Educational product: structure, features. Types of educational products Internal educational product



  • What are the types and types of students' educational products?
  • How to ensure that the student’s educational product is specifically on the topic being studied, and does not become an “add-on” to it? How to study a topic, section, academic subject so that through the creation of educational products the student masters the topic, fulfills the requirements of the standard and realizes his potential?
  • How to work with textbook material, electronic resources so that they help students create their own educational results?
  • How to make a student’s educational product unique? And at the same time related to a subject of study common to all?
  • How to work with different products from different students? In order not to lead them to one single result, but to preserve the diversity of individual trajectories of students?
  • How to diagnose and evaluate different educational products of students? What should be the structure of a student’s portfolio so that it reflects both formal and substantive results?



1. Individual - teachers primary school general educational institutions, preschool educational institutions.

2. Legal entity, when paid by institutions, a group of teachers in the amount of from 3 people.

VOLUME(to obtain an official Certificate) - 72 hours (24 hours per month).


Remote scientific and methodological support for the face-to-face activities of program participants. Participants conduct a full-time educational process with the inclusion of proposed methods, report the results, receive expert comments, and adjust the educational process.

A.V. Khutorskoy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head Scientific school human-like education.


  • The structural basis of the plan for your practical work on the topic of the Workshop.
  • Organizational and methodological recommendations for mastering the basic innovations of the program.
  • Comments and consultations from a personal curator and external specialists.
  • Examination of the current and final results of mastering the program.

And also, on special order:

  • Certificate of completion of the Practicum program.
  • Experimental Teacher Certificate.
  • Certificate of participation in innovative activities of the Scientific School.
  • Author's certificate pedagogical developments.
  • Methodological literature.


The Workshop program includes the following topics and questions:

Topic 1. Registration. Preliminary goal setting for Workshop participants

1.1. a brief description of problems and expectations of participants in relation to the topic of the Workshop.
1.2. Diagnosis of ongoing practice from the standpoint of productive learning.
1.3. Preliminary goals in the form of expected results for students and the teacher.

Topic 2. Types and types of educational results of students. Diagnostics of practice.

2.1. Types of student educational results: external (educational products created by the student); internal ( personal qualities student).
2.2. Types of complex educational products for the student: subject; meta-subject; methodological.
2.3. Diagnosis of educational practice: primary section. Trial tasks for students to create products. Identification of students' level of proficiency in universal actions (UUD) for creating educational products. Analysis of the results of the initial cut (at the end of the workshop, repeat the cut to determine the increments).

Topic 3. Educational tasks for students to create subject educational products

3.1. Types of educational tasks for students to create subject products.
3.2. Forms of the student’s subject product (idea, image, drawing, craft, question, text, problem statement, etc.);
3.3. Selection and development of educational tasks for students to create subject educational products in the classroom.
3.4. The use of subject-specific productive tasks in the classroom. Analysis of results.

Topic 4. Problems of implementing the principle of productivity when developing and conducting a lesson.

4.1. Continued development and application of educational tasks of various types for the creation of subject educational products by students.
4.2. Reflection on ongoing practice. Recording the main successes and difficulties of students and teachers. Finding ways to solve them.

Topic 5. Reflection of the principle of productivity in the curriculum of the subject.

5.1. Analysis of the subject content of students' educational products. Compliance of the organized practice with the curriculum of the subject.
5.2. Creative UUD as a condition for creating an educational product.
5.3. Modernization curriculum in the subject: fixation in the curriculum of questions and topics that will be studied through the productive activities of students. Planning a list of types and forms of products that will be created by students during a given period.

Topic 6. Forms of educational products: elementary and complex.

6.1. Compiling an optimal list of elementary educational products for students to create during lessons on the subject. Implementation of the list in the classroom. Accounting for student results.
6.2. Forms of complex educational products: Research (experiment, analysis, problem solving, proof of a theorem); Project (model, layout, website, book, event, promotion); Work (literary, artistic, technical, pedagogical, methodological).
6.3. Participation of students in distance competitions, olympiads, subject weeks of the Eidos Educational Education Center in order to master the forms of educational products (separate registration). Analysis of students' educational results. Adjustment of the lesson program.

Topic 7. Types of lessons on students creating subject products. Diagnosis and assessment of student educational results.

7.1. Kinds educational activities, leading to the creation of subject products by students.
7.2. Universal educational activities that ensure the student’s creation of a subject product.
7.3. Developing and delivering types of lessons that produce the most productive student outcomes.
7.4. Diagnostics and evaluation of external educational products. Diagnostics and assessment of actions, skills, and competencies of students to create educational products.

Topic 8. Reflective analysis. Formatting and presentation of results.

8.1. Reflection of students and teachers on the results of experimental work. Registration of completed developments (training assignments, lessons, their results) for presentation to the Pedagogical Council of the Eidos Center for Educational Education (separate registration).
8.2. Discussion of the results obtained at a remote meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Eidos CDO. Receiving recommendations from the Teachers' Council for further activities.
8.3. Preparation of individual pedagogical developments for publication in the Eidos magazine. Ordering and receiving IDs, Certificates, Certificates.

“Design of educational activities” - Tasks of Grigory Oster. Tasks for meta-subject skills. Result. Mathematics. Area and perimeter of a square. Test work. March subject monitoring. Student Profile. Mathematics and computer science. Features of subject test work. Choice by students. Tasks. Activity design.

“Students’ project activities” - Methods and criteria for assessing the project. One of important issues- project evaluation. Project evaluation criteria. Project activities with students. Project method. Relevance. Basic requirements for using the project method according to E.S. Polat. Tasks. Problems. Didactic typology of projects. Project implementation involves the creation of a specific product.

“Project activity in education” - Hypothesis formulation. Modern system education. Project work passport. Personal project. Historical reference. Ecological project. Application project. Algorithm project activities. Project-based learning ideas. Applied projects. Role-playing, game projects. Projects. Research projects.

“Project activity of the Federal State Educational Standard” - Age-related psychological and physiological characteristics. Assessing the student's success in completing the project. The Standard is based on a system-activity approach. Classes up to the Federal State Educational Standard of Second Generation Educational Education. Basic requirements for using the project method. The essence of the method. Project activity is the main one.

“The importance of project activities” - Preparation of presentations on the progress report. The importance of project technology in the development of key competencies of students. Formation of groups to conduct research. Stages of project activity. Forms of classroom-lesson education system. Involving students in early research and search activities.

“Students’ project activities” - System of project activities at school. Research objectives. Extracurricular activities. Causes. Expected results: Formation of a system of special knowledge and skills of students. Formation of key competencies. Create a separate page on the school website as part of the project activities. Educational process.

There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

Modern software market additional education oversaturated and requires educational organizations constant efforts to preserve leadership positions. One of the primary tasks is to ensure a continuous flow of students through a detailed understanding of the needs of the target audience, the creation and promotion of truly in-demand training programs, the use modern technologies and teaching methods, providing High Quality support at every stage educational process.

  • The program will help you “turn around” the process of designing and promoting educational products in the field of further education, making it effective and competitive. One of the leaders in the DPO market graduate School economics will share professional experience and secrets of success.
  • Practical orientation of the course and active methods training will allow students to gain knowledge about the current requirements for the implementation of additional vocational education programs and reporting, analytics in the field of market trends in additional programs for adults, effective strategies for bringing educational products to the market, technologies and tools for the development of the additional vocational education system.
  • We will help you design an effective strategy for implementing a system of further education programs, taking into account your subject area and the specifics of your educational organization.

During your training you will receive:

Knowledge in the area:

  • specifics state support, legal support and professional standards in the field of further education;
  • innovative technologies for organizing the educational process;
  • effective marketing and sales technologies in further education;
  • quality management of the educational process in further education.

Skills in the field:

  • analysis competitive environment in vocational education,
  • identifying and attracting new target audiences;
  • development of relevant and popular educational content;
  • management of the further education system in an educational institution;
  • ensuring interaction with external environment for organizing the additional education system.

Skills in the area:

  • creating innovative technologies for organizing the educational process in further education based on the implementation of the project approach;
  • analysis of cases of participants in the educational process;
  • work with potential clients, and with graduates educational programs;
  • assessment of professional qualifications of graduates after completing further education programs.

Features of training

  • A large block of webinars - consultations on individual project: strategy for the development of the further education system.
  • Project approach. You will receive a specific result: a strategy for the development of the further education system, taking into account your subject area and the specifics of your educational organization.

The target audience

The course is designed for a wide audience and will be useful to everyone who works in the education system, in particular in the field of additional education, who is involved in the creation and development of educational projects and products, and those who are simply interested in this area. Heads and employees of further education faculties of universities, Centers for applied qualifications of technical schools and colleges, as well as training centers/ HR departments of enterprises and corporations.

  • Lesson mode in agreement with the customer
  • Issued document Certificate of advanced training
  • Implementing division
  • Direction of training
  • Class location Moscow, Potapovsky lane, 16, building 10. (metro Kitay-Gorod; Turgenevskaya/Chistye Prudy/Sretensky Boulevard). Possibly at the customer's premises.
  • Analysis of the competitive environment in vocational education and global trends in further education. Specifics of state support in additional vocational education. - What are the specifics of state support in additional education? How to try it on?
  • Legal support and professional standards in the field of further education as the basis for constructing an educational program. - You will become familiar with the regulations on organizing additional vocational education, consider compliance qualification requirements to professions and positions, the specifics and content of professional standards.
  • Creation of a further education management system in an educational institution.- How to go from obtaining a license to educational activities before issuing a sought-after educational document without going crazy?
  • Determining the target audience. Creation of educational content. Educational product packaging. Successful sales and effective marketing in further education, work with graduates. - How to determine the target audience of a specific program? How to create content that will attract your target audience? What are the specifics of working with graduates of educational institutions?
  • Innovative technologies organization of the educational process in further education.- You will learn how to go from indivisible courses to microformats, from listening to active doing, from uniform textbooks to personalized trajectories.
  • Organization of interaction with the external environment.- What are the specifics of working with individual and corporate customers? How to organize networking for the successful organization of the educational process?
  • Effective implementation of a system of further education programs taking into account the subject area. Analysis of cases of participants in the educational process. - You will learn how to work together as a group to analyze the situation that arises in a particular state of affairs and develop a practical solution; how to motivate students and how to correctly implement the method active learning based on solving real situations?

Form of study: Part-time and part-time using distance learning technologies (DET).

Have you ever thought about creating your own short or long-term training course? For a conference or series of events, an online product can be an opportunity to expand the range of services, and, accordingly, the audience. An online course can also be aimed at internal training. If you plan to use volunteers in your event, then a detailed video instruction course will save time on their preparation, and a series of practical test tasks will help assess readiness for work.

“Everything is important in training; a seemingly simple webinar consists of many components. So whether you're making an application product aimed at a niche audience or a training course for a wide audience, start small. Don’t do a big project right away, practice on the “pilot”.

On March 20–21, the first practical conference on online education EdmarketConf 2018 will take place in Moscow. The most famous Russian educational brands will share their expert knowledge in the field of creating educational products.

Alexey Polekhin

Operations Director of the University of IT Professions “Netology”

Timepad asked one of the key speakers at the conference, Alexey Polekhin, to talk about how to launch your own training course.


Determine the topic of the educational product. Analyze the audience you are targeting, make a list of skills that you will teach them and determine the specialist with what skills you want to receive at the end. Everything must be very specific.

Compose detailed plan programs. Describe in it the main indicators of your course: title, audience, duration of the course in hours. This will also include a list of experts that you will invite to participate in the course if you are going to use the help of invited experts in the desired field.

The learning process traditionally consists of theoretical and practical parts. You give listeners a certain amount of information and then check how they learned it. In the plan, I advise you to briefly reflect the semantic blocks of the theoretical part so that the logic of the development of your curriculum becomes clear. Follow the scheme from large to detailed: block name, list of activities or micro-lessons.

The optimal volume of the pilot program is from three to five thematic blocks, consisting of two to four lessons each. Always move from simple to complex, gradually increasing the semantic load.

Formulate the planned result achieved during practical classes or parts of classes. This could be a project developed by the student, a strategic plan, a graphic layout, or some other practical work, reflecting the acquired skills.

Development of an educational product

Now you can start assembling the educational product itself. We start with a landing page, which is based on your plan (the entire educational process); This is what potential students will focus on when choosing a course. Count two months from the moment the page is launched - this will be the start date of your course. This time is enough to start communicating with potential listeners, analyze their needs and expectations and, at the same time, produce content.

Speaking of two months and considering that this is your "pilot" educational project, I also mean that it will take the form of webinars. This is the most convenient form of conducting classes for those who are taking their first steps in online learning. At the same time, “live” communication with teachers helps to involve students in the process.

Choose the form of presenting your material: a simple story based on a presentation or a demonstration of work processes in services/applications. Technical aspects of the principles of working with applications and demonstration of the settings of something can be recorded separately (in the form of a screencast) and attached to the course materials.

Remember that we're starting simple: don't try to put all your knowledge into one lesson. Listeners simply may not be able to handle the volume you offer. Calculate the time of your lesson according to the rule: “on average, one slide takes two minutes.” Hence, an hour-long lecture is twenty to twenty-five slides plus time for questions and answers.

Practice time

Practical tasks will require detailed study and constant work from you. The listener should receive the task in the form of: a statement of the goal, the skill being described, the essence of the task and the execution algorithm. He must spend from one to three hours completing one task on the first or second day after receiving it. If the deadline is not met, remind the person that you expect results from him.

The diploma project is the student’s first “conscious” opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice. The format of the project can be different - from a compilation of the work done to the development of your own project under the guidance of a mentor. Make your thesis defense an event; it will add additional significance to the course you have completed.

A matter of technology

Depending on how deeply you want to “pump” your educational product, you can use Google Docs and task messengers as a technical base. If your lesson consists of a webinar, additional text or presentation materials, a test and a questionnaire, then GoogleDocs, Trello or Basecamp tools will be enough for you.

If you have enough time and the desire to do everything beautifully, try putting the course on a learning platform (LMS - learning management system). You can use proven or as a webinar platform, add a service for working with mailing lists and you are ready to work.


In education, as elsewhere, people meet by first impression. You need to take the preparation of your first lesson as seriously as possible. After you have recruited a group, send listeners an introductory letter stating that your seminar will begin in just a couple of days. Include a short description of the course, write about how the classes will be structured, and introduce students to the staff who will support the program. I recommend sending the webinar link two hours before it starts and again fifteen minutes before it starts.

And again, about technology. You will need a good HD camera and a good headset or microphone, as well as an LED panel to illuminate the location. If the quality of the picture and sound interfere with the perception of information, you will lose the listener. The background of the “backdrop” is monochromatic; a wall will do, but not home or office interiors. The camera should be at eye level, your reference point is the newscasters. Check the connection and functionality of your equipment half an hour before the start of the lesson. The connection speed should be 2-3 Mb/s, even better if you connect to the Internet via cable.

And so, we begin... Remember that the camera standing alone in front of you is looking at you through the eyes of your listeners. Smile, joke, ask questions. And most importantly, look into the lens as much as possible. Try to speak without pauses and call your listeners by name.


Except direct communication on webinars, maintain interest in learning outside of class. Create a closed listening group on Facebook, invite listeners to it, and plan regular publications on your topic. Remind people about classes, provoke discussions, hold competitions. service will help you! You can start communication by talking about yourself.

Among your listeners there will definitely be those who are more involved in the learning process than others. They are the ones who will recommend your courses in the future and become your “ambassadors” and even mentors for new students if you plan to develop your educational product.”

What's left behind the scenes?

In this article, we did not touch upon the issues of constructing a business plan, calculating expenses, marketing budget and promotion strategy. We will need many hours to discuss them. And such an opportunity will appear very soon.

All the intricacies of creating online courses, their promotion, and corporate education technologies will be discussed in detail during the practical conference on online education EdmarketConf 2018, to which Timepad invites you on April 20 and 21. Use promo code edm_timepad2000 to get a discount. Online and offline participation formats, quick registration and access to conference materials for all participants.

The teaching staff of GBOU school No. 639 presented the “Your Choice” extracurricular activity program at the city competition of innovative educational educational products.

GBOU school No. 639 with in-depth study... ( Cm. Innovation activities(

  1. Product summary;
  2. Extracurricular activity program “Your choice” (grades 5-9);
  3. Mentor's book for grades 5, 8, 9:
  • V classes;
  • VIII grades;
  • IX grades;
  1. Technological maps for students:;
  • V classes;
  • VIII grades;
  • IX grades;
  1. Photos.

Persons and blogs.To understand issues and trends modern education It is useful to become familiar with the publications and blogs of leading teachers and principals. Evgenia Semyonovna Abelyuk - HSE, Anatoly Georgievich Kasprzhak - HSE, Radio ECHO of Moscow:: Blogs / Tamara Eidelman, Leonid Katsva | VKontakte, Igor Remorenko – Blog – Snob, etc.

A unique indicator of the human “quality” of a teacher can be his participation in meaningful civic actions. So, open letter“In Defense of Literary Education” signed by: Evgenia Abelyuk Sergei Volkov Mikhail Pavlovets Yamburg, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Tatyana Kovaleva Elena Penskaya Igor Remorenko Elena Romanicheva Rimma Zandman Elena Hiltunen Maria Kaluzhskaya Krongauz , Maxim Anisimovich and others.

Legendary teachers and “tales”.

Rakhil Izrailevna Bekker, Vulfovich, Tamara Lvovna Bottom of Form

and etc.

Benjamin Harshav, Literary Scholar and Translator, Dies at 86.

Glasarium of the tongue. PHILOLOGICAL TRADING. Nikita Vissarionovich Shebalin, a classical philologist, was distinguished by his deep education and had extensive teaching experience. One day, young colleagues plucked up courage and approached Shebalin: “Nikita Vissarionovich,” they asked, “please tell us how you teach students the Greek optative, it’s such a complex topic.” “You know,” Shebalin answered, “I usually don’t get to the optative.” N.V. Shebalin (1938–1995) – Candidate of Philological Sciences, taught at the Department of Classical Philology of Leningrad State University-St. Petersburg State University in 1961–1995.

00087. Interview with G. Dashevsky for “The Owl of Minerva” (Russian State University for the Humanities), 2012. Part 1. YOUTUBE.COM. About how G. Dashevsky passed scientific atheism: a memoir by platonicus. Memoirs of an invisible man: grdash. Due to certain features of my character and biography, I was not mentioned in the list of characters in many plays in which I happened to be present. PLATONICUS.LIVEJOURNAL.COM

Top of Form

Top of Form


Open College. Profile training in high school. Internet school "". Project "Intel Training for the Future". Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Home | Moscow education. Fund for the support of cultural and educational initiatives. Education Center "Teaching Technologies". Center for Teaching Excellence. Dmitry Pozharsky University. Institute of New Technologies. MCCME: Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education. “School XXI century” (OTR, program about education, presenter - A.V. Kuznetsov).

ARHE | Cultural and Educational Center. Polytechnic (Polytechnic Museum).Festival of Fascinating Science.Kvantik - a magazine for the curious. MultiStudio | Laboratory of interesting life. Help Journal – The Times Literary Supplement | TLS. Vacancies for good people. Interesting about geniuses and famous personalities. Echo of Moscow:: Broadcasts / Opener. Reading: Latest publications.

School of professions of the future CrashPro | VKontakte (

Green School – Facebook ( › ... › Local Businesses › Educational Service).

Projects.Festival of exciting science at the ZIL CC - Holidays with children. World Food and Travel Festival Around the World 2014.

"Loci" of education.School project may be a study of the practices (special courses, methods) and the nature of success of famous gymnasiums and schools.

See Schools by Alphabet. Rambler TOP100 / Gymnasiums, lyceums. Rating of Moscow schools for the 2013-14 academic year. And etc.

Ratings and lists of the best - Teacher's newspaper ( TOP 500: Best schools in Russia; TOP 200 Best Rural Schools in Russia; TOP 200 schools providing high opportunities for developing student talents, etc.

The “communities” of schools are interesting. How Schools League | School League RUSNANO.

A possible description method, for example, is here: The most interesting schools Moscow (PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6).

Fifty-seventh school.Methodological collection - books, lectures, articles by teachers of the Fifty-seventh School. The “Problems” project is a joint development with the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education.

Lyceum "Second School" - Home page. Topics of reports in mathematics, “Why?”: Why is the rainbow round? Why do pools seem shallow? Why are there mirages in the desert? Why is the weather forecast inaccurate? Why was the Gregorian calendar invented? Why do maps lie? Why don't jet planes crash? Why was Columbus not allowed to sail to India? Why did Kepler confuse an ellipse with a circle? Why are galaxies in the Universe not randomly located? Why do there crises in the economy?

The second school about Jacobson.

Gymnasium 1567, official website.Interesting material, worthy ideas, but a certain lack of live, online presence - fermentation of the mind.

Topaler Readings - an annual conference of research and design work students. Familiarization with the section will be useful for schools developing project activities.

Developments of our teachers. The transition to integrative methods of teaching social disciplines is the most important direction in reducing the workload of students and updating the content of education not only in modern stage development of Russian education, but also in the long term. In Gymnasium 1567, integrative programs and educational and methodological support for educational field"Social science". The authors created a program for a unified course of World History and Social Studies from grades VIII to XI, which is based on the integration principle. See Program of an integrative course in history and social studies for grades 8-11 in gymnasiums and lyceums.

Subject practices. Biology. Methodological techniques for working with threads and plasticine in the topic “Gas exchange in animals.” Video Methodological materials for the course “New Biology” at Workshop on botany. Literature. Reader of critical and research materials on the works of Fonvizin and Griboyedov for grade 9. Natural history. Fragments from a laboratory journal. Foreign languages. Language riddles for Christmas and New Year. A teaching aid to help teachers work on Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby. Although most of the materials are modest, they have a pleasant and rare quality of individuality ("handmade").

Examples of projects are interesting, but not supported by meaningful material.

T. Eidelman. The year of realized utopias: schools, teachers and education reformers in Russia in 1990.

Moscow Gymnasium in the South-West N1543.There is a feeling of students’ involvement in the “production” of meanings, which is rare for Russian schools. Theater and tourism are the school’s strong suits. Exemplary full-blooded interviews with gymnasium teachers. But I would like more work from the teachers themselves.


Art Experiment– texts by gymnasium students (both current and former).

School-wide competition - Intellectual Marathon. Good material for playing “by stations” (flaw – lack of answers).