Equipment for the production of polymer sand. Equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles. Features of installing polymer tiles

"Business plan for production - "Cable closure plates." Prices and equipment are indicated as of January 1, 2011.

To find out the current prices and receive the current “Business Plan”, fill out the form at the end of this page, or call the phone number indicated at the top of the site or in the section.

Let's consider an example of calculating the cost of manufacturing polymer-sand tiles, which can be taken as a basis for drawing up a business plan and a feasibility study for production.

All calculations are given as an example. Data is current on January 1, 2011 for the Udmurt Republic. All prices are excluding VAT. A simplified taxation system was used for the calculation.

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Produced building material: Tiles.

Main parameters.

The work is carried out in two shifts, the shifts lasting 12 hours. The productivity of one mold is 6.66 m 2 per hour. Thus, per day the line produces 160 m2 of finished products (tiles). For a month 160 x 30 days = 4,800 sq.m.


The total cost of the equipment set, including the cost of turnkey commissioning works, is: 2,708,780.00 rubles excluding VAT.


To operate the site, three people are enough - the manager (25,000 rubles), the APN operator (20,000 rubles), the auxiliary worker (20,000 rubles). The wage fund is 65,000 rubles per month for one shift and 130,000 rubles. based on 2 shifts.

Thus, salary costs per 1m2 are 27.08 rubles.

UST - 30%, gives 8.12 rubles. in the cost of 1m 2 of finished products.


To accommodate equipment and storage areas for raw materials and products, it is necessary to provide about 100 m 2 of production space and 100 m 2 of warehouse (can be located outside the premises). The production facility does not have to be heated; heating occurs due to the heat generated by the equipment. Finished products are stored in the workshop and then moved to the warehouse.

At a rental rate of 100 rubles per sq.m. the cost of renting production space will not exceed 10,000 rubles. Thus, the rental cost for 1 m 2 of products is 2.08 rubles.


In total, the cost of raw materials (polymer + sand + pigment) per ton is 5,000 rubles.

Weight of tiles 1 sq.m. 9 pieces * 1.8 kg = 16.2 kg. Thus, the cost of raw materials per 1 m 2 of tiles is 81.00 rubles. For 1 piece 9 rubles.


  • A crusher with a capacity of 300 kg/h consumes 22 kW/h. To produce a mixture of 2,592 kg, 637 kg of polymer is required. To prepare it, the crusher will work 2.1 and consume 46.2 kW of energy.
  • APN - 29 kW/hour when warming up, when working around the clock with a heated APN, consumption is reduced by 4 times, i.e. calculation: 7.25 kW x 24 hours = 174 kW/day
  • Hydraulic press – 5.5 kW/hour. When molding a product, the program on the presses is designed for electrical consumption. Energy in the mode of raising and lowering the upper punch, when forming electric. No energy is consumed. The running time of the slider is 40 seconds. Per day 1440 pieces x 40 sec. = 57,600 sec. = 960 min. = 16 hours of press operation
  • Consumption per day 88 kW.
  • Mixer - 5.5 kW/hour 1 batch - 3 min. Mixes 0.5 tons per mixing. Per shift, 2,592 tons of mixture for 1,440 pieces of tiles. Per day 15.6 minutes. Electricity consumption 1.4 kW.-
  • Lighting - 12 kW/hour

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship in Construction

Course work

on the topic " Business plan for the production of polymer sand tiles"

Kazan 2016

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

1.2 Product characteristics

2.1 Definition of demand

2.2 Selecting a target segment

2.3 Competitor analysis

3.Production plan

4. Organizational plan

4.1 Business schedule

4.2 Organizational structure

4.3 Staffing

5.Marketing plan

5.1 Pricing methods

5.2 Distribution channels

6. Risk plan

6.1 Methods for accounting for project risks

6.2 Determination of the discount rate

6.3 Project sensitivity analysis

6.4 Risk mitigation measures

7.Financial plan

7.1 Sources of funding

7.2 Analysis of project financial performance indicators

7.3 Analysis of the project’s commercial efficiency indicator

7.4 Analysis of the income statement

7.5 Balance Sheet Analysis

7.6 Analysis of the cash flow statement

7.7 Break-even analysis

7.8 Social, budgetary, and environmental efficiency of the project

List of sources used

Goals for developing a business plan:

1. Justification of the effectiveness of creating an enterprise for the production of polymer sand tiles;

2. Justification of the need to attract a bank loan;

3. Determination of project performance indicators;

The goals of this investment project:

1. Opening of the Kazan polymer-sand tile enterprise and its introduction to the market;

2. Return of funds invested in the project;

3. Sales of manufactured products and profit in the future;

Tasks of developing a business plan:

1. Describe the goals and profitability of the investment project;

2. Assess the ability of the enterprise to implement the project;

4. Analyze the risk that the goals presented in the project may not be achieved;

5. Select the optimal project financing scheme;

Brief description of the project:

This business plan proposes a project to create a limited liability company “Kazan polymer-sand tiles” for the production of polymer-sand tiles for the construction and repair of residential buildings, offices and industrial premises.

The main type of products produced is polymer-sand tiles with parameters: 400x310x50mm.

The offered products have the following main advantages:

* The material is highly impact resistant. This property greatly influences the efficiency of production and transportation of tile products. It’s no secret that when transporting almost all materials, a certain percentage of the goods must be written off “for combat.” In this case this does not happen.

* Water-repellent properties, there will be no fungus or mold on the tiles. There will be no such problems with polymer tiles, since they have sound absorption properties. Quartz river sand, which serves as a filler for PPC, is “sintered” during production. This factor, together with high-quality dyes, allows you to maintain the original color throughout the entire period of operation.

* The rafter system can be considered an indirect advantage of the PFC. The rafters do not need to be further strengthened, since the standard rafter system is designed according to the principle of 300 kg per 1 m2. The weight of the roofing material itself is no more than 22 kg. Similar types of roofing polymer tiles there is an analogue and a competitor. A very similar product in form and purpose, which has long won an honorable place in the sales market among roofing materials - roofing made of sand and cement.

* Production of cement-sand tiles does not require purchase large quantity equipment and costs, which affects the cost. In a plant for the production of tile products, the concrete mixture is pressed into the required form, and then cut to the required sizes.

* It is heat-resistant and moisture-proof, and its weight ranges from 40 to 47 kg per linear meter.

* The material is durable and has a durability of up to 30 years.

The price of our products is competitive and much lower than the average price.

The planned production volume is 14,400 sq.m. per month.

The project will be financed from own and borrowed funds. Own funds will be invested in the amount of 10,000 rubles. Borrowed funds are presented in the form of a loan (RUB 8,000,000) from VTB24 Bank at 19% per annum under the Business Start program.

Funds required for financing - RUB 5,604,000.

Indicators of commercial efficiency of the project:

· Project lifespan - 15 sq.

· Simple payback period of the project - 0.57 years

· Discounted payback period - 0.60 years

· The net present value of the project NPV is equal to - 12,669,000 rubles.

· Return on investment (PI) - 5.11 rubles.

Thus, this project is acceptable for implementation and has a sufficient margin of financial stability.

Project financial performance indicators:

· Sales revenue - 83,371,000 rubles.

· Cost - find in alt and place 1,774,000 rubles.

· Net profit - RUB 24,857,000.

Featured in this business plan calculations of indicators characterizing the economic, commercial and budgetary efficiency of an investment project indicate that the project is effective and attractive for financing.

shingles marketing financial risk

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

1.1 Industry characteristics

The building materials market today offers many options for arranging a roof. The range is so wide that you can spend a lot of time choosing the ideal roof. Since the roof is directly exposed to environmental influences, it must be waterproof, moisture-resistant, resistant to aggressive chemicals and sudden temperature changes. Must not warp, crack or collapse.

In modern industry, various wastes are increasingly being used, including PET bottles and films. This plastic waste that fills city landfills can be reused to produce much-needed tiles and even curb and facing stones. Such products are called polymer-sand, in contrast to traditional cement-sand ones.

Polymer sand tiles are a new generation roofing material. It looks like ceramic, but is made from sand and ultra-highly filled thermoplastics by pressing. Such tiles are very durable (at least 50 years), resistant to water, acids, and aggressive environments. The polymer base protects against rotting, mold and fading. In addition, it does not rust, does not attract electricity, and does not require a lightning rod.

1.2 Characteristics of the enterprise

1. Limited Liability Company "Kazanian Polymer-sand tile" - "Kazan Polymer Sand Tile" - "KPPCH"

2. Date and place state registration: in the Federal Tax Service of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan) on January 1, 2016.

3. Legal address- Kazan Polymer Sand Tile LLC is registered at the address: Alabastrovaya, 2a.

4. Organizational and legal form: Limited liability company.

5. Amount of authorized capital: 10,000 rubles.

6. Information about the founders and management team:

Director of Kazan Polymer Sand Tile LLC - Kafiatullina Munira Amirovna.

Date of birth: 05/30/90, passport series 92 07 No. 300594, issued 03/30/08, Department of Internal Affairs of the Sovetsky district of Kazan. Address. Russia, RT, Kazan, st. Gvardeiskaya 59, apt. 94.

Education: KSASU, specialty - Production Management.

Accountant "Kazan polymer sand tiles": Sukhanova G.A., Date of birth 11/16/78, passport series 92 05 No. 300893, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kirov district of Kazan. Address: Russia, RT, Kazan, st. Vosstaniya d.30.

Education: Kazan Federal University, specialty - accounting and auditing, 15 years of experience in this field.

The founder is one person with experience in managing similar organizations. In organizing a business project for the production and release of polymer sand tiles, all authorized capital belongs to M.A. Kafiatullina in the amount of 100% - 10,000 rubles.

7. Main activity: OKVED code: 26.30 (Production of tiles for use in construction)

8. INN/OGRN: 1961196219/9219940510112

Main bank details: RS No. 1237894561114161719245 at VTB 24 Bank under the Business Start program.

Details of JSC VTB 24:

RS No. 1237894561114161719245

Correspondent account: 12378945600000000305 Kazan

BIC 785147324

Gearbox 305194190

INN 7707085419

OKATO code 45319633577

The company will produce polymer sand tiles.

The workers have experience in this field of activity.

The brick production workshop and the office of this enterprise will be located on the street. Uchitelskoy 2a.

1.3 Product characteristics

Polymer sand tiles are a modern type of roofing that comes to the aid of those who have to find a compromise between high quality and affordable price. Sand-polymer tiles combine the best qualities of natural materials, but at the same time cost much less. The service life of this coating is enviable: with a factory warranty of up to 20 years, the technical characteristics of the material allow the tiles to be used for about a hundred years, without requiring major repairs.

Polymer sand tiles have the following characteristics:

1. Weight 1pc. - 2.2 kg.,

2. The weight of the ridge tiles is 1.8 kg. (weight 1 m2 - 16.2 kg)

3. Size 1 piece - 405 x 315

4. Quantity per 1 m2 - 9 pcs.

PPC is made from polyethylene and propylene, which are thermoplastic polymers, with the addition of the necessary dyes. The filler is calcined river sand.

How and from what are polymer sand tiles made? In the manufacturing process, equipment for polymer tiles is used. There are a great many polymers around us, and to process them they need to be crushed. To do this, use a rotary polymer grinder or crusher. After the desired polymers have been processed by a crusher, they need to be melted into homogeneous mass. An extruder - an apparatus for melting polymers - will help with this. The melted mass must be mixed with a filler, which is sand, to achieve a certain color of the original material. At this stage, a thermal auger machine, or APN, is used. It is she who mixes the molten polymers with sand and the necessary coloring pigment. The output is a heated mass, ready for shaping. Special mention should be made of coloring pigments. Dyes added to the polymer mixture must be heat-resistant and of high quality. They must also have light-stabilizing properties. This will protect the roof from exposure to ultraviolet rays. If these requirements are met, the roof will have its original color for the entire period of operation. At the same time, equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles and its quality are important. The viscous mass obtained as a result of processing must be given the required shape. The final result is achieved using a press. The mass is poured into the mold required for the desired type of product and brought to condition. It would be remiss not to mention that the PFC equipment kit also includes a sand dryer, which greatly facilitates the manufacturing process. The technology for producing polymer sand tiles, relative to their high quality, is quite cheap, and therefore this material is one of the leading ones on the market.

Features of polymer sand tiles:

* The PFC is heat-resistant to temperatures from -700C to +1500C.

* It has a high resistance to mechanical damage, which means that the material will remain unharmed during a hurricane or hail.

* PFC roofing will not be affected by moss, acid rain and various bacteria.

* Such roofs have a low probability of being struck by lightning, and they do not accumulate a static charge, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a fire in the building.

* Seasonal shrinkage of the building is inevitable, and this causes deformation of the roof. Temperature fluctuations in the atmosphere also cause deformation. The structure of the original PPC material is such that these changes will not cause harm to your roof, since each unit of the product is equipped with a temperature joining seam, and this allows the roof to “stretch”. Thanks to these joints, the material is ventilated. This is a very important point, since the building releases moisture.

2. Analysis of the market and main competitors

2.1 Definition of demand

Determining demand - assessing the potential capacity of the market, i.e. the total value of goods that residents of a certain region can buy over a certain period of time.

Potential market capacity is the maximum possible sales volume when all potential consumers purchase a product based on the maximum possible level of consumption.

Real market capacity is the real (forecast) sales volume of the analyzed product. There are several methods for calculating the actual market capacity.

In this business plan, we use the consumption level method, which includes calculating the income elasticity of demand and calculating the price elasticity of demand.

Income elasticity of demand is the degree to which demand changes with a change in income. The income elasticity of demand coefficient is calculated using the formula (form. 1):

where is the coefficient of elasticity of demand by income;

Quantity of goods required in the base year;

The quantity of goods required in subsequent years;

Income per capita in the base year;

Per capita income in subsequent years.

Analyzing statistical data for the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014 (baseline) and 2015 (subsequent) years in relation to our production industry, we received the following data:

where 570000 pcs. - quantity of goods (in in kind), consumed in the following 2015 in the Republic of Tatarstan;

542000 pcs. - the amount of goods (in physical terms) consumed in the base year 2014 in the Republic of Tatarstan.

RUB 28,787/month - per capita income in the base year 2014.

RUB 31,465/month - per capita income in the following 2015 in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Since>0, then an increase in per capita income entails an increase in demand for our products.

Price elasticity of demand is the ratio of relative fluctuations in quantity demanded to relative fluctuations in prices. The coefficient of price elasticity of demand is calculated using the formula (form. 2):

where is the coefficient of price elasticity of demand;

Demand for a product in the base year;

Demand for the product in subsequent years;

Price in base year;

Price in subsequent years.

Having studied the statistical data of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014 (baseline) and 2015 (subsequent) years in relation to our industry, we received the following data:

Consequently, the increase in price led to a slight decrease in demand.

320 rub. sq.m - price of 1 roll per square meter of polymer sand tiles in the Republic of Tatarstan;

385 rub. sq.m - the price of 1 square meter of polymer sand tiles in the next year in the Republic of Tatarstan.

2.2 Selecting a target segment

Segmentation is the process of dividing consumers into groups based on differences in needs, characteristics, and behavior. A market segment consists of consumers who respond in the same way to the same set of marketing incentives.

For the normal functioning of production, the following segmentation was carried out:

1. Based on income, potential consumers of products may be:

A - low-income buyers;

B - buyers with average income;

B - buyers with high income.

2. By types of buildings in which potential consumers live, we highlight the following:

G - owners of private houses;

D - residents of multi-storey residential complexes;

E - owners of administrative buildings.

Let's represent this division graphically in the form of a matrix and select the segment that we will focus on.

Table 1

Thus, our company will target middle and high income buyers of various types of buildings.

2.3 Competitor analysis

At this stage of analysis, we collect the necessary information on all possible competitors producing similar products. As mentioned earlier, there are none in Kazan. However, there are companies engaged in supplying products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The range of these products from domestic manufacturers should be taken into account. You should take into account the range of these products, as well as the pricing policy of these companies. The strongest competitors are:

· Stroitel AG LLC

· LLC "EuroStroyTech"

· LLC "BT"

· LLC "Ukrainian Polymer Sand Company"

1. Stroitel AG LLC

Stroitel AG LLC was founded in 2000 by a group of professionals who came to the company from various fields and have already accumulated significant experience. Very quickly the company turned into a large-scale industrial construction enterprise - at the moment, Stroitel AG LLC has all the necessary resources to independently sell the entire range construction work. In addition, the company is a partner and dealer of a number of the world's largest manufacturers of construction products. At the same time, the specialists of Stroitel AG LLC have the appropriate high qualifications in order to provide a full range of services - from consulting and design to work within the framework of complex turnkey projects. It is also worth noting that there is a system of cumulative discounts that is convenient and beneficial for customers, plus corresponding discounts are provided for large volumes of purchases. In addition, the company offers a product reservation service in the warehouse, which allows our customers to receive necessary materials and goods at a convenient time. Moreover, the company's delivery service allows our customers to significantly save time and resources required to transport the ordered products.

In March 2005, Stroitel AG LLC acquired a new production base. It was deployed in Golitsino (Moscow region, Minskoe highway), and its total area is 2 hectares. All the main divisions of the company are currently concentrated here, including the sales department, warehouse terminal, design and service and production divisions.

Among its main advantages, it is worth highlighting high strength, low weight, long service life, ease of installation, maintainability and many others. In addition, polymer-sand tiles do not differ in appearance from natural ones, but at the same time have a much more favorable price.

To date, the factory has installed 2 melting and heating units for the production of polymer sand tiles, as well as 2 presses with a semi-automatic temperature control system.

The production capacity of each line reaches 150,241 sq.m of polymer sand tiles per year.

As of today this enterprise There are 2 types of polymer sand tiles available:

· Ordinary tiles

· Ridge tiles

The Stroitel AG factory pays great attention to environmental protection issues. The enterprise has 2 regenerative installations for exhaust gas purification, manufactured by Sequa GmbH & Co. Germany.

All manufactured products comply with the sanitary requirements of the Russian Federation. In 2012, the products of the Stroitel AG LLC factory successfully passed the necessary tests, and a Certificate of Compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements was received.

2. LLC "EuroStroyTech"

"European Construction Technologies" is a young and dynamically developing company whose main activity is the production and sale of polymer sand products. Over the course of several years, our company has established itself as a reliable supplier of quality materials that are in high demand among construction organizations and private buyers. Without stopping there, the team strives to constantly improve the quality of products, expand the range, and introduce new production technologies. The priority direction is the production of “Strong” tiles, “Hardplast” facing panels, as well as drainage systems and borders made of polymer-sand composition. Thanks to the quality and excellent properties of this material, our products have earned high marks in operation. Since 2012, our company has mastered the production of plates for covering cables in trenches (PZK), which is used to protect cable lines when they are installed in the ground. Our products are in demand throughout Russia. We invite both construction and installation organizations and individuals to cooperate. We are glad to see you in our store and office, where you can familiarize yourself with and purchase all types of products we offer, as well as receive detailed advice on their use.

The company's management pays great attention to improving the qualifications of employees. German programmers, managers, mechanics work together with Russian colleagues.

One of the most important factors influencing the quality of products is the qualitatively high level of raw materials used.

3. LLC "BT"

The BT company is a Perm manufacturer paving slabs and tiles for 14 years.

This company is an exclusive manufacturer of polymer-sand and concrete paving slabs and tiles in Perm, in terms of price-quality ratio.

BT LLC produces 3 types of products:

1. Polymer sand paving slabs at low prices.

2. High quality polymer sand tiles from the manufacturer.

3. Border fencing for beds and flower beds

The material has certificates of conformity, fire safety and epidemiological conclusion.

BT LLC has a number of advantages that will attract experienced consumers:

· Warranty up to 50 years.

· The product range is constantly growing.

· Color selection.

· Flexible system discounts

This enterprise is the only manufacturer of this type of product in the Perm region. BT LLC has been on the market for more than 14 years, during which time it has produced and covered more than 1,000,000 sq.m. roofs.

Partners are such companies as:

· LLC "UralDomStroy" general developer cottage village"Gorki 2"

· LLC "Derzhava" general developer of townhouses and others, as well as more than 500 individuals.

· Hypermarket "Superstroy"

4. LLC "Ukrainian Polymer Sand Company"

"Ukrainian Polymer Sand Company" is a young company that is gradually conquering the market and promoting a new environmentally friendly and durable type of building materials.

This company is focused on the development of such products in this segment as polymer sand tiles, polymer sand tiles, paving stones.

Ш Production:

The plant is equipped with the necessary equipment to produce high-quality polymer sand products.

The production capacity of the complex is 10,000 square meters of products per month.

Sh Team:

Professionalism in the understanding of this company is not only a thorough knowledge of all the intricacies of one’s favorite work, but also a continuous striving forward towards new knowledge, skills and achievements. Professionalism allows them to be more efficient and superior than their competitors.

Sh Quality:

All links in the production chain work for the client, so the quality of the finished polymer sand product is priority No. 1. Accordingly, in order to guarantee it at the output, raw materials are carefully selected and controlled - there is no random material in production

Table 2 Comparative analysis of the products of the main competitors of Kazan Polymer Sand Tiles LLC



Stroitel AG LLC

LLC "EuroStroyTech"

LLC "Ukrainian Polymer Sand Company"

"Kazan polymer sand tiles"

Price, rub./piece


High (4)

High (5)



Discount based on production volume.



New company

From Table 2 it follows that Kazan Polymer Sand Tiles LLC has the highest score for 2 out of six possible indicators (price and reliability)

Conclusion: our company will occupy a fairly stable position in the market.

Determining the competitive position of the company in the selected market segment.

To analyze the competitive position, we use the matrix (Industry Attractiveness - Competitive Position) developed by consulting company McKinsey. The positioning of the company is carried out in a coordinate system. One of the axis is the attractiveness of the market segment, and the other axis is the competitive position of the organization in the selected market segment.

The following parameters were selected to assess the attractiveness of the industry:

1. Market capacity - Total number of goods (in quantitative and in value terms), which can be implemented in a segment over a certain period of time. Number of possible consumers. The construction segment of the industry is extremely in demand in the market, so we will give this indicator a score of 4 and assign a weight of 0.19 to it.

2. Competitive pressure - the number of competing stores, the intensity of competition and determining the degree of one’s security, assessing one’s competitive advantages. Assessing the level of competition and determining the degree of protection of a trading enterprise. Since polymer-sand tiles are not produced in Kazan and the surrounding regions, therefore, for this indicator we will give a score of 5 and assign a weight of 0.25 to it.

3. Resource provision - the company has sufficient resources to operate in the market: personnel qualifications, access to finance, marketing capabilities, access to market technologies. Due to the low distribution of production (polymer-sand tiles are not developed in the region), we will evaluate this parameter by 2 points and assign a weight of 0.09.

4. Stability of the segment - The stability of a selected group of consumers, their loyalty to a given retail trade enterprise. For this parameter, due to the lack of competitors in this area, we will evaluate it at - 4 points and assign a weight of 0.19.

5. Sufficiency - the potential of a segment, including the duration of the segment’s existence and the rate of its change (growth, decrease). The total number of goods (in quantitative and value terms) that can be sold in a segment over a certain period of time; number of consumers; segment area. We will evaluate this parameter at 3 points and assign a weight of 0.14.

6. Variety of assortment - the higher the variety of assortment on the market, the more difficult it is to differentiate your product from competing products and find a working competitive advantage. Since our production will be focused on high-quality polymer-sand tiles, we will evaluate the parameter by 3 points and assign a weight of 0.14.

Table 3 Assessment of the attractiveness of market segments

Market segment parameters

Relative weight


Market volume

Competitive pressure

Resource provision

Segment stability


Variety of assortment

Therefore, the integral estimate is: 0.76+1.25+0.18+0.76+0.42+0.42 = 3.79.

When assessing a competitive position, the calculation is similar to the previous one, but here we consider the key factors for the organization’s success. (Table 4)

1. Profitability - the segment must provide a certain return on invested capital. In the construction industry, the level of profitability is high, so we will estimate it at 4 points and assign a weight of 0.227

2. Accessibility of the segment - informational, territorial, material.

Based on this parameter, we will evaluate the production of polymer-sand tiles by 3 points and assign a weight of -0.16.

3. Level of competence - the company has sufficient competence to operate in the segment. Therefore, we will evaluate the parameter by 3 points and assign a weight of 0.16.

4. Product quality - the company’s product is able to satisfy the key needs of consumers in the target market at an effective level. Since in the production of polymer-sand tiles we will use exclusively high-quality materials, we will therefore evaluate them by 3 points and assign a weight of 0.253.

5. Probability of new players entering - The prospect of new strong players entering increases the risk of increased competition and reduced industry profitability. Since the construction business in the region is now in a stage of active growth, we will evaluate the probability of competitors appearing on the market by 1 point and assign a weight of -0.1.

6. Solvency of the audience - a decrease in the solvency of the market audience can lead to a decrease in the frequency of use of the product, switching to cheaper analogues, or refusal to use the product category. The unstable situation in the financial market in the country does not ensure the stable solvency of the population, so we will evaluate the indicator by 1 point and assign a weight of 0.1.

Table 4 Assessment of competitive position

Market segment parameters

Relative weight

Segment attractiveness assessment


Market volume

Competitive pressure

Resource provision

Segment stability


Variety of assortment

Assessment of the organization's competitive position:

0,908+0,48+0,32+1,012+0,1+0,1 = 2,92.

Therefore, according to the data in Table. 3 and 4, the integral assessment of the attractiveness of industry segments is 3.79, and the assessment of the competitive position is 2.92.

3. Production plan

3.1 Influence of geographical location

Kazan Polymer-Sand Tile LLC intends to operate in the city of Kazan, but does not have its own premises for these purposes that would be suitable for organizing production. In order to start our activities, we rent this premises in accordance with the parameters we need. These include:

The area of ​​the production premises (workshop) is at least 1500 sq.m.

Office area not less than 100 sq.m.

Availability of communications

Premises that meet our requirements are located at st. Uchitelskoy 2a. Moreover, both the office and the workshop are located in the same building, which is a definite plus for management.

The cost of rent also falls within the scope of our expenses, namely the price per sq.m. is 150 rubles. For an office we rent 100 sq.m., for a workshop - 400 sq.m.

But the rental price also includes utilities.

Thus, rental costs in general are: 82,800 rubles per month

150 H 500= 75,000 rub.

We also need to take into account utility bills (included in the rental price), because the production of PP tiles is very energy-intensive.

18000-Utility payments.

3.2 Characteristics of the materials used

These Technical Specifications apply to tiles intended for roofing of buildings.


1.1. The tiles must comply with the requirements of these Technical Specifications and be manufactured in accordance with the Technological Regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. The tiles are made in two types:

Groove with two side flaps;

Ridge semicircular, conical.

1.3. The following materials are used for the manufacture of tiles:

Sand for construction work according to GOST 8736-85;

Pigment - red lead according to GOST 8135-74 or other mineral pigments.

1.4. The depth of the grooves (rebates) of the tiles must be at least 4 mm.

1.5. The height of the tile tenons must be at least 14 mm.

1.7. The tile must have at least one through hole with a diameter of 4-5 mm in the part to be covered for attaching it to the sheathing.

1.8. The tiles must be of the correct shape with smooth surfaces and smooth edges without cracks.

Name of appearance indicators Permissible deviation:

1. Curvature of the surface and ribs (warping), mm, no more than 3

2. Broken or crumpled one of the corners, length, mm, no more than 5

3. Broken or crushed tenon, no more than 1/4 of the height of the tenon

1.9. The breaking load when testing the bending of tiles must be at least 800N (80 kgf). The strength of ridge tiles is not determined.

1.10. In terms of frost resistance, tiles in a water-saturated state must withstand at least 50 cycles of alternating freezing at a temperature of minus (15...20) °C and subsequent thawing in water at a water temperature of plus (15...20) °C without any signs of destruction (delamination, chipping, peeling, cracking).

1.11. Weight 1 sq.m. covering with groove tiles in a water-saturated state should be no more than 50 kg, and the mass of linear meters. ridge tiles - no more than 10 kg.

1.12. The tiles must be waterproof, i.e. when tested according to clause 3.6. of these Technical Specifications, no water drops should appear on the underside of the sample within 3 hours from the start of testing.

1.13. The color of tiles from one batch must be uniform.

1.14. Marking.

1.14.1. Each piece of cargo (container, package, etc.) must have transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192-77, which indicates:

Name of the product and date of its manufacture;

Batch number;

Number of pieces per package;

Package weight;

OTK stamp.

1.14.2. The tiles are marked in an amount of at least 20% of the batch on the bottom (not the front) side of the product with quick-drying and indelible paint or in some other way indicating the manufacturer or its trademark.

1.15. Package.

1.15.1. The tiles are placed on a pallet or in specialized containers on soft pads (cardboard according to GOST 3135-82, wood shavings according to GOST 5244-79, etc.) on an edge along their length, close to each other. Each row in height should be lined with thin wooden slats or other cushioning material. The number of rows of tiles laid one on top of the other must be more than 3. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use a different type of packaging in accordance with current regulatory and technical documents.


2.1. Reception of tiles must be carried out in batches by the department technical control manufacturer.

2.2. The size of the batch of tiles is set in the amount of daily production of the manufacturer.

2.3. The tiles must be supplied as a set according to the customer’s specifications, which must indicate the number of groove and ridge tiles. If there is no specification, the number of ridge tiles out of the total quantity must be written in each batch.

2.4. Each batch of supplied tiles must be accompanied by a quality document indicating:

Name of the manufacturer and its address;

Product name and symbol;

Batch number and date of manufacture;

Type, overall and covering dimensions of tiles;

Number and date of issue of documents;

Test results;

Designation of the present technical specifications.

2.5. To check the compliance of the tiles with the requirements of these technical specifications, acceptance and periodic inspections are carried out.

2.6. For acceptance control, samples of tiles are taken from each batch in a pre-agreed order, in the amount of 1% of the batch, but not less than 25 pieces, and tested according to the following indicators:

Shape, size and appearance- all selected samples;

Water resistance - at least 5 pieces;

2.7. Periodic monitoring is carried out on tiles selected from those that passed the test according to clause 2.6., according to the following indicators:

Frost resistance - at least 5 pieces;

Weight of 1 m2 of groove tile covering and 1 linear meter. ridge tiles in a water-saturated state.

2.8. The frost resistance of tiles is determined at least once a quarter and every time the technology or raw materials change.

2.9. Determination of the mass of 1 m2 of grooved roofing tiles and 1 linear meter of ridge tiles in a water-saturated state is carried out at least once a month and each time the technology or raw materials change.

2.10. If unsatisfactory tile test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators for this indicator, repeat testing is carried out on a double quantity of tiles taken from the same batch. If unsatisfactory results of repeated tests are obtained, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

2.11. The consumer has the right to control the compliance of the tiles with the requirements of these technical specifications.


3.1. The appearance of the tiles (presence of cracks, chips, crumpled tenons, etc.) is determined visually.

3.2. Determination of the dimensions and correctness of the shapes of the tiles is carried out using a steel ruler in accordance with GOST 427-75 with a measurement error of no more than 1 mm.

3.2.1. When measuring the length and width of the tile, a ruler is applied in two places at a distance of 20 mm from the edge of the tile. The length and width of the tiles are taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two measurements.

3.2.2. The curvature of the surface and edges of the tiles is determined by measuring

the largest gap between the surface or edge of a freely lying tile and the aligned surface of the supporting plane.

3.2.3. The amount of broken corners is measured with a ruler along the longest length of the broken corners.

3.3. Determination of the breaking load on a fracture.

3.3.1. Preparing for the test.

Before testing, the lower surface of the tiles is leveled with two transverse strips of gypsum mortar 20-30 mm wide, located in the places where the tiles rest on the supports. On the upper surface in the middle of the tile, one transverse strip is made in the same way at the point where the load is applied.

3.3.2. Carrying out the test.

The tested tiles are laid on rigid parallel supports of a prismatic shape with rounded ribs with a radius of 10 mm or a cylindrical roller with a diameter of 20-30 mm. The distance between the axes of the supports should be 300 mm. The length of each support must be at least the width of the tile being tested. The breaking load must be transmitted to the tile through a rigid prismatic bar exactly, in the middle between the supports and evenly distributed along the entire line of contact of the bar with the tile. The loading rate should be (15±5) N per second.

3.4. Testing of tiles for frost resistance is carried out according to GOST 7025-78

The duration of one freezing of tile samples should be 5 hours.

3.5. Determination of the mass of 1 m2 of grooved tiles and 1 linear meter of ridge tiles in a water-saturated state. Selected samples of tiles are placed in a vessel with water at a temperature of (20±5) oC in one row on pads so that the water level in the vessel is at least 2 cm above the top of the samples, and they are kept until completely saturated. After this, the samples are removed from the vessel, immediately blotted with a soft cloth and each sample is weighed. The mass of water flowing from the pores of the sample onto the balance pan should be included in the mass of the water-saturated sample. Weighing of each sample, carried out with an error of up to 1 g, must be completed no later than 5 minutes after saturation with water. The mass of one tile (m) in grams is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the results of weighing 5 samples. The number of pieces of tiles per 1 m2 of coverage (A) is determined with an error to a decimal place as the quotient of 1 m2 per average covering area of ​​one tile in square meters (without taking into account permissible deviations). The mass of 1 m2 of roofing tiles in a water-saturated state (M) is calculated using the formula M = m x A

3.6. Determination of water resistance of tiles.

Samples of tiles are placed on supports with the front surface facing up. A glass tube with an internal diameter of 25 mm and a height of 200 mm is installed on the front surface of the tile. The gap between the edges of the tube and the surface of the tile is sealed with plasticine, paraffin or other sealing material. The tube is filled with water to a height of 150 mm and this level is maintained by constantly adding water. During the test, the appearance of water drops on the underside of the tiles is monitored, which is determined visually or using an automatic device developed by the VNIIstr Institute. Determining the appearance of a drop using an automatic device consists of recording the moment of closing the electrical circuit between the electrodes, one of which is lowered into a tube with water, and the other, made in the form of a plate, is installed at a distance of 1 mm from the bottom side of the tile. At the moment the circuit is closed, the time counter stops with the simultaneous appearance of a sound signal. The tile is considered to have passed the test if, within three hours from the moment the tube is filled with water, a drop of water does not appear on the underside of the tile.

3.7. The uniform color of the tiles is determined as follows:

The tiles together with the standard samples are laid on a slightly inclined board with an area of ​​at least 1 m2 and at a distance of 10 m their uniformity is determined visually by comparison with the standard samples.


4.1. Transportation of tiles is carried out by any type of transport in

in accordance with the "Rules for the carriage of goods" in force for this type of transport.

4.2. Transportation of tiles in vehicles must be carried out in

packaged in special containers.

4.3. Loading and unloading of tiles must be done mechanically using special grips. Loading tiles into vehicles by falling down (throwing) and unloading it by dropping it.

4.4. During loading and unloading operations, the safety rules established by GOST 12.3.009-76 must be observed.

4.5. The tiles should be stored separately by type in packaged form on pallets or in specialized containers in accordance with the relevant regulatory and technical documentation.

4.6. It is allowed to store tiles without pallets in bags that provide

mechanized loading and unloading.


5.1. The manufacturer must guarantee that the supplied cement-sand tiles comply with the requirements of these technical specifications, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage

4. Organizational plan

4.1 Business schedule

When drawing up a business schedule, it is necessary to record the most important and key events. It will reflect a specific sequence of actions. For clarity, we present the business schedule in Table 5.

Table 5 Business schedule of the organization KPPCh LLC

Key event

Deadlines (date)

Responsible person

creation of a company


creation of a product prototype


reaching agreements with sales representatives


signing agreements with wholesalers


ordering materials in quantities necessary for the production of the first batches


start of production


receiving first orders


delivery of the first batches of goods


receiving the first payments and receipts to the account.


4.2 Organizational structure

Organizational structure is a set of ways in which the work process is first divided into individual work tasks, and then coordination of actions to solve problems is achieved. The organizational structure determines the distribution of responsibilities and authority within the organization. Typically, it is displayed as an organization - graphic scheme, the elements of which are hierarchically ordered organizational units (divisions, job positions), horizontal and vertical connections.

For the effective functioning of an enterprise, it is necessary that all employees of the organization are in “their places” and fulfill all the duties assigned to them.

KPPCH LLC has the following personnel. (Fig.4)

Administrative and managerial:

Sh Manager

Sh Accountant

Key production personnel:

Ш Ancillary workers (2 people);

Ш APN line operator (2 people)

Support staff:

Sh Technolog

Sh Storekeeper

Sh Cleaning lady (2 people);

Sh Driver (2 people).

4.3 Staffing table

The staffing table is presented in Table 6.

Table 6

The total salary of the AUP for the month is 224,000 rubles. In addition, taxes are calculated on the specified salary to extra-budgetary funds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider the main responsibilities of administrative and managerial personnel.

The director plays the role of manager. It accepts all production and management decisions. The director's responsibilities also include the following:

1) Manages the financial and economic activities of the Company, ensures that the Company fulfills the tasks assigned to it, organizes the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions Society.

2) Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the Company, fulfillment of all licensing requirements when carrying out the activities of the Company in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, organizes the preparation of relevant documents and the implementation of all necessary actions to obtain (renew) a license to carry out the statutory activities of the Company.

3) Ensures that the Company fulfills all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, as well as customers and creditors.

4) Organizes the development and implementation of the latest progressive forms of management and labor organization, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, studying market conditions and best practices (domestic and foreign) in order to fully increase technical level and quality of work (services).

5) Resolves issues related to the financial, economic and business activities of the organization, within the limits of the rights granted to him by law, delegates certain areas of activity to other officials of the Company.

6) Ensures and controls the implementation of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors of the Company, provision of information, reporting on the activities of the Company and explanations on issues of managing the activities of the Company general meeting shareholders, the Board of Directors and auditors of the Company.

7) Organizes provision of the Company with all necessary material and technical conditions for its activities.

8) Organizes work to provide the Company with qualified personnel, rational use of them professional knowledge and experience, conducting certification and training of employees.

9) Organizes the development and approves the staffing table of the Company, job descriptions for the Company's employees.

10) Organizes and controls the implementation by the Company’s employees job responsibilities, requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal regulatory documents The Company takes measures to eliminate violations and shortcomings in the work of employees.

Qualification requirements: higher professional (technical) education and work experience in management positions of at least 3 years.

The accountant of the limited liability company "Kazan Polymer Sand Tiles" carries out the following activities:

1) Performs maintenance work accounting property, liabilities and business operations (accounting for fixed assets, inventory, production costs, sales of products, results of economic and financial activities; settlements with suppliers and customers, for services provided, etc.).

2) Participates in the development and implementation of activities aimed at compliance financial discipline and rational use of resources.

3) Receives and controls primary documentation for the relevant areas of accounting and prepares them for accounting processing.

4) Reflects on the accounting accounts transactions related to the movement of fixed assets, inventory and cash.

5) Prepares reporting estimates of the cost of products (works, services), identifies sources of losses and unproductive expenses, and prepares proposals for their prevention.

6) Accrues and transfers taxes and fees to the federal, regional and local budgets, insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary social funds, payments to banking institutions, funds for financing capital investments, wages workers and employees, other payments and payments, as well as the allocation of funds for material incentives for employees of the enterprise.

7) Participates in conducting an economic analysis of the organization’s economic and financial activities based on accounting and reporting data in order to identify intra-economic reserves, implement savings regimes and measures to improve document flow.

8) Participates in the inventory of funds, inventory, settlements and payment obligations.

9) Prepares data on the relevant areas of accounting for reporting, monitors the safety of accounting documents, draws them up in accordance with the established procedure for transfer to the archive.

10) Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of accounting information, makes changes to reference and regulatory information used in data processing.

11) Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

Qualification requirements: higher professional (economic) education and work experience in the field of accounting and control of at least 2 years.


1) Develops, using design automation tools, and implements progressive technological processes, types of equipment and technological equipment, automation and mechanization equipment, optimal production modes for the products manufactured by the enterprise and all types of work of varying complexity, ensuring the production of competitive products and the reduction of material and labor costs for its production.

2) Establishes the order of work and the operational route for processing parts and assembling products.

3) Draws up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculates production capacity and equipment loading.

4) Participates in the development of technically sound time (production) standards, linear and network graphs, in testing product designs for manufacturability, calculates material cost standards (consumption rates of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, tools, process fuel, energy), the economic efficiency of designed technological processes processes.

5) Develops technological standards, instructions, assembly diagrams, route maps, maps of the technical level and quality of products and other technological documentation, makes changes to technical documentation in connection with the adjustment of technological processes and production modes.


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How to open the production of polymer sand tiles

Polymer sand tiles are one of the most modern materials used in private construction. Its advantages include the ability to muffle impact sounds, maintain temperature under the scorching rays of the sun, the absence of damage during transportation, the lightness of the material itself and its processing, adjustment to size. Only these qualities are enough to understand: polymer sand tiles are profitable production, the product will be in demand.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 1.2-1.5 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: no limits
Industry situation:average level of competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Types of tiles

The oldest roofing material, which gives its name to a number of modern sheet roofing materials, has always been made from clay. Today, it is practically not used due to the long production time, the complexity of installation, the large percentage of losses resulting from the fall of fragile dies, and the inability to create an ideal, leak-free monolithic layer.

Despite all these disadvantages of heavy natural material, manufacturers are trying to embody its main qualities in modern analogues. Best qualities clay tiles:

  • protection from rain and wind noise;
  • preservation of the indoor microclimate due to the clay’s resistance to heating and excessive cooling;
  • the ability to replace only damaged roof elements.

The tiles can be copper, ceramic, cement-sand, metal, composite, polymer-sand, bitumen.

P.S. And if production is not your option, and you just need to buy tiles for your home. The same one the best option- This ! “Dr. Schiefer” is a company producing ceramic tiles. Visit the website and choose for any needs!

Modern materials have strict geometric outlines, regardless of the pattern reproduced using molds, metal rolling machines and other equipment. This greatly simplifies the joining of sheets into a single monolithic covering. However, corrugated sheets are laid overlapping, like slate. The difference lies in the subtlety of the materials, due to which a modern tiled roof looks attractive. And at the same time, protection from rain is more effective.

One of the most popular roofing materials in summer cottage construction is metal tiles. Its production does not require a large amount of specialized equipment and space. A metal rolling machine with a specific pattern for profiling and a hydraulic knife for cutting to size are sufficient. Small production can be located on 20 m². The main thing is that the concrete floor is smooth and the raw materials are cheap and of high quality.

The production of metal tiles from cold or hot rolled steel to the release of the finished roofing sheet is possible only at large enterprises, which involves large financial investments. Composition of multilayer material:

  • the basis;
  • zinc;
  • passivating layer;
  • primer;
  • coloring

Since some layers are duplicated on both sides, it turns out that a sheet of metal roofing material consists of 8 layers. For external painting, polyester or pural spraying is used. Painting the inside is done without a primer layer with cheaper paint.

Sheets of galvanized steel with a thin polymer coating are good for cold roofing. For houses permanent residence metal tiles are suitable only if the attic space is insulated with SIP panels. They will muffle the sounds of rain and provide optimal thermal insulation.

Conclusion! Metal tiles are suitable for decorating warm roofs, gazebo roofs and summer houses. For year-round homes (in areas of the temperate climate zone), higher quality material is needed.

The high quality of the material is ensured by only two ingredients and the manufacturing method. The material consists of coarse sand and polyethylene. As a result of hot pressing, the material is homogeneous and has no pores. Drying of the material occurs in a confined space where there is no access to moisture.

The color variety of polymer-sand tiles is given by mineral dyes added to the enclave where the main ingredients are mixed. Due to the lack of air access, each grain of sand is enveloped in a layer of polyethylene. Such material is not only not afraid of shaking on the roads, but also falling from the roof will not lead to damage.

The weight of one standard sheet of sand roofing material is 22 kg. Unlike fragile slate, this material can be cut, nailed with tar nails, heated to +70° C and cooled to – 50° C. Neither heat, nor cold, nor acid rain will affect the quality of the material, the service life of which is expected to be at least half a century.

The peculiarity of polymer sand tiles is that they do not have characteristics that are not required during operation. It only protects the roof of the house from wind and moisture penetration, muffles impact sounds, and does not heat up in the sun to critical temperatures.

This material can safely be called a transitional form from natural clay tiles to its modern analogues. Moisture-proof cardboard is used as the basis of this material. On both sides it is pressed with sand-cement mortar with chemical additives. For many decades, slate was considered the best roofing material. It perfectly protected from winds, moisture, and shock sounds. Its only drawback is its fragility. Loss during transportation of up to 10% is an acceptable norm.

A little later, rubber slate appeared. Its advantages were the absence of warping, ease of processing and adjustment to size, but it became very hot in the sun, became brittle in severe frosts, and its installation required a monolithic covering of the logs with wood.

The service life of both types of slate indicated by the manufacturer was in great need of adjustment. After all, the integrity of the roofing material depended on the air temperature, the severity of changes, the amount of precipitation that fell in winter, and the angle of the roof slope.

Modern rubber tiles are a product of recycled rubber, which was previously a car tire. Its production can be established at regeneration plants, the demand for whose services has dropped significantly over the past 3 decades. But the equipment remains, it can be used. The process is labor-intensive and cannot be done without specialized machines. The task is this:

  • cord removal;
  • tread cutting;
  • polishing the resulting elements;
  • coating with slate powder or wood flour;
  • heat treatment.

This material has its admirers not only among ardent environmentalists. Builders like rubber tiles for the presence of side grooves, which simplify the installation of monolithic roofing sheets.

Working with natural clay requires maintaining a certain climate regime in the room. The raw materials coming from the quarry are heterogeneous, which requires repeated crushing, drying, moistening, and sifting. All this is easier to do using powerful specialized units in a sufficient workshop space.

Before starting molding, it is necessary to impart a certain plasticity to the raw material, which may require chemical additives and plasticizers. Additional costs – payment for the services of a technologist. Only after many days of preparation of the raw materials can we begin molding and firing. The temperature in the kiln is maintained between 450-600° C, and during the secondary firing, after glazing, it should be at 1000° C.

Composite material, which includes: rubber, plastic waste, bitumen impregnation. Fiberglass and basalt are used for the base. The manufacturing method is technological, multi-stage.

The main components are Portland cement, quartz sand or limestone, water, iron oxide. The technical characteristics of the material practically coincide with those of ceramic products. Only the cost of this analogue is much lower.

The production of this roofing material is impossible without expensive specialized equipment necessary for molding high pressure press. Need drying chamber for 8-12 hours of drying the material at a consistently high temperature. After 3-stage painting, cement-sand tiles must be dried for a month in a well-ventilated area.

Rolled steel sheets hidden behind an aluminum-zinc alloy. The thickness of the coating with mineral granules is ≈ 20. Such a complex composition gives the steel sheet protection from corrosion, mechanical damage, and fading.

Business organization

When planning a business, you need to decide which polymer will be used in production. It is most important to relieve cities of plastic packaging, which is sent to landfills in tons.

It turns out that there is no need to deliver granulated polymers from factories located at a considerable distance from the area where it is planned to open a workshop for the production of polymer sand tiles. One of the main ingredients will be cheaper for the manufacturer.

Raw materials for the production of tiles

There is no need to extract it; many citizens are ready for separate waste disposal. By renting several garbage containers marked “plastic containers” from a recycling company and concluding a periodic delivery agreement with them, the first part can be considered completed.

Sand can be purchased directly from the quarry. But to use it you will need a drying chamber and sifters - sieves, screens. Natural deposits are rarely clean; as a rule, the sand contains small pebbles, shells, clay, particles of tree bark or remains of roots.

Each career has its own characteristics. It is better to enter into contracts with those suppliers whose raw materials are purer, and whose delivery and preparatory processing does not require large amounts of money. financial investments.

Necessary equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles

Considering the difference in the production process when using ready-to-use raw materials and improvised materials, the selection of equipment is somewhat different.

To process used polymer containers you will need:

  • crusher;
  • moistening vat for soaking labels;
  • dryer with directed air flow for natural blowing of foreign matter;
  • polyethylene foaming agent.

To process natural sand, a production line equipped with a conveyor belt passing through a drying chamber and a raw material dispenser can be used.

Manufacturing technology

The processing path of the polymer and sand converge at the vat for mixing the ingredients. From there, the mixture, ready for processing, enters the smelter. After which the mass, tinted with mineral dyes, is poured into molds using a dosing apparatus and sent under the press. Here the source material will remain until completely dry at elevated temperatures. In fact, the material must be baked.

Business registration

By renting abandoned or underused workshops of rubber products factories along with equipment, you don’t have to worry about the size of the first investment. They will be equal to the costs of:

  • rent;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • operator salaries;
  • delivery and purchase of raw materials;
  • expenses for registering an individual entrepreneur.

Considering the benefits for the locality of recycling a significant part of the waste, the real benefit to the population in the form of creating new jobs, you can receive material support from the local budget. To do this, you need to contact the local employment service and provide a business plan with all the calculations for:

  • market analysis;
  • the ratio of expenses to production income;
  • determining profitability;
  • payback periods;
  • attracting investments.

It is investments, own savings and assistance from banks in the form of loans that are the fundamental point in building your own workshop with purchasing production line. When renting a finished production line, you can start a business with a subsidy from the state.

Sales channels

At minimum investment It is necessary to have stable points of sale of goods. Large purchases by retail outlets and construction companies can free you from the need to rent or build your own workshop.

It is most important to conclude contracts for deliveries in your own area; this reduces transportation costs, which automatically makes the goods cheaper for the buyer. Best advertising, how high quality And low price it can not be.

Calculations of costs, income and payback

When starting a business from scratch, you need to take into account the cost of the most necessary equipment

Production of polymer sand tiles at home

It is extremely difficult, almost impossible, to make decorative tiles at home, but straight tiles do not require complex molding. It can be seen as an opportunity to start a business at the lowest cost.

The raw material for production will be polymer clay. A wooden barrel will serve as a press, into which metal forms filled with mass can be placed in layers. Each subsequent frame will serve as a press for the previous one.

The standard dimensions of this type of tile are 35x20 cm. Frames will have this format, their height is 2.5 cm. Drying the material under natural conditions lasts about 14-15 days. Considering such a long production time for polymer-sand tiles at home, there can be no talk of a quick payback. This method is good when preparing material for your own needs.

The production process of polymer sand tiles

(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

The roof is one of the most bulky elements of a building. At visual inspection At home, the first thing the eye falls on is the roof. Therefore, the roof material is not only the protection of the structure, but also the decoration of the entire structure. And an aesthetic roof is also an indicator of the status of the homeowner. A pleasant appearance affects the cost of the coating; as a rule, the more interesting the material, the higher its cost. For those who are looking for an inexpensive and beautiful coating, polymer tiles (PPT) are suitable.

Material characteristics

Polymer coatings have become widespread relatively recently: the first polymer-based tiles appeared in Europe three decades ago. The material appeared during the search for an alternative to traditional expensive and bulky tiles. The desired coating had to be more durable with the same external parameters. It is precisely these indicators that the HRCP began to possess. The material weighs much less than traditional coating, but at the same time it has greater strength. And thanks to the production of polymer tiles in our country, they have become available to more consumers.

Advantages of polymer-sand tiles

Roofing material must have a long service life, increased strength and affordable cost. Polymer tiles have all of the above indicators, but besides this, they have a number of other positive qualities:

An important advantage of the PFC is its long service life. On average, the coating lasts from 15 to 35 years (depending on the base composition).

Production technology

The production of polymer tiles includes a lot of stages and features. The simplified technology can be described as follows:

  • mixing the polymer composition;
  • heat treatment of workpieces in industrial furnaces.

A prerequisite for premises for the creation of PFC is high-quality ventilation, since the production of material using polymers is harmful to humans.

Coating composition

The basis of polymer-sand tiles is quartz sand and recycled plastic. To give the material a particular shade, various pigments are used. The dye not only colors the composition, it binds together particles of sand and polymer inclusions. The secondary composition consists of the following plastics:

  • Agglomerate. The material is a product of heat treatment of polyethylene. During the production of the material, polyethylene is sprayed with water to form balls. These granules are used in the production of PCBs.
  • Solid polymer. This component is individual in different technologies. Some companies use polystyrene, others polypropylene - the recipe can be almost any.

The technology for producing tiles requires strict adherence to proportions. The first stage of creating the material includes grinding the agglomerate and mixing it with sand and a coloring composition in a ratio of 24:75:1. The correct formulation for polymer shingles includes 75 percent sand, 24 percent polymer and 1 percent dye.

Important! If strict proportionality of components is not observed in production, the PFC may not comply high rates quality. In such a case, its strength and durability are reduced.

Equipment and production process

The technology for creating polymer tiles begins with crushing the plastic into powder. At this stage, crushing plants operate. The sand included in the coating undergoes mandatory drying in special equipment.

After grinding the plastic and drying the sand, begin mixing the composition. At this stage, extrusion plants are used. In them, under the influence of high temperatures, all the components of the tile are mixed and transformed into an elastic mass similar to yeast dough.

A ball is made from the resulting composition, which is left in cold water to cool. After which the ball is taken out and left at room temperature. This process gives components react. When the mass has completely cooled, it is once again placed in the crushing chamber. After these manipulations, the composition is ready for pouring into the mold.

The crushed particles of the composition are amenable to heat treatment. In this installation, the components of the mass are melted and mixed. High temperatures ensure that the sand is evenly saturated with polymers, which forms a homogeneous composition. After mixing the polymer-sand tiles, a mixture with a temperature of more than 175 degrees comes out of the equipment. Each piece of mass must weigh no more than 2000 g, the process is monitored automatically by the machine operator.

The crushed and mixed pieces of the composition go into a mold, in which they are formed into coating blocks. In addition to molds, PPC is processed at low temperatures. The range of indicators ranges from minus 45 to plus 80 degrees.

Cons of polymer tiles

Like any other material, polymer tiles have their disadvantages, which you need to familiarize yourself with before purchasing:

Note! Polymer tiles create a comfortable indoor microclimate in any weather: in the heat the building will be cool, and in winter it will be very warm. Because of this feature, the coating is often used for finishing attic spaces.

Features of installing polymer tiles

Even a novice craftsman can handle the installation of polymer tiles. The first stage of installing the material is to assemble the sheathing. Both untreated boards and regular timber are suitable for this. The structure will serve as the basis for laying the tiles.

Each block of polymer tiles is equipped with protrusions on the reverse side, with the help of which the covering is mounted on the sheathing. The blocks are connected to each other using side fasteners. With this assembly, a durable roofing carpet is formed.

Assembly of the covering begins from the bottom of the roof. The blocks are mounted loosely, but so that they can move during the process of thermal expansion. Thanks to this technology, the material will remain intact during roof movements and precipitation.

Rusty stains are a common occurrence on tiles. To prevent such defects from spoiling the appearance of the roof, galvanized or anodized fasteners are used during installation.

Quality of tiles

If you decide to purchase polymer tiles, do not skimp on your purchase. In recent years, counterfeits of material have increasingly appeared on the market. Such a product absolutely does not correspond to the qualities of polymer-sand tiles.

When the cost of goods is reduced, an unscrupulous manufacturer receives low-quality flimsy material with heterogeneous polymers in its composition. A roof made from such a coating will quickly fade and will not last long. Therefore, to decorate your home, use products from trusted companies.

Remember that any manufacturer wants to sell their product. Therefore, no matter what the seller tells you, be sure to check the documents for the product, which can confirm its quality and origin.

In the early 90s of the last century, an innovative material appeared on the European construction market - polymer sand tiles. Composite roofing, compared to conventional ceramics, is characterized by increased strength and resistance to impacts, low specific gravity, and a wide palette of colors. An additional advantage is the affordable price due to the availability of raw materials. It is necessary to arrange the supply of secondary waste, find premises, purchase machines and arrange them in accordance with the technological scheme.

Production technology and necessary equipment

The raw materials for molding are quartz sand, pre-processed plastic waste and dyes, which also act as binders in the mixture.

1. Polymer component. It is a combination of an agglomerate obtained by melting ordinary polyethylene and a solid part (polystyrene, polypropylene, ABS plastic). Thanks to soft polyethylenes, the future roof will not be afraid of frost and will acquire gloss, while the “hard” product will provide heat resistance when exposed to sunlight.

There is no need to carefully sort, wash and dry waste. It is enough to simply release 40-50% soft and 60-50% hard plastics - approximately in this ratio they go to landfills. It is advisable to immediately separate refractory polycarbonates, fluoroplastics, rubber, small scrap metal, and foil. Paper and fusible inclusions burn during the melting of raw materials.

2. Sand (filler) must be coarse-grained (3 mm), dry, without clay and dust particles. To the origin and color of bulk material special requirements are not presented.

3. A variety of pigments make it possible to obtain polymer tiles of any desired shade. To prevent the roof from fading prematurely, you should look for a reliable brand of paint.

It is important that production is carried out in compliance with the correct proportions of all components: polymer material– 24%, sand – 75%, dye – 1%.

The production of tiles occurs in stages:

  • Drying sand. It is poured into the loading hopper, then it enters the feeder, which delivers it in doses to the conveyor, and then into the chamber where gases or air heated with a burner are supplied. The finished sand enters the unloading chamber.
  • Shredding of plastic waste. To have different sizes polymer component has become homogeneous, it is passed through a crushing machine.
  • Mixing. For this operation, extrusion equipment is used, into which a crushed solid polymer product is loaded, as well as polyethylene and polypropylene film. A high temperature is created inside the extruder machine, at which the components are mixed and fused to form a viscous dough-like mass. Balls up to 10 cm in diameter are formed from it and immersed in water to cool. Next, they are removed from the liquid and kept in air for complete cooling and setting.
  • Re-grinding. The cooled balls are passed through the crusher again.
  • Preparation of polymer-sand mixture. This production is harmful and should be isolated from the procurement area. In the room where the machine will operate, powerful ventilation is installed to remove harmful gaseous waste.

The crushed polymer semi-finished product, dry sand and pigments are loaded into a thermal mixer. Ready mass, heated to 180 o C, is squeezed out of the chamber when the damper is opened. The operator cuts off a portion weighing approximately 2 kg with a knife - this is exactly how much is used to make one polymer tile.

After weighing, the cake is placed into a mold using a scoop and sent under the press. The last stage has its own nuances.

  • To obtain glossy products, pressing equipment is adjusted to unevenly cool the mold. Its upper half has a temperature of 80 o, and the lower half is only 45 o. The bottom should cool as quickly as possible so that the shingles form in 30-50 seconds. Under such conditions, the polymer composition rises up and fills the pores between the grains of sand on the surface.
  • To prevent unevenly cooled products from “stealing,” they are placed on the table and pressed down with a weight. If this condition is not met, the roof will be uneven.
  • Production of the matte variety requires uniform rapid cooling of the top and bottom molds.

Review of popular machine models

The production of polymer sand tiles is within the capabilities of small entrepreneurs. In this case, it makes sense to buy affordable compact units (used) and place them in a suitable room. Equipment is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Dryer. For this purpose, drum sets of different capacities are mainly used. When the chamber rotates, the sand is poured out and dried faster (the process is accelerated if there are blades on the inside of the drum for mixing the bulk product).
  • Shredder of polymer waste. It is advisable to buy a crusher that can grind any plastic raw material: cans, canisters, film, basins.
  • Extruder. It is selected depending on the projected product output. Maximum productivity reaches 1000 kg/hour.
  • Press for molding. The machine should have a force of approximately 100 tons. If you plan to produce not only polymer sand tiles, but also paving slabs and curbs, it is advisable to choose a table with adjustable dimensions.

Sometimes, in order to reduce costs, used equipment is purchased, but it is better not to save on it. Only high-quality molds made from alloy steels with subsequent heat treatment are capable of working out 5 million molding cycles and ensuring the production of standard products.

As an example, we give several models of machines for operations included in the technological cycle.

1. SBP drum drying unit.

It is used for any bulk materials; it runs on natural gas or diesel fuel. An electric drive is rigidly fixed to the frame, transmitting rotation to the drum tires. At the time of unloading, the sand is heated to +80 o, so you can additionally purchase a cooler.

The SBP series equipment is characterized by a wide range of performance characteristics:

  • dimensions – from 3000x950 to 13500x2200 mm;
  • drum capacity – from 2.12 to 51.3 m3;
  • burner power – from 100 to 16000 kW;
  • productivity – from 1.25 to 50 t/h;
  • electric drive power – 5-15 kW.

2. Impact crusher IPR (polymer grinder).

The machine is assembled from the following components: frame, rotor, housing, loading hopper, electric drive. A housing and an electric motor with a belt drive are mounted on the frame. In the housing part, a cutting device (rotor) with knives attached to the side disks rotates on bearing supports. Waste is placed into the loading neck manually or automatically. The size of the finished fraction depends on the dimensions of the mesh cells fixed at the bottom of the grinder.

The crusher has a rigid structure, no dust, minimal noise level and high efficiency. The machine has the following technical data:

  • rotor diameter – 250-500 mm;
  • rotor speed – 450-1100 rpm;
  • engine power – 7.5-45 kW;
  • weight – 500-2700 kg.

3. Extruder EG-300.

Serves for melting different fractions of soft and hard plastic. The machine consists of a metal body with a loading hopper, an electric drive (motor and gearbox), electric belt heaters, a temperature controller, and an unloading window.


  • productivity – not less than 300 kg/hour;
  • power source – 3-phase AC mains voltage 380 V;
  • electric motor power – 2.2 kW;
  • total power consumption – 11.2 kW;
  • dimensions – 3600x1200x400 mm.

4. Thermal auger machine APN.

The melting and heating unit operates on the principle of continuous operation. Serves for mixing crushed polymers with sand filler and dye, as well as preparing a hot mass for feeding into the press. The amount of working mixture in it is maintained at the same level, adding further portions as it is unloaded. In order for polymer sand tiles to turn out to be of high quality, the grains of sand must be completely covered with a polymer shell.

The APN consists of a frame, a pipe body, a hopper, a damper, an auger, a drive (motor, chain coupling and gearbox), heaters, a damper, a fence, and two temperature control sensors. The body is insulated with heat-insulating material, dimensions – 520x3200x1230 mm.

5. Hydraulic molding press PAS-1.

The machine for pressing polymer sand tiles creates a force of up to 100 tons. The equipment is equipped with an NSh-10 gear hydraulic pump, a three-phase electric motor with a power of 5.5 kW, dimensions - 1000x500x2000 mm.

Full cycle lines

If you plan to produce large volumes of products, it is better to purchase a set of installations that fully support the entire process. It is produced in Russia, and the cost is very reasonable.

1. Polimerstroy 18 (Izhevsk).

The company supplies high-quality machines from China, and also practices manufacturing its own designs. The latter include extruders, melting and heating equipment (up to 600 kg/hour), presses with a force of 100-400 tons. It is proposed to grind polymer scrap (hard, soft, film) using crushers of domestic and Chinese production. Their power is no more than 300 W, the resulting fraction is 5-8 mm.

2. Monolith (Zlatoust).

The complex includes:

  • radial crusher of used polymers (plastic thickness up to 8 mm) – 100 kg/hour;
  • extruder of our own design “Mastek” – 500-600 kg/hour;
  • semi-automatic press – force 100 t.

Additionally, you can purchase a sifter dryer for sand, an agglomerator for producing polyethylene granules, and a forced mixer.


The cost of equipment for the production of tiles from polymer waste.