Names of medical journals and newspapers. Catalog of professional journals and online publications on medicine and pharmaceuticals. Section “Clinician School”

Russian doctor's newspaper
"Medical Bulletin"

· Volume - from 24 strips

· Health reforms

· Investments in healthcare

· Medical business

· Legislative Reviews

· Science and education

· Medical career

· Foreign panorama

· Pages of history

· Section “Clinician School”

Section “Clinician School”

· innovative treatment regimens

· clinical reviews

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Newspaper "Medical Bulletin"

Russian doctor's newspaper
"Medical Bulletin"

All the most important things in healthcare and medicine: events, facts, comments

· Weekly full-color illustrated publication

· Published in a circulation of 15,200 copies

· Volume - from 24 strips

"Medical Bulletin". Publication history

The Medical Bulletin newspaper was published in March 1861 and immediately gained popularity among doctors in post-reform Russia in the 19th century. S.P. submitted their original articles here. Botkin, V.M. Bekhterev, G.A. Zakharyin, N.V. Sklifosovsky and other prominent figures in medicine. The famous work of I.M. was published here for the first time. Sechenov "Reflexes of the brain".

Brilliant clinical reviews and lectures allowed doctors from the provinces to constantly, as we would say today, improve their skills.

The newspaper preached the progressive ideals of that time (however, they have not lost their meaning today). It was made for doctors with great respect for them and with an understanding of their important mission in society, not only as doctors, but also as the intelligentsia, bringing education and culture to people, without turning a blind eye to the fact that “the work of a doctor is hard and not fully rewarded” ( "MV" No. 1 1861).

The newspaper existed for a quarter of a century. And it was revived only in January 1994.

"Medical Bulletin" today. Keeping up with the times, preserving traditions

· Health reforms

· Investments in healthcare

· Medical business

· Development of insurance mechanisms in the industry

· Standardization of healthcare

· Legislative Reviews

· Science and education

· Medical career

· Protection medical workers

· Legal and legal advice

· Foreign panorama

· Pages of history

· Section “Clinician School”

Section “Clinician School”

· articles by leading experts on the most advanced methods of treating diseases

· innovative treatment regimens

· clinical reviews

· diagnostic and treatment standards

· reviews of thematic symposiums, congresses and conferences

Russian doctor's newspaper
"Medical Bulletin"

All the most important things in healthcare and medicine: events, facts, comments

· Weekly full-color illustrated publication

· Published in a circulation of 15,200 copies

· Volume - from 24 strips

"Medical Bulletin". Publication history

The Medical Bulletin newspaper was published in March 1861 and immediately gained popularity among doctors in post-reform Russia in the 19th century. S.P. submitted their original articles here. Botkin, V.M. Bekhterev, G.A. Zakharyin, N.V. Sklifosovsky and other prominent figures in medicine. The famous work of I.M. was published here for the first time. Sechenov "Reflexes of the brain".

Brilliant clinical reviews and lectures allowed doctors from the provinces to constantly, as we would say today, improve their skills.

The newspaper preached the progressive ideals of that time (however, they have not lost their meaning today). It was made for doctors with great respect for them and with an understanding of their important mission in society, not only as doctors, but also as the intelligentsia, bringing education and culture to people, without turning a blind eye to the fact that “the work of a doctor is hard and not fully rewarded” ( "MV" No. 1 1861).

The newspaper existed for a quarter of a century. And it was revived only in January 1994.

"Medical Bulletin" today. Keeping up with the times, preserving traditions

· Health reforms

· Investments in healthcare

· Medical business

· Development of insurance mechanisms in the industry

· Standardization of healthcare

· Legislative Reviews

· Science and education

· Medical career

· Protection of health workers

· Legal and legal advice

· Foreign panorama

· Pages of history

· Section “Clinician School”

Section “Clinician School”

· articles by leading experts on the most advanced methods of treating diseases

· innovative treatment regimens

· clinical reviews

· diagnostic and treatment standards

· reviews of thematic symposiums, congresses and conferences


"Medical newspaper"

"Medical Newspaper" is a professional publication for doctors that covers the activities of healthcare institutions, medical universities, research institutes in the field of health protection of medical industry enterprises, government agencies And public organizations related to the health care system. "Medical newspaper" talks about the latest achievements medical science and practices in Russia and in the world, about the activities of medical trade unions and public organizations helping the population - the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The newspaper analyzes the state of health care institutions in various countries of the world.

The target audience of the Medical Newspaper is heads of healthcare institutions, medical trade union and public organizations, and practicing doctors.

History of the Medical Newspaper

“Medical Newspaper” is the oldest Russian publication, whose history dates back to 1893. After the October Revolution of 1917, the newspaper ceased publication. Its production resumed only 20 years later - in 1937. At that time the newspaper was the press organ of the USSR Ministry of Health, Medical Industry and trade union organizations medical institutions. A publication called “Medical Worker” was published.
In 1962, the publication was renamed “Medical Newspaper”. The newspaper had a high popularity rating during Soviet times. In 1974, its circulation reached 1 million 200 thousand copies.

After the collapse of the USSR, the newspaper managed to survive; the Medical Newspaper CJSC was organized, which is the official founder of the publication.

Currently, the Medical Newspaper is published twice a week, with a total circulation of more than 48,000 copies. The publication is distributed by subscription in Russia and the CIS countries. You can subscribe to the newspaper at any Rosposhta post office or through the Russian Press catalogue.

The Medical Newspaper has an official website where you can find information electronic versions publications and obtain an electronic subscription to the newspaper.

A special feature of the “Medical Newspaper” publication is that in addition to specific medical materials, it contains journalistic articles. The main goal of the newspaper is to inform the medical community about the state of medicine in Russia and abroad. The newspaper talks about modern achievements in the field of medical science and the practice of introducing new advanced methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies.

The newspaper publishes official news related to the industry, legislative acts and regulations concerning medicine. The publication introduces readers to the materials of meetings of the boards of the Russian Ministry of Health and the promotion of medical reform in Russia.

“Medical Newspaper” on its pages highlights the experience of advanced countries in the field of medicine, and also talks about the difficulties of establishing the industry in developing countries.

Many materials in the newspaper concern social role health workers in the community.

Latest issue of "Medical newspaper"

- “Officially” - news from the ministry and main medical departments of Russia;
- “Healthcare” - information about the endoprosthetics industry;
- “Science and Practice” - innovations in surgery;
- “Time and We” - an article about the formation of the healthcare system in Armenia;
- “News” - information about the winners and laureates of the “Best Doctor of the Year” competition.

“Medical Newspaper” is a publication for managers at various levels of the medical industry, practicing doctors and for everyone

Professional edition, which publishes today’s optimal algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, including urgent conditions. Full versions of issues (HTML format) since 1998 are presented.

  • Russian Medical Journal – General medical journal for postgraduate education of general practitioners.
  • Biometrics – Publication of materials on biostatistics and biometrics. Announcements of conferences and seminars. Links to Internet resources and library. A collection of samples of statistical incorrectness.
  • Psychopharmacology & Biological Narcology – Peer Reviewed electronic journal open access. English-language interface, articles in Russian (PDF format).
  • ( – Russian biomedical Science Magazine(electronic periodical). Feedback from expert reviewers is required for publication.
  • Ukrainian Medical Journal – Polythematic scientific and practical publication for doctors in Russian and Ukrainian languages. Archive of numbers (PDF format).
  • Modern problems of science and education - Achievements in the field of science and education in various scientific specialties, including biology and medicine. It is possible to independently publish an article (, which will be published in printed form.
  • Medical Bulletin - Announcements of issues, selectively full texts of articles. Access to the archive (PDF format) by subscription.
  • Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakova is the oldest medical journal in Russia, founded in 1901. Wide range of materials. For neurologists and psychiatrists. Archive of issue contents (access to full texts is possible if you have a subscription to the paper version).
  • Consilium-medicum - Medical consultation. Journal of evidence-based medicine for medical practitioners.
  • Bulletin of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences – Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences. Archive of articles (PDF format).
  • Saratov Medical Scientific Journal – Problems of theoretical and practical medicine, public health. Published since 2002. Archive of issues (PDF files of issues).
  • Difficult Patient – ​​Polythematic journal primarily for doctors of therapeutic specialties. All issues (including the latest issue) are posted on the website (PDF format).
  • Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology - Russian version of the journal of the same name (the official publication of the American Gastroenterological Association). Abstracts of articles, on-line supplement to each issue.
  • Pulmonology The leading specialized publication in Russia dedicated to the issues of pulmonology. Founded in 1990 by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Scientific Society of Pulmonologists.
  • Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy – Scientific and practical journal. Requirements for authors, distribution of announcements, subscription to the magazine. Archive of articles since 1999 (HTML, PDF formats). The full on-line version of the issue is published 12 months after the publication of the printed version.
  • Radiological diagnostic news Belarusian Radiological Journal (1998-2004). The issue was discontinued (14 issues were published). The archive remains: full texts of articles, a database of radiological images.
  • Who's who in medicine Exchange of professional experience on topical issues development of Russian healthcare. For managers of both medical and nursing levels.
  • MedMir – Internet project non-profit organization International Medical Information Technologies, Inc. (USA) in Russian. Reviews of articles published in the world's largest medical journals.
  • Resort statements – detailed information about health resorts, methods of rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort conditions.
  • Neurological Bulletin named after. V.M. Bekhterev – Founded by V.M. Bekhterev in 1893. The journal's publications are devoted to neurology, psychiatry and related disciplines.
  • Intensive Care – Lectures and review articles on the most important issues critical care medicine.
  • Medical file – Dissemination of information on medical topics for specialists in various fields of medicine and healthcare. Archive of articles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal - Published since 1931, revived in 1991. A wide range of medical and biological problems of both fundamental and applied nature.
  • Surgery News – Peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal on all areas of surgery. Full access after registering on the site. Vitebsk.
  • Laboratory – Information and educational publication for medical specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics.
  • Radiology practice – Modern methods diagnostics, medical and technical problems. For medical radiological service workers. Archive (PDF format).
  • Stroke / Stroke – Russian-language version of the international magazine. Translation of the most interesting materials with comments from leading domestic neurologists.
  • Emergency medicine – Materials on urgent pathology. For doctors of any specialty. Archive of issues (PDF format, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • International Journal of Neurology – Comprehensive information for neurologists. Archive of numbers (HTML format, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • Genius of Orthopedics - Established in 1995 in Kurgan and dedicated to the memory of the outstanding innovative doctor, Professor G.A. Ilizarov. Priority is given to information for traumatologists and orthopedists about the clinical application of the transosseous osteosynthesis method in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Manual Therapy – Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal (successor to the journal “Manual Medicine”, published since 1991). Archive of numbers (PDF format). Links to web resources.
  • SonoAce-International – International medical journal on echography (ultrasonography) for ultrasound doctors.
  • Alternative Medicine – Scientific and practical journal on traditional medicine. Lectures, reviews, discussions. Full text articles. Kazan.
  • Spine surgery – Materials on operative vertebrology and related disciplines (for specialists).
  • Polyclinic – For doctors of all specialties. Archive (PDF format). Each issue is accompanied by an appendix with health regulations.
  • Practical Angiology Interdisciplinary journal about vascular damage in various pathologies. For surgeons and therapists. Archive of numbers.