But professional activities are also related. Basic functions of professional activity. Classification of information activities

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    modern Russian professional education

    The relevance of creating a dictionary is due to the need to describe the processes of updating the conceptual and terminological apparatus of professional education modern Russia, which reflect significant changes taking place in vocational education itself. It is planned to implement at all levels of education educational standards, providing a competency-based approach, the relationship between fundamental knowledge and practical skills.

    The competency-based approach, as the methodological basis of educational standards of the new generation, creates conditions for more effective management quality of vocational education and compliance vocational training labor market demands. This approach involves formulating learning goals through competencies that are in demand in the professional activities of a modern worker.

    Range of users of the dictionary:

    • educational institutions of vocational education; their administration;
    • regional education authorities;
    • developers of professional educational programs created on the basis of federal state educational standards of the new generation and within the organization corporate training; advanced adult education;
    • developers of professional standards;
    • regional employment services;
    • real and potential foreign partners of the Russian vocational education system;
    • employers;
    • students.

    The sources of the dictionary were explanatory dictionaries, glossaries, English-Russian dictionary publications published over the past ten years, as well as dictionary and encyclopedic literature of an earlier period. Based on a comparison of interpretations and definitions of terms, from the methodological point of view of the competency-based approach, definitions of the terms of the first edition were given. The content of dictionary entries was also influenced by the analysis of the experience of developing the National Qualifications Framework, professional standards and educational standards for vocational education.

    The structure of the dictionary is divided into four thematic groups:

    Structure of vocational education

    Organization of the educational process

    Quality of vocational education

    Professional education and the world of work



    Labor, labor activity (English:labor) The expedient activity of people to create material and spiritual goods necessary to satisfy individual and social needs.

    See Professional activity, Professional training, Profession, Specialty.

    Professional activity Labor activity that requires vocational training, is carried out within the framework of the objectively established division of labor and generates income.

    See Labor, labor activity, Vocational training, Profession, Specialty

    Type of professional activity 1) Certain methods, methods, techniques, nature of influence on the object of professional activity with the aim of changing it, transforming it

    2) A set of labor functions that require compulsory professional training, considered in the context of a certain sphere of their application, characterized by specific objects, conditions, tools, nature and results of work

    Cm. Labor function, Professional activity, Professional training, Object of professional activity, Competence, General competence. Professional competence, Basic professional educational program.

    Profession (specialty) (English: occupation; profession) A socially recognized, relatively stable type of professional activity of a person, which is determined by the division of labor in society.

    The terms “profession” and “specialty” are traditionally used in Russian as synonyms if the functions of a certain specialty cover the entire sphere of a person’s professional activity. However, the term “specialty” can also be used in a narrower meaning – “a type of occupation within one profession” (civil engineer, tool maker, general practitioner)

    See Professional activity, Type of professional activity

    Object (subject) of professional activity Phenomenon, object, process, which is the target of influence in the process labor activity.

    The terms “object” and “subject of professional activity” are considered as synonyms in professional activities associated with material production; these concepts should be separated in the intangible sphere associated with scientific research, creativity, etc. In this case, the concept of an object is narrower than the concept of an object and is associated with the properties or relationships of the object, the knowledge of which is important for solving professional problems.

    See Labor, labor activity, Type of professional activity

    Area of ​​professional activity A set of types of professional activities that have common ground(similar or similar purpose, objects, technologies, including means of labor) and implying a similar set of labor functions and the corresponding competencies for their implementation

    See Type of professional activity, Object of professional activity, Labor function, Competence.

    Labor function A set of interrelated actions aimed at solving one or more tasks of the labor process

    In different sources you can find other definitions of the term “labor function”. In the meaning given above, the concept of labor function is used in professional standard and is associated with the concept of professional competence in the federal state educational standards of vocational education, because the actions that constitute the labor function in the professional standard imply that the employee has certain skills and knowledge, as well as the willingness to use them.

    See Labor, labor activity, Professional activity, Professional competence.

    Qualification (employee)
    (English:qualification) 1) Readiness to perform a certain type of professional activity

    2) Official recognition (in the form of a diploma/certificate) of mastering a certain type of professional activity

    See Professional activity, Profession (specialty), Competence, Labor function, Competence, Qualification level, Diploma/certificate

    Diploma/Certificate (English:diploma/ certificate) An official document confirming the employee’s qualifications and giving the right to occupy a position or engage in a certain activity;

    official confirmation of completion educational institution professional education (with the assignment of appropriate qualifications) or advanced training courses;

    certificate of conferment of an academic degree.

    See Qualification

    National Qualifications System Russian Federation (English:NationalQualification" sSystemofRussianFederation) The National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation (NSQ RF) is a set of interrelated documents that ensure interaction between the spheres of vocational education and labor in order to improve the quality of training of workers and their competitiveness in the Russian and international labor markets. The basis of the National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation is the National Qualifications Framework. The NQF of the Russian Federation may also include an industry framework of qualifications, professional and educational standards, a national system for assessing educational results and certification, and mechanisms for accumulating and recognizing qualifications at the national and international levels that are uniform for all levels of professional education.

    See National Qualifications Framework of the Russian Federation, Qualifications, Qualification Level Descriptor, Qualification level

    National Qualifications Framework of the Russian Federation

    (NRK RF)

    (English:NationalQualification" sFrameworkofRussianFederation) A generalized description of qualification levels and the main ways to achieve them in Russia. Used as a tool for connecting the spheres of labor and education.

    IN international practice- systematic and level-structured description of recognized qualifications. As a rule, a distinction is made between sectoral, national and international qualification frameworks. Qualifications frameworks measure and interrelate learning outcomes and establish the relationship between diplomas, certificates of education and training.

    See National Qualifications System of the Russian Federation, Qualification, Qualification Level Descriptor, Qualification Level

    Descriptor (qualification level) (English: descriptor) A generalized description of the set of requirements for competencies, the nature of skills and knowledge of an employee of the corresponding qualification level of the NQF of the Russian Federation. Requirements are differentiated according to the complexity of the activity, responsibility and breadth of authority required in it.

    See Qualification level, National Qualifications Framework of the Russian Federation

    Qualification level (English:qualificationslevel) A structural unit/level of the National Qualifications Framework, characterized by a set of requirements for competencies, the nature of skills and knowledge required of an employee and differentiated according to the parameters of the complexity of the activity, as well as the responsibility and breadth of authority required in it.

    See Qualification Level Descriptor, National Qualifications Framework of the Russian Federation.

    Skill level (employee) The degree of professional preparedness of an employee to perform a certain type of professional activity.

    The higher the level of professional education of the employee, the more general character This concept has a more complex class of professional tasks to be solved and a wider range of labor functions.

    See Qualification, Qualification level, Professional education, Labor function.

    Rank (analogues: category, class) An ordinal place in the tariff and qualification system of Russia, which determines the level of qualifications of the employee.

    See Skill Level, Qualifications.

    Professional Standard (PS) (English:professional/ occupationalstandard) A document that reveals, from the perspective of employers’ associations (and/or professional communities), the content of professional activities within a certain type economic activity, as well as requirements for the qualifications of workers.

    See Professional activities, Qualifications.

    Competence (English: competence) The ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful work activities.

    See Labor activity, Professional activity, Competence, Qualification

    General competence The ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving problems common to many types of professional activities.

    In different sources it is possible to find different approaches to the classification of competencies and their different names and definitions. In particular, the term “general cultural competence” can be considered as an imprecise synonym for the term “general competence”.

    See Labor activity, Professional activity, Type of professional activity, Competence, Qualification level

    Professional competence The ability to successfully act on the basis of skills, knowledge and practical experience when performing a task or solving a problem of professional activity

    See Labor activity, Labor function, Professional activity, Type of professional activity, Competence, Qualification

    Competence (English: competency, competence) A person has the competencies to successfully carry out work activities.

    See Labor activity, Professional activity, Competence, General competence, Professional competence, Qualification

    Federal State Educational Standard A normative document that defines a set of requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program, its structure and conditions for implementation.
    Results of vocational training (training) (English:learningoutcomes, outputs) 1) General and professional competencies corresponding to a certain level of education and qualifications.

    2) Socially and professionally significant characteristics of the quality of training of graduates of educational institutions of vocational education.

    See General competence, Professional competence, Qualification level, Professional education, Professional education, Professional training

    Monitoring learning results (English:processofqualitycontrol) The process of comparing achieved learning outcomes with given ones

    in order to ensure the quality of student training.

    See Learning (training) outcomes, Vocational education, Vocational training, Vocational training

    Assessment of learning outcomes (English:qualityassessment) The procedure for determining the compliance of individual educational achievements of students and graduates of vocational education with the requirements of consumers of educational services.

    See Learning (training) outcomes, Vocational education, Vocational training, Vocational training

    Professional education (English: Vocational Education) 1) An organized process of mastering certain types of professional activities, ensuring the development of socially and professionally significant personality qualities.

    2) The result of this process (a person’s preparedness for a certain type of professional activity, confirmed by a certificate or diploma of completion of the relevant educational institution of vocational education).

    See Type of professional activity, Diploma/Certificate

    Professional education (English: VocationalTraining) An organized process of mastering the competencies necessary to perform certain job functions.

    See Competence, General Competence. Professional competence, Labor function

    Professional training (English: Vocational EducationandTraining) 1) Organization of training professional personnel. Various shapes obtaining vocational education

    2) Accelerated form of mastering professional competencies necessary to perform certain job functions (the meaning corresponds to the meaning of Article 21, Chapter 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

    See Professional competence, Labor function, Vocational education, Vocational training.

    Vocational education program (educational professional program) 1) A specially organized, targeted process to achieve the specified results of vocational education (training, training) of a certain level and focus.

    2) A complex (set) of documents defining the content and organization of this process.

    Educational professional programs are divided into basic and additional.

    See Learning (training) outcomes, Vocational education, Vocational training

    Basic professional educational program (BEP)

    (in higher professional education, a synonym is the main educational program)

    1) A specially organized, targeted process to achieve the results specified by the federal state educational standard of vocational education, taking into account the type and type of educational institution and the needs of students.

    2) A set of educational and methodological documentation, including syllabus, work programs training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as programs of educational and practical training, a calendar educational schedule and methodological materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology (Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”)

    The main professional educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistent improvement of professional and general educational levels, training specialists with appropriate qualifications (Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

    See Learning (training) outcomes, Vocational education

    Approximate basic professional educational program A document of a recommendatory nature, on the basis of which the main professional educational program of an educational institution of vocational education is developed.

    An approximate basic professional educational program is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for vocational education by profession/specialty and corresponds to the structure of the OPOP specified in it.

    Federal Commissioners government bodies ensure the development of approximate basic educational programs based on federal state educational standards or federal state requirements, taking into account their level and focus (Article 14 Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

    The components of an exemplary basic professional educational program are exemplary programs academic discipline, professional module. This d advisory documents with a similar structure; on their basis, the corresponding programs of the educational institution of vocational education are developed.

    See Academic discipline, Professional module, Basic professional educational program, Academic discipline program, Professional module program.

    Professional module Part of the vocational education (training) program that provides for the preparation of students to perform a certain set of labor functions that are of independent importance for the labor process.

    May be part of a major professional educational program or independent program with a mandatory procedure for certification of graduate qualifications upon completion.

    See Labor function, Basic professional educational program, Qualification

    Professional module program A document defining learning outcomes, criteria, methods and forms of their assessment, as well as the content of training and requirements for the conditions for the implementation of a professional module.

    See Professional module, Interdisciplinary course, Practice

    Professional module section Part of the professional module program, which is characterized by logical completeness and is aimed at mastering one or more professional competencies.

    The professional module section may consist of:

    From an interdisciplinary course or part of it (if the module practice is concentrated);

    From an interdisciplinary course or part of it in combination with practice (if practice in the module is dispersed).

    See Vocational Module, Vocational Module Syllabus, Interdisciplinary Course, Practicum, Vocational Competence

    Interdisciplinary course A system of knowledge and skills that reflects the specifics of the type of professional activity and ensures the development of competencies when students undergo practical training within the framework of a professional module.

    See Vocational Module, Vocational Module Section, Practice

    Practice (industrial) A type of training sessions used for students to master competencies in the process of independently performing certain types of work necessary for carrying out professional activities in conditions as close as possible to them.

    Depending on the professional focus, practical training is called teaching, nursing, etc.

    There is also the term " educational practice", which is understood as the type of training sessions used to master initial professional skills in the conditions of training workshops, laboratories, bases, etc.

    Both educational and practical training can be carried out in parallel with theoretical classes (distributed) or in a specially designated period (concentrated).

    See Interdisciplinary Course, Professional Module Section, Competency, General Competence, Professional Competence, Professional Activities

    Academic discipline A system of knowledge and skills that reflects the content of a particular science and/or area of ​​professional activity, and is aimed at ensuring the implementation of the main professional educational program.

    See Basic professional educational program, Area of ​​professional activity

    Academic discipline program A document defining learning outcomes, criteria, methods and forms of their assessment, as well as the content of learning and requirements for the conditions for implementing the academic discipline.

    See academic discipline

    Minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the Expert Council on Vocational Education at the Federal State Institution FIRO dated 11.12. 2009 No. 10; reg. review number 638 dated December 15. 2009

    This term can also be attributed to the thematic group “Quality of vocational education”

    The term can also be attributed to the thematic group “Vocational education and the world of work”

    Each profession has a system of value preferences that set the goal, meaning and direction for specialists working in a particular field. The purpose and objectives of professional activity stem from the corresponding value systems that are at the basis of this profession. At the same time, professional values, on the one hand, are a concretization of social values, i.e. reflect the moral guidelines and preferences of the entire society at a given moment in its development; - on the other hand, professional values ​​exist within a certain profession and play the role of a regulatory mechanism for a specific professional activity. Interaction between professional groups and society is carried out as follows: professions recognize, support and protect certain, selected social values, and society, in turn, sanctions the existence of the profession and provides it with public recognition.

    In modern literature, professional activity is most often defined as a type of labor activity, or a type of labor that arises as a result of the professional differentiation of human labor. Hence, the content of the worker’s professional activity appears as the content of his functions, performed in accordance with the division of labor, and, moreover, the process professional work consists of interconnected and interacting material and personal components.

    Professional activities in modern society is a complex, internally structured, multidimensional phenomenon. The most relevant aspects of professional activity:

    • 1) Economic aspect- characterized from the standpoint of qualifications, payment, economic sector, functions and working conditions, as well as forms of training, time required to obtain professional training, etc. From an economic point of view, the content of professional activity is interpreted depending on the use of technical means - automated, mechanized, manual. personality professional activity
    • 2) The sociological aspect is based on the analysis of professional activity from the point of view of the type of work, the level of its payment, the prestige of a particular type of professional activity, its influence on the social structure of society.
    • 3) The psychological aspect of professional activity includes highlighting the following range of problems: the interaction of technology and people, communication between workers in the labor process, the study of the psychological qualities that a representative of a particular profession should have and other psychological phenomena that arise in the process of a person’s professional activity.
    • 4) The ethical aspect is based on the sphere of moral relations of people in the process of professional activity, their moral and value attitudes, behavioral guidelines, moral and ethical criteria for actions performed in the course of fulfilling their professional duties.

    As noted by E.M. Ivanov, professional activity is a complex multi-attribute object, which is a system, the integrating or systematizing component of which is the subject of labor, and it is he who determines the qualities of the system. “Technical improvement of the labor process, which occurs constantly, makes serious changes in organizational structure professional activity of a person. Tools of labor, technological regimes change, professional tasks, relationship between employees of the workforce, production standards, etc. Objective changes in the specific labor process and professional preparedness of a specialist, as well as personal attitudes, needs, interests, individual typological characteristics determine the restructuring of the psychological structure of a person’s professional activity.”

    The influence of professional activity on personal development is so great that some authors believe that the scope of the concept of “professional activity” is much broader than the concept of “work activity”, and it is the latter that should be considered one of the forms of professional activity of a person - work activity is “only a part, although the most important, diverse forms of activity of the profession, aimed not only at the subject of work, but also at the social environment and at oneself”

    Undoubtedly, a person’s professional activity is aimed not only at the subject of work. In the course of professional activity taking place in certain socio-economic conditions, under the influence of the subject, material and social environment, a person’s personality is formed, a special professional type individuals with certain value orientations, norms of activity and communication, character traits and other psychological and social characteristics. However, the statement about the complete inclusion of the subject field of the concept of “work activity” in the content of the category “professional activity” seems to us incorrect. It is enough to note that work activity is not associated only with a person’s professional activity. Outside professional work activities of a person are diverse and, just like professional activities, significantly influence the formation and development of the individual.

    An attempt to synthesize psychological aspects V.D. undertook the study of professional activities. Shadrikov, creating a diagram of the “Psychological System of Activity”. He identified the following main functional blocks of this system:

    • 1) motives for professional activity;
    • 2) goals of professional activity;
    • 3) program of activities;
    • 4) information bases activities;
    • 5) decision making;
    • 6) subsystems of professionally significant qualities.

    According to the researcher, it is the motivational block in the system of professional activity that is most mobile and decisive: “... along the entire path of professionalization, significant changes in the motivational sphere are observed. Critical moments in the genesis of motivation are the acceptance of a profession and the disclosure of the personal meaning of activity.”

    External characteristics of professional activity are carried out through the concepts of subject and object of labor, subject, conditions and means of activity. The subject of labor is a set of things, processes, phenomena with which the subject practically or mentally interacts in the course of activity. Means of labor are a set of tools that can enhance a person’s ability to recognize the characteristics of the subject of labor and influence it. Working conditions - a system of social, psychological, sanitary and hygienic and physical characteristics activities.

    The internal characteristics of activity presuppose a description of the processes and mechanisms of its mental regulation, its structure and content, as well as the operational means of its implementation.

    Professional activity is work activity. To better understand it, it is worth studying the concept of profession, which has several definitions:

    • This is a specific community of citizens leading the same lifestyle and solving the closest and most familiar problems, since it is known that each profession leaves a unique imprint;
    • This is the area of ​​activity and definition of each individual. Professional activity is aimed not only at the production of a specific type of goods or provision of services, but also allows a person to create the most favorable conditions for development and realize their own creative potential;
    • This is a certain reality formed by a specific subject of labor directly related to it. So, concept of professional activity reveals himself.

    The problem of motives for professional activity.

    Let us consider in a little more detail what problems may arise when motivating work activity. There are a considerable number of classifications of motives for professional activity. Depending on the human needs that formed the basis of the motives, several groups can be distinguished:

    • Material needs are aimed at things and objects;
    • Spiritual needs are aimed at ideas, images and concepts, depending on existing interests;
    • Social needs are aimed at the need for communication and social status.

    Social motives of a public nature leave a unique imprint on all needs.

    Basic concepts and definitions.

    A specialty represents a certain complex of special training and practical experience, abilities, knowledge and skills acquired through special training and necessary to perform a specific type of activity in a particular profession (choreographer, religious scholar, hairdresser, ecologist, mechanic and others). The specific specialization of an employee is determined by the specific type of professional activity and division of labor. It is by specialization that the training of personnel, the development of plans and programs are determined, and the educational and labor process is also developed and organized. Nowadays, there are a huge variety of specialties and professions, which are combined into several professional areas: shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, instrument making; coal, oil, metallurgical, mining, gas and chemical industries; electrical, energy and radio-electronic, construction, forestry and many other types of industry, utilities.

    Qualification, translated from English, means a certain degree of manifestation of qualitative merits. This is the so-called process of assessing the quality level, or the stipulated levels of training of graduates or retraining of specialists in educational institutions. Thus, qualification represents a certain degree and type of learning ability to work in professional field, as well as the availability of skills, knowledge and abilities required to perform specific types of work. It is reflected in the tariff, i.e. assignment tariff category depending on skill level. As the rank is assigned, the suitability of each employee to perform a specific type of work in a given area is determined. It is characterized by accuracy, complexity and responsibility for its implementation. There are four skill levels for each employee:

    • The first is fully consistent with basic and secondary education;
    • The second corresponds to vocational primary education;
    • The third corresponds to vocational secondary education;
    • The fourth corresponds to professional higher education.

    A position is a unit in the staffing table, indicating the appropriate qualifications of employees and their education. It defines the immediate responsibilities and tasks assigned to each employee of the company. Simply put, a position is official place each employee, defining specific powers and responsibilities. It characterizes the rights and responsibilities of each employee, as well as his responsibility to the functions of his work. Acting as the primary element of the management structure, it reflects the legal position of each employee in the company, endowing him with specific competencies.

    The world of professions is changeable and diverse, and it is extremely important for psychologists to be able to navigate it, if only in order to determine the limits of applicability of the patterns found in the study of specific professions. It is worth saying that for orientation in the world of professions classifications are needed; there can be many of them, since there are a variety of bases for their construction.

    Under type of activity A.V. Karpov proposes to understand specific professional activities, which are characterized by the specifics of the subject, conditions, content and requirements for it. A number of species similar in one way or another are combined into types. Thus, Karpov clarifies that joint activity is precisely a type (and not a type) of activity, since it has a common specifying feature (the presence of not one, but several co-organized subjects), but at the same time includes great amount specific varieties.

    In addition to the many types and types of activities, there is another extremely general differentiation of all types of activities into two main classes. The first includes all types and types of activities, in which any objective reality, any external object, any thing or their combination act as their immediate subject. Objects of all types of activities of this class are devoid of animation, ϶ᴛᴏ material objects. This class, which is denoted by the concept subject-object professions, covers a huge number of specific types and types of labor activity, it is most widely represented in the existing division of labor and at the same time will be the most traditional subject considerations in occupational psychology.

    The second class includes all types and types of activities, the direct subject of which is an animate subject - a person. This type of activity includes, for example, the activities of a manager, teacher, doctor, etc. This class is denoted by the concept subject-subject types of activities.
    It is the subject-subject types and types of activity that are characterized by the greatest complexity and greatest significance for social division labor. It is worth noting that they are much richer in content, especially psychological, but are much more complex in terms of their study, and therefore have been studied to a much lesser extent. Modern labor psychology should be a psychological discipline that studies primarily subject-subject types and types of activity. The material was published on http://site

    It is worth saying that the classification of professions will be useful for psychologists by industry National economy . By the way, this classification is multi-purpose; it is based on economic and technological criteria. Knowing that a particular profession belongs to a certain industry, a psychologist can imagine the nature of the product of labor, the type of technology used, the degree of danger of the profession in terms of risk occupational diseases and injuries.

    A fairly general, although important, division of activities into individual And joint. Joint activity is implemented, in contrast to individual activity, by a collective subject, i.e. two or more people who have a common goal. Other important signs joint activities there will be spatial and temporal O e co-presence of participants in the activity, role and instrumental differentiation of participants in certain tasks, the presence of a managerial (organizing) component - a leader or manager.

    The most general division of activities will be into: external And internal. In this case, external activities are understood as all types, types and processes of activity, which are accompanied by objectified manifestations of its performing components - movements, actions, expression, communications, etc. Internal activity unfolds in the intrapsychic plane. There is a genetic connection between external and internal activities, since the second is formed in the process of ontogenesis on the basis of the first through the mechanism of interiorization.

    Activities are also usually divided into performing And managerial. The first is characterized by the fact that the subject of labor directly influences its object, although it is in contact with other subjects. The second (managerial) usually does not provide for such direct influence, but it necessarily presupposes the organization by one subject of the activities of other people, as well as the hierarchy of their subordination. Management activities– ϶ᴛᴏ activities for organizing other activities (A.V. Karpov)

    From a practical point of view, it is advisable to differentiate activities depending on depending on conditions its implementation. By this basis distinguish between activities in comfortable, normal, acceptable, paraextreme and extreme conditions. Taking into account the dependence on changing conditions, the so-called psychophysiological price of activity, its intensity, as well as effective parameters change significantly.

    In practical terms, it is important, according to V.A. Karpov, there will be a division of activities into direct And indirect (remote) In the first case, the subject of labor directly influences the object and just as directly receives information about its condition. In the second case, there is neither one nor the other: information about the subject of labor is provided to a person through intermediary links (in the form of signs on display boards, consoles, display devices). A person also exercises his influence on the subject of labor not directly, but through certain controls. The most typical example of indirect, remote activities is the activity of the operator.

    There is a well-known classification of professions for career guidance of schoolchildren, developed by E.A. Klimov. In it, professions are presented as multi-attribute objects. The characteristics of a particular profession are determined by a combination of characteristics selected from a certain set at four levels. The first level combines types of professions according to the subject content of labor (H - human, P - wildlife, T - technology and inanimate nature, З – sign, X – artistic image) In this context, five types of professions are distinguished: “man – man”, “man – nature”, “man – technology”, “man – sign”, “man – artistic image”. The second level represents classes of professions united by the predominant purpose of labor tasks (P - transformative, G - gnostic, I - exploratory) The third level consists of groups of professions classified according to the tools used (P - manual, M - mechanized, A - automated, F - functional) Finally, the fourth level unites groups of professions according to working conditions and their requirements for a person (B - domestic working conditions, O - work in the open air, N - unusual conditions labor associated with the presence of factors harmful to health, danger, M – special requirements profession to the moral qualities of the subject of labor) By analyzing a specific profession on the specified grounds, it is possible to create its “formula”.

    V.E. Gavrilov proposed dividing each type of profession into subgroups that take into account goals, tools and working conditions. The first type includes the so-called socionomic professions: medical care; education and training; consumer services; information service; protection of society and the state. The second type includes technonomic professions: creation, installation, assembly technical devices; operation of technical means; repair of technical devices. The third type unites bionomic professions: study, research and analysis of the state and living conditions of plants and animals; caring for plants and animals (their cultivation, reproduction); prevention of plant and animal diseases, control of pests and pathogens, treatment of sick people. The fourth type is signonomic professions that operate with texts in native and foreign languages; with numbers, formulas and tables; with drawings, maps, diagrams; sound signals. The fifth type combines artonomic professions: creation, design, modeling of works of art; reproduction, production of various products according to a sketch, sample in a single copy; reproduction, copying, duplication of works of art in mass production.