Design of a stand on ecology in the library. You and I need the Earth: environmental education in the library

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. On modern stage issues of its traditional interaction with humans have grown into a global environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature in the near future, they will destroy themselves. And for this we need to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility.

The rapidly developing environmental crisis has put humanity in a very difficult situation. One of the serious manifestations of this crisis is its negative impact on human health. Attempts to force people to comply with environmental requirements are not always effective precisely because consciousness and culture have not reached the level where a person perceives these requirements as an internal need, and not as a duty. And we must reorient this task of protecting nature: protecting it not from humans, but for humans.

This can be done through environmental education, awareness and education. This is a large, lengthy and labor-intensive work in which educational and cultural institutions, environmental structures, and public organizations take part. Libraries play one of the leading roles in this process.

Environmental education activities will always be relevant; it may include, depending on the status and specifics of the library’s work, the following areas:

  1. Implementation of environmental education of the population, especially young people, through organizing mass and group events;
  2. Improving information work;
  3. Actively promoting conservation activities environment regional government authorities, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals;
  4. Establishing new contacts and improving interaction with other institutions leading professional activity in the field of environmental protection, scientific and educational institutions, cultural institutions, media, participants in the public environmental movement;
  5. Systematic participation in specific practical actions for nature conservation;
  6. Production of printed and advertising products;
  7. Identification of potentially significant traditional and electronic environmental resources, including local databases maintained in specialized institutions and organizations, as well as similar databases accessed via the Internet;
  8. Coverage of work in the media;
  9. Creation information products on ecology and environmental protection:

o thematic collections of materials identified from periodicals on ecology, environmental protection;

o environmental digests - fragments of texts from many environmental documents, selected on certain environmental topics and current environmental problems of the region, not covered by generalizing publications, in the logic and sphere of interests of real or potential users;

o factual databases on long-term environmental programs in which the region participates, maintain files of organizations, institutions, and public environmental organizations.

Fostering a love for nature and the beauty of the surrounding world in the library begins with registration her interior. An effectively decorated space with original plants in beautiful pots and vases, walls, window sills, shop windows decorated with floral arrangements, comfortably organized “green corners” - all this evokes a feeling of familiarity with the wonderful world of living nature. The stand “Nature is our common home” is appropriate, on which detailed information about the environmental activities of the library.

The attention of library visitors will be attracted by the “Living in harmony with nature” corner, where a collage of books, photographs, and illustrations will be presented. Arranged flower arrangements with a caring hand will add a special charm to the corner. By all means, organize exhibitions of books and magazines, the names of which speak for themselves: “The Road to the Reserve”, “Russia: Health of Nature and People”, “Clean Water for Rivers and People!”

Working with reference and bibliographic apparatus on ecology remains one of the most important links in librarianship: a systematic card index of articles with sections on environmental topics with special sections “Man and Environmental Protection”, “Nature and Natural Resources”, “Nature Conservation”.

Readers should be informed about the availability of new literature in the collection through information days held at the library.

· “The world around us is beautiful”

· "We are your friends, nature"

· "In the arms of native nature"

Public events play a special role in the environmental work of the library:

¾ Environmental actions are becoming a tradition for libraries, where library methods are moving on to action. Shares make a real contribution to improving the environmental situation.

¾ Evening of questions and answers “Ecological and economic crisis: do you have a future?”

¾ Round table “Ecology of modern life: are we living correctly? And is it possible to live differently? (it is advisable to invite environmental specialists, university and school teachers, department employees, etc. to such events; they can outline the objective environmental situation in the region, locality, etc.)

¾ musical living room" "The beautiful captivates forever" (use both visual and sound images, as well as moral, aesthetic, psychological aspects impact on the readership)

¾ “Crow Porridge” holiday, including an ecological marathon in nature, a theatrical game, hanging feeders, and an eco-walk.

¾ competition of creative works “Beads and bracelets from the box of summer” (goal of the competition: education of a socially active, creative personality; crafts from natural material can be very diverse: and fairy-tale heroes, and various animals, and even entire plot compositions).

Environmental education in libraries takes on new forms that enhance the emotional impact, as they combine environmental issues, art and books. For example, a drawing competition “We are for a world without chemical weapons”, a wall newspaper competition, photo competitions and photo exhibitions: “In the world of flowers”, “In our native land”, “The purity and beauty of our village (city)”, a competition of flower growers “Man-made beauty” , multimedia lessons “Save our planet”, herbal bar, etc.

Many Russian and foreign writers, such as V. V. Bianchi, K. G. Paustovsky, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov, N. I. Sladkov, M. M. Prishvin, E. E. Seton-Thompson, D. M. Darrell and others , dedicated their creativity to nature. These writers in their works were able to describe it in all its diversity and uniqueness, so the books of these writers help conduct various environmental lessons, conversations, book reviews, quizzes, and organize book exhibitions.

Work on environmental education, as a rule, intensifies during the period of Days of protection from environmental hazards. The beginning of the action can be marked by holding a discussion or round table.

In continuation of the action, initiate environmental landings, actions, raids and environmental patrols:

¾ “Clean Street”,

¾ “Clean Coast”,

¾ “Clean yard”,

¾ "The best defense is care"

¾ "Clean land - clean yard"

¾ “Clean Village”,

¾ “The best front garden”, etc.

Promotions and raids will be more successful the more social partners join in. This year, cleaning and landscaping should also be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

practical meaning for readers, for example:

¾ digest “Ecology-2015”,

¾ list of scenarios "Ecology-2015",

¾ bibliographic list of articles published in the local press over the past 5 years,

¾ environmental guides, etc.

More and more libraries are being created electronic resources on ecology, web projects and web pages, for example, the “Ecoculture” website ( contains a list of environmental projects and environmental pages of libraries.

The effectiveness of any environmental measures largely depends on environmental awareness and ecological culture population, including the younger generation.

Environmental education should, first of all, instill in a person the knowledge and skills of intelligent communication with nature, improve methods and means of constructive participation in nature conservation and rational use of natural resources. “We must cultivate our garden,” said the great French philosopher and writer Voltaire in his work “Candide,” this phrase could become the motto of environmental education and upbringing. It should be noted, of course, that he meant the intellectual, spiritual garden that every person must cultivate within himself in order to become an individual and realize all his potential. It is environmental education and enlightenment that should play a major role in the formation of today's Man.


- “Reserved paths”,

- "Nature's wise advice"

- “Feathered inhabitants of the earth”,

- “Healing Forest”

— “Living Planet”

- “Water in our lives”,

— “Life-giving spring” (to World Day water resources)

— “Russian “Columbus” (about travelers)

- “Live, Earth!”

— “How to save the blue planet” (to International Day Earth)

- “And the eternal beauty of nature”

¾ “Book Watch” (for World Environment Day)

— “Let’s throw a lifeline to nature”

- “Nature is not the only thing waiting for you to visit!”

— “They bloom, warming hearts” (about flowers)

— “Seasons of my village”

¾ Cycle about the seasons (4): “Beautiful Winter”, “Elegant Spring Has Come”, “Oh, Red Summer I Would Love You...”, “Autumn Kaleidoscope”

— “Clean ecology – healthy life...”

— “Our Mother Earth” (for World Earth Day)

— “Our cute pets” (for World Pet Day)

- “The beautiful spring has come”

— “Mother of all animal babies” (105th anniversary of birth V.V. Chaplina),

- “Nature, how mysterious you are!”

- “My little Motherland”,

- “My country is immense and bottomless”

- "Seasons"

— “Discover the wonderful world of birds”,

— “Swift and incomprehensible” (for International Bird Day)

— “Nature conservation is the call of the times” (for International Environment Day)

- "Protect the environment!" (for the Year of Ecology)

- “Queen Voditsa”,

¾ “People always and everywhere need water” (for World Water Day)

— “Nightingale Festival” (for International Bird Day)

- “Take care of the nature of your region”,

— “Journey to a green pharmacy” (for International Environment Day)

— “Sun, air, water – this is our life” (for the International Year of Water Cooperation)

— “About our little brothers”: (for World Animal Day)

— “Commandments of Nature”

— “Let's save nature for posterity”

— “What do you know about environmental protection”

— “Let's clean the planet of garbage”

— “Our furry friends” (for World Cat Day)

— “Our feathered friends” (for World Bird Day)

— “Learn the rules of behavior in the forest” (for World Earth Day)

— “Favorite corners of nature” (for World Ecologist Day)

— “Environmental disaster zones”

- “She is your long-time good doctor”

— “Let's look into the world of living nature”

— “Our mutual friend is nature”

— “For those who love nature”

— “My planet is EARTH”

¾ “Nature conservation is the call of the times”

— “Let's save nature” (for International Earth Day)

- “Have you heard about water? They say it’s everywhere!...” (on World Water Day)

— “Our feathered friends” (for International Bird Day)

— “Save the world today” (for World Environment Day)

- “We are responsible for this world!”

— “People are responsible for the cleanliness of lakes and rivers” (2005-2015 – International

decade of action "Water for Life")

— “Travkina wisdom” (about medicinal plants)

— “Let’s save nature - that means we’ll save the Motherland” (for All Day of Protection

surrounding environment)

— “Seven pages about animals and birds”

— “Through a book – love for nature”

— “The world is reflected in a drop of water” (To the International Year of Water Cooperation and the International Decade of Action “Water for Life”)

- “The Earth is a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe!” (for Earth Day)

— “Living in harmony with nature”

— “The world of animals and birds leaves the pages”

— “Living planet - living soul”

- “To the descendants - a flourishing Earth!” (year of ecological culture)

— “Studying our native nature”

— “Walking in the Woods”

— “Through the pages of the Red Book”

— “Our little brothers” (for Animal Protection Day)

— “Water is the source of life” (for World Water Day)

— “The Red Book and its inhabitants” (for Environment Day)

— “Housewarming of Birds”

— “We only have one Earth” (for World Earth Day)

— “The world around us is beautiful” (for Environment Day)

— “Ecological assortment”

— “Books by naturalist writers”

— “The Earth is our home” (for Environment Day)

- “How can we not love this Earth!”

¾ "A Word about Native Nature"

¾ "My favorite cat"

¾ “All about cats”

¾ “My family loves nature”

¾ "In the animal world"

¾ "Nature and Fantasy"

¾ "Quirks of Nature"

¾ "The amazing world of nature"

¾ "Let's save our world"

¾ “Nature needs to be loved”

¾ “Man – harmony – nature”

¾ "Environmental problems of the 21st century"

¾ "Colors of the autumn forest"

¾ “Where do our birds spend the winter?”


1 Book exhibitions, stands, environmental newspapers March 21 International Forest Day Khoroshevskaya SB of the Bogorodsky district prepared an excellent exhibition installation “On the edge of the forest, a goblin and little animals.”

3 A whole series of book exhibitions about nature and the problems of its protection were presented during the Days of Protection in the libraries of the Arbazhsky district. Almost every library has a variety of permanent book and illustrative exhibitions and viewings: the book exhibition “Let’s Throw a Lifebuoy to Nature.” A selection of books according to the sections: “Ecology and life safety”, “Under state protection”, “The living power of water”, “Take care of flora and fauna” (Arbazh Central Bank). In 2015, the Arbazh Children's Library hosts a book exhibition “The Journey of the Book Engine” on an ongoing basis. During the Defense Days, a new section appeared at the exhibition: “ Ecological glade" Books by the best children's natural history writers of 2015 were presented to E. Shim, E. Seton-Thompson, Y. Dmitriev, N. Sladkov and others. Book exhibition “Nature Serves Man” with sections: “Let's save the world around us” (literature on environmental protection); “Living in Harmony with Nature” (books about the relationship between man and nature); “Environment and health” (literature on natural sources of health) (Shembet SBF).

4 Information stand “Ecology and Self” about the work of the Shembet SB on environmental education. The stand “A clean planet for Earthlings” was decorated for Earth Day in Mosunovskaya SB. On the stand there is a poem-appeal about protecting the environment. Educational information is presented: Can the planet get sick? Measures to protect the ocean from pollution, how to get rid of garbage, what the destruction of forests and air pollution leads to.

5 A series of exhibitions and stands was organized in the Krutolozhskaya SB, Nagorsky district. A toy guide was made for the book exhibition “Pathway to Nature”: a rooster and a hen. The rooster contains kinder eggs and contains riddles about animals. Having guessed the riddle, you need to find exactly the same egg in the chicken, and in it there is a description and annotation of a book about this animal, which you can take from the exhibition. Book exhibition “I am discovering the world of nature with a book” Sections of the exhibition: The green ocean of nature (books about forests, flowers) The mysterious world of animals (books about animals, insects) Vyatka writers about nature

6 The children made a stand “Ecology for the Future” in the library. They drew butterflies, fish, birds with their palms. The posters contained appeals to readers about protection and love for nature. Stand “Sprig of Ecological Desires”. A dry branch is drawn, and next to it there is an appeal: “My dear reader! Look around, look at everything living and dear in your region. Hang your wish on a branch, your dream, become kind. Mother Earth." Gradually, the branch turned green from the leaves of wishes written by readers: I want our village to be clean and beautiful, I want the seas, rivers and oceans to be clean, not to cut down trees, not to destroy nature, to clean up around houses, etc.

7 Photo - exhibition “The world around us is beautiful!”, which contains about 10 photographs. They reflect the beauty of nature in the village of Krutoy Log in the winter season. Photos by G.S. Skorobogatova The stand attracts the attention of readers with “beauty that saves for centuries.” Readers note the sincerity of the photographs and the author’s powers of observation. The photo exhibition was harmoniously complemented by poems about nature by Kirov authors. The guys wrote an appeal to the residents of the village and hung it on the store.

8 Information stand “Redstart Bird of the Year 2015” Bogorodsk Central Library In the Strizhevskaya State Fund of the Orichevsky District, the library organized an exhibition of 17 drawings by children, participants in the competition “Redstart Bird of the Year 2015”.

9 Book exhibition “Me and My Land” in Oshlanskaya SB, Bogorodsky district, dedicated to World Earth Day Photo exhibition “My Native Land” in Ukhtymskaya SB, Bogorodsky district.

10 Prosnitskaya SB Kirovo Chepetsk district designed a stand “Moaning of the Earth”, the information of which reflects the negative consequences of human activity. The children got to know the Volga River, the pearl of Russia, in the most detail. An illustrated eco-exhibition “Book bathyscaphe” was set up at the Central Children's Hospital of the Tuzhinsky district. Thanks to the fiction and bright colorful illustrations from this exhibition, readers have a unique opportunity to make an extraordinary underwater journey: dive into the sea, look at a coral reef, elude a predatory moray eel, count the rays of a starfish, etc.

11 For World Earth Day, an eco-exhibition “The Earth Requires Protection” was set up in the reading room. A photo exhibition “Beauty lives everywhere, it’s only important to believe in a miracle!” was organized in Pokstinskaya SB.

12 Environmental exhibitions in the children’s library of the Falensky district “Big House of Humanity”, “Forest Stories” Ecological exhibitions in the central library of the Falensky district “Felinology, the science of the cat family”, “Mysterious element”

13 Environmental exhibitions in Verkhosunskaya SB, Falensky district “Pages of ecology”, “I choose health!” In the Children's Library of the Afanasyevsky District there is an exhibition viewing “Earth, a teardrop on the cheek of the Universe” (April 22 is International Earth Day). Sections: - planet Earth (books on the topic “Information about planet Earth” are presented) - nature reserve paths (Red Book of the Kirov Region, Red Book of Russia, book about nature reserves of Russia); - stories about the Russian forest (fiction and industry literature about the flora and fauna of the Russian forest); - wonders of the animal world (books on the topic: “Interesting information about animals around the world” are presented); - the natural world in literature (stories about nature by N. Sladkov, D. Mamin-Sibiryak, M. Prishvin and other authors)

14 Information stand “The Earth is our home.” Sections: - do you know (information about some plants of the world); - what do I know about the crane ( Interesting Facts from the life of cranes); - three questions about crows (interesting facts from the life of crows); - miracle trees (information about the bottle tree, the sausage tree, the soap tree, the bread tree, the milk tree, the candy tree); - let's help nature (tips on keeping clean in the forest, on the shore of a reservoir); - birds of the Red Book of Russia (illustrations). Book exhibition recommendation “Take health from nature” Vyatskopolyansk regional library

16 Poster “Myakishinsky spring” Myakishinsky rural library of the Verkhoshizhemsky district Exhibitions in the Central Library of the Afanasyevsky district: Exhibition “Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it”

17 Exhibition “Whims of Landscaping” Stands with photo illustrations dedicated to the seasons “The elegant spring has come”, “Ah, red summer” have been set up

18 Exhibition “The Earth is our common home” in the Riga SB Yaransky district. During the Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards, she worked in the central district and children's libraries of the Svechinsky district joint exhibition"Ecological calendar".

19 8 libraries of the MBUK “Kirovo-Chepetsk Republican Central Library” publish newspapers. They also reflect environmental themes. Thus, in the children's regional library newspaper “Chitalka” the third page is devoted to ecology “Ecological Teletype”. The permanent column “Bird of the Year” publishes drawings and stories from children. This year they are dedicated to the redstart. The newspaper “Burmakino XXI Century” (published by the Burmakino Library) regularly publishes articles on environmental topics: “The Miracle of Northern Nature”, “Forest Meetings”, “Gathering with the Whole World: Environmental Cleanup Days”, “Forest Paths”. The newspaper “Konypsky Bulletin” (Malokonypsky Library Museum named after N.V. Shubnikova) regularly publishes orders from the administration on holding months of sanitary cleaning and landscaping, Regulations on the review-competition “From a clean village to a green planet”, etc. . Thus, the population is informed about important events taking place in the village. Gardeners’ advice is also published in the “I’ll Share a Secret” section. Using Internet resources, bookmarks have been published: owls, poems about plants of the Red Book. A wall newspaper about a polar bear was distributed to rural libraries. Since 2008, the Central Library named after. M. M. Sintsova of the Verkhoshizhemsky district publishes the newspaper “Rodniki”. It highlights interesting events and the work of libraries on environmental education.

20 Myakishinskaya SB publishes the newspaper “Myakishinsky spring”. Residents learn about the life of the village, about the events held by the library, about the events that are held in the village. The newspaper became popular among the village residents.

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Report on the Year of Ecology in the Magadan Region In accordance with the Presidential Order Russian Federation dated 01/05/2016 7 “On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation”, Resolution

ADMINISTRATION OF THE OKTYABRSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE PERM REGION ORDER 03/30/2016 61 On holding the campaign “Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards” on the territory of the Oktyabrsky Municipal District B

Inzhevatkina Ilga Vasilievna, head of MBDOU "Kindergarten 188" Syutrukova Natalia Nikolaevna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten 188" Chibisova Galina Yuryevna, senior teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten 188" Environmental

Consolidated plan of the main activities of the libraries of the Bogdanovichi centralized library system municipal autonomous institution culture "Center for the modern cultural environment of the Bogdanovich urban district"

Methodological consultation

The president declared 2017 the year of ecology in Russia. Libraries with sufficient information resources, are an important link in the system of environmental education of the younger generation. Efficient Operation in this direction will allow children to be involved in practical environmental activities and to form responsible child behavior in relation to the environment.

Libraries solve the problems of environmental education for children using both traditional and innovative forms activities.

Many libraries implementprograms, projects on ecology . For example, “Around the World”, “Young Ecologist”, “Living Planet”, designed for long-term continuous work e children of different ages. During their implementation, children can expand their knowledge, get acquainted with modern ideas about the versatility of living nature, and expand their knowledge of the animal and plant world. The programs introduce children to environmental problems, show ways out of the ecological impasse, as well as the relationship with other areas of knowledge: for example, nature motifs in the arts “Decorative and Applied Arts”, “Nature in Painting”, “Nature in Music and Literature”.

Work on environmental education must be carried out jointly with other organizations, educational and cultural institutions. For various categories, taking into account the age characteristics of readers, you can use traditional forms of work that have proven themselves in practice: cycles of themed evenings, reviews and conversations, environmental events, conferences, quiz games, exhibitions of children's drawings, environmental auctions, as well as a competition of photographs, drawings, and crafts .

¾ competition of creative works “Beads and bracelets from the box of summer” (the purpose of the competition: education of a socially active, creative personality; crafts made from natural materials can be very diverse: fairy-tale characters, various animals, and even entire plot compositions),

¾ “My collection of poems about animals” can be designed using any technique, the pages of the book can be stapled and a cover can be made for it,

IN last years gained great popularityphoto competition, in which we recommend including the following nominations: “Forest Miracle”, “Natural Phenomena”, “Rare Shot”, “Photo Dog”. You can conduct a photo session in the library “Photography with your favorite book about nature.”

Libraries are constantly searching for new effective forms and methods of work in the field of disseminating environmental knowledge among children and adolescents.

Questis a team adventure intellectual search game, the task of the game participants is to find a treasure or prize. This game can be played in the library or outside it. The eco-quest for 12-14 year olds can include intellectual tasks and puzzles. Invite participants to solve puzzles, make puzzles, find books about nature in the library collection, answer questions about flora and fauna, and familiarize themselves with a map of specially protected natural areas of Russia and the Omsk region.

While creating ecology comics Invite the children to come up with a story related to the topic of nature conservation and reveal it in several drawings with short texts.

An effective form of work is exhibition activities:

  • “The world around us is beautiful”
  • "We are your friends, nature"
  • "In the arms of native nature"
  • "2017 - Year of Ecology",
  • "Ecology - a problem of the 21st century",

where are the most illuminated current issues: environmental protection, the value of forests and efficient use forest resources, drinking water and its quality, ways to solve environmental problems. In addition to books and magazines, the exhibitions feature reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Levitan, as well as creative works readers. The exhibition “Only Green” contains information about the “inhabitants” of the planet that have this color (amphibians, birds, insects). “Secrets of the Green Country” - the exhibition will present the pages of wonderful children's environmental and nature magazines: “Anthill”, “Toshka and Company”, “Svirel”.

When planning work on environmental education among children and adolescents, We recommend paying attention to the environmental dates: Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks, International Earth Day, All-Russian Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards, March of Parks, World Environment Day, World Animal Day, International Bird Day, World Health Day, etc. These dates can be timedStock . Environmental actions are becoming a tradition for libraries, where library methods are moving towards active action. Libraries can also engage directly in environmental activities. In continuation of the action, initiateenvironmental landings, raids, environmental patrols “My village is not a dump”, “For a clean environment” to identify disadvantaged areas in the village, plant flowers near the library. It is possible to conduct a “Water of Life” campaign to search for and cleanse springs or river banks. The organization of such actions would be a combination of theoretical knowledge with practical steps helping the environment.

A current area of ​​environmental culture is eco-local history, which can also include ecotourism, which allows students to expand their knowledge about the uniqueness of living and inanimate nature Omsk region and its district. We recommend that you pay attention to working with the Red Book of the Omsk Region.

It has become a tradition in many libraries to celebrateTitmouse's dayas the day of meeting of wintering birds, from which they begin to feed the birds. On this day, you can hold quizzes with children, organize exhibitions where the works of the winners of the “Bird Canteen” competition will be presented - feeders for the most different designs. They can be hung in the park, near the house or near the library. Advise the children to keep diaries of bird watching - which birds fly to the “dining room”, their habits, what food suits them best.

Holiday "Crow Porridge" , including an ecological marathon in nature, a theatrical game, hanging feeders, and an eco-walk.

Environmental events outside the library - Marches of parks, environmental excursions, games-traveling in nature contribute to acquaintance with the natural world. In a summer reading room, a summer courtyard in a public garden, a park, or in the area near the library, you can hold environmental events, outdoor games, and organize creative workshops.

Children can take part in the designexhibitions of crafts made from recycled materials , for example “Waste into income”, “Second life plastic bottle", "Eco-Christmas tree", in the competition for the best costume made from household waste: polyethylene, plastic bottles, packaging material, candy wrappers, polystyrene foam, food storage nets.

Environmental holidays become the final stage of long-term work on environmental education. In the foyer you can place exhibition of participants' works environmental competitions among young readers “Let's save nature together!”, “Our pets”, “Mosaic of nature”. It is appropriate to include in the holiday program a costumed mini-performance, quizzes, readings of works about nature, as well as poems of one’s own composition, and ceremonial awards for the winners of environmental creative competitions.

Interactive exhibitions in the library are intended not only to provide feedback between the reader and the librarian, but also to organize live communication between visitors to the exhibition and encourage them to discuss environmental problems. The purpose of the exhibition is to show possible consequences environmental pollution and help the reader clearly define his position. On special stand “Open Opinion” Blank sheets of paper are hung on which readers can express their attitude to what they read and think about ways to solve environmental problems. The opinion of peers is known to be more important for children than the opinion of adults. When organizing an exhibition-review, readers recommend books that are most interesting to them. Can be issued exhibitions - “trees”, where children indicate their reading preferences, favorite authors and books on pieces of paper. Information about ongoing interactive exhibitions can be posted on the library's website. To attract the attention of readers to environmental problems, you can use small-form aids: bookmarks, leaflets, booklets, memos, recommended literature lists: “Neighbors on the Planet”, “Calendar of Folk Omens”, “Ecological Calendar”.

Virtual exhibition - multifunctionalan information resource that provides an opportunity to increase the efficiency of information retrieval and expand the range of necessary materials (graphics, texts, audio, video, etc.). You can arrange a virtual exhibition of the works of the anniversary “Books about Nature”. Each book is accompanied a brief summary, information about the author. By turning to Internet resources, the reader will be able to read the texts of works of art or listen to audio books, as well as watch fragments of television plays and feature films.

Virtual exhibition “The World of Nature in Literature” can present works of natural history writers whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2017, as well as materials about life and work (M.M. Prishvin, G.Ya. Snegirev, V.V. Chaplina, G.A. Skrebitsky, etc. ) with portraits of writers, photographs of books, scanned images of title pages, illustrations of children. The visual series can be accompanied by musical accompaniment and various animation effects.

The effectiveness of any environmental protection measures largely depends on the environmental literacy and environmental culture of the population, including the younger generation.

In the coming Year of Environmental Protection, it will not be superfluous to say that libraries have already occupied their niche in shaping the ecological worldview of children and adolescents. And they continue to do this, using library forms and methods of work in their activities, attracting modern information Technology to solve problems aimed at environmental education, enlightenment, and education of readers.

The consultation was prepared by the head of the children's reader service sector N. A. Lebedeva

Ecology is one of the most important and global issues of our time. Scientific and technological progress has led to an aggravation of the environmental situation: natural resources are being depleted, the environment is being polluted, and people’s health is deteriorating. In order to ensure the right of every person to a favorable environment, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree “On holding the Year of Ecology in 2017 in the Russian Federation” dated January 5, 2016 No. 7.

Environmental knowledge becomes socially significant and in demand in practical life. Libraries have become an important link in the system of educational activities among the younger generation.

Environmental education is the dissemination of knowledge about environmental hazards, a healthy lifestyle, information about the state of the environment and the use of natural resources in order to form an environmental culture in society. Effective environmental education should involve children in practical environmental activities. Then, combined with environmental knowledge, it will make the child’s behavior more responsible towards the environment.

Currently, libraries have sufficient information resources that allow them to successfully implement environmental education tasks.

This is facilitated by the environmental library programs “Nature. Ecology. The Future" (fil. No. 2), "Green Fingers" (GFC), designed for long-term continuous work with children of different ages. During their implementation, children can expand their knowledge, get acquainted with modern ideas about the versatility of living nature, and expand their knowledge of the animal and plant world. The programs introduce children to the problems of urbanization, show ways out of the environmental impasse, as well as the relationship with other areas of knowledge. Environmental education work is carried out jointly with environmental structures, public organizations, educational and cultural institutions.

The exhibition activities of the library help readers get acquainted with all the diversity of environmental literature. Eco-exhibitions “Chur! Commanded!” and “Eco – Me!” Eco - We! Eco - Peace! , where the most pressing issues are covered: environmental protection, the green zone of the city, the value of forests and the efficient use of forest resources, drinking water and its quality, ways to solve environmental problems.

In addition to books and magazines, the exhibitions feature reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists: I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Levitan, as well as creative works by readers. The environmental exhibition contributes to the creation of a favorable library ECO environment. It's expressive, visual and not boring

At the Children's Reading Center, for 20 years, the children's ecological club “Lesovichok” has been operating for children 7-10 years old. Over the years, a variety of work has been done aimed at developing primary environmental knowledge in children. The work of the club is programmatic in nature. Our environmental program is built on the basis of literary and play activities. Every year the Lesovichok club takes an active part in city, district and republican environmental actions. So the Year of Ecology began with the city environmental campaign “Feeder”.

“Feed the birds in winter” - who hasn’t heard this call! Even the most indifferent to nature cannot deny the enormous benefits that feathered friends bring to us. And many of us, at least once in our lives, have attached a simple structure from a plastic bottle or a cardboard milk carton to a tree. For the guys from the Lesovichok club, taking care of birds is an annual, important and widespread event. Love for one's own is intertwined in it native land, a responsible attitude towards the environment, caring for our little brothers, as well as the creative abilities of children. Several feeders safely took their places on trees and bushes. Now the guys are faced with another task: do not forget to regularly add grains and seeds, because winter feeding must be done every day, without interruptions. Birds, having become accustomed to a certain feeding place and not finding food there, immediately fly to another place, look for food, wasting time and energy, and on frosty days this can lead to death. During the event, librarians tried to expand children’s understanding of birds, their living conditions, and reinforce the concept of the need to help birds in the cold season. And the main thing is to cultivate in children kindness and joy from the knowledge that by caring for our little brothers and feeding birds in winter, we are doing a good deed and saving them from death.

Each club session is bright, festive and theatrical. Club leaders independently develop interesting, information-rich scenarios for environmental education of children, taking into account the needs of the modern readership. The library's practice includes such forms as: environmental courts, environmental expeditions, environmental watches, environmental and local history marathons - they are of interest to readers. The Blue Bird Center for Children's Children is constantly searching for new effective forms and methods of work in the field of disseminating environmental knowledge among children and adolescents. So this year we invite branch libraries to join the ECO campaign “Book Glade”

The action is organized for the following purposes:

Book and reading promotion;

Search by libraries for new forms of involving the population in the reading process, as well as knowledge of environmental problems;

The use of innovative forms of work by libraries;

This promotion belongs to the “open-air” format (English open - open, air - air; literally - held in the open air). The essence of the event is for librarians to organize an outdoor reading room - in nature, in a nearby square or park, in the courtyard of a library, club, or school. It is possible to organize an off-site reading room in summer children's camps, playgrounds at schools and various educational centers. By decision of the library, the event can be a complex event and be accompanied by the organization of exhibitions, loud readings, book presentations, theatrical performances, book discussions, conversations, reviews, environmental games and quizzes, concerts, etc. It is possible to unite libraries to participate in a complex event. A report on the action will be held at the district seminar in October 2017.

In 2017, a regional children's competition was announced social advertising"Be a man, man!" among the branch libraries of the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The main goal is to attract children's attention to the environmental problems of our time, problems related to nature, its pollution and the consequences of this pollution.

The competition is held from January 15, 2016 to August 1, 2017. The number of works from one participating branch is no more than 2.

Children are invited to participate in the competition (together with branch librarians) in two age categories:

  • 7–10 years (inclusive);
  • 11 – 14 years (inclusive).

Creative competition nominations:

  • Poster (work done on a sheet of A1 - A3 format,
  • Leaflet (work done on a sheet of A5 format or smaller, in the form of, for example, a desk calendar, business card, etc.),
  • Booklet (the work must be done on an A4 sheet, folded in half like a book, and contain text explanations),
  • Promotional video (short film, interview, production, animated film no more than 3 minutes long)

We invite the contestants to create an appeal to the residents of their region in the form of an environmental poster, leaflet, advertising brochure or promotional video, the theme of which is dedicated to ecology.

The participant can choose and develop independently any of the topics or environmental problems that interest him. (For example, the problem of reducing biological diversity; overabundance of transport, urban air pollution from exhaust gases; the problem of conservation, development and creation of new specially protected natural areas in Russia; the problem of excess waste, ways to solve this problem in the family, school, city, country; variations on the theme of recycling unnecessary things; any environmental problems and their solutions, interaction between man and nature, etc.).

The results of the competition and the awarding of the winners will take place in October 2017 at a seminar at the Central City Hospital.

In the Year of Environmental Protection, it would not be superfluous to say that libraries have already occupied their niche in shaping the ecological worldview of children and adolescents. And they continue to do this, using traditional and innovative library forms and methods of work in their activities, using modern information technologies to solve problems aimed at environmental education, enlightenment and education of readers.

Korenevskaya I.S. – Deputy Director for Work with Children