New opportunities for starting a business in Cuba. Your own business in Cuba How to open a business in Cuba for a Russian

Socialism in Cuba makes it difficult for both locals and visitors to find work. Job openings for those wishing to work in this country exist, but in rather limited quantities. You can find work in tourism, on sugar cane plantations, and in business. For Russians and Belarusians, who are considered friends of the local population, finding work in Cuba is problematic.

Knowledge of the Russian language will not surprise anyone, since the majority of the country’s residents know it. They work on plantations as guides, tour guides, and translators for entrepreneurs who have opened their own businesses here.

Working in Cuba for which money is paid is a privilege for the children and relatives of military and political leaders. For those who were able to get a job in a more or less decent company, they immediately fall under the supervision of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution. Another part of the population is forced to work planting and harvesting sugar cane.

Despite difficult situation with employment, foreigners still come to Cuba in search of exotic things and earnings. not difficult.

For Russians and Belarusians there are still different opportunities in one area or another. Many of them, even before leaving for the island, study working conditions, the situation with wages and competition. Therefore, citizens of other countries are looking for either seasonal part-time work or permanent work, which can only be obtained by running their own business.

Job vacancies can be found in agriculture, where workers are constantly needed for cane plantations. The salary here is small, but the competition is huge. However, this is one way to penetrate the Cuban labor market and learn about Cuban history, culture and traditions. One of the popular trends last year was hiring workers for flour production. This is a physically difficult job, as it requires certain training from employees. It involves the need to carry bags and operate millstones.

A large number of foreigners turn to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when looking for work. Its employees have information about the most current offers that exist in various regions of the state. Among them, the most popular are:

  • teachers;
  • culinary workers - cooks, waiters, hawkers and food deliverers;
  • car mechanic;
  • translators of various European languages;
  • doctors, nurses and orderlies;
  • drivers various types transport.

Using the services of this department has several pitfalls. Before offering a job in Cuba , information about applicants is entered into a special database. Having studied the candidate literally from all sides, he may be offered an interview at one or another company, school, or hospital. This could be Cuba, or maybe one of the neighboring countries. Most often, these are not very developed countries. This is where one of the pitfalls lies. If a person refuses the proposed job twice, then information about him will be completely deleted from the database.

It is considered quite promising if visitors from other countries managed to get a job as a representative of a particular company. This will allow people to get official employment, social package, more high level salaries, the opportunity to use company housing and other benefits.

Although there are some disadvantages to such work. For example, more high requirements to employees regarding qualifications or level of education. Moreover, a person who has settled sales representative, is obliged to study the peculiarities of the market and marketing. You also need to know the company’s activities in order to help attract investors to Cuba.

KamAZ organizes assembly and repair of trucks in Cuba

Local laws allow you to open in the country and own company, about which information is available on the websites of various ministries and embassies.

There are also quite interesting job offers that immigrants from post-Soviet countries agree to. In particular, for Belarusian students who dream of going to Cuba in summer period. These offers involve free execution of various orders from employers. Such work is considered free of charge and goes to the benefit of this revolutionary country.

Investment opportunities

Fidel Castro passed a law to encourage foreign citizens to invest their own money in the Cuban economy. The goal of this approach is to create a favorable investment climate in the country and expand the number of investors in various areas. Often many people decide.

For those who want to open their own company, Cuba has created special conditions:

  • People have the right to buy or rent real estate; for this they are issued a visa valid for one year;
  • Relatives of the entrepreneur can receive the same visa;
  • Get housing in elite resorts where there are many vacationers. This should attract citizens interested in golf and yachting;
  • Citizens buying real estate in Cuba can engage in various types of business, including tourism. As soon as the housing is sold or returned to the owner (if the foreigner had it on lease), then the visa is cancelled. The same principle applies if Cuban laws have been violated or the person has been out of the country for more than a year.

Foreign citizens, in addition to tourism, can actively develop other areas of business. In particular, they create warehouses where finished products are stored. It is brought across the sea to be distributed among the local population or residents of neighboring countries. In addition, enterprises engaged in light industry or food production are opening.

But this type of entrepreneurship requires significant capital investments, the purchase of expensive equipment and the formation of a staff. Therefore, citizens prefer to open small cafes or restaurants, where foreigners act as investors, and the actual owners are their Cuban friends or relatives.

example of a cafe interior in Cuba

Brings good profit own business in the field of tourism - provision of a full or partial set of services:

  • Buying or renting housing on the coast, and then renting it out to tourists.
  • Organization of travel companies operating on an all-inclusive basis. The owners offer accommodation in hotels, private houses or apartments; transportation to and from the airport, excursions.


The first associations when mentioning the island of Cuba are Fidel Castro, sugar cane, from which chic rum, fiery dancing and cigars are obtained. But still, such a simple and attractive word should top this list - freedom. The republic is called that way – Freedom Island. This name was assigned to the country as a result of the military coup led by Castro, and after that it began to be used for advertising and tourism purposes. Living in Cuba has a number of advantages and disadvantages that are worth mentioning separately.

Standard of living

The advantages include good climatic conditions, low crime rates and warm hospitality from the Cubans. A migrant from post-Soviet territory will not have to radically change his habits and lifestyle - he lives here a large number of immigrants from the former USSR.

A trip here is like traveling in a time machine; a lot of things here are reminiscent of Soviet times, since for a long period the government tried to build communism in Cuba. That is why education and medicine are truly free here.

Even a foreigner who is not a citizen can receive qualified medical care. This area is quite well developed, thanks to government support measures.

But education, despite its accessibility, leaves much to be desired. If your goal is to study, you should not choose Cuba for this. Again, this is a double impression - doctors, for example, receive a fairly good level of education. For this purpose, specialists from abroad are invited.

As for economic development, the country is currently waiting for better times. For a long time there was a ban on the sale and purchase of mobile phones. Private business developed very poorly. Only with the coming to power of Raul Castro the situation began to change.

The organization of small and medium-sized businesses was simplified, and trade with the United States of America, which was also banned, was legalized. Therefore, the Cuban economy is now expected to grow rapidly.

In the meantime, the main profit for the state comes from the continuous flow of tourists. This industry is very well developed here. In addition to the tropical climate, travelers are attracted by the picturesque nature, luxurious beaches, year-round diving and snorkeling. Don’t forget about the opportunity to try real Cuban rum and cigars.

Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea, which remains warm off the coast at any time of the year. It is also called the Caribbean Pearl. A big advantage for Russian tourists is the absence of a visa regime between countries.

The standard of living can be characterized by the fact that a card system for purchasing groceries is still in effect in Cuba. Essential goods can be purchased in specialized stores at reasonable prices. And this is a big plus considering that incomes here are very low.

The average wage is $12. Officials, for example, earn about $20. Therefore, only those Cubans who have help from relatives living in other countries can afford to purchase luxury goods.

Cuban prices

The average price level reflects the truly miserable existence of local residents, if compared with their earnings. One liter of milk here costs almost one and a half dollars, a loaf of bread costs about 50 cents.

Eggs, White rice, a kilogram of oranges and a bottle of national beer cost approximately the same - about one dollar for each product. But for chicken, cheese or apples you will have to pay from three to five dollars. Taking into account the average salary level, after one trip to the store there may be no money left at all.

A one-way trip by public transport will cost 4 cents, by taxi – 0.90 cents. For a liter of gasoline you will need to pay $1.27.

A new middle-class car here costs 100 thousand conventional units. Relative to the level of salaries, prices for clothing are very high. The cost of a summer dress or jeans starts from 30, a pair of shoes from 40, sneakers from 60 US dollars.

Mobile communications and the Internet are not cheap. Before 2008, such benefits were not used here at all, so now this area is at the stage of development.

Cuba does not have its own Internet line; it has to use the services of expensive satellites. Cost per minute mobile communications will cost one dollar, and the Internet is about 70 conventional units per month. A local resident has the right to purchase only one SIM card for his phone.

Some products, such as beets, potatoes, carrots, may disappear from the shelves for some time due to their seasonality. And private trade in seafood is prohibited here. However, this does not prevent you from finding fish delicacies on the market, as they say, under the counter at very reasonable prices.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When you register using the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent a good apartment for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

Real estate

Housing prices in Cuba are not very expensive, although prices fluctuate within a very wide range. The difference is due to the location of the immovable objects. The distance from Havana plays a big role in the cost.

Rent of a one-room apartment in the city center will cost 400-500 dollars per month. Similar housing outside the capital will cost 250-300 conventional units.

The average price per square meter when buying an apartment is $500. So, for 15 thousand dollars you can buy small-sized housing in the very center of Havana. A small house will cost five thousand.

Prices for luxury apartments are also quite low - about one and a half thousand per square meter. Secondary housing can even be purchased for pennies. No resort in the Caribbean, except Cuba, can boast of such prices. But only a local citizen can buy real estate here.

By the way, foreigners can also apply to purchase housing without obtaining a residence permit, but with one condition. They can only buy in new buildings that are not built by local contractors.

Such contractors must work under a license issued by the Cuban authorities. Russians in Cuba are very interested in purchasing real estate, mainly because of its low cost.

Tax payments

Since we are talking about housing, it is immediately worth mentioning what taxes the buyer will have to pay. The tax is 8% of the value of the property, and both the seller and the buyer pay it. That is, in total the state receives 16% from such a transaction.

In total, the country provides for eleven types of tax payments. The most expensive tax is levied on profits, its size is 35%. Taxes on income of individuals and legal entities bring significant income to the state. It is imposed on those who have income from trade, receive wages or pension, rents out the property. Transfers from relatives abroad are not subject to this tax.

In addition, the Cuban tax system includes a transport tax, which is paid once a year, a property tax, a tax on public services and sales tax.

Pension provision

The country has set the retirement age for women at 55 years and for men at 60 years. Due to the latest indexations minimum size pension payments are 9.5 dollars per month.

The average life expectancy of Cuban citizens reaches 77 years of age. Women live on average up to 80 years, men - up to 76.

How do Cuban pensioners manage to live so long on such a small pension? Of course, climate and cleanliness play a big role. environment. In addition, a small amount Money does not allow you to buy extra food, Cubans eat only the most necessary and basic things, without frills. This means that proper nutrition prevails here.

But the most important thing is free healthcare. Cuban elders can count on highly qualified, timely assistance. On average, there are about 170 local residents per doctor, which allows us to work conscientiously with everyone.


Living in Cuba legally is an almost unattainable goal. You can’t just get a residence permit, let alone a national passport. Of all usual ways relocation - training, employment, investment, the most realistic is marriage with a Cuban.

The remaining options are conditional; there are only a few who were able to move with their help. And interethnic marriages are not welcomed by society here. Especially if a foreigner marries a Cuban. Such a union is condemned much more often than the opposite.

Cuba is a largely closed state. Foreign residents here are treated quite cordially and hospitably, but only when they come as tourists. Otherwise, emigration to Cuba is a rather problematic matter.

Work in Cuba

Finding a high-paying position on the island is an almost unattainable task. Jobs in Cuba for Russians are characterized by low pay and seasonality. The only area that can be claimed is agriculture. But even here, the most popular job is harvesting sugar cane, for which they pay mere pennies.

Similar moral principles, mentality, rich historical past and real freedom - despite the poverty of this republic, it is with all this that it attracts Russian citizens.

Free education, medicine, social benefits and low cost of apartments make this Caribbean island an even more tasty morsel for migrants. Moreover, it is quite possible to live well here, you just need to know how to do it.

Like most other countries in our world, the tourism business is developing very well in Cuba. About 2 million tourists arrive every year to the largest of the Caribbean islands. While the United States does not allow Americans to do business in Cuba, Canadians and Europeans have been very successful in establishing themselves in Cuba.

Why is it worth opening your business in Cuba?

Since the dynamics of development are very high tourism business, Cuba needs to increase the number of hotels, as well as restaurants and entertainment centers. It is impossible not to notice that Cubans are very hardworking people, especially in comparison with the natives. The transport infrastructure is very well developed, which is no small significant reason, because... Cuba is close to major suppliers such as Panama and the USA. In Cuba, you will pay the bills that are due to your Cuban partner, because... There is no taxation in Cuba. Most Cuban large entrepreneurs speak Russian, because... studied in the USSR.

Unoccupied business niches in Cuba.

But before you open your business in Cuba, you need to find out what the island needs. The first and simplest thing is the supply of equipment and goods. For Cuba, this is a little problematic, due to the ban from the United States, Cuba needs some equipment, cars and many goods. The only thing that may cause you a problem is the monopoly on the import of all goods. But shipping is possible through the Itache company, which is the main company on the island for the delivery of any goods and equipment for the tourism business.

Also a very attractive industry in Cuba is catering business. But this procedure still remains complicated, even after the abolition of foreign capital participation. Cuba needs restaurants fast food, then the management and construction industry of various types of tourism businesses - this can be not only a hotel or inn, but also water parks, entertainment centers, slot machines, as well as cinemas. And the most interesting direction is various productions, because... Cuba has skilled and hardworking workers, but is in short supply plastic dishes, various packaging, food ice and furniture.

As far as we know, the Cuban government recognizes three types of doing business with foreign partners:

Joint partnership is the most common form. It is this that makes it possible to become the owner of any real estate in Cuba. But the Ministry of Foreign Investment makes sure that no one creates a joint venture in an already established facility.

Control. With this type of business, it becomes possible to obtain a tourist facility to manage for ten years. But for this it is necessary to prove and argue that the foreign owner can manage this facility better than any Cuban entrepreneur.

Rent. Cubans do not like to rent out premises, and this happens extremely rarely only because some properties require global reconstruction and a huge investment of funds.

Plan to follow when opening your businesswear in Cuba:

The need for a Cuban partner, without a state Cuban organization, it is impossible to create anything;

Be sure to study the legislation of the area where you are going to work;

Then it's time to create and sign contracts and register your company's representative office. And be prepared to have your management experience in your stated field of activity and your qualifications reviewed;

Be patient, registration time lasts up to a year. All you need to do for this is to translate all documentation into the official language of Cuba;

Be sure to wait for the Certificate of Registration, because... without it, you will not be able to buy a phone or a car, and buying any real estate will be prohibited for you;

After receiving the Certificate, do not forget to make about 20 copies and be sure to have them certified by a notary. You will need these papers everywhere, without them no one will pay attention to you;

From now on, you have every right to open your business in Cuba. Rent any premises, but only for housing or office. Only your partner can provide you with commercial real estate.

The next step will be to open an account in a Cuban bank in the national currency - pesos. It will be very convenient to pay using this account within the country, there is one “but” - it is almost impossible to make a transfer from a Cuban account abroad.

And finally, you can get a business visa for a long-term period, as well as, albeit temporary, but still the right to reside in Cuba. There will be insurance in your name, you will be able to use Cuban medicine for free, and send your children to local schools.

So, in Cuba there are a lot of opportunities to open your own business, but there are also a number of difficulties that you will have to face sooner or later. It will be necessary to be patient while waiting for the Cuban government's decision. But then there will come a time in life when you can enjoy doing business on this island.

Blogger Boris Smirnov writes:

Living well in Cuba is not difficult, you just need to know how to do it. This article is the summary of my impressions from 2 years of living in Havana.

There is only one word that can describe everything that is happening in Cuba today - “we are waiting.” In Cuba, everyone is waiting for something. Cubans are waiting for a passing car to get to work, waiting for food cards to be redeemed, waiting in numerous lines in stores, hospitals and government institutions, frontline workers are waiting for them to be given the right to buy a car, the most active Cubans are waiting for them to be given the right to leave the country, of course everyone is waiting for the end of the working day so that they can go out into the street and start waiting for a ride that will stop and give them a ride home. Everyone is waiting for at least some changes. A year ago, I turned to the US Embassy in Havana (there it is called the US Interests Mission) with a request to extend my American visa - I was offered to wait 1 year and 8 months in order to come for an interview with the consul - previously he had all his days booked.

Cuba is the most popular and largest island in the Caribbean. Because of its beauty, Cuba is often called the "Pearl of the Caribbean" and boasts hundreds of kilometers of stunning landscapes, majestic mountains, awe-inspiring landscapes and stunning cities. There are more than 300 pristine beaches, coves and bays, surrounded by the most beautiful, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea - all this has always been the main advantages of the island.

People in Cuba are warm-hearted, hospitable, fun-loving, have a good sense of humor, they know how to enjoy life and often get together to sing and dance. Cubans are extremely kind and good people. They are friendly, responsive and always ready to help. This is often perceived as a desire to earn tips, but in most cases this is not the case.

Cuba has a unique “two-tier” currency system. For Cubans in the country there are one price, for foreigners - another. It's an idiotic system, but everyone knows that Cuba's entire economic system is one. The same services in Cuba cost differently for Cubans and foreigners. If you are a foreigner, then all services for you cost 24 times more than for Cubans. Of course, if you are not a tourist, but live in Cuba permanently, you will learn to bypass this system, but only where possible.

Currently, tens of thousands of foreigners live permanently in Cuba. There is no law in Cuba prohibiting foreigners from living there, and it is not difficult to live well in Cuba, you just need to know how to do it and accept some Cuban characteristics.

For more than 15 years, many Canadians and Europeans have spent the winter months in Cuba. There are about 300 sunny days a year here. The mild climate suits most people, and life expectancy on the island is higher than in most developed countries. The healthy lifestyle of Cubans is simple and low-calorie food, sports and physical work, the cheerful disposition of Cubans, as well as developed Cuban medicine.

I communicated with many foreigners who permanently live in Cuba, mostly European pensioners. All of them are quite satisfied with their lives and are happy, because Cuba can give a lot of things that no other country in the world gives. Of course, Cuba has not yet become a place of universal immigration, but for a certain kind of people this place can be damn interesting.

Cuba is one of the safest places to live in the world, and here your personal life is truly private (unless you are spying or involved in activities that harm Cuba, the Cuban authorities will not be interested in you at all). Cubans are incredibly friendly and the police are incredibly helpful. In Cuba you will never see police pressure, armed robbery, rape, violence or a hostile atmosphere. During the 2 years I lived in Cuba, the police never fined me, although I, of course, broke the rules.

Now in Cuba, small businesses are beginning to take their first steps, they are widely welcomed foreign investment, which means Cuba is ready for entrepreneurship. Since investment laws were relaxed, Canadians and Europeans have been investing in the country. New law on investments allows foreign businessmen to have their own enterprises, offices and housing. Cuba left cold war in the past and is now ready to participate in shaping the global economy. Very soon, a gold rush may begin in Cuba, and hordes of entrepreneurs from all over the world will begin to fight for spheres of influence on the island.

In Cuba, you only have to deal with one partner - the government. It is possible to adapt to the Cuban economic system. I've met plenty of people who have done this. There are many foreigners in Cuba who have discovered successful business. Of course, you need to spend time and learn how to work in Cuban conditions. economic system. Many of the laws in Cuba are completely idiotic, but the good news is that the laws are enforced and there is almost no corruption (small gifts to officials don't count), and once you figure it out and accept these Cuban laws, you can work there.

Cuba is hungry for investment and foreign investors are welcomed almost everywhere. Additional benefit for foreign investors is a highly educated and disciplined work force, huge untapped tourism opportunities and improved infrastructure. The most important thing is to understand how everything works there. Be prepared that this may take years.

There is no need to flatter yourself. I know dozens of people who have been trying to do something in Cuba for many years, but they have not succeeded. In addition, in Cuba you will have only one partner - and if you do not agree with him, you will have nothing else to do in this country.

In Cuba, as in any other country in the world, it is important to wait a little and understand how best to live and work. I have met many entrepreneurs who came to Cuba hoping for quick results. As a rule, their endeavors ended in disappointment.

Although conditions for investing and living in Cuba are improving, no one can predict the future with absolute certainty. I know many people who have been predicting the liberalization of the Cuban economy for 20 years and are still waiting for it to happen. How many times has Fidel Castro been buried on the Internet?

New Cuba is the few condominiums in the center of Havana that are built according to European standards in places such as 5th Avenue, Marina Hemingway, Havana Club or the Malecon embankment. Apartments in such houses are freely sold and bought by foreigners, and the prices are among the most expensive in the Caribbean. Foreigners are not yet allowed to purchase other Cuban real estate.

The main problems that face any foreigner in Cuba: food, internet and transport. There are no supermarkets in Cuba with products from all over the world. Food choices are limited and imported food is very expensive. The Cuban diet consists of beans, rice, chicken and pork. Even in the most expensive and modern stores in Havana - such as the Palco supermarket - you will rarely find more than 2 types of cheese, 3-4 types of canned food, 1-2 types of yogurt. For fish and vegetables you need to go outside of Havana - to the villages. It is interesting that in conditions of a total shortage of normal products in Havana there are several restaurants with excellent world-class cuisine.

The biggest problem in Cuba for modern people is access to the Internet. It's super slow, super unreliable and super expensive.

It is almost impossible to buy a car in Cuba. I wrote about this 2 years ago.

Ultimately, these points can be discarded if they are not very important to you. By many other measures, Cuba is a damn great place to live. There is a wonderful climate, friendly people, safety, good medicine (of course, not the best in the world, as many say, but still not bad) - life can be very measured and calm. Havana has a great private school International School of Havana, where children from all over the world study, and the University of Havana, which is almost the oldest university in the Western Hemisphere.

Who mostly lives in Cuba now? Of course, there are a lot of older Europeans here: they married young Cubans, had small children and enjoy the warm climate, everyone's attention and care. A European pension is enough for a very decent life in Cuba. In addition, many people live here who want to give their children a good education. Recently, there has been more and more talk about the fact that it is the best place in the world to conduct your business confidentially around the world. Unlike Europe, no one here will poke their nose into your affairs.

Hemingway always chose best places for life. , Key West, Cuba. He was constantly harassed by the FBI and the IRS, and this persecution ultimately killed him, just as it killed Joe Louis, Woody Herman and other American heroes. He loved Cuba, loved his home in Cuba, but under pressure from the US government he was forced to give up his home and go live in . There is compelling evidence that the move killed him: FBI accusations of communist ties drove him to suicide. If Hemingway had stayed in Cuba, he would have lived another 20 years.

And one more thing - if someone is persecuting you and you want to find refuge, perhaps Cuba is the best place for this.

Cuba has something to offer even those with the most incredible tastes and lifestyles. In June 1998, the Miami Herald published the following statement about American baby boomers: “There will be a mass immigration of retirees attracted by the low cost of living that makes it easier to live on their small pensions, reasonable medical prices and a warm climate. Due to its proximity to the United States and low industrialization, Cuba will become the most popular destination for retirement living.”

Bottom line. Cuba is incredibly beautiful. Great cigars, great rum, beautiful women, entertainment. There is a special attitude towards foreigners here, and this has always been the case - even before the revolution. It's very safe here. Cuba has great prospects for small business development. Here you can live comfortably and give your children a good education. Unfortunately, a lot here (almost everything) is organized through the ass. If you're willing to put up with it, it could be a great place to live.