Bodies of the Federal Customs Service. Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation. From the history of customs service in Russia

    Emblem of the FCS Federal Customs Service (FCS of Russia) is a federal executive body that carries out activities in accordance with the law Russian Federation functions of control and supervision in the field of customs, as well as functions ... ... Wikipedia

    Federal Customs Service (FCS of Russia)- 1. The Federal Customs Service (FCS of Russia) is an authorized federal executive body that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out the functions of developing state policy and normative... ... Official terminology

    Federal Customs Service of Russia- federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and normative legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of customs, as well as the functions of a currency control agent and special... ... Customs law. Glossary

    - (FMS of Russia) Emblem of the FMS ... Wikipedia

    The Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body that exercises the functions of control and supervision of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the correctness of calculations,... ... Wikipedia

    The "FAS" request is redirected here. See also other meanings. FAS emblem Flag of FAS Russia, 2004. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) is a federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions... ... Wikipedia

    Heraldic sign emblem of Rosregistration Flag of Rosregistration Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr) (until December 30, 2008 Federal Registration Service (Rosregistration)) federal executive body ... Wikipedia

    Requests from Rosarkhiv and the Federal Archive Service of Russia are redirected here. The Federal Archival Agency of Russia (Rosarkhiv) is a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture. Performs the functions... ... Wikipedia

    Emblem of the FMS Flag of the FMS of Russia Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia) is a federal executive body that implements state policy in the field of migration and carries out law enforcement functions, functions of control, supervision and... ... Wikipedia

Russian Customs - government agency control, which carries out the movement of goods, cargo, cars, motorcycles, and other things across the border. Customs establishes customs procedures for the passage of goods and collects customs duties, if any. Our section Russian Customs will provide you with detailed information on the operating procedure of the customs of the Russian Federation, customs duties Russian customs, addresses and contact numbers of Russian Customs in your city or region of the country.

Here you can find out all the information about Russian customs.

Customs of Russia - official website, contact numbers, addresses.

  • Customs of Russia (RF)
  • Russian customs website
  • Customs phone numbers, addresses. Official website of customs.
  • Russian customs duties.
  • Declaration of the Customs Union (Russia)
  • Customs clearance
  • Customs of Russia (FCS) represented by regional customs departments, regional customs services, customs posts, customs of central subordination (customs of Moscow airports, etc.).

    Customs of the Russian Federation establishes the customs clearance procedure, establishes the classification of goods (commodity nomenclature of foreign trade activities) and vehicles that cross the border of Russian customs control, and also carries out customs control and law enforcement activities within the customs sphere. The Russian Customs maintains a register of persons included in the field of customs office work (these are customs brokers, intellectual property objects, etc.) The Federal Customs Service also issues certificates for the right to operate in certain areas of customs affairs (customs brokers, etc.)

    Customs of the Russian Federation also provides consultations for foreign trade participants ( foreign economic activity).

    Customs of Russia - official website, contact numbers, addresses.

    Official website of Russian customs(Federal Customs Service of Russia) -

    Russian customs website for individuals Section of the official website of Russian customs for individuals -

    Official websites of customs are often inconvenient to use and full of news articles or regulations that are difficult to find or understand for an ordinary user who is not a customs specialist. For your convenience, we have collected detailed information for each country in a separate section, customs of Russia, customs of Ukraine, customs of Belarus, customs of Kazakhstan and others. You can select the country you are interested in and the corresponding section in order to easily find the customs information you need.

    Customs clearance

    Customs clearance is procedure necessary to perform when moving goods or goods across the Russian border Vehicle. Customs clearance involves the following steps: customs clearance, payment of customs duties.

    Preparation of documents necessary for customs clearance- produced by the sender of the goods or Customs Broker on his behalf (if the shipper’s company does not have appropriate customs specialists on staff). The customs broker or shipper prepares a list of documents required for his category of goods or cargo. Such documents may be a completed cargo customs declaration, certificates, transport and shipping documents, a product license (if necessary, for certain categories of goods), a certificate of conformity (if necessary, for certain categories of goods), etc.

    Cost of customs clearance depends on which group your product or cargo belongs to. This price may also include cost of customs broker services for customs clearance if you used a broker for the customs clearance procedure

    We will go into more detail about the amount of customs duties and the procedure for paying them below.

    Russian customs duties

    Amount of customs duties:

    Import and export of currency through Russian customs:

    Russian customs allows you to import and export from Russia any foreign currency, the amount of which in cash does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars in equivalent. The same applies to the import and export from Russia of traveler's and bank checks.

    Import and export of goods through Russian customs:

    Customs value of goods- the value of the goods, which is determined in accordance with the agreement between the customs union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan dated January 25, 2008 “On determining the customs value of goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union.” This indicator is used to set customs duties.

    Duty-free import and export: The import of goods into Russia is permitted for personal use and non-commercial items. When transporting goods by air to Russia, the total cost of goods should be no more than 10 thousand euros, and the maximum weight should be 50 kilograms. When transporting goods by rail, road, maritime transport the total customs value of goods must be no more than 1.5 thousand euros, and the total weight is less than 50 kg.

    Amount of duties for import and export of goods to Russia: If the total cost or weight is more than the specified limits, but not more than 650 thousand rubles. and 200 kg., the customs office charges a customs duty of 30% of the customs price of the goods. If the total cost and weight is above 650 thousand rubles. and 200 kg. Accordingly, customs duties are classified as for commercial activities.

    Russian customs duties:

    The amount and procedure for calculating customs duties in Russia are established by the Law of the Russian Federation "About customs tariff" and is prescribed in the Russian customs code accordingly. In accordance with the customs law of Russia "On the customs tariff" (Article 4) it is established 3 types of customs rates: customs duty No. 1 - ad valorem rate; customs duty No. 2 - specific rate; customs duty No. 3 - combined rate.

    Russian customs has established duty-free import of goods for a month, the total customs value of which is not higher than 1000 euros (in equivalent), and the total weight of the parcel is not more than 31 kg. Parcels whose weight is higher than 31 kg, and the declared customs value exceeds 1000 euros, by Russian customs duties are established in the amount of 30% of the established customs value of goods ( flat rate), however, the Russian customs duty is set at no less than 4 euros per 1 kg of parcel weight.

    Read more about Russian customs duties in the section -

    Declaration of the Customs Union

    Declaration of the Customs Union This is a legislative customs document that is used when importing and exporting goods from Russia, importing products into member countries of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan).

    The customs union declaration is drawn up by the manufacturer or supplier of the product and registered with the certification center.

    Lists of goods that require mandatory registration of the Customs Union (CU) declaration are contained in the Unified List of Products established by Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated April 7, 2011 No. 620.

    In order to know the complete list necessary documents To carry out foreign economic activity within the Customs Union, you need to find your niche (group of goods) in the list below.

  • On the safety of light industry products
  • About the safety of toys
  • On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products
  • On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents
  • About packaging safety
  • About the safety of low-voltage equipment
  • About the safety of machines and equipment
  • Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment
  • About the requirements for lubricants, oils
  • About grain safety
  • Customs affairs belong to the federal authorities. And the Federal Customs Service is a service that exercises control and supervision in the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the country.


    The customs territory of the state consists of:

    • Land space.
    • Airspace.
    • Territorial and inland waters.

    Area of ​​activity

    The head of the Federal Customs Service and the service as a whole follow in their work:

    • Constitutional laws.
    • Federal laws, orders and decrees.
    • Resolutions and orders of the state government.
    • International treaties.
    • Legal acts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    According to legislative norms, the Federal Customs Service is a government body that performs the following functions:

    1. Ensuring the maintenance and publication of the product range of foreign economic activities.
    2. Preparation, approval, publication of decisions on issues of clarification of product nomenclature.
    3. Issuance of qualification certificates to customs clearance specialists.
    4. Metrological support of customs activities.


    The main powers of the customs service of the Russian Federation include:

    1. Implementation of collection customs duties and taxes, various duties.
    2. Monitoring the correctness of calculation and timely payment of fees and taxes, approval of measures for the forced collection of taxes and duties.
    3. Compliance with prohibitions and restrictions on the import of goods into the country.
    4. Ensuring the correct application of customs legislation.
    5. Implementation of customs clearance and control.
    6. Approval of decisions on systematization of goods.
    7. Ensuring the protection of intellectual property (within the competence of the service).
    8. Maintaining a list of citizens and organizations that carry out customs business.
    9. Maintaining customs statistics.
    10. Free information for participants in foreign economic activity on customs issues.
    11. Execution of currency control.
    12. Implementation of operational investigative activities, inquiries and investigative actions.
    13. Exercising other powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


    FCS is which, in order to implement the above-mentioned powers, has the right to:

    • Creation, reorganization, liquidation of customs posts, specialized bodies whose power is limited to certain powers.
    • Determination of the area of ​​activity of customs authorities and approval of regulations on customs authorities.
    • Organization of examinations, tests, assessments and analyses.
    • Request for information directly related to customs matters.
    • Exercising control over the customs authorities of the Russian Federation located abroad.
    • Application of restrictive, preventive or coercive measures to suppress violations.
    • Development and approval of samples of service IDs and uniforms.

    The customs service in its field does not have the right to legal regulation, as well as management of state property and provision of goods. paid services, in addition to those cases established federal legislation, decrees of the President of the country, decrees of the government of the country.

    The powers and rights assigned to the customs service determine the internal structure.

      Federal Customs Service of Russia- a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of customs, as well as the functions of a currency control agent and special... ... Customs law. Glossary

      The Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body that exercises the functions of control and supervision of compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the correctness of calculations,... ... Wikipedia

      The "FAS" request is redirected here. See also other meanings. FAS emblem Flag of FAS Russia, 2004. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) is a federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions... ... Wikipedia

      Emblem of the FMS Flag of the FMS of Russia Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia) is a federal executive body that implements state policy in the field of migration and carries out law enforcement functions, functions of control, supervision and... ... Wikipedia

      Requests from Rosarkhiv and the Federal Archive Service of Russia are redirected here. The Federal Archival Agency of Russia (Rosarkhiv) is a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture. Performs the functions... ... Wikipedia

      Heraldic sign emblem of Rosregistration Flag of Rosregistration Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) (until 12/30/2008 Federal Registration Service (Rosregistration)) federal executive body ... Wikipedia

      Heraldic sign emblem of Rosaeronavigatsiya Flag of Rosaeronavigatsiya The Federal Air Navigation Service (Rosaeronavigatsiya) was formed in accordance with ... Wikipedia

    Customs business in the Russian Federation consists of customs policy, as well as the procedure and conditions for moving goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation, collecting customs duties, customs clearance, customs control and other means of implementing customs policy.

    Customs matters fall under the jurisdiction of federal government bodies. The Russian Federation implements a unified customs policy, which is integral part its domestic and foreign policies.

    Goalscustoms policy of the Russian Federation are to ensure the most effective use instruments of customs control and regulation of goods exchange in the customs territory of the Russian Federation, participation in the implementation of trade and political tasks to protect Russian market, stimulating development national economy, assistance in carrying out structural restructuring and other tasks of Russia's economic policy.

    Customs territory of the Russian Federation make up land territory of the Russian Federation, territorial and internal waters and airspace above them. It also includes artificial islands, installations and structures located in the maritime exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, over which Russia has exclusive jurisdiction in relation to customs matters.

    General management of customs affairs is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation. Central authority The federal executive power of the Russian Federation, which carries out direct management of customs affairs in the Russian Federation, is Federal Customs Service of Russia.

    Federal Customs Service of Russiaa federal executive body that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs affairs, as well as the functions of a currency control agent and special functions to combat smuggling, other crimes and administrative offenses. The Federal Customs Service of Russia is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

    The structure of customs authorities includes :

    – Federal Customs Service of Russia;

    – regional customs departments;

    – customs;

    – customs posts.

    The creation, reorganization and liquidation of regional customs departments and customs offices are carried out by the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Regional customs departments, customs houses and customs posts operate on the basis of the provisions of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

    To carry out examinations and research of goods for customs purposes, the Federal Customs Service of Russia creates customs laboratories.

    In order to carry out research work in the field of customs, training and improving their qualifications, scientific research institutions and educational establishments vocational and additional education.

    The Federal Customs Service of Russia creates computer centers, printing, construction and operational and other enterprises and organizations, the activities of which contribute to solving the problems of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

    The customs authorities of the Russian Federation perform the following main functions:

    – ensure compliance with legislation, control over the implementation of which is entrusted to the customs authorities of the Russian Federation; take measures to protect the rights and interests of citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations in the implementation of customs affairs;

    – provide within their competence economic security Russian Federation, which is economic basis its sovereignty;

    – protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation;

    – apply means of customs regulation of trade and economic relations;

    – collect customs duties, taxes and other customs payments;

    – participate in the development of economic policy measures in relation to goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation, implement these measures;

    – ensure compliance with the permitting procedure for the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

    – fight against smuggling, violations of customs rules and tax legislation relating to goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation, suppress illegal trafficking across the customs border of the Russian Federation of narcotic drugs, weapons, objects of artistic, historical and archaeological property of the peoples of Russia and foreign countries, intellectual property, endangered species of animals and plants, their parts and derivatives, other goods, and also provide assistance in the fight against international terrorism and suppression of illegal interference at airports of the Russian Federation in the activities of international civil aviation;

    – carry out and improve customs control and customs clearance, create conditions that facilitate the acceleration of trade turnover across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

    – maintain customs statistics foreign trade and special customs statistics of the Russian Federation;

    – exercise control over the export of strategic and other materials vital to the interests of the Russian Federation;

    – carry out currency control within their competence;

    – implement a unified financial and economic policy, develop the material, technical and social base of customs authorities, create the necessary working conditions for employees of these authorities.

    The Federal Customs Service exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

    1. Submits projects to the Government of the Russian Federation federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and other documents that require a decision from the Government of the Russian Federation on issues related to the scope of the Service established by paragraph 1 of these Regulations, as well as the draft annual work plan and forecast indicators of the Service’s activities;

    2. On the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, adopts the following normative legal acts in the established field of activity:

    The procedure for maintaining registers of persons carrying out activities in the field of customs;

    The procedure for maintaining the register of banks, other credit institutions and insurance organizations whose bank guarantees are accepted by customs authorities as security for payment of customs duties;

    3. On the basis of federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation and in the manner established by them, exercises the following powers of control and supervision in the established field of activity:

    Collects customs duties, taxes, anti-dumping, special and countervailing duties, preliminary anti-dumping, preliminary special and preliminary countervailing duties, customs duties, controls the correctness of calculation and timely payment of these duties, taxes and fees, takes measures for their forced collection or return;

    Ensures compliance with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on government regulation foreign trade activities and international treaties of the Russian Federation prohibitions and restrictions in relation to goods moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

    Carries out customs clearance and customs control;

    Makes, in accordance with the established procedure, preliminary decisions on the classification of goods in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, on the origin of goods from a specific country (country of origin of goods);

    Issues qualification certificates to specialists in customs clearance;

    Carries out the cancellation of qualification certificates of customs clearance specialists;

    Carry out proceedings on cases of administrative offenses and consideration of such cases in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses;

    Carry out inquiries and carry out urgent investigative actions in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation;

    Carries out operational investigative activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    Carries out transport control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;

    In order to exercise powers in the established field of activity, the Federal Customs Service has the right:

    1. Create, reorganize and liquidate regional customs departments, customs houses and customs posts, including specialized customs authorities, the competence of which is limited to certain powers to perform certain functions assigned to customs authorities, or to carry out customs operations in relation to certain types of goods;

    2. Approve general or individual regulations on regional customs departments, customs houses and customs posts;

    3. Organize the necessary research, tests, examinations, analyzes and assessments, as well as scientific research in the established field of activity;

    4. Request information necessary for making decisions on issues related to the established scope of activity;

    5. Give to legal and individuals clarifications on issues related to the established scope of activity;

    6. Exercise control, including financial control, over the activities of customs authorities and representative offices of the Service abroad;

    7. Involve, in the prescribed manner, scientific and other organizations, as well as scientists and specialists, to study issues related to the established field of activity;

    8. Apply restrictive, precautionary and preventive measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at preventing and (or) suppressing violations by legal entities and citizens mandatory requirements in the established field of activity, as well as measures to eliminate the consequences of these violations;

    9. Create advisory and expert bodies (councils, commissions, groups, collegiums) in the established field of activity;

    10. Develop and approve samples of service IDs and the procedure for wearing uniforms;

    11. Issue individual legal acts on issues of the established scope of activity.

    The Federal Customs Service does not have the right to carry out in the established field of activity the functions of managing state property and providing paid services, except in cases established by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The Federal Customs Service is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The head of the Federal Customs Service bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the powers assigned to the Service in the established field of activity.

    The head of the Federal Customs Service has deputies, the number of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Deputy heads of the Federal Customs Service are appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the head of the Federal Customs Service.

    The Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service, who supervises the operational investigative work of customs authorities, is accountable to the head of the Federal Customs Service on issues of financial and economic activities, and is vested with the right to make independent decisions on issues of operational and official activities.

    Head of the Federal Customs Service:

    1. Distributes responsibilities among his deputies;

    2. Submits to the Government of the Russian Federation:

    Draft regulations on the Service;

    Proposals on the maximum number and wage fund of officials and employees of the central apparatus of the Service and customs authorities;

    Proposals for the appointment and dismissal of deputy heads of the Service;

    Draft annual plan and forecast indicators of the Service, as well as a report on their implementation;

    3. Approves the structure and staffing of the central apparatus of the Service within the limits of the number of officials and employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the estimate of income and expenses for the maintenance of the Service within the limits of the appropriations approved for the corresponding period, provided for in the federal budget;

    4. Approves the number and wage fund of officials and employees of regional customs departments, customs houses and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Service, and representative offices of the Service abroad within the limits established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    5. Approves the provisions on structural divisions the central office of the Service;

    6. Installs standard form contract for service in customs authorities and the procedure for its conclusion;

    7. Establishes the procedure for assigning the first special rank to a customs officer appointed to the position of middle command or senior command, and subsequent special ranks from customs major to customs colonel.

    The Federal Customs Service is legal entity, has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and forms of the established form, as well as accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The Federal Customs Service has a heraldic sign - an emblem, a flag and a pennant, approved in the prescribed manner.