New creative ideas for business in art. The secret of big money in creative business. Business idea aromatic sachets

Products have become increasingly popular lately self made. Many housewives have already managed to create a real creative business in this field. Let's see where to start, how to organize and move forward in this matter.

if you have favorite hobby- sewing, knitting, felting, scrapbooking, making dolls, flowers and bouquets from foamiran, figurines from polymer clay or ceramic floristry, then you have every chance to start own business in this field.

Why are handmade products becoming more and more popular?

The general frustration that brands and average companies offer the same thing leads to a tendency to get more original things. It is for this reason that exclusive items created to order are so popular.

The emergence and development of various types of creativity is associated with the development of the entire industry as a whole. New products, tools, materials, styles and directions in creativity appear, which leads to great amount people to engage in new types of hobbies, which for some masters develop into real businesses.

How to find an idea for a creative business?

The creators of hand made goods are mostly girls and women. And the target audience that buys handmade products is mainly female. Most often, a business begins with an ordinary hobby, and then upon admission large quantity orders and rising prices for products, a hobby grows into a business. Where to start, what is needed, what are the mechanics of a creative business?

Since the main audience of the creative business is women, it is important to understand that working only for money may not bring good result, which you expect, and this will affect the entire process as a whole. Because self-realization is important for women. If you start learning how to create handmade products without any personal interest, but simply for the sake of making money, then it may turn out that you will not earn any money at all.

1. To find an idea for a creative business, you first need to decide on the direction in which you will develop: soap making, kinusaiga, decopatch, beading, floristry, embroidery, quilling, felting, candle making, carving, patchwork, macrame, scrapbooking, ceramic floristry, foamiran bouquets.

When choosing a direction for yourself, it is important to focus on your own preferences and experience. What do you do best? What are you more knowledgeable about?

2. At the next step, it is important to decide what exactly will you be selling?- finished products, materials for making products, or your training in this type of creativity and share your secrets and practical experience?

Determine for yourself what you will focus more of your time on, and what type of income will suit you best?

Ways to monetize a creative hobby

Sale of handmade products. Many people think that it’s enough just to learn how to make beautiful and original things and people will immediately start buying them. This is not entirely true. In a creative business, as in any other, it is important to be able to promote yourself. Today, craftswomen use special platforms like Etsy, create online stores, exhibit their works at the Fair of Masters, or simply manage and promote Instagram accounts and Vkonakte pages.

Today Instagram is the most accessible tool to make yourself known. By posting photos of your crafts, you can quickly grab the attention of your audience. Well, if you do it correctly, you can receive your first orders within a month. We have written a PDF book for those who are ready to start collecting target audience around you and make money from it.

Try your hand at the 10-day business game “Your Start”, in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

Making handmade products requires a lot of time and effort from the craftsman, which means creating a full-fledged business is quite difficult, because it is just self-employment, and not a full-fledged business. You can, of course, go the other way and hire craftswomen who will make things, and you will need to promote your store and look for a sales market.

Conducting live master classes. If you have enough experience and you create products that people willingly buy, then for sure, beginning craftswomen will want to learn from your experience and learn directly from you. You can agree with stores that sell creative goods to organize a joint master class. For the store, the advantage is that the goods will be sold, and for the craftsman this is an opportunity to earn money.

On average, such a master class can cost from 1000 to 4500 rudders, depending on the fame of the master and the complexity of the work. Famous masters travel throughout the country and conduct master classes in different cities and regions. What’s most interesting is that places for such events are sold out in a matter of days.

Sale of online master classes. The information business is developing not only in marketing, but also in hobby areas. Thus, recently online master classes by famous masters in their field have begun to appear. Masters record master classes on a video camera, explaining in detail what and how they do, package the product and sell it in their store or on the website.

Experienced craftsmen also organize various online events and conferences, to which famous masters are invited. Masters demonstrate their skills, conduct master classes, and also sell their courses. An example of such an event is the Scrap Academy Online conference or Secrets of the Masters.

Sale of goods for creativity. Often a hobby develops into a real business, when the master no longer just makes things to order, but also wants to open a full-fledged store in which he sells his products, as well as goods for creativity. Today there are many Russian and foreign manufacturers from whom you can purchase goods at competitive prices.

It is important to understand how in demand a store will be in a certain locality and how popular it is here different kinds creativity. Because if the market is not formed, then the entrepreneur’s task is to form this market. If the market is formed, it means that there are competitors and the entrepreneur’s task is to differentiate himself from competitors, and for this it is necessary to create his own unique trade offer and think about how you are different from others.

You can hold master classes in the store, inviting participation from experienced craftswomen and customers who will stay with you for a long time.

You can also organize an online store. Many craftsmen prefer to buy imported materials and tools for creativity. Therefore, you can purchase goods on American websites and sell them through an online store.

Participation in the design team another way to earn money, albeit small. If you are an experienced craftsman and you have your own audience, then any manufacturer of creative goods will be glad to see you on their design team. The question is, what does the manufacturer offer? Often these are just sending new collections of materials in exchange for recordings of master classes and PR campaigns. However, it is possible to get PR from major manufacturer, which one way or another will attract attention to you.

As you can see, there are many ways to monetize a creative business. This is not to say that with the help of a hobby you can create a large business; rather, creativity can help create additional income.

But experienced masters manage to create several sources of income - they speak at conferences, conduct master classes, maintain their blogs and accounts on in social networks, develop channels on Youtube, participate in the design team of famous manufacturers, some open an online store, and others create handmade products to order. Everyone finds their own ways to earn income from their hobby.

Weaving baubles, sewing plush toys, knitting mittens or soap making - any hobby can become a source of income with proper distribution of effort and the right business strategy. We tried to find out how to achieve success and make money from our talent by talking with successful masters.

What is handmade?

You will not find a definition of this term in any dictionary. Handmade could be translated into Russian as “handicraft” or “creativity,” but most “handmaders” will not agree with such a simplification, because for them this is a special way of self-expression and even a lifestyle.

Traditionally, handmade includes knitted or sewn toys, wicker jewelry, various accessories made of ceramic plastic, beads and felt, some interior items, such as pillows, napkins, bedspreads and even handmade paintings.

Clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, postcards, bouquets, bookmarks, notepads, watches, bags, belts, even food - these are just the main items that you will find on any handmade market. home distinguishing feature all these things – their uniqueness and singularity. Each product is created by hand, and therefore cannot have copies.

In a market economy, the winner is the one who can offer the buyer something the most interesting, beautiful, convenient - in general, something the best. And it is precisely this very thing that makes up handmade items. These things are in great demand, and therefore sooner or later, creativity turns from making things for yourself and your friends into producing unique things for sale.

Where to begin?

As a rule, all craftsmen start selling things by accident, most often to acquaintances. You made an item for yourself, a friend saw it and asked for the same thing, then her friends became interested, and such word of mouth brought a completely unfamiliar customer to you.

But you can start promoting your business through social networks. Creating a VKontakte group or an Instagram profile is the most obvious way. What exactly is required for this?

  • Come up with a sonorous and bright name for your production. It should attract attention and at the same time reflect the essence of the things being made - this way people will find you faster through search. When creating a VKontakte group, try to include in its name not only the name of the brand, but also the name of the product itself, the mark “handmade” or “handmade”.
  • In the description, formulate your concept briefly but succinctly: it is unlikely that users will linger their attention on these lines for a long time. The fact is that a modern Internet user spends on average 2 seconds viewing a page. And you must manage to interest him during this time.
  • When working with your profile, try to actively use tags: they will guide people and help them find you more easily through regular search.
  • To better assimilate information, come up with a short text accompanied by illustrations, graphics and videos.
  • Try to come up with interesting lighting or design for the “photo shoot” of your products, the product should first of all look attractive! But don't overdo it: photos should give users a true idea of ​​the color and size of things!
  • It's always interesting to see how some amazing things are created. We do not suggest you reveal all the secrets, but show how you give soap the required form or how to assemble the perfect bouquet piece by piece with the help of a video!
  • And if you know how to draw well or you have designer friends, then don’t be lazy to create your own corporate logo: it can be printed on packaging, business cards, and also placed on the group’s avatar and all promotional products!

The more original, the better!

All the counters are full of owls, hares, cats and dogs. But you won’t find camels or raccoons during the day with fire. If you start making jewelry, make something non-standard, for example, leather rings or unusual hair ties. Try to find something in any niche that your competitors don’t already have.

Resources for development

Even skilled and experienced craftsmen are constantly looking for something new. Find a non-standard approach, learn to use new materials and techniques, find the missing accent or understand production process Specialized sites and forums for all handmade lovers will help you inside and out.

One of the largest Russian-language resources on handmade topics is the daily online magazine ProHandmade (, in which experts and ordinary users talk about all the most unusual and interesting things in the handmade world.

How much will you have to spend...

For the production of toys you will need fabrics, fluff, finishing materials (buttons, ribbons, braid, fur, sequins, stripes, fabric markers, etc.), for the production of cosmetics - cosmetic base, aromatic oils, bottles or jars for sale, packaging, in the field of jewelry making - beads, threads, wire, seed beads, fasteners/clasps, glue, paints, finishing materials...

In addition, special tools: some last a long time and reliably - scissors, hoops, machines, while others constantly have to be purchased and updated - brushes, needles, etc.

Many lucrative offers can be found in online stores, as well as in discount stores (for example, the FixPrice chain, where all items can be purchased for 38 rubles). And the easiest and most profitable way to find finishing materials is to collect all the little things they don’t need from friends.

... how much can you earn?

For example, a beaded bracelet will cost about 50 rubles (counting thread - 5 rubles/spool, beads - 630 rubles / 0.5 kg, clasp - 20 rubles / piece [hereinafter, the estimated required amount material for making one thing]), making a knitted soft toy will cost about 350 rubles (a pair of knitting needles - 20 rubles, threads - 150 rubles / skein (450 m), wooden buttons - 50 rubles / piece, felt - 110 rubles / piece) , sewing one butterfly will cost approximately 60 rubles (cotton fabric - 550 rubles/meter, plastic clasp - 30 rubles), a notebook with a fabric cover will cost 250 rubles (notepad - 80 rubles / piece, fabric - 550 rubles / meter, glue for fabrics – 45 rubles/19 ml, finishing materials – 30 rubles).

Setting the final price for consumers depends primarily on how highly you value your work. Making some things takes 15 minutes, others – more than a day (felting, knitting, complex weaving and painting). In addition, you will add to the price the costs of placing goods and their delivery (in other words, the cost of participation in the market, mailing, etc.).

On average, the markup on such products is 300–500%, but sometimes it can be higher. Thus, you can buy a handmade beaded bracelet for an average of 180 rubles, a markup of 260%; knitted Stuffed Toys handmade ones cost from 600 rubles, markup 170%; butterflies sell for 700–900 rubles, markup from 1000%; notebooks cost 500 rubles or more, the markup is 200%.

Obstacles and difficulties

Alena Krasnova, administrator of a group selling polymer clay jewelry:

“For young entrepreneurs, the main difficulty may be the lack of clients, which can sometimes even cause them to give up! But this can all be fixed if you discover new spaces on the Internet and don’t rely on just one thing. You should also not put money first of all, because it is only an insignificant value that is not worth running after - only when a person really understands this, they begin to come to you on their own.”

Ivan Bazaliev, director of the bow tie and tie shop “Ivanov Tie”:

“Surprisingly, I didn’t have any particular difficulties. True, at the moment Moscow fabric stores have almost the same assortment. Accordingly, in order to do something different from competitors, you have to order fabric online. And accordingly, wait about a month for her arrival. But it’s not that difficult.”

Ekaterina Kladova, owner of the Zephyr handmade cosmetics store:

“There are many difficulties, but the main thing is not to be afraid and always move forward. At the very beginning, everything changes very quickly and rapidly. We pay great attention to the quality of our products and check absolutely everything ourselves. We need smart investments: at first we monitored a lot, tried and only then more or less began to understand which types of promotion work and which don’t.”

Olga Kazakova is a professional artisan; for the past 4 years she has been making designer jewelry, which she sells through Princessa Avenue group (

Handmade goods have become increasingly popular lately. Many housewives have already managed to create a real creative business in this field. Let's see where to start, how to organize and move forward in this matter.

If you have a favorite hobby - sewing, knitting, felting, scrapbooking, making dolls, flowers and bouquets from foamiran, figurines from polymer clay or ceramic floristry, then you have every chance of starting your own business in this field.

Why are handmade products becoming more and more popular?

The general frustration that brands and average companies offer the same thing leads to a tendency to get more original things. It is for this reason that exclusive items created to order are so popular.

The emergence and development of various types of creativity is associated with the development of the entire industry as a whole. New products, tools, materials, styles and trends in creativity appear, which leads a huge number of people to engage in new types of hobbies, which for some masters develop into real businesses.

How to find an idea for a creative business?

The creators of hand made goods are mostly girls and women. And the target audience that buys handmade products is mainly female. Most often, a business begins with a simple hobby, and then, when a large number of orders are received and prices for products increase, the hobby grows into a business. Where to start, what is needed, what are the mechanics of a creative business?

Since the main audience of the creative business is women, it is important to understand that working only for money may not bring the good result that you expect, and this will affect the entire process as a whole. Because self-realization is important for women. If you start learning how to create handmade products without any personal interest, but simply for the sake of making money, then it may turn out that you will not earn any money at all.

1. To find an idea for a creative business, you first need to decide on the direction in which you will develop: soap making, kinusaiga, decopatch, beading, floristry, embroidery, quilling, felting, candle making, carving, patchwork, macrame, scrapbooking, ceramic floristry, foamiran bouquets.

When choosing a direction for yourself, it is important to focus on your own preferences and experience. What do you do best? What are you more knowledgeable about?

2. At the next step, it is important to decide what exactly will you be selling?- finished products, materials for making products, or your training in this type of creativity and share your secrets and practical experience?

Determine for yourself what you will focus more of your time on, and what type of income will suit you best?

Ways to monetize a creative hobby

Sale of handmade products. Many people think that it’s enough just to learn how to make beautiful and original things and people will immediately start buying them. This is not entirely true. In a creative business, as in any other, it is important to be able to promote yourself. Today, craftswomen use special platforms like Etsy, create online stores, exhibit their works at the Fair of Masters, or simply manage and promote Instagram accounts and Vkonakte pages.

Today Instagram is the most accessible tool to make yourself known. By posting photos of your crafts, you can quickly grab the attention of your audience. Well, if you do it correctly, you can receive your first orders within a month. We have written a PDF book for those who are ready to start gathering a target audience around themselves and making money from it.

in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

Making handmade products requires a lot of time and effort from the craftsman, which means creating a full-fledged business is quite difficult, because it is just self-employment, and not a full-fledged business. You can, of course, go the other way and hire craftswomen who will make things, and you will need to promote your store and look for a sales market.

Conducting live master classes. If you have enough experience and you create products that people willingly buy, then for sure, beginning craftswomen will want to learn from your experience and learn directly from you. You can agree with stores that sell creative goods to organize a joint master class. For the store, the advantage is that the goods will be sold, and for the craftsman this is an opportunity to earn money.

On average, such a master class can cost from 1000 to 4500 rudders, depending on the fame of the master and the complexity of the work. Famous masters travel throughout the country and conduct master classes in different cities and regions. What’s most interesting is that places for such events are sold out in a matter of days.

Sale of online master classes. The information business is developing not only in marketing, but also in hobby areas. Thus, recently online master classes by famous masters in their field have begun to appear. Masters record master classes on a video camera, explaining in detail what and how they do, package the product and sell it in their store or on the website.

Experienced craftsmen also organize various online events and conferences, to which famous masters are invited. Masters demonstrate their skills, conduct master classes, and also sell their courses. An example of such an event is the Scrap Academy Online conference or Secrets of the Masters.

Sale of goods for creativity. Often a hobby develops into a real business, when the master no longer just makes things to order, but also wants to open a full-fledged store in which he sells his products, as well as goods for creativity. Today there are many Russian and foreign manufacturers from whom you can purchase goods at competitive prices.

It is important to understand how in demand a store will be in a certain locality and how popular various types of creativity are here. Because if the market is not formed, then the entrepreneur’s task is to form this market. If the market is formed, it means that there are competitors and the entrepreneur’s task is to differentiate himself from competitors, and for this you need to create your own unique selling proposition and think about how you differ from others.

You can hold master classes in the store, inviting participation from experienced craftswomen and customers who will stay with you for a long time.

You can also organize an online store. Many craftsmen prefer to buy imported materials and tools for creativity. Therefore, you can purchase goods on American websites and sell them through an online store.

Participation in the design team another way to earn money, albeit small. If you are an experienced craftsman and you have your own audience, then any manufacturer of creative goods will be glad to see you on their design team. The question is, what does the manufacturer offer? Often these are just sending new collections of materials in exchange for recordings of master classes and PR campaigns. However, you can get PR from a major manufacturer, which will somehow attract attention to you.

As you can see, there are many ways to monetize a creative business. This is not to say that with the help of a hobby you can create a large business; rather, creativity can help create additional income.

But experienced craftsmen manage to create several sources of income - they speak at conferences, conduct master classes, maintain their own blogs and accounts on social networks, develop channels on Youtube, participate in the design team of famous manufacturers, some open an online store, and some - is engaged in the creation of handmade products to order. Everyone finds their own ways to earn income from their hobby.

If you are a creative person and are always full of creative ideas, then you should launch a business in a direction that interests you. There are many areas that require just such an approach - a fundamentally new idea and a creative approach. Such directions have a lot of advantages! What advice can you give to beginners in the field of “creative” business? What ideas do you have for a creative business?

Why creative business ideas are so popular

What areas of small business are now in demand among entrepreneurs? This is retail and wholesale, construction (private renovations, production of building materials), establishments fast food. But the list of in demand business areas It doesn’t end there – business ideas for creative people there will be some too! Everyone will be able to realize themselves and start making money in a business that interests them. If you organize your business correctly, a once pleasant hobby will turn into a source of good income.

What are the benefits of starting a creative business from scratch for an entrepreneur?

  • Typically not required here large investments. Many people start a “creative” business without spending even 50,000 rubles. All you need to do is purchase raw materials and start selling what you have made with your own hands.
  • A “creative” business most often involves making a product with your own hands. And such products are now in great demand among consumers. If you manage your business correctly, you can safely fulfill your sales plans.
  • If you have previously been actively involved in creative work (photography, sewing, knitting, etc.), then before starting a business you will not have to take any courses or invest money in self-training. Also significant savings.
  • Are you strapped for cash? It doesn’t matter - you can run a “creative” business alone without hiring qualified staff.

There is one significant drawback in this direction - and it is connected precisely with minimal investment into business. Due to lack of sufficient funding, it is very difficult to grow a business. For example, in rare cases, a creative business for women at home can be taken to a completely different level - to open own store or an exhibition. And therefore, in most cases, the business remains “home-based”.

Of course, the amount of capital investment will depend on the scale of the planned business. To make custom dolls, you only need pieces of fabric and your own knowledge. But if you are starting a business in a creative studio, the investment will be higher. Here you should immediately calculate the costs that you will incur at the start.

As in any other area of ​​entrepreneurship, a business plan is required creative project! Even Homework will require a serious approach if you want to receive consistently high income in the future. In the project, consider the capital and variable costs, marketing strategy. This will help you clearly control your activities - plan expenses and control income, working to optimize the process as necessary.

If the opening is planned to be large home business, and for example, a creative workshop for children will most likely have to take out a loan from a bank - you definitely can’t do it without a well-developed business plan!

How to build a successful creative business? Here are a few useful tips that will be useful for beginners:

  • When choosing an idea, focus on what you can do and what you know. It is better to open a business that you are well versed in - then you will not have to spend money on training and purchasing the necessary equipment for work. In this case, you can start a business literally without costs.
  • Do your research consumer market– is the product or service you want to offer in demand at all? Of course, if you start working via the Internet, you will find clients from other regions. But when opening a “real” business, you need to monitor a specific sales market.
  • Rely only on your own strength. Most likely, you will not hire additional staff - you will have to do all the work yourself.
  • You'll have to think carefully about your advertising strategy. Only world-famous brands can afford not to advertise their product here and there, and for a small creative workshop this is extremely important! There are very few advertising options with a small budget. But even here you can find profitable channels - for example, social networks on the Internet. Create communities and groups, add subscribers, actively promote the product. It wouldn’t hurt to create your own website - this can be done even without money, using free engines.
  • A creative approach in business is also important - the line of business itself requires it. Think about how creatively you will be different from your competitors - come up with your own “tricks”, develop a line of unique products, “come up” with an interesting logo.
  • Many creative businesses are special - you will sell completely unique products or provide clients with your knowledge in a particular area. And in this case, customer focus comes to the fore! Take care to offer consumers only a high-quality product or service - positive reviews of your work will then work for you.

What creative business ideas will succeed?

Still haven't decided on a business idea? Then consider those areas that are now being successfully explored by other entrepreneurs! And many areas are quite suitable for both large and small cities.

Let's denote profitable examples creative business:

  • Paid master classes. These are training sessions for students who want to gain the basics of certain knowledge. A very profitable direction. In addition, many variations are possible here - from master classes on soap making to training in furniture making. If you are ready to share your knowledge with everyone, you can start! It is better to conduct master classes in a rented room - but this is a relatively small cost, considering that at least 300 rubles can be charged from each student for 1 training lesson. At first, conduct master classes alone. If possible, you can involve other masters in the matter. Opening a creative workshop would also be a good option - but the costs of business here will be much more impressive. You can organize master classes online by launching your own website or YouTube channel - but this is a slightly different direction that will require you to work hard to promote the resource .
  • Sewing collectible dolls. How beautiful are the dolls made from fabric with your own hands! And despite the high cost of the products, they are in high demand among consumers - they decorate the interior with dolls and give them as gifts. This thing, if you are familiar with the basics of sewing, can be quickly mastered even by beginners - there are many patterns on the Internet that you can use to create. There are several models of dolls - each with its own characteristics. But you yourself can develop a unique product design - there is a huge scope for imagination. Craftsmen sell collectible dolls, usually via the Internet. Over time, you can develop a business plan for opening a creative workshop and organize your own point of sale. While you don’t have your own store, sell your products to private handmade stores - this will increase your income.
  • Car tuning with glowing colors. This business is more suitable for masters who have been doing airbrushing for a long time - otherwise, it will take a lot of time to learn. Most often, car rims and sills are subjected to tuning with luminous paints. Consumables are inexpensive. The main thing here is to constantly look for interested clients in order to have a stable income. You can work in your own garage, providing private services to clients. Advertising can be done on social networks, on auto forums, through advertisements in newspapers and specialized magazines.
  • . These are photographs of one size or another, cut into separate parts and framed. Modular paintings are now in high demand among consumers - which means it will not be difficult to find clients. The good thing is that you don’t need expensive equipment to get started. At first, you can carry out the business yourself - without attracting additional labor. A creative workshop as a business will bring tangible profits if you provide a full range of services - not only selling ready-made paintings, but also making them to order. You can start a business at home.
  • Sewing clothes for dogs. Pet owners do not skimp on caring for their pet - they give them fashionable haircuts and, of course, buy clothes. You can make good money on this! Sewing “dog” suits is not difficult - you can master the job even without the basics of sewing. Develop unique clothing collections, actively advertise your product, organize fashion shows, use high-quality materials - and your business will soon begin to make a profit! Ready-made items for animals are quite expensive - this is a trend on the market. On average, the markup on goods is at least 200%. Of course, you have to tinker with the “clients” - take measurements, do several fittings.

In this material we will present promising ideas for business in the field of creativity.

Business idea aromatic sachets

The health sector is a promising area in business. Creating a creative aromatic sachet comes down to the following: a beautiful pillow is made, the filling of which is not fluff or cotton wool, but real medicinal herbs.

The advantage of this creative idea is that it does not require special knowledge and skills in the field of needlework and creativity. Sachets are used mainly for sleep. The aroma of herbs helps improve well-being and also helps in the fight against insomnia. You can also use the pads to treat your eyes or just add scent to your room.

To create creative sachets you need:

  • fabric for sewing (it is better to use linen or cotton);
  • a wide range of herbs;
  • ribbons and ropes of different colors;
  • label listing herbs and allergy warnings.

Before you begin creative production, carefully study beneficial features herbs For example, it has been noted that mint promotes negotiations. Keep the product environmentally friendly. Chemical compositions They can enhance the smell, but they should not be used, as this is contrary to the idea.

Plants are purchased at a pharmacy or collected in ecologically clean areas. The correct thing to do would be not to collect information on the Internet, but to read specialized medical literature. Carefully read the instructions for medicinal plants purchased at the pharmacy.

The cost of implementing a business idea is minimal - up to 5 thousand rubles. Income varies, but is not high.

Non-standard creativity: lampwork

Idea for making glass figurines. Being creative in this area is profitable, since each product is unique and difficult to make. You can make creative animal figures. Zodiac signs are especially in high demand. In addition, the peak demand occurs during the holidays ( New Year, Valentine's Day, March 8).

For lampwork creativity, the following equipment is required:

  • glass blanks of different colors (in the form of tubes);
  • metal tongs;
  • special knife;
  • protective glasses;
  • tungsten wire.

Keep in mind that the work table must be treated with fire-resistant material. The length of the glass pipes should be approximately 40 cm, width 5 mm.

Purchase cost necessary equipment for creativity will be up to 9 thousand rubles.

Creative gardens in a bottle

A florarium is considered an interesting business idea. It involves planting indoor plants in glass containers. This is a beautiful business for those who are passionate about gardening. Additionally, the demand for creative home gardens has increased greatly today. This means the possibility of making good money.

For creativity you will need the following materials:

  • glass containers;
  • the soil;
  • earth scoop;
  • compaction reel;
  • small spray bottle;
  • decorative elements;
  • plants.

You can use various containers in your creativity. Aquariums, bottles, glasses, light bulbs and even electric kettles are recommended. To prepare the soil you will need drainage, sand or peat, and charcoal. Never use fertilizers.

For plants, choose those that are most adapted to growing in the shade. Tradescantia, balsam, fern, begonia rex, croton, moss, ivy and other plants look good. When creating a desert or mountain design, succulents and slow-growing cacti are suitable.

The cost of implementing a business idea is minimal - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles in the case of using rare plants and unusual containers.

Decoupage as a profitable creativity

Decoupage is advantageous in that it can be used in different interpretations. Both the interior and souvenirs, including wood and ceramics, are subject to decoration. Thanks to an interesting technique, you can make an exclusive gift set from simple napkins and fabric. In addition, creative decoupage of old furniture is popular today.

To implement this creative business idea you will need the following materials:

  • primer;
  • varnishes and paints;
  • patina;
  • glue;
  • napkins;
  • fabrics.

Primer is the basis for creative napkin techniques. Acrylic paints must be used. Varnishes used are special for decoupage - matte or glossy. Patina creates the effect of aging of a thing. It is necessary to purchase it, since vintage souvenirs and interior items are very popular.

Starting investments in such creativity usually do not exceed 15 thousand rubles.

Topiary and oshibana

These types of creative products are combined into one group, as they have a similar theme. Topiary is a “tree of happiness.” This is a small decorative tree made from various materials. It is usually performed in the theme of floristry. Oshibana - a painting made from natural material. As a rule, pressed flowers are used in the creative idea. By making such interesting things, you can get good extra income.

To implement a business idea, you need the following tools for bugs and topiary:

  • pot or base for a picture;
  • topiary trunk (using wire, plaster or wood);
  • herbarium;
  • artificial materials(fabric flowers, lace, satin ribbons, foil, sweets, money and much more);
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • pencil;
  • paints and brushes.

There is no need to use special techniques for producing creative materials in the idea. The more original the execution, the more sold the fruits of your creativity will be.

The cost of implementing a creative business idea will vary from 4 to 15 thousand rubles if expensive materials are used.

Business based on creativity is a great opportunity to get Fixed salary in an interesting segment with minimal investment. And calm work from home will allow you to forget about the schedule and engage in your favorite hobby.