Organization of tourism activities. General concepts and specifics of tourism business

Organization of activities of a travel agency


Tourism and tourist activities are important components of the life of modern society. Due to the wide scope of the tourist movement throughout the world, tourism is recognized as a phenomenon of global socio-economic development of the 20th century. According to the World Bank, tourism is now the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. The tourism sector of the economy contributes to the creation of the gross national product, the development of related sectors of the economy (transport, communications, agriculture, services), the creation of jobs, and the growth of tax revenues to the budget.

The level of development of modern society is assessed by the degree of orientation towards the future social development. Investing in human capital gives economic returns in the long term. The organization of tourist travel and recreation for the population is recognized as one of the priority areas of socially beneficial activity, as it contributes to the creation of conditions for a healthy lifestyle, increasing the general educational and cultural level, free development of the individual, the fullest disclosure and realization of a person’s creative abilities, strengthening his physical health and spiritual development.

Relevance of the topic. Tourism occupies a priority place in the economy and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There is still a lot to be done, the law on tourism is not yet perfect, the infrastructure of the industry leaves much to be desired, but tourism in Kazakhstan has the prerequisites for further development.

The tourism business is not easy and does not bring immediate and large profits. The complexity is predetermined by many factors, such as: seasonality, intangibility of services, heterogeneity and much more, you also need to take into account the fact that the travel business is one of the most advanced in terms of information technology. Being an open system, which is significantly influenced by natural factors, climatic, economic and social disasters, national and regional conflicts, etc. Some of these external influences on the system occur regularly, while others cannot be predicted. Thus, it is impossible to imagine conducting successful business without studying all these factors that somehow influence the tourism industry.

Goal and tasks. The purpose of my work is to develop a program for opening a tourism enterprise. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Determine the prospects for world tourism;

Give a brief history of the development of certain types of tourism in Kazakhstan;

Describe the current state of the tourism industry in the Republic;

Describe the regulatory framework, licensing, certification and insurance procedures;

Determine the optimal management structure of a tourism enterprise;

Formulate qualification requirements for the management of the enterprise;

Outline job descriptions for the main categories of employees of a tourism company.

Research material and information base. The research material included scientific literature, economic statistics, the experience of entrepreneurs, regulatory legal acts and others. Based on the works of such authors as Yu.G. Temny, V.A. Kvartalnov, V.G. Gulyaev, N.I. Kabushkin and many others. others, I comprehensively studied the specifics of the tourism business, its most important organizational matters. Legislative acts in the field of tourism made it possible to determine the legitimacy of the future business.

Numerous Internet resources were involved, in particular: the official website of UNWTO - (World Tourism Organization); Tourbus - (magazine “Tour business for professionals”); - (Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan); website of the Independent Association of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and many others. etc.

The practical significance of my thesis lies in the possibility of using the results obtained as a theoretical and methodological basis for organizing the activities of a tourism company.

Justification of the work structure. The work consists of a title page, table of contents, introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendices, with a total volume of 67 typewritten pages.

Chapter 1. The role of tourism business in the modern economy

Now no one needs to be convinced that in the modern world tourism is the most important sector of the world economy. It is no coincidence that this century has been proclaimed by the UN as the Century of Tourism. The leading position of tourism in the world is due, first of all, to the processes of globalization of the economy and the growing interest of people in the achievements of other peoples and civilizations.

Today, experts are confident that tourism is an illustrative example that proves that multi-billion-dollar revenues can be generated not only by industry and Agriculture, but also an area that is considered to be the so-called services market.

Tourism was not considered as an economic sector in the past. Its industrial activity was not important, and in most cases the development of tourism was not even given much importance. For a long time, politicians were also not interested in the role played by tourism. Today, given the level to which tourism has reached, the seriousness of its impact on the economy is quite clear.

Over time, tourism began to gradually develop both qualitatively and quantitatively. Only then did economists appreciate the importance of tourism as an economic phenomenon and the role it could play in development national economy. As a result, economists have been forced to address specific economic problems arising from tourism activities.

In less than 400 years, travel and tourism have evolved from a pastime that only the wealthy could afford into a huge industry that is a major player in world trade. In many countries, it is tourism receipts that form the bulk of foreign currency earnings.

No country can produce all the products and all the goods and provide all the types of services that the country itself and its population need, since each country relies primarily on its natural resources. (Industrial raw materials, agricultural resources, tourist attractions, etc.)

Revealing the role of tourism in the modern economy, it is advisable to consider some features, as well as the essence of tourism as a sector of the economy.

Having a long history, the concept of “tourism” is still interpreted differently not only by individual specialists, but also by tourism organizations. Existing definitions of tourism can be combined into two groups. Some are highly specialized in nature, relate to certain economic, social, legal and other aspects of tourism or its specific features and act as a tool for solving specific problems (for example, for statistical purposes). Other, conceptual or essential, definitions cover the subject as a whole, reveal the internal content of tourism, expressed in the unity of the entire diversity of properties and relationships, and make it possible to distinguish it from similar phenomena.

The concept of “international tourist” was first formulated in 1937 by the Committee of Experts on Statistics of the League of Nations and according to it, a tourist is a person who is characterized by the following characteristics: movement, temporary stay in a certain place, lack of connection with work and wages. This definition has received international recognition and has largely survived to this day with some amendments. Based on these characteristics, the conceptual apparatus of the tourism sector was formed. In subsequent years, the definition of “tourist” was discussed at meetings of the International Union of Official Tourism Organizations (Dublin, 1950; London, 1957), at the UN Conference on International Tourism and Travel (Rome, 1963), the WTO Congress (Manila, 1986) and others, which indicates theoretical and practical significance definition of a tourist, as well as the desire to make it more complete and accurate, taking into account new trends and phenomena.

One of the first definitions of tourism, adopted by the UN, interpreted tourism as “active recreation that affects the promotion of health, physical development of a person, associated with movement outside the permanent place of residence.”

A broader definition of this concept is given by the Academy of Tourism in Monte Carlo: “Tourism is a general concept for all forms of temporary departure of people from their place of permanent residence for health purposes, to satisfy cognitive interests in their free time or for professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities in the place temporary stay", i.e. the main emphasis is on the nature of visitors' activities in a place other than their place of residence.

Currently, the most widely used definition is known as the “general theory of tourism by V. Hunziker - K. Krapfa,” which defines tourism as a set of relationships and phenomena that are the result of the movement of people and stay outside their place of residence until the stay does not transform into permanent residence and is not related to the receipt of income.

The International Association of Scientific Experts in the Field of Tourism (AIST) adopted the following definition as a basis: “tourism is a set of relationships and phenomena that arise during the movement and stay of people in places other than their permanent residence and work.” Producers and consumers of the tourism product have their own economic interests, thus production and economic relations arise in tourism. This approach brings tourism into an independent area of ​​business, but rather reflects the essence of the tourism market. Despite the fact that economists continue to work on the conceptual apparatus of the tourism industry, the term “tourism” has already taken shape. Various definitions only highlight or complement its individual features.

For example, according to another definition proposed by the UN Statistical Commission in 1992, “tourism is travel and stay in places outside the usual place of permanent residence of the traveler, for a period of not more than 12 months, for the purpose of obtaining pleasure and recreation , for recreational, guest, educational or professional and business purposes, but without engaging in paid activities there.” IN this definition The criteria for distinguishing tourism from other types of travel are: the usual environment of the traveler (residence); duration of travel and motivation for travel not related to the search for permanent work or migration; voluntariness of the trip; demand for tourist facilities, including accommodation facilities. A similar definition is enshrined in the law “On Tourism Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”: “tourism is the travel of individuals lasting from twenty-four hours to one year, or less than twenty-four hours, but with an overnight stay for purposes not related to paid activities in the country (location). ) temporary stay"; Obviously, this interpretation primarily emphasizes social significance and the nature of tourism.

In practice, tourism is increasingly understood as “a specific branch of the national economy, which includes the activities of tourism enterprises to provide a range of tourism services and sell tourism goods in order to satisfy human needs that arise during the period of his travel.”

This definition quite fully characterizes the economic content of tourism:

A tourist service is a commodity because it has consumer and exchange value;

Achieving satisfaction of tourist needs is possible only on the basis of comprehensive tourism services;

Tourism is a special area of ​​distribution and use of limited tourism resources.

Accordingly, tourism business is any type of tourism activity that generates income or other benefits as a result of the provision of various services to tourists by business entities.

It should also be noted the dual internal nature of tourism. This nature lies in the fact that tourism, on the one hand, is a special targeted mass and time-limited type of travel, and on the other hand, it is a type of activity for the organization and implementation of these trips.

Considering this feature, motives and goals can be divided into those pursued directly by tourists and those set by tourism organizers (the state, non-state structures and the population). Thus, tourism is, first of all, an economic category, since it is directly related to the sale of services to tourists, generating income from it, and creating jobs.

In the modern world, in the context of the uncompetitiveness of the economies of many countries on the world market, many governments consider tourism as perhaps the only opportunity for their successful economic development. The attitude towards tourism as a tool for the development of society and the economy is based on its effectiveness as a powerful resource for employment, as well as increasing income and restoring natural and cultural resources lost for various reasons. “Tourism has long played a serious role in the development of society as a whole. In the coming years, its influence may increase significantly,” said WTO President Francesco Frangialli at the 13th WTO session. (Santiago, September 1999).

It is known that the level of economic development of different countries and regions differs widely. Some states are prospering, while others are struggling to contain the process of social and economic decline. In the latter case, the material and spiritual environment of society is most often in decline, and tourism (more than ever) becomes a potentially attractive replacement for manufacturing enterprises and other areas of business. For this reason, at present, all countries with a developed tourism industry have come to understand that tourism planning forms the basis of its civilized development.

The economic importance of a tourism activity (for example, for a developing country) can be assessed in terms of its ability to generate an influx of foreign tourists or provide the means to secure more flexible prices in its export industry. In a developed or industrial country, one can note the ability of the tourism industry to promote economic development.

The importance of tourism to a country's economy can be assessed by taking into account its relative share in the global total. In this way, the relative importance of individual countries for world tourism can be assessed. On the other hand, the significance of tourism can be examined by considering the importance of tourism activities to the economy of each individual destination.

Modern tourism as an economic phenomenon:

· has an industrial form;

· acts in the form of tourism products and services that cannot be accumulated and transported;

· creates new jobs and often acts as a pioneer in the development of new areas and a catalyst for the accelerated development of the national economy;

· represents a mechanism for redistributing national income in favor of countries specializing in tourism;

· is a multiplier for the growth of national income, employment and development of local infrastructure and the growth of living standards of the local population;

· characterized by a high level of efficiency and quick return on investment;

· emerges as an effective means of protecting nature and cultural heritage, since these elements form the basis of its resource base;

· compatible with almost all sectors of the economy and types of human activity, it is their differentiation and discreteness that creates the difference in the potential of the recreational environment, which causes people’s need to learn and change their places of stay.

The above data on the contribution of tourism to world economy create an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of tourism only in the general view. Unfortunately, there is still no unified methodology for assessing the contribution of tourism to the national and world economy, and so far the following variables are used to illustrate the contribution of tourism to the economy (its economic effect):

· the contribution of tourism to the creation of national income;

· the impact of tourism on regional development;

· tourism and balance of payments;

· tourism and tax revenues to the budget;

· tourism and job growth;

The significance of each of these components for assessing the effect of tourism is known, although the theoretical development of the assessment of each of them requires further research. The situation is especially weak in assessing the role of tourism in national income.

Thus, tourism is capable of influencing the economy of the region (or country) in which it develops, its economic, social and humanitarian foundations.

It should also be noted that tourism differs significantly from other sectors of the economy: it is a very complex sector in its own right, which has its own characteristics.

Today, being one of the largest, highly profitable and most dynamic industries, second in profitability only to oil production and refining, tourism (according to the World Tourism Organization) provides 10% of the turnover of the planet's production and service market. Tourism accounts for about 6% of the world's gross national product, 7% of global investment, 11% of global consumer spending, 5% of all tax revenues, every 16 workplace. For 38% of the world's countries, tourism is the main source of income, and for 83% of countries, tourism is one of the five main sources of income.

According to the WTO, every year one third of the world's population travels. According to forecasts, the increase in international tourism will be 4% annually. These numbers characterize the direct economic effect functioning of the tourism industry.

The modern development of tourism and the production of tourism products (services) cannot be imagined as separate, isolated, functioning and developing outside the national economy. In real economic life, it is based on intersectoral production cooperation connecting tourism and related sectors of the economy: transport, agriculture, construction, which, on the one hand, supply tourism with the necessary funds and technical specifications production, i.e. they form the material and technical base of tourism, and on the other hand, bring the produced tourism products to the consumer.

The following economic functions of tourism can be distinguished:

· production function. An enterprise performs a production function if such production factors, like labor, land and capital;

· function of ensuring employment of the population. The quantitative growth of personnel in the tourism industry can only be stopped as a result of the implementation technical developments. Technical tools make activities easier, but cannot replace personal communication. When talking about the direct effect of providing employment in tourism, we mean that the population receives jobs directly in tourism enterprises;

· income generation function. Those who work usually receive income from their activities. Closely related to the employment function of tourism is the income generation function. Using economic terminology, economic activities in the tourism sector can be said to contribute to the creation of national income. This applies primarily to all people whose jobs directly depend on tourism.

Based on the above, we can conclude that there is a clear connection between trends in tourism development and general economic development. Tourism in one way or another has an impact on the economy in almost all aspects of the fundamental definition of this sphere of social life and, in turn, tourism is very sensitive to any economic change.

1.2 Forecasts and prospects for the development of world tourism

Analyzing the trends that developed in tourism activities in the 60-90s of the 20th century, it is necessary to highlight the most significant factors that favor international tourist exchange:

· socio-economic;

· demographic;

· economic and financial;

· political.

The importance of socio-economic factors in the development of international tourism is constantly increasing. The intensification of economic ties between states based on the international division of labor is playing an increasingly important role. The expansion of international trade and the improvement of transportation facilities were an important material prerequisite for the development of tourism.

The expansion of the social composition of tourists has a positive impact on the development of international tourism, which became possible thanks to improved wage conditions, an increase in the duration of paid leave, and the provision of various social guarantees and benefits at the expense of enterprises and trade unions.

The socio-economic group of prerequisites for the development of international tourism also includes an increase in the cultural level, people’s desire for knowledge, to become familiar with the way of life, culture, and history of other countries and peoples.

Development foreign economic relations, the desire to use the advanced experience of other countries in creating material and spiritual values ​​in expanding scientific and business contacts, the expression of which is the development of new types of tourist connections - scientific and business tourism.

Demographic factors also have a significant impact on the development of international tourism. As a result of the growth of the planet's population, the world's tourism potential is increasing, and new human resources are being drawn into tourism activities.

Tourism as a branch of the economy, primarily engaged in organizing the client’s free time, can successfully exist and develop if at least two components are available: free time and sufficient material resources for its organization. Simply put, the basis of the modern tourism market, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is paid vacations for employees, taking into account the fact that recently in international tourism the role of business trips, as well as travel of people of retirement age, has significantly increased.

There is a direct connection between trends in the development of the tourism industry and general economic, technical and social achievements.

The growing standard of living in developed countries of the world leads to an increase in the duration of workers' vacations and a fairly high level of their provision, which has a significant impact on the development of the tourism industry.

Thus, the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of mass tourism, its development and maintaining high volumes of demand are an increase in free time and an increase in the material well-being of society.

Over four decades (1950-1990), global arrivals grew at an average annual rate of 7.1%. By 1990, the daily number of people traveling abroad totaled more than 1 million. If in 1950 the number of international tourist arrivals was over 25 million, then by 1990 their number reached 455 million. During this period, international tourism was influenced by factors such as: which could significantly hinder its development. But people's desire to travel turned out to be stronger than these factors.

World tourism has achieved special and most significant successes over the past 30 years. The change in the political map of the world, which occurred in the late 80s and early 90s, significantly influenced the development of tourism. For example, the opening of borders and the transition to a market economy in the CIS countries predetermined an increase in tourist flows from these countries to the West.

In general, the 90s were characterized by a decline in the growth rate of international tourism, which amounted to about 4% per year.

In 2008, international tourist arrivals reached 925 million, an increase of 17 million during 2007, representing an increase of 2%.

The overall 2 percent growth in 2008 builds on strong performance in the first half of the year before the collapse of financial markets. The second half of the year saw a sharp shift in trends, with each of the last six months of 2008 experiencing a lull or negative growth in international tourist arrivals. Overall, 6 percent growth between January and June led to a 1 percent contraction in the second half of 2008. There is no doubt that the deteriorating global economy is challenging international tourism. While no one is certainly immune from economic woes, tourism has withstood the economic downturn better from the outset than other economic sectors such as construction, real estate or the automobile industry.

Tourism demand in general has slowed significantly under the influence of an exceptionally fragile global economy (financial crisis, rising commodity and oil prices, sharp currency fluctuations), which has undermined the confidence of both consumers and the business world and led to today's global economic recession. It should also be noted that rising oil prices affect not only air travel, but also provoke an increase in the cost of hotel accommodation, since a modern hotel is an energy-intensive facility. In this regard, there has been a tendency for hotels in “dollar” destinations to switch to payments in euros, which in fact is an increase in the cost of the services offered. All these factors will lead to an increase in prices for tourism services around the world by an average of 25-30%.

In the second half of 2008, as noted, growth stalled and international arrivals fell slightly, a trend expected to continue into 2009.

The UNWTO's starting forecast is that the figures will be even more modest. According to the January 2009 edition of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international tourism is expected to stagnate (0%) or even slightly decline (-1% to -2%). There is, however, also a high degree of uncertainty, and much depends on the evolution of economic conditions. If the economy shows signs of an early recovery, then international tourism may show slight growth, but if the economy continues to deteriorate, then today's forecasts may be revised downward.

Throughout 2008, all regions performed positively, with the exception of Europe, where arrivals stagnated, and Asia (-1%). The decline was even more pronounced in Asia, given double-digit growth there in 2007 and strong performance in the first half of 2008 (+6%). The highest figures were in the Middle East (+11%), Africa (+4%) and the Americas (+4%) - as for the Americas, they were driven by strong movement towards the US until August and favorable results, shown by most tourist centers in Central and South America.

Despite the general slowdown, a number of destinations around the world showed very positive results in 2008 in all regions of the world - notably Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, Republic of Korea, Macau (China), Indonesia, India, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco and Turkey.

The decline in international tourism that UNWTO expects in 2009 will range from 0% to 2%. Apart from the Americas region, Europe will be the hardest hit region in terms of overall tourism performance, with most of its destination markets already experiencing or entering recession. In Asia and the Pacific, results are forecast to be positive, although growth will slow significantly compared to the region's performance in recent years; the same is true in Africa and the Middle East.

Regardless of this assessment, UNWTO highlights the fact that the weakening of international tourism growth comes after four years of unprecedentedly strong growth - +7% per annum on average between 2004 and 2007.

Current forecasts for tourism development remain, however, optimistic in strategic terms. According to WTO estimates, in 2010 the number of tourists will be 937 million people, and by 2020. – 1 billion 600 million. The world population will approach 7 billion. The load on all spheres of the Earth is colossal, the volumes of consumed resources are very high.

Everywhere, all the efforts of mankind are aimed at actively implementing the principles of sustainable development, eliminating or mitigating socio-economic tensions in a number of countries. Much attention is paid to tourism as one of the most effective areas of human activity in the field of economic and (now we can already say) environmental development.

The WTO predicts rapid development of outbound tourism. Largest countries– suppliers of tourists in 2020 will be: Germany (about 163 million trips), Japan (141 million), USA (123 million), China (100 million) and Great Britain (96 million). Russia, whose residents received the opportunity to travel abroad on a large scale only in 1991, will supply about 30 million tourists to the international travel market by 2020.

Outbound tourism growth from Europe and the Mediterranean will slow, while outbound travel growth in Southeast Asia will remain strong despite economic challenges in the region.

The forecast for the development of tourist destinations made by the WTO based on the results of the study “Tourism: 2020 Vision” identifies the most promising directions and types of tourism of the 21st century. The most popular types of tourism by 2020 will be: adventure, environmental, cultural and educational and thematic cruises.

The WTO also predicts that the amount of time people will spend on leisure will decline. According to research, travelers of the 21st century. will be “rich in money, but poor in time.” As a result, they will look for a tourism product that includes maximum pleasure in a minimum period of time. Theme parks and cruise travel will flourish as people can visit multiple destinations in a short period of time.

Over the past fifty years, the tourism industry has been adversely affected by a wide range of problems: natural disasters, serious social conflicts, wars, economic crises and terrorism. Enough experience has been accumulated so that the tourism industry can adapt and survive difficulties without stopping its progressive development. Like previous crises, this one is a catalyst for tourism, offering an opportunity to remove ineffective structures. The crisis may also accelerate processes (modernization and others) that are already underway.

The peculiarity of the tourism industry is that, from a strategic point of view, tourism has the potential for a very rapid growth of vacancies and expansion of sectors of influence, which must be taken into account in those regions where the tourism sector is practically the only employer, but, nevertheless, now we have to make cuts state. It is important to understand that job cuts and reduction of unprofitable components are the key to future success and further growth.

Analyzing the development of tourism, experts have noted two trends that exist in tourism and affect its development: the influence of external economic and political factors and the rapid recovery of tourism volumes in an unfavorable environment. It cannot be said that the tourism industry, along with other sectors of the economy, did not suffer from the outbreak of the financial crisis; what is clear is that tourism, nevertheless, finds the strength to overcome the current situation. In general, the development and growth of tourism in the world at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries can be considered sustainable.

1.3 Short story tourism development in Kazakhstan

The historical prerequisites for tourism in Kazakhstan are the formation and development of the Great Silk Road, the beginning of which dates back to the third millennium BC.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a branch of the Russian Mining Society was formed in the city of Verny, which existed until 1927.

In 1931, the first cell of the All-Union Voluntary Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions - OPTE - was organized. In September 1936, the OPTE was abolished, and the Kazakhstan Tourist and Excursion Administration (TEU), organized under the trade unions, became its successor.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War TEU ceased its activities.

In 1955, the Kazakhstan branch of the All-Union Joint Stock Company (VAO) “Intourist” was opened in Almaty. On May 12, 1956, 25 foreigners arrived in Almaty as tourists, next year there were already 157 of them, and in 1971 Kazakhstan received 8 thousand people. In 1955, the number of tourists from various countries of the world reached 28 thousand people. In 1991, the company was transformed into the national company "Intourist of Kazakhstan".

On June 20, 1962, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions issued a decree “On the further development of tourism.” It said that more than 10 million people were involved in hiking and travel. In order to further develop tourism and improve its management, and also taking into account that the Central Council of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR decided to abolish federations and sections of tourism, the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions decided to reorganize the Central Republican and regional tourist and excursion management into the Central Republican, Regional and regional tourism councils.

A powerful impetus to the development of tourism was given by the decree “On measures for the further development of tourism and excursions in the country” (1969). In Kazakhstan, new regional councils for tourism and excursions, excursion bureaus, travel and excursion bureaus began to emerge. Particular attention was paid to strengthening the material base of tourism in the republic - the construction and equipment of tourist centers and hotels with restaurants, cinemas and other cultural and consumer services.

In 1979, according to the Alma-Ata City Tourist Club, there were about 100 tourist sections and 7 tourist clubs operating in the city. The number of people involved in tourism is over 213 thousand people. (in total, about 900 thousand people lived in Almaty at that time).

During the Soviet period in Kazakhstan, domestic tourism mainly developed. The share of international tourism was not significant. It should be noted that tourism in the Soviet Union was one of the elements of the system of cultural and educational work, which performed an ideological function and, despite its dominant role, was financed on a residual basis and did not have significant economic significance. At the same time, the profit received by the Kazakh Republican Council for Tourism and Excursions increased annually until the 80s of the last century.

The beginning of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized by the rapid development of international tourism. In connection with the emergence of the possibility of free travel abroad, during this period, predominantly outbound tourism develops, the share of which largely exceeds inbound and domestic tourism combined.

This period saw a significant increase in the number of travel companies. If until 1991, 3 organizations were engaged in tourism in Kazakhstan (Kazakh Republican Council for Tourism and Excursions, Intourist, BMMT Sputnik), then in 1994 589 tourism organizations were registered in Kazakhstan.

Outbound tourist flows were focused on Poland. China (shop tours) and Bulgaria (vacation). The countries generating tourist flows to Kazakhstan during this period were Great Britain, Germany, China, and the USA.

The share of tourism in GDP during this period was: in 1991 - 0.3%, in 1992 - 0.09%, in 1993 - 0.06%, in 1994 - 0.08%.

Since 1993, Kazakhstan has been a full member of the World Tourism Organization. The governments of many countries find Kazakhstan a promising partner with rich tourism potential, and the number of bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements in the field of tourism is increasing from year to year.

Thanks to a grant from the Convention Bureau of Tucson (Arizona, USA), on November 13-16, 2000, the Kazakhstan Tourist Association was represented for the first time at the World Travel Fair in London.

With the participation of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Tourism and Sports, the Spanish television company SKOMA Te1evision organized and filmed a documentary video about the history, culture, and customs of our country, “Kazakhstan: a journey to the heart of Eurasia.” A documentary film consisting of 4 parts characterizing the picturesque places of our country, infrastructure, historical sites, folk art, traditions and customs, was broadcast on the European channel Plus. The premiere screening of the documentary film “Kazakhstan: a journey to the heart of Eurasia” took place at the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Spain with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. In addition, the company "CROMA Te1evision", commissioned by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Tourism and Sports, produced a promotional video about the tourism opportunities of Kazakhstan.

In the Development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2030, tourism is recognized as one of the priority sectors of the economy. According to statistical analysis, in 2007 all types of tourism services increased significantly. Inbound tourism compared to 2006 increased by 12.8% (5 million 310.6 thousand people), the number of outgoing tourists increased by 23.2% (4 million 544.4 thousand people), the number of tourists domestic tourism also increased by 12.5% ​​(3 million 932.6 thousand people).

The implementation of the set of measures presented in the State Program will contribute to a further increase in the flow of tourists both at the expense of citizens of the country and people arriving from abroad. Ultimately, this will lead to a significant increase in the attractiveness of the national tourism product and will contribute to Kazakhstan’s entry into the global tourism market as an important area of ​​international entrepreneurship and business cooperation within the framework of international trade in services. A developed competitive tourism industry will be created, which can become one of the significant profitable sectors among the non-resource sectors of the state’s economy. At the same time, real conditions and opportunities will be created in the republic for Kazakhstan to become the center of tourism in the Central Asian region.

Expected results from implementation and indicators of the State program. During the implementation of the State program, it is expected to ensure a stable increase in the flow of tourists:

at the first stage (2007-2009):

for domestic tourism from 3.4 million tourists in 2007 to 4.0 million tourists in 2009;

for incoming tourism from 4.5 million tourists in 2007 to 6.0 million tourists in 2009;

at the second stage (2010-2011):

for domestic tourism from 4.1 million tourists in 2010 to 4.5 million tourists in 2011;

for incoming tourism from 7.0 million tourists in 2010 to 9.5 million tourists in 2011.

Provided that on average one foreign tourist brings about 63,500 tenge to the budget during his stay, for the period from 2007 to 2011, budget revenues from inbound tourism will amount to 603,250 million tenge.

Due to incoming tourism, employment in the tourism sector will also be ensured from 447.6 thousand people in 2007 to 550.0 thousand people in 2011.

The main goal of the program is to create a competitive tourism industry to ensure employment of the population, stable growth of state and population incomes by increasing the volume of inbound and domestic tourism.

A study of various government programs in the field of tourism very accurately emphasizes the optimistic attitude of the state towards tourism in the country. Familiarization with some statistical sources and the very history of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan allows us to conclude that tourism does not stand still and, despite temporary deviations, still has a positive trend towards its further development.

1.4 The state of the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Currently, there are about 950 tourism organizations operating in Kazakhstan, with foreign partners in more than 80 countries.

Today Kazakhstan has air connections with all countries of the world. International flights, along with domestic airlines, are carried out by leading international air carriers.

According to the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the results of the first half of 2008, the number of visitors throughout the republic as a whole increased by 12.4% compared to the corresponding period in 2007 and amounted to 6881.4 thousand people.

There is a trend of growth in the number of visitors served in inbound tourism by 13.3% compared to the same period in 2007 (2439.8 thousand people or 35.4% of the total flow of visitors), in outbound tourism by 20.6% (2362.9 thousand people or 34.3% of the total flow of visitors) and domestic tourism by 3.4% (2078.7 thousand people or 30.2% of the total flow of visitors).

The total volume of services provided also increased by 60.8% and amounted to 29.5 billion tenge, the cost of vouchers sold amounted to 6.7 billion tenge (an increase of 1.2 times).

In the reporting period, the volume of investments in the tourism industry also increased by 2.5 times compared to the corresponding period last year and amounted to 63.0 billion tenge.

On March 4, the World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual report, “The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009: Managing in a Time of Turbulence,” was released. The main part of the report is the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI). The final TTS1 is compiled on the basis of intermediate indices for such indicators as the level of development of transport and hotel infrastructure, legal support, political stability, ease of doing business, government participation in the development of the industry, tourist attractiveness, security in the country as a whole and, finally, natural and human country's potential. This year Kazakhstan took 92nd place in the “overall standings” (out of 133 countries; 3.65 points out of 7 possible).

Today, the most promising and visited tourist city in Kazakhstan is Almaty. The southern capital has all the prerequisites for the development of tourism activities. The majority of high-class hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses and travel agencies are concentrated in the southern capital. The city is rich in attractions and recreational areas. The tourism infrastructure of Almaty is the most developed in the country.

The city of Almaty will host the Asian Winter Games (Asian Games) in 2011. The main goal is to adequately represent the Republic of Kazakhstan before the international community. The geographical location of the city covers several climatic zones, which makes Almaty the most attractive for tourists.

It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that Almaty is a metropolis, whose population of more than one and a half million has the potential to be covered by tourist services and involved in tourism activities.

Travel companies. The tourism services market of the southern capital is represented by about 700 agencies and organizations engaged in tourism activities in all types of tourism. Travel agencies in Almaty account for almost 70% of the share of all companies that carry out tourism activities in Kazakhstan.

According to experts, outbound tourism currently leads in the activities of travel agencies - more than 90% of travel agencies occupy this niche. But only about 50 travel companies are currently accepting “inbound” tourists from other countries. Among them there are both newcomers and well-known companies (there are no more than 20 of them) that are part of the global tourism network.

The largest number of tourism companies and accommodation facilities operate in Almalinsky 28%, in Medeusky 24.2% and in Bostandyksky 20.3% districts.

Almaty region accounts for 20% of the tourism potential of the entire country. Recently, a growth trend has been observed in the development of domestic tourism, although there were slight fluctuations in indicators in 2001, when the smallest number of “domestic” tourists were served in Almaty. Since 2002, the situation has stabilized and indicators began to grow. Thus, over 6 years, the indicator of domestic tourism has increased significantly, the average annual growth rate is 8-12%, except for 2005, when this figure was almost 40%.

Income from domestic tourism is much less than from inbound or outbound tourism. In 2007, domestic tourism profits accounted for only 3% of total tourism income.

I would like to note that for this type of tourism only the officially registered number of tourists is given. In fact, there are much more “domestic” tourists. Because The majority of them do not use the services of travel agencies or hotels, but travel “on their own” and stay with relatives. Accordingly, in this case, tourists are not registered and statistics on them are not kept.

Along with domestic tourism, inbound tourism is the most promising and main source of income from tourism activities and tourism enterprises in the city. In 2007, the number of tourists arriving in Almaty amounted to 128 thousand people. This number is growing every year. But it should be noted that although inbound tourism in Almaty is quite high, it is still one third less than outbound tourism. It is interesting that in 2007, inbound tourism in Almaty brought 10% of the total income of tourism organizations.

The breakdown of tourists by country of residence visiting Almaty, the situation is as follows:

Of the total number of tourists who visited Almaty in 2007, the majority were tourists from Turkey (22% or 28,160 people), and these were mainly workers and specialists in the field of construction, which is explained by the active development of the city.

In second place are guests from Germany - 19% (24,320 people), who are interested in the development of the oil industry in Kazakhstan and partly tourists who came to various congresses and seminars.

In third place are tourists from neighboring China – 13% (16,640 people).

Almaty is least visited by residents of India - 5120 (4%), as well as other countries of the world (Israel, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Japan, Lithuania, etc.) - a total of 2560 people (2%).

The analysis shows that in recent years the geography of inbound tourism has significantly expanded. (Fig. 1.) Thus, the number of tourists from non-CIS countries has increased by approximately 163% over the past 3 years. While the share of tourists from the CIS countries decreased by 26%.

Among the incoming flow of tourists by purpose of stay, business tourism prevails - more than 70% of non-residents visit Almaty for business and professional purposes.

It should also be noted that, according to experts, the volumes of domestic and inbound tourism are trending upward. Thus, in 2007, the growth in incoming tourism was 31.5%, in domestic tourism - 25.5%.

As for outbound tourism (Fig. 2), it is the main source of income for Almaty tourism firms. The share of outbound tourism in total income from tourism activities is 80%.

In 2007, the countries most visited by Almaty residents were: Turkey - it was visited by 30% of the total number of resident tourists, which is 47,400 people. China was in second place in terms of attendance - 23% (36,340 people). Half as many residents of Almaty visit the United Arab Emirates – 12% (18,960 people) and Russia – 11% (17,380 people). Other visiting countries (Thailand, Italy, Spain, Greece, Denmark, etc.) together account for 2% (3,160 people).

The purpose of a significant mass of Almaty tourists who traveled abroad in 2007 was leisure, recreation and recreation - 57%. A quarter of residents (24%) visit different cities of the world for commercial purposes, 9% of Almaty residents travel abroad to visit relatives, friends and acquaintances. Business and professional trips of residents amounted to 6.5%. The remaining 3.5% of the purposes of tourist trips include health, educational, pilgrimage, sports, environmental, cultural and educational and others, which may be part of the already mentioned purposes. In fact, nothing prevents tourists from traveling for different purposes, because... In the minds of consumers, a trip, for example, to a ski resort is identified with the main purpose of recreation, but may also include other purposes - sports or recreational.

In 2008, there was a general positive trend in the development of the tourism industry for all types of tourism: the number of domestic tourism visitors served amounted to 315.7 thousand people or 46.2% of the total flow of visitors, inbound tourism amounted to 220.7 thousand people or 32.3 %, and the number of outgoing tourists amounted to 146.4 thousand people or 21.5%.

The volume of services provided in the tourism industry amounted to 33,272.8 million tenge, including the volume of services provided by accommodation facilities amounted to 19,622.2 million tenge or 59%, travel companies 13,545.2 million tenge (40.7%) and individual entrepreneurs 105 .4 million tenge (0.3%).

The main purpose of the served visitors is business and professional purposes - 64.1%, leisure, recreation and recreation - 30.3%, commercial purposes - 3.9%, other categories of purposes make up an insignificant percentage.

Despite the fact that the financial crisis also affected the tourism industry, Kazakhstan maintained its main quality indicators for 2008. As noted by the chairman of the tourism industry committee of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Evgeny Nikitinsky, “although there is a decrease in the incoming flow of tourists into the country by 11% - from 5.2 million people in 2007 to 4.7 million people in 2008. They increased by 15%. indicators of outbound international tourism. Kazakhstanis continue to travel around the world.”

According to forecasts, in 2009 the volume of domestic tourism should be 4 million people, the volume of inbound tourism - about 5 million people.

The Kazakhstan Tourism Association (KTA) speaks about the reorientation of tourist flows towards domestic tourism. According to data announced by the head of this organization, Rashida Shaikenova, in 2009 domestic tourism will increase by 25% compared to last year. As you can see, in times of crisis the state has high hopes for domestic tourism.

To summarize, I would like to note that today the transformation of Almaty into the center of the tourism industry of the republic is one of the priorities facing the Department of Entrepreneurship and Industry of Almaty. With the correct development of implementation mechanisms, tourism can become a sector that, along with trade, provides a significant portion of revenues to the city budget. Government bodies, representatives of the tourism business, public and scientific organizations, which made it possible to create during the implementation period good prerequisites for further development of tourism.

The Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2008 approved the Statistical Work Plan for 2009. The statistical data presented in it will allow you to see a more complete picture of the tourism business in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 2. Registration of a tourist enterprise

2.1 Choice of legal form

Regardless of which place is chosen in the tourism market - a travel agent or a tour operator, activities should begin with the registration of a travel company and the preparation of all necessary related documents.

First you need to choose whether to create a legal entity (for example, LLP or JSC) or register as an individual entrepreneur (or as it was previously called a “private entrepreneur”).

In the conditions of a modern market economy, the topic of choosing organizational and legal forms is very relevant. entrepreneurial activity. The presence of various organizational and legal forms of business, as shown world practice, is the most important prerequisite for the effective functioning of a market economy in any state, including Kazakhstan. When making a decision on such a choice, the entrepreneur determines the required level and scope of possible rights and obligations, which depends on the profile and content of future activities, the possible range of partners, and the existing legislation in the country.

Depending on the goals, commercial enterprises may have different organizational and legal forms, but for registration of tourism activities, as a rule, the LLP registration form is used - limited liability partnership. This is one of the most common organizational and legal forms today. But in any case, there can be no clear answer to this question. Everyone must find it for themselves by considering the “pros” and “cons” of each legal status. “Pros” and “cons” are in quotation marks, because the same factor in different situations can be an advantage or a disadvantage, and this division is conditional.

Let's consider some features of the legal status of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that you should pay attention to when choosing legal form carrying out business activities.

Individual entrepreneur. "Pros":

1. An individual entrepreneur pays fewer taxes and, in most cases, at lower rates than a legal entity.

The size of tax rates depends on the tax regime in which the entrepreneur operates. When carrying out activities on the basis of a patent, the income of an entrepreneur is taxed at a rate of 2% (Article 436 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). When working on the basis of a simplified declaration, income is taxed at a rate of 3% of revenue (Article 436 of the Tax Code).

Under both of these tax regimes, taxable income is understood as total amount revenue for goods, works, services. The amounts are paid in equal shares in the form of individual income and social taxes (the latter minus social contributions).

If an entrepreneur applies the generally established procedure for calculating and paying taxes, his income will be taxed at the following rates. Individual income tax will be from 10% of the amount of income (Article 158 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In this case, taxable income is the difference between revenue and expenses for generating income. Social tax will be paid in the amount of 2 monthly calculation indices (MCI) for oneself and 1 MCI for each employee (Article 358 of the Tax Code).

An individual entrepreneur will pay value added tax if the minimum turnover for the sale of goods, works and services is exceeded, amounting to 30,000 times the monthly calculation index during the calendar year.

Also, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay contributions to accumulative pension funds for himself and his employees.

At the same time, tax rates are significantly lower compared to those established for legal entities.

2. Accounting for an individual entrepreneur in the case of applying a patent and a simplified declaration is much simpler accounting legal entity. When working on a patent, it is practically absent. This advantage allows an individual entrepreneur to maintain accounting records independently without hiring an accountant. However, the possibility of using a simplified declaration has also been established for legal entities, but in most cases, hiring an accountant is already required.

3. The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is extremely simple. He pays a registration fee in the amount of 4 MCI, fills out a registration application form, presents an identification document, a photograph, a taxpayer certificate (TRN), a certificate of assignment of a social individual code (SIC). You may also be required to provide proof of your place of residence and place of business. An individual entrepreneur does not have any constituent documents. The only document confirming its status is a certificate of state registration. Registration is carried out in one body - the tax department (administration).

4. The costs of registering as an individual entrepreneur are minimal. If you become an individual entrepreneur without resorting to the help of a specialized legal organization, then, as already mentioned, only a registration fee of 4 MCI is paid.

After state registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to pay for the production of seals and stamps if you want to have them, which in most cases is not at all necessary (from 2000 tenge). If you intend to open a bank account, then you will have to pay for the services for notarization of signature samples on a bank card (from 1000 tenge per card, up to 4 cards), as well as for opening an account, if this procedure is paid at the bank of your choice ( from 2000 to 8000 tenge).

Individual entrepreneur. "Minuses":

1. One of these “disadvantages” is the fact that an individual entrepreneur is liable for obligations related to entrepreneurial activity on a general basis, i.e. all property belonging to him (Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In other words, if there are debts to the budget, suppliers, contractors and other creditors, then on the basis court decision your personal property may be foreclosed on and sold to pay off these debts. Such liability of an individual entrepreneur is unlimited. On the contrary, the liability of a participant in an LLP is limited only by the value of the unpaid part of his contribution to the authorized capital of the partnership (to the extent of the value of the contribution made, the participant in the business partnership bears the risk of losses). A shareholder of a joint-stock company bears the risk of losses within the limits of the value of the shares owned by him.

2. Sometimes legal entities (especially foreign ones) are reluctant to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs. The reasons may be the entrepreneur’s failure to pay VAT or carrying out activities on the basis of a patent.

3. A sole proprietor cannot be “reorganized” into a legal entity, such as a limited liability partnership.

4. An individual entrepreneur working under a patent has no right to hire employees.

5. It is difficult to combine the capital of several persons within the framework of one business. Although there is such a form of joint entrepreneurship as a simple partnership, into which several individual entrepreneurs can unite, such an association is not considered a legal entity.

6. Individualization of business is difficult. According to the law, only legal entities have the right to a company name. The law does not prohibit an individual entrepreneur from assigning any name to his business. However, it is impossible to protect such an unregistered name from illegal use or other violations. For a legal entity, the company name is registered at the time of creation and is more reliably protected from use by third parties, if only because it is no longer possible to register another legal entity under such a company name. An individual entrepreneur, in order to individualize his business and receive protection, will have to register a trademark.

Entity. "Pros":

Here we will consider only two organizational and legal forms of legal entities: limited liability partnership (LLP) and joint stock company (JSC). LLPs and JSCs are the most common organizational and legal forms of commercial organizations in Kazakhstan, with LLPs having a much larger share. Without exaggeration, this organizational and legal form can be called the most widespread.

So, about the “pros”:

1. The liability of a founder (participant) of an LLP or a shareholder of a JSC for the obligations of the organization is limited. You are liable to the creditors of the LLP or JSC only to the extent of the value of the unpaid part of the contribution to the authorized capital of the LLP (the shares of the JSC owned by you). However, if you, as a founder, through your actions caused the bankruptcy of a legal entity, you may be subject to additional liability for the obligations of the partnership if its assets are insufficient. To the extent that you have paid for your contribution to the authorized capital or the shares you own, you bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the legal entity.

2. If you have business partners, then an LLP or JSC can implement your joint plans, since these organizational and legal forms allow the possibility of having several founders (participants). Moreover, the number of founders (participants) is not limited.

3. A legal entity of one form can be transformed into a legal entity of another form (for example, a JSC into an LLP or vice versa), and can be subject to merger, separation, accession, and division procedures. This provides great opportunities to adapt to current business needs.

4. A legal entity can open a branch or representative office, that is, a separate structural unit in another city, region or even country.

Entity. "Minuses":

1. A legal entity pays more taxes and at higher rates than individual entrepreneurs. A tax that individual entrepreneurs do not have is corporate income tax, the rate of which for legal entities paying taxes in the generally established manner is 20% of the income received, minus deductions related to income and losses (Article 147 of the Tax Code). Social tax will be paid at a rate of 11% of the payroll of a legal entity, and as the amount of taxable income increases, the tax rate decreases (Article 358 of the Tax Code).

However, when applying a special tax regime - a simplified declaration (which is possible for legal entities - small businesses), the income of a legal entity will be taxed at a rate of 3% of the amount of revenue. In this case, expenses incurred are not taken into account, and taxes are paid in equal shares in the form of corporate income and social taxes (the latter minus social contributions).

Regarding VAT, the conditions are the same: value added tax is paid if the minimum turnover for the sale of goods, works and services is exceeded, amounting to 30,000 times the monthly calculation index during the calendar year.

Also, a legal entity is obliged to transfer individual income tax from the salaries of its employees and contributions to accumulative pension funds for them, but these amounts are withheld from the salaries of the employees themselves.

2. Legal entities that pay taxes in accordance with the generally established procedure have rather complex accounting and tax accounting.

3. In addition to tax authorities, legal entities must submit reports to statistical authorities. Individual entrepreneurs in statistical reporting do not lead or provide.

4. The procedure for state registration of a legal entity is much more complicated than the procedure for state registration of an individual entrepreneur. While an individual entrepreneur only visits the tax committee for his registration, a legal entity, although according to the one-stop principle, goes through the chain of registration authorities during registration: justice authorities - statistical authorities - tax authorities.

For legal entities that are not small businesses, a document confirming their location will be required. It should be noted that signing an illiterately drafted agreement threatens its participants with the following problems:

The contract may be declared invalid.

The contract may be recognized as not concluded.

An agreement may lead to the impossibility of obtaining from the counterparty an expected result that is not provided for or provided for in the agreement insufficiently.

The agreement may burden the parties with an unjustified tax burden.

5. The costs of registering a legal entity significantly exceed the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur.

It is necessary to pay a fee for registering a legal entity, which is 2 monthly calculation indices for small business organizations, and 6.5 monthly calculation indices for all other legal entities. The development of constituent documents in the state and Russian languages ​​is often beyond the capabilities of non-professionals, so it will most likely have to be paid for in a specialized legal organization (from 4,000 to 50,000 tenge).

And one more point regarding expenses. The founders of a legal entity are required to pay its authorized capital. Minimum size authorized capital for LLP is 100 monthly calculation indicators. At the same time, the founders of the LLP are obliged to pay for it with money or property at least 25%, but not less than the established minimum amount (100 MCI), before registration. And although the contribution of the authorized capital during registration is not checked, no one has canceled the obligation to contribute it. Therefore, these amounts can be safely added to the costs of creating a legal entity.

The authorized capital of a JSC must be at least 50,000 monthly calculation indices and is subject to payment by the founders of the JSC no later than 30 days from the date of its state registration.

6. In the course of its activities, a legal entity has to deal with big amount documents. To complete and register any transaction, you will need decisions and minutes of the meeting of founders, constant production of copies of the charter, certificate of registration, statistical card, taxpayer certificate, etc. An individual entrepreneur in most cases makes do with only a certificate of registration.

The main differences between joint stock companies and limited liability partnerships:

1. The main difference is that the authorized capital of a JSC is divided into shares, and the authorized capital of an LLP is divided into shares of participants.

The issue of shares must be registered with the authorized state body for supervision of the financial market and financial institutions. Therefore, LLP is a simpler and more common legal form than JSC.

2. The constituent documents of the LLP are the charter and memorandum of association(if there are 2 or more participants). The only constituent document of a JSC is the charter.

3. The minimum size of the authorized capital of a LLP is 100 monthly calculation indices, and minimum size The authorized capital of the joint-stock company is 50,000 monthly calculation indices.

For state registration, it is necessary to provide constituent documents to the justice authorities: the charter and the constituent agreement (or only the charter - if the legal entity has one founder), as well as an application for state registration, a power of attorney, if the documents are submitted by a representative of the founder.

State registration is carried out in strict accordance with current legislation. Based on the decision made by the registration authority and its entry into the Unified State Register For individual entrepreneurs, the firm is considered registered and therefore has the right to conduct business.

The next chapter contains the main legal acts regulating tourism activities. An entrepreneur needs to familiarize himself with them, analyze and study them in order to make reliable decisions for his business.

2.2 Legal framework

According to the development strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030, tourism is identified as one of the priority areas of economic growth of the country. At the same time, the state provides all possible support for activities aimed at developing tourism in the Republic. First of all, state policy in the field of tourism involves the creation of a legal framework that allows tourism to function normally as an equal industry in market conditions.

In any state, the relationship between the parties "tourist - travel agency", "tourist - state", "travel agency - state" is regulated by relevant legislation. Depending on the degree of civilization of the state and with increasing approach to the concept of the rule of law, legislation becomes more detailed and complete. IN optimal option Every element of the relationship between these parties must be covered. Tourism must be planned by government authorities, as well as local administrations and tourism organizations, in an integrated and consistent manner.

Today it is impossible to do without a single national mechanism that ensures coordination of tourism policy at the national and regional levels. As you know, business cannot operate outside the state and an entrepreneur carrying out his activities cannot do without laws and rules established by the state. It would be useful to say that the Report on the Program of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan talks about the development of the business environment and support for entrepreneurship. We are talking about solving problems of streamlining the permitting system, eliminating duplication and reducing permitting procedures, such as licensing, certification, standardization, accreditation, as well as creating prerequisites for the transition to more high level development.

ZRK "On the basics of tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

ZRK "On the protection of consumer rights";

Laws “On Standardization”, “On Certification of Products and Services”;

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On licensing of international tourism activities";

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Republic of Kazakhstan";

Resolution of the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan "GOST R certification system. Rules for certification of tourist services and hotel services."

For many years, tourism activities in the formation, promotion and sale of tourism products (tour operator, travel agency activities), as well as other activities in organizing travel (licensing, standardization of these activities, certification of tourism services, hotel services, etc.) did not have reliable legal support. This situation led to the uncivilized development of the tourism market. Tourism, being a sector of the economy, fully perceives the regulatory impact of the norms of various branches of law: administrative, environmental, insurance, customs, consumer protection and others.

And finally, tourism activities and the provision of tourism services are entrepreneurial activities that are regulated by the Law on Tourism Activities and various regulations. The professional activities of specialists in the field of tourism require knowledge of the legal framework and norms aimed at stable regulation. As you know, ignorance or misunderstanding of the law does not exempt anyone from responsibility. The specialist must navigate numerous legal sources, know the basic regulations of the relevant branch of law, and be able to defend the rights and interests of his tourist organization with reference to the law.

The specificity of the tourism business lies in the combination of tourism products from various services: transport, food, accommodation, consular services, etc. From here a large number of legal and regulatory documents regulating tourism activities. Moreover, tourism activities are also regulated by numerous international agreements and require a more in-depth approach to the study of these documents.

Government regulation tourism activities are carried out through:

Creation of regulatory legal acts aimed at improving relations in the tourism industry;

Assistance in promoting the tourism product in the domestic and global tourism markets;

Protecting the rights and interests of tourists, ensuring their safety;

Licensing, standardization in the tourism industry, certification of tourism products;

Establishing rules for entry into the Republic of Kazakhstan, exit from the Republic of Kazakhstan and stay on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the interests of tourism development;

Direct budget allocations for the development and implementation of federal target programs for tourism development;

Creating favorable conditions for investment in the tourism industry;

Tax and customs regulation;

Providing preferential loans, establishing tax and customs benefits for tour operators and travel agents engaged in tourism activities in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and attracting foreign citizens to engage in tourism in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Promoting staffing for tourism activities;

Development of scientific research in the tourism industry;

Promoting the participation of Kazakhstani tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations in international tourism programs;

Providing cartographic products;

Other methods used in the order established by law RK.

The coordination of tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out by the executive authority in the field of tourism.

Principles of state regulation of tourism activities.

The state, as written in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities", recognizing tourism activities as one of the priority sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, promotes tourism activities and creates favorable conditions for its development; determines and supports priority areas of tourism activity; forms an idea of ​​the Republic of Kazakhstan as a country favorable for tourism; provides support and protection of Kazakhstani tourists, tour operators, travel agents and their associations.

State bodies for regulating tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 1989, the USSR State Committee for Tourism, which for many years had been coordinating the tourism sector in our country, was liquidated, and for three years there was no department responsible for the development of this industry. In March 1992, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan was formed, which less than a year later was divided into two independent departments: the Ministry of Culture and the Committee for Tourism.

Further reorganization of the government apparatus of the Republic of Kazakhstan led to the formation of a combined department - the Committee on Youth Affairs, physical culture and tourism, then - the Committee on Physical Culture and Tourism. On August 9, 1994, the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Physical Culture and Tourism began to function.

The Coordination Committee for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism should ensure:

Development of the fundamentals of state policy in the field of tourism;

Coordination of work on the examination of legal acts and programs in the field of tourism;

Analysis of the state of national tourism and development of proposals for its development.

There are regulations of the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on certification of tourism services, acts of state antimonopoly authorities on the application of legislation in the field of consumer rights to tourism services, etc.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that today in the Republic of Kazakhstan the legal basis for small business, which undoubtedly includes tourism activities, is more than 15 laws, decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dozens of acts of the Government, ministries and departments aimed at development. The regulatory framework is imperfect, but, nevertheless, the law exists and works. Moreover, legislative documents in the field of tourism are constantly being finalized, changed, supplemented, which allows us to talk about the active assistance of the state.

tourism business certification standardization

2.3 On licensing, certification and standardization of tourism activities

Licensing of tourism activities is an effective measure to prevent unscrupulous entrepreneurs from entering the tourism market.

The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan understands a license as permission to engage in a certain type of activity or perform certain actions, which is issued to citizens or legal entities by the competent government agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Foreign legal entities and individuals, as well as stateless persons, have the right to obtain licenses on the same conditions and in the same manner as legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, unless otherwise provided legislative acts. A uniform procedure and conditions for obtaining a license have been established for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, tourism activities are subject to mandatory licensing. At the same time, the issues of licensing tourism activities are sufficiently regulated by law, in particular, the main regulatory legal acts in this area are the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Licensing” and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Tourism Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, as well as a number of regulatory decrees of the Government Republic of Kazakhstan.

A license in the Republic of Kazakhstan is issued for each of the following types of tourism activities:

1) tour operator;

2) travel agency;

3) services of a tourism instructor.

A tour operator license is issued only to legal entities that independently form their own tourism products, which are a set of tourism services sufficient to meet the needs of tourists during the trip. In other words, a tour operator is considered the actual manufacturer of the tourism product.

At the same time, types of services in the tourism industry:

1) services for providing tours;

2) services for providing accommodation;

3) food services;

5) transport services;

6) entertainment;

7) other tourist services.

A travel agency license is issued to individuals or legal entities carrying out activities to promote and sell a tourism product generated by a tour operator.

A license for the services of a tourism instructor is issued to a professionally trained individual who has the appropriate qualifications and experience in traveling tourist routes.

The right to obtain a license is granted to individuals and legal entities. Foreign legal entities, their branches and representative offices established on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and carrying out travel agency activities are subject to licensing on the same terms and in the same manner as tourist organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A necessary condition for obtaining a license for tour operators and travel agents is the conclusion of a compulsory insurance agreement for civil liability of the tour operator and travel agent.

The contract of compulsory liability insurance of the tour operator and travel agent is concluded for a period of 12 months from the date of its entry into force. The territory of validity of the contract of compulsory liability insurance of a tour operator and travel agent is the territory of tourist routes (tours).

The license for the right to carry out tourism activities (tour operator, travel agent and tourism instructor services) is general, that is, it is valid indefinitely throughout the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The license is issued by the regional (city of republican significance, capital) executive body in the field of tourism to the licensee for legal entities - at the place of its registration with the justice authorities, for individuals - at the place of its registration with the tax authorities. Branches and representative offices of the applicant - a legal entity - are licensed as part of it. The regulations on the branch or representative office and registration documents must be submitted to the licensor.

If the licensee opens branches (representative offices) that will also be engaged in this type of activity, the licensee submits documents confirming the compliance of the branches (representative offices) with the qualification requirements to the licensor located at the place of registration of the branch (representative office). In this case, the licensor, after making a positive decision, draws up an annex to the license indicating the location of branches (representative offices).

A license for the right to engage in the relevant type of tourism activity is issued to the applicant subject to compliance with the qualification requirements determined by the regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For each of the three licensed types of activities in the field of tourism, separate qualification requirements are established. Confirmation of compliance is carried out in order to establish the financial and production capabilities of the licensor to carry out activities in the field of tourism.

1. Qualification requirements for the applicant when licensing tour operator activities include the presence of: 1) consolidation of tourism activities in constituent documents; 2) own or rented office space; 3) workers with tourism education and experience practical work in the field of tourism services for at least three years, including guides (guides-translators), tour guides, tourism instructors licensed to provide tourism instructor services; 4) medical certificate about the mental state of the employee; 5) a sample contract for tourist services in accordance with the requirements of Article 17 of the Law “On Tourism Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”; 6) own or leased material and technical base or a contract for the provision of services with an organization that has the material and technical base for providing accommodation for tourists, tourist equipment and transport necessary for the provision of tourist services when organizing inbound and domestic tourism; 7) agreements with organizations providing services for the transportation of passengers, accommodation of tourists and other agreements necessary for the provision of tourist services when organizing outbound tourism; 8) register and schemes of tourist routes; 9) tourist service programs; 10) tourist voucher and tourist instructions; 11) information for tourists about the country of entry and exit and other advertising and information material (brochures, booklets, video materials, leaflets, magazines, diagrams and maps). 2. Qualification requirements for the applicant when licensing travel agency activities include the presence of: 1) securing tourist activities in the constituent documents - for legal entities; 2) own or rented office space; 3) at least one employee with a tourism education and at least one year of practical work experience; 4) medical certificate about the mental state of the employee; 5) a sample contract for tourist services in accordance with the requirements of Article 17 of the Law “On Tourism Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”; 6) an agreement with a tour operator for the sale of its tourism products and the provision of tourism services; 7) an agreement for the provision of services with an organization that has the material and technical base necessary to provide accommodation for tourists, tourist equipment and transport necessary for the provision of tourist services when organizing inbound and domestic tourism; 8) tourist voucher, tourist reminder; 9) information for tourists about the country of entry and exit and other advertising and information material (brochures, booklets, video materials, leaflets, magazines, diagrams and maps). 3. The qualification requirements for the applicant when licensing the services of a tourism instructor include the presence of: 1) professional training, qualifications and experience in passing tourist routes; 2) developed tourist route; 3) medical certificate about mental health status; 4) own or rented tourist equipment.

In case of violation of the conditions, the license may be revoked. Thus, quite stringent requirements are imposed on licensed types of activities in the field of tourism, which is associated, first of all, with the need to ensure the interests of individuals using the services of travel companies.

It is worth considering that, in accordance with the legislation of Kazakhstan, the absence of appropriate permits and licenses from a company carrying out licensed types of activities entails liability both on the legal entity itself and on an official of the Company. In particular, the legislation provides for the following types of liability:

1. Property liability in accordance with civil law.

2. Administrative liability (fine for an official in the amount of up to twenty-five MCI, and for a legal entity up to two hundred and fifty MCI).

3. For carrying out business activities without a special permit (license) in cases where such a permit (license) is mandatory, with the infliction of large damage, criminal law provides for liability in the form of a fine imposed on an official, up to one thousand monthly calculation indices or in the amount wages or other income for a period of seven months to one year, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years with or without confiscation of property.

In this case, all income received from unlicensed activities for which a license or special permit is provided is withdrawn in favor of the state.

That is why the main condition for doing business in the tourism sector is unquestioning compliance with the requirements of licensing legislation, for which it is necessary to form a clear professional approach.

List of documents for obtaining a license:

To obtain a license to carry out tour operator or travel agency activities, the following documents are required: 1) an application in the established form; 2) notarized copies of the Charter and certificate of state registration of the applicant as a legal entity - for a legal entity; 3) a copy of an identity document - for individual; 4) a notarized copy of the certificate of state registration of the applicant as an individual entrepreneur - for an individual entrepreneur; 5) a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of the applicant with the tax authority; 6) a document confirming payment to the budget of the license fee for the right to engage in the declared type of tourism activity; 7) copies of individual employment contracts concluded with employees, attaching copies of documents on education and experience, including with guides (guides-translators), excursion guides, tourism instructors licensed to provide tourism instructor services, indicating their qualifications, work experience specialty and medical certificate of mental health - for tour operator activities; 8) register and schemes of tourist routes - for tour operator activities; 9) tourist service programs for tour operator activities; 10) copies of individual employment contracts concluded with employees, accompanied by copies of documents on education and practical work experience and a medical certificate on psychological health - for travel agency activities; 11) a sample contract for tourist services in accordance with the requirements of Article 17 of the Law “On Tourism Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”; 12) a document confirming the presence of its own or rented material and technical base or an agreement for the provision of services with an organization that has a material and technical base; 13) agreements with a tour operator for the sale of its tourism products and the provision of tourism services - for travel agency activities; 14) tourist voucher and tourist reminder; 15) information for tourists about the country of entry and exit and other advertising and information material (brochures, booklets, video materials, leaflets, magazines, diagrams and maps).

Licensing is not the entire set of tools that allow the state to carry out the process of operational management of the industry. Next I would like to say a little about certification and standardization.

Both certification and standardization of services are carried out in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens who consume such services and bona fide producers of tourism products.

Certification is a procedure that confirms the compliance of the certification object with the norms and rules established by the state for this type of service (in this case we are talking about tourism services).

The objectives of certification are as follows:

Creating conditions for the activities of entrepreneurs at the national level, as well as for participation in international cooperation;

Assisting consumers in making competent choices;

Protection of the consumer from dishonesty (manufacturer, seller, performer);

Control of safety (in this case, services) for the environment, life and health of the consumer, as well as his property;

Confirmation of product quality indicators declared by the manufacturer.

Passing certification is a rather complex and time-consuming process for a travel company and directly depends on the qualifications of the company’s personnel.

Standardization is the process of defining a standard that meets established requirements. State standards determine the requirements for tourism services.

The task of standardization is to provide tourism enterprises with the opportunity to provide the client with the required level of service and reproduce this level on the desired scale.

The main part of the regulatory normative acts are standards of one content or another, which allows us to talk about the close relationship between the processes of certification and standardization and their great importance for the functioning and development of not only own business, but also the entire tourism industry as a whole.

2.4 Insurance in the tourism business

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, adopted at the WTO General Assembly in October 1999 in Santiago (Chile), stated that tourism professionals, to the extent that it depends on them, together with public authorities, must take care of the safety, prevention accidents, health and food hygiene for persons seeking their services; they must ensure that adequate insurance and assistance systems are in place.

Protecting consumer rights is the responsibility of any state, but in tourism the number of risks and opportunities for violating these rights is much greater than in other types of activities. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the state is to increase the effectiveness of legal protection and increase the level of tourism safety.

Insurance in international tourism is the main form of insurance companies ensuring the safety of tourists in the country of temporary stay, designed to compensate for possible damage caused to the health or property of tourists in the event of insured events, due to the insurance premiums they pay.

Main types of insurance:

medical – life and health insurance of tourists;

property – insurance of luggage, photo and video equipment, personal vehicles and other personal property of the tourist, as well as property of travel agencies ( office space, equipment, etc.);

civil liability – liability insurance for tourists, transport owners, hotels, travel agencies, etc.

Tourist safety.

The travel organization that arranges the tour is responsible for each participant who purchased a tour package or an individual tour to a particular country/region. The travel company must notify the client in advance about possible mental or physical stress that may threaten the safety of tourists during the trip (and inform in connection with what: special natural conditions, biological factors, etc.); provide information on how to act in the event of an emergency and provide all contact information for assistance in cases of emergency in a particular country/region.

Vehicles, places of residence and all tourist equipment must comply with safety measures or requirements established by the current regulatory documentation for certain types of equipment/equipment. All tourist personnel involved in accompanying tour participants during the trip must be prepared for emergencies and informed how to act in emergency cases.

A travel agent or operator company is obliged to provide the client with reliable information about its company in advance, all the necessary information to ensure the possibility of choice (price-quality ratio); about possible problems/delays associated with the preparation of documents (when selecting certain countries); all contact information for resolving problems if the client has questions regarding contract cancellation, claims, etc.; about the risks during the trip.

The regions offered by travel companies for vacation must be environmentally friendly/safe for health, that is, the travel company must be sure, before selling a tour, that the environmental and political conditions in the chosen country do not threaten the psychological and physical health of the client. If the contract has already been drawn up, and at this stage any incidents have occurred in the selected region that may threaten the client’s health, then the travel company is obliged to inform the client about the possible risk during the trip.

When drawing up routes for tourist routes, natural conditions must be taken into account, which must also be safe for the client’s health. The route passport must be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological service; organizations that control the movement of vehicles (auto and/or water inspection, etc.), and management bodies (owners) of land along which the tourist route passes.

Each employee of a particular travel company must be a highly qualified specialist in the field of tourism services; have all the necessary information that the client may need; be honest in providing information about the tour, the company and possible risks; know what actions to take in an emergency (necessary for employees of tourism organizations accompanying/serving clients directly in the country of temporary stay).

All standards can and should be used as fundamental points for working with clients, organizing tours, etc.

As you can see, we are talking about the need to conclude a compulsory insurance agreement for civil liability of the tour operator and travel agent.

Conclusion by the tour operator and travel agent of a voluntary insurance agreement for their civil liability related to the implementation of professional activity, does not relieve them of the obligation to conclude a contract of compulsory liability insurance for the tour operator and travel agent.

Under the contract of compulsory liability insurance of the tour operator and travel agent, the latter undertake to pay an insurance premium, and the insurance company undertakes, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to make an insurance payment to the tourist on the basis of the concluded contract, taking into account the requirements of the law, with the exception of the tourist’s claims related to compensation for moral damage and lost profits, as well as payment of penalties.

The contract of compulsory liability insurance of a tour operator and travel agent is concluded in writing by the insurer issuing an insurance policy to the insured. The basis for concluding a contract of compulsory liability insurance for a tour operator and travel agent is the application of the insured.

The contract of compulsory liability insurance of the tour operator and travel agent is concluded for a period of twelve months from the date of its entry into force. The validity period of insurance coverage coincides with the validity period of the compulsory liability insurance agreement for the tour operator and travel agent. The territory of validity of the contract of compulsory liability insurance of a tour operator and travel agent is the territory of tourist routes (tours).

The amount of the insured amount under the contract of compulsory liability insurance of the tour operator and travel agent is determined by its terms and conditions and is for:

1) a tour operator of no less than four thousand and no more than ten thousand monthly calculation indices at the time of conclusion of the contract;

2) a travel agent of no less than two thousand and no more than five thousand monthly calculation indices at the time of conclusion of the contract.

The amount of the insurance premium under the contract of compulsory liability insurance of the tour operator and travel agent is established by agreement of the parties and is for:

1) tour operator not less than 1% and not more than 2% of the insured amount established by the contract;

2) travel agent no less than 1.5% and no more than 2% of the insured amount established by the contract.

Thus, the insurance company helps the insured tourist solve all problems and receive qualified medical, legal or administrative assistance. Insurance companies, in turn, can offer risk insurance to travel agencies:

Financial risk;

Property risk;

Risk of civil liability under an agreement with a tourist, etc.

In the modern, far from calm world, security plays a huge role. In the tourism business, insurance issues are of paramount importance and essential importance. Concepts such as: insurance policy, risks, liability, etc. become significant. For example, loss of luggage during air travel is far from uncommon today. A traveler is unlikely to be satisfied if his personal belongings are simply lost during the trip. The International Herald Tribune reports that 42 million pieces of luggage were lost in 2007, up 25 percent from 2006. The travel agency must insure its client for all unforeseen events. Thus, the company achieves a truly professional level of service. Understanding insurance processes is one of the main components of success in the tourism industry today.

Chapter 3. Organization of activities of a travel company

3.1 General concepts and specifics of the tourism business

A travel company is a collective concept. This refers to an entrepreneurial structure engaged on a commercial basis in intermediary operations in the field of purchase and sale of tourism services. The travel company itself does not produce tourism services; it does not have the resources to do so. necessary means production, therefore it performs purely intermediary functions, namely, on behalf of the consumer, it purchases various tourist services from manufacturers (hotels, transport enterprises, catering and entertainment enterprises, etc.). A travel company takes the place of an intermediary between the producer and consumer of tourism services (tourists).

It should be emphasized that there are significant differences in the activities of travel companies related to the volume and nature of operations, place in the market, specialization of activities and other conditions of the tourism market.

First of all, travel companies are divided into tour operators and travel agents.

Tour operators. They are wholesalers of the tourism product and occupy a place between the producers of tourism services and their retailers. To create a mass tourism product (inclusive tours), they purchase from hotels, restaurants, and transport companies large volume their services, from which they form tour packages for group and individual travel along established routes.

Tour operators are the main generators of organized tourism. The main objectives of their work are to study and satisfy market demand. Wholesale travel agencies have to invest in the development of their business significant financial resources necessary to promote their trademark and product, creating an effective sales network, which implies high-quality marketing, etc.

The great fragmentation and segmentation of the tourism market and demand makes it necessary to concentrate the activities of tour operators on specific areas of specialization of their tourism products.

The main areas of specialization of tour operator activities are the following.

1. Specialization in receiving and servicing foreign tourists. Travel agencies engaged in this activity are called reception tour operators. To perform their main functions they must:

It is good to know the tourist resources available in the country, to have information about the features of tourist travel in your country;

Have the right (reference) for visa support for foreign tourists;

Have access to channels for promoting and selling your tourism product in foreign tourism markets.

2. Specialization in organizing tourist trips for citizens of their country abroad. In other words, travel agencies engaged in these operations are called destination tour operators. They have to:

Have a good position in the outbound tourism market in your country, the ability to promote and sell tourist travel abroad to your fellow citizens;

Have reliable partnerships with foreign tour operators who can provide visa support and quality service;

Possess the necessary information about the conditions of tourist travel to different countries.

With the modern development of needs and the presence of numerous desires of tourists, not a single, even the largest tourism company can cover all existing market segments and niches with its activities. Thus, it should be said about the specialization of travel companies by market segments. In practice, each tourism company chooses for itself one or more accessible and profitable segments of market demand, for which it forms its tourism product, sets prices, and uses appropriate promotion and sales channels. Depending on the demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of demand, we can observe the specialization of tour operators in the following areas:

Youth (schoolchildren, students);

Tourism for older people (pensioners, veterans);

Mass tourism (for people with average incomes);

Elite - VIP (for people with high incomes);

Bus, crisis, auto, moto, bicycle, etc.;

Excursion - educational;

Tourism for the purpose of recreation, treatment, sports;

Business, congress tourism, etc.

Travel agencies (agents). They act as retailers of travel services for personal, non-commercial consumption. Retail travel agencies play a vital role in the sale of tourism products of tour operators. In addition, they sell many other services, which include, for example, hotel accommodation, restaurant meals, transportation, theatrical and entertainment events. The main source of income is the commission paid by the suppliers of the services sold. Travel agencies usually operate in small markets, have little turnover and are highly dependent on the conditions of the tourism market and the policies of tour operators and transport companies.

It is not difficult to imagine - in the tourism sector, the key link in the chain of intermediaries that brings the tourism product to the final consumer is a travel agent. The vast majority of tourist trips are sold through it, primarily abroad. Experience shows that it is quite difficult to come up with and develop an interesting travel route, but it is much more difficult to find a consumer. In conditions of high market saturation with similar offers, intense competition and limited purchasing power of the population, travel agents have the most difficult task - to attract a client and persuade him to go on this particular tour, and only then conclude an agreement with him, receive money, issue a passport, visas, a ticket, issue a voucher, send him on a trip and return him home safe and sound, and at the final stage, perhaps, receive gratitude from him.

As it was said, by the nature of the operations performed, a travel agent is retailer. A classic travel agent does not create its own travel products, but resells them. It sells services to end consumers - tourists - for their personal non-commercial use.

Travel agents perform two main functions. According to the WTO definition, their main activity is the provision of information services. Only 48% of customers know where they would like to travel, 35% have a vague idea about it, and 17% have no idea at all. Travel agents inform potential buyers about tourist areas, transport schedules, accommodation options, current prices and help make an approximate estimate of travel expenses. Working in direct contact with clients, conversations and consultations, as well as the selection and processing of reference materials is very labor-intensive and takes up half of all time spent or more. This share especially increases when travel agents sell expensive vacation packages.

The second function of a travel agent is the sale of tourist services provided by carriers and facilities Catering, accommodation facilities and other tourism industry enterprises. It includes various intermediary operations. A travel agent sells tickets for all types of transport, reserves places in hotels and other accommodation facilities, rents out cars, orders excursions, issues travel documents, provides tourist insurance, exchanges currency, issues discount cards, sells tourist literature and souvenirs, and processes photographic films. etc. In addition to individual tourist services, a travel agent sells complete, comprehensive packages - tours. Among the listed operations, the sale of air tickets deserves special mention.

When starting a tourism business, you need to have a clear understanding of the tourism market in order to understand what services the future travel company will provide.

The travel agent market has a number of characteristic features. It is distinguished by a large number of participants in trade transactions and is an example of intense competition. Travel agents are so numerous due to open access to the market. This activity is relatively easy to start. It does not require large investments and highly qualified. However, the ease with which market entry occurs is often deceptive, and travel agents fail due to poor management skills and insufficient resources.

In organizing a tourism business, special mention should be made of the specificity of the tourism product itself, its inseparability from the source of formation. A product in material form (meat, clothing) exists regardless of its manufacturer, a tourist service (and this is also a product) is inseparable from the source of its creation.

The specifics of the tourism product are related to the specifics of tourist demand. The demand for tourism services is not uniform due to three main reasons. The first of them is the intangibility and unstorability of the tourism product. The diversity of consumers of tourism services is another reason for the heterogeneity of demand for them. The high importance of social factors - the economic situation in the country, ecology and social factors - is the third reason for the different demand for tourism services.

Due to the fact that when selling a tourism product the personal aspect is enhanced, the process of providing tourist services can be automated to a much lesser extent than, for example, the process of producing goods. For this reason, in tourism management, immeasurably more attention should be paid to personnel management and the regulation of interpersonal relationships.

Finally, as a feature of tourism, its seasonality should be highlighted. When solving the problem of management in tourism, this phenomenon must be taken into account by the heads of tourism enterprises, since fluctuations in demand can significantly worsen the operating conditions of the entire tourism industry.

In the modern world, the importance of tourism as a means of restoring strength and health is enormous; the tourist product has not yet become an essential commodity and is unlikely to become one in the near future. In addition, there is more in tourism services than in other paid services, is affected by changes in the purchasing power of the population. Tourism development is also strongly influenced by political and environmental phenomena. It should be noted that marketing is of greater importance in the tourism industry. This is due to the fact that the seller of a tourist service, without being able to present its sample-standard (as is practiced when selling goods), must find arguments in favor of his product - service, and this can only be done with a well-established marketing system. In addition, due to the variability of service quality and subjectivity in its evaluation, there is a need for its constant monitoring, i.e. this management function acquires special significance. The same tourist trip can be assessed differently by two different people, which sometimes causes misunderstandings in the relationship between the travel agency and clients.

As you can see, the tourist service is unique (it is not possible to repeat it in all aspects). This is the travel route, service conditions, cost, etc. Even two tours on the same route from the same company often go differently (this includes the condition of the vehicle, events in the host country, etc.) .

Thus, tourism is a specific form of human activity and the management process here should be based on a number of features of this industry.

3.2 Management structure of a tourism enterprise

Organizational structure is one of the main elements of organization management. It is characterized by the distribution of management goals and objectives between departments and employees of the organization. The management structure in the most general form is understood as an ordered set of interconnected elements that are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their functioning as a single whole. Essentially, we are talking about the logical relationships between management levels and functional services, which, with the help of management, are built in such a way as to achieve the strategic goals of the tourism company.

In the management structure of an organization, there are units (departments), levels (stages) of management and communication - horizontal and vertical.

The links include structural units, as well as individual specialists performing the relevant management functions or part of them. Management levels should also include managers who regulate and coordinate the activities of several structural divisions. Communications established between departments are horizontal in nature.

The management level is understood as a set of management units that occupy a certain level in an organization’s management systems. The levels of management are vertically dependent and subordinate to each other in the hierarchy: managers at a higher level of management make decisions that are specified and communicated to lower levels.

Despite the fact that all managers of an organization perform managerial activities, it cannot be said that they are engaged in the same type labor activity. Individual managers have to spend time coordinating the work of other managers, who, in turn, coordinate the work of lower-level managers, and so on to the level of the manager who coordinates the work of non-managerial personnel - the people who produce products or provide services. This vertical deployment of the division of labor forms management levels. The shape of the pyramid indicates that each successive level of management has fewer people than the previous one.

SENIOR MANAGERS. Highest organizational level - management senior management- much less numerous than others. Even in the largest organizations, there are only a few senior executives. Typical senior executive positions in business are chairman of the board, president, corporate vice president, and corporate treasurer. In the army they can be compared with generals, among statesmen - with ministers, and in a university - with chancellors (rectors) of colleges. Senior managers are responsible for making critical decisions for the organization as a whole or for a major part of the organization.

MIDDLE MANAGERS. Middle managers act as a buffer between senior and lower management. They prepare information for decisions made by senior managers and transfer these decisions, usually after transforming them in a technologically convenient form, in the form of specifications and specific tasks to lower-level line managers. The work of junior managers is coordinated and controlled by middle managers. Over the past decades, middle management has grown significantly both in size and in importance. Typical middle management positions include: department head (in business), dean (in college), regional or national sales manager, or branch director. Army officers from lieutenant to colonel, and priests with the rank of bishop are considered middle-level leaders in their organizations.

LOW-LEVEL LEADERS. Junior managers, also called first-line managers or operational managers, are an organizational level under the direct supervision or control of other employees (non-managers). Junior managers mainly monitor the implementation of production tasks to continuously provide direct information about the correctness of these tasks. Managers at this level are often responsible for the direct use of resources allocated to them, such as raw materials and equipment. Typical job titles at this level are foreman, shift foreman, sergeant, department head, head nurse, and head of the management department at a business school. Most of the managers in general are lower-level managers. Most managers begin their management careers in this capacity.

The elements of the organizational structure of an enterprise are employees, services and other parts of the management apparatus, the relationship between which is maintained through connections that have a horizontal or vertical orientation.

Horizontal division of labor is a qualitative and quantitative differentiation of labor activity. Essentially, this is the division of all work into its constituent components, i.e. division of the general labor process into various private, continuous, isolated types of activities with specialization of production and performers. This division of labor is carried out, as a rule, according to functional, sectoral and qualification criteria.

The functional division of labor is reflected primarily in the specialization of workers by type of activity. In this case, individual functions are isolated and appropriate employees are allocated to perform them.

The division of labor along industry lines is associated with specialization and restrictions in the performance of specific labor operations and procedures - for example, the specialization of an advertising manager, etc.

The qualification division of labor is based on the fact that when determining the types of labor activity, they proceed from the complexity of the work and the qualifications necessary to perform it. In such a case, the principle that no highly qualified worker should do work that can be done by a lesser qualified worker should not be violated. Violation of this principle increases the cost of work and leads to waste of human resources.

Vertical division of labor. Because work in an organization is divided into component parts, someone must coordinate the group's work in order for it to be successful. Vertical connections are connections of subordination, and the need for them arises when management is hierarchical, i.e. if there are several levels. In this case, the isolation of the management function comes to the fore, the essence of which is the purposeful coordination and integration of the activities of all elements of the organization. It is necessary to determine the responsibilities of subordinates, plan, organize and control all its structures and links. In such work there are always two moments: intellectual (preparation and decision-making) and volitional (their implementation).

The most difficult type of labor activity in our conditions seems to be that associated with the implementation of management decisions. This is primarily due to the wide variety of management jobs. To bring them into a specific system, it is advisable to perform individual functions, which are classified according to objects and direction of control action, according to the stages of the labor process or according to other aspects.

The vertical division of labor is carried out in the following areas:

general management - development and implementation of the main, promising directions of the organization’s activities;

technological management - development and implementation of advanced technologies. This is the rationalization of production processes based on the introduction of modern management methods, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production;

economic management - strategic and tactical planning, analysis economic activity, introduction of cost accounting and ensuring the profitable operation of the organization;

operational management - drawing up and communicating operational plans to micro-teams and individual performers, assigning performers to work places, instructing them, organizing systematic monitoring of the progress of the production process;

personnel management - selection, placement and development labor resources organizations.

Thus, in an organization there are two internal forms of division of labor: the first is the division of labor into components that make up parts general activities, i.e. horizontal division of labor; the second, called vertical, separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. The activity of coordinating the work of other people is the essence of management. Horizontal and vertical connections in the management structure of an organization can be linear and functional in nature, which characterizes the type of organizational structure.

In the management practice of the tourism industry, the most common are linear, functional and linear-functional organizational structures.

The essence of the linear management structure is that control influences on an object can be transferred only by one dominant person - the manager, who receives official information only from his directly subordinate persons, makes decisions on issues related to the part of the object he manages, and bears responsibility for his work before his superior.

This type of organizational management structure is used in the context of the functioning of small enterprises with simple production in the absence of extensive cooperative connections with suppliers, consumers, scientific and design organizations etc. Currently, this structure is used in the control system production sites, separate small workshops) as well as small firms of homogeneous and uncomplicated technology.

The advantages of the linear structure are due to its ease of use. All responsibilities and powers are clearly distributed here, and therefore conditions are created for an operational decision-making process, to maintain the necessary discipline in the team.

Among the disadvantages of the linear structure of an organization, rigidity, inflexibility, and inability to further growth and development of the enterprise are usually noted. The linear structure is focused on a large amount of information transmitted from one management level to another, limiting the initiative of employees at lower management levels. She presents high requirements to the qualifications of managers and their competence on all issues of production and management of subordinates.

The increase in the scale of production and its complexity is accompanied by a deepening division of labor and differentiation of the functions of the production system. At the same time, the growth in the volume of management work is accompanied by a deepening of the functional division of managerial labor, isolation of functions and specialization of management units. This creates a functional type of management structure.

The functional structure has developed as an inevitable result of the increasing complexity of the management process. The peculiarity of the functional structure is that although unity of command is maintained, special divisions are formed for certain management fictions, whose employees have knowledge and skills to work in this area of ​​management.

In principle, the creation of a functional structure comes down to grouping personnel according to the broad tasks that they perform. The specific characteristics and features of the activities of a particular division (block) correspond to the most important areas of activity of the entire enterprise.

The traditional functional blocks of an enterprise are the departments of production, marketing, and finance. This wide areas activities, or functions, that every enterprise has to ensure the achievement of its goals.

If the size of the entire organization or a given department is large, then the main functional departments can, in turn, be subdivided into smaller functional units. They are called secondary, or derivatives. The main idea here is to maximize the benefits of specialization and avoid overloading management. In this case, it is necessary to exercise certain caution so that such a department (or division) does not put its own goals above the general goals of the entire enterprise.

In practice, a linear-functional structure is usually used, which provides for the creation of functional units at the main links of the linear structure. The main role of these units is to prepare draft decisions, which come into force after approval by the relevant line managers. Along with line managers (directors, heads of branches and workshops), there are heads of functional departments (planning, technical, financial departments, accounting) who prepare draft plans and reports, which turn into official documents after signing by line managers.

The main advantage of this structure is that, while maintaining the focus of the linear structure, it makes it possible to specialize the performance of individual functions and thereby increase the competence of management as a whole. The advantages of a functional structure include the fact that it stimulates business and professional specialization, reduces duplication of effort and consumption material resources in functional areas, improves coordination of activities.

At the same time, the specialization of functional departments is often an obstacle to the successful operation of an enterprise, since it complicates the coordination of management influences. Functional departments may be more interested in achieving the goals and objectives of their departments than the overall goals of the entire organization. This increases the likelihood of conflicts between functional departments. In addition, on large enterprise the chain of commands from the manager to the direct executor becomes too long.

To summarize, it should be noted that the work in tourism management is specific and differs significantly from the activities of workers in other industries, although at first glance it can be assumed that the management of a tourism organization is based on the same basis as the management of any enterprise in the “person-to-person” system. Thus, other types of organizational structures for enterprise management found in classical management are not typical for the tourism system.

3.3 Rights and obligations of the directorate

To begin with, I would like to understand what a directorate is and who a director is. Different sources interpret it differently, but are similar in many ways, for example:

Director is the head of the enterprise. He manages the enterprise entrusted to him within the limits of his competence and in accordance with the charter of this enterprise. He is the manager of loans of the enterprise entrusted to him, enjoys the right of first signature on monetary documents, and has the right to hire and dismiss workers and employees. In civil legal relations, acts on behalf of a given legal entity as its body.

This is how it is stated in V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary

Director - husband lat. manager, manager, head of a unit, department or establishment;

Women's Directorate control; power consisting of several persons;

The general director is the director of a large, diversified company, whose deputies act as directors, heads of individual divisions or areas of activity of the company.

Here is an interesting statement from the CEO:

From English general director is the first person, the main leader of a company or organization. Conducts ongoing management of the activities of a legal entity, interacts with government agencies and is responsible for the activities of the company. Reports to the highest management bodies of the legal entity: the board of directors, the supervisory board, the general meeting of participants or shareholders.

Directorate - a board of directors of a large company headed by the chief director.


1) the governing body of an enterprise, institution, organization headed by a director;

2) collegial executive body joint stock company. Acts on the basis of the company's charter, etc. an internal document of the company (regulations, regulations, etc.) approved by the board of directors (supervisory board) of the company, which establishes the terms and procedure for convening and holding its meetings, etc. decision-making procedure.

Director (from the English direct - “to direct”) is a manager, head of a company or enterprise. Traditionally the director is highest position in the enterprise, empowered to choose the company’s development strategy, work with personnel, and debug the financial flows of the enterprise. However, under a number of conditions in some organizations the position of director may be formal or absent altogether.

It is customary to distinguish directors by areas, for example:


Technical Director;

Commercial Director;

Financial Director, etc.

Rights of members of the directorate.

Members of the Directorate have the right:

Independently choose methods and procedures for solving assigned tasks, unless otherwise specified;

Distribute efforts and resources within society in accordance with the adopted policies in the field of production, economic, credit, financial and other types of activities;

Make decisions and give the necessary orders to officials and departments in accordance with the order of subordination, within the limits of official authority, as well as on issues specified by the general director and not contradicting the provisions of the company’s charter;

Monitor the activities of all structural divisions of the company, determine the directions, timing and procedure for eliminating identified deficiencies. Members of the directorate exercise control in accordance with their official duties and on behalf of the general director;

Suspend decisions made by the management of subordinate divisions and services if they may cause damage to the interests of the company or contradict the provisions of the company's charter;

Make decisions, put forward informed proposals to the General Director on all issues of the production and economic activities of the company, use the necessary information and official documents in accordance with their duties;

Represent and protect the interests of society in the field of business partnerships and cooperation;

Conduct official correspondence and negotiations on behalf of the company within the limits of their powers.

Responsibilities of members of the directorate:

Act in the interests of society in accordance with the law, the charter, exercise their rights and fulfill their duties in relation to the company in good faith and wisely;

Organize the implementation of the decisions of the supervisory board, general meeting shareholders, general director of the company;

Analyze and determine the directions and trends in the development of federal and regional policies of society and the system, forms and methods of material and technical support for the enterprise, other indicators, solvency and competitiveness of society;

Constantly analyze the main factors of a market economy, determine the most dangerous ones by the nature of their impact on the balance of supply and demand, determine the results of the production and economic activities of society;

Purposefully formulate, in terms of volume, structure, delivery and shipment times, methods of payment and transportation of resources, a complete package of agreements (contracts) that ensure a balance of the production and economic interests of society;

Prepare proposals, make decisions within the powers granted, requiring justified commercial risk, with subsequent reporting to the general director and the supervisory board of the company;

Develop proposals on the procedure for distributing profits;

Develop development programs and plans for the company, justify production and economic requirements for all main indicators of the company’s activities, areas of project financing, credit and payment policies;

Analyze the results of the work of the company and its divisions, systematically carry out preventive measures to prevent industrial conflicts and violations labor discipline and established order;

Resolve issues regarding personnel policy in the interests of increasing overall production efficiency in a market economy;

Constantly monitor the activities of departments and services in accordance with their tasks, the timeliness and completeness of the implementation of orders and instructions of the General Director, decisions of the supervisory board, directorate;

Ensure continuous operational management of divisions, complexes, and programs of the company, based on the introduction and development of modern organizational and economic methods and software and hardware management tools;

Members of the directorate are obliged to comply with and ensure compliance with the rules for maintaining information constituting a commercial secret.

Director in general

1. Organizes work for effective interaction of all structural divisions, production units, directs their activities towards the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, increasing the efficiency of the organization;

2. Takes measures to ensure the enterprise qualified personnel, rational use and development of them professional knowledge and experience, creating working conditions that are safe for life and health;

3. Ensures the correct combination of economic and administrative methods of management, unity of command and collegiality in servicing and resolving issues, application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of the entire team, payment of wages on time;

4. Resolves issues related to financial, economic and economic activity organization, entrusts the management of certain areas of activity to other officials;

5. Ensures compliance with the rule of law in the activities of the organization and the implementation of economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulation of social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the organization in order to maintain and expand the scale of business activity.

6. Complies with and monitors employees’ compliance with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety requirements, document management rules, and compliance with internal labor regulations.

Human resource management is one of the most important areas in the activities of tourism organizations and is considered the main criterion for its economic success. And if earlier the main attention was paid to the development and improvement of technical progress, the introduction of new technologies, now there is a shift towards the human factor. Thus, the role of the manager determines the essence and effect of successful business.

3.4 Qualifications and job descriptions

Qualification is the degree of professional preparedness to perform a certain type of work. There is a distinction between job qualifications and employee qualifications.

According to the requirements put forward by licensing authorities, a travel agent company must have at least 20% of employees who have a special, secondary or secondary specialized education in the field of tourism or work experience in the tourism sector of at least 3 years. The head of the company must have a specialized (i.e. in the field of tourism) higher, secondary specialized or additional education, as well as work experience in the tourism sector for at least 3 years.

Effective enterprise management, close interaction of all departments and services, and the elimination of duplication of work are facilitated by the development of normative documents regulating their activities, clearly defining the functions, rights and responsibilities of each department, as well as individual performers, taking into account specific features their activities. For example, the main activities of travel agency workers are:

Providing information to clients;

Working with clients;

Reservation and ticketing;

Work with tour operators;

Performing administrative functions.

The scope and nature of the duties and powers of tourism managers vary depending on the company they work for.

The legal status of an employee of an organization is regulated by a job description that establishes the functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of officials.

Thus, the documents regulating the activities of personnel are job descriptions.

Job description- not only a guide to action for the employee himself, but also a basis for assessing the results of his work activity, making decisions about his further internal movement and retraining. There are no uniform regulatory requirements for drawing up a job description, but practice has developed its optimal structure. As a rule, a job description is drawn up regardless of the individual and is approved by the signatures of the manager and employee.

Job description of the employee (by position)

1. General provisions. It is indicated by whom the employee is appointed to the position and, upon the recommendation of whom, to whom he directly reports. It is also necessary to list the fundamental organizational and legal documents on the basis of which the employee carries out official activities and exercises its powers.

In addition, the qualification requirements for the employee filling the position are also listed. It should also indicate the presence of a certain degree of education (secondary, higher, academic degree), specialty and qualification (marketer, economist, lawyer, etc.), confirmed by documents (diploma, certificate, etc.), the required work experience in a certain specialty ( in a certain position) and other qualification requirements. It indicates what professional skills the employee must possess and what he can do.

2. Job responsibilities. The employee’s responsibilities are indicated, taking into account the tasks and specific structural unit of the organization, with a detailed description of the main directions of his official activities.

3. Rights. This section contains a list of employee rights defined by law and internal documents of the organization.

4. Responsibility. This indicates the extent of the employee’s responsibility for failure to comply with their job duties, as well as legal requirements.

Currently, for qualified work in the tourism industry, in addition to technological training and knowledge in the field of tourism business, appropriate psychological preparation and knowledge of interpersonal communication issues are also required. Are becoming increasingly important personal qualities employee, his intuition, experience, ability and ability to assess the situation from different angles, including from the point of view of his clients, the ability to creatively and innovatively approach solving emerging problems.

A position is a primary structural unit of an organization established in accordance with the established procedure, which determines the content, scope of duties and powers of the employee replacing it - an employee.

In fact, a position is a place in the structure of an organization that a certain employee occupies. Occupying (filling) a position involves being assigned to the staffing table, payment for the duties performed, as well as responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper performance of these duties.

In accordance with the accepted classification, employees are divided into three categories: managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers). Assignment to one category or another is carried out depending on the nature of the work primarily performed, constituting the content of the employee’s work (organizational - administrative, analytical - constructive, information - technical).

In our situation, the subject of consideration is precisely job responsibilities. Job responsibilities define the scope and limits practical implementation functions assigned to the employee according to his position and tasks assigned to him. By participating in labor relations, an employee personally performs certain work for a fee and is aware of his responsibility to the employer.

The main legal act defining job responsibilities any employee is employment contract.

An employment agreement (contract) is an agreement between an employee and the head of an organization or institution, according to which the worker undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification or position and obey internal labor regulations, and the manager undertakes to pay him wages and ensure working conditions provided for by labor legislation, collective agreement and agreement of the parties.

Manager's responsibilities.

Manages the entrepreneurial or commercial activities of an enterprise, institution, organization aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making a profit through stable operation, maintenance business reputation and in accordance with the powers granted and resources allocated. Based on the strategic goals of the enterprise, institution, organization, it plans entrepreneurial or commercial activities.

Monitors the development and implementation of business plans and commercial conditions, concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.

Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales volumes, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and effective use material, financial and labor resources.

Carries out the selection and placement of personnel, motivates their professional development, evaluates and stimulates the quality of work.

Organizes connections with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.

Analyzes demand for manufactured products or services, forecasts and motivates sales by studying and assessing customer needs.

Participates in the development of innovation and investment activities, advertising strategy related to the further development of entrepreneurial or commercial activities.

Ensures increased profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, and increased labor efficiency.

Coordinates activities within a certain direction (area), analyzes its effectiveness, makes decisions on the most rational use of allocated resources. Involves consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solve problems.

Depending on the scale of entrepreneurial or commercial activity, the manager manages one or more areas (areas) of this activity.

Must know:

legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;

market economy, entrepreneurship and doing business;

market conditions, pricing procedures, taxation, marketing fundamentals;

theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration, stock exchange, insurance, banking and financial affairs;

theory and practice of working with personnel;

the procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements, agreements, contracts;

fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation;

ethics of business communication;

basics of production technology;

management structure of an enterprise, institution, organization, prospects for innovation and investment activities;

assessment methods business qualities workers;

basics of office work;

methods of information processing using modern technical means, communications and communications, computer technology;

basics of labor legislation;

advanced domestic and Foreign experience in the field of management;

rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education(specialty in management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management, work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

The tourism industry is unique in that employees are part of its product. An analysis of economic research in the field of tourism business showed that when we're talking about about improving the management of a tourism organization, then special attention is paid to issues of the environment, market, competitors, clients, etc., however, the main efforts of management in the tourism industry should be directed to its personnel.


In the course of writing this thesis, I analyzed and determined the prospects for the development of world tourism and the current state of the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Tourism is inherently biased and, like any other economic phenomenon, is subject to dynamic changes. Despite all the financial crises in the past and present, despite political shifts, horrific natural disasters and social conflicts, world tourism nevertheless continues to develop. Moreover, today one can observe rapid, rapid development, albeit with some stagnation and deviations.

Modern tourism and the processes associated with it are seriously studied by economists, historians, politicians, scientists, etc.

Having considered the history of the development of tourism in Kazakhstan, I came to the conclusion: at present, tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan is appreciated. There are all opportunities for the development of such types of tourism as cultural and educational, environmental, business, sports, adventure (extreme), etc. And, finally, space tourism in the world has become an iconic offshoot of tourism in the last decade in our country. In 2007, on the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the project “Kazakhstan - the first space harbor of the planet” was developed. In the state development strategy “Kazakhstan 2030”, tourism is recognized as one of the important factors influencing economic growth. Based on this, the main goal of the development of this industry is to create a competitive tourism industry in the country in order to promote economic growth and increase employment.

When making decisions to organize a business, first of all, you must be guided by legislative documents. Having studied the law “On tourism activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and others regulations in the field of tourism and entrepreneurship, I characterized the regulatory framework in the field of tourism, determined the rules and procedure for registering a tourism company.

Tourism activity is the organized activity of providing tourism services. The tourism market is characterized by a large number of entities involved in the process of production and promotion of tourism services. With all the diversity of market entities (tourist enterprises, associations, travel agents, tour operators, etc.), logical relationships between management levels and functional services are established between them, which, with the help of management, are built in such a way as to achieve the strategic goals of the tourism industry. The organizational structure of tourism management makes it possible to organize a set of interrelated elements within any tourism organization or tourism market. Thus, having examined organizational structures, I determined the most optimal structure for managing a tourism enterprise, as one of the main elements of managing an organization.

Without highly qualified, cultured, knowledgeable management personnel, profound qualitative changes in the field of management are unthinkable. In my thesis, I formulated the qualification requirements for the management of an enterprise and, in general terms, outlined job descriptions for the main categories of employees of a tourism company.

Having determined the specifics of the tourism business, the presented work will serve as a reliable guide in organizing the activities of a tourism company.

List of sources used

Scientific and educational literature

1. Salagaev V. Student scientific works. Academic Rhetoric: Tutorial. – Almaty: Raritet, 2004. – 200 p.

2. Eco Umberto. How to write a thesis. Humanities: Educational and methodological manual / Transl. with it. E. Kostyukovich. - M.: Book House "University", 2003. - 2nd ed. - 240 s.

3. Temny Yu.V. Introduction to tourism economics: Textbook. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2001. – 184 p.

4. Economics and tourism organization. International tourism / E.L. Dracheva, Yu.V. Zabaev, D.K. Ismayev et al.; edited by I.A. Ryabova, Yu.V. Zabaeva, E.L. Dracheva. – M.: KNORUS, 2005. – 576 p.

5. Kvartalnov V.A. Foreign tourism. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999. 6. Gulyaev V. G. Tourism: economics and social development [Text]: scientific publication/ V. G. Gulyaev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - 302, p. : ill., table. - Bibliography

7. “Tourism of Kazakhstan in 2007” Statistical collection. / Edited by Zh.I. Omarova /Astana, 2008 – 128 p.

8. Erdavletov S. R. History of tourism. Development and scientific study. – Almaty, 2003 – 215 p.

9. Harris Godfrey, Katz Kenneth M. Stimulating international tourism in the XXI century / Transl. from English – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000. – 240 p.

10. Analytical note. Comparative analysis legislation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Fund, 2005. -

11. Voloshin N.I. Legal regulation of tourism activities. Tutorial. / N.I. Voloshin. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998 – 120

12. M.B. Birzhakov, K.A. Pshenko. International tourism law. Legislation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Fund, 2008. - 232 p.

13. How to organize your small business: (documents, recommendations) / Author-comp. V.A. Ermakov; Entrepreneur Service Center at Secret+Service LLP. – Almaty: Karzhy – Karazhat, 1998. – 168 p.

14. Kabushkin N.I. Tourism management: Textbook. allowance. – Mn.: BSEU, 1999. – 644 p.

15. Jay Rose, Templar Richard. Encyclopedia of a manager: Algorithms for effective work / Trans. from English – 3rd ed. – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2006. 16. Sukhov R.I. Work organization travel agency: Tutorial. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional / R.I. Sukhov.- M.: ICC “Mart”; Rostov-on-Don: IC “Mart”, 2006.- 144 p.- (Tourism and service).

17. Yanchevsky V.G. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. allowance. Mn.: Tetra Systems, 2004. 224 p.

18. Zhukova M.A. Management in the tourism business: textbook / M.A. Zhukov. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: KNORUS, 2006. - 192 p.

19. Maslova E.V. Managing a travel agency: A textbook. / E.V. Maslova, G.V. Shirokova. – SPb.: SPbU Publishing House. 2003.- 152 p.

20. Birzhakov and Nikiforov. Document flow of a tourist enterprise. Tutorial. // Ed. M.B. Birzhakova - St. Petersburg: GERDA Publishing House, 2009. - 240 p.

21. Kabushkin N.I. Organizational forms and structure of organization management // Methods and principles of management. 2000. No. 2. With. 105 – 118.

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1. State program for the development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2011.

2. State program for the development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2011.

3. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan” No. 211-II dated June 13, 2001.

4. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan” No. 211-II dated June 13, 2001, as amended on July 15, 2008.

5. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On state registration of legal entities and accounting registration of branches and representative offices”

6. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2003 N 513-2 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of a tour operator and travel agent”

7. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Limited and Additional Liability Partnerships”

8. Rules for licensing tourism activities. Approved by Government Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 14, 2001 No. 1213.

9. REMARKS to the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. March 1, 2001.

10. Analytical report on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2003 No. 513 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of a tour operator and travel agent” (as of June 30, 2006).

11. Strategic plan of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2009 – 2011.

12. On approval of the Licensing Rules and qualification requirements requirements for tour operator, travel agency activities, and tourism instructor services. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 11, 2007 N 481.

Printed materials and media

2. V. B. Bessonova. Tourism and cultural heritage. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Issue 1. State policy in the field of tourism: Legal aspect.

4. Tourism in the era of alliances and mergers / Publication of the World Tourism Organization. – Madrid, 2002. – 169 p.

5. Collection of statistical data on tourist expenses. Technical manual No. 2. – Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 1995. – 103 p.

6. Collection of statistical data on domestic tourism. Technical manual No. 3. – Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 1995. – 119 p.

7. Collection and processing of tourism statistics. Technical manual No. 4. – Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 1995, 147 p.

8. The Hague Declaration of the Interparliamentary Conference on Tourism 1989

9. UNWTO World Tourism Barometer January 2009 - Volume 7, Issue 1

10. UNWTO World Tourism Barometer October 2008 - Volume 6, Issue 3

11. Tourism 2020 Vision: Set of 6 regional reports and "Global Forecast and Profiles of Market Segments"

1. UNWTO World Tourism Organization

2. Kazakhstan Tourist Association

3. Tourism business for professionals

4. Kazakhstan legal portal

5. Electronic government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

6. Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

7. Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics

8. Official website of the city of Almaty

9. Small business in Kazakhstan

10. Independent Association of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

See: Travel consultant. 2000. No. 8. P. 137.

Great Accounting Dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

Dictionary of business terms


tourism price marketing management

In accordance with curriculum I did an internship from December 1, 2014 to January 10, 2015 at the travel company Vozrozhdenie-Travel.

The object is a travel agency and tourism business employees.

The purpose of my industrial practice is to consider the structure of the travel company “Vozrozhdenie-Travel”, to find out the specifics of the travel agency’s work; identify Required documents for the functioning of a company in the Russian Federation; determine the requirements for a travel agency office employee.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to carry out the following tasks:

.Consider the main goals, objectives and activities of the tourism enterprise.

.Study the organizational and technological aspects of the enterprise.

.Conduct an analysis of service quality assurance.

.Describe the activities of a travel agency as a travel agent.

Internship is an important element in preparing a specialist. Practice gives the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process.

A plan of individual assignments for internship was drawn up, which she successfully completed.

During the internship:

· got acquainted with the work of employees;

· learned to apply theoretical knowledge acquired during the training process in practice;

· got acquainted with the enterprise, its internal structure, work and methods of managing the activities of employees;

· got acquainted with the price and marketing strategy enterprises;

· acquired customer service skills

During my internship I studied:

.Regulations, ensuring the activities of the travel agency, which are contained in the consumer corner of the organization.

A) Set “Agree with the client” :

1. Agreement on the sale of a tourism product (purchase and sale).

Appendix to the Agreement on the sale of a tourism product - Reservation Application.

Appendix to the Agreement on the sale of a tourism product - Information about the tour operator, the financial support of the tour operator, the procedure for obtaining compensation in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the contract.

Agreement for the organization of sanatorium and resort services (assignment).

Airline ticket purchase and sale agreement.

Contract of assignment for the purchase of a tourism product for a legal entity (with corporate client)

Appendix to the Agreement of instructions for the purchase of a tourism product for a legal entity (with a corporate client) - Reservation Application.

Appendix to the Agreement of instructions for the purchase of a tourism product for a legal entity (with a corporate client) - Information about the tour operator, the financial support of the tour operator, the procedure for obtaining compensation in the event of non-fulfillment or improper execution of the agreement.

Agreement on instructions for obtaining a visa.

Appendix to the Agreement of instructions for obtaining a visa - Attorney's report.

Currency exchange order agreement for an individual.

Appendix to the Agreement of instructions for currency exchange, for a tourist - an individual - Power of Attorney for currency exchange.

The Power of Attorney form is universal - to receive documents on behalf of the tourist for any assignment.

The attorney's report form is universal, for an agency agreement.

Form strict reporting tour "TOUR-1".

B) Set of contracts “Management of personnel and office of a travel agency” - a set of instructions, rules and administrative documents for the work of a travel agency

State standard RF “Tourist services. General requirements" - requirements to travel company, office, consumer corner.

Candidate application form for the position of manager of a travel company

Standard employment contract

Job descriptions of tourism office specialists:

Tour Reservation and Sales Manager

Travel agency manager

HR Manager

Chief accountant of a travel company


Agreement on full financial liability courier

Director of a travel company

Deputy Director of a travel company

Order form

Requirements for tour information for consumers. Sample: application “Memo to Tourist”

Receipt - refusal of insurance

Sample receipt for responsible storage and transfer of documents

1. Basic information about the organization Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC

.1 general characteristics travel company Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC

The company that will be considered in this work and based on the activities that will be further analyzed is the travel company “Vozrozhdenie-Travel”.

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is a limited liability company.

The main sources of legal regulation of the activities of Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”.

Legal address organizations: Barnaul, st. Partizanskaya, 44.

Phone: (385-2) 667-373

Fax: (385-2) 500-015

Opening hours all year round: from 09:00 to 19:00

The main activity of the enterprise is tourism.

Vozrozhdenie - Travel LLC has been working professionally in the tourism market of the Altai Territory since 1992 and takes pride of place among the leading tour operators in international inbound, international outbound and domestic tourism.

In accordance with the requirements of the Legislation Russian Federation Vozrozhdenie - Travel LLC has a financial guarantee and is included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators with numbers MT3000445.

The main office of the company is located in the capital of the Altai Territory, Barnaul, and an additional office is located in Novosibirsk. The company employs more than 35 employees. The company's managers constantly improve their professional qualifications by attending promotional tours and participating in various seminars, presentations and conferences. General Director of Vozrozhdenie - Travel LLC Tatyana Viktorovna Efimova is a member Expert Council on issues of tourism development in the Russian Federation under the Federation Council.

In front of the front door hangs a stand of the company’s proposed routes: the Black Sea coast, Turkey, bus tours around Europe, etc. Inside the premises there are places for visitors to relax, various brochures, prospectuses and photographs of the proposed tours are provided. At the client's request, a video demonstration of the route or hotel is possible.

When contacting the Vozrozhdenie-Travel travel agency, the client is first explained what services he is purchasing and how to use them, as well as the guarantees and obligations of the company and his rights. The structure of tourism services of this travel agency distinguishes between basic and additional.

The main ones include:

transportation services


food for tourists

Additional services include:

excursion organizing services

travel insurance services

services of guides, guide-translators

transportation services for a tourist from his place of stay in the country (place of his temporary stay) to the place of accommodation and back (transfer), as well as any other transportation within the country (place of temporary stay).

The company cooperates with leading Russian tourism organizations: “Hunting”, “Globus Tour”, “Travel Store”, “PEGAS TOURISTIK”, “TEZ tour”, “Alean”, “Capital Tour”, etc.

The following destinations are extremely popular among tourists: Thailand, Greece, Spain, the Mediterranean, Czech Republic, Paris, Turkey, Altai Mountains and Belokurikha.

According to the staffing table, everyone in the travel agency is always busy vacancies. The personnel structure of this travel agency is divided into several groups: management department, which includes the general director; tourism department, consisting of: senior manager, manager and chief accountant.

Booking a tour by a travel agency is made only after concluding a contract for tourist services with the client. Depositing money into the travel agency's cash desk is formalized by cash receipt orders established after full payment for the tour, the client is issued a voucher. The voucher is signed by the general director and the company seal is placed on it. In case of cancellation of the trip, the cost of services paid by him will be returned to him. At the same time, the actual costs of the travel agency for organizing the trip are withheld from him. The actual costs of the travel agency are determined based on the travel agency's costs for business trips of employees, payment of visas and other fees.

The client has the right to contact the travel agency with a complaint regarding the quality of service. The claim can be submitted within 20 days after the end of the tour. The travel agency must respond to the claim within 10 days and, if the claim is justified, satisfy it.

This travel agency records income and expenses and business transactions in a special accounting book, because a company whose income is subject to taxation on the basis of income declarations is obliged to: keep records of the income they received during the calendar year and the expenses incurred related to the receipt of this income.

The travel agency uses many ways to improve the work process. Introduces and uses new methods of booking tickets and hotels around the world, which allows, without leaving the office and without taking up time, to provide complete information of interest to the tourist. An electronic card file is maintained, which in turn helps to quickly and efficiently obtain information about the tourist (birthday, passport details...). It is also used to quickly calculate travel insurance policies. online system, connected directly with the insurance company, which saves a lot of time. All of the above makes the work more efficient and accurate, this greatly attracts tourists, and promises that they will return to us.

Now that there are more than 150 travel companies in the tourism market of Barnaul, the struggle for clients has intensified significantly. Therefore, a competitive advantage is given to those travel companies that improve the quality of customer service, work individually with clients, offer additional services and discounts to regular customers, use modern office equipment, and conduct a well-thought-out advertising policy.

1.2 Pricing and marketing policy of the travel company “Vozrozhdenie-Travel”

One of the most important marketing decisions in tourism is the decision regarding setting the price of a product or service. When setting the price of a tourism product, first of all, the nature of competition in a given tourism market and an analysis of the pricing policies of competitors are taken into account.

It is worth noting that in pricing decisions, firms choose one of three strategies for setting the price of a tourism product:

Firms may decide to sell their product (service) at a market price, that is, at a price generally accepted in the market. In this case, firms are considered to operate under conditions of non-price competition.

Firms can charge a lower price than current market prices. Firms that practice such a policy of price discounts create a reputation for themselves as firms trying to achieve a greater increase in sales compared to competitors.

Setting a price above the market price. This approach focuses on quality, which many customers believe is a function of price. Quality generates more costs.

Of all the above strategies, Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC uses the most common one today - selling tourist products at a market price. The main competitive feature is that this company is a multi-profile travel agency, distinguished by reliability and high quality client service.

The profit of Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC, like any other company, largely depends on the demand for the services provided. That is why, to increase demand for services, many travel agencies offer their clients various discounts. Today in the world there are about 20 types of discounts on services provided, such as:

seasonal discounts,

special discounts,

discount for turnover (bonus),

corporate discounts,

dealer discounts, etc.

However, in Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC this method, which helps to increase the promotion of sales of services, has not been developed. The company offers only special discounts for “loyal” and regular customers. Discounts range from 3-10%.

Discounts for “faithful” or prestigious buyers are a special type of discount found in commercial practice; these are discounts for “faithful” or prestigious buyers. Such discounts, as can be seen from their very name, are provided by Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC to such buyers who:

or regularly make purchases from this company over a long period of time;

These discounts are provided on a purely individual basis and can be issued, for example, in the form of personal buyer cards.

As for discounts for “prestigious” buyers, they are most often not advertised and remain a secret of bargaining between the seller and such buyer. The reason for such secrecy is the fact that this type of discount is the most blatant manifestation of price discrimination, which is generally inherent in the discount mechanism.

Meanwhile, the legislation of many countries categorically prohibits price discrimination. This forces firms to disguise the discounts they use and to come up with economic reasons why such discounts should not be considered price discrimination.

To promote your services, you need to carry out marketing activities correctly and clearly. After all, advertising in tourism is one of the essential means communication between the manufacturer and the consumer of travel services. Today, not a single service enterprise can successfully conduct business without advertising in one form or another. In order to sell any product or service, it is necessary, first of all, that this product or service be familiar to the buyer, and he feels the need and need to purchase it.

At the beginning of its activities, Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC placed advertising and information material in many advertising media. The advertisement was on television on TNT and Domashny channels. Today, this travel agency has abandoned this expensive means and decided to save its financial situation by placing advertisements in only a few newspapers.

However, according to the general director, oral advertising plays a big role in the travel industry. After all, positive and negative reviews are spreading in tourism much faster than in any other field of activity.

1.3 Corporate identity of the travel company Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC

The travel company "Vozrozhdenie-Travel" has a corporate identity that helps it gain recognition and attract new clients. The company has a set of visual constants for unambiguous visual identification of the travel agency and its offerings on the tourism services market. The company's corporate slogan (slogan): “WE SELL WHAT WE KNOW!” - this is the original motto constantly used by the company, which emphasizes the uniqueness of the company and its competitive advantages. Also, the slogan organically fits into the corporate style of the travel agency and contributes to the formation of its image; understandable, easy to remember, concise; has an intense emotional coloring; Logo: the original design of the name of the company “Vozrozhdenie-Travel”, consists of 17 red letters. There is also an image of a flower at the beginning of the logo in the same red color, in the same theme. In the process of creating the color scheme, a corporate identity was selected and approved color combination: red, orange. The psychology of color is an important component factor influencing human psychology. The chosen colors are bright, cheerful, and attract attention with a harmonious combination. Sunny orange color is movement, insight, warmth, the desire for joy and happiness. Signature red, according to statistics, is the most preferred color for most people. It is a symbol of vital energy, strength, fire, struggle, but at the same time love and passion, and has the most powerful effect on the consciousness of the consumer. Corporate font set: Latin, straight letters. Business documentation is presented in the form of: business cards, which are used both in business and informal friendly communication; Each employee of the company has a personal business card indicating the name of the company and the type of its activity, last name, first name, address of the branch of the company where the employee works, official Internet address, Email and company telephone numbers. The business cards also feature a signature color combination. A corporate set of fonts emphasizes various features of the brand image and contributes to the formation of a corporate style. A black font is perceived as “masculine” and “light.” The letters in it are straight, of medium width, inspiring confidence in the consumer. No color evokes such ambiguous emotions as black. In Israel it means “understanding and kingdom. By choosing a black font as a corporate color, the company understands that it goes well with other colors and that it brings solidity and sophistication to the logo. A corporate character (corporate hero) is a character or image assigned to an enterprise that embodies the spirit and direction of its activities is absent, so it is not a mandatory element of the corporate identity. A constant communicator, a specific person who acts as an intermediary in communication with the addressee, is represented in the organization as the director of the travel company “Vozrozhdenie-Travel”, since he is professional, interested and competent in his activities. The appearance of employees does not indicate the employee's affiliation with the company. But at the same time, compliance with the parameters of the profession does not decrease. Clothing fully complies with the requirements of business ethics. The main requirements for clothing are elegance, conservatism and a sense of proportion. Souvenir products with a logo are presented in the form of advertising using small free souvenirs containing information about the advertiser and the advertised product (wall calendars, tourist calendars with an approximate table of the seasonality of tours). Made in the range of the corporate style of the enterprise, they emphasize the uniqueness of the style and contribute to a positive perception of the company’s image. The development of a website that meets the concept of corporate identity completes the creation of a positive image of the company: the graphic design corresponds to the level of the company, the structure is most fully reflected in the aspects and goals of its activities, the loading speed of the site is normal, the information on the site is updated correctly on a regular basis. Color solution in the style of the corporate color combination. Design design helps a company emphasize the main focus of the enterprise and its competitive advantages (work experience, largest selection excursion routes, comfortable transport, ease of service, etc.) use of branded fonts and branded color combinations in outdoor advertising; use of corporate fonts and corporate color combinations in print advertising(magazine "Telesem"); the use of an associative series that reflects the values ​​​​introduced into the world of the company’s activities. The company has places to display photographs of tourists from different trips, which clearly demonstrates the quality of the company’s work for new clients. Corporate identity could help in identifying the company's employees among competitors, however, the following are not used: badges with corporate symbols for the company's employees; accessories made in the corporate style for company employees (wallets, cases for mobile phones); recommendations for appearance uniform for all employees of the company (general clothing style); a corporate character (corporate hero), capable of giving the desired perception of the brand, setting and building associations, distinguishing itself from competitors, becoming the main element of promotions and advertising campaigns, increasing its brightness and memorability.

2. Technological and organizational aspects activities of a travel agency

.1 Organizational structure of a travel company

The number and structure of the entire company is small and represents the following linear management structure.

The general director of a travel company takes care of the implementation of the sales plan for his product, timely financing and payments, training of personnel and improving their classification, as well as the strict implementation of the plans set for his subordinates. Develops an organization strategy and monitors its achievement by subordinates.

The travel agency Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC is headed by General Director Tatyana Viktorovna Efimova. She organizes the work of the entire team and bears full responsibility for the state of the company and its activities. The chief accountant, manager and senior manager report to the General Director.

The staff has a manager who performs the functions of a senior manager in his absence, and also directly carries out the main tasks facing management:

Organizes employees to be able to act together.

Brings efficiency to employee efforts and mitigates inherent weaknesses.

Unites employees around a common goal (enterprise strategy).

Creates an atmosphere of self-satisfaction from one’s activities, as well as the significance of one’s participation in achieving common goals.

Improves vocational training employees, creates opportunities for career growth.

The job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a manager. The appointment of an employee to a position, his dismissal, as well as changes in working conditions are carried out by order of the director. The manager reports directly to the general director of the travel agency. A person with a higher or secondary specialized education is appointed to the position of manager. The manager must have knowledge:

technologies for organizing sales of vouchers;

basics of personnel management;

forms and methods vocational training;

organizational structure of the company, profile, specialization and prospects for its development, personnel policy and enterprise strategy.

The manager must have the skills:

professional preparation of individual operational plans and reporting documentation;

organizing and conducting various forms of training;

exercising control.

The employees of this division provide the main result of the activities of the entire company. The task of the manager and senior manager is to organize and be able to manage the existing contingent of personnel and achieve the goals set.

2.2 Information technology in a travel agency

Among the most important achievements in the tourism sector is its computerization. The computer revolution in tourism has features that are worth paying attention to. Each of them talks about the use of computers in the field of management, directly or indirectly gives recommendations to managers of travel companies who have encountered difficulties in the use of computer technologies.

Heads of tourism companies have different views on the use of computer technology. For example, some caution that, under the influence of programmers, managers often blindly believe in the omnipotence of global information systems, which supposedly automatically provide all the necessary data for making any management decisions.

They argue that even a properly used computer can only provide incremental improvements in the output of data for management decisions. Of course, every company needs information systems, but managers need to rely on their intelligence, common sense and logic, to know a lot of things that no computer will ever be able to tell them. After all, only then will they be able to flexibly respond to changes in the external and internal environment of the company and make appropriate decisions.

Like most tourist offices in the city, the office of the Vozrozhdenie-Travel company is well equipped with technical and material resources.

The office is equipped with modern office equipment: computers, printer, scanner, telephone, fax.

2.3 Forms of tourism offered by the travel agency “Vozrozhdenie-Travel”

Travel agency "Vozrozhdenie-Travel" organizes various shapes tourism.

Firstly, the company is engaged in organized tourism - i.e. clients travel along a pre-agreed route and regulations established by the travel agency. At the same time, tourists and the travel agency are bound by mutual requirements and obligations: tourists are obliged to pay the cost of the trip on time and in full, the travel agency is obliged to provide all those services that were previously agreed upon by the travel participants.

Group tourism is a type of tourism in which a tourist trip is made by groups of people (including families) according to an individual plan or according to a travel company plan, including the definition of areas to visit, duration of stops, overnight conditions, etc. During the group’s travel, a temporary team arises, which provides a high degree of educational impact during meetings, contacts and conversations provided for by the groups’ stay programs on routes or tourist centers. The possibility of obtaining a group rate makes this type of tourism very attractive. The Vozrozhdenie-Travel company has many regular customers who order just this form of travel. The route, program, price, travel and accommodation conditions are discussed in advance. Group trips are possible to any destination.

Long-distance tourism - trips that require a significant amount of time to travel to the destination (over four hours by plane, four days by car or train, etc.). At the request of clients, the company can organize this type of tourism.

The company also deals with individual tourism - a trip for one person according to its own program. The route and duration of the trip are determined in advance, places to stay overnight, places to visit or excursions are determined.

Medical and health tourism is a type of tourism carried out for health or medicinal purposes. Resorts provide tourists with complexes of medical and health procedures, services massage rooms and so on. .

3. Improving the activities of a travel company

.1 Necessary measures to improve the work of a travel agency

Today, in the face of constantly increasing competition, a travel agency must learn to take into account not only its own financial interests, but also the interests of the buyer in order to retain him and maintain its market share. And this can only be achieved by complying with the pre-developed price and marketing policy, using all modern developments.

Today in tourism, as in any other activity, an extremely useful and flexible tool for pricing and marketing policy is a system of price discounts. Born out of the traditional custom for any bazaar of reducing the asking price for a buyer who takes more goods, now the practice of setting discounts has become extremely sophisticated, and the set of top discounts is very diverse.

To improve my pricing and marketing policy, I suggest Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC the following ways of improvement:

Expansion of marketing policy through the use of other means mass media, namely advertising on the radio.

Using additional discount systems such as:

off-season discounts;

providing discounts for newlyweds and others.

Let's look at each of these paths in more detail.

This popularity is mainly due to the fact that it is the fastest and most optimal way to achieve attention. target audience.

After all, radio advertising is one of the simplest and most inexpensive ways to advertise in the media. The main thing is to correctly determine the optimal radio channels for disseminating your information, so that they achieve their goal as much as possible. To do this, the travel agency needs to take into account not only the gender and age composition, but also the age, education, social status of the audience, its interests and preferences.

In the past, Vozrozhdenie-Travel already used this advertising method, but due to forced cost savings, it ceased to exist. Today, the company's business has improved significantly. It has further strengthened its position in the tourism market of the city of Barnaul, confidently occupying its niche. There was an increase in the number of tourists, and subsequently sales volumes. That is why the use of radio advertising at the moment will be optimal in solving marketing problems.

Radio advertising in the city of Barnaul costs on average about 4,000 rubles for a 15-second video. The main thing is to correctly determine the broadcast time and its frequency. The optimal solution, in our opinion, would be two-time activation in the morning at 7 - 8 o'clock, for businessmen and housewives, and in the evening around 8 - 9 o'clock to attract a mixed audience.

Each radio station has its own specific audience, its own programs and its own placement features. In our opinion, radio advertising should be placed on stations: “Europe Plus” or “Hat FM”. Because they are more popular among residents of the city of Barnaul than others.

Using off-season discounts.

Since the work of Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC is seasonal, when developing your pricing policy you should take into account significant seasonal fluctuations in demand by type of tourism (educational and recreational, congress and others).

Despite the efforts made by the travel agency, seasonal prices during the peak season can exceed low season prices by 2-3 times. This means that in the annual sales cycle there are periods of significant losses that completely cover the success during the peak season. Here the strategy fits into the logic of a gambler: win the maximum when luck is with you, and lose the minimum if fortune changes.

At the height of the season, at high costs, it becomes possible to sell tourism products. Conversely, in the low season at low costs, install the most low prices(the cost of accommodation and other services in tourist centers is falling sharply).

At Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC, the low season lasts from November to May, and in order to increase sales during this season, it is very important to use off-season discounts, for example, from 3 to 10%, depending on the location and duration of the tour.

The purpose of using discounts for off-season purchases is to encourage the client to purchase this service before the start of the next season, at the very beginning, or even out of season.

Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC, like any other company, when reducing prices or making a discount on a tourism product, should strive to set a price that would cover all costs associated with providing the tourism product. In addition, the price must provide a certain rate of profit.

The logic of this discount for off-season purchases requires their differentiation in time: the earlier the service is purchased before the start of the season, the greater the discount should be.

To gain a strong position in the market and attract more clients to Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC, you can use discounts not only for regular and VIP clients, but also discounts for newlyweds.

This type Discounts on tours for newlyweds play an important role in both the pricing and marketing policies of the travel agency. This means attracting new customers by providing them with better prices for travel, and subsequently, the opportunity to retain these customers in other ways, for example, by giving discounts as regular customers. Such discounts are secured by two documents: the marketing policy and the order of the manager.

The amount of discounts applied may vary from 2% to 5% or based on the size of discounts provided by foreign hotels for newlyweds.


During professional practical training at the travel agency Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC as an assistant manager, not only excellent skills in the field of tourism business technologies were acquired, but also theoretical knowledge was consolidated and deepened, and practical skills of independent work were acquired.

Internship is an important element in preparing a future specialist. Practice gives the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process in practice. During my internship, the bulk of the knowledge I acquired in the classroom was in demand.

The practice helped me understand how much depends on a well-created management system at an enterprise - from correctly selected personnel to effective work with information. It is very important for a company manager to develop suitable system personnel management, learn to stimulate employees.

Marketing is of no small importance for the operation of an enterprise. Currently, when almost all market niches are already occupied and each of them has its own leaders, it is very difficult to break into one of them and win a place. A lot depends on the correct pricing policy and the degree of staff motivation.

This practice allowed, when studying the structure and organizational activities of a travel agency, to expand and deepen existing knowledge and develop interest in it, thereby allowing one to determine for oneself the correct choice of this profession.

When compiling the report, the following tasks were performed:

all the functions and structure of this travel agency are examined in detail;

all necessary documents for drawing up the report have been reviewed;

a complete description of the company's activities is given.

The travel agency Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC is a travel agent that has achieved certain success in the market for providing tourist services, but still, to improve its activities, I would make several suggestions:

development of new directions

expansion of office space

Analyzing the external and internal environment of the company, it is necessary to conclude that the main task of implementing the strategy is to study competitive environment companies, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a travel company.

An established system of partnerships will allow the travel agency Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC to soon occupy the main positions in the available segment of the tourism services market. Perhaps a more flexible market policy and new guidelines will allow the company to successfully implement its goals.

Analyzing all the studied material, we can conclude that the travel agency Vozrozhdenie-Travel LLC operates quite stably. The company develops all plans; there is always a development forecast for future periods.


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Higher professional education BACHELOR'S DEGREE





Textbook for students of institutions of higher professional education,

students in the field of "Tourism"

Moscow Publishing Center "Academy" 2013


General Director of the Traveler-Traveller company, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism of Moscow Humanitarian University,

Candidate of Economic Sciences E.M. Nikolaev; Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism

Moscow Humanitarian University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Candidate of Geographical Sciences,

Professor of the International Tourism Academy Yu. S. Putrik

Novikov V.S.

N731 Organization of tourist activities: textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / V. S. Novikov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2013. - 336 p. - (Ser. Bachelor's degree).

ISBN 978-5-4468-0311-8

The textbook was created in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard in the field of preparation "Tourism" (qualification "bachelor").

Modern concepts of tourism activity, its types and forms, features of the relationship between its participants, legal regulation of tourism activity in the Russian Federation, and tourism formalities are considered. The structure of the tourism market, effective technologies and the role of innovation in tourism, the procedure for the formation, promotion and sale of a tourism product, trends in the development of tourism in the world are revealed. The issues of the activities of Russian tourism companies in connection with the entry of the Russian Federation into the World trade organization, approaches to ensuring the safety of tourists, the practice of applying specific measures to ensure safety in different types tourism.

For students of higher education institutions.

UDC 338.48(075.8) BBK 65.433ya73

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited

© Novikov B.S., 2013

© Educational and publishing Center "Academy", 2013

ISBN 978-5-4468-0311-8 © Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2013


Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy. Over the past fifty years, tourism has become key tool global development, contributing to the restoration of people's livelihoods. Tourism activities are characterized by a large number of participants in the process, the versatility of phenomena and actions that change and are supplemented due to improvement public relations.

In modern conditions of development of social relations, tourism activity faces a number of serious challenges, both economic in nature and related to problems of social development. Knowledge that allows one to determine the directions of development of tourism activities and introduce new ones helps to overcome emerging difficulties. organizational structure and the management system of tourism enterprises, improve forms of cooperation and relationships between entities producing and consuming tourism products.

This textbook gives a general idea of ​​tourism activities, its main goals and objectives, reveals the main trends and patterns of development of world and Russian tourism, organizational, financial and technological aspects of the functioning of the tourism industry as a system, theoretical principles and practical experience accumulated in tourism.

One of the main features of tourism activity is that it is closely connected with other sectors of the economy, which leads to the emergence of voluntary associations of representatives of various fields of activity that participate in satisfying tourism demand in a specific territory - tourism clusters. The creation and development of cluster structures is impossible without innovation, which in turn requires scientific approach, attracting scientific and educational institutions to participate in these associations.

Accounting for intersectoral relations of tourism and its contribution to the economy is carried out in many countries around the world. For these purposes, a tourism satellite account is used: using a special methodology, studies are regularly carried out aimed at identifying various problems associated with the tourism competitiveness of countries, and their rating is determined.

Tourism is always associated with the resources, structure and development of a certain territory. The general concept of the attractiveness of a territory for tourists is a tourist destination, or destination. The characteristics of destinations and their types are discussed in detail in the textbook.

Tourism activity is associated with elements of the market mechanism - consumer demand and supply of tourism service providers. In this regard, the functioning of tour operators - the main link in the complex system of supplying a tourist product to the consumer, the change in their role in the context of the emergence of virtual (online) enterprises, as well as the rules for the activities of tour operators in Russia - is analyzed.

Tourism activities depend on tourism service providers, so accommodation facilities, modes of transport, catering, communication systems and financial institutions are analyzed and characterized.

What is a tourist product, what is the difference between a tourist service and a service, how is a tourist product formed, marketed and sold, how are tourist routes created? The answers to these questions are given in this textbook.

The main trends in the development of the global tourism industry in the coming years will be the personalization of service and the ability to purchase a tourism product developed for each specific consumer, therefore, travel companies must have a flexible business model that easily adapts to the new situation and makes it possible to act quickly when technology and economic conditions change and competitive environment. Of great importance is the study of tourist flows, ways to ensure their sustainability and the principles of their management.

New technologies and innovations are important tool increasing the efficiency and improving the work of travel companies, improving customer service, creating new marketing approaches and distribution channels. New information Technology allow you to develop e-commerce in the tourism industry, use geographical Information Systems to study the tourist potential of territories and develop programs for their development.

Today in tourism there is a desire to sustainable development, mastering new forms of management and communication technologies. The main change is an innovative approach to tourism activities, taking into account the changing paradigm of social development: knowledge is becoming the main engine of development.

Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization means the introduction of new principles of cooperation. The textbook analyzes the main regulatory provisions of the General Agreement

decisions on trade in services, specific obligations assumed by Russia regarding access to the market of foreign tourist services and their suppliers are given, issues of state and international regulation and legislative requirements for tourism activities are considered, the main directions of federal target programs for the development of tourism in Russia.

To work effectively in market conditions, both theoretical knowledge and practical skills are required, so you need to carefully monitor changes in the economic, social and political sphere, in regulatory and legislative documents to have information that eliminates uncertainty when making decisions.

In preparing the textbook, materials from international and Russian organizations, laws and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, national standards and specialized publications.


1.1. Basic Concepts

Tourist activity is characterized by a large number of phenomena and actions, the content of which changes and is supplemented due to the improvement of social relations, as well as the intensive development of tourism. The definition of some concepts causes heated discussions among participants in tourism activities. Uniformity of terminology is a necessary condition for regulating relations and processes in the field of tourism.

Travel and tourism. Throughout human history, people have moved in space and gone on journeys. Historical information has been preserved about the travels of Herodotus, the campaigns of the army of Alexander the Great, Chinese and Arab travelers. Venetian and Genoese merchants made long journeys, among whom the most famous traveler was Marco Polo.

The walks of the Russian pilgrim Abbot Daniel and the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin gained worldwide fame. At the end of the 16th century. A special type of sea expeditions appeared - trips around the world. The first circumnavigation of the world was made by a squadron under the command of Ferdinand Magellan.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. travel began to take on the character of scientific expeditions in order to obtain information about the nature, population, history, economy of certain countries, general character and the contours of the Earth's surface.

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the concept of “tourist” appeared in France - a person traveling out of curiosity or to “kill time.” In connection with the rapid development of this kind of travel, the term “travel” began to mean any movement of a person in space, accomplished independently, and trips of interested parties, organized by professional specialized companies, began to be called tourism. The concept of “tourism” entered the language of many peoples of the world in the second half of the 19th century.

time to define travel as an activity or way of life consisting of the movement of a person or group of people across any territory, water area or movement between different geographical points with or without a specific purpose for an unlimited period of time.

Tourism is travel undertaken by people outside their usual environment of residence for a duration of less than one year for any purpose other than employment in the place visited. Therefore, “travel” is a broader concept than “tourism”.

Tourism is only a special case of travel. “Travel” and “tourism” are close, but not identical concepts and cannot be used as synonyms.

Toryism is a set of social, economic and cultural events and actions related to travel to achieve entertainment, recreational, educational, religious, family, professional and other purposes, with the exception of labor migration and departures for permanent residence.

Tourist trips and hikes help to gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural heritage of one’s country and other states, awaken a sense of national identity, and cultivate respect and tolerance for the life and customs of other nationalities. At the same time, they have an impact on the economy, natural and built environment of the places visited.

Tourism is a socio-economic activity, including the production and consumption of various types of services in the implementation of active recreation of people associated with travel outside their permanent residence.

The social essence of tourism is expressed in rational organization free time of the population; the formation of a person’s relationship with nature, the development of national creativity, the education of the younger generation, the emergence of new connections and relationships between people; smoothing out contradictions and conflicts in society; expanding opportunities for improving education, raising cultural levels and improving health.

From an economic point of view, tourism stimulates the development of territories, increases employment of the local population and is aimed at meeting the needs of tourists. Tourism affects such industries as transport, agriculture, construction, communications, trade, food production, souvenirs, etc. This relationship with wide range economic activity draws attention to the assessment of the economic results of tourism, primarily in the formation of gross internal product, as well as to the analysis of its impact on economic processes.

By its nature, a phenomenon associated with contacts and exchanges at the international level (over 1 billion arrivals) and travel within specific countries (5 billion arrivals), tourism has become the most dynamic sector of the global economy. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism, taking into account the multiplier effect, accounts for over 9% of global gross product, over 30% of global trade in services and almost 5% of global investment.

The concept of “tourism” is constantly being refined and improved, however, despite the fact that the search for the most accurate definition of tourism is still ongoing, quite definite interpretations of this term have developed in the system of international organizations at the state level; other interpretations only highlight or complement its individual features. The International Association of Scientific Experts in the Field of Tourism, for example, defines tourism as “a set of relationships and phenomena that arise during the movement and stay of people in places other than their permanent place of residence and work.”

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, the term “tourism” is understood as “temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional and business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary stay.”

The most common definition of tourism, which has been legalized in the legal systems of various countries around the world, is currently the definition formulated by the UN Statistical Commission: tourism is the activity of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year in a row, for recreational, business and other purposes.

domestic tourism - the activity of a visitor permanently residing in a given country during tourist trips within its territory;

inbound tourism - the activity of a visitor who does not reside in a given country when visiting the territory of that country for tourism purposes;

outbound tourism is the activity of a visitor permanently residing in a given country during a tourist trip outside its borders. These types of tourism can be combined in different ways,

compiling the following tourism destinations:

tourism within the country - includes domestic and inbound tourism;

national tourism - includes the activities of visitors permanently residing in a given country, within and outside this country, i.e. domestic and outbound tourism;

international tourism - includes inbound and outbound tourism

Thus, tourism is a collection various types actions and relationships aimed at satisfying human needs that arise during the interaction of consumers, suppliers and producers of services and goods, authorities and the population in the process of tourism activities.

Recreation and tourism. The French encyclopedic dictionary Larousse gives the following definition: “Recreation is refreshment after work by spending pleasant time, exercising; a pastime that allows you to escape, relax, and have fun.”

Recreation (from Latin recreatio - restoration) is human activity in free time from work in order to restore strength expended in the labor process, as well as accumulate a certain supply of energy for the further development of personality, physical and intellectual potential.

Since the 1960s. recreation is divided into short-term - using intra-city and suburban green areas and other opportunities in the usual habitat, and long-term - with overnight stays outside the place of permanent residence.

Recreation covers a wide range of problems related to treatment and all types of active recreation. For a long time, there has been a discussion in the tourist community about what is primary - recreation or tourism. Currently, it is obvious that recreation and tourism are two spheres of human activity, two systems that develop in parallel, have different structures, but in many cases intersect with each other: individual elements of these systems tend to interpenetrate.

Tourism in its main part is included as an element in the recreational system, and tourism contains elements of recreation, the economic costs of the tourist for the consumption of which are taken into account in the tourism system. In many cases, tourism and travel open up new opportunities for recreation, so the compromise reached, confirming the existence of two systems and defining territories as tourist and recreational, is quite fair.

What is common to tourism and recreation systems is that they are based on the human factor, relate to specific territories, are associated with the consumption of natural resources and historical and cultural heritage, and provide people with the opportunity to restore physical strength and improve the health of the body.

At the same time, there are a number of differences between tourism and recreation.

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