and regression of the system. The reason for the inevitability of new organizational relationships and corresponding management structures lies in the constant development and redistribution of functions between elements of the management system, obsolescence of the structure and such a powerful catalyst for social, economic and managerial changes as scientific and technological progress (replacement of equipment, development of new products and technologies ).

The optimal organizational structure, corresponding to dynamic changes in the external environment, is capable of solving the following tasks: coordination of the work of all functional services of the enterprise, a clear definition of the rights and obligations, powers and responsibilities of all participants management process. Timely adjustment of the structure helps to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, and a reasonable choice of organizational structure largely determines the management style and the quality of work processes.

List of sources used

  1. Bobryshev D. N. "Basic categories of control theory." M., 1986.
  2. Burkov V. N., Irikov V. A. "Models and methods of managing organizational systems." M., 1994.
  3. Valuev S. A., Ignatieva A. V. "Organizational management." M., 1993.
  4. Volkov Yu. G., Polikarpov V. S. The multidimensional world of modern man. – M., 1998.
  5. Gerchikova I. N. "Management". M., 1995.
  6. Grabaurov V. A. " Information Technology for managers." - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.
  7. Citizen V.D. Activity theory of management. – M.: RAGS, 1997.
  8. Gutman G.V., Miroyedov A.A., Fedin S.V. Management of regional economics. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.
  9. Druzhinin V.V., Kontorov D.S. Problems of systemology. – M., 1976.
  10. Knorring V.I. Theory, practice and art of management. – M.: NORM, 2001.
  11. Kuznetsov Yu. V., Podlesnykh V. I. Fundamentals of management. – St. Petersburg: Yublis, 1997.
  12. Molodchik A.V. Management: strategy, structure, personnel. – M.: HSE, 1997.
  13. Peters T., Waterman R. In search of effective management. M., 1992.
  14. Suvorov L. N., Averin A. N. Social management: experience of philosophical analysis. M., 1994.

It is important for the systems approach to determine the structure of the system - the set of connections between the elements of the system, reflecting their interaction. The structure of a system can be studied from the outside from the point of view of the composition of individual subsystems and the relationships between them, as well as from the inside, when individual properties are analyzed that allow the system to achieve a given goal, i.e. when the functions of the system are studied. In accordance with this, a number of approaches to studying the structure of a system with its properties have emerged, which should primarily include structural and functional.

With a structural approach, the composition of the selected elements of the system S and the connections between them are revealed. The set of elements and connections between them allows us to judge the structure of the system. The latter, depending on the purpose of the study, can be described at different levels of consideration. Most general description structure is a topological description that allows you to determine in the most general concepts components of the system and well formalized on the basis of graph theory.

Less common is functional description, when individual functions are considered, i.e., algorithms of system behavior, and a functional approach is implemented that evaluates the functions that the system performs, and by function is meant a property that leads to the achievement of a goal. Since a function reflects a property, and a property reflects the interaction of the system S with the external environment E, the properties can be expressed in the form of either some characteristics of the elements S iV) and subsystems Si of the system, or the system S as a whole.

If you have some standard of comparison, you can enter the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the systems. For a quantitative characteristic, numbers are entered that express the relationship between this characteristic and the standard. The qualitative characteristics of the system are found, for example, using the method of expert assessments.

The manifestation of system functions in time S(t), i.e. the functioning of the system, means the transition of the system from one state to another, i.e. movement in state space Z. When operating a system S, the quality of its functioning is very important, determined by the efficiency indicator and which is the value of the performance evaluation criterion. There are different approaches to choosing performance evaluation criteria. System S can be evaluated either by a set of particular criteria or by some general integral criterion.

It should be noted that the created model M from the point of view of the systems approach is also a system, i.e. S"=S"(M), and can be considered in relation to the external environment E. The simplest in presentation are models in which a direct analogy is maintained phenomena. Models are also used in which there is no direct analogy, but only the laws and general patterns behavior of elements of system S. Correct understanding of the relationships both within the model M itself and its interaction with the external environment E is largely determined by the level at which the observer is located.

A simple approach to studying the relationships between individual parts of the model involves considering them as a reflection of the connections between individual subsystems of the object. This classic approach can be used to create fairly simple models. The process of synthesis of model M based on the classical (inductive) approach is presented in Fig. 1.1, a. The real object to be modeled is divided into separate subsystems, i.e., the initial data D for modeling is selected and goals C are set that reflect individual aspects of the modeling process. Based on a separate set of initial data D, the goal of modeling a separate aspect of the system’s functioning is set; on the basis of this goal, a certain component K of the future model is formed. The set of components is combined into a model M.

Thus, developing a model M based on the classical approach means summing up individual components into a single model, with each component solving its own problems and isolated from other parts of the model. Therefore, the classical approach can be used to implement relatively simple models in which it is possible to separate and mutually independent consider individual aspects of the functioning of a real object. For a model of a complex object, such disunity of tasks to be solved is unacceptable, since it leads to significant expenditure of resources when implementing the model on the basis of specific software and hardware. Two distinctive aspects of the classical approach can be noted: there is a movement from the particular to the general, the created model (system) is formed by summing up its individual components and the emergence of a new systemic effect is not taken into account.

With the increasing complexity of modeling objects, the need arose to observe them from a higher level. In this case, the observer (developer) considers this system S as a certain subsystem of some metasystem, i.e., a system of a higher rank, and is forced to move to the position of a new systems approach, which will allow him to build not only the system under study, solving a set of problems, but also to create a system that is integral part metasystems.

The systems approach was used in systems engineering due to the need to study large real systems, when the insufficiency and sometimes erroneousness of making any particular decisions affected. The emergence of a systems approach was influenced by the increasing amount of initial data during development, the need to take into account complex stochastic relationships in the system and the influences of the external environment E. All this forced researchers to study a complex object not in isolation, but in interaction with the external environment, as well as in conjunction with other systems of some kind. metasystems.

The systems approach allows us to solve the problem of building a complex system, taking into account all the factors and possibilities, proportional to their significance, at all stages of the study of the 5" system and the construction of the M" model. The systems approach means that each system S is an integrated whole even when it consists of separate disconnected subsystems. Thus, the basis of the systems approach is the consideration of the system as an integrated whole, and this consideration during development begins with the main thing - the formulation of the purpose of operation. Based on the initial data D, which is known from the analysis of the external system, those restrictions that are imposed on the system from above or based on the possibilities of its implementation, and on the basis of the purpose of operation, the initial requirements T for the system model S are formulated. Based on these requirements, approximately some subsystems are formed P, elements E and the most complex stage of synthesis is carried out -< бор В составляющих системы, для чего используются специальные критерии выбора КВ.

When modeling, it is necessary to ensure maximum efficiency of the system model, which is defined as a certain difference between some indicators of the results obtained as a result of operating the model and the costs that were invested in its development and creation.

General approaches to the study of control systems

The methodology, as discussed earlier, allows us to determine goals and the right directions in research activities. It is also embodied in the formulation of initial hypotheses, the choice of approach, principles and methods of research.

The use of any methodology determines the application of one or another approach to research that determines the establishment of a certain type dependencies, connections and relationships in the object being studied.

Under research methodology can be understood an interconnected set of methodological approaches used in a specific study, revealing their principles, forms and research methods, and basic theoretical principles, in which, on the basis of these principles, the main categories are established and a certain type of property, relationship and dependence in the object under study is recorded.

The research methodology has structure, shown in Fig. 1.3.

- philosophical and worldview;

- general scientific;

- concretely subject-specific.

Although the results of a particular study usually reflect reality on specific subject level, depending on the formulation of the scientific problem under study and the depth of its elaboration, the researcher is forced, explicitly or implicitly, consciously or not, constantly or from time to time to turn to more fundamental methodological components: general scientific and in the most difficult situations for scientific research - and to philosophical and worldview.

At each level of displaying reality, several competing methodological approaches can be distinguished.

Methodological approach embodied, first of all, in the list principles, defining, among other things, main categories, by means of which theoretical provisions are established and fixed on the basis of these principles of a certain type properties, relationships and dependencies in the object being studied.

Principle- fundamental knowledge, starting position, rule, used as the basis and essence of actions when implementing certain activities(in our case - research).

When talking about differences in methodological approaches, it should be borne in mind that they may also have common principles; In addition, the methodological approaches used in practice are evolving. The degree of demand for different approaches in different branches of science also differs.

Methodological approaches claim universality, generality of coverage of all phenomena. Each of them is associated with one or even several philosophical directions.

philosophical and ideological level relate:

- agnosticism, suggesting the impossibility of knowing reality;

- positivism, characterized by an orientation to an empirical basis and setting the task of scientific research only to describe phenomena, but not to explain them;

- existentialism- one of the irrationalist directions that denies the possibility of objective disclosure of the essence of the surrounding reality (“existence” - existence), declaring subjective knowledge of the surrounding world through understanding the meaning of a person’s own existence;

- dialectical, based on the laws of dialectics (the law of unity and interaction of opposites, etc.).

The choice of methodological approach to research has the most significant impact on the process of its implementation and effectiveness, since the focus of all research work.

At the philosophical and worldview level, there is no clear distinction between principles and methods; thus, the dialectical principle of ascent from the abstract to the concrete is often called a method.

Each methodological approach of the philosophical and ideological level is the basis for developing and specifying it general scientific methodological approaches. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind a higher degree of indirectness in relation to the substantive side of general scientific approaches compared to philosophical and worldview approaches.

To the most commonly used methodological approaches general scientific level relate:

The naturalistic approach consists in the desire to transfer into the sphere of research the principles and methods characteristic of the natural sciences, based on quantitative research methods.

Its special case is the mechanistic an approach to the study of phenomena and processes in the control system, based on the study of only cause-and-effect relationships in the object, consisting in the widespread use of analogies of society with a machine (mechanism).

This also includes biological an approach, based on the use of the analogy of society and the human body , in which priority is given to functional connections of a biological nature (i.e., such as in living organisms).

Metaphysical, in which priority is given to the connections of movement in the form of the transformation of one of them into another with a subsequent return to the original one.

System an approach discussed in detail in a separate paragraph 4.3.

Phenomenologically an approach, counting understanding the highest degree of cognition, focuses on the ways in which people understand the consciousness of others while living in the stream of their own consciousness.

In relation to sociological research they talk about qualitative approach, which, unlike classical sociology ( quantitative approach) focuses on private, special in describing the holistic picture of social practices, is based primarily on understanding and interpretation individual, and not description and explanation based on some theory of generalized data.

Among methodological approaches on specific subject level Let us note a fairly general activity approach, a subject focused on the study of object relations, goals, means and results of activities.

There are also such general and specific approaches as empirical, behavioral, informational, mathematical, process, situational, functional, reflective and other approaches (discussed in more detail below).

In addition, the approach can be aspectual, systemic and conceptual.

Aspect approach represents the selection of one facet of a problem based on the principle of relevance or on the principle of taking into account the resources allocated for research. For example, the problem of personnel development may have an economic, socio-psychological, educational, etc. aspect.

Systems approach reflects a higher level of research methodology. It requires the maximum possible consideration of all aspects of the problem in their interrelation and integrity, highlighting the main and essential, determining the nature of the connections between aspects, properties and characteristics.

Conceptual approach- involves the preliminary development of a research concept, i.e. a set of key provisions that determine the general direction, architectonics and continuity of the research.

According to another classification, the approach could be empirical, pragmatic and scientific.

If it relies mainly on experience, then it is empirical approach, if the tasks are to obtain the closest result, then pragmatic.

The most effective is, of course, scientific approach, which is characterized by the scientific formulation of research goals and the use of scientific apparatus in its implementation.

The choice of methodological approach to research has the most significant impact on the process of its implementation and effectiveness, since the focus and effectiveness of all research work largely depends on this.

Mistakes in choosing a methodology research can significantly affect the results of the study, its effectiveness, lead to unjustified costs, or even lead to a dead end and will not allow achieving the goal. In any case, the basic basis of the research process is an element of each subsystem and it is necessary to study its interconnections and interaction with other elements in space and time.

Let us consider in more detail the general approaches to MIS.

Empirically an approach. Based on this approach, we study system operating experience(past and present tense).

This approach makes it possible to apply research methods in a specific situation of the functioning of the system and its elements.

When studying phenomena and processes occurring in an organization and in a management system, it is necessary to be careful about the use of certain methods, since some method that was effective in the past may not meet the requirements for the functioning of the system in the present. .

An empirical approach to the study of management systems makes it possible to summarize the results of the study and identify certain areas of effective functioning of the organization and its management system, both in the past and in the present, and to predict the future development of the system. This approach allows us to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

Purpose behavioral approach is to create all the necessary conditions for the realization of the creative abilities of each employee, for realizing their own importance in managing the organization.

It is important for managers to study various behavioral approaches that general management recommends and study the possibility of their application in the process of analyzing an organization, in particular, studying interpersonal relationships and group behavior. A successfully selected team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand and implement the ideas of their leader is the most important condition for economic success.

Since the main element of any control system is a person, the study of the system should focus on interpersonal relationships, emerging in the process of its functioning.

The study of interpersonal relationships is based on the methods of social and psychological sciences. When using this approach it is necessary to study intrapersonal and interpersonal phenomena and processes, which occur in the system, since they cover the entire range - from the individual to the production team in connection with the cultural environment.

Particular attention should be paid to studying human factor, i.e. personal motivations, behavior, needs and interests. This study makes it possible to identify the causes of conflict situations and social tensions that arise in the team.

Study of group behavior. This approach to research interacts closely with the study of interpersonal relationships. In practice they are often confused. The study of group behavior is sometimes called the study of organizational behavior.

Under the term " group behavior“One should understand the system of relations in the management system, which is a complex of elements or organizational mechanisms that are influenced by the views, conflicts, habits, requirements and cultural environment surrounding the production team.

This approach allows us to identify what factors contribute to the success of the theory and practice of team management.

Socio-technical approach. The efficiency of the management system is influenced not only by social, but also by technical aspects of the production and labor process. Practical production and technical system influence people, their personal worldview and behavior, so it is necessary to carefully study interaction of people with the technical, technological and logical environment in which they work.

This allows us to identify factors that have a negative impact on the harmonious interaction of people in the process of production and labor. Based on the analysis of the information received, a system of measures is being developed to improve the technical, technological and logical level of organization of production and labor and management.

Decision-making approach. Special role management decision the effectiveness of the functioning of the organization and its management system is determined by its functions in the management process.

First of all, it is necessary to note the directions of the decision’s impact on the entire management system. Defined as promising and current tasks influence the development of the system. In this case, a solution based on choosing an effective option the implementation of the problem optimizes the goal, bringing it into line with the available resources.

In addition, the solution provides coordination the activities of all links and management bodies of the system involved in the implementation of a solution to the problem, and also has a mobilizing effect on the participants in the process of resolving it.

When studying a control system based on this approach, it is necessary to use methods of functional and mathematical analysis and modeling to develop a solution.

Information approach. Information plays an important role in a management system. It can perform this role if messages, reporting data, and other information about phenomena and processes occurring in the system and in the external environment meet the relevant requirements. When improving the control system, it is necessary to study information support, information and document flows in system. For this purpose, an information approach is used, as well as functional analysis and methods of cybernetics.

Mathematical approach allows you to study and carry out quantification phenomena and processes that occur in the system. Based on it, it is revealed quantitative influence factors, their relationships, and based on the information received, the priority of goals and means of achieving them is determined.

The mathematical approach is a tool for finding ways setting goals and measuring the means to achieve them, as well as constructing a model of relationships and interactions of system elements when performing the task.

A complex approach - one of the conditions for studying and developing a system of measures to improve the management system. For a comprehensive study of the management system, research methodologies used in economics, history, sociology, psychology, law and other sciences that study phenomena and processes are used.

An integrated approach involves considering the analysis as internal and external environment organizations. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal factors, but also external ones - economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. However, unfortunately, they are not always taken into account.

For example, often social issues when designing new organizations are not taken into account at all or their solution is postponed. Upon implementation new technology indicators are not always taken into account ergonomics, which leads to increased fatigue of workers, and ultimately to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new work teams, socio-psychological aspects, in particular the problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account.

Summarizing what has been said, it can be argued that an integrated approach is a necessary condition when solving the problem of analyzing an organization.

To study the functional connections of information support for control systems, it is used integration approach , the essence of which is that research is carried out as vertically(between individual elements of the control system), and horizontally(at all stages life cycle product).

Under integration is understood association of management subjects to strengthen the interaction of all elements of the management system of a particular organization. With this approach, stronger connections appear between individual subsystems of the organization, and they are assigned more specific tasks.

For example, the management subsystem sets the services and divisions of the organization with specific indicators of their activities in terms of quality, quantity, resource costs, deadlines, etc. Based on the implementation of these indicators, the set goals are achieved.

Integration across product life cycle stages horizontally requires the formation of a unified and clear management information system, which should include, first of all, indicators quality and quantity of costs by stage research, design and technological preparation of production, as well as indicators of the actual production, implementation, operation and removal of the product from production.

Such consistency of indicators across the stages of the product life cycle makes it possible to create a management structure that ensures efficiency and flexibility of management.

Integration vertically is an association of legally independent organizations for the best achievement of their goals.

This is ensured:

Firstly, by combining the efforts of people, i.e. synergistic effect,

Secondly, the creation of new scientific and experimental bases, the introduction of new technologies and new equipment.

In turn, conditions are created for improving vertical connections between federal, municipal authorities and individual organizations, especially in production and social spheres activities. Such integration provides the best control and regulation in the process of implementing new decrees, regulations and other regulatory documentation.

Integration as such gives organizations (enterprises) additional opportunities to increase their competitiveness through increased cooperation. There is greater scope for the development and implementation of new ideas, the production of higher quality products, and efficiency in the implementation of decisions made.

The use of an integration approach creates conditions for the best implementation of strategic objectives at all levels in the management system - the holding, individual companies and specific divisions.

Marketing approach involves conducting an analysis of organizations based on the results marketing research. The main goal with this approach is orientation of the control system towards the consumer.

The implementation of this goal requires, first of all, the improvement of the business strategy of organizations, the purpose of which is to provide their organization with a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing analysis aims to identify these competitive advantages and their determining factors.

As research practice has shown, these factors include:

Quality of products or services;

The quality of management of the organization itself;

Marketing quality, i.e. the property of a product to correspond to the real needs of the population.

It is important to take into account the competitive position, i.e. the position of the organization under study in the industry for a given period of time, since competition is an expensive undertaking, and the market is characterized by high entry barriers.

Thus, the importance of the marketing approach is to provide the organization with all the necessary information, the knowledge of which will allow it to maintain its competitive position in the industry for a long time.

Innovative approach based on the organization’s ability to quickly respond to changes dictated by the external environment. This concerns implementation of innovations, new technical solutions, the steady resumption of production of new goods and services to best meet the needs of the sales market. The key to the successful functioning of any organization is that it must not only keep up with technical progress, but also be ahead of it.

The introduction of innovation also requires a system analysis, namely the organization’s capabilities to implement a particular innovation. The analysis process in the innovative approach is very complex and covers all stages of the product life cycle.

1. Analysis of the possibility of carrying out research and development work. Here it is necessary to determine whether this organization necessary financial resources, since the costs of developing innovative ideas and their implementation are increasing more and more intensively.

As a rule, financing is provided by investment companies, private and public funds, and a specific project or new scientific idea is financed.

Financing takes place in several stages: first, applied research, then experimental development, and at the final stage, financing of mass production. Finding reliable financial investors is very important, since knowledge-intensive production is fraught with great uncertainty. Many innovations do not reach mass production because they are rejected by the market. In addition, there is quite a high financial risk here.

At this stage, it is also necessary to find out whether the execution team has a special group of people who will be involved in the development and implementation of innovative projects, and what their professional training is.

2. Analysis of the possibility of introducing into production the results of research and development work. Here it is necessary to determine the technical, organizational and economic feasibility introduction of new equipment or technology.

3. Analysis of the possibility of introducing a new product to the market. In this case, a special role should be played marketing approach. It is necessary to study the market requirements, the nature of products of a similar type that are in demand, determine where it is produced and in what quantity.

Your own competitive position also plays an important role. It is at this stage of analysis that business (competitive) behavior should manifest itself to the greatest extent. organization strategy, on which the lifespan of a product depends - from first sales to saturation of demand and exit from the market

With an innovative approach, it is necessary to remember: in order to successfully compete in the market, it is necessary to give inventors the opportunity to create new things, to create freely and bring their inventions to successful implementation. To do this, the team of inventors needs a certain freedom of creativity: the right to make decisions and be responsible for the final results. The management of the organization should be aimed at encouraging initiative and entrepreneurship in invention.

Essence normative approach is as follows. The analysis of any management system with the aim of improving it is associated with taking into account the totality of the most important standards that the company’s apparatus is guided in its activities. These include standards established for each industry, for example controllability standards and standards, developed by the designers themselves (Regulations on the organization, job descriptions, staffing, etc.). Standards may have target, functional and social direction.

TO target standards refers to everything that ensures the implementation of the goals set for the organization. This is, first of all, product quality indicators, product resource intensity, ergonomic indicators, reliability indicators, as well as technical level production.

TO functional standards applies quality and timeliness of plans, clear organization of departments, operational accounting and control, strict distribution of functional responsibilities in each structural unit of the organization.

Standards in the social sphere must provide optimal conditions for social development team.

This includes indicators (standards):

- stimulation and labor protection;

- provision of all employees with the necessary technical means for successful work;

- legal;

- environmental

- systematic improvement of professional growth;

- good motivation.

Thus, the normative approach when conducting analysis requires taking into account the entire set of standards when managing resources, process and product. The more scientifically based standards there are for all aspects of the organization’s activities, the sooner success will come in achieving its goals.

In the study of management systems, methodological approaches are of particular importance, allowing the most objective, comprehensive and systematic identification and assessment of existing problems, in particular dialectical, systemic (system-structural), processual, situational, functional and reflexive approaches.

Dialectical approach to research

When studying control systems, it is necessary to use dialectical approach. Its essence is that During the functioning of the system, all its elements are interconnected and interdependent. Therefore, changes made in some elements cause changes in other elements of the system.

Consequently, it is necessary to study: the entire set of parameters and indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the functioning of the system and the control system in dynamics; properties of organizational processes (adaptation, self-regulation and self-organization).

Most of the objects being studied are dynamic, internally interconnected objects interacting with the external environment, therefore one of the most acceptable approaches to their study is dialectical.

Dialectical approach comes from the essence of dialectics, which is the doctrine of the universal connections of phenomena and the most general laws of development of being and thinking. The basic law of this doctrine is the law of unity and interaction of opposites, A fundamental principle - the principle of universal connections between phenomena.

This means that to study any subject it is necessary to consider all its aspects and connections. At the same time, development, as a general process, goes through periodically repeating steps, but each time at a higher level, and all this is carried out in a spiral. Spiral movement ensures the constant accumulation of knowledge and the achievement of new levels of development over time.

In addition to the law of unity and interaction of opposites of dialectics, in the course of cognition one should be guided by such laws as transition from quantity to quality, negation of negation, implementing the following in the study principles:

- ascent from the abstract to the concrete,

- unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical,

- identifying connections of different quality in an object and their interaction.

The approach under consideration predetermines the need to use the appropriate principles:

- continuous movement and development all phenomena;

- scientific character, requiring the use of everything new and progressive and providing foresight of phenomena, the possibility of using research results;

- interactions, which involves the use of various connections, multivariance, and integrity of the display and study of phenomena;

- objectivity and reliability;

- inconsistency;

- continuity;

- relativity;

- historical certainty.

The dialectical approach to research is determined by practice, which is:

1) the main methodological research tool;

2) the driving force of the study, since it determines what may be relevant for it;

3) the most important consumer of the research results;

4) the main criterion for the truth of the research results.

When using the dialectical approach, the historical and logical methods of cognition of truth acquire significant significance.

The dialectical approach to research in connection with its provisions on the constancy of ongoing changes, the need to replace everything that is outdated with the new is the most progressive and is used in the overwhelming majority of all research conducted. Essentially, the selection and use of the principles and methods of the dialectical approach to research in combination with the methodological tools of other approaches is its practical formula in the modern period.

The dialectical approach largely determined the development of a whole range of other approaches, and primarily the systemic one.

Systematic approach to research

System(system-structural) an approach - This is a direction in the methodology of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral cybernetic socio-economic system.

The systems approach, being inextricably linked with the fundamental ideas of dialectics and the dialectical approach, at the same time has its own essence and acts as a separate methodological approach. It assumes that an object is studied as an integral set of its constituent subsystems, elements, and in all the diversity of identified properties and connections within the object, as well as between the object and the external environment.

In real conditions, each structural element affects both all other elements and the system as a whole. This approach to the study of control systems creates the opportunity to reveal patterns connections between system elements, as well as their relationships and subordination.

An example is the use of a systematic approach when K. Marx conducted a famous scientific study of society as a whole, the results of which he reflected in Capital. This is one of the first systematic studies of a complex socio-economic system.

In the 20th century in connection with the development of social relations and technology, as well as the formulation of higher-level problems, approaches to solving problems in socio-economic control systems (for example, optimal planning problems) have become significantly more complex. Over time, local research could no longer produce the required results in solving frequently emerging diverse complex problems, including social, technical, organizational, political and other aspects.

Therefore, from the second half of the 20th century. the systematic approach has become one of the priorities and leading among all others, and since the late 60s. firmly entered into scientific terminology under this name. Previously it was sometimes called " system analysis”, “system-structural approach”, “system method”, “general systems theory”, but later narrower, specific concepts were assigned to these terms.

The epistemological basis (epistemology is a branch of philosophy that studies the forms and methods of scientific knowledge) of the systems approach is the general theory of systems, which was started by the Australian biologist L. Bertalanffy. He saw the purpose of this science in the search for structural similarity of laws established in various disciplines, from which system-wide patterns can be derived.

The difficulties of studying a management system are due to the fact that, along with phenomena that can be quantified (for example, choosing the path that provides the least amount of time to complete any work), there are also those that cannot be quantified. These include the influence of moral incentives on increasing labor productivity, the importance of promotion career ladder and so on.

The assessment of these factors requires specific methods based on a massive study of phenomena of the same order and subsequent mathematical processing of the information received. The study of mass phenomena necessitates sociological research.

Let's consider the basic principles of the systems approach:

1. Integrity. This principle allows us to consider the system as a single whole and at the same time as a subsystem for higher levels.

2. Hierarchical structure. This means the presence of a plurality (at least two) of elements, arranged on the basis of the subordination of lower-level elements to higher-level elements. As you know, any organization represents the interaction of two subsystems - the managing and the managed, and one is subordinate to the other.

3. Structuring. The implementation of this principle makes it possible to analyze the elements of the system and their relationships within the framework of a specific organizational structure. As a rule, the process of functioning of a system is determined not so much by the properties of its individual elements as by the properties of the structure itself.

4. Plurality. This principle allows the use of many cybernetic, economic and mathematical models to describe individual elements and the system as a whole.

As noted above, with a systems approach, the study of the characteristics of an organization as a system becomes important, i.e. "input", "process" and "output".

With a systematic approach based on marketing research, the "output" parameters those. questions are posed regarding goods or services: what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what costs and for whom, in what time frame to sell and at what price? Answers to these questions must be clear and timely. The “output” should ultimately be competitive products or services.

Then determined login parameters, those. the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information) is examined. It is revealed after detailed study organizational and technical level of the system under consideration (technology, technology, features of the organization of production, labor and management) and parameters of the external environment (economic, geopolitical, social, environmental, etc.).

And finally, no less important is the study process parameters, transforming resources into finished products. On at this stage Depending on the object of study, production technology or management technology is considered, as well as ways to improve it and factors contributing to this.

Thus, the systems approach allows us to comprehensively evaluate any production and economic activity and the activity of the management system at the level of specific characteristics. This will help analyze any situation within a single system, identifying the nature of the input, process and output problems. The use of a systematic approach allows us to best organize the decision-making process at all levels in the management system.

Main feature systems approach is that it requires looking at the problem not in isolation, but in unity with the environment, comprehend the commonality of each connection and individual element, make associations between general and specific goals. All this forms a special method of thinking that allows you to react flexibly to changes in the situation and make informed decisions.

In relation to the study of organizations, the systems approach provides for:

Consideration of the entire organization as a certain integrity - a system consisting of relatively isolated interacting and interconnected elements and subsystems with special specific properties;

Consideration of an organization as an open multi-purpose system that has a certain “framework” of management and managed (production) subsystems that interact with each other internal environment and external environment, external and internal goals, subgoals of each subsystem, strategies for achieving goals, etc. .P.; at the same time, a change in one of the elements of any system causes changes in other elements and subsystems, which is based on a dialectical approach to the interconnection and interdependence of all phenomena in nature and society;

A comprehensive study of not only the individual properties of the interacting and interconnected components of the system, its internal and external environment, but also the new synergistic properties that are generated with new qualities;

The study of the entire set of parameters and indicators of the functioning of the system in dynamics, which requires the study of intra-organizational processes of adaptation, self-regulation, self-organization, forecasting and planning, coordination, decision-making, etc.

Compliance with each of the above provisions is of great importance for the implementation of a systematic approach to research. However, to an even greater extent, this depends on the ability or inability of the researcher to think systematically, to perceive the internal environment and the external environment holistically and make decisions in accordance with the systems approach (for example, determine the composition of elements, subsystems to be studied, choose the most rational research method).

Let us consider the features of the implementation of the systems approach.

Any research precedes it wording, from which it should be clear what needs to be done and on what basis it should be done.

IN problem formulation Research must try to distinguish between general and specific plans.

Overall plan determines the type of task - analysis or synthesis.

Private plan tasks reflects the functional purpose of the system and describes the characteristics to be studied.

The specificity of the formulation of the problem largely depends on the knowledge of the researcher and the available information. The idea of ​​the system changes, and this leads to the fact that there are almost always differences between the posed and the solved problems. In order for them to be insignificant, the formulation of the problem must be adjusted in the process of solving it. The changes will mainly concern the particular plan of the formulated task.

The peculiarity of identifying an object as a system from environment is that it is necessary to select such elements of it, the activities or properties of which are manifested in the area of ​​study of a given object.

Establishing an internal structure is not an operation only initial stage research, it will be clarified and changed as research is carried out. This process distinguishes complex systems from simple ones, in which the elements and connections between them do not change throughout the entire research cycle.

In any system, each element of its structure functions based on some of its own goals. When identifying (or setting) it should be guided by the requirement of subordination to the general goal of the system. It should be noted here that the private goals of the elements are not always consistent with the final goals of the system itself.

Complex systems are usually studied using models. The purpose of modeling is to determine the system's reactions to influences, the boundaries of the system's functioning, and the effectiveness of control algorithms. The model must allow for the possibility of variations in the number of elements and connections between them in order to study various options for constructing the system. The process of studying complex systems is iterative, and the number of possible approximations depends on a priori knowledge about the system and the stringency of the requirements for the accuracy of the results obtained.

Thus, in practice, to implement a systematic approach, it is necessary to provide for the following sequence of actions:

Wording tasks research;

Revealing object research as systems from the environment;

Establishment internal structure systems and identification external relations;

Definition (or statement) goals before the elements based on the manifested (or expected) result of the entire system as a whole;

Development system models and conducting research on it.

This approach has significant advantages compared to others, for example:

1) the possibilities of a systematic approach are much wider for understanding the object of research, including its synergistic properties;

2) it is possible to decompose any object under study with the necessary depth to achieve the goal of the study, which ensures the identification of everything necessary for the study of any relatively indivisible element;

3) a deeper scheme is created to substantiate and identify the nature and reliability of connections and relationships in the object under study, and at the same time, prerequisites are formed for the search for new mechanisms for the effective functioning of the object;

4) there is a close connection with other methodological areas of science, and if necessary, there is the possibility of joint integrative application of other methodological approaches, which increases the effectiveness of the study.

Based on the research carried out, we develop recommendations:

By the nature of the interaction between the system and the environment;

According to the structure of the system, types of organization and types of connections between elements;

According to the law of system control.

Currently, many works are devoted to systems research. They're all considering a solution system tasks, in which the object of research is represented as a system.

System tasks can be of two types: system analysis or system synthesis.

Tasks system analysis - determining the properties of a system based on a known structure, studying the properties of an already existing formation.

Tasks system synthesis - determining the structure of a system by its properties, i.e. creation of a new structure that should have the desired properties.

System analysis and synthesis involves the study of large systems and complex problems. N.N. Moiseev notes: “System analysis... requires dialysis of complex information of various physical natures” [Moiseev N.N. Mathematical problems of system analysis. M.: Nauka, 1981]. Based on this, F.I. Peregudov defines that “system analysis is the theory and practice of improving intervention in problem situations” [Peregudov F.I., Tarasenko F.P. Introduction to systems analysis. M.: graduate School, 1989.].

Main practical task The systematic approach in the study of control systems is to, having discovered and described the complexity, also justify additional physically realizable connections, which, being superimposed on a complex control system, would make it controllable within the required limits, while maintaining such areas of independence, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of the system.

The included new feedbacks should strengthen favorable and weaken unfavorable tendencies in the behavior of the control system, maintaining and strengthening its focus, but at the same time orienting it towards the interests of the supersystem.

Process approach to research

Process approach(process- a consistent change of states in the development of something; development of a phenomenon) is known in relation to management in general.

He considers management activities as the continuous implementation of a complex of certain interconnected types of activities and general management functions (forecasting and planning, organizing, etc.) Moreover, the implementation of each work and general management functions is also considered here as a process, i.e. .e. as a set of interconnected continuously performed actions that transform some inputs of resources, information, etc. into the corresponding outputs, results (Fig. 4.1). Fig.4.1.

The process approach is characterized by an orientation towards a set of continuously carried out actions for all research work with their identification and interconnected general management functions (forecasting, planning, work organization, coordination, work execution, regulation, activation and stimulation, accounting, control and analysis), transforming inputs into outputs and represents a process approach to the study of control systems.

Technologically, the process approach to research is carried out sequentially, in parallel and sequentially-parallel (Fig. 4.2), however, the most viable of these approaches is series-parallel.

is that the incentive to carry out the analysis is specific situations, a wide range of which significantly affects management efficiency. With this approach, the control system, depending on the nature of the situation, can change any of its characteristics.

Objects of analysis in this case there may be:

- managment structure- depending on the situation and based on the volumetric calculations carried out, a management structure with a predominance of either vertical or horizontal connections is selected;

- management methods;

- leadership style- depending on professionalism, number and personal qualities employees choose a leadership style that is either task-oriented or human relations-oriented;

- external and internal environment organizations;

- development strategy organizations;

- technical and technological features production process;

- sub-system for managing quality, costs, etc.

However, in a number of situations that arise, the object of research may be the control system as a whole.

Currently, for a number of purposes of CS research, determined by the need for rapid changes in management, it is extremely important to quickly carry out work and make informed management decisions.

Such goals can be set as unpredictable management problems arise that require quick resolution and are associated, for example, with sudden changes in markets, the need urgent imprisonment contract, carrying out work on restructuring the management system outside the established planned periods, etc.

In a competitive environment, the cost of delays in conducting research and making subsequent decisions based on its results, even correct management decisions, can be very high, i.e. it is necessary to increase the efficiency of conducting CS research.

In these cases, one should use a situational approach to the study of control systems, the essence of which, as already noted, is in an operational study of the current situation and conducting research based on the use primarily standard procedures research and a kind of methods of “snapshots” of the management activities of the organization and its relations with the external environment. However, in any case, one or another research method should be determined by the specific situation at hand.

In general, the situational approach to research is methodologically and logically closely related to a similar approach to management, which was formed earlier and made a significant contribution to management theory.

It is important for the systems approach to determine system structure- a set of connections between elements of the system, reflecting their interaction. The structure of a system can be studied from the outside from the point of view of the composition of individual subsystems and the relationships between them, as well as from the inside, when individual properties are analyzed that allow the system to achieve a given goal, i.e. when the functions of the system are studied. In accordance with this, a number of approaches to studying the structure of a system with its properties have emerged, which should primarily include structural and functional.

At structural approach the composition of the selected elements of system 5 and the connections between them are revealed. The set of elements and connections between them allows us to judge the structure of the system. The latter, depending on the purpose of the study, can be described at different levels of consideration. The most general description of the structure is a topological description, which allows one to define the constituent parts of the system in the most general terms and is well formalized on the basis of graph theory.

Less general is the functional description, when individual functions are considered, i.e., algorithms for the behavior of the system, and implemented functional approach, which evaluates the functions that the system performs, whereby a function is understood as a property that leads to the achievement of a goal. Since a function displays a property, and a property displays the interaction of the system £ with the external environment E, then the properties can be expressed in the form of either some characteristics of the elements 5^ and subsystems £, the system, or the system £ as a whole.

If you have some standard of comparison, you can enter the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the systems. For a quantitative characteristic, numbers are entered that express the relationship between this characteristic and the standard. The qualitative characteristics of the system are found, for example, using the method of expert assessments.

Manifestation of system functions in time £(/), i.e. functioning of the system, means the transition of a system from one state to another, i.e., movement in the state space Z. When operating a system £, the quality of its functioning, determined by the efficiency indicator and being the value of the efficiency evaluation criterion, is very important. There are different approaches to choosing performance evaluation criteria. The system £ can be evaluated either by a set of particular criteria or by some general integral criterion.

It should be noted that the created model M from the point of view of the systems approach, it is also a system, i.e. £" = £"(M), and can be considered in relation to the external environment E. The simplest models are those in which a direct analogy of the phenomenon is preserved. Models are also used in which there is no direct analogy, but only the laws and general patterns of behavior of the elements of the system £ are preserved. Correct understanding of the relationships both within the L model itself and its interaction with the external environment E is largely determined by what level the observer is at.

A simple approach to studying the relationships between individual parts of the model involves considering them as a reflection of the connections between individual subsystems of the object. This classic approach can be used to create fairly simple models. Model synthesis process M based on the classical (inductive) approach is presented in Fig. 1.1, A. The real object to be modeled is divided into separate subsystems, i.e., the initial data is selected D For

Rice. 1.1. The process of model synthesis based on classical (a) and systemic ( 6)


modeling and setting goals C, displaying individual aspects of the modeling process. Based on a separate set of source data D the goal is to model a separate aspect of the system’s functioning; on the basis of this goal, a certain component is formed TO future model. A set of components is combined into a model M.

Thus, the development of the model M based on the classical approach means summing up individual components into a single model, with each component solving its own problems and isolated from other parts of the model. Therefore, the classical approach can be used to implement relatively simple models in which it is possible to separate and mutually independent consider individual aspects of the functioning of a real object. For a model of a complex object, such disunity of tasks to be solved is unacceptable, since it leads to significant expenditure of resources when implementing the model on the basis of specific software and hardware. Two distinctive aspects of the classical approach can be noted: there is a movement from the particular to the general, the created model (system) is formed by summing up its individual components and the emergence of a new systemic effect is not taken into account.

With the increasing complexity of modeling objects, the need arose to observe them from a higher level. In this case, the observer (developer) considers this system 5 as a certain subsystem of some metasystem, i.e., a system of a higher rank, and is forced to move to the position of a new systems approach, which will allow him to build not only the system under study, solving a set of problems, but also to create a system that is an integral part of the metasystem. For example, if the task is to design an automated control system for an enterprise, then from the perspective of a systems approach we must not forget that this system is an integral part of the automated control system of the association.

The systems approach was used in systems engineering due to the need to study large real systems, when the insufficiency and sometimes erroneousness of making any particular decisions affected. The emergence of a systems approach was influenced by the increasing amount of initial data during development, the need to take into account complex stochastic relationships in the system and environmental influences E. All this forced researchers to study a complex object not in isolation, but in interaction with the external environment, as well as in conjunction with other systems of some metasystem.

The systems approach allows us to solve the problem of building a complex system, taking into account all factors and possibilities, proportional to their significance, at all stages of system research 5 and model construction M. The systems approach means that each system 5 is an integrated whole even when it consists of individual, disconnected subsystems. Thus, the basis of the systems approach is the consideration of the system as an integrated whole, and this consideration during development begins with the main thing - the formulation of the purpose of operation. Model synthesis process M based on a systematic approach, it is conventionally presented in Fig. 1.1, b. Based on the initial data D, which is known from the analysis of the external system, those restrictions that are imposed on the system from above or based on the possibilities of its implementation, and based on the purpose of operation, the initial requirements are formulated T to the system model 5. Based on these requirements, approximately some subsystems /7, E elements are formed and the most complex stage of synthesis is carried out - selection IN components of the system, for which special selection criteria are used KV.

When modeling, it is necessary to ensure maximum efficiency of the system model. Efficiency is usually defined as a certain difference between some indicators of the value of the results obtained as a result of operating the model, and those costs that were invested in her development and creation.

Stages of model development

Based on the systems approach, a certain sequence of model development can be proposed, when two main design stages are distinguished: macrodesign and microdesign.

At the stage of macro design based on data about the real system 5 and the external environment E a model of the external environment is built, resources and limitations for building a system model are identified, a system model and criteria are selected to assess the adequacy of the model M of a real system 5. Having built a model of the system and a model of the external environment, based on the criterion of the effectiveness of the functioning of the system, an optimal control strategy is selected in the modeling process, which makes it possible to realize the capabilities of the model to reproduce individual aspects of the functioning of a real system

The micro-design stage depends largely on the specific type of model chosen. In the case of a simulation model, it is necessary to ensure the creation of information, mathematical, technical and software modeling systems. At this stage, you can establish the main characteristics of the created model, estimate the time spent working with it and the cost of resources to obtain the desired quality of compliance of the model with the process of system functioning. I.

Regardless of the type of model used M when constructing it, it is necessary to be guided by a number of principles of a systematic approach: 1) proportional and consistent progress through the stages and directions of creating the model; 2) coordination of information, resource, reliability and other characteristics; 3) the correct relationship between individual hierarchy levels in the modeling system; 4) the integrity of individual separate stages of model construction.

Model M must meet the specified purpose of its creation, therefore the individual parts must be arranged mutually, based on a single system task. The goal can be formulated qualitatively, then it will have greater content and for a long time can reflect the objective capabilities of a given modeling system. When a goal is formulated quantitatively, a target function arises that accurately reflects the most significant factors influencing the achievement of the goal.

Building a model is one of the system problems in which solutions are synthesized based on a huge number of initial data, based on proposals from large teams of specialists. Using a systematic approach in these conditions allows not only to build a model of a real object, but also to choose based on this model required amount control information in a real system, evaluate its performance indicators and thereby, based on modeling, find the most effective option for constructing and profitable mode of operation of a real system I.